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Shell Egypt N.V.

(SENV) Rowan Drilling Egypt






Issue Owner: Steve McWilliam

0.2 Author: Blake Stephenson
SENV NWD-II Campaign 2009-10 HPHT Drilling & Well Control Procedures

Revision Record

Rev Revision description Date

0.1 Edited from SRAK Original to reflect SENV requirements for site-specific Sept 2009
operations manual
0.2 Edited with final input from SENV Ops Team Jan 2010

The above is a summary of the revisions made to this document; however, a detailed
description of the relevant changes shall be included in Section 21, Revision Details.


The document owner is responsible for distribution control. The original electronic
version is stored in LiveLink. Paper copies are not controlled documents.

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SENV NWD-II Campaign 2009-10 HPHT Drilling & Well Control Procedures

1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. 7
1.1 Overview .............................................................................................................. 7
1.2 General ................................................................................................................ 8
1.3 Onset and Cessation of HPHT Procedures......................................................... 8
1.4 LITHOLOGY AND “ZONES” FOR ZERZURA-1 (example)................................. 9
1.5 Definitions/ Types of Gas in a Well.................................................................... 11
1.6 Flow Check Gas (FC) ........................................................................................ 11
2.1 SENV Office Team ............................................................................................ 16
2.2 Onsite Rig Team................................................................................................ 17
2.3 Third Party Contractor Staff ............................................................................... 18
2.4 Rig Site Personnel Levels.................................................................................. 18
2.5 Training, Drills & Awareness ............................................................................. 19
3 COMMUNICATIONS......................................................................................................... 21
3.1 Communications ................................................................................................ 21
4 COMPLIANCE & SUSPENSION OF OPERATIONS ....................................................... 25
4.1 Compliance & Deviation to HPHT Procedures .................................................. 25
4.2 Procedure Compliance Checklists..................................................................... 25
4.3 Suspension of Operations ................................................................................. 26
5 EQUIPMENT & SERVICES .............................................................................................. 28
5.1 MWD/LWD, PWD .............................................................................................. 28
5.2 Full Open Safety Valves (FOSV) ....................................................................... 29
5.3 Gray Valves (Stab On NRV) .............................................................................. 30
5.4 Drop-In Subs and Darts ..................................................................................... 30
5.5 Float Valves (NRVs) .......................................................................................... 30
5.6 Circulating Subs................................................................................................. 30
5.7 Mud Coolers ...................................................................................................... 30
5.8 High Pressure Well Killing Facilities (Cement Unit)........................................... 31
5.9 BOP Elastomers ................................................................................................ 31
5.10 Mud Gas Separator, Mud-Seal & Hot-Leg Injection .......................................... 31
5.11 Choke Manifold.................................................................................................. 32
5.12 Instrumentation & Calibration ............................................................................ 32
5.13 Glycol Injection .................................................................................................. 33
5.14 Mud Mixing Capability........................................................................................ 33
5.15 Mud Logging Services ....................................................................................... 33
6 MANAGED PRESSURE DRILLING (MPD) ...................................................................... 34
6.1 MPD Philosophy ................................................................................................ 34
6.2 Equipment.......................................................................................................... 34
6.3 MPD Choke Manifold (Secure/Weatherford) ..................................................... 35
6.4 The Coriolis Meter (EKDS) ................................................................................ 36
6.5 MPD Back Pressure Pump ................................................................................ 36
6.6 MGS (Mud Gas Separator)................................................................................ 36
6.7 MPD Operations ................................................................................................ 36
6.8 Operating Procedures........................................................................................ 37
6.9 MPD Operational Matrix .................................................................................... 38
7 DRILLING PHASE GUIDELINES ..................................................................................... 40
7.1 General .............................................................................................................. 40

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7.2 BOP Equipment ................................................................................................. 42

7.3 Mud Management.............................................................................................. 45
7.4 Casing Wear Monitoring and Prevention........................................................... 52
7.5 Wireline Logging Guidelines .............................................................................. 54
8 DRILLING OPERATIONS ................................................................................................. 56
8.1 Potential Serious Events from the HPHT Section ............................................. 56
8.2 Continuous Monitoring of Pore Pressure Indicators.......................................... 57
8.3 Proper Control of Gas Levels ............................................................................ 57
8.4 Breaking Circulation........................................................................................... 58
8.5 Slow Circulation Rates:...................................................................................... 59
8.6 Pumping Heavy Slugs ....................................................................................... 59
8.7 Circulating Bottoms Up ...................................................................................... 60
8.8 Circulating BU Through the Choke.................................................................... 61
8.9 Controlled Drilling .............................................................................................. 62
8.10 Drilling Breaks.................................................................................................... 62
8.11 Flow Checks ...................................................................................................... 63
8.12 Detection of Flow, Flow-back, & Supercharging [Ballooning or Breathing]....... 66
8.13 Dummy Connections ......................................................................................... 72
8.14 Making Connections .......................................................................................... 72
9 TRIPPING GUIDELINES .................................................................................................. 74
9.1 Prior to Tripping ................................................................................................. 74
9.2 Pumping Out ...................................................................................................... 75
9.3 Tripping Out Procedure (MPD in use) ............................................................... 78
9.4 Pulling Out Inside Casing or Liner ..................................................................... 78
9.5 Short Trips [Check-Trips]................................................................................... 80
9.6 Tripping-in the Hole ........................................................................................... 82
9.7 RIH After Long Periods Without Circulation. ..................................................... 85
10 WELL CONTROL: “SHUT-IN” PROCEDURES ................................................................ 86
10.1 General .............................................................................................................. 86
10.2 Management of HPHT Well Control Operations ............................................... 87
10.3 BOP & Choke Line-Up....................................................................................... 87
10.4 Primary SHUT-IN Method.................................................................................. 87
10.5 Shut-In while Drilling .......................................................................................... 89
10.6 Shut-In while Tripping ........................................................................................ 91
10.7 Shut-In while BHA is across the BOP................................................................ 93
10.8 Severing the Drill Pipe with BOPs. .................................................................... 94
10.9 Shut-In while Out of Hole................................................................................... 94
10.10 Shut-In While Running Casing (no MPD) .......................................................... 96
10.11 Shut-In while Wireline is in the Hole .................................................................. 97
11 WELL CONTROL: KILLING OPERATIONS ..................................................................... 98
11.1 Well Killing Strategy........................................................................................... 98
11.2 Conventional Well Killing Operations .............................................................. 100
11.3 Non Conventional Well Killing Methods (Off Bottom)...................................... 103
11.4 Well Control Response Diagrams ................................................................... 111
12 FISHING OPERATIONS ................................................................................................. 117
12.1 Fishing Operations for Tubulars ...................................................................... 117
12.2 Fishing Operations for Wireline Tools ............................................................. 117
13 ABANDONMENT OPERATIONS ................................................................................... 118
14 LOST CIRCULATION ..................................................................................................... 119

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14.1 General ............................................................................................................ 119

14.2 Causes of Lost Circulation............................................................................... 120
14.3 Evaluation of Losses........................................................................................ 121
14.4 Losses While Drilling ....................................................................................... 122
14.5 Losses While Tripping ..................................................................................... 124
14.6 Losses / Gain Situations .................................................................................. 126
14.7 Lost Circulation during a Kill Circulation .......................................................... 130
14.8 Underground Blow-out..................................................................................... 130
15 TERTIARY WELL CONTROL......................................................................................... 132
16 PRE-EMPTIVE INFORMATION GATHERING ............................................................... 133
16.1 General ............................................................................................................ 133
16.2 Fingerprint Exercises ....................................................................................... 134
16.3 Miscellaneous Data ......................................................................................... 138
17 STRIPPING CHECKLIST................................................................................................ 139
18 TYPICAL STRIPPING SPREADSHEET......................................................................... 140
19 HPHT OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES SUMMARY SHEET ............................................ 141
20 HYDRATE CHART.......................................................................................................... 142
21 REVISION DETAILS ....................................................................................................... 143
21.1 Revision No. 0 ................................................................................................ 143

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SENV NWD-II Campaign 2009-10 HPHT Drilling & Well Control Procedures

Index of Figures

Figure 1 PWD Response from Changes in RPM

Figure 2 MPD Process & Instrument Diagram
Figure 3 The MPD Operational Matrix
Figure 4 Rowan JP Bussell BOP Stack ZERZURA-1
Figure 5 Mud Pit Discipline Flow Chart
Figure 6 Hydraulics Management While Drilling
Figure 7 Hydraulics Management While Tripping
Figure 8 Typical Fingerprint Plots
Figure 9 Horner Plot
Figure 10 Flow-Back Chart-1
Figure 11 Flow-Back Chart-2 (Real Kick vs. Flow-Back)
Figure 12 Flow-Back Chart-3 [Bleed-Off Test]
Figure 13 Pumping-Out Flow Chart
Figure 14 Short Trip [Check-Trip] Flow-Chart
Figure 15 Tripping-in Flow Chart
Figure 16 Well Flow While Drilling Flow Chart
Figure 17 Well Flow While Tripping Flow Chart
Figure 18 Well Flow When Out of Hole Flow Chart
Figure 19 Equipment Set-up for Combined Stripping and Volumetric Control
Figure 20 On Bottom Kill Diagram (Yellow Chart – Detailed)
Figure 21 On Bottom Kill Diagram (Yellow Chart – Simplified)
Figure 22 Off Bottom Kill Diagram (Red Chart)
Figure 23 Bullheading Decision Analysis (Pink Chart)
Figure 24 Bullheading Diagram (Purple Chart)
Figure 25 Losses While Drilling Flow Chart
Figure 26 Losses While Tripping Flow Chart
Figure 27 Loss / Gain Flow Chart

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SENV NWD-II Campaign 2009-10 HPHT Drilling & Well Control Procedures


In 2009-10 SENV plans to drill Zerzura-1 and Satis Extension-1, with the following
• Possible shallow losses and pressure regressions before reaching the main
pressure ramp in the well(s).
• Potential of encountering extremely high pressures exceeding 22,000psi
reservoir pressure, 18.5 ppg equivalent, in the Lower Tineh formations, most
likely gas.
• High temperatures are expected, with static bottom hole temperature predicted
at ~200oC (390oF).
• Narrow drilling margins below 3600m (<1.5ppg between PP and FG).
• Deep targets with TDs between 6000m and 7200m.
• Potential deep pressure ramps or regressions between the Upper and Lower
Tineh reservoirs (differential pressure between the reservoir units).
• Low levels of H2S, with 32ppm (Zerzura), and 52ppm (Satis Extension) at TD.
In view of above expected conditions the wells are definitively High Pressure and High
Temperature. The HPHT Procedures to be employed will ensure safe operations by
preventing taking an influx and moreover to be able to effectively respond to and deal
with an influx if one would be inadvertently encountered.

The well will be drilled using the JP Bussell from Rowan Drilling =, with operations due
to begin late-October 2009.

The intent of this document is to serve as a guideline to the key members of the Drilling
Team during the upcoming critical well. The document was written to ensure that a
coherent policy and operating philosophy would be followed during the drilling of the
well with respect to good drilling and tripping practices, well control procedures,
utilisation of rig equipment, and reduce risk and hazards associated with the activities
to as low as reasonably practicable. Flow charts have been included to aid in the
understanding of the agreed procedures. It is recognised that each well is unique and
may respond differently from previous experiences. Consequently, decision-making
shall be based on accurate observations and analysis of all pertinent facts. In all
cases, common sense must prevail.

The basis of these guidelines were derived from worldwide Shell and other operator’s
learnings in the HPHT environment, and modified following agreement with Technical
Representatives from Shell in conjunction with representatives from Rowan Drilling and
Aberdeen Drilling Schools at an HPHT Procedures Development Workshop held June
28th to July 2nd 2009, in Cairo, Egypt. As additional HPHT wells may be planned and
drilled by SENV, there may be a need to update these guidelines to keep up with
changing technology and new learnings. In order to make this a continuous
improvement process, team members are encouraged to feed back their unique
operational experiences and learnings for future reviews.

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SENV NWD-II Campaign 2009-10 HPHT Drilling & Well Control Procedures

Drilling of high pressure and high temperature wells has resulted in critical well control
situations. Contributing factors to these situations were rapidly increasing pore
pressure [transition zone or ramp], small margin between pore and fracture pressures;
severe gas expansion resulting from the extreme bottom hole pressure and
temperature; loss and gain situations, and lack of crew awareness of what to expect.

Experience from such incidents has shown that to achieve a safe and efficient
operation, such wells require careful planning, equipment selection, much stricter
drilling procedures, better crew training and closer supervision, as compared to a
‘normal’ well.

As part of the Well Delivery Process, each well shall have a comprehensive and
detailed Risk Register, jointly compiled by a multi-discipline team that should identify,
rank, and track progress for the respective mitigation measures that have been
identified to address the associated risks. The register shall be a live document and
maintained by the Well Engineer.


The HPHT procedures within this document shall be implemented and adhered to as
determined by the Operations Team such that the procedures have been embedded in
the offshore team prior to encountering the critical sections of the well (beginning of the
’Red’ zone, as referenced throughout this document). Implementation of the HPHT
procedures at a depth above the critical sections has the advantage of familiarising the
crews with these procedures before actually being required.

Operations can only revert to Green Zone Procedures operations when:

• A proven isolation barrier (cement plug, bridge plug, casing or liner) is in

place in the well over and above the critical sections,

• When quantitative measures indicate that the pore pressures and

temperatures are low enough such that Green Zone Procedures can be

• When the reservoir has been penetrated and pressure regime and trends in
the reservoir have been established, then tripping procedures can be revised
if pore pressure is not increasing with depth and all parties on the rig and in
the SENV office agree to the change

• Confirmed by the SWE Operations and SENV Rig Superintendent.

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It is envisaged that a similar zone chart will be produced for each well in the campaign.
WD 44m 30"
214 Green Zone (Surface – 16" shoe)
Bliqas • Green Zone to 16” shoe
and 400
Mit Ghamr 500
• Verify Placement / Operation of PVT + Gas Detection
• Conduct Well Control Drills
• Establish Volume Trends for Trips
1000 22"
1180 1130 • Establish Personnel Requirements / Expectations
El Wastani
Establish Communications (SENV/RDC/mudloggers)
to p r a m p

• Calibrate Pore Pressure Prediction Tools
Kafr El Sheikh 1650 • Calibrate Kick Detection Equipment
1895 • Establish Use of HPHT Checklists
• Build up Crew Competency & Awareness
2230 • Line up and test system for RCD circulation (divert to
Poorboy degasser) and fingerprinting over trip tank.
• Solids control equipment fluid volume check (on/off)
• Complete Pre-HPHT Rig Readiness Checklist
• Take base-line connection fingerprints inside 16” casing
(P.I.G. measurements)
Abu Madi 3370 16"
to p r a m p

Qawasim 3480 3450

Sidi Salim 3655 Red Zone (16" shoe - TD)

14" • MPD methods used throughout (SOBM, Pressure
4000 4030
Ramp and critical narrow-margin operations)
• Complete HPHT Checklists
4480 • Red Zone Drills schedule (kick, trip, pit and H2S drills)
Qantara 4630 11-3/4" • Drilling Assembly – Tandem Solid Floats (flapper type)
4730 4935
• Prepare Kill Single and lines from HP Kill Pump
(9-5/8" SET) • Flowcheck all Drilling Breaks
to p r a m p

Tineh Upper 5130 • Red Zone Flowcheck Procedures (30 min)
• Red Zone Fingerprinting connections (trip tank)
• Red Zone Kick Detection Procedures (w/ MPD)
• Red Zone Tripping Procedures (w/ MPD)
5955 • Calculate Swab & Surge for all Trips
shale 6000 9-3/8"
Tineh Lower 6350

7000 7-5/8"
TD (max) 7130 7130

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SENV NWD-II Campaign 2009-10 HPHT Drilling & Well Control Procedures

Abbreviation Meaning
BHA Bottom Hole Assembly
BHP Bottom Hole Pressure
BOP Blow Out Preventer
bdf Below Drill Floor
BU Bottoms Up
DSV Drilling Supervisor (SENV)
ECD Equivalent Circulating Density
EKDS Early Kick Detection System
Full Open Safety Valve. e.g. Kelly cocks/TIW Valve/IBOP. A sub with a ball
valve internally which can be stripped in hole with the drill string.
GPM Gallons per Minute
Hydraulically operated Fail-Safe valve, often referred to as a HCR valve (High
HCR Closing Ratio)
H2S Hydrogen Sulphide
HPHT High Pressure High Temperature
hr Hour
HWDP Heavy Weight Drill Pipe
ID Inside Diameter
IBOP Internal Blow Out Preventer (Kelly Cocks, Gray Valves, NRVs etc)
LCM Lost Circulation Material
LPR Lower Pipe Rams
l/m Litres per Minute
MAASP Maximum Allowable Annular Surface Pressure
MWD/LWD Measuring While Drilling/Logging While Drilling
MPD Managed Pressure Drilling (Weatherford/ Secure Drilling)
MPR Middle Pipe Ram
NRDPP Non Rotating Drillpipe Protectors
NRV Non Return Valve e.g. Gray Valve
OD Outside Diameter
PCL Pipe Conveyed Logging
POOH Pull Out Of Hole
Psi Pressure in pounds per square inch
Psi/ft Pressure gradient, in pounds per square inch, per foot
PVT Pit Volume Totaliser
PWD Pressure While Drilling
RCD Rotating Circulating Device sometimes referred to as a Rotating BOP.
RDC Rowan Drilling Company
RIH Run In Hole
ROP Rate of Penetration
Rpm Revolutions per minute
SENV Shell Egypt N.V.
SCR Slow Circulating Rate
SIDPP Shut-In Drill Pipe Pressure
SICP Shut-In Casing Pressure
SG Specific Gravity
TD Total Depth
TDS Top Drive System
TP Toolpusher
TOL Top Of Liner
TOR Top of Reservoir
UHF Ultra High Frequency
UPR Upper Pipe Ram
5K 5,000 psi or 35,000 kPa
10K 10,000 psi or 70,000 kPa
15K 15,000 psi or 105,000 kPa

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SENV NWD-II Campaign 2009-10 HPHT Drilling & Well Control Procedures


1.5.1 HPHT Wells
In Shell EP2002-1500 Pressure Control Manual for Drilling and Workover Operations,
an HPHT well is defined as one where the Bottom Hole Temperature at TD or in the
prospective reservoir section is greater than 150°C [300°F] and either the anticipated
pore pressure gradient exceeds 0.8psi/ft or pressure control equipment with a working
pressure greater than 10K is required.

1.5.2 Gas Readings

Refers to the gas levels measured by the gas analysis equipment sensors at the
flowline or header box and recorded on the Mudloggers or rig instrumentation. Gas
readings are classified according to the operation that released the gas into the
borehole and should be reported as the maximum gas peak observed upon detection
at surface.

1.5.3 Background Gas (BG)

The average level of gas being carried by the mud as a result of circulating in open
hole and measured by the logging unit. This is a reference point against which other
categories and levels of gas are compared. Drilling new formation is not taking place.

1.5.4 Drilled Gas (DG)

Gas that enters the mud due to drilling a gas bearing formation, it is the gas contained
in the pore spaces which is released as the formation is drilled and the cuttings are
circulated up the hole and detected at surface. This gas will enter the hole irrespective
of the degree of overbalance and the percentage will depend on the rock porosity and
rate of penetration.

1.5.5 Connection Gas (CG)

Gas that enters the mud when a connection is made as a result of the loss of ECD
when the pumps are turned off and also due to the swabbing effect of the pipe being
pulled upwards if the pipe is raised with the pump off or at an insufficient pump rate.

1.5.6 Pump-Off Gas (POG)

Gas entering the mud due to the pumps being shut off; either deliberately or


Gas that enters the borehole when the drill string is lifted off bottom and circulation is
stopped during the time taken for a typical flow check. This gives an indication of the
amount of gas entering the wellbore when the bottom hole pressure is reduced as a
result of removal of the ECD during a flow check, i.e. minimum 15 minutes.

1.6.1 Flow-back Gas (FBG)

Gas which is contained in mud which has been forced into the formation by, hydrostatic
pressure, ECD, or Mechanical means (e.g., Squeezed away using pumps and closed
BOP), subjecting the formation to Fracture Charging (See Section 1.6.8). When the
excess pressure is removed the mud, with gas entrained, may flow back into the well
giving the appearance of a kick.

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1.6.2 Trip Gas (TG)

Gas that has entered the mud during a trip, and is circulated to surface when the pipe
is back on bottom or in the hole.

1.6.3 Swabbed Gas (SG)

Gas that enters the mud due to swabbing. This may be caused by tripping, simulated
trips or any other upward movement of the drillstring (note that upward movement of
the pipe even when circulating may give sufficient reduction in ECD to allow more gas
into the well bore – especially where the overbalance is marginal).

1.6.4 Kick Gas (KG)

Gas entering the well due to formation pore pressure exceeding mud hydrostatic

1.6.5 Re-circulated Gas (RG)

Gas that is not removed from the mud by surface equipment, is pumped back down the
well, and may be detected when it returns to surface.

1.6.6 Acceptable Gas Levels

This can be defined as the level (%, ppm or units) of gas as measured by the
Mudloggers or rig instrumentation from a sample point at the flowline or returns ditch
which does not require any modification to the ongoing operation or adjustment to the
mud weight.

It is important when assessing gas levels to realise that factors such as the position of
the sensor, the rate of circulation at the time the gas entered the wellbore and at the
time it passes the sensor, the type of mud, and whether the returns are routed through
the Mud Gas Separator prior to reaching the sensor, can all affect the level and profile
of the gas reading.

It should also be remembered that a lag time exists from the moment the gas enters
the gas measuring instrumentation until it is registered on the gas monitoring system.

Other criteria that should be considered in deciding if the gas level is acceptable are:

• Gas Cutting – the mud should not be heavily gas cut (e.g., lowering the mud
weight). It should however be remembered that heavily gas cut mud at surface
does not necessarily mean a large change in mud hydrostatic pressure down

• Free Combustible Gas – the amount of free combustible gas breaking out of
the mud in any area through which the mud passes should not rise above the
lowest alarm settings for the combustible gas detectors – normally a percentage
of Lower Explosion Limit (LEL).

• H2S – The amount of Hydrogen Sulphide detected or suspected in ppm.

Continuous evidence of H2S while drilling is not acceptable unless certain
drilling and safety precautions have been carried out. If ambient H2S levels
exceed 10ppm at surface, further drilling is to be suspended until levels
subside. This condition is not expected as offset wells have shown no H2S
during drilling, and only minor amounts during well test activities.

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• Total Gas Ratios – The trend of the ratio between the background gas and the
connection, ‘pump off’, flowcheck or trip gas.

• Coriolis Meter (EKDS) Measurement - The Coriolis meter measures mass per
unit, rather than volume, and therefore any changes in density of the flow are
quickly detected. While drilling through the MPD system, and monitoring flow
with the EKDS, drilling fluid with up to 10% gas cut can be measured accurately
- above this level, the Coriolis meter becomes inoperable. If the gas level has
exceeded 10% the meter will begin showing rapid density decreases.

Due to the use of a separate gas analysis sensor in the line downstream of the Mud
Gas Separator, gas readings of mud that has been routed through the Choke and Mud
Gas Separator will be different from gas levels of mud returned through the flowline
during ‘normal’ circulating. This ratio should be determined as soon as possible as part
of the fingerprinting exercise either by injection of instrument test gas, or by routing the
first suitable occurrence of actual gas readings via the Mud Gas Separator.

1.6.7 Equivalent Circulating Density (ECD)

This is the combination of the hydrostatic pressure of the mud in the well in static
condition plus the additional frictional forces caused by mud moving up the annulus
above the point of interest, expressed as the mud weight that would give the same
pressure in static condition.

The expression ECD is also used to describe the general effect that friction pressures
in the annulus has on the exposed formations and is not always referring to a specific

1.6.8 Supercharging or Ballooning (Fracture Charging)

Can be defined as the near wellbore pore pressure increase due to total annular
pressures (hydrostatic, dynamic or otherwise applied) exceeding the formation intake

Supercharging (sometimes referred to as fracture charging or misleadingly as

“ballooning” of the wellbore) is associated with loss/gain situations. Drilling mud is lost
to the formation after bottom hole pressure exceeds the formation intake pressure as a
result of high ECD's or surge pressures. Mud losses into the formation locally increase
the near wellbore pore pressure during drilling ahead and the lost mud (together with
some reservoir fluid) is subsequently returned into the wellbore (Flow-Back) after
removal of the ECD following shut down of the mud pumps.

1.6.9 Acceptable Flow Check

A flowcheck on an HPHT well may be less definitive than a flowcheck on a
conventional well. This is the result of potential high mud gel strength, tight formations,
flow-back (ballooning) or thermal expansion/contraction.

Thus, the definition of an acceptable flowcheck is:

A rate of mud flow from or to the well, as measured by the rig instrumentation and
mud logging unit using the trip tank, that is consistent with previously observed
and measured phenomena and after consideration of all relevant factors is
judged not to require any further action and will allow planned operations to
proceed safely.

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1.6.10 Flow-Back
Flow Back is the amount of mud that returns from the well after the pumps are stopped.
This flow-back is the resultant symptom from the effects of fracture charging or
supercharging (ballooning) and should not be confused with Drain-Back.

1.6.11 Drain-Back
Drain Back is the amount of mud that will drain back to the pits once the pumps are
stopped. This residual flow is a combination of the time taken for the moving column of
mud in the hole to decelerate to a stop, the bleed off of the drill string internal pressure
through the bit nozzles, and the effect of thermal expansion of mud. This volume of
mud must not be confused with the ‘Flow-Back’. Once the pump is turned back on, the
same amount of mud should be in the processing tanks and the pit level should return
to its level before pump off unless an influx has occurred

1.6.12 Downhole Losses

Downhole Losses describes the unintentional movement of fluid from the borehole into
the formation. When describing losses, the duration for which they occur needs to be
taken into account, e.g. a 5 bbls loss that stops after 5 minutes, should not be reported
as 60 bbl/hr losses. It should also be recognised that the rate of losses will change
under static or dynamic conditions. In essence, the reporting of losses should provide
an indication of the severity and trend.

Losses will be described in further detail in Section 14.3, Evaluation of Losses.

1.6.13 Surface Losses

The unintentional reduction of surface mud volume other than from downhole losses:

• Evaporation losses (EL) - losses that occur at surface due to partial

evaporation of the mud. The evaporation losses should be estimated on a
daily basis and any deviation from the trend should be investigated.
• Surface losses (SL) - losses that occur at surface due to the operation of
solids control equipment. Surface losses occur at the shale shakers, desilter,
centrifuges and other surface equipment and these should be monitored
closely such that any deviations from an established trend can be
• Accidental losses (AL) - losses that occur at surface other than evaporation
losses and surface losses.

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1.6.14 Shut-In Method*

For the Green Zone:
• Shut-in on annular to allow for reciprocation
• Follow the ROWAN Well Control Procedure (Hard Shut-in)

For the Red Zone:

• MPD is in operation in this section of the well - during drilling and whilst
tripping in open hole, to and from the shoe. Once the well has reached the
operational limits of the MPD Matrix (see section 6, MPD), the well will be
closed in as per MPD procedure 007 Kick Detection and Management.

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The structure of SENV Office Team shall consist of the following:

SENV Drilling Manager shall be accountable for the delivery of fit-for-purpose wells
safely, on schedule, within budget, and which meet the exploration data acquisition and
testing objectives.

SENV Rig Superintendent shall be responsible for ensuring that the well programme
is executed in line with SENV’s HSE policies and procedures; that the well is drilled in
accordance the EPA & SENV Well Standards, and in compliance with these HPHT
procedures. He shall be responsible for managing the drilling contractor and related
issues, and that the contractor’s equipment is fit for purpose. He shall also be
responsible for ensuring that all key personnel have had SENV specific HPHT training.

SENV Sr. Well Engineer (SWE-Operations) shall ensure that the drilling programme
is adhered to while maintaining Company's policies, procedures and guidelines on well
delivery. Deliverables for the Well Engineer shall include: ensuring adequate planning
of, and adherence to, the Daily Standing Instructions Daily Standing Instruction
required to efficiently construct the well, keeping track of the time and cost
performance, mobilising personnel and equipment in a timely and cost effective
fashion, troubleshooting, and finally compiling the End Of Well Review.

Rowan Rowan Rig Manager (Drilling Contractor) shall liaise with client and advise
on best practices for drilling operations, provide technical support, ensure that the rig
complies with contractor’s and SENV’s HSE Management System. He shall attend and
participate in the SENV office team meetings.

SENV Exploration Well Focal Point shall provide the most up-to-date information
(maps, PPP, TZ prognosis) regarding the well, and manage communication within
Stakeholder parties and other teams and Assets, based on inputs from the daily report
received from the Wellsite. He/she will have involvement in final casing point selection,
pore-pressure management/raising mud weights - together with other team members-
as well as involvement in interpretation of daily reports from the wellsite and logging
data with the relevant engineers. He/she will be responsible for evaluation of in-place
volumes, and will be required to stay abreast of the forecasted well cost (in preparation
for well cost revision, as necessary).

Service Companies shall ensure that their respective personnel are competent for the
task and fully versed with Company HSE requirements. Adequate leave relief shall
also be ensured including continuity of the designated personnel. Equipment issued to
the rig shall be fit-for-purpose and have undergone full QA/QC requirements in
compliance TH Hill DS1 Category 3-5 (drillpipe – Cat 5, DC’s Cat 3-5) Adequate back-
up tools and spares shall also be provided, and ensure the product line is fully
supported. The respective service company shall ensure adequate representation at
the SENV office team meetings, when requested.

Where subsequent reference is made herein to either the SWE Operations or SENV
Rig Superintendent, in reality, decisions of significance will be taken as a team with the
entire SENV Office Operations Team.

