Copy Of-International-News-Bài-Gửi-Đi

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1. Em có câu hỏi gì muốn hỏi giáo viên về đề này không?

Em phân tích vấn đề như thế này được chưa ạ


Đề bài: Some people focus on news in their country, while others think it is more important to be aware of

international news. Discuss both views and give your opinion

Bài viết của em ( luôn nhớ max 300 words cho Task 2, max 160 words cho Task 1)

Em đọc kĩ cách làm

Từ vựng topic này em sẽ học & Từ vựng & ideas topic

"news/newspaper"(báo chí) IELTS

It is argued that world news seem more integral to keep abreast of information than domestic news. From my standpoint,

every type of news have their own merits; however I believe that national news is one of the necessary category that

readers should get updated.

On the one hand, it is undeniable that following foreign news enable to help people widen their horizons in terms of

different aspects. It is worth mentioning that connecting crucial information from other countries contributes to create

strategic economic plans of a enterprises. To justify, a milk company wants to publish a product to the market , they need to

discern the international market to have an insight into customer’s demands, leading to manufacturing qualified goods.

Furthermore, if people became well-informed about political news around the world, they could manage their business in

driving campaigns. This means that relying on import or export policies of foreign nations, corporations will determine

their the price of products on global market appropriately.

On the other hand, staying informed internal news is also conducive to timely provide notice problems happening regularly

in a country. The first reason for this benefit is that this kind of news can keep teenagers informed about any changes in job

market, which helps them make proper adjustments to job-related skills and proficiency in their majors. Thus, adolescents

will have more chances to define goals and plans for career path, entailing being awareness of low unemployment rate and

high success rate in job. Additional, as getting updated universal news, domestic news also supports to be more conscious
events relating to national politics that have an impact on their lives. For instance, residents read newspaper and watch the

news will stay updated pandemic developments as well as vaccination policy so that they have accurate reaction and

obligation to situations.

In conclusion, according to these arguments mentioned above, both types of news make a contribution to society with

regard to urgent matters, assisting citizens in being knowledgeable in various aspects. However, I advocate that national

news ought to be prioritized to keep-up-to-date with pressing problems around them.

Đọc kĩ

Với dạng discuss both views & give your opinion essay có thể phân bố 2 đoạn thân bài như sau:

● Intro: ủng hộ nên focus on news in their country

● Body 1 trả lời view 2 Others think it is more important to be aware of international news

○ Main idea 1: Following international news can keep people up-to-date with information about global

environmental issues

■ Supporting idea 1: provides people with up-to-the-minute reports about the harmful effects of

climate change. Therefore, they would realize the urgency of the current environmental situation,

thereby taking actions to improve it.

○ Main idea 2: Watching international news is certainly very helpful when it comes to making an informed

decision about going abroad

● Body 2: trả lời view 1 Some people focus on news in their country (nêu rõ ủng hộ quan điểm này)

○ Main idea 1: By paying much attention to news about our own countries, we can understand our national

situation better.

○ Main idea 2: being aware of that news is important to readers’ livelihood.

■ Supporting idea 2: News about business regulations for entrepreneurs also applies, since it is usually

in their best interests to operate within the law.

■ Example 2: A good example is news about taxes; as taxes directly affect the income of the vast

majority of people, knowing this information can help them to plan their finances in advance.

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