Environmental Impacts of Thermal Power P

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Environmental impacts of thermal power plant:

Case Study

Dataset · January 2007



3 authors, including:

Sreenath Subrahmanyam David Martin

University of Aberdeen Davidson College


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Narendran Kodandapani1∗, Sreenath Subrahmanyam2, David W. Martin3

Present Address
Department of Geography,
Michigan State University,
East Lansing, Michigan 48823, United States of America
Email: kodandap@msu.edu
Present Address
National Institutes of Health,
12735 Twinbrook Parkway, Room 2E-22,
Rockville, Maryland 20852, United States of America
Email: sree@nih.gov
Present Address
Professor of Economics, Davidson College
PO Box 6988
Davidson, North Carolina 28035-6988, United States of America.
Email: damartin@davidson.edu

Running Head: Environmental impacts of proposed thermal power plant

* Author for Correspondence

There has been a chronic shortage of power in India, with supplies not keeping pace with

the ever-growing demand. Apart from generating power from the many watersheds in

different parts of the country, fossil based fuels like coal and lignite are also being

systematically harnessed to meet the demands. The southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu

has large deposits of lignite. Jayamkondam is a part of Tiruchirapalli district in Tamil

Nadu State of India. The area has proven deposits of lignite and a pre-feasibility study

has revealed the possibility of mining and power generation. The proposed thermal

power plant and mine are expected to come up near Jayamkondam and villages

surrounding it. A number of environmental impacts will result as a consequence of this

developmental activity. The study examines the impacts on the different components of

the environment, while suggesting possible alternatives. The study area lies within a

radius of 2 km of the town Jayamkondam. Baseline information on the air, water and soil

environments were obtained including the socio-economic status of the people who will

be affected by the pollutants from the thermal power plant. The study examines the costs

and benefits of the project. The main sources of pollution from the thermal power plant

are the heavy metals and the suspended particulate matter. Probabilistic linear vector

analysis has been used as a method to analyse and quantify the impacts of the pollutants.

Each of these pollutants has been carefully weighed and the scores randomized and

standardised to obtain the final environmental impact assessment (EIA). The index of

relative attractiveness compares the merits of the different options under the given
circumstances. The fourth option, which incorporates control of air pollution and flyash

utilization, is the most attractive option considering the costs and benefits. An

environment management plan outlines the possible mitigative measures.

Key words: Impacts, Jayamkondam, costs, benefits, pollution, thermal.


Water resources, industrial pollution and urban congestion are the major environmental

issues that deserve high priority in India, besides land and soil resources and

deforestation (UNEP 1997). Rapid industrialization presents the environment-population

problem in its most dramatic form. More and more of the world’s people live in cities.

At the beginning of the industrial revolution only about 3 people out of every hundred

lived in urban areas. Today, 40% of the population lives in urban areas. In India there

has been a higher urban population growth rate as against the rural. In 1997, 261 million

people resided in urban areas. This is expected to rise to 415 million by 2015. By 2050

half of the Indian population will be urban. Further the concentration of urban population

would be in Class I cities (100,000 and above) according to 1991 census Class I cities

housed 140 million people and accounted for 65% of the total urban population.

Concomitant with increased urbanisation would be an increase in demand for power in

urban centres. In the last 200 years, industrial development, prolifigate use of energy and

mechanised agriculture have created serious problems of environmental disruption.

Generation of power and its usage drives many of the modern economies both in the

developed and developing worlds. In India the growth of the power sector has been

phenomenal since independence. The installed capacity shot up, to 72, 320 MW by the

end of 1993-94 from a mere 1,300 MW in 1947 and is expected to exceed 1,00,000 MW

by the turn of the century and 1,60,000 to 2,00,000 by the year 2005 (1). About 58% of

the present capacity are based on coal-fired units, 34% on hydel units and around 3% on

nuclear power units. The coal resources identified could last for 280 years at the current

rate of consumption (2). But still a chronic shortage of power is reported in southern

India in general and Tamil Nadu state in particular resulting in energy cuts (3). To bridge

the gap between the need for power and the availability, a study was conducted by the

geological survey of India in 1985 which proved the occurrence of lignite at

Jayamkondam in Tiruchirapalli district of Tamil Nadu. Jayamkondam lignite Power

Corporation (JLPC), a joint sector company, to exploit the Jayamkondam lignite field

with a proposal to establish a 3 X 500 MW lignite based pit head thermal power station

near Jayamkondam. Neyveli lignite corporation (NLC) is the consultant to the

preparation of the pre-feasibility report for opening a mine of a capacity of a million tons

per annum to feed the proposed 3 X 500 MW thermal power station. The excavation of

lignite and the consequent commencement of the thermal power station will have

numerous impacts, calling for a detailed EIA of the lignite mine and thermal power plant

at Jayamkondam. The industrial sector is one of the major energy consuming sectors in

India. It uses about 50% of the total commercial energy in the country. Apart from

environmental problems associated with urbanisation, the thermal power plant would

have specific effects on the environment and people living in the urban areas. There

would be effects on the air, water and soil environments, there could also be effects on

the biological diversity and socio-economic status of families living in the project area.