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2.2.1 Rig Team Supervisory Personnel
All Rig supervisory personnel shall be selected for their competency and experience in
HPHT procedures, both for SENV and Contractor. SENV will have two DSVs on the
rig at any given time, a Senior DSV and a Night DSV. In the event that Rig supervisory
personnel are changed then suitably competent persons shall replace them with
upfront agreement from the SENV Rig Superintendent.

The key personnel at the rigsite shall be as follows:

SENV Senior DSV shall be the ultimate SENV representative on the site and hence
responsible that the well is executed in a safe and efficient manner with due
consideration to SENV polices and procedures, and the drilling programme. He shall
also be responsible for accurate cost reporting, and the timely generation of the

SENV Night DSV shall represent SENV with regard to operations on his tour and shall
advise and consult with the SENV Senior DSV, OIM and Toolpushers. He shall also be
responsible for the operational control of all SENV’s third party service personnel on
the installation.

SENV Wellsite Drilling Engineer (WSDE) reports to the DSV and assists the DSV in
day to day operational matters and engineering calculations. He monitors cost and
performance and takes a lead in completing the Daily Drilling Reports.

SENV Logistics Coordinator shall closely liaise with SENV’s supply and logistics
department to ensure timely delivery to site of both well-related materials and 3rd party
equipment and personnel. He shall be responsible for generating the 6-day
Lookahead. All equipment delivered to the rig shall be checked once received and fully
inventoried by the Logistics Coordinator.

SENV Wellsite Geologist is responsible for coordinating the geological programme in

consultation with the SENV Operations Geologist. This includes supervision and QC of
the mudlogging unit, equipment, personnel and measurements, supervising as required
with witnessing wireline logging and communicating relevant geological information
with the DSV and Well Engineer. In addition, he is also partly responsible to the DSV
for all matters concerning safety. He will be responsible for producing a geological
summary and morning reports, with inputs from his rig site geo-scientific team*, of the
previous 24 hours activity, which will be kept up-to-date at all times. Any changes
should be communicated as soon as possible to Well Engineer.

* Mudlogging personnel, pore-pressure engineer, MWD/LWD engineer(s) and EWL

engineer, as applicable.

SENV HSE Techs is the first line of Shell HSE support to Rowan. He reports to the
SDSV for day to day activities with functional reporting to the SENV HSE Manager.
Monitoring, mentoring and sharing Best Practices during work planning and execution
of daily rig activities including compliance with Shell / Rowan standards and procedures
(as per Bridging Document). The HSE Tech would also prepare the Daily HSE report
including Activities, Concerns and Performance Indicators.

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Rowan OIM shall have the overall responsibility of the rig and the personal safety of
the entire number of personnel on site. He is responsible for maintaining a safe
working environment, adherence to safety polices, procedures and execution of the
well programme.

Rowan Toolpushers & Tourpushers shall ensure adherence to safety polices,

procedures and supervise the execution of the well programme during their tour. They
shall also be the focal point for collating all well-related data during their tour. They
shall notify the OIM and SENV DSV, should any issues arise with either the well or rig.

Rowan Safety Tech is responsible for oversight of Rowan safety programmes

ensuring participation and compliance of the crews. He monitors health, hygiene and
environmental compliance and coordinates training for Rowan personnel.

Rowan Driller shall control the actual drilling activities. He reports to the day and night
Toolpushers. It is the Driller’s responsibility while on tour to ensure that the operator’s
well programme is carried out in the safest manner and according to instructions (Daily
Standing Instruction). The Driller’s primary responsibility in the event of a well control
situation is to secure the well as per the prescribed procedure and then notify the
Toolpusher and SENV DSV of the situation.

SENV MPD Eng (Blade) reports to the DSV. His responsibilities will be to advise the
DSV / Toolpusher / Driller through the MPD sections of the well, with his main priorities
to see that the MPD drilling procedures are adhered to. During the MPD sections he
will primarily be next to the Driller. All adjustments to drilling parameters for the MPD by
WFT / Secure will be checked & approved by the SENV MPD Eng before being

Weatherford/Secure Supervisor reports to the SENV MPD Eng. The Supervisor’s

primary role is the running of the WFT/Secure package (Including RCD) and personnel,
keeping the Secure choke software updated with the current well parameters and to
complete any daily reports. It will be his responsibility to inform the SENV MPD of any
changes while drilling.


Service company staff shall be competent and available for the duration of the
operation, with appropriate shift and tour replacement staff of equal competence.

In the event that Third Party personnel are changed then suitably competent persons
shall replace them with upfront agreement from the SENV Rig Superintendent. As for
the initial acceptance, the CVs for any new personnel shall be submitted to the SENV
Rig Superintendent for documented approval.

No Service Company trainees are permitted to occupy key positions under any
circumstances during the critical section[s], classed as ‘Red Zone’ operations.


Personnel levels shall be maintained at the minimum level required to safely and
efficiently execute operations during the critical section[s]. The number of personnel on
the installation/location will be monitored in order that contingency evacuation plans are
not compromised.

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The rig shall ensure that there is always an updated list available for non-essential

There shall be at least two fully competent mud engineers, and at least one fully
competent cementer available at all times.

All visits to the rig require authorisation of the SENV Rig Superintendent.


2.5.1 Training
SENV management will ensure that all personnel involved with the drilling of the HPHT
wells have the necessary expertise, training and awareness of safety to perform their
duties in an efficient and safe manner.

The experience and training requirements of supervisory and rig crew personnel will be
reviewed by SENV management and the necessary training will be scheduled to
ensure that the required level of competency is achieved to conduct the drilling

The following core skills will be provided to relevant personnel.

• One Day HPHT Procedure Rollout (office-based).

• One Day HPHT Course for all key offshore personnel.
• Onsite MPD training. Split in 2 levels:
o For Ass Driller and up. The training will be split in 2 x 1hr sessions, the
first will be a presentation on MPD and the Weatherford/Secure system,
the second session will be MPD simulator training to be conducted by
o For the remaining rig crew an overview of MPD.

In support all personnel will be required to attend a pre-section familiarisation sessions

based on the DWOP format.

Onsite drills and training will be conducted prior to drilling the zones where HPHT
sections are expected to be encountered.

2.5.2 Drills & Awareness

When drilling HPHT wells, crew familiarisation with the procedures and the potential of
specific problems associated with such wells is essential for successful operations.

Both the SENV office team and onsite Rig Team must ensure that the crews are
familiar with the procedures and the inherent hazards through crew training, briefings,
drills and coaching. All SENV DSVs on the rig should ensure that the crews are well
motivated, alert and knowledgeable in the procedures by being visible, by being
present at the work locations, and by talking to personnel.

HPHT drilling awareness meetings: these meetings should be conducted and directed
on the rig by Senior DSV. The meetings should be conducted after significant crew
changes and until all the crews have attended. All the meetings should be completed
prior to drilling into the ‘Red’ Zone.

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The minimum participation at the HPHT drilling awareness meetings would be:

► SENV Senior DSVs ► OIM

► SENV Night DSV ► Toolpusher/Tourpusher
► SENV WSDE ► Drillers/ Assistant Drillers
► Logistics Coordinator ► Derrickmen/ Shaker Hand
► HSE Techs ► Floormen
► Wellsite Geologist ► MPD personnel & WFD
► Mudloggers ► Cementers
► Mud Engineers ► Centrifuge Engineer (solids

These meetings should cover the current and expected well situation, kick alertness
levels, pit discipline, drilling practices, tripping guidelines, special well problems
associated with this type of well, well control procedures, and communication.
The crew’s alertness levels and response times should be tested through performing
kick drills, trip drills, stripping drills and with no pipe in the hole. These drills will be
planned by the DSVs, Toolpushers and OIM. These drills will be recorded on the
SENV Daily Drilling Report and IADC report.
Well Control Drills
Drills to be performed during the drilling of Zerzura-1 are as follows;
• Shallow Gas Drill and Diverter Drill before drillout 30” shoe.
• All crews must be drilled in kick detection through pit drills and their alertness
tested through kick drills covering a variety of situations.
• Strip and Choke drills after each casing set. Circulating through the choke with
the BOP closed in order to familiarise themselves with the choke manipulation
and the associated response time (“Red Zone”).

NOTE: although the MPD chokes will be used in the “Red Zone”, any
significant influx or well control event will be circulated out with the Rig
choke(s), therefore the response times should be checked regularly.
• Loss of liquid seal on Mud Gas Separator (MGS) before drillout 16” shoe
• H2S drills, fire drills and evacuation drills before drillout 14” shoe

MPD Equipment Drills

• Non-Return Valve (NRV) failure, every trip
• MPD Choke failure, before drillout all shoes 16” and below.
• RCD BOP failure, before drillout all shoes 16” and below.

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3.1.1 Operational Communications
As with any drilling activity, in order to ensure a safe and efficient operation, good
communication is imperative between the SENV office-based team, and the onsite rig-
based team.

All operational instructions from SENV office, to the rig will be channelled through the
SENV Rig Superintendent, who will act as the single focal point for all communications
and instructions to and from the rig throughout the whole well. Such written
instructions shall be sequentially numbered and shall be countersigned by the Well
Engineer and SENV Rig Superintendent. In the event that instructions have to be
conveyed verbally, then these will be followed-up with written instructions as soon as

The seamless communication of instructions between the various disciplines on the rig
is also imperative. To this end, the Drilling Supervisor (DSV) and OIM/ Toolpusher will
play a major role in the efficient communication and implementation of the drilling

Pre-tour Crew Meetings shall be convened twice daily. These meetings shall involve
the OIM, oncoming supervisors, rig and deck crews, and oncoming service personnel
on board to discuss and agree the planned and ongoing operations and ensure that all
personnel involved are fully aware of the correct drilling, tripping and well control
procedures. Minutes shall be taken of these meetings. These pre-tour meetings shall
also be the opportunity whereby the Daily Standing Instructions shall be communicated
to the ongoing crews.

Daily Standing Instructions shall be discussed and issued at the Pre-Tour meetings,
and if deemed necessary, more frequently during the critical sections. The DSV and
OIM shall be jointly responsible for generating and countersigning the Daily Standing
Instructions. The final version of the Daily Standing Instruction shall only be issued
after the instructions have been discussed, understood, and agreed by all key
personnel, stakeholders, and representatives from each of the service providers at the
pre-tour operations meeting.

Such Daily Standing Instructions shall include as a minimum:

• Objectives over the next 12hrs,
• Hazards associated with the operations and the necessary mitigation
measures; what could go wrong, and how would we react immediately,
• Preparatory tasks in order to be efficient in the operations, including
responsible parties,
• Detailed step-by-step instruction for the driller and crews.

Copies of ALL Daily Standing Instructions shall be forwarded to the respective SWE
and SENV Rig Superintendent. Any deviation from the Daily Standing Instructions
shall be confirmed in the form of written instructions and distributed to the same
recipients as the Daily Standing Instruction.

The Driller should always have a copy of the prevailing Daily Standing Instruction that
is signed by both the OIM and Senior DSV.

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The content of the Daily Standing Instructions shall be the subject material for the Pre-
Arranged Conference Calls.

Pre-Tour Operations Meetings shall be held before each tour. These meetings shall
involve the: DSV, OIM, TP’s, Logistics Coordinator, HSE Tech, Wellsite geologist, and
lead supervisors from the respective service providers onsite. In addition to the draft
Daily Standing Instruction, the meeting shall address any HSE issues, logistics plan,
the previous and next 12 hrs of activity. In addition, the specific roles and
responsibilities of each individual and/or service provider should be made absolutely
clear and understood by all concerned.

Minutes shall be taken of these meetings and issued to the SENV Rig Superintendent,
Rowan Rig Manager, and SWE.
HSE Meetings shall be held weekly with each crew. Therein it is imperative that
learnings from all incidents are disseminated, the crews on time off must also be
captured. In addition the following shall be conducted at every opportunity and verified:

• Tool Box Talks.

• Time Out For Safety (TOFS).
• Pre Job Hazard Assessment Meetings (JSAs).

Handovers: Each discipline, from Derrickman/Shaker Hand to DSV’s and OIM’s shall
have dedicated Handover logs, including Weatherford/Secure MPD hands; whether for
use between shifts or tours. Relevant historical and planned events and data shall be
clearly described in an eligible format. This log shall be presented to the oncoming
party who must acknowledge full understanding. It is the responsibility of supervisors
to ensure the adherence to this procedure and to the quality of handovers.

It is strongly recommended that the Toolpusher or Tourpusher overlap with the crew
changes of the Driller’s and be present on the rig floor during such periods.

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3.1.2 HPHT Operational Communications

In principle the management of HPHT drilling operations is identical to that adopted for
the standard operations. However there shall be far greater emphasis on team effort,
team decisions and effective communication. There is simply no room for error or
miscommunication in these operations.

! If anyone is in doubt as to what to do, or what is required,

then STOP and seek clarification.

A greater attention to detail is required for critical operations in the ‘Red Zone’ and this
shall be reflected in the Daily Standing Instruction.

Within the Daily Standing Instruction, the Rig Team (and SENV office team) need to
embrace a “What if?” mentality, where all scenarios are covered with mitigation and
recovery options fully addressed and documented.

Whenever Operations start to deviate from the work instruction, then the Operation
shall be stopped when safe to do so and the OIM/TP and DSV shall be immediately

Communication and responsibilities will be emphasised at all pre job meetings.

Drilling problems shall be resolved by making decisions that allow small operational
steps to be executed and evaluated before proceeding to the next step. Where
required it may be more prudent to stop and think through an upcoming issue before
proceeding rather than rushing to a decision that is potentially detrimental to stepwise

Protocol for Real-time Pore Pressure Prediction (PPP) Communications:

The purpose of having a protocol for PPP communications is to ensure appropriate
immediate response to a potential event, ensure rapid investigation of a potential
event, and facilitate a co-ordinated assembly of resources to address the issue and
ascertain way forward. The following terminologies will be used in these
communications (see following page for flowchart and contact details):
Green Flag event:
• PP observations consistent with expectations and aligned with plan.
• Normal communications between PPP team members is ongoing.

Yellow Flag event:

• PP trend has deviated significantly from predrill prediction on the basis of at
least one PP indicator.
• PPP team will be assembled to assess latest estimate and prepare updated
advice to the rig if required.
Red Flag event:
• Critical PP trend observed, kick or lost circulation is thought to be imminent on
the basis of more than one independent pore pressure indicator.
• Rig will stop operations or initiate well control procedures if required.
• PPP team will convene.

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PPP Communications Protocol for Jh64-A
SENV NWD-II Campaign 2009-10 HPHT Drilling & Well Control Procedures
Site Operations / Asset Teams
Shell PPP Team at WCK, BNG, CAI SLB Perform Eng. on Rig

Direct contact Perform Experts on site:

Engineer with DSV and then DSV’s & Night DSV’s: Geologist: Martin
At all times while drilling ahead, the 24/7 monitoring
contact PPP Team Bond, Peter Thorn
staff on Rig and in Office will have Pore Pressure
Shift 1: John Armstrong, Andy Perform Engr: Kenny
model real time displays visible and actively monitored
Red Flag Swieboda Chang, Jiang YiMing,
YES Shift 2: Magagi Ahmed Muazu, Chris Sajjas Ansari
YES Willoughby Phone: t.b.d.
Abnormal PP/FG/MW parameter Critical Kick or MPD staff: Stuart
deviation or trend observed in surface loss
Rig Phone: t.b.d. Mud Logger
Imminent ? Email:t.b.d. Mud Engineer
parameters, MWD/LWD or RT monitoring
software ?
Green Flag N
Yellow Flag
Communications Key
Critical EPT-Wells Drilling Team
Important Log in database and discuss at Contact PPP Rig Superintendent: Steve McWilliam
Routine next scheduled contact / meeting Team Office: t.b.d.
Mobile: t.b.d.
(2) Sr. Well Eng’r: Wilco Geldof
PPP Team Office: + 20 222 920 852
Mobile: + 20 166 624 441
STEP 1. Notify PPP team according to schedule below:
8:00 am - 4:00 pm Cairo Local 4:00 pm - 2:30 am Cairo Local 2:30 am - 8:00 am Cairo Local
Bart Tichelaar Kirk Hansen Mrityunjay Kumar
Off: +20 222 920 886 Off: +1 281 544 2796 Off: +91 80 974 130 6824
Cell: +20 120 211 800 Cell:+1 281 851 9824 Cell: t.b.d.
Cairo Houston Bangalore NWD Exploration Team - Cairo
Note: Perform Engineer raises Red Flag directly with DSV. In case of a Red Flag situation identified by Geology: Paul Houweling Petrophysics: Sabry Aboel-Abbas Pressure Prediction: Bart Tichelaar
Shell PPP team, one (1) attempt will be made to contact the Perform Engineer so that Perform Office: +20 222 920 819 Office:+20 222 920 806 Office: +20 222 920 886
Engineer can raise Red Flag. If attempt unsuccessful, Shell PPP team raises Red Flag directly Cell: +20 122 425 907 Cell: t.b.d. Cell: +20 120 211 800
with DSV. Home: t.b.d. Home: t.b.d. Home: t.b.d.
Petrophysics: Ahmed Osman Team Leader: Mark Newall
STEP 2. All individuals contacted will convene on the subsurface call number (below) in order to Office: +20 222 920 864 Office: +20 222 920 861
collaborate on the situation. The chairperson for the meeting is the active PPP team member Cell: +20 100 045 405 Cell: +20 127 498 958
(Bart/Mrityunjay/Kirk). The time spent waiting for folks to call in should be dictated by common Home: t.b.d. Home: +20 (0) 223786665
sense and the urgency of the situation at hand.

STEP 3. All PPP staff will be sure to inform the Bart of changes to their duty schedule and contact
Daily Rig Calls 08:00 (Cairo Local Time), PP call 15:00 (Cairo Local Time):
Rig Call: Subsurface Call:
Shell Meet Me phone: t.b.d. Shell Meet Me phone: t.b.d.
Participant Code: 554 26 494 Participant Code: 554 26 494

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The HPHT Drilling & Well Control Procedures are mandatory during HPHT operations.

Deviation from the procedures or adoption of different practises is acceptable only after
full consultation and agreement of the following minimum personnel:

• SENV Rig Superintendent

• Rig Contractor OIM

Any deviation or adoption of a different procedure shall be written down fully detailing
the following:

• The operation that the different procedure is valid for e.g. Cure Severe Losses
• The objective of the different procedure e.g. POOH Above Loss Zone
• The revised procedure to be followed.
• A recovery plan, in case the revised procedure fails to meet its objective.
• The personnel responsible for executing the operation.

HPHT practices for operations that the Rig Team are not readily familiar with shall be
approached in small steps that always allow recovery if a decision is not suitable.


Supervisors Checklists are provided in the Zerzura-1 Handbook. These lists should be
used by supervisory staff as a quick overview of the requirements stipulated in the
drilling guidelines and as a self-assessment tool to verify the implementation level of
these HPHT Procedures on the rig.

The checklists shall be completed prior to drilling out the last casing shoe above the
‘Red Zone’, and/or as deemed appropriate thereafter.

The checklists should be discussed during the operational meetings on a daily basis.
Any shortcomings identified shall be addressed and corrected immediately.

Copies of the completed lists shall be sent to SENV Rig Superintendent.

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The OIM has ultimate responsibility for all HSE related issues, therefore the final
decision of whether to suspend operations will be his. Such decisions will be made in
close liaison with the SENV DSV.

In extreme situations a decision to evacuate, or partially evacuate, the rig or rigsite may
be consequent upon the development of a well control or other significant hazard,
which may pose a threat to the rig and its personnel. In such a situation the SENV
Emergency Response Plan shall be initiated and rig site personnel shall comply with
the OIM’s instruction in order to minimise the hazards, harm to personnel, and damage
to assets.

Notwithstanding the above, there are other less obvious factors that have the potential
for an event to escalate into serious incident.

The following are situations or conditions that would warrant a suspension in HPHT

1. If for any reason the OIM feels that the number of personnel on location has
exceeded the limit of personnel required to conduct the operation by such a
significant margin that there exists a hazard to the operation or the personnel
on location as a result of the excessive numbers (e.g., evacuation risk,
distraction risk to operations personnel, congestion of personnel on the
2. The OIM, DSV, TP or Driller on tour has doubt as to the safety of the rig
and its personnel during ongoing operations. They may be alerted of a
potential or actual problem by any individual, and are expected to investigate
3. Dynamic mud losses >5% of mudflow. Drilling will only be resumed once
losses are reduced to below this value and wellbore integrity thus re-
established. Deviations from such stipulations can only me made after
agreement from SENV Rig Superintendent, and with mitigation measures
4. The well cannot be safely closed-in because the pressure integrity of the
BOP system, including the choke and kill manifold, has been compromised.
5. The total reserve mud volume falls below 50% of the active system.
6. Barite stock falls below 100MT and/or insufficient to weigh up the total mud
system to balance the maximum possible reservoir pressure plus 2 ppg,
which ever is greater.
7. Insufficient stock of mud chemicals on site, as required to weigh up the total
mud system to balance the maximum possible reservoir pressure plus 2 ppg.
8. Cement stocks fall below 100 MT, or that required to cement the entire
open hole plus 200%*, which ever is greater, including cementing chemicals
for such volumes.
9. LCM stocks fall below the minimum level to mix 2 x 50 bbl mixed-grade
LCM pills.
10. Facilities for weighting up or mixing new mud become inoperable.
11. Facilities for handling SOBM cuttings become inoperable and temporary
storage has reached or about to reach maximum capacity.

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12. Kill Mud: Providing the mixing system is demonstrated as being capable of
increasing the mud weight by 2 ppg in one circulation, no kill weight fluid is
required. If the mixing system cannot meet this requirement, then kill weight
mud shall be maintained on the rig.
Note: The maximum equivalent mud weight the MPD system can apply in
annular pressure is between 0.5-1 ppg (depending on depth) so does not
exceed the 2 ppg mud limits
13. The temperatures of the mud that returns at surface during normal drilling
operations exceeds 93°C (210°F), or when the temperature measurement
system fails, or when well control equipment has been exposed to it’s
maximum continuous temperature rating for 25 days, or to temperatures that
exceed it’s maximum excursion temperature for one hour or more.
14. The operating pressure and temperature envelope for any component or
material in the well, the pressure control system, or any equipment and/or
facilities connected to the well are in danger of being exceeded, and
corrective action cannot be immediately taken.
15. The Weatherford gas detection system is down/inoperable.
16. Failure of the EKDS, unless reservoir pressures and margin of overbalance
are known, and/or the kick tolerance is sufficient based on the LOT data
obtained at the last shoe, and agreed by SENV office.
17. Excessive casing wear has been observed or is suspected.
18. The cement unit is not operational or cementer incapacitated for any reason.
19. When unable to place at least two mud pumps on-line.
20. When the required shoe strength is not achieved above any potential
reservoir or high-pressure zone.
21. When ambient H2S levels exceed 10ppm, drilling ahead will be suspended.

* Derived from Shell EP2002-1500.

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All well control equipment used in the drill string, such as FOSVs, Kelly Cocks, IBOPs,
NRVs etc shall have a Working Pressure of at least 10,000psi. Such equipment shall
also have an equivalent tensile rating to the drill string in use.


Tripping operations are critical operations and HPHT tripping procedures in particular
are very time consuming. During trips out of the hole it is possible to swab an influx
into the borehole, whilst trips into the hole increase the risk of surging the hole and
creating losses. BHA design and selection of downhole tools shall therefore be
justified based on their reliability with the objective to minimise the requirements for
tripping e.g. BHA and bit selection should be designed for longevity rather than outright
ROP performance.

Use of pilot holes and subsequent hole-opening should be avoided in the critical
sections, unless driven by well evaluation constraints – again to minimise tripping.

MWD/LWD tools will be run in the critical section of Zerzura-1 as the advantages of
these tools outweigh the disadvantages. Most MWD/LWD tools these days are tolerant
to properly designed LCM and cement slurries. Temperature limitations of these tools
may require that these tools have to be staged (circulated) in and out of the hole to
control and/or limit the maximum temperatures in these tools, particularly in the
deepest sections of the well.

The use of real time Pressure While Drilling (PWD) is recognised as an important tool
to manage downhole pressures. The availability and use of PWD information allows
verification and calibration of hydraulic modelling software (Wellplan for Windows),
such that the actual downhole mud gradient and ECD's can be accurately calculated
and better predictions can be made of bottom hole pressures, swab & surge pressures,
cementing operations, etc.

The critical section of any well for use of real time PWD data is in drilling sections
where the difference between the pore pressure and fracture gradient is very small. If
this occurs, the inclusion of a PWD sub in the BHA (after controlling the increased
pressure with overbalanced mud weight) will be subject to a decision of the operations
team that the PWD data will assist the drilling of the section down to the contingency
liner shoe depth.

If real time PWD data is used, it should be appropriately displayed at the Driller's
console as this helps to actively manage the ECD during drilling operations. The real
time PWD data graphically shows the effects of pipe movement and drilling parameters
on downhole pressures and allows continuous optimisation and fine-tuning of drilling
practices, as well as identification of potential problems with the condition of the mud
(increasing trends in rheology can induce losses with no change in pump rates); see
Figure 1 – PWD Response From Changes in RPM (below) for a typical readout of real
time PWD data.

SLB has a procedure for recording tool hours and this should be strictly adhered to in
order to avoid failures of PWD/MWD/LWD tools due to excessive exposure to both HT
and HP conditions.

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ECD without rpm = 2.117 SG

ECD with 60 rpm = 2.131 SG

Rapid decrease of ECD

Shearing "cold" mud

Figure 1 - PWD Response From Changes in RPM


The following points shall be adhered to when using FOSVs:

• A FOSV for the drill string in hole shall be available for use, in the open
position and be ready to pick up and stabbed on. The key for this valve will be
stored in a designated position near the valve and shall be the same size as
the key for back up FOSV.
• A second, back up FOSV shall be available on the drill floor in case the first is
• The FOSVs used for well control purposes shall be fitted with cross over subs
where appropriate for the drill string in use, BHA etc, but should be avoided for
use in the drill string.
• All FOSV keys shall be checked for size by the Driller. If there is more than
one key size then this shall be reported to the TP and DSV who will agree a
method to make sure that key sizes are not mixed up.
• A list of FOSVs, serial numbers, location, minimum ID, and key size shall be
made by the Driller and forwarded to the DSV.
• There is a risk that FOSVs can leak from the outside, through the key shaft
and into the DRILL STRING, where very high differential pressures could
develop. It is preferred to use a type of FOSV that will have a seal for gas
pressure from the outside.
• Ensure that internal drillpipe wiper will pass through all FOSVs on the rig.

The following quantity of FOSV shall be required for the HPHT section(s), over and
above those incorporated in the TDS:

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• Available on rig floor = 1 pce (for stabbing onto DP)

• Available on rig floor with x/o = 1 pce (with x-over top the DCs)
The additional FOSV for the liner job may not necessarily be required to be on site
before the HPHT section is drilled.

FOSVs tend to be difficult to operate manually at pressures above 3500 psi. Hence
this needs to be considered when pressure builds up. Lo-Torc versions of such valves
can be supplied.


Two working and tested Gray valves shall be available on the rig, one to be available
on the drill floor in order to be stabbed on top of a FOSV valve. The location of the
second valve shall be known to the TP, Driller, Assistant Driller and roughnecks.


It was agreed in the Zerzura-1 HPHT Procedures Development Workshop that Drop-in
subs and darts would not be used. Instead, two (2) non-ported flapper-type floats will
be used in the BHA, and changed/ serviced on every trip (see below).


When drilling, the BHA shall incorporate two (2) non-ported float valves (flapper type)
and only be left out when absolutely required. This is to mitigate the risk of a blowout
through the string. It should be noted that if a directional BHA is used, invariably the
directional contractor will incorporate an NRV in his BHA, however, if the directional
contractor’s NRV is ported then this should be considered whether this is acceptable as
a substitute for one of the two NRVs stipulated above.


Circulating subs will NOT be run in drilling BHA’s unless absolutely required. However,
circulating subs will be considered if/ when coring and fishing BHA’s.


Typically, in wells where the formation temperature is expected to be above 175°C,
mud coolers should be considered. Prolonged exposure to such high temperatures is
likely to influence the operability and reliability of downhole equipment, particularly the
MWD/LWD electronics. Modelling of expected surface temperatures has indicated that
mudcoolers would have a marginal effect in this case, and have not been installed
initially. Should unacceptable surface or downhole temperatures be experienced, this
may be re-examined.

Further, consideration should be given to the cooling system on the mud pump liners.
When pumping mud heated to such temperatures, this can have a detrimental affect on
the performance on longevity of the piston and liners. This is also the case for the
MPD pump. For the NWD-II campaign, installation of cooling components to the
pumping/ circulating system will be based on availability and practicality, and will be
determined by the SENV office team.

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The kill pump (Cement Unit) shall incorporate two triplex pumps, both with at least
15,000 psi fluid ends. Additional 15k repair kits must be available as back up. As a
minimum, there should be a pressure gauge on the rig floor that represents the
cementing manifold pressure; however, the cementing contractor should be requested
to provide rig-floor readouts of both pressure and strokes of the cement unit. Hands
free communication must be possible with the cementer.

The onsite cement unit tied into the kill HP kill manifold will be used for any HP killing
activities including bullheading if necessary.

The standpipe manifold rating, the TDS and the circulating hose to the TDS on Rowan
JP Bussell have been confirmed to have a Working Pressure rating of 7,500 psi.


18.3/4” BOP elastomers should be rated for high temperatures (350°F; 177°C), unless
otherwise specified in the rig contract, and are required for the following:

• Fixed Drill Pipe ram preventer packing and seals

• Blind Shear ram preventer packing and seals
• Fail safe valve (HCR) packing and seals
• The lining of kill and choke line flexible hoses
• Kill and choke line seals
• Packing and seals on Choke Manifold valves
• Bladders on Choke Manifold transducers (if applicable).
• NOTE: 14” Fixed Casing ram and VBR preventer packing and seals are only
rated to 260oF; 127°C.
The problem sometimes experienced with seal failure of the HPHT elastomers due to
cold ambient temperatures is not expected in Egypt.


