Games For The Camp 2

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Common Activities 2

1. Trust Walk Game

Level Difficulty: Easy
Game type: Teamwork
Place: Outside and Inside
(We played it before with the boys)

Create a circle of children
Place an object randomly inside of the circle
Blindfold a player
The player has to listen to the instructions from others to find where is the placed object
Materials needed:
Any items that can be grabbed by hand

Example: None

2. Mine field Game

Level Difficulty: Average
Game type: Teamwork
Place: Outside and Inside
(We played it before with the boys)

Create a circle of children
Place a different object randomly inside of the circle
Blindfold a player
The player has to listen to the instructions from others to arrive at the finish line without
stepping on any object
Materials needed:
Any items that can stay still on the floor

Example: Team Building Game Ideas - Minefield Trust Walk -Develop Communication Trust &
Teamwork - Squid Game - YouTube
3. Fire Ball Game
Level Difficulty: Hard
Game type: Interactive
Place: Outside

Each Player pick a name/animal/color

One player that starts the game has to say “To come to come to the fire ball….. THE LION”.
In our case it can be “ Yalla Yalla….”

The player is throwing the ball in the air and everyone is running away while player that
called him/herself “the lion” has to catch the ball.

When he/her took the ball, can make 3 steps and has to touch another player with it.

If another player is touched by the ball, he/she has to go in the middle and be the next one
that is throwing the ball. If the player is not touched by the ball, the previous player has to
continue the round.

Materials needed:
A light ball that will not harm anyone or another soft object that can be thrown to someone.

Example: None

4. Hole Trap Game

Level Difficulty: Average
Game type: Teamwork/Competition
Place: Outside and Inside

The players are divided into 2 groups that will hold the same piece of material that has 2 holes
There will be placed a ball on the material
The purpose of the game is each team to do their best without touching the ball and only by
gliding the material to lead the ball into the other’s team holes.

It can be played to be easier only with 2 holes in the material and one ball.

Materials needed:
A small ball
A piece of material. If you still have the one from me with cactus, we can use that.
Example: Hole Tarp teambuilding game - YouTube
5. Balloon Jump Game
Level Difficulty: Average
Game type: Teamwork
Place: Outside

The players are divided into 2 groups that will hold the same piece of material that has 2 holes
There will be placed a ball on the material
The purpose of the game is each team to do their best without touching the ball and only by
gliding the material to lead the ball into the other’s team holes.

It can be played to be easier only with 2 holes in the material and one ball.

Materials needed:
A small ball
A piece of material. If you still have the one from me with cactus, we can use that.
Example: Hole Tarp teambuilding game - YouTube

6. The ducks and the hunters

Level Difficulty: Easy
Game type: Interactive
Place: Outside
Materials needed: A ball

This game can be played in 2 ways:

(1) 2 players are two hunters and the rest are the ducks
(2) Everyone is a hunter and one player is the duck

(1) Rules:
The two hunters are going to stand on the extremities of the field.
The other players are allowed to run around but in the field of the hunters.
The purpose of the game is for the hunters to hit with a ball the ducks.
The player that is touched by the ball is eliminated
Example: Jocurile copilăriei - Ratele si vanatorii - YouTube

(2) Rules:
All the players are standing in one circle
One player will be the duck standing in the middle of the circle
He/She is allowed to run around but only in the circle
The other players have to hit the duck with a single ball.
Who succeeds to touch the duck with the ball will take his/her place

Example: 10 farklı eğitsel oyunlar (10 juegos educativos diferentes) #eğitseloyun#juegos educacionales
- YouTube  The first game (00:00-00:40)

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