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In regression the dependent variable Y is the variable in which we are principally interested. The
independent variable X is discussed only because only of its possible effect on Y. In some
situations, however, we are interested not in the dependence of Y on X but in the general problem
of measuring the degree of association between the two variables X and Y.
The term correlation is used to describe the relationship/association between two or more
variables. If there are only two variables then the correlation between them is called simple
correlation. For example
(i) Marks of students in physics are associated with the marks in mathematics.
(ii) The wing length of birds is related with its tail length.
(iii) The cost of a commodity in the market is related to the quantity of the commodity
available for sale in the market.
• We can determine the kind of correlation between two variables by direct observation of the
scatter plot. Correlation may be linear? When all (X,Y) points on a scatter diagram seem to
cluster near a straight line or NONLINEAR, when all points seem to lie near a curve.
• Two variables may have a positive correlation, a negative correlation or they may be
uncorrelated. This holds both for linear and nonlinear correlation.
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Positive correlation:-
Two variables are said to be positively Positive Correlation
correlated if they tend to change together in
the same direction e.g. in economic theory it
is postulated that quantity of commodity

supplied is positively correlated with its
price. Similarly, for a given pressure, 0 5 10 15
temperature of gas is positively correlated X
with its volume.
Negative Correlation:-
Two variables are said to be negatively
Nagative Correlation
correlated if they tend to change in opposite 30
directions e.g. the quantity demanded and the

price of a normal good are negatively

correlated. When price of a commodity
increases, its demand is reduced. Similarly,
0 5 10 15
for a given temperature pressure of a gas and
its volume are negatively correlated.

Uncorrelated:-Two variables are No Correlation

uncorrelated when they tend to change with 30
no connection to each other 20

0 5 10 15
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• The scatter diagram indicates the nature and approximate strength of the relationship
between the two variables. If the points lie close to the line, the correlation is linear and
strong. On the other hand a great dispersion of points about the line/curve implies weak
correlation. The inspection of scatter diagram gives only a rough idea about the relationship
between the two variables. For a precise quantitative measurement of the degree of
correlation between two variables we use a quantity which is called correlation coefficient.
Eta()Coefficient:- The eta coefficient measures the strength of nonlinear correlation between
two variables.
Simple linear correlation coefficient:-It is used to measure the strength of linear
relationship between two variables. The population correlation coefficient is denoted by
where its point estimate estimated from sample is denoted by ‘r’ and defined as
S ( X ,Y )
S ( X , X ) S (Y , Y )

Positive value of r indicate positive correlation, negative value indicate negative correlation and
zero value indicate no correlation.
• If ‘r’is used to measure the relationship between two variables when this relation is
curvilinear then computed ‘r ‘ is always an underestimate of the real relationship between
the variables. Thus before using r to measure the strength of relationship, it is advisable to
plot scatter plot to see how the points are arranged and use ‘r’ only when points lie around a
straight line
• Although correlation measures co-variability of variables it does not imply any functional
relationship between the variables. It discovers existing co-variation, but does not establish
or prove any causal relationship between variables.
A high correlation between two variables may describe any one of the following situations
▪ Variation in X is the cause of variation in Y
▪ Variation in Y is the cause of variation in X
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▪ There is another common factor (Z) that affects X and Y in such a way that as
to show a close relation between them
▪ The correlation between two variables may be due to chance.

• The use of the correlation coefficient is rather limited since the number of situations where
we want to know whether two variables are associated, but are not interested in the equation
of the relationship, is very small. Correlation techniques are useful in the preliminary
examination of a large number of variables to see which variables are associated. However
even there are regression techniques that are rather more effective than correlation methods
1. The range of the correlation coefficient is -1 ≤ r ≤ +1
2. Correlation coefficient is symmetrical with respect to variables i.e rxy = ryx
3. Correlation coefficient is independent of units of measurements
4. Correlation coefficient is zero when one of the variables is constant
5. Correlation coefficient is independent of change of origin and scale i.e Correlation
coefficient remains unchanged by adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing the value of
one or both of the variables by some constant
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Example:- The following data represent the wing length and tail length of sparrows
Wing length Tail length
(X) (Y) XY X2 Y2
10.4 7.4 76.96 108.16 54.76
10.8 7.6 82.08 116.64 57.76
11.1 7.9 87.69 123.21 62.41
10.2 7.2 73.44 104.04 51.84
10.3 7.4 76.22 106.09 54.76
10.2 7.1 72.42 104.04 50.41
10.7 7.4 79.18 114.49 54.76
10.5 7.2 75.6 110.25 51.84
10.8 7.8 84.24 116.64 60.84
11.2 7.7 86.24 125.44 59.29
10.6 7.8 82.68 112.36 60.84
11.4 8.3 94.62 129.96 68.89
128.2 90.8 971.37 1371.31 688.40