Mud Gas Separator & Mud-Seal: The minimum requirements for a Mud Gas
Separator are specified in

 EP2002-1500, Section 4.6, Page 113.

The Mud Gas Separator should not be operated above its design limitations for this
would provide poor mud/gas separation and possibly cause gas blow-through. In order
to mitigate this, the operating envelope of the respective Mud Gas Separator should be
displayed on the rig floor.

Hot-Leg Injection: Another means of mitigating the loss of the mud seal is to provide
for Hot-Leg injection - a line off the rig that allows fresh mud to be continuously
circulated into the separator itself. Thus in the event that the Mud Gas Separator was
over-pressured from a surge of gas and the mud seal blown through, or the integrity of
the mud seal compromised by the ingress of hydrocarbons, the mud seal would then
be replenished by the mud being continuously circulated through the system (i.e. from
the hot-leg injection).

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Rowan JP Bussell Mud Gas Separator has a line installed for this purpose, c/w non-
return valve,.


The basic requirements of a Choke Manifold is stipulated in:

 EP2002-1500, Section 4.7.2, Page 121.

However, for HPHT operations, such a design is somewhat limited. As a minimum, the
choke should have:
• Two remotely operated hydraulic chokes,
• One manual choke,
• One valve downstream of each choke to allow testing to full Working
• Large bore, thick walled, buffer chamber >7” ID,
• Dual purpose Kill & Choke line manifold,
• Hook-up capability from a HP (cement) pump to the manifold, and adequate
isolation to the Standpipe manifold of lesser rating (also have a NRV in the
line from the latter).
• Remotely actuated by-pass line valve,

The following instrumentation on the Remote Panel for the Choke Manifold shall be
considered for HPHT drilling:
• Pressure Upstream of chokes
• Kill manifold pressure
• Pressure on High Pressure Kill manifold (cementing manifold)
The above shall be clearly identified on the remote kill/ choke panel on the rig floor.
Consideration should also be give to a secondary panel adjacent to the manual
choke(s) if these are displaced from the rig floor.

There should also be the capability to change out critical pressure gauges in order to
install different ranges, i.e. pressure gauges for lower-end scenarios.


All instruments and recorders shall be connected and in good working order at all times
during drilling and tripping. All instruments shall be calibrated initially and
cross-checked regularly (start of well, after each casing setting and before each of the
critical sections. Ensure chart recorders for the drill pipe and annulus pressures are
hooked up. The drilling contractor and mudloggers are required to maintain written
records documenting calibration of their respective instruments, recorders and other
monitoring equipment.

As part of the rig modifications, a chart recorder has been installed for the mud-leg in
the gas separator. MI will install a CT metre on the vent-line of the mud-gas separator.
The unit will be calibrated at installation and should also be re-calibrated between

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Glycol (MEG) injection should be accommodated upstream of the choke to prevent
hydrates from forming and plugging the chokes and Choke Manifold. The pump unit
should be rated to at least 10,000 psi and be capable of pumping in excess 0.5 to 0.7
gpm. One should aim to have in the order of ca. 15 bbls of MEG glycol ready to pump
whilst in the ‘Red Zone’.


The rig should have the following:

• Big-bag hopper mixing capability.

• High-Shear mix hopper/device.

• Mix/transfer pumps capable of handling up to 21 ppg mud.

• Tanks certified to withhold mud gradients of up to 21 ppg.


The availability of mud logging data is seen as an important tool to improve the
understanding of downhole conditions and provides information to allow accurate
analysis of kick/loss events.

Mud logging services will be provided by Geoservices, and shall consist of the

• Services for Real Time Pore Pressure Prediction and ECD Optimisation
• EKDS (Early Kick Detection Services) for influx, losses, well breathing
monitoring and test/track
• Real Time monitoring of Mud Density and Temperature (accuracy +/- 0.02%)
• Real Time VG Meter to monitor the Real Time Rheology of the drilling fluid
(availability to be confirmed)
• High End Gas chromatogram with volumetric Gas Extractor
• FLEX-FLAIR: Fluid Logging and Interpreted Fluid Facies Identification

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Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD) by definition has been recognised both as a
technique and as technology that can eliminate drilling related problems such as lost
circulation, pressure ramps and narrow margins below certain depths. It is defined by
the IADC as an adaptive drilling process used to precisely control annular pressure
profile throughout the wellbore. The objectives of using this technique are to ascertain
the down hole pressure environment limits and to manage the annular hydraulic
pressure profile within those limits.

A brief description of the equipment used in MPD is listed below which consists of an
RCD, MPD choke (with Coriolis meter) an MPD Triplex back pressure pump and either
the rigs MGS or an independent one, if the rigs is insufficiently sized.
The MPD equipment is rigged offshore as per the P&ID (MPD Process & Instrument
Diagram) see below.

Figure 2 MPD Process & Instrument Diagram

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The Rotating Control Device (RCD) to be used on the Zerzura well is the Weatherford
7875 passive head. The RCD seals the annulus and diverts returns from the well to the
MPD choke. The RCD has 2 main parts;

1. The Bowl: The bowl is attached on top of the rig’s annular with the bell nipple
riser bolted to the top of the RCD. When the bearing assembly is not in
operation a wear bushing can be latched in place bypassing the flowline from
the bowl allowing conventional returns from the well to the shakers.

2. The Bearing Assembly: this assembly is hydraulically latched into the bowl
and is retrievable by a pneumatically controlled running tool installed with the
drill string. The drill string strips through 2 passive seal elements in the bearing.



RCD Operating limits:

• Operating pressure rating: 2000 psi static and 1000 psi dynamic.
• Rotation: limited to 100rpm.
• Temperature: the RCD natural rubber elements are rated to 225 deg F / 107
deg C (continuous).


The MPD choke manifold controls the backpressure on the annulus to keep Bottom
Hole Pressure (BHP) constant. It has 2 x 3” trim hydraulically controlled chokes. These
are controlled from an ICU, which gets its signals to adjust the choke from the remotely
located laptops. Shell’s RTOC system provides WITS data from the data loggers as
well as from the downhole tools to run with the Secure well model (running in their
server). The Secure transient model calculates BHT & BHP. The actual downhole
measurements are shown beside the model results so comparisons and continuous
calibration adjustments to the model performed. This is particularly helpful if the
downhole tools are lost as the model from that point can be used to predict downhole
conditions with a reasonable level of accuracy.

There is a pressure relief valve (PRV1) with a 3” line (set at 2000psi), which protects
the RCD from over pressure by bypassing the MPD choke direct to the MGS. The
choke can be run in three modes:

1. Fully Automatic: The choke ICU looks at the SPP, BHP from the PWD (where
applicable), the upstream choke pressure, flow in the well (from the mud pump
strokes), and flow out the well from the Coriolis flow meter. If the choke sees
more flow out of the well than going in, ie kick (or less flow coming out ie loss)
the ICU will look at other parameters; SPP, WHP BHP and manipulate the
chokes to bring the well back to a stable state (same flow in and out)

2. Semi Automatic: The choke will keep a constant WHP or BHP as instructed.
The ICU looks at the same parameters as in Fully Automatic but will not take
any action if an influx or loss is detected. The Secure screens will indicate a
warning that includes what has caused the warning. The operator then needs to
manipulate the choke to rectify the situation.

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3. Manual: All the parameters are still measured as the previous two settings but
all settings are manually adjusted via the Secure laptops. This is usually only
used when no back pressure is being held on the well and the Coriolis meter is
being used to monitor for gains or losses (EKDS).


The Coriolis meter is the main functional component of EKDS (Early Kick Detection
System). The meter can detect the smallest fluctuation in flow rate and fluid density.
Drilling fluid with up to a 10% gas cut can be measured accurately, after which the
meter goes out of its calibration range and will show rapid density drops (not favourable
when in Full Automatic mode as the choke will close thinking gas is at surface).

The Coriolis meter requires a minimum flowrate of 100-150gpm for operation and can
handle up to a maximum of 1400gpm. It has an operating limit of 1000psi and 400 deg
F or 200 deg C. Weatherford keeps a spare in the base as a critical back up, although
the equipment rarely malfunctions.


The Back Pressure Pump is a small electric triplex pump tied into the front of the MPD
choke taking its suction from the active system or the trip tank (for Dynamic
Flowchecks). When circulation is halted for connections or rig pump maintenance, the
MPD pump is used to keep the backpressure on the annulus to maintain a constant
Bottom Hole Pressure (BHP), thereby replacing the decrease in ECD resulting from the
shutdown. The pump can also be used to circulate through the MPD choke thus
providing the minimum required flow rate through the Coriolis meter accurate
monitoring of the well.

The pump is driven by a 480v, 60amp motor connected to the rig’s power supply. The
pressure rating of the pump is 2000psi with the pumps PRV2 set at 200psi lower than
PRV1. A critical spares list is carried offshore but in the event of an extended shut
down, the cement unit can be used as a back-up pump whilst the drillstring is secured
(see MPD Procedure 024 MPD Pump Failure – referenced in section 6.8).


For the NWD-II wells, the JP Bussell’s MGS is to be used. The JP Bussell’s MGS is of
adequate size for this operation having a 12” vent with minimal bends, a u-tube of 15ft
and a 10” outlet line. Utilising BLADE Engineering’s modelling software, it has been
calculated that with a 17-ppg mud in the u-tube, a maximum rate of 55 MMscf/d can be
safely managed by the MGS.


For each hole section, MPD may play a different operational function. In all situations, it
is planned that the well will be statically overbalanced:

• 14 ¾” Section: drilling of this section will be initiated with an over-balanced

mud with a large OB margin to the expected pore pressure at the shoe. The
MPD package will be used for the EKDS (Coriolis) through the pressure ramp
and for familiarisation with the MPD equipment. BHP should remain constant
throughout, whilst reducing fluid management problems such as ballooning.
Before tripping the entire fluid column will be displaced with kill weight mud.

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• 12 ¼” – TD : from this point it is planned to drill with a smaller overbalance

margin than the previous section (around 100psi). This should improve
pressure management through the next sections as the PP-FG margin narrows
and help prevent a loss-gain condition. To trip out of hole it is proposed to
pump/strip out to the shoe and spot a heavy weight pill to keep the BHP
constant, whilst leaving an overbalanced margin.


Drilling with MPD is different from conventional drilling operations. The following
modified procedures are available separately:

Operational Procedures:
001 MPD Rig Up.
002 Flushing & Pressure Testing
003 Fingerprinting
004 Driller’s Instructions
005 Connection Procedure
006 RCD Element & Wear bushing Change out
007 Kick Detection and Management
008 Switch from Shaker to MGS
009 Dynamic Flow Check
010 Dynamic Leak off test
011 Dynamic Pore Pressure Test
012 Tripping in and Pulling Out
013 MPD Pre Execution Checklist

Contingency Procedures:
020 MPD Choke Plugging
021 Bit Nozzle Plugging
022 NRV Failure
023 Mud Pump Washout
024 MPD Pump Failure
025 RCD Catastrophic Failure
026 Rig Power Failure
027 Unloading the MGS liquid seal
028 Activation of the PRV
029 Drill String Washout or Failure
030 Surface Drilling Fluid Leak
031 Wireline operations

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The MPD Operational Matrix is a quick-reference guide to illustrate actions to take
once an influx has been detected in the annulus. As the influx will have been detected
using the Coriolis meter (closed loop), there is no need to switch to conventional well
control. The influx may be circulated out at drilling rates whilst being managed with the
MPD choke at surface. The flow downstream of the MPD choke is diverted to the MGS.
At an agreed maximum volume, the influx may be considered too big for the MPD
choke to handle (maximum allowable operating pressure would be exceeding in the
process). Under these conditions, the well be handed back to the rig and killed

The Operational Matrix (Fig 3 below), which can be found in Procedure 007 Kick
Detection and Management clearly shows the Green, Amber, Red scenarios that may
be experienced during any potential influx event.

Note: If the well parameters indicate that the operational scenario has fallen into
the red zone, the well is to be handed over to the rig immediately and
conventional well control procedures will be taken to remove the influx.

Any operational scenario that exceeds the limits set by the ‘Green’ area will result in a
cessation of drilling, whilst rotation is slowed to 10-20rpm and circulation is continued
until the influx is out of the hole.

If a Drilling Break is observed in MPD mode, the driller may stop drilling, but there is no
requirement to stop circulating and divert to a trip tank for a flowcheck. The Coriolis
meter will detect any potential influx, and if detected, procedure 007 Kick Detection and
Management is followed (backpressure is increased until flow in/ flow out is balanced,
and depending on the size of the kick, the influx may be circulated out through the
MPD choke). Once the well is stable, the new mud weight required is circulated into the
well using the Drillers method, whilst holding appropriate step-down backpressure with
the MPD choke.

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Surface Back Pressure Indicator

> Planned Back
At planned
MPD Operation Matrix At Planned Drilling Pressure & < Back
connection Back > Back pressure
Back Pressure pressure limit
Pressure (100psi + Limit (1000psi)
SBP = ISBP (>100psi + ECD
ECD and <500psi)
and <1000psi)

Continue Drilling
Cease drilling By-pass MPD
Increase in pressure
No Influx detected by Reduce TDS to 10 equipment, shut-in
Continue Drilling may be due to
MPD system rpm Increase SBP BOP evaluate next
surface expansion
as required. action.
of b/u gas
Pit Gain or MPD volume indication

Cease drilling Cease drilling Cease drilling

By-pass MPD
Reduce TDS to 10 Reduce TDS to 10 Reduce TDS to 10
Influx detected & equipment, shut-in
rpm Increase SBP rpm Increase SBP rpm Increase SBP
<5 bbl BOP evaluate next
as required, as required, as required,
Circulate influx out Circulate influx out Circulate influx out

Cease drilling Cease drilling

By-pass MPD By-pass MPD
Reduce TDS to 10 Reduce TDS to 10
Influx detected equipment, shut-in equipment, shut-in
rpm Increase SBP rpm Increase SBP
>5bbl & <10 bbl BOP evaluate next BOP evaluate next
as required, as required,
action. action.
Circulate influx out Circulate influx out

By-pass MPD By-pass MPD By-pass MPD By-pass MPD

Influx detected equipment, shut-in equipment, shut-in equipment, shut-in equipment, shut-in
>10 bbl BOP evaluate next BOP evaluate next BOP evaluate next BOP evaluate next
action. action. action. action.

Figure 3 The MPD Operational Matrix

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Briefings: All personnel involved in the drilling operations shall attend pre-hole section
briefings provided by the SENV office team, along with on-the-job training sessions
concerning procedures contained in these guidelines prior to starting operations in the
‘Red’ Zone (drillout of the 16” shoe).

Checklists: Self-assessment checklists are provided (see Zerzura-1 Handbook for the
HPHT Checklists) as a tool to quickly appraise the level of implementation and
compliance to these drilling guidelines.

Radio Communications: A crucial feature during all drilling operations is the

communication between the Driller, Mud Logger, MWD/LWD engineer, Mud Engineer,
Derrickman, and Shaker Hand, to ensure to have dedicated communication channel
and portable radios with head set etc available for this purpose. It is essential that all
parties record and maintain their own independent records and verify this information
regularly (minimum 2 x daily) with the other parties. All written and electronic records
shall be kept for reference throughout the critical hole sections.

Shift Changes: shall be organised such that key personnel (i.e. DSVs, Toolpushers,
Drillers, Mud Engineer, Mud Loggers, etc.) are changing shift at different times. For
example, the Mud Loggers and Drillers should not work the same shift system, but their
crew changes shall be staggered throughout the day.

Baseline data: Effectiveness of decisions that are to be made during the drilling of the
critical sections are dependant on a clear understanding of well bore behaviour
relationships. Of particular importance is the relationship between the well bore and
the drilling fluid. Therefore, before the casing shoe above the first critical section is
drilled out, various Pre-emptive Information Gathering tests, as described in Section
16, will be conducted to establish the relationship between the well bore and drilling

Trip Tank: Whenever the well is not being circulated with the rig pumps, line-up on the
trip tank(s) and circulate across the hole with the trip tank pump. Stop tripping when
filling or emptying the trip tank. The recording and monitoring of the trip tank during
trips and connections is an integral part of the Fingerprinting process (Section 16).

Note: with MPD, when backpressure is being held on the well and there is a
requirement to monitor the well for flow, a ‘Dynamic’ flow check can be performed - see
MPD procedure 009 Dynamic Flow Check.

Full circulation rate must be established, using rig specific procedures, in a slow and
controlled manner after a trip or if the well has been static for an unusually long period.

Any flow from the well in the ‘Red’ Zone must be treated as a kick.

Prior to any trip the swab pressures and tripping rates will be calculated and compared
to PWD information, if available. The information will be passed on to the Driller.
Always raise the drill string with the pumps on in the open hole, to prevent swabbing.
Always pump out of open hole into the previous casing or liner shoe following MPD
procedure 012 Tripping-In & POOH.

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Following any trip or check trip, bottoms up will be circulated via the MPD system with
particular focus on gas in returns from 1000m bdf. This guideline may be reviewed
based on well specific trends. When circulating over the choke Mud Gas Separator
pump rates and gas levels at the shale shakers must be monitored to avoid blowing the
U-tube liquid seal.

Casing, BHA and Drill String capacities and displacements are normally taken from
reference tables using average values. Due to the critical nature of HPHT operations,
these values need to be calculated from actual pipe measurements, and then
compared with the actual mud displacement recorded when running the BHA in hole
before drilling out the shoe. This provides additional accuracy for subsequent trip
sheets, etc.

Rig crews must be aware that High Temperature wells will invariably result in very high
mud temperatures. Hence equipment will be very hot to handle without proper PPE.

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7.2.1 General Points
The 18.3/4” 15K BOP stack should be configured as indicated in Fig 4 Rowan JP
Bussell BOP Stack ZERZURA-1 below. The ram configuration shall be:
• RCD 2,000 psi static/ 1000psi rotating / max 100rpm
(these are down-rated specifications for HPHT
Operating Pressures)
• Annular 10,000 psi
• Upper Cavity 15,000 psi (Variable) Pipe Rams [3.½” x 7.5/8"]
[or 14” casing rams]
• Upper Middle Cavity 15,000 psi Shearing Blind Rams
• Lower Middle Cavity 15,000 psi (Variable) Pipe Rams [3.½” x 7.5/8"]
• Lower Cavity 15,000 psi Fixed Pipe Rams [6.5/8”]

The set up of the Choke Manifold valves during drilling operations will be for the Fast
shut-in (Reference Section 1.6.14, Shut-In Method). The choke and kill line fail safe
valves will remain closed during normal drilling operations. The manual and automatic
chokes and the valves directly upstream of these chokes will remain closed during
normal drilling operations.

Return flow from the Choke Manifold will be routed through the Mud Gas Separator.
The emergency vent line from the Choke Manifold should be routed to the flare.
Function the Choke Manifold remote operated flare line selector valve at least weekly.

The choke and kill lines, plus Mud Gas Separator, should be flushed with clean mud
every 12hrs.

The Driller will be responsible for confirming that the above requirements have been
carried out at the start of each tour. Confirmation of status should be recorded on the
IADC report.

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Figure 4 Rowan JP Bussell BOP Stack ZERZURA-1

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Topdrive (TDS): Prior to drilling out the shoe above the critical sections, the
connections between the TDS lower and upper IBOPs will be broken and the valve and
its threaded connections checked. The connection will then be carefully doped and
made up to the required torque. This will ensure that the connection can be broken
using the Torque Wrench, should this be necessary in a well control situation. All other
IBOPs to be used in the section should be tested and verified as being in good

Swivel Packing. Co-ordinate swivel packing replacement to ensure that at least 200
hrs in-service remains on the TDS prior to entering the critical sections. This packing
should be replaced after a maximum of 400 hrs during the critical sections.

7.2.2 BOP Hang-Off Position

The space out of the drill pipe to close the annular and to hang off on the pipe rams will
be pre-calculated once the BOPs are installed. These figures will be recorded and
prominently displayed in the Driller’s doghouse, OIM’s office, Toolpushers office and
DSV’s office.

If the hanging-off of long and heavy strings of casing on a water bushing is an option,
then the water bushing and suspension pipe must be checked for tensile load

7.2.3 BOP Testing

BOP equipment testing will be conducted in compliance with:
 EP2002-1500 and SENV/ Rowan Standards.

Once installed on the wellhead, un-weighted mud is recommended for testing.

BOP testing while HPHT formations are exposed in the well bore can be extremely
hazardous. BOP tests should be timed to avoid a requirement for testing while HPHT
formations are exposed, if possible. In view of the expected downhole conditions, the
Zerzura-1 Drilling Programme stipulates a test frequency not exceeding 21 days,
without dispensation approved by the Drilling Manager.

Note: The RCD is not considered as Well Control equipment and therefore doesn’t fall
under the pressure testing frequency stipulation. In relation to its operating
specifications, the RCD is tested after every bearing change.

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7.3.1 Active Mud
Reduction of surface active pit volume by reducing number of active pits in use is a
best practice for increasing the sensitivity of the PVT equipment to detect small
changes in volume that may indicate the beginning of an influx. It was discussed
during the Zerzura-1 HPHT Procedures Development Workshop that the surface Active
volume in parts of the “Green Zone” may be reduced to assist in detecting small
changes of total volume during drilling (when kicks are expected), or in the “Red
Zone” when MPD is not in use. During this time, pit and flow alarms should be set as
low as practicable (no more than +/-5 bbls and +/-5% flow).

Whilst in the “Red Zone” with MPD equipment in use, the flow detection equipment
(Coreolis meter) is extremely sensitive and will pick up very small fluctuations in flow
(positive or negative). For this reason, the PVT and Mudlogging contractors pit sensors
will continue to function, but will not be the first indicator of flow and therefore, the
restriction of surface volume to increase their accuracy is not strictly required.

For the entire well, the mud weight must be checked and recorded every 15 minutes at
the active pit and the shakers. Checking at both these locations will provide
confirmation of the temperature effects, the mud weight being pumped down hole and
the presence of entrained gas. The Mud Engineer should check the weight at least
every 1 hour with a pressurised mud balance.

Regular checks of the rheology will be made at least every 8 hours. The ECD, swab,
surge, mud hydrostatic and gel break strength at downhole conditions should be
continually evaluated.

7.3.2 Mud Weight Management

The mud density will be adjusted to balance the latest predictions of pore pressure, by
a safety margin that is not less than the calculated swab pressure. Pumping out of the
hole will reduce the effect of swab pressure on any trips.

Mud weight management is a strategy for keeping the mud at the right density
(measured at surface) to provide the required downhole pressure. Mud expands when
heated and contracts when cooled. Also, even WBM’s are compressible (although to a
much lesser degree than OBM’s), and they will become more dense to a certain
degree under increasing pressure. Therefore, mud density is affected by both
temperature and pressure. These effects are so small during normal drilling that they
are generally safely ignored. In HPHT drilling these effects may be significant and
must be accounted for.

A logbook will be present in the mud pit area and must record the mud weight/
temperature for the mud engineer, and Derrickman/Shaker Hand. The Mud Engineer
must ensure the pressurised mud scale is calibrated and that the calculated,
hydrostatic pressure is reconciled with the downhole PWD tool data, if available.

Any change in mud weight with the MPD system in-use may be performed on the fly
(subject to DSV and Rig Superintendent approval), using a backpressure step-down
chart similar to a kill chart, reducing backpressure as the higher MW exits the bit until
the annulus is completely displaced.

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7.3.3 Mud Property Management

The mud properties must be managed to achieve the following objectives:

• Keep the hole clean.

• Provide appropriate hydraulics (i.e. avoid excessive swab/surge and
annular friction pressure).
• Maintain suspension of barite even during long shut-down periods.
• Avoid excessive pressures to break gels after a shutdown period.
The effect of downhole temperature and pressures on mud properties must be taken
into account. For example, although a mud may have acceptable rheological
properties during steady state circulation, the rheology may become very thick when
the mud cools as would happen in the upper portion of the well after a long shutdown.
Conversely, acceptable rheologies in the pit may be insufficient to provide adequate
hole cleaning or barite suspension at bottom hole temperatures.

Adjusting mud properties to exhibit good behaviour in such a wide variety of conditions
takes great skill and attention to detail. Pilot tests shall be run on any special treatment
to the drilling fluid system, i.e., treatments other than maintenance of the specified
product concentrations. Pilot tests will include static ageing of the treated drilling fluid
and tests for Barite sag.

7.3.4 Mud Pit Discipline

Mud pit discipline is the term used to describe the procedures whereby no operation
that may affect mud pit levels is commenced without the full knowledge and
understanding of the Driller, Mud Engineer, Derrickman and/or Shaker Hand, and the
Mud Loggers.

Mud transfers to, or from, the active system are prohibited while drilling in the
‘Red’ Zone. Exceptions to this are outlined below in the Bleed-in Technique.

Unless absolutely necessary, mud treatment should NOT be performed within

one hour either side of a crew change.

All mud transfers, changes or treatment to the mud and changes to operating solids
control equipment must be planned ahead and it is a requirement that:

• Additions to the active system will be made only after the Driller has
given his approval, but only once he has stopped drilling ahead and has
satisfied himself that the well is stable.
• The Mud Loggers will be informed before and after any additions. The
Mud Engineer shall produce a written work instruction for the Derrickman/
Shaker Hand for each separate job, countersigned by the Driller and Mud
Logger and filed for future reference.
• The Driller and Mud Loggers will be informed before any mud processing
equipment is switched on or off (e.g. degasser, centrifuge, trip tank, etc.)
as operation of such equipment may alter the active pit levels. Such
effects should be recorded as part for the Finger Printing exercises as
detailed in Section 16.
• Circulation should continue while mud volume changes are being made.
• Drilling can continue once the pit volume recorders have stabilised.

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The aforementioned is to ensure that even small pit gains can be detected at any time
during drilling.

Bleed-in Technique: Mud treatments and small mud weight adjustments can be made
by preparing a separate treatment pit off-line, then stop drilling while the treatment pit is
incorporated into the PVT system, and resume drilling only once the PVT has
stabilised. The treatment pit can then be bled into the active system without affecting
total active pit volume. Having two pits effectively acting as the surface active volume,
will reduce sensitivity in detecting small gains. This method of treating the mud should
be discontinued at critical points in the well or when any uncertainties arise.

The decision to treat the mud while drilling or not will be made by the Driller in
consultation with the Toolpusher/ OIM and DSV. Otherwise, drilling must stop until any
necessary mud treatments are carried out and only resume once the PVT has

Cementing: Accurate recording of pit volumes is essential during any cementation job;
however, in HPHT wells it is IMPERATIVE that all concerned parties are fully aware of
actual and planned tank volumes, and when these are to occur.

A flow chart showing essential lines of communication for mud pit management is
provided in Figure 5 – Mud Pit Discipline Flow Chart.

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Figure 5 - Mud Pit Discipline Flow Chart

Mud Pit Discipline Flow Chart


Discuss & Counter sign

Discuss with Mud
Engineer if not Toolpusher
acceptable OIM

To sign Instruction for

Logger Written
To sign Instruction for

DerrickMan- -
Shaker Hand Written
Instruction To sign Instruction

Instruction Instructions available
at worksite


Logger Written
To sign Instruction OFF
Instruction as acknowledgement

Written To sign Instruction OFF
Instruction as acknowledgement

Engineer Written
Instruction File for Reference
(Sequence number & date)


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7.3.5 Mud Hydraulics Management (ECD Management)

Management of mud and well hydraulics is important in all phases of this HPHT drilling
program. The mud loggers will be responsible for running hydraulics modelling. If
available, PWD tool information should be used to refine hydraulics modelling. Well
hydraulics normally become more critical in an HPHT well once in the 8.3/8" hole and
smaller because of the high annular friction pressure, swab/surge pressures, etc,
caused by the smaller clearances in this hole size and increased mud weight, often
coupled from using thick-walled casing with smaller internal diameters.

The objectives of mud hydraulics management are:

• Maintain sufficient downhole hydrostatic/hydrodynamic pressure at all

times to balance formation pressures.
• Maintain, where possible, sufficient margin between the hydrodynamic
pressure and the formation integrity of the weakest exposed formation
such that mud losses and subsequent flow-back (ballooning) do not
• Allow operations to be carried out in a safe, efficient manner (e.g. allow
reasonable tripping speeds, circulating rates etc).
The overall methodology is:

• Estimate the formation pressures encountered using all available data

(including offset data) making best use of the latest techniques for real
time estimation of pore pressures.
• Estimate the formation strength of the open hole using LOTs, or open
hole FITs, any mud loss incidents and by making best use of the latest
techniques for real time estimation of fracture gradients.
• Assess the overall margin for well operations. Take actions (squeezing,
LCM, etc) to improve the measured fracture pressure if appropriate.
• Assess the impact on well operations (e.g. circulating, tripping, etc. on
downhole pressures).
• Set the downhole static pressure (and then calculate the required surface
mud weight/temperature) and allocate margins of uncertainty based on
the overall margins available.
• Monitor well operations and continually reassess margins based on
current mud properties and ongoing operations. A continual awareness
of the following is essential: effective bottom hole pressure from the mud
weight, ECD, swab pressures, surge pressures, kick tolerance, trip
margin, gel strengths and the effects of temperature changes in the mud.

