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Universidad DCK

Instituto de Capacitación Texcoco

Instituto para la Formación Personal y Académica

English II
Exercise I

Name: Martha Yvonne Rodriguez Ramirez

My name is Martha Yvonne, primary and secondary school identified me as Martha

and from the moment I began studying Nursing, they identified me with the name
Yvonne and so on to this day. Primary school for me was a lot of teaching but also a
lot of stress since my dad checked our notebooks every week and put his signature on
each page of the notebook and if I had a bad grade or a spelling mistake he made me
repeat the leaves. The teachers I had for me were the best since I feel that we were
my classmates and I was spoiled by them, because they had a lot of patience to teach
us. The subject I liked the most was physical education because there we did
gymnastics tables and I liked that a lot, I applied myself so much in rehearsals that I
was always one of the first on the gymnastics table to lead the other classmates to
follow me, I enjoyed it a lot that stage
I went to secondary school, not with an excellent average, but it was Well, those three
years were more stressful than primary school because my parents demanded much
more of me, the school was far from my house, I had to take public transportation to
get there, the teachers were more demanding. At this stage, they did not allow
disrespect from classmates and that, I think, was very good for our education.
I was born in Mexico City and I still live here, only in the south of the city.
When I decided to study Nursing, it wasn't very difficult for me since my aunts were
secretaries and even though sometimes they took me to accompany them to their
jobs, that career never caught my attention, I thought about helping the women.
people in some way and that was when I decided to study Nursing and to this day I do
not regret being one, the difficulty I had in doing it was that I did not have the support
of my father only my mother and very little because she told me that If I wanted to
study I had to help him with his work things so that he could pay for my school things, I
failed a semester and thought about stopping studying but I think that made me
stronger because I didn't give up until I finished my degree and even So I feel like my
parents never believed in me.
Today I work in a social assistance home for early childhood and it is such a great
satisfaction to be there that I am always giving my all to teach those little ones that
there are people who know how to give a lot of love and affection without asking for
anything in return and that In the future they will remember with gratitude each of the
colleagues who work there, it's just that my anxiety sometimes doesn't let me because
wanting to do things perfectly, I don't realize that there may be errors which can be
I would like to continue giving and teaching my children that everything is possible
despite age, that it is never too late to do it.

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