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Maintenance Manual GEH-5980E




Documentation for the SpeedtronicTM Mark V turbine control system consists of two types: unit-specific drawings and product
manuals. A unique set of requisition-specific documentation is supplied with each control system (see Section 1-1.1) and three
instruction books are available for the specific needs of each user (see Section 1-1.2).

1-1.1. Requisition Specific Drawings

Requisition or unit specific drawings are provided by various sources with each Mark V Turbine Control System. General
Electric Drive Systems (GEDS) Turbine Products Division provides drawings to describe the hardware and software
configuration for each requisition, including:

• I/O Report contains the unit-specific assignment of I/O terminations in the Mark V control panel. This report also has
I/O related information such as the signal names, scale type, cabling information, termination points, and device
• Control Sequence Program Printout is a unit-specific printout that shows a functional representation of the Big
Blocks and sequencing of a particular requisition. Software on the operator interface allows editing and printing of this
document from any location.
• Outline Drawings provide an external view of the control panel and primary operator interface. The drawings furnish
information needed for handling and installing the equipment.
• Case Layout Drawing supplies an internal view of the control panel. The primary purpose of this drawing is to furnish
information needed to route interconnect cables.
• Case Wiring Drawing defines the factory cabling internal to the control panel case. The drawing's primary purpose is
to document the internal wiring for maintenance use.
• Core Drawings provide an isometric drawing of the core depicting the cards and their respective locations within the
core. For each card, the physical location and identification of removable parts, such as connectors and hardware
jumpers, is highlighted. The core drawing is placed in a pocket on the inside of the core door.

Additional documentation is provided by the turbine manufacturer directly to the customer.

1-1.2. Product Manuals

The three manuals provided by GEDS for the Mark V Turbine Control System are designed to meet the special needs of
operators, maintenance personnel, and application engineers.

• For the operator, SpeedtronicTM Mark V User’s Manual (GEH-5979)

• For the maintenance technician, SpeedtronicTM Mark V Maintenance Manual (GEH-5980)

• For the application engineer, SpeedtronicTM Mark V Application Manual (GEH-6195)

GEH-5980E Maintenance Manual

1-1.2.1. USER’S MANUAL. The user’s manual provides information needed by a turbine operator to understand both the
primary and back-up Mark V operator interfaces. Topics in the manual include:

• Main Menu and Display • Trip Log Display

• PASSWORD Administration • EPA Display
• Synonyms • Back-up Operator Interface Operation
• Alarm Management • Printer Functions
• User-Defined Displays • Multi-Unit Operator Interfaces

1-1.2.2. MAINTENANCE MANUAL. The maintenance manual provides information needed by control system maintenance
personnel for installation, calibration, and troubleshooting the Mark V control system. Topics in the manual include:

• Control System Installation • LCC Operation

• Control Constant Adjustment • Terminal Interface Monitor Operation
• Dynamic Rung Display • DIAGC Display Operation
• Logic Forcing • VIEW Tools
• Pre-voted Data Display

1-1.2.3. APPLICATION MANUAL. The application manual is an engineer's reference for the Mark V control system. Topics
in the manual include:

• Introduction To Mark V Controls • Stage Link Application Rules

• Specifications & I/O Capacities • MODBUS Configuration Instructions
• The Screen Builder • The I/O Configurator
• The Control Sequence Editor • Signal Flow Diagrams
• I/O Application Examples • Hardware Jumper Application Notes
• Regulator Descriptions & Diagrams • Big Block Reference


Turbine Control Systems have been produced for several decades and have enjoyed widespread acceptance in both new unit
and retrofit applications. The Mark V represents the latest in a line of microprocessor-based turbine control systems designed
specifically for controlling turbines. The Mark V can be used on medium or large steam turbines, heavy duty gas turbines
(single or two shaft), and aircraft derivative gas turbines.

Unit control and protection is accomplished by using the Mark V in combination with sensors and devices mounted on the
unit and its auxiliaries. Unit reliability is improved by using redundant sensors and devices for feedback, control, and
protection of critical functions. Should one of the redundant devices fail, operation is not adversely affected. The connection
of redundant devices to the control panel and their regulation by the control software were considered to be crucial factors in
designing the Mark V. This fail-safe approach results in a highly reliable control and protection system for the turbine.

In its most common configuration, the Mark V further improves unit reliability by using three redundant control processors.
This triple modular redundant (TMR) design is capable of safely operating, controlling, and protecting a unit in the event of
the failure of one of its control processors or control processor components. The TMR design permits a single control
processor to be shutdown and repaired without shutting the turbine down.

Another attribute of the Mark V TMR control system is its use of software-implemented fault tolerance (SIFT) technology.
Each control processor in a TMR control panel makes its own determination of control and protection functions based on
separate inputs. The control processors individually vote the inputs used to make these determinations. Should one control
processor fail to read an input correctly, its erroneous value would be "out-voted."

The following example illustrates the manner in which SIFT voting is enacted by the control system: a logic signal (either a
logic " 0 " or a logic " 1 "), representing a digital input from a single pressure switch that senses lube oil pressure, is
communicated to each of the three redundant processors in a TMR control panel over individual I/O communication networks

Maintenance Manual GEH-5980E

(IONETs). Each processor accepts what it believes the value of the logic signal to be (the pre-voted value) then communicates
that value to the other two processors over a single data exchange communication network (DENET). Each processor then
performs a two-out-of-three "vote" of the digital input’s logic signal value and uses the voted value in its control and
protection algorithms/sequencing. Therefore, a failure does not result in a turbine trip signal being generated by that
processor. (The condition described above is reported as a voting mis match Diagnostic Alarm.)

