Second Term 2022 - 2023 Grade Two

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second Term 2022 – 2023

Grade Two
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
.Have you seen ……….newspaper? I can not find it anywhere .
a)a b)an c)the d) no article
.We lived in …………Netherlands before moving here.
a)a b)an c)the d)no article
.But before that we worked in ……………………..….Middle East.
a)a b) an c)the d) no article
.Several million visitors …………….year visit luxor and Aswan.
a)a b) an c)the d)no article
.They are attracted to the ski slopes on ………..Alps.
a)a b)an c)the d)no article
.We should take care of …………………….old and weak.
a)a b)an c)the d)no article
……………….life was better in the past.
a)A b)An c)The d)No article
……………….car is expensive to own and run but it is reliable form of
a)A b)An c)The d)No article
. If you pour water on oil, it ……………………..
a) floating b) floated c) floats d) float

. Those ……………..islands are only reached by helicopters.

a) cheap b) near c) dark d) remote
. He is an ……………in cooking Chinese food. He cooks it very well.
a) exceptions b)amazing c)expert d) experience.
. They……………their homework yesterday .
That is why they were punished .

a) were not finished b) did not finish c) finished d) finish

. My mother ……….that I must wash my hands before meals.
a) ensures b) helps c) designs d) plays
. Chemical formulas are then layered to protect the car from………….
a) corrosion b) squeezing c) exhausting d) collapsing
. I do not like ………………………….basketball.
a) the b) a c) an d) no article
. Is there ………………….hospital near here ?
a) an b) the c) no article d) a
. I can not find my watch . …….…….…… seen it recently ?
a) Did b) Have c) Has d) Do
. We will be late for the movie if we ………………..hurry up.
a) will not b) are not c) does not d) do not
. Which is ……………….…………….longest river in the world ?
a) an b) a c) no article d) the
. Buying a new car at the recent time is really ………Many people can
not afford it.
a) helpful b) amazing c) cheap d) costly
. Give me ………………..…………………kilo of sugar , please .
a) an b) the c) a d) no article
. It was a big …..……………..for me to walk in such a bad weather.
a) product b) challenge c) cost d) injury
Read the following passage and answer the questions :
After inventing dynamite , Alfred Nobel became a very rich man .However, he
foresaw its destructive powers too late .Nobel preferred not to be remembered
as the inventor of dynamite, so in 1896, just two weeks before his death , he
created a fund to be used for awarding prizes to people who had great
contributions to mankind .Originally there were five awards : literature , physics ,
chemistry ,medicine and peace .Economy was added in 1968, just sixty – seven
years after the first awards ceremony . Nobel’s original legacy of nine
million dollars was invested and the interest on this sum is used for the awards .
Every year on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel’ s death , the awards are
presented to the winners . Americans have won numerous science awards , but
Few literature prizes . Some people have won two prizes , but this is
rare .Others
have shared their prizes .Four Egyptians were awarded Nobel Prize ,Dr.
Zewail in chemistry ,Naguib Mahfouz in literature ,President Sadat in peace
and Al Baradei in peace .
a) Choose the correct answer

- The Nobel Prize was established to ……….

a. solve problems c. send money
b. Recognize great contributions d. make people very rich
-The underlined word “this ”refers to ……….
a. dynamite b. winning one prize c. winning two prizes d. losing money

- The awards are presented to the winners on the ………….of December.