We have looked at the environmental impacts of thermal power plants in the urban


Details of the Proposed Project:

Jayamkondam lignite field is located near Jayamkondam town in Tiruchirapalli district in

Tamil Nadu. The lignite field is covered approximately by latitude 11° to 11° 15'N and

longitude 79° 18' to 79° 28' E. Jayamkondam deposits fall in tertiary formation of Upper

Miocene age called as Cudddalores, the thickness varying between 2.4 m and 20.5 m,

spreading over an area of about 120 sq.km. Jayamkondam town is situated in the central

part of the field over an area of 9 sq.km. (Figure 3) Ash and sulphur contents in lignite

vary form 3 % to 12% and 0.4% to 1.5% respectively. The gross calorific value ranges

between 2,200 and 3,000 Kcal/kg.

Results and Discussion

Existing Scenario:

The ambient air quality is characterised by relatively high SPM (Suspended Particulate

Matter) concentration of 60.75 μg/m3 at Jayamkondam. All the other sampling stations

had lesser SPM concentrations. Relatively high SPM concentrations at Jayamkondam

could be due to the presence of a number of foundries. Sulphur dioxide concentrations

ranged between 2.8 and 3.33 μg/m3 respectively, with Udaryapalayam recording 3.35

μg/m3, which is the maximum. Jayamkondam recorded nitrous oxide concentrations of

6.77 μg/m3, which is the maximum with other stations recording between 4.04 μg/m3 and

5.5 μg/m3. This could be attributed to the large number of vehicles, which ply in the

town on account of being the taluk headquarters and also the road is a state highway. The
ground water from all sampling stations recorded relatively low dissolved oxygen,

relatively high BOD was recorded in Koovathur and Anaikudichan, the values are 9.32

mg/l and 9.27 mg/l respectively, which could be attributed to the organic substances in

water. The pH of the soil samples ranged between 7.95 and 8.31. Most of the soil

samples had pH above 8. The lime status ranged from 19.76% in Jayamkondam to

38.75% in Kuvagam. The soils contain low amounts of nitrogen ranging between 0.05%

and 0.11%.

There is wide variation in the floristic composition of Tiruchirapalli forest division. The

variations are due to edaphic and topographical conditions. The annual rainfall in

Udayarpalayam is between 800 mm and 850 mm. Dry thorn type of forest prevails in

Udayarpalayam range. The project area harbors many bird species and the vegetation are

mainly dry thorn with a few plantations of eucalyptus.

Socio economic Profile:

The median value of family size is 5, a minimum of 2 in each family is educated.

Edaiyar has the maximum number of people per family educated with a median value of

4. The people of all the villages have been staying for 150 years and have at least one

place of importance. On an average, respondents had at least 5 acres of land. Cashew is

grown in all the villages except in Melur. Although rice is not grown in Suriyamanal and

Udayarpalayam, the other villages have rice as one of their main crops. The annual gain

from harvest ranges from Rs.1, 00,000 in Devanur to Rs.5, 000 in Melur.

Sampling of the Various Components of the Environment:

Sampling of the various components of the environment were carried out within a radius

of 2 km of the mine and thermal power station. Water, air and soil sampling stations

were established in the project area. (Map) In all there were 8 sampling stations for the

water (Kuvagam, Devanur, Koovathur, Anikudichan, Kulathur, Devamangalam,

Irimbilikurichi, Jayamkondam), 8 for the soil (same as water stations) and 4 for the air

(Jayamkondam, Thandalai, Udayarpalayam and Ervangudi). The water sampling was

repeated 3 times over a period of 3 months, however only a one-time sampling was

conducted for the air and soil components. All the water samples were taken from

ground water sources. This was so because there is a potential danger of water

contamination of the ground water through leaching from the fly ash pond. Air

sampling stations were located after determining the predominant wind direction. Soil

samples were collected at random within the 2-km radius. An extensive socio-economic

survey was conducted to assess the value of pollution and displacement. Villages falling

under the displaced area as well as in the path of the predominant wind direction were

selected for questionnaire survey. The villages selected are Devanur, Suriyamanal, Melur,

Thandalai, Ervangudi and Udayarpalayam. Estimation of the various components of the

environment was carried out in accordance with standard methods (4). A Guassian

plume dispersion model was employed to investigate the air pollution from the stack of

the power plant (5). To assess the water pollution a computer model (6) was employed.