The SIFT voting technique will tolerate multiple failures without initiating a turbine trip. For example, one control processor
might determine that a turbine trip should be initiated as the result of a low lube oil pressure switch input and a second control
processor might determine that the turbine should be tripped on a high exhaust temperature based on a faulty thermocouple
input. Without SIFT, the two control processors initiate a turbine trip generated by two different input devices. However,
using SIFT, the control processors use the voted values of the inputs and do not initiate a turbine trip.

Another feature, Control Lockout, places the primary operator interface into a view only mode (unless control capability is
turned on with the correct password).

1-2.1. Primary Operator Interface, <I>

The Mark V Turbine Control System’s primary operator interface <I> consists of an IBM-compatible personal computer (PC),
color CRT, keyboard, cursor positioning device (CPD), either touchscreen CRT and/or trackball or mouse, and a printer. The
<I> is used to issue commands to start/stop the unit, load/unload the unit, manage and log alarms, and monitor unit operation.
With the exception of the Plant Load Control option, no control or protection of the unit is accomplished by the <I>. It is
simply an operator’s/technician’s interface to the Mark V control panel(s) with which it communicates.

<I>s are connected to a Mark V turbine control panel(s) with coaxial cable using ARCNET LAN (Local Area Network) com-
munication-style interface. This connection between <I>s and Mark V control panels is called the Stage Link. In some cases,
the Stage Link may include fiber optic cables and repeaters in order to accommodate long distances between the <I>
computer(s) and the turbine control panel. Figure 1-1 shows an installation in which three <I>s are used to control two tur-
bines and their driven devices.

An <I> can also be used to configure or modify the control, protection, monitoring, and logging functions of the Mark V
Turbine Control System using programs supplied on the <I> computer. The ability to modify or configure these Mark V
functions is password protected. Options available for the <I> include color printers and laser printers.

The Mark V control system has powerful features for customizing control strategy for each site. For example, one <I> can
interface with up to eight gas or steam turbines (or any combination thereof). In addition, more than one <I> can be used
(each interfacing with up to eight turbines or a subset of the eight, if desired). A hierarchy of control can be programmed on-
site when multiple <I>s are used.

GEH-5980E Maintenance Manual

Turbine/Driven Device - A
Mk V


Turbine/Driven Device - B
Mk V

Stage Link Cable

Turbine/Driven Device Interconnecting Wiring

Figure 1-1. Multi-Unit Installation Employing Three <I>s

1-2.2. Backup Operator Interface Panel - <BOI>

The Mark V System also provides a secondary means of monitoring/controlling the turbine functions. This ancillary device is
known as the Backup Operator Interface or <BOI>. The <BOI> has its own communications link which is directly connected
to the three control processors <R>, <S>, and<T>.

An LCD panel with a keypad, this device is usually mounted on the control panel. It also can be used to start and stop the unit,
load or unload it, silence acknowledge alarms, reset process alarms, and monitor unit operation.

1-2.3. Control Panel Configurations

The Mark V control panel is supplied in one of two configurations: triple modular redundant (TMR) or single modular (Sim-
plex). Refer to Figure 1-2.

New gas turbine units almost always use a TMR control panel, while most existing gas turbine control system retrofit
applications can be equipped with either a TMR or a Simplex control panel. New steam turbine units can be equipped with
either a TMR or Simplex control panel. Existing steam turbines can also be retrofitted with either TMR or Simplex control

Printed circuit cards and terminal boards in a Mark V control panel are contained in or are mounted on cores. Cores are
sheetmetal housings that can have stationary and movable printed circuit card holders called card carriers. The cores have a
maximum of five printed circuit cards mounted on the card carriers. In addition, up to four I/O terminal boards (printed circuit
cards with high-density terminal boards) can be mounted on a single core.

Maintenance Manual GEH-5980E

<S> <R> <C> <R> <C>

<T> <P> <PD> <P> <PD>

<QD1> <CD> <QD1> <CD>

Mark V TMR Control Panel Mark V SIMPLEX Control Panel

<C> - Communicator Core <R> - (Redundant) Control Processor Core

<S> - Redundant Control Processor Core <T> - Redundant Control Processor Core

<P> - Protective Core <PD> - Power Distribution Core

<QD1>- Digital I/O Core for Control Processor(s) <CD> - Communicator Digital I/O Core

Figure 1-2. Typical Control Panel Layouts for TMR and Simplex Control Panel Components (Cores)

The TMR control panel employs three identical control processors, <R>, <S>, and <T> (collective ly referred to as
<Q>), to monitor, control, and protect the unit. The three control processors each perform identical operations. The
majority of the inputs to the three control processors are voted, as are the majority of the outputs.

The Simplex control panel consists of a single control processor, <R>. As such, it does not employ SIFT technology
nor is it capable of controlling or protecting a turbine while its single control processor is taken out of service for

Other cores which make up a typical Mark V control panel include a communicator processor, <C>; a protective
core, <P>; a power distribution core, <PD>; a communicator processor digital I/O core, <CD>; and a control
processor digital I/O core, <QD1>. Optional cores that are available are a backup communicator processor, <D>,
and additional digital I/O core(s), <QD2> .

1-2.4. Location of Turbine Control

The <I> can be remotely located from the turbine (up to a maximum of 6000 meters in some cases). Additionally,
through an <I>, a unit(s) can be controlled from a separate control system . For example, a distributed control sys-
tem (DCS) using MODBUS protocol over a serial communication link or a TCP/IP protocol over an Ethernet
communication link.

The Mark V control panel may be located near the unit or in a control room close to the unit (the distance limitation
is defined by the amount of wire and cable needed to interconnect the control panel and unit).

GEH-5980E Maintenance Manual



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