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7.3.6 Hydraulics Management While Drilling

Total Margin Available

Margin of Circulating Margin of Safety Factor to Margin of

uncertainty in Pressure at normal uncertainty in avoid lost uncertainty in
formation pressure drilling rates [ECD] wellbore pressure circulation Leak-off
+ and/or flow-back pressure
Overbalance for or ballooning gradient
[12.¼" ~ 300 psi]
Wellbore Stability
[8.3/8" ~ 600 psi]

[~200 psi min]

[6” ~ 900 psi ] [~ 50 psi min] [~ 100 psi min]

Formation Target for Static Wellbore Maximum Minimum likely Most

Pressure Wellbore Pressure while Wellbore Fracture Likely
Pressure circulating at Pressure while Pressure Fracture
Full drilling Circulating Pressure

Figure 6 – Hydraulics Management While Drilling

7.3.7 Hydraulics Management While Tripping

Total Margin Available

Margin of Max permissible Margin of Safety Factor to Margin of

uncertainty in surge pressure uncertainty in avoid lost uncertainty in
formation during trip in the wellbore pressure circulation and/or Leak-off pressure
pressure hole flow-back or gradient
+ OR ballooning
Overbalance for Max permissible
tripping circulating
pressure [ECD]
OR + surge pressure
Wellbore Stability during trip in the

[~200 psi min] [~ 50 psi min] [~ 100 psi min]

Formation Target for Static Wellbore Maximum Minimum likely Most

Pressure Wellbore Pressure while Wellbore Fracture Likely
Pressure Tripping In Pressure while Pressure Fracture
Tripping-In Pressure

Figure 7 - Hydraulics Management While Tripping

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The parameters that can be changed or managed are:

• Mud weight.
• Mud properties.
• Operational methods (for example, trip speed, circulation rate).
Mud hydraulics management is a critical component for the success of any HPHT well.
The understanding, support and rigorous attention to detail by all the rig site operations
team are essential. Full and open communication is required, for the team to work
successfully in all aspects of mud and mud hydraulic management.

7.3.8 PWD Tool and Modelling

The combination of PWD information and realistic modelling is very powerful and may
be used to manage any potential narrow margin between pore pressure and fracture
gradient that may exist.

PWD information will accurately tell you the value of downhole static and circulating
pressures removing some of the uncertainties shown in Figure 6 – Hydraulics
Management While Drilling above. It may also allow for the recognition of flow-back.
The PWD information should also be used to monitor swab and surge pressures when
coming off the slips during connections.

Realistic computer modelling of hydraulics, swab surge, temperature affects, ECD’s,

etc are necessary to:

• Make full use of the PWD data.

• Verify PWD accuracy.
• Provide an alternative should a failure in the PWD tool occur

Once modelling results have been verified, deviation of the PWD data from model
results can provide early warning of impending problems i.e. cuttings bed forming/
annulus becoming overloaded with cuttings, mud property deterioration, well flow,
deviation from optimum drilling practices, impending losses, etc.

Any proprietary interpretation software provided by the equipment suppliers or

mudloggers should be fully utilised. Proprietary systems can be much more effective in
real time interpretation of the data than manual interpretation. Any method of
interpretation should be tested out early in the well to promote confidence in its use and
an understanding of its limitations. Control tests should be carried out whenever the
opportunity arises.

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7.4.1 Casing Wear Prevention
Casing wear can be minimised by taking the following precautions:

• Ensure that all drill pipe hard banding is smooth (Arnco 200XT / 300XT or
• Visually check hard banding frequently for damage.
• Be vigilant for polished tooljoints, being indicative of high side-force
• Ensure that the rig is positioned directly over the centre of the well.
• Minimise doglegs in the shallow part of the well. Even relatively small
doglegs of 2 deg/100ft or less shallow in a well can result in disastrously
high casing wear. Highly localised doglegs, even deep in the well can
result in severe casing wear. Directional work should be conducted such
that smooth builds and turns are created.
• Non-rotating drill pipe protectors (NRDPP) can be used to prevent or
reduce casing wear. However, this would introduce additional trips and
hence additional risk if drilling in the HPHT section notwithstanding the
additional risk of leaving junk in the hole. If required, NRDPP shall only
be installed on the bottom two singles of every stand drilled. This leaves
the upper single of every stand clear and allows closing of the BOP's on
the upper single with the string set in the slips during tripping operations.
One should also consider their impact on: increasing ECD, slowing the
operation and on impeding well control options, e.g. stripping.
• Mud additives that increase lubricity may be used, but usually have
limited effect.

7.4.2 Casing Wear Monitoring

A casing wear monitoring programme is important for the early detection of excessive
casing wear in wells with high expected rotating drilling hours. Successful monitoring
programmes will include the following:

• A baseline log to accurately measure initial casing ID should be run

immediately following the installation of the 14” casing string. Although
USIT is sometimes run, with the additional benefit of wall thickness
measurement, the MW expected at TD is too high to allow subsequent
USIT measurements to be made, therefore in terms of wear this tool is
not beneficial for increased accuracy.
• A dogleg severity graph and side contact force graph (as available from
Wellplan for Windows) give an accurate indication of the location and
likely severities of casing wear.
• The wellhead wear bushing must be confirmed as being the correct size
and callipered on installation and as frequently as operations allow
thereafter. Casing wear is often first detected in the wearbushing. Log
any key-seating on the daily drilling report and consider rig misalignment

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• Ditch magnets will be installed in the rig’s flowline. The magnets should
be cleaned of metal particles every 12 hours. The results should be
weighed, recorded and plotted on a graph by the mud loggers. One
graph will show the grams of metal recovered each 10,000 drill pipe
revolutions plotted each tour. Another graph will show total metal
recovered versus total revolutions since the casing was set. It is very
important that only the metal is weighed and not the mud that coats the
metal swarf.
Note: Placing the magnet(s) in a plastic bag, and then when collecting
the metal particles, by folding the bag back to encapsulate the particles
greatly facilitates this operation.
7.4.3 Casing Wear - Remedial Action
Some casing wear will always be observed, it is a rapid increase in wear as evident
from a large increase in recovery from the ditch magnets, that is a cause for concern.
In such an event consider the following:

• Review the preventative measures listed above and see if the wear rate
can be reduced.
• Consider pulling the wear bushing to confirm the extent of the wear and
potential damage to wellhead and/or BOP.
• Consider (re-)running the calliper log to determine if the wear is localised
or extended over a longer section. This log will also allow the calculation
of the remaining integrity of the casing.
• In severe cases of (suspected) casing wear or prior to performing critical
operations the casing may have to be pressure tested to confirm integrity.
The impending operation should be borne in mind, e.g. entering a known HP zone,
planned increase in mud weight, casing pressure test. If the load on the casing is
about to be changed a possible reduction in casing integrity must be considered and

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Open hole wireline logging operations are one of the most vulnerable periods with
regards to well control. A high mud gradient, high gels and a narrow margin between
the pore pressure and mud gradient make for very challenging conditions. Extra care
should be taken to:
a) minimise the time that the logging string is stationary,
b) ensure nothing is swabbed into the well when tripping out to log.
c) ensure nothing is swabbed into the well when pulling out of hole with wireline
logging tools

While logging, the well must be monitored via MPD system whilst circulating with the
trip tank (see MPD procedure 031 Wireline Operations). Tool and wire displacement
must be accurately monitored. A trip tank volume chart can be used to directly
compare one tool run with another provided the running speeds are constant.

Logging is typically done when the mud has been stationary for a considerable amount
of time, so that the mud has developed strong gels by the time the logging tools enter
the open hole section. The swab and surge pressures created while running or pulling
the logging tools can be significant enough to induce losses or swab-in the well,
particularly in small hole sizes where the clearance between the logging tool and the
borehole are marginal. Swab and surge pressure calculations shall be performed prior
to wireline logging to establish the maximum running and pulling speed of the logging

Formation sampling tools that flush formation fluid into the annulus should be used with
caution (e.g. MDT, in particular dual-packer MDT). Volumes flushed should be
carefully limited. Increased gas levels may result after the use of this tool, particularly if
multiple tests have been performed. The implications of excessive continuous flushing
should be critically assessed and discussed with the relevant stakeholders prior to
running such tool. When circulating bottoms up after tripping in, circulate via the MPD
system to safely remove the gas from the well (Reference Section 9.7).

Well control and the ability to shut-in the well shall be maintained at all times during
wireline operations using Pressure Control Equipment secured / sealed in the top
Variable Rams of the JP Bussell BOPs. The Pressure Control Equipment consists of a
Shell Egypt N V lubricator constructed out of a section of 7-inch casing with a pump-in
inlet at the top, a crossover adapter from the top thread of the lubricator to the bottom
of the Schlumberger Wireline Rams, the Schlumberger Wireline Rams and a
Schlumberger Stuffing Box. A pre-job meeting with all relevant parties shall be held
prior to wireline logging operations to ensure that all personnel involved are fully aware
of the correct logging, sampling, and well control procedures (See Section 10.11).

While performing a FPIT Free Point Indicator Tool Survey in a BHA that has a single or
double set of float valves in the bottom of the BHA is acceptable, all other Wireline
Work carried out through the drill string (string shot, perforating, drill collar / explosive
drill pipe severing operations, etc.) must be conducted with wireline pressure control
equipment installed. The recommended Pressure Control Equipment should consist of
a low torque valve at the top of the drill string to isolate the Pressure Control Equipment
from the drillstring; a pump in sub above the low torque valve so that fluid can be either
pumped-in or bled-off from the lubricator using a low torque valve on the pump-in sub
outlet / inlet; a section of Drill Pipe on top of the pump-in sub acting as a section of
lubricator and an hydraulically-controlled wireline packoff on top of the lubricator.

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Additional Considerations to mitigate stuck logging tools:

• Use of High Strength Cable to allow greater overpull on stuck point,
• Use of Multi-Conductor Hydraulic jars (can provide up to x5 the downhole
tension within seconds of becoming stuck),
• Use of Releasable Wireline Cable Head [RWCH], which allows cable head to
be released via electrical signal (no mechanical weak-point).

Tough Logging Condition (TLC) Operations are generally not recommended in wells
with potential well control issues due to the difficulty of maintaining a seal with the
Annular BOP around the drillpipe that has wireline cable on the outside of it in a static
condition and the inability of attaining a seal with the Annular BOP around the same
equipment in a dynamic (reciprocating / rotating) condition. In addition, float valve(s)
cannot be included in the drillstring whilst performing TLC Operations.

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The following guidelines and procedures shall be implemented for the critical section(s)
as defined in Section 1.3.

Some of the key parameters and procedures herein should be summarised in a single
sheet for use by the Driller, ref, Section 19, HPHT Operational guidelines Summary
sheet as an example.


The reason HPHT wells are treated with great caution is mainly because there is very
little margin between formation pressure and fracture pressure and therefore the
overbalance (safety margin) afforded by the mud hydrostatic is minimal.

This is combined with the fact that any gas entering the wellbore at these pressures
and temperatures will go straight into solution, not coming out of solution until very
close to surface, to then rapidly expand. Hence rig personnel will have very little time
to react to such an event.

Three well-control events unique to HPHT wells could occur:

1) A small isolated volume of gas enters the well (usually swabbed).

This influx is circulated to surface by a drill crew unaware of it’s presence in
the hole. When it is very close to surface it reaches its bubble point, comes
out of solution and expands rapidly. As well as pushing mud ahead of it, gas
is instantly liberated from the mud/gas mixture. The result is that there is a
surge of gas from the wellbore creating an explosive and possibly toxic
Hence extreme vigilance in pit level and return flow monitoring is necessary.
Moreover, at any time that there is potential for gas to be approaching
surface, the return flow should be routed through via the Rotating Circulating
Device and flowline to the Mud Gas Separator to enable this unloading effect
to be controlled and prevent the release of gas into the working areas.

At first indication of possible influx, from flow show, pit gain or otherwise,
then well is closed in on upper pipe rams, as per procedure, and bottoms-up
circulation is diverted through the choke manifold and mud-gas separator.

2) A slow but continuous flow from a highly pressured but ‘tight’ formation
enters the wellbore over a long period of time undetected.
Again the overall volume is small – perhaps as low as 2 bbls spread out over
an hour of circulating time. However, it results in a column of mud
contaminated with gas in solution being circulated up the wellbore. When
the first of the contaminated mud nears surface (and if the influx is
sufficiently concentrated) the gas reaches bubble point and expands rapidly,
expelling mud from the hole and further reducing hydrostatic in the fluid
immediately below it which then ‘flashes off’. This continues as a domino
effect potentially unloading a large part of the annulus, reducing hydrostatic
pressure on bottom and allowing the ‘tight’ zone to flow more formation fluids
into the well.

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The key to prevention of this second type of incident is in being able to

recognize small/slow influxes into the wellbore, which is why the use of MPD
will be beneficial when drilling into potentially tight reservoirs.

3) Flow back or ‘Ballooning’.

In this case drilling mud is lost to the formation while pumping at full rate and
is then gained back with the pumps turned off and the ECD removed. This
situation is described in Section 8.12.


The continuous monitoring of pore pressure indicators is essential for assessing mud
weight requirements and kick avoidance. Indicators that must be monitored at all times
• Hole Behaviour
• Mud losses
• Rate of Penetration (ROP)
• Torque
• Gas Shows (background, trip and connection gas)
• Gas Ratios
• Cuttings Size and Shape
• Downhole and Surface Temperature Changes
• Shale Velocity or Resistivity
• ‘D’ Exponent


Increasing connection gas is a prime parameter.

While drilling in the critical and/or abnormally pressured sections only one connection
gas, or potential influx, is permitted in the hole at any one time. This is to ensure
that a proper and full assessment of connection gas can be made before the next
connection and to limit the masking of flow indicators. An increasing trend in
connection gas is a prime indicator of increasing pore pressure and for increasing the
mud density.

Whilst using the MPD system, as long as the Coriolis meter is within its calibration
range (less than 10% gas cut mud) drilling can continue as long as there are no
influxes in the annulus. If necessary, flow may be diverted through the MGS (see MPD
procedure 008 Switching Flow from Shaker to MGS). The drilling strategy is that
deeper sections will be drilled with as low an overbalance margin as possible, keeping
the mud statically overbalanced to the formation pressure, thus improving ROP and
assist in fingerprinting the well’s flow behaviour and propensity to flow (formation

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However if drilling conventionally, there is the potential for an influx event each time
that the pumps are stopped, due to the ECD being removed. Hence each such
“pumps-off event” should be recorded and potential gas break-out made known to all
concerned. Only one “pumps-off event” should be allowed in the system before
it is circulated out from bottom. This is largely avoided with MPD as the BHP is kept
constant using the MPD choke and MPD Back Pressure Pump.

Increasing background gas is also an indicator of increasing pore pressure. This can
be difficult to distinguish from drilled gas, which is not an indicator of increasing pore
pressure. Increased background gas will normally have an associated increase in
connection gas.

Trip gas has a direct association with connection gas. Provided connection gases are
properly identified and controlled, trip gas levels can be kept to manageable levels with
proper tripping practice. In order to get valid comparisons of gas readings, the reading
on the return mud at the shakers should be utilised. After a trip, gas returns will be
routed as per the “Red Zone” MPD circulating procedure.


Note: when a connection is made during normal drilling activity in the “Red Zone” then
MPD procedure 005 Connection Procedure should be followed. If breaking circulation
for the first time since tripping then the flowing applies:

Very high surge pressures can be induced when breaking circulation in HPHT wells
that could induce losses. With some care these can be avoided by following these

1) Always try and establish rotation prior to attempting circulation whenever

2) Bring pipe rotation up to 10-20 rpm
3) Break circulation slowly using only one pump at a low circulating rate (10
spm) until circulation is observed.
4) Bring the one pump up to normal speed in small increment before bringing
the remaining pump(s) up to operating strokes one at a time until full flow
has been resumed.
5) Use the PWD data, if available, to see if the surge pressure created is
acceptable. If not, adjust the procedure and check for an improvement.
Ensure the MWD engineer records the initial circulating pressure when the
signal is transmitted.
Note: the PWD data is an average representation of the combined effects
of the annular column of mud above the tool. It may not therefore be
indicative of what the effective pressure is, at a shallower and weaker
formation, from a column of mud that may have heavy and light patches as
a result of barite sag.
6) Increase the rotary rpm to the required speed.
7) Allow PVT to stabilise before proceeding with operations.

In order to get accurate and consistent fingerprints, it is imperative that the procedure
used for breaking circulation is adhered to consistently and diligently.

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Successfully breaking circulation, without inducing losses or fracturing the

formation, may well be time consuming (> 1 hour). However, curing losses or
controlling a loss-gain situation will take much longer.


As a minimum, slow circulating rates should be taken at two pump rates with at least
two mud pumps as follows:

• At the start of each tour

• Prior to a round trip
• After a significant change in mud weight
• After drilling more than 150m of new formation
Note: Obtaining a very low SCR, less than 20spm, can be useful for handling large
gas volumes at surface.

SCR’s for the HP kill pump (cement unit) should also be recorded in the initial Pre-
emptive Information Gathering exercises. Subsequent SCRs for the HP kill pump can
be determined by calculation, adjusting mud pump SCRs for difference in surface line
pressure drops.


A slug should only be pumped once it has been determined that the pipe can be pulled
dry without risk of swabbing. This should be determined from swab/surge calculations,
PWD tool data, if available, and fingerprinting from previous trips. The pumping of the
slug should be fingerprinted to allow close monitoring of the well while the slug is
pumped and falls.

The following example procedure should be used as a guideline for the development of
a rig specific procedure for pumping a slug in the HPHT section:

1) Inform the Mud Loggers/ MPD Personnel prior to pumping slug

2) Prior to pumping slug carry out a flow check as per established procedures
(reference Section 8.11)
3) Once the well has been confirmed as static, continue to rotate the pipe
slowly. Line up mud pump on slug pit suction. Zero stroke counters. Bring
pump up to 10 strokes per minute. Once returns are observed slowly
increase mud pump strokes until desired amount is achieved.
4) Slowly reduce the pump rate as you approach the pre-determined volume
to be pumped. Shut down mud pump. Line up on active mud pit. Zero
stroke counters.
5) Bring the same mud pump up to 10 strokes per minute, once returns are
observed at the shakers, slowly increase mud pump until desired pump rate
is achieved and pre-determined number of strokes have been pumped.
Shut down the mud pump slowly.

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6) Line up returns to trip tank. Open diverter fill-up valve and switch on trip
tank pump. Inform Mud Loggers/MPD that you are lined up to trip tank and
are monitoring the well. The whole procedure and sequence here is
imperative if comparable data is to be recorded and analysed with
confidence. Hence a procedure must be developed, specifically for the rig,
during the fingerprinting exercises detailed herein.
7) Break off TDS to enable the slug to drop.
8) Record time and trip tank volume. Record increase, rate of increase over
time and compare with previous flow check records. The trip tank gain
(bbls) due to the slug dropping can be calculated as follows:
Gain in trip tank (bbls) = (slug wt – original mud wt) x slug volume]
(bbls) original mud wt
9) Compare with Mud Loggers/MPD and theoretical trip tank gain to ensure
there are no anomalies.


In the Red Zone MPD will be applied (see the paragraph at the end of the chapter).
The following applies for circulating BU in the Green Zone, when outside the operating
limits of the MPD equipment, or in the Red Zone, but without MPD (tripping inside
Circulating bottoms up before drilling ahead is a key requirement for proper well
control, moreover it allows proper evaluation of the trip gas, conditioning of the mud
and stabilisation of the PVT. Drilling ahead will only proceed once the PVT has
stabilised following any Bottoms Up circulation. Once pore pressures have been
established in the main reservoir and after at least one trip with moderate trip gas, this
requirement may be forgone at the discretion of the Rig Superintendent.
For typical HPHT operations, bottoms-up circulations are diverted through the mud-gas
separator to divert flow away from rig floor, whilst allowing rotation to continue while
At first indication of possible influx, from flow show, pit gain or otherwise, then well is
closed in on upper pipe rams, as per procedure, and bottoms-up circulation is diverted
through the choke manifold and mud-gas separator.
The decision to circulate the last 1000m of BU through the Mud Gas Separator at any
time will be at the discretion of the DSV after making a determination on the gas levels
in the well and consideration as described below. As a minimum, it was agreed during
the Zerzura-1 HPHT Procedure Development Workshop that this procedure will be
applied for the following bottoms-up instances:
1. After reduction of mud weight for any reason

2. After a drilling break or any (negative) indication – this should apply only at
expected possible reservoir tops.

3. After RIH (wiper trip, short-trip or full round trip)

It should be noted that the decision to circulate BU’s in this manner (via MPD and
taking flowline returns over the Mud Gas Separator for last 1000m) was agreed by all
parties during the Zerzura-1 HPHT Procedure Development Workshop in light of the
risks considered in Section 8.8 below.

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During this circulation, if the flowshow indicates increased flowrate, the flow can be
easily diverted to the Choke Manifold and routed back to the Mud Gas Separator if
warranted (if back-pressure were required or if the well begins to kick as there actually
was gas breaking out from the mud as it nears surface).

Note: whilst tripping-in with the MPD package, the RCD bearing will be installed when
the bit is at the shoe. For well circulations after that, the RCD will divert any flow from
the well via the MPD choke. It may be required to circulate down the remaining
distance back to bottom, keeping the downhole tools cool. The MPD system will be
used to detect any influx and circulation will be done through the MGS until on the bit is
on bottom whereby a full BU circulation will be completed before drilling ahead. At any
time that the RCD bearing is in place - see Fig. 4 MPD Operational Matrix.


In the Red Zone MPD will be applied (see the paragraph at the end of the chapter).
The following applies for circulating BU in the Green Zone, when outside the operating
limits of the MPD equipment, or in the Red Zone, but without MPD (tripping inside

The decision to circulate BU through the choke should not be taken lightly for in itself, it
can induce additional risks that may be of greater significance and consequences than
that of detecting and controlling rapid gas expansion close to surface.

Circulating through the chokes does have the following disadvantages:

• Increased back-pressure/ECD on the system, and hence wellbore, that could

lead to formation breakdown, associated losses, increased subsequent flow-
back etc.
• Increased periods where it may not be possible to move the string thus
significantly increasing the potential for a stuck pipe incident and associated
possible consequences.
• Flow rates may have to be reduced to a point where one has to switch to the
cement unit. The latter introduces risks associated with stop/start of
• Additional erosion risk on chokes and Choke Manifold that may impact their
function when crucially needed.

When conditions dictate, safety and circulation through the chokes should take
precedence. The rig shall have an agreed strategy and procedure for such an
operations (see Fig 3 MPD Operational Matrix). Such procedures should include and
address the following:

• Predetermined plan on how the pump(s) are to be slowed down, and to what
rate, (kill rate?), is the cement unit to be used? etc. The data from the
fingerprint exercises will be advantageous here.
• The choke could be set at its maximum opening, in order to reduce the back-
pressure. Take returns through the choke line only.
• When and how to close the Upper Pipe Rams.
• Procedure for stopping the pumps, reverting to a default status for the well
control equipment, and for proceeding with a Flow Check as described in
Section 8.11 Flow Checks.

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HPHT wells invoke a number of occasions where controlled drilling must be
implemented. Only one connection gas is permitted in the well at any one time, which
imposes controlled drilling of one stand in the time to circulate a full bottoms up. Other
occasions will be identified in the Zerzura-1 Drilling Programme where incremental
controlled drilling will be imposed while “feeling” out the extent of a pore pressure ramp
or regression. On these occasions drilling will be restricted to suitable increments
(about 3-5m) followed by a sufficient period of time to allow full evaluation of drilling
data and an informed decision to be made on how to proceed.

Controlled drilling for HPHT considerations should not restrict instantaneous

penetration rates. Drilling should proceed using the established drilling parameters so
as not to mask important ROP data used in the assessment of pore pressure changes,
formation changes, etc. Periods of circulation should be used to affect the correct level
of control required at the time.


A drilling break is defined as a doubling or halving of the range of ROPs recently
observed by the Drilling team as being typical of the formation being drilled. It is not
uncommon in HPHT drilling for a reverse drilling break to occur when entering high-
pressure formations.

The Driller is responsible for identifying a drilling break and taking the appropriate
actions. The Driller will be assisted by the Mudloggers who will monitor ROP changes
and identify drilling breaks.

In the event of a drilling break the procedure should incorporate:

1) Drill no more than 3m of a drilling break

2) Confirm flow (or not) via MPD Operator.
3) Inform supervisors
4) If any flow detected: proceed with MPD Operational Matrix and procedures.

For management of drilling breaks during MPD Operations, refer further to Section 6.9.

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A rig specific procedure should be developed for performing flow checks to ensure
consistent, accurate results. All flow checks should be performed in the same way
using the same procedure.

! Accurate Flow Checking is one of the most important aspects

of the Fingerprinting Process

The following example procedure should be used as a guideline for the development of
a rig specific procedure for flow checking (for Dynamic Flowchecking with MPD, refer
to Section 6, or MPD Procedure 009 Dynamic Flow Check):

1) Inform the Mud Loggers prior to carrying out a flow check.

2) Stop drilling and reduce rotary speed to 10-20 rpm, this is to be maintained
throughout the Flow Check.
3) Pick up slowly until the tool joint of the last Stand is accessible above the
drill floor, with the pumps running at the same rate as used for drilling
4) Shut the pumps down in a consistent and agreed manner, while continuing
to rotate at 10-20 rpm. This operation is critical in terms of synchronisation
with the mudloggers, see paragraph below.
5) Line up returns to trip tank(s) and switch on trip tank pump.
6) Driller to record time and trip tank volume. Record increase (if any) and
rate of increase over time. Mudloggers will simultaneously monitor and
compare the ensuing fingerprint and compare with previous flow
7) If flow is observed, or there is no decline in the initial rate of flow, stop
rotating and shut well in immediately and follow the appropriate well control
procedure, as described in Section 10.4.
8) If no flow, continue to observe well until the level has been static for a
minimum of 30 minutes. Compare record with mudloggers to ensure there
are no anomalies.
9) Once the well has been confirmed static, both by the Driller but more
significantly by the mudloggers, switch off trip tank pump, and line up on
the flowline.
10) Continue to rotate the pipe slowly and bring up one pump to 10 strokes per
minute. Once returns are confirmed at the shakers bring the mud pump up
slowly to operating strokes. Bring the remaining pumps up to operating
strokes one at a time until full flow rate has been resumed. Again, the
approach for such operations should be consistent and agreed.
11) Increase the rotary rpm to the required speed.
12) Allow PVT to stabilise before proceeding, confirm levels with mudloggers
and discuss forward plan.
If high gas has been present in the well circulate the last 1000m through the MGS (use
RCD). This will be decided after reviewing all the relevant mud logging and other
drilling data.

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If a flow check remains ambiguous or if there is any doubt, consider circulating bottoms
up before drilling ahead to check for any influx. If Flow-Back is suspected follow the
procedure detailed in Section 8.12.

There will usually be some fluid back flow during the early stages of a flow check or
pipe connection. This phenomenon is driven by Drain-Back and possibly Flow-Back
(refer to Section 1.5, Definitions). The effects should be evaluated prior to drilling the
critical sections by performing a number of Pre-emptive Information Gathering tests, as
described in Section 15. From these tests a reference or Fingerprint curve is
established, whereby the flow back volume is recorded as a function of time, Figure 9 –
Typical Fingerprinting Plots.

This Fingerprint will be used as a guide throughout the critical sections to determine
the onset of fracture charging or influx into the wellbore.

In addition to the above, the mudloggers shall have, and will compile a spreadsheet
that records numerous other parameters and aspects during connections (up to 20)
that will be used to determine “what is normal”.

Fingerprint: Below is a typical example of a fluid flow-back, or fingerprint taken on a

connection. The graph in question is an automated system where a number of
previous pump–cessations, or fingerprints, are superimposed on the same screen,
hence the real-time fingerprint is instantly compared with the previous connections.

Figure 8 - Typical Fingerprint Plots

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In determining if the rate of flow, or fingerprint, is acceptable, the following criteria will
need to be assessed:

• Duration of a flow check - the well should be monitored for a minimum of 15

minutes (30 minutes in the Red Zone) with the drill string rotating at typically
10-20 rpm during the flow check.
• Decreasing flow - a decreasing trend of flow can be identified from a plot of
'Flow versus Time' over the duration of the flow check.
• Flow vs Time - plots should be generated for all flow checks and compared to
previous plots from previous flow checks to compare the trends. Flow checks
are acceptable when volume returned versus time are similar to previous
fingerprints, i.e. when plots overlap each other.

A good method for distinguishing between fracture charging, thermal effects and actual
flow from the formation during flow checks is to construct a Horner-type plot in addition
to a linear 'Flow vs. Time' plot (see Figure 9). When the trend on the Horner plot does
not return to zero in a straight line, it may be the first warning of a kick an action should
be taken.

Figure 9 - Horner Plot

It is the intention that the mudloggers will indeed have the automated fingerprinting
software, and hopefully additional software that will allow a Horner plot to be generate
in real-time from the data being acquired by the mud logging systems. Failing the
latter, the mudlogger will plot the data manually as it transpires.

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Notwithstanding the above, a consistent procedure and approach to flow-checking

is imperative to ensure that data from the fingerprint can be used with any accuracy
and confidence. Hence the reference to a rig-specific procedure. To this end the rig
shall develop specific procedures, which may be finalised through experience gained
during the basic data gathering phase, such as when and how the mud pumps are
stopped, when the TDS is disconnected, and as to when the trip tank(s)is lined up to
divert the flow etc.


Certain formations, including shales and hydrocarbon bearing source rock, exhibit a
mode of behaviour when exposed to mud weights at or close to the fracture gradient
variously described as loss/gain; ballooning/breathing; supercharging. Essentially,
partial mud losses occur to the formation during circulation, due to ECD exceeding
Fracture Gradient. When the pumps are turned off, the ‘lost’ fluid is squeezed back into
the wellbore as the ECD is removed and the induced fracture(s) closes, resembling an
influx. For the purposes of this document we will refer to the overall phenomena as
‘Supercharging, Ballooning and Breathing’ and to the resultant symptoms observed
at surface as ‘Flow-Back’.


is the term given to the rise in pit level seen when circulation stops and mud in the
tanks, ditches, lines and shaker trays downstream of the flowline, drains back to the
active pits).

‘Flow-Back’ itself can also be confused with the normal decay of flow seen at the
flowline when the pumps are stopped. This residual flow is a combination of the time
taken for the moving column of mud in the hole to decelerate to a stop, the bleed off of
the drill string internal pressure through the bit nozzles and the effect of thermal
expansion of mud.

For this reason a measurement of these effects (Drain-Back and Flow Decay) at
different circulating rates will be done prior to drilling out the intermediate casing shoe
and the well ‘fingerprinted’ for later comparison. Consideration should also be given to
measuring thermal expansion.