S(X,X)=1.72 S(X,Y)=1.32 S(Y,Y)=1.35

S ( X ,Y )
r  0.866
S ( X , X ) S (Y , Y )
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Generally, more is sought in correlation analysis than a description of observed data. One usually
wishes to draw inferences about the relationship of the variables in the population from which the
sample was taken. To draw inferences about population values based on sample results, the
following assumptions are needed.
• The population from which sample is selected should be normal

Test of hypothesis for =0

1) Construction of hypotheses
Ho :  = 0
H1:   0
2) Level of significance
 = 5%

r   0.866  0 1 r2 1  0.8662
t   5.47 where SE (r )    0.158
SE (r ) 0.158 n2 12  2

4) Decision Rule:- Reject Ho if tcal  t/2(n-2)=2.228 or tcal  - t/2(n-2)= -2.228

5) Result:- So reject Ho and conclude that there is significant linear relationship between
wing and tail length.
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Example:- If sample correlation coefficient from 20 observations is equal to 0.45 can we
conclude that population correlation coefficient of a bivariate normal distribution is equal to
1) Construction of hypotheses
Ho :  = 0.9
H1:   0.9
2) Level of significance
 = 5%
z   z 0.48  1.47
Z   4.08
SE ( z ) 0.2425

1 1  r  1 1  0.45 
Z ln    ln  0.48
2 1  r  2 1  0.45 

1 1    1 1  0.9 
 Z  ln    ln    1.47
2 1    2 1  0.9 
1 1
SE( Z )    0.2425
n3 20  3

4) Decision Rule:- Reject Ho if Zcal  Z/2=1.96 or Zcal  - Z/2=-1.96

5) Result:- So reject Ho and conclude :   0.9.
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Example:- A sample of 16 pairs of observations give correlation coefficient of 0.85.Construct 95%
C.I for 
95 % C.I is given by

1 1
2a 2b
e  e
1 1
2a 2b
e e
where a  z  Z / 2 SE ( z )  1.2562  (1.96)(0.2773)  0.7127
b  z  Z / 2 SE ( z )  1.2562  (1.96)(0.2773)  1.7997

1 1  r  1 1  0.85 
z ln    ln    1.2562
2 1  r  2 1  0.85 
1 1
SE ( z )    0.2773
n3 16  3

1 1
1.4254 3.5994
e e 
1 1
1.4254 3.5994
e e 5.16 37.58
0.61    0.95
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Example : From following information, test the hypothesis that 1   2

n1=22, n2=21, r1=0.31, r2=0.542,
H 0:  1   2
H1: 1   2
  5%
( z 1  z 2 )  (  z1   z 2 )
Test Statistic: Z 
1 1

n1  3 n 2  3
1 1  r1  1 1  0.31
Z1  ln    ln  0.32055
2 1  r1  2 1  0.31
1 1  r2  1 1  0.542 
Z2  ln    ln  0.60699
2 1  r2  2 1  0.542 
 z1   z 2  1   2  0

1 1
 z1 z 2    0.0526  0.0556  0.329
n1  3 n 2  3

( z 1  z 2 )  (  z1   z 2 ) 0.60699 0.32055
Z   0.87
1 1 0.329

n1  3 n 2  3

Decision Rule: Reject H0 if Z cal  Z   Z 0.025  1.96


Conclusion: As Z cal  0.87  Z 0.025  1.96 , so don’t reject H0 and conclude that there is non-

significant difference b/w two population correlation coefficients

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The relationship between two variables may be affected by other variables which either strength or
decrease the relationship. For example; The relationship between monthly income and education
level of an individual is affected by the type of work, and the experience of the individual. To get
the REAL relationship between two variables other extraneous factors which are suspected to
affect the relationship are controlled or partial led out by the use of partial correlation coefficient.
The partial correlation coefficient measures the strength of linear relationship between two
variables when the effect of other variables is controlled. By holding other variables constant we
mean that we are estimating what the correlation between two variables would be if other
variables had the same values. Partial correlation is sometimes referred to as the correlation
between two variables adjusted for additional variables. The purpose of partial correlation is to
measure that part of the correlation between two variables that is free of their relationship with the
remaining variables.
e.g Suppose there are three variables X1, X2, X3
• The partial correlation coefficient between X1&X2 keeping X3 constant
r12  r13 r23
For population 12.3 its point estimate from sample r12.3 
(1  r132 )(1  r232 )