To assess the environmental impact assessment of the thermal power plant, a computer

model was employed wherein a set of 24 components were utilized (7). Contingent

valuation method was applied to study the socio-economics of the proposed projects. (8),


Results of Environmental Impact Assessment:

Impacts on Air:

The predominant wind directions were obtained using the data from the meteorological

office, Chennai. The two predominant wind directions are the north of northeast and

south of southwest. The villages that could be affected are Vangudi, Pappakudi,

Kundavelu, Ervangudi, Anaikudichan, Thathanur, T.Solankurichi and Udayarpalayam.

The analysis has revealed high concentrations of SPM, SOx and NOx. The values are 81

μg/m3, 348 μg/m3 and 162μg/m3 respectively. Figure 1 shows the plot of the different

air pollutants from the thermal power plant. For each of the pollutants, SPM, SO2 and

NOx, the concentrations are given under controlled as well as uncontrolled conditions.

SPM is controlled through an ESP, which has an efficiency of 99%. SO2 and NOx are

controlled using an FGD, which has an efficiency of 90%. The concentration of these

pollutants was obtained from a Gaussian plume model developed by T.J.Cartwright.

The impacts of a large quantity of emissions on human beings are both acute and chronic.

NOx present in concentrations of 100 μg/m3 (annual mean) leads to acute and chronic

respiratory diseases. SOx and SPMs have a synergistic effect and in concentrations of 80

μg/m3 (annual mean) lead to aggravation of chronic obstructive lung disease, increased

risk of acute and chronic respiratory illness and altered lung function in children (10). In
fact, in every major air pollution episode, the combination of sulfur oxides and

particulates has been implicated as a cause of the excess mortality observed. The

magnitude of the health risk posed by levels of sulfates and other particulates has been

estimated at 50,000 premature deaths (2 % of total deaths) per year in the USA and

Canada (11). A concentration of 0.12 ppm of SO2 for 60 days leads to fewer yields of

crops, 0.1 ppm of SO2 for 36 days leads to leaf damage, and 0.3 ppm of SO2 for 4 hours

leads to depression of pollen tube (12).

Impacts on water:

Two scenarios were envisaged for the water pollution from the thermal power plant. In

the first scenario where there would be no controls of the particulates using an ESP

(Electro Static Precipitator) an assumption was made that 50% of the particulate matter

from the thermal power plant would deposited on the land whereas the other 50% would

deposit on the small ponds. In the second scenario, it was assumed that 90% of the SPMs

are dumped in the fly ash pond, 30% of this leaches, of which 20% into the ground water

aquifer and 10% leaching into the soil.

After 10 years of mining and at a radius of 2 km from the thermal power plant (thermal

power plant), some of the villages that could be affected are Rattinam, Devamangalam,

Nayaganaipiriyal, Vanathiraiyan, Angarayanallur, Periyavalayam, Jayamkondam,

Pichanur, Elaiyaperunallur, Mathuservarmadam, Ulkottai and T. Solankurichi. These

villages would be affected as they lie to the east of the fly ash pond and earlier studies

(13) indicate that the aquifer slides towards the east and gently rises when it nears the


The analysis reveals that 0.0149 ppm of lead, 0.00118 ppm of cadmium would enter the

ground water, 0.0097 ppm of chromium and 0.000661 ppm of mercury would enter the

ground water under the affected villages. The presence of these heavy metals in the

water is extremely poisonous, having chronic effects, carcinogenic and can be fatal. (14).

Studies on the heavy metal abundance in aquatic environment in and around Korba,

Madhya Pradesh, India, showed alarming concentrations of Fe (10000 μg/l), Cr (800

μg/l), Mn (560 μg/l), Zn (82 μg/l), Co (70 μg/l) and As (10 μg/l). (15). Thermal

pollution leads to change in water quality leading to death of organisms and the water

bodies are rendered unpotable. The environmental effects are mostly localized and

mostly on the fish. Most fish larvae pass through the inlet screens and are killed. Fishes

also cannot with stand sudden changes in temperature caused by routing shut down and

start up of plants. Increase in the lake temperature will generally increase the biological

growth rate (which increases the oxygen demand) but reduces oxygen diffusivity. (16).

