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Technical Report

Group Members Name:

Muhammad Murtaza Khan Lodhi (70078924)
Maham Ahsan (70082571)

Submission Date: 22.12.2023

Section: D
Instructor Name: Atif Ikram

Department of Computer Engineering

The University of Lahore, Lahore, Pakistan

Report Title: “Routine Automation System”

The Routine Automation System (RAS) is an innovative solution designed to enhance
productivity and efficiency by automating daily routines. This report provides a comprehensive
overview of the development and implementation of RAS, providing users with a seamless and
efficient way to manage tasks, schedules, and habits. This system leverages Requirements
Engineering concepts to ensure a user-centric and functional design. By systematically applying
these principles, RAS aims to meet user expectations, enhance routine management, and
ensure the system's adaptability to evolving user needs.

(i) Introduction
Automation has evolved as a crucial aspect of enhancing productivity and reducing manual
effort across industries. This technical report delves into the development and implementation
of a Routine Automation System, which aims to streamline repetitive tasks, improve workflow
efficiency, and minimize human intervention in routine processes. The system is designed to
meet specific requirements identified through a comprehensive Requirements Engineering

1. Background:
• Contextualizing Automation: Introduced the broader context of automation,
emphasizing its increasing significance in modern industries.
• Challenges in Routine Processes: Highlighted the challenges associated with routine and
repetitive tasks, such as time consumption, potential for errors, and the need for
increased efficiency.

2. Rationale for Automation:

• Efficiency Enhancement: Stressed the importance of automation in enhancing
operational efficiency by reducing manual efforts in repetitive tasks.
• Error Reduction: Emphasized how automation can contribute to minimizing errors and
improving the accuracy of routine processes.
3. Scope of the Report:
• Defining Routine Automation: Clearly defined the scope of the report by outlining what
constitutes routine automation within the context of the study.
• Focus Areas: Identified specific areas and tasks targeted by the Routine Automation
System, providing a roadmap for readers.

4. Objectives:
• Primary Goals: Articulated the primary objectives of developing the Routine Automation
System, such as workflow optimization, productivity enhancement, and reduction of
manual intervention.
• Outcome Expectations: Set clear expectations for the anticipated outcomes and
benefits for organizations implementing the proposed automation solution.

5. Significance of the Routine Automation System:

• Industry Relevance: Discussed how the Routine Automation System addresses industry-
specific challenges, making it a relevant and valuable solution.
• Potential Impact: Explored the potential impact of the system on businesses,
emphasizing its role in fostering innovation and competitiveness.

6. Target Audience:
• Stakeholder Identification: Identified the primary stakeholders, including decision-
makers, end-users, and IT professionals involved in the implementation and utilization
of the Routine Automation System.
• User-Centric Approach: Emphasized a user-centric approach, indicating that the system
is designed to cater to the needs and preferences of end-users.

7. Technological Landscape:
• Overview of Automation Technologies: Provided a brief overview of existing
automation technologies, establishing a foundation for the technical discussions to
• Integration Possibilities: Discussed how the Routine Automation System aligns with and
integrates into the current technological landscape.

8. Innovation in Automation:
• Novel Features: Teased the innovative features of the Routine Automation System,
creating interest and anticipation for the detailed exploration in subsequent sections.
• Adaptability: Highlighted the system's adaptability to changing business requirements
and technological advancements.

(ii) Existing Work

A thorough analysis of existing automation solutions served as the foundation for the Routine
Automation System. During the Requirements Elicitation phase, stakeholders' needs and pain
points were identified through interviews, surveys, and analysis of existing processes. This laid
the groundwork for understanding the context and defining the scope of the automation

1. Literature Review:
• Identification of Automation Solutions: Conducted a comprehensive literature review
to identify existing automation solutions across various industries.
• Strengths and Weaknesses Analysis: Evaluated the strengths and weaknesses of
identified systems to understand the landscape and potential areas for improvement.

2. Stakeholder Interviews:
• Needs and Pain Points Identification: Conducted interviews with stakeholders to
identify their specific needs and pain points related to routine processes.
• User Feedback Analysis: Analyzed feedback from end-users of existing systems to
understand usability issues and areas requiring enhancement.

3. Competitive Analysis:
• Feature Comparison: Conducted a detailed feature-by-feature comparison of similar
automation systems to identify best practices and functionalities that resonate with
user expectations.
• Market Trends and Innovations: Explored market trends and recent innovations in
routine automation to ensure the proposed system stays relevant and incorporates the
latest advancements.

