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Inequalities Level -2
Algebra II > Inequalities > Inequalities Level -2

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Prove that the inequality holds for all real numbers and .
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Let , , and be positive real numbers such that . What is the minimum value of
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Let , , , , and . Show that

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Find all ordered triples such that .

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Find all ordered triples of real numbers that satisfy the system of equations

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Show that for all real numbers and . When does equality occur?
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Find the ordered pair of real numbers that satisfies the equation below, and demonstrate
that it is unique:

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Show that for all positive , , and , we have

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The sum of the following seven numbers is exactly 19: , , ,

, , , . It is desired to replace each by an integer
approximation , , so that the sum of the ’s is also 19, and so that , the maximum
of the “errors” , is as small as possible. For this minimum , what is ?
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Show that for all positive real numbers and nonnegative integers , we have

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Let . Find the maximum value of .

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Show that if , then .

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Arrange the following products in increasing order from left to right:

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Show that for all positive integers with , we have

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Let and let be a positive integer. Prove that

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Let be a list of positive integers–not necessarily distinct–in which the number 68 appears. The
average (arithmetic mean) of the numbers in is 56. However, if 68 is removed, the average of
the remaining numbers drops to 55. What is the largest number that can appear in ?
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Let , be positive real numbers. Prove that

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At a wedding reception, guests have assembled into groups to converse. (The groups are not
necessarily equal sized.) The host is preparing square cakes, each with an ornate ribbon
adorning its perimeter, to serve the groups. No guest is allowed to have more than 25 cm of
cake. Prove that no more than cm of ribbon is needed to embellish the cakes.
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Find all values of such that for all real values of and .
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Prove that for all real numbers , , , and , we have

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Show that for positive numbers we have .

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Given that are real numbers such that

determine the maximum value of .

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Prove that if for all then

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Suppose that , , and are positive numbers and . Show that

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Let , , and be positive real numbers such that . Prove that

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In the following problems, we prove the general AM-GM Inequality. You can use AM-GM for two
variables in the following problems, but you cannot use any other AM-GM inequalities until you
prove them.
Prove that for all nonnegative numbers , , , and . Under what
conditions are the two sides equal?
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Prove that the arithmetic mean of any nonnegative numbers, where , is greater than or
equal to the geometric mean of those numbers. Under what conditions are these two means
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Show that if , , and are nonnegative, then . When does equality hold?

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Show that the arithmetic mean of any nonnegative numbers, where , is greater than or
equal to the geometric mean of those numbers. Under what conditions does equality hold?
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