Flow-Back is not encountered in every high pressure well and the severity of the
problem will depend on the formations encountered, wellbore geometry and the typical
operating procedures used. The classic supercharging situation is encountered in the
smaller hole sections triggered by the ECD. The ECD in narrow annular clearance and
high mud weights may be greater than 870 psi while drilling with mud weight in excess
of 0.88 psi/ft. Essentially, a Flow-Back could be observed on shutdown of the pumps,
which would look identical to a wellflow occurrence. If this flow was shut-in, the shut-in
pressure would be equal to or less than the ECD.

It has been frequently observed that the bottoms up from a Flow-Back event often
contains sufficient gas to show a peak above normal connection, drilled and
background gas levels. This contributes to misinterpretation of the situation by
implying that gas has entered the wellbore due to insufficient hydrostatic overbalance.
Whereas the gas is more likely to have been ‘flushed’ from the formation by the mud
returning into the wellbore from (closing) formation fractures.

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The difficulty is in telling the difference between a Flow-Back and a genuine kick. This
is particularly difficult because, given the high ECD, it is quite likely that the genuine
kick will only become apparent once the pumps are turned off and the ECD pressure
taken off the wellbore. Getting the interpretation wrong could mean that unnecessary
rig time is wasted in trying to kill a non-existent kick (making matters worse because
the increased mud weight leads to higher losses while pumping and more Flow-Back
with the pumps off). Worse still if Flow-Back is assumed and it is in fact a true kick
then a very dangerous situation occurs.


Procedures and tests have been developed to enable the rig team to differentiate
between a kick and Flow-Back with some confidence.

The following show the procedures that can be used when Flow-Back is occurring or

• Figure 10 - Flow-Back Chart-1

• Figure 11 - Flow-Back Chart-2 (Real Kick vs. Flow-Back)
• Figure 12 - Flow-Back Chart-3 [Bleed-Off Test]

Flow-Back should be fairly consistent from connection to connection, as well as from

any other “pump-off” events. There should not be a sudden increase in Flow-Back
between one connection or dummy connection and the next. It is therefore possible to
monitor what the Flow-Back is after each connection and produce a trend. The mud
loggers should be rigged up to perform this service as a support to the Driller’s
observations. Great caution must be exercised when establishing the trend (i.e. when
Flow-Back first starts it is wise to treat it as a kick until it can be shown to be
otherwise), but once established a continuation of the trend may be regarded as a
Flow-Back and drilling can continue.

As one can never be certain that an event was Flow-Back and not a kick, it is essential
that any positive flow indicators are shut-in before being flow checked. The reason
being that it is impossible to tell the difference between a kick that is occurring at the bit
and an influx that was taken a while ago and is now expanding a short distance below
the rotary table. The first event may produce some danger to personnel at some time
in the future. The second event may produce a very dangerous situation immediately.
Note that the expansion below the rotary could be from a kick that was mistaken as a
Flow-Back or the result of a kick from a tight formation which was simply not picked up
because of the low resultant flow.

The position of all Flow-Back events and fluid influxes must be known at all times. As a
result of this knowledge, special attention can be given as the Flow-Back nears surface
to ensure that it is not expanding and to route returns through the choke as per the
flowchart procedures.

The following flowchart procedures have been put together as a general procedure.
Experience will be gained as Flow-Backs are taken and these procedures can be
modified to include this experience.

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The following is generally true:

1) All influxes and potential influxes should be treated as kicks unless it can be
shown otherwise.
2) The first time that a Flow-Back occurs it should be treated as a kick and
circulated out using the Driller’s Method.
3) The Driller’s Method is preferred over the Wait and Weight Method because it
allows for the influx/Flow-Back to be brought to surface (to be looked at, while
going through the choke) without increasing the mud weight and thereby
exacerbating the problem.
4) If a Flow-Back has occurred (and is confirmed) it should be circulated to 1000m
bdf and then put over a choke, because it may contain associated gas.
The 1000m bdf stipulation is a conservative approach and may well be
amended based on either: a) bubble point determination for the mud in use,
and/or b) previous experience when circulating out an influx with the same mud.

Note: As described in Chapter 6, MPD will not eliminate ballooning but may reduce
ballooning tendency by keeping BHP constant thereby drastically reducing the
magnitude of ECD fluctuations throughout the drilling operation. Any flowback seen
is likely to be thermal expansion and will be recognised from the fingerprinting. Any
backflow exceeding the fingerprint flow should be treated as a kick.

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Figure 10 - Flow-Back Chart-1

Flow-Back Chart-1

Pumping has Stopped but Well

continues to Flow,
Flow does not
Decay as previously

Close-In Well
(Hard Shut-In)
Record Pressures

Use Flow-Back Chart-2

& determine if Flow is likely
to be one of the following:

Probable Influx Possible Influx

Kill Well using Probable Possible Kill Well using
*Drillers Method Flow-Back Flow-Back Drillers Method
(Yellow Chart) (Yellow Chart)

* W&W method
could be used

Review with SENV Head Office (unless flow-back

Review with BSP HO
regime previously
(unless agreed)
flow-back Proceed
regime with Bleed-Off
previously agreed) Test
Proceed Chart-3Test
with Bleed-Off
Flow-Back Chart-3

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Figure 11 - Flow-Back Chart-2 (Real Kick vs. Flow-Back)

Flow-Back Chart-2 [Real Kick vs Flow-Back]

Flow Check Unacceptable

Well Shut-In
SIDPP* , SICP , & Pit Gain If a non-ported float is indeed used in the string, then it will not
(*if no Float Valve in string) be possible to accurately identify a “probable flow-back” unless
the NRV is first pumped open.

Reconfirm ECD Flow-Back
while Drilling and if for the
1 time, treat as a
possible influx


Losses Flow Decay

SIDP > ECD No drilling last Yes SICP > SIDPP No Prior to
stand? Shut-In?

Yes No
Yes No

Circulate over chokes with original mud
drilling last Yes SICP > SIDPP No
& maintain constant BHP (Driller’s Method).
Check for influx at BU



Circulate with original mud & maintain
SICP > SIDPP No constant BHP (Driller’s Method).
Check for influx at BU.
Kill on 2nd circulation if necessary


Yes Kill with Driller’s Method & Kill on 2nd circulation
(although W&W could also be used)

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Figure 12 - Flow-Back Chart-3 [Bleed-Off Test]

Flow-Back Chart-3 [Bleed-Off Test]

Well Shut-In
Possible / Probable
Flow-Back Suspected
(From Chart-2)

Bleed-off via choke

Max of 1.5m3 or 50% of
Kick Tolerance
Which ever is smaller



Circulate BU
to confirm And No
prior to Stops?
Drilling Ahead


& Record


< Previous


Total Gain
< Net Loss since Use Constant BHP
wellbore last allowed to No (Driller’s Method)
relax & still have static to Circulate BU


Yes Influx

Is the Total Volume
bled back since start
of incident < 5m3 or 50%
Repeat Bleed-Off Test
of Kick Tolerance?

Kill Kick

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When using a top drive; a connection is normally made only every 30m or so, related to
the length of each stand. When gas levels are significant, particularly connection gas,
it would be prudent to perform “Dummy” connections more frequently (every 10m say)
especially when ROP is slow. This will allow for a more sensitive assessment of how
close to balance the mud weight is with respect to encountered pore pressures.
“Dummy” connection gas must be circulated out of the well before the next connection
is made.

“Dummy” connections will be instituted at the discretion of the DSV.

A detailed rig specific procedure should be developed and agreed with all crews to
ensure that both Connections and “Dummy” connections are carried out in a consistent
manner. A “Dummy” connection should mimic a real connection as closely as possible
particularly in respect to the length of time the pumps are off and any pipe movement.
Although the exact procedure has no great significance, a consistent procedure will
allow accurate comparison between “Dummy” and real connections.

Real and ”Dummy” connections should both be included in the fingerprinting process,
and similar to flow-checking (See Section 16, Pre-emptive Information Gathering).


The following procedure is an example of how connections should be performed
(without MPD), which essentially incorporates the steps performed when conducting
flow checks (Section 0) and breaking circulation (Section 8.4).

Note: detailed MPD connection procedures can be found in the MPD Operations
Procedure 005 Connection Procedure.

1) Inform and prepare the Mudloggers for the planned connection.

2) Stop drilling and reduce rotary speed to 10-20 rpm
3) Pick up slowly with the pumps running at the same rate as used for drilling
4) Shut the pumps down, in accordance with the specific procedure determined
during the data gathering phase, while continuing to rotate at 10-20 rpm.
5) Line up returns to trip tank(s) and switch on trip tank pump.
6) Driller to record time and trip tank volume*. Record increase (if any) and rate
of increase over time. Mudloggers will simultaneously monitor and compare
the ensuing fingerprint and compare with previous flow checks/ fingerprints.
7) If flow is observed, or there is no decline in the initial rate of flow, stop
rotating and shut well in immediately and follow the appropriate well control
8) If no flow, confirmed by both Driller and certainly the mudloggers**, stop pipe
rotation and set slips, while continuing to observe the well on the trip tank(s);
which should be monitored throughout the connection.
9) Close TDS IBOP.
10) Break TDS connection (be prepared to stab FOSV if required).
11) Pick up and stab the next stand of drill pipe. Make up with Iron Roughneck
and latch elevators.

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12) Make-up TDS. Open TDS IBOP.

13) Monitor trip tank and compare graph with previous connections. If in doubt,
shut in well and monitor pressures.
14) Note trip tank volume and compare graph with previous connections. If no
anomalies observed, switch off trip tank pump and line up on flowline.
Note: The mudloggers will have a graphical display of several previous
fingerprints of this process, and hence should be able to detect anomalies
much quicker. Furthermore, such displays should be available for the Driller.
15) Lift drill string, pull slips. Break circulation as stipulated in Section 8.4
Breaking Circulation, the approach to this procedure must be consistent.
16) Slowly lower the drill string. Avoid surging the formation.
17) Increase the rotary rpm to the required speed.
18) Allow PVT to stabilise before proceeding, confirm same with mudloggers and
discuss forward plan.
19) Always be aware of BU times, and more so, the potential bubble-time (when
first gas is likely to break out of solution when being circulated to surface).

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Being out of hole is always undesirable in terms of well control, particularly for HPHT
wells. Hence every effort should be made to minimise the time that the drill string is
either tripping or out of the hole.

Tripping in a HPHT well is one, if not the most critical operations in such wells,
especially in open hole. High mud weights, uncertainty on pore vs. fracture pressures,
and narrow trip margins, only increases the likelihood to swab the well. Equally there is
a high potential to surging the hole and create losses, even when pulling out. When
MPD equipment (RCD +/- MPD Choke) is in place, there is a reduced risk of the
swab/surge effect being experienced as the MPD Choke pressure can compensate for
this, but there is still a residual risk that must be managed.

Tripping operations should therefore be performed only when necessary and the well
should be planned such as to minimise the requirements for tripping, e.g. BHA and bit
selection should be designed for longevity rather than outright ROP performance.

Rather than ascertaining that trip margin is insufficient, by performing a short wiper trip
and/or pulling pipe without pumping etc, the emphasis should, and will be, to prevent
the possibility of introducing a swabbed influx into the wellbore in the first instance.

In the “Red Zone”, where MPD equipment is being used, pumping out of the hole may
be eliminated and replaced with stripping procedures, whilst compensating for the
reduction of circulating ECD and swab pressures by holding BHP constant with back-
pressure at the MPD choke. This is discussed in Section 8.3.

Wherever possible, the commencement of a trip should be avoided within 30 minutes

of crew change.


The drill string should not be tripped in, or out, of the hole unless it is safe to do so.

Prior to any trip it is important that all relevant parties, including the DSV, WSDE,
Toolpusher, Driller, Derrickman/ Shaker Hand, Mud Loggers, Mud Engineers,
MWD/LWD engineers and other service personnel, are informed about the planned
tripping operations and procedures to follow.

A pre-job meeting with all relevant parties is the appropriate forum to discuss the
necessary information about the trip (e.g. reason for the trip, prevailing pore pressure
regime, expected tripping overbalance, etc.) and to ensure that all parties are fully
aware of the correct tripping and well control procedures whilst tripping.

Expected swab and surge pressures prior to tripping MUST be calculated by two
independent parties, i.e. the mud loggers and/or mud company and the Well Engineer.
Determine the maximum pipe speed, taking into account closed-end swab/surge

The Driller must ensure that the rig floor is fully prepared to shut-in the well at any time,
that the FOSV, non-return Gray valve, and crossovers (if required) are operational,
accessible and ready for use.

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The Driller and Mud Logger shall maintain independent trip sheets to verify that the well
is taking the correct amount of fluid and that gains/losses are not occurring. A trip
sheet from the previous trip should be available and intervals where overpulls and
resistance were encountered should be recorded on the trip sheets for reference.

Always install a FOSV on the string if the trip is interrupted for any reason, such as a
mechanical failure, flow check, etc: the valve should be left open to monitor the well,
but ready for immediate closing-in of the well if required.

Ensure all the surface equipment, including the mud bucket and its seals/ return line
are correctly lined up and in good working order.

The Toolpusher, OIM, or DSV shall be on the floor at all times when tripping in open

Record the displacement volumes on the trip sheet at a point in time that is consistently
the same for each stand to allow a meaningful trend to be monitored. The trip tank or
active system shall be closely monitored during the trip to verify that the well is taking
the correct amount of fluid and that gains or losses are not occurring.

Note: Whether the rig uses the trip tank, or active system, while pumping out shall be
dependant on rig specifics, practicality, and results of the fingerprinting


Below is the procedure for pumping out of hole (MPD equipment not in use or not

1) Refer to Figure 13a – Pumping-Out Flow Chart.

2) Consider a dummy connection after reaching tripping depth, when reaming
the stand, especially if the drilling prior to reaching tripping depth was slow.
As a minimum, introduce a “pumps –off event” so as to determine the loss of
the ECD once BU is circulated to surface.
3) Circulate clean and a minimum of BU. Condition the mud if deemed
necessary. If holding inclination is an issue, avoid circulating close to bottom
but work the string over the drilling stand.
4) Raise the string until a tool joint is accessible above the drill floor.
5) Flow Check as per the procedure as described in Section 8.11.
6) Re-establish circulation as described in Section 8.4.
7) Bring the pumps up to a pre-determined speed, calculated to prevent
swabbing for the given mud properties and planned pulling speed. Closely
monitor the pump pressure.
8) Confirm full returns and PVT is stabilised. Reconfirm with mudloggers.
9) Commence pumping-out the stand. A close watch must be kept at all times
on the weight indicator and drill pipe pressure to ensure the hole is not
packing off.
10) If excessive over pull is encountered during this operation, back reaming
may become necessary.

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11) When a full stand has been pulled, ensure there are no tight spots before
setting the slips. If possible set the slips with the tool joint high enough to
allow the TDS to be made up to the joint in the rotary table, when the stand
has been set back, without having to pull the slips and raise the pipe without
pumping (swabbing avoidance).
12) Set slips and stop pumps. Close TDS IBOP as soon as the pump pressure
is bled back to zero. Break stand at rotary and back out with the mud bucket
installed to catch returns to the trip/active tank. Using pipe handler, break a
connection at the TDS, back out, and set stand back.
Note: If it was not possible to set the pipe high enough, as stated above:
Latch elevators onto the pipe in the rotary, and very slowly, pick up
enough to make TDS connection, watch for abnormal drag. The
height picked up for TDS connection should not exceed the section
that was worked through prior to setting previous stand back.
13) Make TDS connection, open TDS IBOP, and establish circulation as
described in Section 7.4.
14) Check PVT levels once circulation is established taking into consideration;
mud in trip tank and normal PVT trends.
Note: It is fundamental for accurate fingerprint analysis, that Rig Specific
procedures shall be generated based on the experience gained when
performing the exercises as described in Section 16.2.11, and
Section 16.2.12.
15) Continue pumping out until at least five (5) stands are into the casing shoe,
liner top or pre-determined depth inside the shoe where swabbing is no
longer calculated/deemed to be an issue.
16) Perform a Flow Check as described in Section 8.11.
17) Based on above Flow Check and hole condition, it will be decided whether to
• Pump heavy slug, if indeed possible, as described in Section 8.6.
Proceed to POOH on the elevators, or
• Prior to the above, continue to pump OOH further until such depth that
conditions permit to proceed pulling on elevator as described in Section
9.3, or
• Run back to bottom and proceed as described in Section 9.5.

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Figure 13a - Pumping-Out Flow Chart (no MPD)

Pumping Out Flow Chart

Stop Drilling

Circulate Clean
& at least B/U

Circulate to
to aahigher
Not Acceptable Close-In Well
mudmud weight,
weight, as agreed Flow
by SENV Head Office
See Well-Flow
as agreed Check
while Drilling


No Gas Levels


circulation &
Pump Out to 3-4
Stands Inside

Not Acceptable Close-In Well

See Well-Flow
while Tripping


RIH to Bottom No Hole

& follow Short-Trip Conditions
Procedure Acceptable


If no swabbing, pump heavy

slug & POOH to ½ way.
Otherwise continue
pumping inside casing

If the mud weight is already Not Acceptable Close-In Well

high, a higher density slug Flow
See Well-Flow
may not be possible Check
while Tripping


POOH repeating
Flow Check
at BHA

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In the “Red Zone”, when preparing to balance the well for tripping out, the MPD Choke
will be used to decrease the impact of the change on bottom hole pressures due to
swab effects and loss of ECD. This becomes more complex when drilling a section of
the well that has an ultra-narrow margin between the PP and FG, or there is a current
gain/loss situation in the well and the drillstring needs to be removed. In this latter case,
the MPD equipment will assist in displacing a dual-gradient mud system in the well
(Mud Cap) to stabilise the well enough for the complete removal of the string without
losing overbalance at openhole section of the well. Refer to Figure 13b Red Zone
Tripping Out Procedure (MPD in use), on the following page.


Once the bit is five (5) stands inside the last shoe, and successful Flow Check
performed, it would be prudent to review the PWD data, if available, in an attempt to
determine whether the trip margin was sufficient based on the swab pressures.

If there is any doubt whether a flow check is positive or negative, or that there is
insufficient trip margin, run back to bottom, circulate bottoms up and make an
assessment of gas levels. If there has been high gas readings from the well
consideration should be given to circulating the last 1000m of BU through the Mud Gas
Separator/ chokes, and as described in Section 8.8.

Once satisfied that the well is stable, and the trip to surface is to resume, if possible
proceed to pump a heavy slug as described in Section 8.6.

Proceed to pull out of hole on elevators. Flowcheck half way out from the shoe, and
when the HWDP is below the rotary.

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CBU w MPD to Clear Annulus

Compensating for ECD
Ultra Narrow Margin or
CBU w MPD incl. Sw ab Gain/Loss Situation
Constant-gradient Mud pressure
Dual-gradient mud required

POOH 5 stds Short Trip Confirm

with MPD (compensate for Y N Calculate Dual Gradient
ECD + Sw ab pressure) OK ?

Displace w ell to balanced

RIH w ith MPD MW over entire well using MPD
On Bottom, CBU w MPD
on a pressure schedule

Circ. BU w ith MPD

Stage back in-hole, avoid
fraccing well POOH w ith MPD to
gradient-change depth
BU OK? Increase MW to Compensate
Y by cir c. w ith MPD on
step-down Schedule)
Circ in mud cap to balance
well on MPD pressure
N step-down schedule until
MPD pressure = 0
FC 30 min
Repeat short trip by holding OK? N
more back-pressure with MPD
while POOH/ RIH

Y FC 30 min

Trip out 3 stands inside shoe

with MPD holding Sw ab Y
Pressure only .

Pull 5 Stands Wet

RIH or strip to BTM FC 30 min

with MPD

FC 15 min

Pull Out 5 stands wet.
(No MPD) Pump Slug

FC 15 min POOH to BHA, FC

N OK? Y Remove RCD Bearing,

Figure 13b – Red Zone Tripping Out Procedure (MPD in use)

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As stated above, trips should be minimised and hence short trips ARE NOT
compulsory but may be instituted by the DSV in consultation with the Well Engineer
and SENV Rig Superintendent, and shall be based on the factors stated below:

If the drill string is expecting to be out of hole for some considerable time, e.g. POOH
for open-hole logging or BOP testing, then a wiper trip would be considered prudent.
The following should certainly be considered prior to this decision.

The main purpose of a short trip is to assess the mud’s trip margin to prevent swabbing
during the main trip. An assessment must be made to determine if a short trip is really
necessary. This assessment should be based on the following criteria:

• Are gas levels high on the last trip?

• Have the gas levels been high, in particular connection gas?
• Were the gas levels high from the last flow check / “dummy” connection?
The above provide good indicators of the presence of gas and how close the well is to
balance. The results from fingerprinting can also provide useful comparisons when
evaluating short trip requirements.

If the gas levels are not acceptable, (as defined in Section 12), or if there is any doubt
that swabbing can be prevented, then perform a short trip as follows:

SHORT TRIP [Check-Trip] Procedure:

1) Refer to Figure 14 – Short Trip [Check-Trip] Flow-Chart.

2) Follow the procedure as described in Section 9.2, up to the point 9)
“Commence pumping out the stand”.
3) Pump out 10 stands, at least to above the shallowest hydrocarbons, or to the
casing shoe, whichever is less, at a predetermined pump rate (calculated as
to prevent swabbing for the given mud properties and planned pulling
4) After pulling the last stand, run the same stand back in and pull it back at a
slower rate, but with the pumps off, to simulate tripping on elevators.
5) Repeat the above exercise with the last stand one more time.
6) Flow Check as per procedure in Section 8.11.
7) RIH to bottom taking due regard to surge and swab calculations.
8) Establish circulation as described in Section 8.4.
9) Circulate bottoms up and assess gas levels. Circulate the last 1000m of BU
via MPD.

If necessary adjust the mud weight to provide sufficient margin for safe tripping. It may
be necessary to repeat the short trip to confirm that the new trip margin is adequate.

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Figure 14 - Short Trip [Check-Trip] Flow-Chart

Short Trip [Check-Trip] Flow Chart

Stop Drilling

Circulate Clean
& at least B/U

Circulate to a to a
Not Acceptable Close-In Well
mud mudasweight,
weight, agreed Flow
by SENV Head Office
See Well-Flow
as agreed Check
while Drilling


No Gas Levels


Re-establish circulation &

Pump-Out 10 stands
or at least to above
shallowest HC

After pulling last stand,

RIH one stand and pull
back w/o pumps
Repeat once again

Not Acceptable Close-In Well

See Well-Flow
while Tripping


RIH to Bottom

Re-establish circulation
Re-establish circulation &
circulate at least BU.
circulate at least BU.
Possibly through open
or via MPDopen
chokes for last
for last 1000m

Based on BU,
adjust mud weight if
deemed necessary

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9.6.1 General
Refer to Figure 15 – Tripping-in Flow Chart.

As the BHA contains double float valves the string will not auto-fill whilst running in
hole. Therefore before commencing the trip, calculate the string fill-up frequency
based on the bottom hole overbalance and the DP capacity-to-Casing Annulus Volume
per Unit Depth ratio. The maximum allowable fluid level drop in the annulus before
overbalance is lost (allowing a +/-20% safety factor) is the determining factor for the
number of stands that can be run before the string has to be filled. If this is not done
correctly, and the floats subsequently fail, it is possible that the annulus will U-tube into
the string, with the effective hydrostatic head dropping by more than the mud
overbalance. This could result in an under-balanced situation, and a possible well
control incident. Whilst the actual hydrostatic overbalance may not be known for initial
trips, use the programmed overbalance on prognosed pressures for the section in
question. This figure should therefore be used in the absence of better information.
Further in this document, an arbitrary figure of 10 stands has been used as an

Continuously monitor the trip tank and apply Fingerprinting process where applicable
(e.g. filling up the string). Stop tripping while emptying the trip tank(s). .

Excessive surge pressures can be induced while breaking circulation, hence the
procedure, as described in Section 8.4, should always be followed regardless of pipe

Very high surge pressures can be induced while circulating with vertical pipe
movement (e.g. washing or reaming down). Pipe movement while circulating must be
strictly controlled to within calculated parameters.

If circulation is performed at any time when RIH, Barite Sag must be monitored
diligently using the PWD, if available and possible, and from weighing the mud returns,
if possible and practicable. Barite Sag can lead to significant problems (losses) if high-
density slugs are circulated up the annulus and there is little margin between mud
weight and fracture gradient.

9.6.2 Tripping-in through Casing

RIH to above TOL or casing shoe. Take due attention to running speeds based on
surge calculations and fingerprinting results.

Fill the pipe every 10 stands (or as determined above) when RIH [the use of the non-
ported float valve facilitates accurate monitoring of pipe fill-up].

Due to the reasons stated in Section 9.6, circulation should not be attempted when
running in unless considered essential. If performed, attempt to limit to when:
• the bit is just above TOL
• the bit is subsequently at the liner shoe, or casing shoe.

The decision not to circulate may be amended once experience and confidence is
gained from previous trips where Barite sag is not being observed. Flow Check just
inside the shoe as described in Section 8.11. At this point, the RCD bearing will be
replaced, but no backpressure held (flow to Trip Tank and continued monitoring).

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9.6.3 Tripping-in through Open Hole

Two methods are available for entering the open hole in abnormally pressured

Method 1. Pump through the open hole and then circulate bottoms up.
a) Cools down LWD equipment (if necessary),
b) Breaks mud gels,
c) Dissipates any trip gases into the mud system.
d) Helps to disperse any inadvertently swabbed influx.
e) Prevents excessive pressure surges, from breaking mud gels, in
long open-hole sections.

a) Increased surge pressures,
b) Multiple Circulation Breaks, and hence surges on formation,
c) Makes determination of when gas gets to surface difficult, and
hence, when to circulate through the choke,
d) Makes Trip Gas comparisons virtually impossible.

Method 2. Run In Hole to TD, wash down last two stands, and circulate bottoms up.
a) Keeps any trip gas together facilitating gas handling at surface
through choke.
b) Allows Trip Gas comparison.
a) No cooling of LWD tools (but may not be necessary),
b) Breaking circulation can be more difficult, if not impossible (mud
c) Higher probability of H2S release when circulating out large
quantities of gas in one batch, no chance to scavenge by mixing with
‘fresh’ mud.
d) Higher initial bottom hole pressure due to higher ECD, significant
chance of inducing losses, when applied in long open hole section.
e) Potentially increase the detrimental effects of Barite Sag for one
large slug may be displaced into the annulus.

Breaking circulation, and especially initially, should be done with extreme care as
described in Sections 8.4. BU should be circulated as described in Section 8.7.

Before drilling ahead is resumed, ensure that full bottoms up has been circulated, gas
levels are acceptable and PVT is stable. Based on the analysis of the PWD data, if
available, and effects (if any) Barite Sag, the procedures adopted for circulating into
open hole may be amended.

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Figure 15 – Tripping-in Flow Chart

Tripping-In Flow Chart

Well Stable

Fill pipe every 15 stands

Yes RIH to TOL
Fill pipe every 15 stands

No Break

The decision not to circulate RIH to Shoe

before or at the shoe, to
mitigate the detrimental
effects of Barite Sag may be
reviewed based on previous
trips and mud behavior

Not Acceptable Close-In Well

See Well Flow
while Tripping


Run in Open Hole

Follow specific procedure to within 2
Stands of BTM


Be prepared to have to
circulate over chokes based Wash Down
on gas readings Last 2 Stands

Circulate BU

Increase Mud

Check gas Discuss with

Not Acceptable Discuss with
levels at SENV Head
PVT should first be stable BSP HO
BU Office
Acceptable Tripping

Drill Ahead

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When running in hole after logging, keep extra focus on trip tank. Be aware that any
influx may increase in height around the drill string when penetrated, possibly reducing
the hydrostatic pressure. However, if the influx is gas, and encountered deep, then the
impact might be negligible as the gas is likely to be in solution.

Experience shows that BU gas values are normally higher when the hole has been left
without circulation for longer periods.
For example:
• After wireline logs are performed. Especially if formation pressures/samples
have been taken.
• Last trip out and after running the casing \ liner to bottom.

When bottoms up is a minimum 1000m of BU from surface, divert returns from the
MPD to the Mud Gas Separator. Ensure that gas readings are acceptable and that the
PVT is stable before drilling ahead recommences.

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Recognising the signs of an influx and reacting swiftly to minimise its volume requires
constant, accurate observation and recording of the mud volume, mud weight, return
flow, and pump pressure and other relevant parameters. Recording and closely
monitoring of these parameter trends is paramount throughout the HPHT section. Any
variations to the established trends should be investigated and resolved immediately
before any situation is allowed to escalate.

Note: See Section 6 Fig 3 MPD Operating Matrix indicating the limitations of the MPD
system and the criteria under which it will be required to hand operational control of the
well over to the rig in order for Well Control operations to safely continue.

In all cases where control over the well is lost or when the situation is deemed critical,
the emergency response procedures must be initiated. Mustering of personnel and
evacuation of non-essential personnel should be initiated as early as possible to allow
sufficient response time for emergency services.

After an influx has been detected and the well is closed-in, it is required to inform all
key personnel on the well status, withdraw all work permits, inform SENV office and
record and collect all relevant data. In consultation with SENV office, a decision shall
be made whether to kill the well conventionally or bullhead the well.

Should the upper pipe ram fail, then close the lower or middle pipe rams. The blind-
shear ram should only be used as a last resort and never be operated to cut before
drillstring is landed off on a pipe ram.

The maximum pressure that can be accommodated by the surface equipment is limited
by the pressure rating of the standpipe manifold, 7500 psi, or the setting of the
pressure relief valves on the rig pumps whichever is lowest. The kick will initially be
circulated out using the mud pump. If required well kill operations will be switched over
to the high pressure cementing pump and High Pressure surface lines should the pump
pressure exceed 80% of surface equipment rating, i.e. 6,000 psi.