4. Process Mapping:
• Workflow Analysis: Mapped out existing workflows and identified bottlenecks and
inefficiencies in routine tasks.
• Integration Challenges: Explored challenges related to integrating automation into
existing processes, identifying potential points of failure or resistance.
5. Regulatory and Compliance Assessment:
• Legal and Compliance Requirements: Explored existing regulations and compliance
standards relevant to the industry to ensure that the proposed system aligns with legal
• Data Security Standards: Investigated data security standards and practices to inform
the development of robust security measures in the Routine Automation System.

6. Technology Assessment:
• Current Technological Landscape: Examined the current technological landscape,
identifying emerging technologies that could enhance routine automation.
• Compatibility with Existing Systems: Assessed the compatibility of potential
technologies with the existing infrastructure to avoid conflicts during implementation.

7. Feasibility Study:
• Cost-Benefit Analysis: Conducted a feasibility study, evaluating the cost implications of
existing automation solutions versus potential benefits.
• Resource Requirements: Explored the resource requirements, including hardware,
software, and human resources, associated with implementing routine automation.

9. Survey and Feedback Analysis:

• User Surveys: Administered surveys to potential users to gather quantitative data on
preferences, expectations, and pain points related to routine tasks.
• Feedback Analysis: Analyzed feedback from pilot implementations or beta releases of
existing automation systems to understand user experiences.

10. Environmental Scan:

• Economic and Industry Trends: Conducted an environmental scan to identify economic
and industry trends that could impact the effectiveness and relevance of routine
• Global Perspectives: Considered global perspectives on routine automation to ensure
the proposed system is adaptable to diverse business environments.

The existing work phase provided a comprehensive understanding of the current state of
routine automation, laying the groundwork for defining specific requirements and designing an
innovative Routine Automation System.
(iii) Method (Case Study)
User Interviews:

• Conduct interviews with stakeholders from different departments to identify routine

• Gather insights into pain points and user expectations.
Document Analysis:

• Review existing documentation to understand current workflows and processes.

• Identify potential areas for improvement through automation.

Use Case Modeling:

• Develop use cases to represent various scenarios for routine task automation.
• Identify system functionalities and user interactions.
Wireframes and Prototypes:

• Create wireframes and interactive prototypes to visualize the user interface.

• Use prototypes for early user feedback and to refine system design.

Requirements Document:

• Translate user needs into a comprehensive requirements document.

• Specify both functional and non-functional requirements.

• Regularly validate requirements with stakeholders through meetings and prototype

• Ensure alignment with user expectations.

Modular Development:

• Implement the system using a modular approach for scalability and ease of
• Integrate necessary technologies for task automation.
User Testing:

• Conduct user testing sessions to gather feedback on the developed system.

• Iteratively refine the system based on user input.

(iv) Results
1.System Implementation:
• Describe the design and development process, emphasizing the chosen technologies
and architectural decisions.
• Discuss the integration of automation algorithms for various routine tasks.

2.User Testing Outcomes:

• Present findings from user testing, including feedback on system usability and user
• Highlight any adjustments made to the system based on testing results.

3.Automation Metrics:
• Showcase results related to efficiency improvement, such as reduced task completion
• Discuss resource optimization, including reductions in human resource hours.

(v) Conclusion and Discussion

• Summarize the success of the Routine Automation System in meeting its objectives.
• Highlight key metrics and improvements achieved.

2.Future Considerations:
• Discuss potential future enhancements, including scalability, integration with other
systems, and additional features.
• Emphasize the importance of continuous improvement and adaptation to changing
organizational needs.
Requirements Engineering Concepts Applied:
1.User Interviews and Surveys:
• Employed for eliciting user requirements and understanding stakeholder needs.

2.Use Case Modeling:

• Utilized for analyzing and representing system functionalities from a user's perspective.

• Used interactive prototypes to gather early user feedback and refine the system design.

4.Requirements Validation:
• Conducted regular validation meetings and prototype demonstrations with

5.Modular Development:
• Applied a modular development approach to accommodate evolving requirements and
ensure scalability.

6.User Testing:
• Conducted usability testing sessions to validate and refine the system based on user

In conclusion, the Routine Automation System, developed through a thorough Requirements

Engineering process, addresses existing gaps in routine task automation, providing a scalable
and user-friendly solution for organizations. Continuous improvement and adaptability are
crucial for the system's sustained success.

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