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Voting is our civic responsibility. It is one of the fundamental tools of which our nation
has guaranteed our inalienable rights throughout our history. Today we are living in a country
which is sovereign, secular, socialist and democratic India. Democracy means, of the people, for
the people and by the people. Our constitution provides fundamental right which are basic to
any citizen of India. We the people should we these rights in a responsible manner.

Every Indian citizen who attained the age of 18 is eligible to vote. It also becomes as one
of their fundamental right which is RIGHT TO VOTE. Voting is a precious opportunity for the
citizen as it can decide a nation and people’s future. The word democracy originates from two
Greek words demor (people) and Kratia (rule). The constitution has adapted the system of
universal adult suffrage to secure political justice. Right to Vote is also provided under
representation of people Act, 1951.

India should implement compulsory voting. India is a huge populated country. But the
voting percentage of the nation on a whole is 67%. The other 33% people are also eligible to
vote but they do not use their right of voting. Most of the people think that on an individual
what does happen if I vote. My vote is just a single vote which is negligible when compared with
the total number of voters. But no one expects that these single votes can make a huge
difference in the election result as these single votes collectively converts into a large number.
Hence, no one should think in the above manner. Every single vote counts. Previously, we used
to follow the ballet box system which takes lot of time. But these days we are using machines
which is much more easier than compared to the ballet system keeping the changes of systems
and awareness about necessity of vote in mind every individual should use their right of voting.

To understand this situation even more better let us take an example of a village of 1000
members. If panchayat elections take place in that village every person in that village should
vote. If only 48% members vote in the elections some participants will win and rules the whole
village. By the above example, we should understand that only 48% of the people are deciding
the leader to rule the 100% of the people which is a bad equation. It is not the fault of anyone
but it is the fault of ourselves. Atleast now we should think about this and everyone should
question themselves that why we have to give chance to a person who was not elected by me?
By this question everyone will be knowing that how big mistake is being done by them. Atleast
by this we can bring a change in the people who are irresponsible.

As we say Today’s children are tomorrow’s citizens. We should make sure that the
children also should be aware of their rights and the importance of voting. There are some who
genuinely cast their vote, many people sit back and relax on voting day, and others are cajoled
into voting for particular candidates. The importance of voting is lost amongst the hustle and
bristle of city life while everyone sits and complains about this and that, and make suggestions
that the Government should change this and that, the elections come and go without half the
population paying attention. The fault lies with both the leaders and the people.

After 69 years of Independence, India has not proved itself to have control and order.
The fault lies with everyone. People are driven by religious beliefs rather than what is good for
the country. We should choose that which drives the country forward, while still upholding the
Indian tradition. But politics is wound up in frivolous matters rather than paying more
attention to uplifting the poor, helping the aged, education, water, environment, agriculture,
roads, planned development and so on. Besides these some people accepts money by the
participants and sells their votes which are the biggest drawback.

Every vote can play an important part in making the change. If you are unhappy with the
current government, you can vote for a better one. At the end of the day, if the country is stuck
with a bad government, it is the people to blame for voting wrong or for not voting at all. Every
vote counts. Though it seems like an endless sea of people are there to vote, every vote counts.
The responsibility lies on every individual.

The Government of India has made the provision for voters to exercise their vote even if
they are not happy with any of the candidates. NOTA stand for none of the above. Voting NOTA
expresses that none of the candidates are good enough. NOTA votes count, however in case the
majority of the votes are NOTA, then the party with the next majority will come to power.

India struggled to win our freedom. Many leaders faced many problems and overcome
many struggles, obstacles and circumstances and some of them even lost their lives also. We
have the freedom and Right to Vote because of them. Exercising out right to vote upholds what
our freedom fighters envisioned for India. Our work of standing in a line for 2 hours on a
holiday and voting once in 5 years in a very simple thing when compared to the struggle of our
freedom fighters. We can honor and respect our freedom fighters and the struggle of our past
generations by voting for a better India.

Hence, I conclude that compulsory and complete voting in India is a step towards real
democracy and better Nation.

P.B.S.S.S. Vinuthna
CH. SD. St. Theresa’s College
for Women, Eluru
19(A) Bn,NCC

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