Should the valve upstream of the choke fail, then close the next upstream valve. In all
cases the last valve to be closed is the one nearest to the BOP's, i.e., the inner choke
or kill line valves.

Based on experience from other HPHT operations, FOSVs tend to be difficult to

operate manually at pressures above 3500 psi. Hence this needs to be considered
when pressure builds up, or is likely to do so, behind a closed manual FOSV.

To prevent washing out of valves on the Choke Manifold, it is important that the choke
should always be closed first, followed by the valve immediately upstream of the choke.
Operating valves with a high differential pressure should be avoided to prevent
washouts and pressures should be equalised prior to operating valves whenever

A crucial feature during all drilling operations is the communication links between the
Driller, Mud Logger, MPD Operator, Mud Engineer, and Derrickman/ Shaker Hand,
especially on Handovers. It is essential that these parties record and maintain their
own independent records on specific handover/ logbooks, and verify this information
regularly with each other.

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The OIM has overall responsibility for the safety of the Rig and all personnel onsite/site.
Suspension of operations can be ordered by the OIM.

Well control operations including re-establishing primary control shall be managed in

accordance with the HPHT Drilling Practices in this document and orchestrated by the
OIM and advised and assisted by the SENV Senior DSV.

The roles and responsibilities are identical to normal operations. Well control
operations after shut in shall be executed only after discussion with the SENV office
drilling operations team and the agreement of both the SENV Rig Superintendent and
the Rowan Rig Manager.

Well control events that have escalated, to either serious underground blowouts or
breaches to surface, typically have a common theme – LACK OF EARLY

In an attempt to mitigate the aforementioned, SENV will also employ the services of
dedicated Managed Pressure Drilling Specialist (BLADE) that will be available for
immediate consultation, and will be stationed onsite (2x for 24hr coverage after MPD
has been rigged up, for the remainder of the well). Well specific data and pre-kill
scenarios shall be worked in advance in an attempt to minimise reaction times, the
decision-making process, and to derive at the optimum well control response solution.


The optimum line-up for the BOP stack and Choke Manifold is as follows:

• Hydraulically operated Failsafe BOP Stack valves [HCR valve] to be in

the CLOSED position.
• Those valves on the Choke Manifold not in line with the intended flow
routing to be CLOSED.
• Those valves on the Choke Manifold in line with the intended flow or
pressure sensors to be OPEN.
• Remote and Manual Chokes CLOSED.
• Valve immediately downstream of the chokes on the Choke Manifold to
be kept in the OPEN position.
• Valve immediately upstream of the chokes to be CLOSED.
• Mud Gas Separator Valve on Choke Manifold to be OPEN.
• Choke Manifold Flare Line Valve [remotely operated valve] from buffer
chamber on Choke Manifold to be CLOSED.


Unless circumstances dictate otherwise, the primary method for closing in the well shall
be the HARD SHUT-IN method. Minimising the influx volume is paramount in HPHT
wells due to the narrow margin between pore pressure and fracture gradient, hence the
need for rapid response.

When there are definite indications of either an increased flow or pit gain, close in the
well immediately, DO NOT Flow Check.

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! When there is any doubt, or when there is a definite indication of

flow or pit increase – CLOSE IN THE WELL!

The HARD SHUT-In method is detailed as follows:

1) Stop Drilling
2) Spaceout the position of the nearest tool joint with respect to the BOP rams.
3) Stop pumps and pipe rotation.
4) Close the Upper Pipe Rams.
5) Open the HCR valve upstream of the choke.
6) Ensure that the rig pumps are isolated (bottom valve on Stand Pipe Manifold)
should the NRVs in the string leak.
7) Check for any surface leaks. Divert the flow-line to the trip tank and monitor for
any bypass. Should the Upper Pipe Rams leak, reconfirm space out and close
Lower Pipe Rams.
8) Notify supervisors.
9) Commence recording annulus pressures and prepare for well killing operations.

When using MPD, procedure 007 Kick Detection and Management from the MPD
Operating Procedures will be used. The procedure describes how to shut in the well
when the operational conditions dictate based on the red cells of the MPD Operating
Matrix (Fig 3).

Since non-ported NRVs will be used in the BHA, SIDPP may need to be established to
ascertain whether the string pressure is still within the manual operating range of
FOSVs, i.e., 3500 psi.

Once ready to commence well killing operations, line up the mud pump. In the event
that the drill pipe above, or subsequently during well killing, approach the setting of the
pop-off valves on the rig pumps, or 80% of the rating of the pump liners and/or stand
pipe manifold (reference Section 10.1), then continue operations using the kill pump
(cement unit) via the cementing manifold and an HP Kill Single.

Note: Once the HP Kill Single is installed, only pipe reciprocation is possible due to
the presence of the side-entry sub.
The maximum expected circulating pressure should be calculated in advance, and if
indeed the drill pipe pressure is expected to exceed the above values, then it is prudent
to commence with the cement unit from the onset.

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Refer to Figure 16 – Well Flow While Drilling Flow Chart (Green Zone).

When an influx is first suspected or detected, during drilling operations, close in the

! When flow is suspected, CLOSE IN THE WELL!

Ensuing Procedures:

1) Key priority is to regain primary well control. Once the well has been brought
back under control the SENV office and Rig team will then deal with any
possible resultant stuck-pipe event.
2) When observing the closed-in pressures, due regard should be made to the
thermal effects on a closed system. The magnitude of the thermal effects will
be assessed by a “thermal effect rest”, which will be conducted prior to drilling
out the casing above the HPHT section(s). Refer to Section 15, Pre-emptive
Information Gathering.
3) Due to the rapid shut-in and flow properties of the high weight mud system,
there may be some pressure trapped in the wellbore. The magnitude of
trapped pressure will be assessed by a 'trapped pressure test', which will be
conducted prior to drilling out the casing shoe prior to the HPHT section.
4) Collate pressure data and prepare well kill-sheets in consultation with SENV
office team, see Section 11.1, Well Killing Strategy.
5) If necessary, initiate logistical support for additional supply of mud, Barite, etc.
Note: When using MPD, procedure 007 Kick Detection and Management from the
MPD Operating Procedures will be used. The procedure describes how to shut in
the well when the operational conditions dictate based on the red cells of the MPD
Operating Matrix (Fig 3).

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Figure 16 - Well Flow While Drilling Flow Chart (Green Zone)

Well Flow While Drilling Flow Chart

Well Flowing?

Close-in Well
If in doubt, Operation in See Well-Flow while
or definite Tripping
Progress? Tripping Out of Hole
of flow


Stop Drilling & Raise Tool Joint above drillfloor

Stop Pumps &

Stop Pumps
Pipe Rotation

Circulate BU & check gas

Flow No Flow levels before continuing
Check with operations

Well Flowing

Stop Pipe Rotation

Pressure-up above
Float Valves to Open
Close-in Well & Ascertain SIDPP
HARD Shut-in

Closed-in or max
expected surface
Notify TP/ DSV
<6000 psi >6000 psi

Monitor Pressures
Kill Well using Kill Well using
Drillers Drillers Method
Method & Rig & Cement Pump

If Hydrate risk, commence

injecting Glycol/MEG when top of
influx is at 1000m from surface Select Kill Rate within Mud Gas
Circulate out influx Separator Operating Envelope

Mud Gas Separator Close-in & resume kill circulation at

Pressure Envelope Yes
reduced pump rate


Drillpipe Switch to Cement Pump

Pressure >6000 psi if using Rig Pump

<6000 psi

Check Pressures

Circulate to Required MW on If overbalanced,

Check Pressures
second circulation resume Drilling

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Refer to Figure 17 – Well Flow While Tripping Flow Chart (no-MPD).

When using MPD, procedure 012 Tripping in and POOH from the MPD Operating
Procedures will be used. The procedure describes how to shut in the well when the
operational conditions dictate based on the red cells of the MPD Operating Matrix.

When an influx is first suspected or detected during tripping operations, then:

1. Stop tripping,
2. Set the string in the slips with a tool joint at the rotary and appropriately spaced
out across the BOP stack,
3. Install an open FOSV on the string,
4. Close the Upper Pipe Rams,
5. Open the HCR valve upstream of the choke.
6. Check for any surface leaks. Divert the flow-line to the trip tank and monitor for
any bypass. Should the Upper Pipe Rams leak, reconfirm space out and close
Lower Pipe Rams.
7. Notify supervisors.
8. Commence recording annulus pressures and prepare for well killing operations.
9. Continue as per Section 10.5.

There should be no back flow through the drillstring as there are two non-ported float
valves installed in the BHA, but these may fail so a FOSV should always be stabbed
onto the string.

If there is a strong backflow from the string it may be safer to install the TDS instead of
the FOSV as this can be done without personnel being in close proximity to the flow.

If the flow through the string is so severe that it is impossible to install the TDS, i.e. the
well is unloading via the pipe, then proceed as per Section 10.8, Severing the Drill
Pipe with BOPs.

Note: It should be noted however that there could well be situations where severing the
pipe may not be the most prudent option – if time permits.

Dropping the string does have the advantage of preserving the sealing integrity of the
shear rams, and would provide a box connection to screw back into later for either
cementing through or fishing.

A procedure for dropping the string is described in Section 10.7. However, this is
assuming the string can be held by the annular; which is unlikely if the string is heavy.
Hence it depends on whether the slips can be pulled or not. In any circumstance, the
safety of the well should not be compromised and if in doubt, the string should be
severed across the drill pipe.

If necessary, initiate logistical support for additional supply of mud, Barite, etc.

The means as to how the well is best killed off bottom is addressed further in Section
11.3, Non Conventional Well Killing Methods (Off Bottom).

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Figure 17 - Well Flow While Tripping Flow Chart (no-MPD)

Well Flow While Tripping Flow Chart

Well Flowing?

Close-in Well
When obvious Operation in See Well-Flow while
that well is Drilling or Out of Hole
Progress? Drilling or Out of Hole
Flowing via


Set Tool Joint near rotary table

Assumes NRV or
float valve(s) leaking

Backflow from
Severe Install TDS

No/ or Little
Able to Sever or Drop the
install TDS?
See Section 10.6
Install Open FOSV

Circulate BU & check gas

When obvious that Flow No Flow levels before continuing
well is flowing Check with operations

Well Flowing

Close FOSV

Close-in Well
HARD Shut-in

Notify TP/ DSV

Close Upper Pipe

Monitor Pressures Rams & pull up
against tooljoint
String WT < Upward Force
(Unable to strip in)
Closed-in or max
expected surface
<6000 psi >6000 psi
String WT > Upward Force

Proceed with Bit off BTM Bit off BTM

Volumetric Stripping Volumetric kill Bullhead Kill
Procedure or alternative with cement
Bullhead Kill pump

Further action depends on depth of the

drill string, influx volume, gas migration
rate and wind direction. To be
discussed with SENV Head Office.

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When an influx is detected when the BHA (DCs and/or HWDP) is across the BOP,
there are two possible methods of dealing with the situation:

1. The FIRST OPTION is to close in the well as per the procedure detailed in
Section 10.6, Shut-in While Tripping.

However, should circumstances dictate otherwise, i.e.,

• The BHA is in danger of becoming pipe-light (being extruded from the
BOPs due to increasing wellhead pressure),

• There is violent flow from the string that cannot be controlled,
Then go for the Second Option below:

2. The SECOND OPTION would be to DROP the BHA; however, based on

the severity of the situation, it may well be the First Option.

Procedure to DROP the string:

1. Have string suspended in elevators, slips open or removed.

2. Close the annular to take the string weight by increasing the annular closing
pressure to maximum

3. Lower the TDS/Blocks and open elevators to release string.

4. Open the annular allowing the BHA to drop.

5. Close Blind Shear Rams.

6. Open the HCR valve upstream of the choke.

7. Observe well on trip tank to verify BOP is holding.

8. Record pressure, volumes.

For the above situations/options, a graph should always be available to the Driller that
clearly indicates what string weight is required in order to drop the latter for given
wellhead pressures.

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In the event that well flow cannot be contained by the annular or pipe rams, and/or from
inside the string, AND THE BHA IS NOT ACROSS THE BOPs, then the drill pipe has
to be severed, as follows:

1. With the TDS installed, ensure the nearest tool joint is above the Lower Fixed 6-
5/8” Pipe Rams and close same.

2. Land string on Middle Pipe Rams and close rams locks.

3. Keep annular closed (if already closed).

4. Bleed off any drillstring pressure, and any annular pressure between the Lower
Pipe Rams and Annular.

5. Ensure personnel clear of the drill floor.

6. Apply 30-40 tonne overpull on string weight above Lower Pipe Rams.

7. Increase the Koomey manifold pressure to 3,000 psi and close Blind-Shear
If the BHA is across the BOPs, then the only option is to DROP the string as detailed in
Section 10.7.


Refer to Figure 18 – Well Flow When Out of Hole Flow Chart.

When an influx is detected when there is no drill string in the hole, then use the
procedure outlined below:

1. Close the Blind Shear Rams

2. Open the HCR valve upstream of the choke.

3. Record volume gained; initial closed-in pressure and pressure increase over
4. Prepare for either Stripping-In or Dynamic Volumetric Kill across the wellhead.

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Figure 18 - Well Flow When Out of Hole Flow Chart

Well Flow When Out of Hole Flow Chart

Well Flowing?

Close-in Well
Operation in See Well-Flow while
Drilling or Tripping Tripping Out of Hole

Out of Hole

Close-in Well On
Blind-Shear Rams

Notify TP/ DSV

Record initial pressures,

volume gained, & pressure
increase over time

Yes Proceed with Volumetric
Stripping Procedures


Migration Proceed with Bullheading

Rate <330 m/hr (to be evaluated & agreed
by SENV Head Office)

>330 m/hr

Proceed with
Volumetric Procedure

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During casing running operations there is always the possibility of a well kick that would
cause fluid to flow up the annulus, or if the float equipment fails, up the inside of the

The annular preventer will be the primary method of shutting the well in, and unless
conditions dictate otherwise, and/or agreed by SENV office. A set of pipe rams will only
be changed out for casing rams for the 14” casing string (not for liner strings).

Note: While running liners (not 14” casing) the RCD bearing may be left in-place and
the well monitored with the MPD system, and the MPD Operational matrix will apply for
well control. The fingerprinting of the flowback from the liner displacement will need to
be measured with the MPD choke. Modelling will treat liners as BHA’s in a tapered
string for surge calculation purposes.

There shall always be a device or assembly available on the rig floor that can be
stabbed onto the last casing should flow ever be experienced up the casing, the latter
may be:

• Swage back to 2” 1502 Weco coupling with a Lo-Torque valve,

• But preferably a x-over back to DP connection (Water Bushing) with a FOSV


• X-over back to a hang-off string that would allow the casing to be lowered to
below the top pipe rams, thus allowing the string to be closed in on the latter.

• Closing the well in on the annular should take precedence over installing the

Note: The Water Bushing must be manufactured to TH Hill DS1-Cat 5 (or 3-5)
and be rated for the maximum expected loading or weight of the longest
string to be run. The weight of such a string may exceed the tensile
rating of the DP; hence HWDP may have to be used.

The following shall be considered prior to running casing:

• Ensure that the devices above are available and ready to be used,
• Ensure the annulus pressure can be monitored and circulation established in
the event of a kick while running casing. Ensure a crossover from the casing
connection to a drill pipe connection is available on the rig floor to facilitate
stabbing a FOSV,
• Determine the risk of the float equipment failing and of flow occurring up the
inside of the casing. Note the positions of auxiliary equipment (i.e.,
centralisers, packers, collars, etc) that could affect the space-out prior to shut-
in and securing the well.
• It could be beneficial to install the centralisers at a predetermined position on
the pipe, so that when the casing is in the slips, the centralisers are clear of
the BOP stack (or at least the annular), and do not impede power tong
access/mobility during make-up.
• Ensure annular closing pressures are reduced as required to prevent
‘crimping’ the casing and that closing volumes and times are known.

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Wireline operations in open hole will be conducted using Pressure Control Equipment
consisting of an 8.5 m long Lubricator held / sealed in the Top Variable Rams and
sealed in the Annular Preventer, along with Schlumberger BOP-M Wireline Rams and
a Schlumberger Hydraulic Stuffing Box all rated to 5000 psi. The Managed Pressure
Drilling Equipment will also be engaged during wireline operations and any influx into
the borehole can be monitored and controlled.

Should the well flow when there are ongoing wireline operations, the following
procedure should be used:

1. Inform wireline crew / winch operator that the well is flowing and to stop (or slow
down significantly) the wireline toolstring movement.

2. Depending on the rate of flow, tool position, and the wellhead pressure required
by the Managed Pressure Drilling equipment to control the influx, determine
whether the tool string can be safely pulled to surface. If so, pull the wireline
toolstring out of the hole and partially into the lubricator. Note that most wireline
toolstrings will be longer than the distance from the top of the lubricator to the
Blind Shear Rams.

3. Once the toolstring is at the top of the lubricator, a decision can be made
whether to:

a. Close the Blind Shear Rams, severing any of the wireline toolstring
positioned across the Blind Shear Rams. Any of the wireline toolstring
below the Blind Shears Rams would fall to the bottom of the well.

b. Activate the Electrically Controlled Release Device (ECRD), if the

Logging Equipment Head is so equipped, which will separate the
wireline toolstring from the wireline logging cable. The complete wireline
toolstring would fall to the bottom of the well.
4. Should the above actions fail, sever the cable above the Hydraulic Stuffing Box
allowing the tools and cable to drop and thus allow the well to be closed-in on
the Blind Shear Rams.

5. An alternative option available, provided that the wellhead pressure is low

enough, would be to run in the hole to just above TD and activate the
Electrically Controlled Release Device (ECRD) leaving the wireline toolstring on
the bottom of the well. The wireline logging cable could then be pulled out of the
well, and once the wireline rope socket had reached the top of the lubricator the
Blind Shear Rams may be closed. Extreme care would have to be exercised
when pulling out the last 500 meters of wireline cable, depending on the
wellhead pressure and the pressure applied to the Hydraulic Stuffing Box cable
seals. After the well has been killed and circulated over to a heavy mud, the
wireline toolstring left on the bottom of the well could be fished.

Note: Hydraulic cable-cutting gear, with remote actuation, should always be available
on the rig floor and the procedure for cutting available from the logging
contractor. The logging contractor will provide a detailed procedure for this.

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As with any good drilling practice, it is important that adequate pre-planning is in place.
The latter cannot be over emphasised in terms of well control in HPHT wells; not only
in terms of adequate equipment and procedures, but also for well killing strategy and
preparations. To this end, intense diligence is required to ensure adequate detail is
paid to all aspects of well killing.

“Countless unseen details are often the only difference between

! Mediocre and Magnificent”, or in our case, Dire consequences
and Drilling success.

The Pre-Kick Sheet should be kept up to date, checked and re-checked; the Kick
Tolerance and MAASP must be know by the Drillers; the pre-kick data is prepared in
WELLPLAN. Based on pre-determined data and calculations, maximum surface
pressures and maximum associated kill rate-rate graphs shall be prepared for given
kick criteria in order to assist rig crews in optimising the well killing plan.

When an influx is detected and the well shut-in, there are several factors that can
influence the decision on how the well should be killed. These are some

1) Is the bit on or off bottom?

2) Where is the bit in relationship to bottom or the shoe?

3) Is there any pipe in the hole?

4) Length of open hole, and comparison with string volume?

5) Magnitude of current surface pressures?

6) Nature of influx, is it water, oil or gas or a combination?

7) Volume of influx and expected maximum surface pressure?

8) Shoe strength and that of potentially weaker formation below?

9) Availability of kill mud?

10) Availability of weighting material?

11) Mixing capability to the required mud weight?

12) Logistical support and weather forecast/ wind direction?

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The well killing methods available range from:



3) Bullheading

4) Volumetric Kill (dynamic or static)

5) Stripping-In

If the bit is OFF bottom, or if there is no pipe in the hole, the well kill method selected
would range from 3] to 5] above and are addressed further in Section 11.3, Non
Conventional Well Killing Methods (Off Bottom).

If the bit is ON bottom, and assuming bullheading is not an option, The TWO primary
options for well killing are the DRILLER’s METHOD or the WAIT & WEIGHT METHOD.
The advantages and disadvantaged of these two well killing methods are defined in:

 EP2002-1500, Section 3.5 Secondary Well Control, Page 50 to 53.

In general, for HPHT wells and as agreed during the Zerzura-1 HPHT Procedures
Development Workshop, the preferred Well Killing method is the DRILLER’s

! The DRILLER’s METHOD is preferred for well killing operations

in Zerzura-1 and Satis Extension-1

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The actual well killing methods are described further in:

 EP2002-1500. Section 3.5 Secondary Well Control, Page 50

The DSV and SWE shall run the WELLPLAN modelling software to generate the killing
programme and compare results for consistency. Key issues such as maximum
expected surface pressures and kill rates should be identified. Third part software may
also be utilised if deemed more appropriate or accurate.

Well control response diagrams are provided in Section 11.4, Well Control Response

Below are additional points to be considered and implemented during a typical well kill
operation and when circulating out an influx:

There will be full consultation with SENV office and well kill operations should not
commence without fully discussing/evaluating the operations with SENV office team.
The SENV Rig Superintendent, SWE and Rowan Rig Manager will assemble at the
SENV office and support the well killing operations from there. Operational instructions
to the rig will be provided in writing and these will be counter-signed by the DSV and
OIM (after discussion with the rig team) to confirm receipt and understanding. The
signed copy shall then be sent back to SENV office where a copy will be filed for
reference. See also Section 3.1.1 on communications.

Prior to any well killing operation it is imperative that all relevant parties are fully versed
with the plan ahead, the procedures to be adopted, the risks and mitigation measures.
As a minimum, the following should attend such briefing meetings:

► SENV Senior DSV ► OIM

► SENV Night DSV ► Toolpusher/Tourpusher
► Logistics Coordinator ► Drillers/Assistant Drillers
► HSE Tech ► Derrickmen/Motormen
► Wellsite Geologist ► Floormen
► Mudloggers ► Cementers
► Mud Engineers ► Shaker Hands
► MPD Personnel ► MWD/LWD hands (PP Prediction)

Should unexpected or abnormal conditions develop, e.g. the well starts taking fluid, or
does not follow the modelled plan, during well killing operations, then the well kill will be
suspended and the situation re-assessed so that other possible options may be

Monitor the temperature of the surface equipment, close in and resume killing
operations at reduced rate if the temperature exceeds the equipment rating.

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Pipe Movement: Key priority is to regain primary well control. Once the well has been
brought back under control the SENV Office and Rig team will then deal with any
possible resultant stuck-pipe event. Pipe rotation or reciprocation should only be
attempted with explicit permission of the SENV Rig Superintendent, when safe to do

Monitor the drill pipe pressures, close-in and switch to the cement pump when the
pressure exceeds 6,000 psi – for a 7,500 psi standpipe. However, from predefined
graphs, the rig crew should be able to determine the maximum expected surface
pressure for a given influx/kill rate prior to kill commencement, and hence if indeed
necessary, the cement pump could be used from the outset.

Rig specific procedure should be in place to accurately monitor mud volumes and
wellhead pressures while pumping with cement unit, with dedicated means of
communication between mud pits, cement unit and drill floor.

The maximum pump rate during well killing operations will be determined by the
capacity of the Mud Gas Separator. The flow-through and/or pressure build-up in the
Mud Gas Separator must not be capably of venting the U-tube of the mud seal, and
thus potentially introduce gas or heavily gas/condensate-entrained mud back into the
active system. The specific operating envelope of the Mud Gas Separator shall be
predetermined, and known to key personnel, and shall be displayed on the rig floor.
This envelope shall indicate safe kill rates for given surface pressures.

In addition to the above, once the influx data is collated, the maximum expected
surface pressures may be calculated, and hence the kill rate predetermined as to
ensure the limitations of mud seal and capacity of the Mud Gas Separator are not

One must also consider that the integrity of the mud seal could be compromised
significantly should homogeneous mud be replaced by hydrocarbon entrained fluid
during periods of rapid gas expansion / separation. To mitigate this potential, it is high
recommended to use a Hot-Leg injection system as described in section 5.10, Mud
Gas Separator, Mud-Seal & Hot-Leg Injection.

Other measures to be considered include:

• Remote capability to by-pass the Mud Gas Separator, and safely vent, in the
event of an overpressure situation – this being a short quick-fix option,
certainly not for any length of time.
• If the envelope or predetermined parameters are likely to be exceeded, stop
pumping and recommence killing operations at reduced flow rate.

Once the influx has been circulated out, observe the pressures and determine the
mud weight required to kill the well (apply overbalance if required) during the second

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11.2.1 Glycol Injection

The purpose of a Mono-Ethylene Glycol (MEG) injection system is to prevent gas
hydrate formation in the BOP/choke line and Choke Manifold system. The
consequences of hydrate formation are a decrease in the effective ID of the choke
line/manifold and as a worst case, a complete blockage. Both consequences have
serious detrimental effects on the well control process and should be prevented by the
injection of glycol at the appropriate points. Hydrate formation can occur in the choke
line between the BOP and choke due to surface cooling or downstream of the choke
(due to adiabatic cooling across the choke). The formation of hydrates is inhibited by
glycol and should be injected at the appropriate rates immediately upstream of the

The risk of hydrate formation increases with increasing pressure and decreasing
temperature for a given gas composition. The required injection rate of glycol to
prevent hydrate formation is a function of several variables (e.g., gas composition,
water saturation, pressure, temperature and gas flow rate). The typical injection rates
for the conditions of gas hydrate prevention in deep, high pressure, high temperature
drilling applications has been demonstrated to range from 2.0 to 2.5 litres per minute
(0.52 to 0.66 gallons per minute).

Section 20, Hydrate Chart provides a chart that indicate when hydrates are likely to
form based on the choke pressure and temperature. Hence should conditions develop
where there is a potential for hydrates to form, then glycol injection should be initiated.
However, it may well be prudent to start injection when the top of influx is at 1000m bdf
regardless, prevention is a lot easier then cure.

The provision of Methanol, to thaw hydrates once formed, has been discussed but in
view of the HSE implications, is not considered necessary in Egypt.

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The traditional drilling well control methods, such as the Driller’s Method are more likely
to succeed if the drill string is on or near bottom. This section deals with well control
with the string “off bottom”.

The non-traditional killing methods such as Bullheading/Volumetric/ Stripping come into

play in circumstances were the string is:
• A considerable distance off bottom.
• Out of the hole.
• Stuck off bottom.
• Plugged bit or drill string.
• Dropped, parted or sheared drill string.

11.3.1 Bullheading Method

Bullheading involves re-injecting the influx back into the formation by squeezing mud
into the well. It is only likely to succeed when re-injection can be achieved without
causing breakdown at a shallower zone. In practice it is often the preferred method of
dealing with a sour oil/gas kick in a known reservoir, or used to kill a completed well in
preparation for a workover. It is rarely used to kill wells that have kicked during drilling
or tripping. However, under the right circumstances this method has several significant

• Influxes containing H2S can be disposed of downhole. The second circulation

of the Driller's method is then used to increase the mud density to the required
• A swab influx can be dealt with immediately regardless of where the pipe is in
the hole. Re-injection of the influx with the current mud density will restore the
well to balance so tripping may continue without the need to strip.
• Exposure of personnel and equipment to high volumes of gas is avoided.
• Can defuse a potentially dangerous MAASP situation by removing the influx
from the hole.

Bullheading is not a routine well control method in drilling operations, and as such must
be discussed and agreed between onshore and offshore teams before it is
implemented. In many cases, it will be doubtful whether squeezing the influx back into
the formation can kill the well. Fracturing at some other point below the shoe may
create a permanent loss situation. The method can only be used if hole conditions

Each case must be judged on its own merits, taking into consideration all variables:

• Formation permeability
The formation must have good permeability/porosity to allow squeezing. The
actual kick can be used as an indicator (inflow performance prior to closing in
the well and the speed of pressure build-up after the well is closed-in).
• Type of Influx

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Gas is easier to squeeze back than liquid. Also, the higher the viscosity of a
liquid, the more difficult it is to squeeze. However, if the influx is gas, it is
likely to have gone into solution, thus difficult to identify until it starts breaking
out of solution and expanding nearer surface.
• Contamination of influx with mud
If the influx is contaminated with mud (which will be the case with most
kicks), squeezing will be much more difficult, because of the plastering
qualities of the mud and the possible presence of cuttings.
• Position of influx
If the influx has migrated, or has been circulated up over a certain distance,
mud below the influx will have to be squeezed ahead of the influx, assuming
that the weakest formation is where the influx came from. The sooner
squeezing takes place, the higher the chance of successful squeezing will
• Strength of the formation
Squeezing should be performed with the aim not to create any new fractures
in any formation. In principle, the surface squeeze pressure should not
exceed the pre-calculated MAASP. If heavier kill mud is pumped down the
annulus, MAASP should be adjusted accordingly.
• Casing burst strength at surface and wellhead/BOP pressure rating
The casing burst strength should always be taken into account when
bullheading is considered. An appropriate safety factor should be stated in
the drilling programme.
• Injection rate, mud viscosity and migration rate
For the bullheading to be successful the injection rate must exceed the rate
of migration of the influx in the mud. A higher viscosity interface will assist in
‘pushing back’ any influx. In situations where injectivity rate is expected to
be low, then for an effective bullhead operation to be successful, this may
require a highly viscous pill to be pumped and subsequently bullheading a
complete annular volume to push back the influx into the formation.
Apart from the generally small chance of successfully squeezing the influx back into the
invading formation, bullheading has other crucial disadvantages:

• Fluid will go to the weakest formation which may not be the formation where
the influx came from;
• There is a potential risk of fracturing formation anywhere along the open hole
section which can lead to an (internal) blowout situation. In the case of
shallow casing setting depths this can lead to cratering;
• High pressures may have to be applied to surface/subsurface equipment;
• Subsequent flow back is likely to occur, particularly when large volume of
mud has been bullheaded.

Even if squeezing fluid back into the formation is possible to some extent, it may not be
possible to remove the influx completely. Different well control techniques may then
have to be employed to subsequently completely remove the influx from the wellbore.

