Writing Class Notebook

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1.Difference between coherence & cohesion
Coherence: The connection between the different parts of the piece you write
(frame structure, overall, from hook to the conclusion(3 part))
Cohesion: micro structure
It focus on sentences.
2. Structure: Hook /Setting /thesis statement
1.Hook: attract your reader what you have to say
Eg. Tom Mayer once said,” Never celebrate till it is all over.”
Hook can be as a quotation, first sentence in one paragraph
Thesis statement -connect the reader with the body paragraph
2.topic sentence connecting sentence
In composition, general-to-specific order is a method of developing a paragraph, essay,
or speech by moving from a broad observation about a topic to specific details in support of that
Also known as the deductive method of organization, general-to-specific order is more commonly
used than the reverse method, specific-to-general order (the inductive method=using a particular
set of facts or ideas to form a general principle)归纳法
What is Allusion?
Allusion is an implied or indirect reference to a person, place, event, or circumstance in your
writing. With allusion, you don’t ever specifically say what the reference may be. Instead, you
hint or suggest at what you may be referencing.
When we use allusion in our writing, we may hint at something or casually mention something,
but we never go into details or specifics. Instead, we leave it up to the readers to make a
connection to the implied reference.

Three main ideas

1. Wrong bus station
2. Driver license exam
3. Draft rewriting
My eventful Saturday in summer holiday
The eventful Saturday include arriving at wrong bus station, the driver license exam,and the draft

2023.10.9 writing class note

The hook /the hook extension/the setting/the thesis statement/writing boday paragraphs
1. You need to argue both sides
Reasons:show that you know what the hell you are talking about
understand the both side of the argument-but i chose this side because it makes more sense
2. Two types of body paragraphs
-argument paragraph--your supported side(be more than counterargument p. 3 body p.--2/1)
-counterargument paragraph-the other side
3. whose opinion?
Every point you make should be based on fact,research, science.
1. Get a table
Bing international-search(look for the point only!!!--this is the time to chose your side)
Points for Points against

2. Choose your side

(1) Because you are using other people’s opinions, you will need to cite sources.
(2) The more you cite, the more it looks on you. It feels like you have read a lot about the topic.
(3) Citation(Wang,2012)
3. Introduction
(1) Hook:generic -appeal to many people(not too personal?)
I never knew that I could swim in a river(generic)(some people can’t imagine swimming in river)
1) A quotation
2) A rhetorical question---do not answer the q( Can you imagine falling from a bridge into a river
filled with crocs?)
3) A fact
4) Statistics
5) Anecdote/allusion to classic/bible -personal story-one sentence
6) Personal experience
1. your hook should be related to the side you are supporting
-one sentence,not too long because the paragraph should be about 100 words for a 500 word
(2) Background information( not my argument):it is information that readers need to better
understand the argument.
Need to know better understand the argument
-1.say how popular the topic is
-2.define what it is
-4.historical development
-5presence on social media-trend/importance
-6 bring the opinion of those against
Highlight the fact people don’t agree on the issue (people have different opinions0
如果你在这里说了这里有矛盾,并且说了反方的观点,你的 thesis statement 很容易说,but
I believe that...
(3) Thesis statement
-One sentence at the end of the parapraph
-contain the information on the three body paragraphs(if I read you thesis statement, I should
see your three body paragraphs)
Eg1. In opinion, more pocket money should be given to college students because A,B and C.
-two types
1. specific thesis statement(not many body paragraph)
2. Generic thesis statement( many body paragraph essays)
Group the body paragraphs into themes, then use the theme as your thesis statement.
Each session has their own thesis statement to illustrate them.
Eg1.I believe cigarettes should be banned because it causes safety, financial, and health issues.

Should uniforms be introduced in universities?--Thursday evening

Write the introduction
Background introduction argument paragraph.
Thesis statement
100words maxim
Pair work- 15 copies
Thesis statement

1.express your idea in English achieve the final over and over
2.English doesn’t like repetition.
(1)in other words, that means(important sign)
(2) do not repeat the topic of the essay in your hook
(3)100words keep your hook as short as possible
(4)If the quotation is long, paraphrase it. ( sb once said / “ .” This quotation/statement
reflects the current debate…)
(5)how to connect the hook to the background information
Know you type of hook
Rhetorical question
Allusion(use quotation marks for quotes)
(6)which :point out clearly
方法 1:sb once said / “ .” This quotation/statement reflects the current debate…
给一个具体的情景去问问题 college uniform
Look for the fact
Pick one
Should uniforms be introduced in university?
Can you imagine uniform is introduced in university? (fasle)
Set a concrete situation to ask a question as your hook
Can you imagine walking into a college where all students wear same uniforms?(x)
Can you imaginze walking into a college where all the buildings looks same.(可以类比
Can you imagine walking into a college where no boy and girl walk hand in hand?
(6) Thesis statement-position
Should be a parallel structure
(7) big words is not good!
Power(too big -it can turn into different aspects)
Increase violence(这才是指向性更明确的 thesis statement)
(8) don’t use what’ more /what’s worse
(9) pay more attention to cultivate ---cultivate
(10) SVC(Active sentence)
如果你是需要强调,你用 passive 可以。
(English like active sentence: sb did sth)
(11)changing the person of the pronoun
We Chinese people---Chinese people
别加 we
our---变成 students our 把非 students 的人也加进来了
From they to us 我们中国。这包括我吗?
(12)point of view(POV)
Adopt a specific point of view
1.1 th person(insight the story : I we us)
2.2nd (you,your technical documendation) receipt(菜谱的那个写法)
3.3rd (he she it they ) author observe
你选了一个,你不能突然跳,focus one. Keep view in the end
Can’t switch back and forth
3rd omniscient POV(see inside and outside)
3rd objective POV(narrate the object you see)
3rd limited POV (you only focus on one character/the narrator knows only the thoughts of
the protagonist (the hero of the story))
////Third Person Point of View: Omniscient, Limited, and Objective
Point of view is a crucial element of any work of fiction. It determines the narrator’s
intimacy with the reader, and affects plot and world presentation. In this article, we take a
closer look at the differences between third person omniscient, limited, and objective.

(13)what’ more (in addition /furthermore/moreover/more so)

What’s less
(14) As sth grows/improves by leaps and bounds,…
(15) Do not begin the sentence with “And”
And is a conjunction
Do not start a sentence with a number(digits) 因为没有大写!
Eg.80 students attended my class.
Right way:Eighty students attended my class.

Go over your note 复习你的笔记
1)Know what to write.
2)Know how to write.

What do we write in introduction?

Background information
Thesis statement :3 body paragraphs

Two paragraph types

1) Argument
2) Counterargument
Argument para. - support your side of the debate
Counterargument. - highlight the other side of the debate
Should girls only wear skirts to class?
No: Argument- no Counterargument-yes
Yes:Argument- yes Counterargument-no

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