a. eighth b. ninth c. tenth d. seventh
b) Answer the following questions :
- Who invented dynamite ?
-When did Alfred Nobel die ?
-In which fields have Egyptians received awards?
… Read the following passage and answer the questions :
Hi Osama ,
You told me to ask my father what problems he had had in his life . He said that
when he was 20, he had an accident in the desert when he was driving to London
.When he was 24, someone took all his money when he was travelling to London
.If he had not travelled to Brazil when he was 30, he would not have been bitten
by a snake and spent a day in a hospital ! So I asked him if he wished he had not
done these things . “No, I do not regret anything !” he said .Remember that it is
not what you do that you regret , but what you do not do.” I will remember that
advice . Tell me what your father says !
Best wishes.
a) Choose the correct answer :
- The word “bitten” means ……………….
a) cut into by teeth b)followed c)hit d)frightened
- The underlined words “these things” refer to …………….
a) his travels b) boring events c) different places d) hospitals
- Someone took Karim’s father’s money when he travelled to …………
a) Brazil b) London c) the desert d)the hospital
Answer the following questions:
-Where did Karim’s father have an accident ?
-Did many good or bad things happen to his father ?
- What did you think of Karim ’s father advice ?
One day, two friends were walking through a forest when a lion
ran after them .One of them rushed to the nearest tree and climbed it as fast as
he could .He forgot his friend . He thought only of himself .
His friend threw himself to the ground and pretended that he was dead .
When the lion came close to him ,he laid very still and did not move. The lion
smelt him and touched his ear ,then it went away. The boy who was under the
tree waited for a little then he called the friend who was still on the tree: “It is
all right now , the lion had gone ,you can come down. ”His frightened friend
came down and said : “The lion puts its nose very close to your ear, what did it
say ? “ “His friend laughed a lot and said it told me to look for another friend
because a friend who runs away when there is danger is not a real friend .
a. Choose the correct answer:
- The second friend was not a ……….one.
a. real b. dangerous c. harmful d. dirty
- The best title for the passage is “……….”
a. wild animals b. insects c. adventure d. friendship
- The underlined word “still “ means………
a. without moving b. killer c. moving d. tired

b)Answer the following questions :

-What happened when the two friends were walking ?
- When did the second friend come down ?
- Summarise the text in two sentences

Fill in the gaps using the words given:

convert - Waste- takes –biofuel - lightening - access-

15.In less developed parts of the world ,energy …………remains a major

16. Some people still do not have access to electricity for…………………..
17. ……………could be seen as one of the main energy resources of a country .

18. Yet, plants that will ……..this resource into power are still expensive .
19. From design to launch , it …………around from 2 to 5 years to make a car .
20. Scientists are trying to produce ………..from plants

Complete the following dialogue:

Nader : Where did you go on holiday last year ?
Tamer :…()……………………………………………..
Nader : … ()………………………………….?
Tamer : I stayed in my uncle’s flat .
Nader: … () ………………… ……………..?
Tamer : I travelled by train .
Nader : Did you swim in the sea ?
Tamer : …()…………………………………..
Nader :…()………………………………………?
Tamer : I usually ate fish when I was there.
Nader : Can I go with you next time ?
Tamer : ()………………………………….

Complete the following dialogue:

Tarek and Mark talking about dream jobs .
Tarek : Hi , Mark. Do you have a plan for your dream job ?
Mark : ……()……………………………………………………
Tarek : …()……………………………………………………?
Mark :My dream job is to be a doctor .
Tarek : …()……………………………………. ?
Mark : My role model is Dr. Magdy Yacoub. What about you?
Tarek : ……()………………………..………….?
Mark :A journalist ! Why do you want to do this job ?
Tarek : …()……………………..………………………..
Mark : I hope you can achieve your goal .
Tarek :……()……………………………………

A. Translate into Arabic:

- Dr. Farouk El Baz discovered underground water under the
Western Desert.
-There will be replacements for oil in the future.
-We should find solutions to our economic and social problems..
- Creative thinking is essential for success in life .

B. Translate into English:

‫ أن تساعد فى الحفاظ على البيئة نظيفة فهذا شئ جيد‬.. -
‫من الضرورى أن يشارك الطالب فى األنشطة المدرسية‬ -
‫لقد أثبت األطباء أن من ال يدخنون مطلقا يعيشون حياة أطول‬
‫ ان مهارات الحاسوب ال غنى عنها للحصول على وظيفة جديدة فى الوقت الحالى‬.
Write a paragraph of about (70) words on the following topic :
(My trip to Hurghada)

( How to protect our environment )

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