Operational Considerations:

• When high pressures need to be applied, the cementing unit should be used
for better control and adequate pressure rating.

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• Large mud volumes and LCM pills should be available in case major losses
are experienced during bullheading.
• The line used for bullheading (commonly the kill line) should be fitted with a
remotely controlled valve, or Non-Return Valve to protect surface equipment
and personnel from the backflow of hydrocarbons, or the uncontrolled flow of
hydrocarbons should the kill line develop a leak.

! The earlier bullheading is implemented the better the chances

are to obtain satisfactory squeeze rates

In view of the complexity of bullheading, SENV shall prepare well-specific bullheading

programmes as required that will be updated with the latest data once a kick is
encountered. Invariably, the bullheading may involve complex “sandwich killing”
(simultaneous pumping down the DP and annulus), this may result in the loss of the

11.3.2 Volumetric Method

The Volumetric Method can be used to control the expansion of an influx that is
migrating when the bit or BHA is plugged or the pipe is stuck off bottom.

The simplest form of this method is the Static Volume Method when the drill pipe is
available for monitoring bottom hole pressure. The most common requirement for
using this method is where there is not enough mud in use or weighted kill mud
available to allow the well to be killed with the Driller’s or Wait and Weight Method. The
procedure is as follows:

Volumetric Method Using Drill Pipe Pressure Guidelines:

1. Record the initial shut in drill pipe and choke pressures.

2. Prepare an annulus pressure graph as if for the Driller’s Method (the annulus
pressure will follow this profile whilst maintaining constant bottom hole

3. Determine the migration rate. The migration rate can be estimated from two
pressure readings, recorded either both on drill pipe or casing, taken at a known
time interval apart.
P 2 − P1
MR = m/hr (ft/hr)
ρ 1 × T
MR = Migration Rate m/hr (ft/hr)
P1 = Pressure at start kPa (psi)
P2 = Pressure at end kPa (psi)
ρ1 = Mud gradient kPa/m (psi/ft)
T = Time Interval hours

4. Allow drill pipe pressure to build by an overbalance margin, 50-100psi.

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5. Allow drill pipe pressure to build up by a further working margin to ensure that
the overbalance is maintained as mud is bled from the well. This margin may
be 50psi to 200psi, bearing in mind the resultant wellbore pressure and
proximity to breakdown pressure.

6. Bleed mud from the annulus to reduce drill pipe pressure by the working
margin. It is strongly recommended to bleed mud from the annulus in small
increments to allow the drill pipe pressure to respond. The annulus pressure
will decrease by a lesser amount (Compare with graph prepared in 2. above).
Bleeding off mud too quickly may result in an unintentional reduction in BHP
and allow further influx.

7. Continue steps 5 & 6 until the influx has reached surface.

When gas cut mud or influx fluid migrates to reach the BOP the well must be closed in
and mud lubricated into the well using the Lubrication Method outlined in Section
10.3.3. If the drill pipe pressure is not available to monitor bottom hole pressure, for
instance a plugged bit or drill string, the following method should be used.

Volumetric Method Using Choke Pressure Guidelines

1. Record the initial shut in drill pipe and choke pressures. Even if the drill pipe is
plugged monitor and record the drill pipe pressure throughout the procedure.

2. Prepare an annulus pressure graph as if for the Driller’s Method (The same
profile is required to maintain constant bottom hole pressure).

3. Determine the migration rate as described above.

4. Calculate hydrostatic pressure per bbl of mud at the point in the annulus directly
above the influx.
ρ 1 ×1029.4
Ppuv = 2 2
(d −d p )
Ppuv = Hyd.pressure (psi) per unit volume (bbl) of mud psi/bbl.
ρ1 = Mud gradient psi/ft.
dh = Hole or Casing ID inches.
dp = Drill string OD inches.

5. Allow choke pressure to build by an Overbalance Margin. Convenient values

are between 50 and 100 psi.

6. Allow choke pressure to build up by a further Working Margin to ensure that

overbalance is maintained as mud is bled from the well. This margin may be 50
to 200 psi, bearing in mind the resultant wellbore pressure.

7. As the influx migrates and pressure increases, bleed mud from the annulus
whilst holding choke pressure constant. Volume to bleed is the Working Margin
divided by the hydrostatic pressure of mud per unit volume calculated earlier
(Ppuv ). It is strongly recommended to bleed mud very slowly from the annulus.
Bleeding off mud too quickly could result in a secondary influx occurring.

8. Continue steps 6 & 7 until the influx has reached surface.

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9. With gas cut mud or influx fluid at the BOP the well must be closed in and mud
lubricated into the well using the Lubrication Method outlined later.
Having used the Volumetric Method to bring the influx to the stack we now need to vent
the influx while maintaining constant bottom hole pressure. On surface stacks the
Lubrication Method is used. This method may also be used to reduce surface
pressures prior to stripping or bullheading.

11.3.3 Lubrication Method

During this procedure the volume of mud lubricated into the well at each stage during
this procedure will reduce due to the reduction of gas in the well and the consequent
loss of compressibility. Because of this it may be required to use the cementing unit or
to dress a mud pump with liners sized to accommodate the pressure. If the influx is a
result of a swab kick the well pressure should reduce to zero as mud is lubricated. If
the drilling mud density is insufficient to balance BHP, surface pressure will reduce to
the under-balance on the formation.

1. Record the initial shut in drill pipe and choke pressures. Even if the drill pipe is
plugged monitor and record the drill pipe pressure throughout the procedure.

2. If not already calculated, calculate mud hydrostatic pressure per unit volume at
the point in the annulus directly above the influx (See equations above).

3. Determine the maximum surface pressure to be used to pump to the annulus.

Use the lower of MAASP, equipment rating or pump pressure relief valve

4. Slowly pump to the annulus until the desired maximum surface pressure is
reached. Stop the pump and shut in.

5. Allow the well to settle, allowing the lubricated mud to fall through the influx.

6. With the well stable, bleed gas from the well to reduce the surface pressure by
an amount equal to the hydrostatic pressure of the mud lubricated into the well.

7. Ensure that no significant mud volume is bled from the well. If mud volume is
bled then shut in and allow further time for the influx to percolate.

8. Repeat until the influx is bled from the well or until the surface pressure is low
enough for stripping.

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11.3.4 Stripping-In Method

When the drill string is partially out of the hole and a kick is experienced, every effort
should be made to safely return the bit to bottom, whilst at the same time maintaining
well control. The well can be most effectively killed with the bit on bottom.

Stripping is the technique used to move the drill string through the BOP stack with the
well under pressure. To avoid over pressuring the well, a volume of mud must be bled
off equal to the closed end capacity of the drill pipe and tool joints stripped in. A
volume of mud should also be bled to allow for influx migration.

Depending on the closed-in pressures, the weight of the drill string in the hole and the
type of pipe in the BOP's, it will be decided whether volumetric stripping is feasible. If
the upward force (closed-in pressure multiplied by the closed-end cross sectional area
of the pipe in the BOP's) and stripping friction (SF) exceeds the string weight, it will not
be possible to strip in the hole. This may be calculated as follows:

Pressure (psi) x [OD of pipe body (in)]2

+ SF < String weight [lbs]

Further actions depend on the depth of the drill string, influx volume, pressures, gas
migration rate, etc. Check if it is indeed possible to strip in the hole.

In the event that the annular preventer is unable to main an effective seal, either before
or during the stripping, then the pipe may be stripped Ram-to-Ram. This does ad
complexity to the procedures and does need a means of equalising across rams.

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11.3.5 Step-by-step Stripping Procedures (no MPD)

Below is a step-by-step procedure for stripping-in drill pipe when no MPD is in use (well
control scenario):

Record Pa, initial annulus pressure, and determine influx volume, Vinf .

Calculate Ps , determine Pw and calculate ∆ V1

Ps = Allowance for the loss of hydrostatic head as DCs enter the
Pw = Convenient working pressure increment (between 50 and
100 psi) bearing in mind scale divisions of available gauges.

[Vinf ] [Vinf ]
Ps = X [dmud – dinflux ]
[OH / DC cap] OH cap

Vinf = initial influx volume [bbl]
OH/DC cap = open hole - DC annular capacity [bbl/m]
OH cap = open hole capacity [bbl/m]
dmud = mud gradient [psi/m]
dinflux = influx gradient [psi/m]

Note: for scenario where a small margin exists between pore and
fracture gradients exists, and the influx volume in excess of OH/DC
capacity x length of BHA, then take due consideration of OH/DP
capacity for calculation of Ps.

Determine the volume of drilling mud in the OH/DC annulus equivalent to one bar of
hydrostatic head (i.e. the volume of fluid equivalent to a change of hydrostatic head of
one kPa).

Annular volume per m bbl/m bbl

Equivalent volume per psi = = =
Mud gradient psi/m psi

Convert the working pressure Pw (of say 100 psi equivalent, or a workable increment)
into an equivalent working volume ∆ V in the OH/DC annulus (the volume of fluid to be
used for volumetric control steps).

Open the surge bottle on the annular ready for stripping

Adjust the closing pressure on the annular preventer to a minimum. Should leakage be
unavoidable, ensure that the mud by-pass is routed back to the trip tank so that it is
included in the incremental volume gain. The pipe should be greased for lubricity and
annular element longevity.

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Install an inside BOP (Gray valve) on top of the FOSV used to shut in the well. Open
FOSV and ensure that the inside BOP is not leaking.

Commence stripping the first stand allowing the annulus pressure to build up to Pchoke.

Pchoke = Pan + PS + Pw
Pan = Initial closed-in annulus pressure before 2nd build-up.
PS = Allowance for the loss of hydrostatic head as DCs
enter the influx.
Pw = Working pressure increment

Maintain Pchoke constant whilst further stripping pipe. The volume increase due to
closed-end displacement of drillpipe is purged into the trip tank and after stripping the
entire stand bled off into the stripping tank, thus ensuring that any increase in trip tank
volume is due to expansion of the gas influx only and reflects the loss of hydrostatic
head in the well.

Avoid excessive surge pressures by adjusting, the pipe lowering rate to allow the
chokeman to maintain Pchoke constant.

Maintain Pchoke constant at the above value until a volume of mud ∆ V bbls has
accumulated in the trip tank. Simultaneously strip pipe in the hole.

When the additional mud volume ∆ V bbls has accumulated in the trip tank (at constant
choke pressure), Pchoke is allowed to increase again by the value Pw and now
becomes Pchoke1
Where: Pchoke1 = Pchoke + Pw.

Fill each stand run and file off any sharp edges or tong marks from the pipe body and
tool joints. Grease the leading edges of the tool joints to assist in lubricating the
annular rubber.

By repeating this cycle as often as necessary gas is able to percolate upwards and
expand while a nearly constant BHP is maintained.

Values of pressure and volume should be recorded in a table throughout the stripping
exercise (reference Section 17, TYPICAL Stripping Spreadsheet).
Once on bottom the well can be killed using the Driller's Method, but first ensure that
the entire string is full of mud. Pump at a slow rate, the volume from the bit to the Gray
valve (some gas may have entered the string). Then stop pumping, check for trapped
pressures and then continue with circulation.

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11.3.6 Set-Up for Stripping and Volumetric methods

Below is a schematic of the trip tank and Stripping tank line-up.

Accurate Pressure Gauges

Adjustable Choke


Calibrated Trip

Calibrated Strip

Figure 19 - Equipment Set-up for Combined Stripping and Volumetric Control

A Stripping Check-List is also included under Section 17, Stripping Checklist.

Ensure that there is a simple marker stick located in the Strip Tank (similar to that
displacement tanks of a cement unit) that is graduated for the closed-end displacement
of ONE stand of each likely size of DP. This greatly simplifies the entire process of
bleeding off. It should also be noted that the bleed-off valve from the Strip Tank should
allow the operator clear visibility into the tank to monitor this marker stick.


The following flow-charts are provided for quick reference guides.

Figure 20 – On Bottom Kill Diagram (Yellow Chart – Detailed)

Figure 21 – On Bottom Kill Diagram (Yellow Chart – Simplified)

Figure 22 – Off Bottom Kill Diagram (Red Chart)

Figure 23 – Bullheading Decision Analysis (Pink Chart)

Figure 24 – Bullheading Diagram (Purple Chart)

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On Bottom Kill Diagram (Yellow Flow Chart - Detailed)

Well Shut-In. Pressures & Gains recorded & plotted. Use WELLPLAN to determine Max Surface Pressure and Gas volumes

Kill Well using Driller’s
Bullhead Well Pressure too high
(Purple Sheet)
Yes MGS capacity
No Method & lowest possible
flow rate until inside shoe

Evaluate Pressures:
Check for DP reaction
Check for Plugged Choke Yes Returns?
Check for Bridging of Well
Check Surface Equipment


Bullhead Well Loosing to

(Purple Sheet)
Yes Formation?
Continue with Kill Circulation


Take Other Remedial Actions: Choke & DP

Monitor DP & CSG Pressures Shut-In Well No Pressure on
Fully check surface system for leaks Schedule?

1. Check to see that well is not Unloading

2. Revise Kill Worksheet by increasing Kick Size & Pit Gain
3. Shut down & restart at reduced pump rate if surface gas rate too high.
4. If already at slowest pump rate, prepare to by-pass MGS overboard, assess wind effect on gas release
Check SIDPP, revise pump pressure if required


Yes Hole
No If no loss returns or
other problems,
continue Kill Circulation

Check SIDPP &

continue with
Kill Programme

1. Monitor
Monitor MGS
MGS & & Choke Pressures ++ Temp
Choke Pressures Temp
No MGS No Flowline Temp No Choke Temp No Indications 2.
2. Circulate
Circulate out
out to
to 1000m of BU
1000m of BU Volume
>110 degC < -29 degC of Hydrates? 3.
3. Slow pump
pump to a minimum if necessary
4. Commence
4. Commence injecting
injecting Glycol
MEG (Glycol)

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Circulate Out Slow Down Shut-In Well

Influx SCR Clear any blockage Temp > or Yes
Wait on Temp increase Hydrate ok?
Increase Glycol injection

No No Yes
Check if Temp / Press O/board line Shut-In Well
Well Dead? Reduced? valve opens? & Repair

Yes Yes No

No Equipment
Yes Shut-In Well
Shut-In Well
Failure? & Clear Problem
Add Trip Margin

Re-evaluate Kill
Re-evaluate Kill Procedure,
consult with with
Head Office
Fill Trip Tank with
New Weight Mud

Bullhead Well
2nd Circulation over Chokes (Purple Sheet)
to include Overbalance

Figure 20 - On Bottom Kill Diagram (Yellow Chart − Detailed)

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On Bottom Kill Diagram (Yellow Flow Chart - Simplified)

Well Shut-In. Pressures & Gains recorded & plotted. Use WELLPLAN to determine Max Surface Pressure and Gas volumes

Kill Well using Driller’s
Bullhead Well Pressure too high
(Purple Sheet)
Yes MGS capacity
No Method & lowest possible
flow rate until inside shoe

Evaluate Pressures:
Check for DP reaction
Check for Plugged Choke Yes Returns?
Check for Bridging of Well
Check Surface Equipment


Bullhead Well Loosing to

(Purple Sheet)
Yes Formation?
Continue with Kill Circulation


Take Other Remedial Actions: Choke & DP

Monitor DP & CSG Pressures Shut-In Well No Pressure on
Fully check surface system for leaks Schedule?

1. Check to see that well is not Unloading
2. Revise Kill Worksheet by increasing Kick Size & Pit Gain
3. Shut down & restart at reduced pump rate if surface gas rate too high.
4. If already at slowest pump rate, prepare to by-pass MGS overboard, assess wind effect on gas release
Check SIDPP, revise pump pressure if required

Yes Hole
No If no loss returns or
other problems,
continue Kill Circulation

Check SIDPP &

continue with
Kill Programme

1. Monitor MGS &
Monitor MGS & Choke
Choke Pressures
Pressures ++ Temp
No MGS 2.
2. Circulate out to
Circulate out to 1000m
1000m of
of BU
BU Volume
3. Slow pump toto aa minimum
minimum ifif necessary
4. Commence
4. Commence injecting
injecting Glycol
MEG (Glycol)


Circulate Out Slow Down

Influx SCR

No Yes
Check if Temp / Press
Well Dead? Reduced?


Add Trip Margin Shut-In Well

Fill Trip Tank with Re-evaluate Kill

Re-evaluate Kill Procedure,
Procedure, Bullhead Well
New Weight Mud consult
consult with BSP-HO
with SENV Head Office (Purple Sheet)

2nd Circulation over Chokes

to include Overbalance

Figure 21 - On Bottom Kill Diagram (Yellow Chart − Simplified)

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Off Bottom Kill Diagram (Red Flow Chart)

Well Shut-In while OFF Bottom

Determine Max Expected Any Pipe Gas Bullhead Well

Yes No No
Gas Volume at Surface In Hole? at BOP? (Purple Sheet)

Gas volume
Yes larger than MGS Lubricate

Bullhead Well
(Purple Sheet) No Dynamic Volumetric

Calculate Upward Force

on Drill string with
Closed-In Annular Pressure
Well Dead?

String Weight Yes

Greater than
Force Up?
No RIH Drill String.
Monitor hole volumes
Yes Blue Section

Remain Closed-In
with Upper Pipe Rams

Green Section
Prepare Pressure &
Volume Calculations.
Bullhead Well Prepare Trip &
Yes Stuck?
(Purple Sheet) Stripping Tanks

Install Gray Valve
& Open FOSV
Able to

No Reduce Closing pressure on

Annular to Minimum

Apply Volumetric Technique Is Influx

(Blue Section) Migrating?

No Strip-in

Bullhead Well Bullheading

(Purple Sheet)
Yes Possible?

No Bit on Bottom Gas at Surface

Perform Off-Bottom Kill

Strip or Run to Bottom On Bottom Kill Diagram

Circulate Annulus Gas Free
& Kill Well (Yellow Sheet)
(Green Section)

Figure 22 - Off Bottom Kill Diagram (Red Chart)

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Bullheading Decision Analysis (Pink Flow Chart)

Decision Made to Bullhead

Pipe Hung-Off in
Upper Pipe Rams
U.Choke Line HCR Open
Choke Closed

Influx Volume
Volume to be Bullheaded Allow Pressures
Maximum Kill Pressure to Stabilise
Sandwich Kill?
Position of Influx

Line-Up Surface
Equipment to Pressure
Test Surface Lines

Bullhead down Choke Line

(& Drillpipe if Sandwich Kill)

Continue Is Fluid Is Injection Increase Injection

Yes being Injected?
No Pressure at Max.?
No Pressure


No Consider Options
before Proceeding

Is Injection CLOSE-IN
Is SICP = Is there
Pressure No & Allow Pressures
Original SICP?
No Trapped Pressure?
Decreasing? to Stabilise


Continue Bullheading
Calculated Volume
Trapped Pressure


Go To Stripping or
Is SIDP = SICP? Yes Well Kill Circulation

Figure 23 - Bullheading Decision Analysis (Pink Chart)

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Bullheading Diagram (Purple Flow Chart)

Record SIDPP, SICP & Pit Gain


Calculate Max Injection Pressure

based on LOT, and/or
Reservoir Modeling

Ensure Surface Mud Surface

Volume >1.5 x Hole Yes Equipment No On Bottom
Volume. Adequate?

Align Kill Pumps to

Annulus & Drill Pipe

Establish Injection Remain Shut-In

Pressures Observe Well &
Record Pressures

Pressure Evacuate Non-Essential

Equal to Max Calculated No Personnel
Injection Pressure?

Establish Injection Rate

& Continue to Bullhead
Yes at Max Rate
No Lubricate Well

Possible Causes:
1. Gas Migration Or
2. Formation Damage, Permeability
Observe Well &
Reduction due to Invasion
Record Pressures
Abandon with Barite Plug
and/or Cement

Re-evaluate Kill Procedure.
Procedure, Continue until Influx Or
consult with SENV
Consult Head Office
with BSP-HO Bullheaded into Formation,
with Safety Margin
Mobilise Additional

1. Strip-In
2. Bullhead Breaking down Formation Pipe In
Well ?
at Weakest Point & Top Kill
3. Abandon Well
Refer to Appropriate Diagram

Refer to Appropriate Chart Strip-In

Re-evaluate KillProcedure.
consult with with
Consult SENV Head Office

Off Bottom Kill Diagram On Bottom Kill Diagram Abandon with Barite Plug Or
(Red Chart) (Yellow Chart) and/or Cement

Snubbing Unit


Coiled Tubing

Figure 24 - Bullheading Diagram (Purple Chart)

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No clear rules can be given for the configuration of the fishing BHA as they depend on
the type and length of fish to be recovered. Fishing string will be designed for each
specific operation but the following must be considered:

• Float subs with non-ported floats and a drop-ball/shear-out circulation sub

might be included in the fishing BHA.


The preferred approach to fishing stuck wireline stools is NOT to strip-over for the latter
introduces the risk of having wire inside the string in the event of a well-control situation
and the inability, or added complexity, of trying to close-in on the string.

Hence the initial response to stuck wireline tools will be:

• Immediately pull the electric wireline to a Pre-Defined, and agreed, maximum

allowed surface tension – i.e. pull immediately to 80% of the weak point (if
• If deployed, activate the hydraulic jar (see Section 7.5, Wireline Logging
• If the above fails, and stripping over is indeed not deemed appropriate, pull the
weak-point at the top of the stuck logging tool and recover e-line. In order to
facilitate this operation, the cable head may be fitted with an electronic release
mechanism RWCH, thus no weak point to contend with.
• Fish conventional for stuck logging tools with overshot on fishing assembly. In
the larger holes sizes, overshots are available from SENV’s fishing contractor.
The fishing assembly may have a float installed, the exact configuration of the
fishing assembly will be decided depending on hole conditions.

Cut and thread (stripping over) wireline fishing operations shall be avoided as much as
possible for well control becomes problematic as stated above.

One drawback on this policy will be when the stuck wireline toolstring contains nuclear
sources during intermediate logging operations where there is no option to sidetrack
the well. Intermediate logging with nuclear sources will therefore only be performed
when hole conditions support this as a low-risk activity.

If logging tools with nuclear sources are indeed stuck, and it is deemed unwise to loose
connectivity with the logging tools, then stripping over could be considered as a last
resort. The logging contractor shall have specific procedures for this operation.

The following are considerations for when stripping over, and/or pipe conveyed logging,
is being contemplated:

• The section of open hole in the HPHT section, in relation to the casing shoe,
tends o be relatively short. Hence the depth at which the Side Entry Sub
(SES) is installed, and thus the length of cable that will consequently be run
outside the drill pipe, will be short.

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• When an SES is employed in the string, there is the option whereby the wet
connector can be disconnected and pulled through the SES – the cable head
is designed to strip off at the SES and a check-valve is incorporated to seal
off the string to the annulus.

• In the event of a well control situation with logging cable on the outside of the
pipe, and where the annular preventer is unable to contain the flow, the
option would be to cut the logging cable and allow same to drop below the
BOP stack, thus allow the pipe rams to be used. Although not ideal, once the
well is killed, the loose cable would still be inside the casing for fishing or
simply retrieved with string.

• It is possible to use Reverse-Cut and Strip when fishing, thus using the SES
– hence limiting the period when wire is inside the DP. Once more, the
logging contractor shall have specific procedures for this operation

All abandonment operations will be covered by a detailed abandonment programme,
and in accordance with SENV Standards.

The programme will be well and rig specific and will be issued once the exact well
status is known at the end of the exploration phase.

Double non-return valves (flapper type, not ported) and possible a circulation sub will
be included in the abandonment BHAs (cement stinger, dress off BHA etc).

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Because of the narrow margin between pore pressure, mud hydrostatic and formation
breakdown often associated with HPHT wells, it is very easy to lose circulation either
through an encountered situation or an induced situation. High mud weights and solids
content, long annuli and the effect of temperature on the mud, all add to the problem
and leave little or no margin for error. Lost circulation is a serious problem – in many
ways more difficult to deal with than a kick. Every effort must be made to reduce the
chances of losing circulation.

All the wells to be drilled in this HPHT campaign have significant uncertainty in the pore
and fracture gradients. Hence a great deal of uncertainty exists as to the actual margin

Loss of circulation, partial or total, occurs at any time or depth when whole mud is lost
to the formation during the drilling of a well. This should be distinguished from the
small loss of volume from the mud pits which is attributable to that associated with
deposition of filter cake and normal filtrate loss to the formation which takes place
during the continuous filtration process.

Experience has shown that drill string rotation can cause an increase in the ECD and
therefore contribute to the occurrence of losses. This effect is generally negligible at a
rotary speed of less than 40 rpm, as typical during breaking circulation, but could
become significant at higher rotary speeds

If losses occur, it is often difficult to establish where the loss zone is and, depending on
the position of the drill string in the well, it may be difficult to place curing material
across the loss zone. An assessment will be made when losses occur and the course
of action will depend on the severity of the losses

For loss of circulation to occur two conditions must exist:

1) The pressure exerted by the mud column either while static or during
circulation must exceed the formation pore pressure or fracture initiation
2) The porosity and permeability of the formation must be sufficiently high to
allow the passage of whole mud, thus preventing the sealing effect of the
filter cake.
Note: With MPD, the backpressure being applied on the annulus may be modified to
assist in reducing losses.

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Naturally Occurring Losses: Natural losses into fractures and faults can occur in any
type of formation, they are commonly found in tectonically disturbed areas. Natural
fractures can be widened by excessive hydraulic pressure and will then behave as
induced fractures. Depleted reservoirs are another source of such losses.

Induced Losses: Mud losses, particularly in deep or long wells, are due to
mechanically induced fractures that may be established in the following ways:

Mud Weight: Mud weight is the major source of pressure in a well and it should be
maintained no higher than the safe minimum to hold back formation pressure and
stabilise the well bore. It is important to calculate the mud weight required at surface to
provide a set downhole pressure – the downhole mud density is a function of pressure
and temperature.

ECD: While the hole may remain full when the mud is static the annular friction
pressure associated with circulation results in an increase in effective mud weight
referred to as the Equivalent Circulation Density [ECD]. This increase may be
sufficient to induce a mud loss. Where conditions allow, the losses can be cured by
either reducing the mud weight, altering the rheology, slowing the pump rate or a
combination. Insufficient hole cleaning due to excessive ROP or poor mud properties
which results in loading the annular mud column with dense cuttings. In such cases
the pressures developed exceed the fracture gradient of the rock matrix resulting in
whole mud losses to the fractures generated in the formation. Should any of these
remedies be used consideration must be given to hole stability and hole cleaning.

Swab & Surge: Rapid lowering of drill pipe or casing can result in a pressure peak
high enough to break down the formation. One should also be aware that surge
pressures can be exerted even when tripping out, i.e., as the string is set back in the
slips and changing momentum of the fluid column.

MPD Connection: During MPD connections, backpressure is applied to the annulus to

compensate for the reduction of ECD when the pumps are shut off, keeping BHP
constant. When approaching TD, where the PP-FG margin narrows, it is possible that
the applied backpressure for connections may result in the FG at the shoe being
exceeded. This will be modelled prior to drilling the section such that potential losses at
the shoe are accounted for (note that BHP may only be held constant at one depth –
either bottom of the hole or at the shoe, but not both).

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Appropriate response to mud losses is critical to the damage limitation process,
particularly in terms of critical path time. Prior to treating for lost circulation, it is
essential to establish that the losses are indeed downhole and all surface possibilities
have been eliminated.

When no surface cause can be identified, pick up off bottom, stop the pumps and,
while rotating the pipe <40 rpm to avoid sticking problems, perform a static flow check.
If the annular volume does not fall, bring the pumps up in stages to normal drilling rate
and determine at what point the losses, if any, commence.

Definition of Loss Rate:

3) Static losses (SL) - the losses that occur when the well is not being
circulated and the drill string is not being moved up or down.
4) Dynamic losses (DL) - the losses that occur when the well is being
circulated, or when movement of the drill string creates surge pressures.
5) No losses - less than 1 bbl/hr.
6) Seepage losses - losses ranging from 1 - 10 bbl/hr.
7) Partial losses - losses ranging from 10 – 50 bbl/hr.
8) Severe losses - losses greater than 50 bbl/hr.
9) Complete losses - losses at such a rate that it is impossible to maintain a
fluid level at surface with the desired mud weight, regardless of pumping

When the cause is due to mud weight and/or ECD and neither the mud weight, the
pump rate, nor the backpressure on MPD choke can be reduced, then some form of
LCM must be pumped to the loss zone.

When complete loss of returns is experienced, immediately pump sea/drill water down
the annulus, monitoring the volumes required to fill the hole. From the volume
required, the hydrostatic head that the hole can maintain should be determined. After
this has been done, because of the reduction of hydrostatic head, the hole must be
monitored very carefully.

Drilling without mud returns is not allowed except on approval by the SENV Rig
Superintendent. The objective then will be to set casing in the first competent

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Refer to Figure 25 – Losses While Drilling Flow Chart.

When losses are encountered during drilling operations, stop drilling and perform a flow
check to confirm the losses and to measure the loss rate. The well should be
immediately closed-in if the well starts flowing during any of these operations.

The static flow check, and dynamic loss rate test if applicable, will assess the severity
of the losses. If the flow check indicates that the well is flowing after the initial losses,
then follow the loss/gain procedures, Figure 27 - Loss / Gain Flow Chart.

• If no losses are observed during the flow check, then it is possible that
dynamic losses were induced by ECD and it is recommended to break
circulation, establish returns and measure the dynamic loss rate at different
flow rates.
• If severe or complete losses are observed, then it is required to spot LCM (or
ultimately cement if LCM proves ineffective or when the hole cannot be kept
full) into open hole to cure the losses.
• If partial or seepage losses are observed, then it will have to be assessed if
the losses have to be cured with LCM, or if actions to reduce the ECD during
subsequent operations are required, or any other actions whatsoever are

The exact measures to be taken depend on the actual situation and planned future
operations and will have to be discussed and agreed with SENV office.

