Cs MCQ 2

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‘21213, 009 Pm Computer Securty MCOS - Multiple Choice Questons and Answers - Part 2- Staton To 1,__ isa program that can infect other programs by modifying them. This modification includes a copy of the virus program, which can then infect other programs. Virus Zombie Trap doors jous software (malware) consisting of small pieces of code associated with sis a type of mal legitimate programs. When this program is run, the virus is executed. 2.___ are used in denial-of-service (DOS) attacks, usually against targeted websites. Worm Virus Zombie Trojan horse oc Azombie is a computer that has been implanted with a demon that puts it under the control of a malicious hacker without the knowledge of the computer owner. Zombies are used by malicious hackers to launch denial-of-service attacks. 3, The type of encoding in which the manipulation of bit stream without taking into account the meaning of bits is called 2 Destination Encoding A hitpsvistackhowto.comfcomputersecurty-megs-mutiplechoice-questions-and-answers-par-2/ 20 1212123, 903 PM Computer Security MCOs - Multiple Choice Questions and Answers - Part 2 - StackHowTo Entropie Encoding Source Encoding Differential Encoding Entropic encoding is a type of lossless encoding. Huffman encoding is a type of entropy encoding. Entropy encoding appears everywhere in modern digital systems. It is an essential part of data compression, which is generally necessary, especially for the Internet, video, audio, communication, etc. 4, What is the protocol used to secure emails? PoP PoP SNMP Hite PGP is used to sign, encrypt and decrypt text, em: well as to enhance the secut iL files, directories and entire disk partitions, as of email communications. 5, The art of breaking ciphers is known as _? Cryptology Cryptography Cryptanalysis: Encryption hitpsvistackhowto.comfcomputersecurty-megs-mutiplechoice-questions-and-answers-par-2/ aio 1212123, 903 PM Computer Security MCOs - Multiple Choice Questions and Answers - Part 2 - StackHowTo ec Cryptanalysts seek to decrypt cipher texts without knowing the source of the plaintext, the encryption key, or the algorithm used to encrypt it; Cryptanalysts also targets secure hashing, digital signatures, and other cryptographic algorithms. 6. Which of the following statements is correct? Integer - represented by ASCI Character - represented by the complement of wo Character - represented by Unicode Character - represented by a complement oc Unicode is a character encoding standard published by the Unicode Consortium. Computers store numbers that represent a character. Unicode provides a unique number for each character. 7. The number of subkeys generated in the IDEA algorithm is__? 48 52 50 oc hitpsvistackhowto.comfcomputersecurty-megs-mutiplechoice-questions-and-answers-par-2/ 410 1212123, 903 PM Computer Security MCOs - Multiple Choice Questions and Answers - Part 2 - StackHowTo IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm) uses 52 subkeys each of 16 bits. Two are used in each turn, and four are used before each turn and after the last turn. It has eight towers. 6 = 48-4 4=52 in total) are used in both encryption and decryption processes. 8, The number of “S-boxes” used in the DES algorithm is In cryptography, S-box (substitution-box) is a basic component of symmetric key algorithms that performs a substitution. In block ciphers, they are usually used to hide the relationship between the key and the ciphertext. Half Block (32 bits) Subkey (48 bits) ¥ htpsstackhowte.comicomputer-securty-megs-mutiple-cholce-questions-and.answers-pat-2/ si10 1212123, 903 PM Computer Security MCOs - Multiple Choice Questions and Answers - Part 2 - StackHowTo 9 is an example of a public key algorithm. RSA es. REA RSA is an algorithm used to encrypt and decrypt messages. It is an asymmetric cryptographic algorithm, Asymmetric means that there are two different keys. This is also called public key cryptography, because one of the keys can be given to anyone. 10. The Caesar cipher is represented by. C= (p+ 3) mods C=(p +26) mods C= (p-3) mod26 C=(p +3) mod26 Caesar's cipher is one of the earliest known letter is replaced by another letter. hers. It is a type of substitution her in which each READ MORE hitpsvistackhowto.comfcomputersecurty-megs-mutiplechoice-questions-and-answers-par-2/ 6110

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