• The partial correlation coefficient between X1&X3 keeping X2 constant

r13  r12 r23
For population 13.2 its point estimate from sample r13.2 
(1  r12 2 )(1  r232 )

• The partial correlation coefficient between X2&X3 keeping X1 constant

r23  r12 r13
For population 23.1 its point estimate from sample r23.1 
(1  r12 2 )(1  r132 )

• The partial correlation coefficient between X1&X2 keeping X3 & X4 constant

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For population 12.34 its point estimate from sample

r12.3  r14.3 r24.3 r12.4  r13.4 r23.4
r12.34  
(1  r14.3 )(1  r24.3 )
2 2
(1  r13.4 2 )(1  r23.4 2 )

Exampel:- Suppose that

X1=Fish Length X2=Fish weight X3=Fish age
And r12=0.62 r13 =0.79 r23=0.41 n=6

r12  r13r23 (0.62)  (0.79)(0.41)

r12.3    0.53
(1  r13 )(1  r23 )
2 2
(1  0.79 )(1  0.41 )
2 2

Test of hypothesis for partial correlation coefficient

1) Construction of hypotheses
Ho : 12.3 = 0
H1: 12.3  0
2) Level of significance
 = 5%

r12.3  12.3 0.53  0 1  r12.3

1  0.532
t   1.08 where SE (r12.3 )    0.4895
SE (r12.3 ) 0.4895 n2k n  2 1
4) Decision Rule:- Reject Ho if tcal  t/2(n-q-2)=3.182 or tcal  - t/2(n-q-2)=-3.182
5) Result:- So don’t reject Ho.
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Example:- If sample partial correlation coefficient between x1 and x2 keeping X3
constant from 10 triplets is equal to 0.51.can we conclude that population partial correlation
coefficient between x1 and x2 keeping X3 constant is equal to 0.6
1) Construction of hypotheses
Ho : 12.3 = 0.6
H1: 12.3  0.6
2) Level of significance
 = 5%

z  z 0.5627  0.6931
Z    0.32
SE ( z ) 0.4082

1 1  r12.3  1 1  0.51
z ln    ln  0.5627
2 1  r12.3  2 1  0.51
1 1  12.3  1 1  0.6 
Z  ln    ln    0.6931
2 1  12.3  2 1  0.6 
1 1
SE ( z )    0.4082
nk 3 10  1  3
4) Decision Rule:- Reject Ho if Zcal  Z/2=1.96 or Zcal  - Z/2= -1.96
5) Result:- So don,t reject Ho
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Example:- If sample partial correlation coefficient between X1 and X2 keeping X3 constant
from 10 triplets is equal to 0.51 construct 95 % C.I for population partial correlation coefficient

1 1
2a 2b
e  12.3  e2b where a  z  Z  / 2 SE( z ) b  z  Z  / 2 SE( z )
1 1
e e
a=0.5627 –(1.96)(0.41)= -0.2409
b= 0.5627 +(1.96)(0.41)= 1.3663
1 1
e  0.3823
 12.3  ,  0.2336 , 0.8778
1 1
e e 1.6176 16.3728
Semi-Partial correlation
Measures the correlation between two variables with the effect of other variables removed form
ONE variable only
r12  r13r23
r1(2.3)  correlation between X1 & X2 with the effect X3 removed from X2 only
1  r232
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The multiple correlation coefficient measures the strength of linear relationship between one
dependent variable and joint effect of all the independent variables
For example;
1. The yield of a crop and the joint effect of soil fertility and quantity fertilizer used
2. Weight of a person and joint effect of age and height

g Suppose there are three variables X1, X2, X3

• The multiple correlation coefficient between X1&X2,X3
r 212  r 213  2r12 r13r23
For population 1.2.3 its point estimate from sample R1.23 
(1  r232 )

• The multiple correlation coefficient between X2&X1,X3

r 212  r 2 23  2r12 r13r23
For population 2.13 its point estimate from sample R 2.13 
(1  r132 )

• The multiple correlation coefficient between X3&X1,X2

r 213  r 2 23  2r12 r13r23
For population 3.12 its point estimate from sample R3.12 
(1  r12 2 )

Example:- From the following information

r12 =0.99945 r13=0.97606 r23=0.97391 n=12
Find R1.23

r 212  r 213  2r12 r13r23 0.0505

R1.23    0.99
(1  r23 )
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1) Construction of hypotheses
Ho : 1.2.3 = 0
H1: 1.23  0
2) Level of significance
 = 5%

(n  1  k ) (0.99) 12  1  2
2 2
F   226.176
k (1  R1.23 )
2 1  0.99 

4) Decision Rule:- Reject Ho if Fcal  F(k,n-1-k)=4.256

5) Result:- So reject Ho.
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