Depending on the loss rate and open hole condition (length/condition /stability/number
of reservoirs exposed etc) it might be decided to pull the bit back into the casing shoe
after consultation with SENV office.

A detailed strategy for curing losses is covered in the Zerzura-1 Mud Program.

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Figure 25 - Losses While Drilling Flow Chart

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Refer to Figure 26 – Losses While Tripping Flow Chart.

When losses are encountered during a trip in (or out) the hole, stop the tripping
operations and perform a flow check to confirm the losses and measure the loss rate.

The well should be closed-in if the well starts flowing during any of these operations. If
the flow check indicates that the well is flowing after the initial losses, then follow the
loss/gain procedures, Figure 27 - Loss / Gain Flow Chart.

• If no losses are observed during the flow check, then it is possible that the
losses were induced by surge pressures and it is recommended to continue
the trip at reduced running speed.
• If severe or complete losses are observed during the flow check, then it is
required to spot LCM (or ultimately cement if LCM proves ineffective or when
the hole cannot be kept full) into open hole to cure the losses.

When losses are encountered during a trip in (or out) the hole and only partial or
seepage losses are observed during the flow check, it should be established whether
these losses are static or dynamic. Run in hole to the shoe (if the bit is inside the
casing), break circulation carefully a per the procedure in Section 8.4, Breaking
Circulation, and establish returns.

• If severe or complete dynamic losses are observed, then stop pumping

immediately. Such dynamic losses will have to be cured prior to continuing
operations and the actions to follow will have to be agreed with SENV office
prior to continuing.
• If partial or seepage dynamic losses are observed, then it will be required to
implement actions to reduce the ECD during subsequent operations. The
exact measures to be taken depend on the actual situation and planned future
operations and will have to be discussed and agreed with SENV office.

A detailed strategy for curing losses is covered in the MI Zerzura-1 Drilling Fluids

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Figure 26 - Losses While Tripping Flow Chart

Losses While Tripping Flow Chart


Operation in
Drilling Losses while


Stop Tripping
Continue Tripping at
reduced Speed

Flow Well
No Losses
Check Flowing?

Losses Yes Loss/Gain
Flow Chart

Severity Sever or Complete Can Keep Fill Annulus with

of Losses? Hole Full? Light Fluid

Partial or

Consider spotting Spot LCM through

Cement through the bit the bit into
into Open Hole Open Hole Yes


Close-In Well
Sever or Complete Severity
See: Loss/Gain
Losses of Losses?
Flow Chart

Partial or Seepage

No Can Keep
Hole Full?


Bit Above

Inside Casing

In Open
Hole RIH to Shoe at
reduced speed

Break Circulation

Establish Returns

Severity Sever or Complete

of Losses? Losses

Partial or Seepage Losses

The bit might be pulled
To avoid further losses The bit might be pulled
and continue tripping & back
back into
into the
the casing
casing shoe,
drilling, actions have to be depending
depending onon
the loss
loss rate
taken to cure remaining and open hole conditions,
losses, or to reduce butbut after
only consultation
after consultation
the ECD with BSP HO
with SENV Office

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As defined in Section 1.6.8, Supercharging or Ballooning (Fracture Charging) is
associated with loss/gain situations. Drilling mud is lost to the formation after bottom
hole pressure exceeds the formation intake pressure as a result of high ECD's or surge
pressures. Mud losses into the formation locally increase the near wellbore pore
pressure during drilling ahead and the lost mud (together with some reservoir fluid) is
subsequently returned into the wellbore after removal of the ECD following shut-down
of the mud pumps.

It is important to differentiate between flow from the well as a result of supercharging,

and flow from the well as a result of a genuine influx of reservoir fluids into the

The following procedure gives a structured and proven approach to identifying the
cause of well flow after encountering dynamic losses. Refer to Figure 27 - Loss / Gain
Flow Chart.

1) When losses are encountered during drilling, it is important to minimise the lost
volume and stop drilling immediately to assess the degree of balance in the well
by means of a flow check. The well will often flow during a flow check following
dynamic losses and the flow back volume must be accurately measured.
Obtaining a signature, or fingerprint, of flow-checks and connections is
therefore imperative in order to fully evaluate such phenomena.
2) If the volume returned during the flow check is less than 5 bbl above normal
flow back volume (fingerprint) then the well can be considered static, but
actions will have to be taken to reduce the ECD or prevent further losses prior
to drilling ahead. Consideration should be given to reducing the flow rate,
rotary speed or mud rheology and adding LCM to the mud system. An
additional check on whether the well is flowing is to use a Horner Plot, as
described in Section 8.11.

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3) Flow ChecksMonitor the well very closely while circulating after conducting
the flow check because flow check gas may be circulated to surface. Start to
circulate over the Mud Gas Separator if required when BU is approximately
1000m from surface (via MPD or rig choke, depending on where on the MPD
Operations Matrix the scenario occurs).
4) If the volume returned during the flow check is more than 5 bbl above normal
flow back volume, or confirmed from the Horner Plot that the well is indeed
flowing, then close-in the well and observe the closed-in pressures. Compare
the closed-in pressures with the ECD, trapped pressure test, thermal effect test
and compare the volumes lost/gained since the last time the well was static.
Discuss the situation with SENV office and assess whether fracture charging is
5) When there are no indications of super charging, then it should be assumed
that the well flow is the result of a genuine influx of reservoir fluids and the well
should be killed using the 'well flow while drilling' or 'well flow while tripping'
6) A maximum total volume of allowed to flow from the well during loss/gain
situations without circulating bottom up should not exceed 5 bbl above the
average fingerprint volume. Maximum bleed back volumes might change and
depends on surface observations made when circulating out previous flow back
volumes, results from previous Horner plots, and only after consultation with
SENV office.
7) If the pressures reduce to zero and the flow stops during this bleed down, then
circulate bottom up to assess the gas levels.
8) If the pressures do not return to zero and the well does not cease to flow during
this bleed down, then shut-in the well and record the pressures. If the new
closed-in pressures are higher than the original pressures, it should be
assumed that an additional influx has been allowed to enter the wellbore and
that the well should be killed conventionally. If the pressures are lower, then
circulate bottom up to assess if gas levels are acceptable.
Circulating bottom up may have to be repeated if more than one bleed down has to be
performed. Circulate over the choke at a rate where losses are not experienced and
monitor the well very closely for indications of hydrocarbons.

Flow check the well after circulating bottom up and repeat the bleed down process if
well continues to flow after the initial bleed down process. It is very important to
accurately measure and record the pressures and volumes during the entire process.
Past experience has shown that several bleed down cycles may be required after
fracture charging.

Influxes have to be circulated out through the choke with the well closed in, unless
insignificant gas levels in combination with no signs of gas expansion were observed
on previous bottom-up circulation at same drilling depth.

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Figure 27 - Loss / Gain Flow Chart

Loss - Gain Flow Chart


Close-In Well
Operation in See Well-Flow
Progress? while Tripping or
Out of Hole


Stop Drilling & Raise FOSV above drillfloor

See Losses
Static or Losses while Drilling
Flow Chart

Well Flowing

Measure Volume Returned

To avoid further losses

Or if well confirmed to be & continue drilling,
Volume >
No actions have to be taken
flowing from a Horner Plot. 0.8m3?
to cure dynamic losses or
reduce the ECD


Shut-In Well & Record Pressures Resume Drilling


Review Situation with BSP HO Monitor well carefully

when flow checking gas
being circulated out



Bleed-Off max
of 0.8m3 through
Choke to Trip-Tank NOTE:
When BU at 1000m below
wellhead, circulate via
OPEN chokes.
Or if well confirmed to be Slow down rate to reduce
Flow Stopped? flowing from a Horner Plot. pressure on formation

Continues No

Shut-In Well & Record Pressures


See Losses
Pressure <
No while Drilling
Flow Chart


Circulate BU



To avoid further losses & continue drilling, actions have

to be taken to cure dynamic losses or reduce the ECD

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If this occurs there are two logical alternatives:

1) Circulating drillpipe pressure can be maintained above the planned

pressure and bottom hole pressure remains above that of the formation.
2) It is not possible to maintain choke pressure and circulating drillpipe
pressure falls below that planned for – bottom hole pressure may well be
less than formation pressure.

If in 1) above is the case, the kill circulation can continue, though the mud losses must
be accounted for.

If in 2) above has happened, there is a good chance that the well is unloading and an
underground blow out may also be occurring. The kill circulation must be stopped and
other measures, for example bullheading or setting a plug, must be taken.

Note: Once gas break out occurs, it will be virtually impossible to determine if there
are downhole losses. Hence every effort should be made to determine and
mitigate losses before gas break out at ~1000m.


It is most often the result of shutting in on a kick and inducing a fracture in the open
hole above the point of influx. Kick fluids flow, usually from the lower active zone to the
zone which has been fractured. Generally indicated by unstable pressure readings at
surface. Correct casing design and monitoring of kick tolerance are the key items in
preventing this.

If an underground blow-out occurs the following information should be gathered:

1) Required Kill Mud Weight: This may be known if pressures had stabilised
prior to a formation fracture, or a Horner plot of the shut in pressures made
which enables a calculation to be made. The kill mud weight may also be
known or deduced from knowledge of the area. If none of these are
possible, estimate on the high side.
2) Direction of Flow: Up-to-Down underground blowouts are rare (less than
10%) and are fairly easy to kill.
3) Velocity of Flow: This is the greatest problem with an Under Ground
Blowout. If the velocity is high the flow can be difficult or impossible to kill.
The velocity is difficult to determine but prior knowledge of the permeability
of the source zone and loss zone from offset wells or Mudloggers records
can be used as an indication.
4) Location of the Loss Zone and Source Zone: This is usually considered
to be from the drilled depth to the casing shoe but this is not always the
case. Temperature and sonic logs can be used to help determine this.
5) Drill String Hydraulics: This is important, as very high flow rates of kill
mud are needed to be effective. If the drill string configuration limits the flow
rate and cannot be improved (i.e. by blowing out the nozzles) then a
dynamic kill may not be possible. Plan to maintain minimum PV and YP for
the kill weight mud.

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6) Pump Capabilities: Pressure limitations and output volume may require

more and or higher rated pumps.
7) Mud System: Volume and limitations.
8) Pressure Limitations: On surface equipment and casing.

14.8.1 Selection of Kill Method for Underground Blowout

There are several ways of killing an underground Blowout and the method selected will
largely depend on the results of the above information gathering exercise. The
decision will be made in conjunction with SENV office team and possibly with specialist
help (i.e. JWCO or ALERT).

The methods include:

1) Dynamic Kill: This method relies on forcing enough heavy mud down the drill
string and into the flowing formation fluid, the resultant hydrostatic head above
the kick zone is enough to stop the flow.
2) Sandwich Kill: Similar to method 1), but is combined with pumping mud with a
high LCM content down the annulus at the same time as the kill mud is being
pumped down the drill pipe.
3) Barite Plugs: Involves pumping a specially formulated heavyweight pill into the
annulus that allows the barite to fall out of suspension and kill the well by either
bridging, hydrostatic pressure, or a combination of the two.
4) Cementing: Similar to 3) but using cement instead of barite. Cement plugs
may rely on ‘gunk squeezes’ or the cementing company’s proprietary products.
When the above methods are employed, one is essentially embarking on Tertiary Well

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This subject is addressed further in:

 EP 2002-1500, Section 3.6 Tertiary Control, Page 79.

In circumstances where secondary control cannot be properly executed to restore

primary control due to gain/loss situation, equipment failure or hole conditions, certain
emergency procedures can be implemented to prevent the total loss of control. Such
measures, sometimes referred to as 'Tertiary Control', may lead to partial or complete
abandonment of the well. Prudent application of these techniques at an early stage
may avert much more serious consequences.

Invariably Tertiary Well Control is called upon when either the bottom of the hole is lost,
and hydrostatic head is subsequently lost to a shallower formation which then kicks; or
a high pressure formation is encountered on bottom, which cannot be contained by a
weaker formation above resulting in a Under Ground Blowout.

The procedures to be applied in order to effect Tertiary Control depend on the

particular operating conditions which are encountered in conjunction to numerous other
prevailing circumstances at the time. Specific recommendations regarding appropriate
procedures cannot therefore be given. Hence in almost all cases, consultation will be
required with SENV office, and if necessary, expert advice sought. Regardless, there
is no “quick-fix’ solution and all the risks associated with Tertiary well control must be
fully ascertained for any proposed solution.

! As with all LCM pills/plugs, there is always the potential to

either plug the string or get it stuck!

There are three common procedures for Tertiary Well Control, involving the use of:

• Cement plugs,
• Reactive squeeze plug mixes,
• Barite plugs (both settling and non-settling).

Formulations for any of these methods will be provided in a separate document. Refer
to the MI Zerzura-1 Drilling Fluids Program.

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Fingerprinting is rig and well specific and involves accurate measurement and
documentation of “real time” changes in surface mud volumes and/or down hole
pressures when specific operations take place. These operations include such things
as moving the pipe, turning pumps on/off, setting slips, switching between active
system and trip tank(s), varying mud temperature etc. The value of Fingerprinting is in
differentiating the expected occurrence (what “could” or “should” happen) from what
actually “did happen” under a given set of conditions.

The overall objective of Fingerprinting is to be able to quickly and correctly identify an

actual influx by comparing real time data to the previous “Fingerprinted” data. The data
recorded during a given operation becomes the “expected behaviour” or “the
Fingerprint” for the next time the same operation is performed. Good communication
between the Driller, the mudlogger and the PWD operator is essential in accurate
documentation. The knowledge of this behaviour, or fingerprint, can be used to make
more informed decisions in the event of a well control event or mud loss incident.

Following is a high level description of the pre-section tests that will be conducted prior
to drilling out the casing shoe above the HPHT section(s). Where relevant, well
specific fingerprinting may be included in the Drilling Programme, e.g. specific flow
rates and/or pressure tests may be specified. The tests are described in random order
and it is recommended to plan the sequence such that the time required to complete
the programme is minimised and involvement of the drilling crews is maximised.

Some of the tests are not sensitive to the bit depth and mud weight in the hole and
these may be performed at any point inside the casing (e.g. kick drill, stripping drill,
etc.). However, most other tests shall be conducted under realistic conditions, using
the fully weighted, properly conditioned mud with the bit near the casing shoe.

The purpose of these tests is threefold:

• Ensure that critical equipment is tested and properly functioning,

• Establish baseline, or “fingerprints” of operation events – so that we now what
is “normal”, and hence be able to recognise what is “not normal”,
• Ensure that all relevant personnel have practiced the execution of critical
procedures and activities.

In principle, certain fingerprints need to be repeated whenever the mud weight is

changed; which may or may not be conducive for the phase in the well. When the mud
weight is to be staged-up during the section to be drilled, a fingerprinting strategy
needs to be incorporated in the specific Drilling Programme as to mitigate the

The results from these tests shall be properly documented (copies submitted to SENV
office) such that the information can be used for reference throughout the operations in
the HPHT sections.

The DSVs shall be responsible for collating the fingerprint data.

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16.2.1 Instrumentation Synchronization
All pressure gauges and pit volume instrumentation shall be calibrated and
crosschecked by the respective owners, and the data presented in a tabulated format.
This table should display Drillers, Mudloggers, and Cementers instrumentation for
cross referencing.

16.2.2 Slow Circulation Rate Test (SCR Test)

The slow circulating tests shall include circulating through the high-pressure kick
assembly, high-pressure surface lines, through the Choke Manifold, using both the rig
pumps and the cement pumps, and at 3 different flow rates (e.g. 10/20/30 spm).

16.2.3 Trapped Pressure Tests

This test is to determine the magnitude of pressures that may be 'trapped' when the
well is closed-in shortly after stopping circulation. The results of this test may have
implications for the shut-in method to be employed and gives an indication of pressures
that may be trapped during actual well control situations.

The following procedure is recommended:

• Circulate at 6 bbl/min.
• Turn off the pumps.
• Immediately shut-in the well using the Hard Shut-in method. Do not wait for
the flow to stop.
• Record the time in seconds from 'pumps off' until the well is closed-in.
• Record trapped surface pressures 3 minutes after the well is closed-in.
• Repeat test for 8 and 10 bbl/min.

16.2.4 Mud Compressibility

Accurately record the volumes and pressures during the pressure test on the casing,
either during casing bump or subsequent pressure tests.

Determine the resulting compressibility factor. Compressibility changes with

temperature, applied pressure, and mud density. Data charts are available from the
Drilling Fluids supplier(s). The expected range for these wells is between 2.5 and 5 x
10^-6 / psi.

In addition to well control considerations this compressibility factor may be useful in

determining the cement displacement strokes.

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16.2.5 Mud Thermal Effect Tests

When the well is closed-in during a well control incident, there may be a pressure build-
up (or pressure reduction) due to the expansion (or contraction) of the drilling fluid as
the fluid in the well slowly adopts the geothermal temperature. This test establishes the
magnitude of these thermal effects on the pressure of a closed system.

The following procedure is recommended:

• Circulate to condition the mud.
• Shut-in the well with the BOP's and apply 300 psi to the well.
• Record the closed-in pressures every minute for one hour.
• Use a Horner Plot to analyse the thermal expansion effects on the mud.

16.2.6 ECD Tests

Knowledge of the actual bottom hole pressure under dynamic conditions is critically
important in high-pressure wells. The ECD will be modelled with Wellplan for Windows,
but these results need to be verified against the actual ECD as measured with the
PWD (when available). The ECD test aims to measure the actual ECD's to facilitate
the calibration of the models and assist in planning the operations in the HPHT section.
The following procedure is recommended:
• Circulate to condition the mud.
• Circulate at 2 bbl/min and allow pressures to stabilise.
• Record the surface pressure and PWD reading.
• Repeat the test with different flow rates, and certainly at the expected range
of flow rates.

16.2.7 Comparison of PWD Data

Swab/ Surge, Pressure to break circulation:

1) The purpose here is to measure the change on bottom hole pressure that
occurs when a drilling assembly is raised and lowered under HPHT
conditions. Procedures that are to be taken to reduce swab/surge to
manageable levels. It is important that these effects be monitored and
reported as drilling progresses.
The following procedure is recommended:
• Circulate to condition the mud.
• Circulate at 3 bbl/min and allow pressures to stabilise.
• Pull back one full stand at a predetermined rate.
• Record the minimum PWD reading.
• Run in one full stand at a predetermined rate.
• Record the maximum PWD reading.
• Repeat the test with different pulling speed and flow rates

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2) Real time PWD data is essential if meaningful data is to be documented.

The PWD operator is to analyse this real time PWD information and report
to the Driller and Mudlogger the maximum swab/surge pressures, the
pressure to break circulation after each connection.
3) These values should be reported as the incremental pressures over or
under the normal mud hydrostatic. No critical path rig time should be
required to record and analyse this data. Rig specific procedures may
need to be adjusted to minimise these swab/surge pressures as the mud
density is increased closer to the FIT.

Mud Gradient down hole vs. Surface Gradient

1) The PWD operator and mud Engineer should also use the PWD
information to report the average down hole mud gradient and compare this
to the surface mud gradient each day. This data will be useful in correcting
mud densities due to down hole temperatures.

16.2.8 Pressure / Rotation Tests

The pressure / rotation test aims to measure the effect of pipe rotation on the ECD's
and surface circulating pressure. The results of the test may have implications for the
operating parameters that will be used while drilling the HPHT section.

The following procedure is recommended:

• Circulate to condition the mud.
• Circulate at 3 bbl/min and allow pressures to stabilise.
• Record the surface pressure and PWD reading.
• Start rotation at 50 RPM and allow pressures to stabilise.
• Repeat the test with different RPM's and flow rates

16.2.9 Trip Sheet bbls per 10 stands factor

On the trip in the hole to drilling out the shoe, accurately determine the “bbls/10 stands”
factor for each type of drill pipe in use over as many stands as practical.

It is important that the pipe is completely full and void of air at the beginning and end of
the test for each section of drill pipe.

Use the factors established on subsequent trips. Trip sheets for the current trip will be
compared to previous trip sheets throughout the trip.

16.2.10 Well Control Response (Choke Test)

This test should be conducted while inside casing. The test can be conducted before
drilling out the shoe above the transition zone. The objective is to determine the
response time and magnitude of pressure transmittal down the drillstring.

With the well closed in using the Annular Preventer apply 350 psi to the drill pipe and
annulus. Perform a well control start up, at 2-3 bbl/min, while maintaining the 350psi
on the annulus gauge.

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When the pressures have stabilised reduce the backpressure to 200 psi by
manipulating the choke, record the reaction time between the pressure drop on the drill
pipe and the annulus. Increase the backpressure to 400 psi; record the reaction time
between the drill pipe and annulus gauges.

If a PWD is employed in the string during this test, it will also give an indication to the
effects on BHP when circulating BU over the chokes.

Allow each potential choke operator to perform this drill. Record response, and delay
times on the appropriate sheet.

16.2.11 Drain-Back/Flow-Back while flow checking during Drilling

Operations and Flow Checks.
Prior to drilling out the shoe, and at anytime there is a mud weight increase, perform a
Drain-Back/Flow-Back “Fingerprint” at the proposed drilling flow rates, as per rig
specific procedures developed using the drilling stand.

Based on trials, the Rig Team must decide if the Drain-Back/Flow-Back volumes are to
be captured in the trip tank or the active system. Step-by-Step procedures MUST be in
place for this activity where compliance and timing is paramount.

This “snapshot” should be saved and presented in a form the Driller can use to
compare later flow backs. The mudloggers will also be using on online comparison of
the fingerprint as detailed in Section 8.11 Flow Check, including the use of plotting a
Horner Plot.

16.2.12 Drain-Back/Flow-Back while Pumping Out of Hole

The basic procedure for this fingerprint is no different to that specified for the Drain-
Back/Flow-Back above.

Follow the procedures in Section 9.2, Pumping Out, but recording the PVT responses
as described above.

16.2.13 Opening of Float Valve

Conduct fingerprinting exercises to determine the surface pressure required to open
the float valve(s) in the BHA.

16.2.14 Solids Control Equipment

Conduct fingerprinting exercises to determine the effects on the PVT system of
operating the various solids control equipment on the active system.

The commencement and cessation of such equipment must be rigorously controlled as

in the mud pit discipline measures.

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Example LOT data sheet.


Well: Casing Size: 13.3/8"
Date: 28/07/2006
WRT All Depth m ODF Measured
m AH m TVDBDF Pressure
Rat Hole Depth: 1355.0 1094 Inital Hydrostatic Head: 160 kPa
Csg Shoe Depth: 1339.9 1094 LOT Pressure: 3870 kPa
Exposed Hole Length: 15.1 metres Maximum Pressure : 18635 kPa
Inclination @ Shoe: 45.3 degs EMMG: 16.89 kPa/m
Formation at Shoe: Shale
Mud Weight: 13.5 kPa/m 14765.49 kPa

Volume Pumped: 360.00 L

Volume Returned: 200.00 L EMMG = 16.89 kPa/m
Losses: 160.00 L EG-17: 13.3/8" CSG
% Losses: 44% Leak Off Test
Volume Measured
Pumped Pressure 3500
(l ) (kPa)
Measured Pressure (kPa)

130 1951 3000

140 2077
150 2203
160 2329
170 2455
180 2613 2000
190 2740
200 2830 1500
210 2866
220 2992 1000
230 3118
240 3213
250 3339 500
260 3434
270 3465 0
280 3560 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
290 3623
300 3718 Volume Pumped (L)
310 3781
320 3844
330 3876
340 3876
350 3718 Pressure vs Time (after pumping)
360 3402
SI Time 4000
(min) 3500
0.0 360 3402
1.0 360 3055
Pressure (kPa)

2.0 360 2929 2500

3.0 360 2866 2000
4.0 360 2803
5.0 360 2771
6.0 360 2740 1000
7.0 360 2708 500
8.0 360 2645
9.0 360 2487
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Time (min)

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1 Has one person been designated to supervise the stripping operation?

2 Is the BOP stack spaced for stripping and are drawings with dimensions available?

3 Is shut-in casing pressure recorded?

4 Was a heavy pill pumped before pulling out of hole?

5 Has Gray valve been installed?

6 Is gas bubble rising?

7 Is everything rigged up for the combined stripping and volumetric method?

8 Has the effective string weight been calculated?

Has wellbore force been calculated to verify that the string can be stripped either through the bag preventer
or ram preventers?

10 Has open hole capacity and open hole/drill collar capacity been calculated?

11 Are spare parts for FOSV available?

12 Will all the fluid, which will be bled off, go into the calibrated trip tank?

13 Have arrangements been made to accurately record and tabulate all pressures and volumes?

14 Have arrangements been made to fill the pipe with mud?

15 Have pressure gauges been checked and compared?

16 Has a pressure recorder been hooked up?

17 What is the calculated MAASP and casing burst pressure?

18 Are DP rubbers removed?

19 Are DP and tooljoints smooth; and have rough edges been filed away?

20 Has the effect of stripping into the influx been considered?

21 Have specific jobs been assigned to personnel on location and have proper instructions been given?

Has the FOSV been opened before the first stand was made up, in order to check the Gray valve and to
confirm that circulation is possible?

23 Is the correct amount of mud being bled off as the pipe is stripped in?

24 Has the auxiliary tank been calibrated?

25 Is all mud being accurately measured?

26 Has trip tank been calibrated?

27 Are tooljoints and DP being lubricated as they go in the hole?

28 Have preparations been made to circulate out when the pipe is on bottom?

29 What was the original circulation pressure before tripping out of the hole?

Stripping with Bag Preventer

1 Is stripping through bag preventer possible?

2 Is surge bottle pre-charge pressure checked? (Open surge bottle slowly)!

3 Is the opening-chamber control-line of the bag preventer vented?

4 Adjust closing pressure but prevent leakage past the tooljoints and DP

After stripping back to bottom close vent opening line and readjust closing pressure to recommend operating

6 Close ram type BOP

Checked by:


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SENV NWD-II Campaign 2009-10 HPHT Drilling & Well Control Procedures


Example Only, to be compiled for individual wells/sections
Operational guidelines for the HPHT reservoir section of SW-08-s1
Operations Parameters and procedures

Operating parameters (1) Maximum ECD after experiencing losses: 968 pptf
(2) Maximum rotary speed: 100 rpm
(3) Maximum reaming down rotary speed: 50 rpm
(4) Maximum reaming down speed: 30 ft/min
(5) Active pit mud weight at 100 deg F: 948 to 952 pptf
(6) String should never be lifted without pumping unless instructed by DSV.

Guide for max. pump rate Operations or condition of the drill string Max pump rate
Pipe rotation only (normal drilling pump rate) 150 gpm / 28 spm
Circulate bottoms up at 15,000 ft after a trip(pipe stationary) 150 gpm / 28 spm
- (A higher downhole mud weight was experienced at that depth in the past.)
Pipe stationary (no rotation, no downward movement) 180 gpm / 34 spm
Pipe rotating (<=50 rpm) + reaming down at less than 30 ft/min 100 gpm / 19 spm
Note The above pump rates should be revised based on formation strength when new formation
is being drilled.

Bottoms up after a trip (1) Rotate the string slowly (10 to 20 rpm) to break gels.
at 15,000 ft MD. (2) Start the pump at low speed (< 10 SPM).
(string must be stationary, (3) As soon as returns is observed, stop pipe rotation.
no rotation & no movements) (4) Increase the pump rate to 150 gpm / 28 spm in 10 SPM steps.
- Wait until pressure and volume stabilised before each step increase.
- Don't move the string downward when bringing pumps up to speed.
(5) After bottoms up, change the operating parameters as per above Guide.

Breaking circulation (1) Rotate the string slowly (10 to 20 rpm) to break gels
(after short stoppage such as (2) Start the pump at low speed (< 10 SPM).
connection, flowcheck, (3) As soon as returns is observed, increase pump rate to normal rate in 10 SPM steps.
pump failure etc) - Wait until pressure and volume stabilised before each step increase.
- Don't move the string downward when bringing pumps up to speed.
(4) Increase the rotary speed to normal speed.

Reaming down (1) Maximum reaming down speed: 30 ft/min.

(2) Maximum pump rate: 100 gpm / 19 spm
(3) Maximum rotary speed: 50 rpm

Running in hole (1) Follow the recommended tripping speeds.

(2) Pick up the string slowly. Swabbing can happen when picking up the string
from the slips.
(3) Build up tripping speed slowly.
(4) The risk for fracturing the formation is high when the bit is approaching
the top of Upper Fulmar at +/- 17,237 ft MD / 15,961 ft TVD.
(5) From 17,500 ft onwards, the risk for losses is at highest level due to weak formations.

Pulling out of hole (1) String should never be lifted without pumping.
(pumping out of hole to 6,000 ft (2) Pick up the string slowly.
and then pulling at reduced (3) Build up tripping speed slowly.
rate as per Daily Instructions) (4) Swabbing can occur whenever picking up the string from the slips.
Refer to HPHT procedures (5) The highest risk for swabbing is when the bit is approaching the top of Lower Fulmar,
for further details. which is at +/- 17,500 ft MD / 16,224 ft TVD.

General notes:
(1) After a trip out of the hole, run to +/- 15,000 ft MD and circulate bottoms up.
(2) The minimum overbalance is 147 psi at top of Lower Fulmar with 947 pptf equivalent downhole mud weight.
(3) The maximum allowable ECD for fracturing the formation is 968 pptf, which is at around 17900 ft and below.
(4) Swabbing may occur whenever picking up the string, even during connections.
(5) The highest risk for breaking down the formation is to break circulaton. Follow the recommended procedures.

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SENV NWD-II Campaign 2009-10 HPHT Drilling & Well Control Procedures


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SENV NWD-II Campaign 2009-10 HPHT Drilling & Well Control Procedures

Details of changes made to this document shall be captured under this section

21.1 REVISION NO. 0.2

Description Original Release
Date January, 2010

21.1.1 Revision Details

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SENV NWD-II Campaign 2009-10 HPHT Drilling & Well Control Procedures

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