This could cause the dissolved oxygen to drop below a critical level. (17).

Impacts on soil:

The analysis reveals that SPMs and the heavy metals would affect the villages Thandalai,

Ervangudi, Jayamkondam, Edaiyar, Udyarpalayam, Thathanur, Rattinam,

Devamangalam, Nayaganaipiriyal, Vanathiraiyan, Angaralyanallur, Periyavalayam and

T.Solankurichi. After 10 years of the project the concentrations of lead would increase

by 0.166 ppm, chromium would increase by about 0.108 ppm.

Impacts on Biodiversity:

Loss of habitat on account of mining is a potential threat to the flora and fauna. As much

as 10,000 acres of land would be utilised for the mining activity. About 5 acres of

eucalyptus reserve forest, which is about 6 km from Jayamkondam would be lost, as it

falls under the mining area. As far as avifauna is concerned Black drongo (Dicrurus

adsimilis), Green bee eater (Merops orientalis, Latham), Yellow wagtail (Motacilla flava,

Linnaeus ) and Pied flycatcher (Hemipus picatus, Sykes) are the bird species, which are

found in the project area. Some other important species include Sunbird (Nectarinia

zeylonica, Linnaeus); Blackheaded Cuckoo-shrike (Coracina melanoptera, Ruppell) and

spotted munia (Lonchura punctulata, Linnaeus). The mining activity will deprive plants

of their substratum and hence habitat for birds. A loss in plant species means that there

would be a reduction in avifauna, since plant species are the nesting grounds of a large

number of species (18).

Socioeconomics of the proposed project:

Value of Pollution:

Table 1 shows the socioeconomic summary for the pollution affected villages.

Respondents were told of the possible health impacts due to the pollution from the

thermal power plant. They next were asked to put a monetary value under two scenarios,

one the thermal power plant with no pollution controls in place and two, the thermal

power plant with pollution controls. Only air pollution was considered. The difference

between the 2 scenarios gives the value of pollution. The value of pollution is an

indicator of the value of health. The value of pollution was found to be Rs.25, 000.

When there was no control of pollution, the people demanded a median value of Rs.50,

000 and when they were informed there would be controls installed, they demanded a

median value of Rs.20, 000. The difference between the two gives the value of pollution

the median value of which was found to be Rs.25, 000. The analysis has revealed that the

value of pollution harm is related to the number of persons educated in the family, the

land held by the people and the gain from harvests. However two villages Thandalai and

Ervangudi fall out of this trend, this could be attributed to higher acreage of land per

head. The value of pollution is highest for Idayar, followed by Udayarpalayam and


Cost Benefit Analysis:

A cost benefit analysis was carried out for the thermal power plant by calculating the

perpetuity present value (PPV), the following steps were involved. 1. Obtaining the total

kilowatt-hours of power produced at the thermal power plant. 2. A 65% operating

efficiency was considered (19). 3. The annual generating costs was calculated for the

thermal power plant at this efficiency taking Rs.1.5 as cost/unit. 4. For the installation of

a flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) unit additional pollution control costs of 18% of the

annual generating costs will be incurred and 2% in the case of installation of an ESP (20).

5. Using the PPV formula (PPV = Additional annual pollution control costs/net of

inflation) the total present value cost of pollution control was obtained. In the case of

installation of ESP the total present value cost of pollution control is 5,124,600. The

median pollution control cost is Rs.25, 000. Hence a minimum of 205 residents should

benefit from the installation of an ESP, for the benefits of installation to outweigh the

costs. Whereas in the installation of FGD a minimum of 1,845 residents should benefit in

order to obtain a favourable cost benefit ratio. As the population of the areas surrounding

the thermal power plant are greater than 1,845 the benefits from the installation of ESP

and FGD units outweigh the costs of installation.

Environment Management Plan (EMP) for the proposed thermal power plant:

1. Installation of control technologies for, SPMs, SOx and NOx. Installing an ESP

having 99% efficiency can control particulates. SOx and NOx can be controlled

using FGD having an efficiency of 90% (17) 2. Fly ash utilzation: Utilization of fly

ash to the extent of 80% is proposed for a host of uses, for making pozzolana portland

cement, fly ash lime bricks blocks, cement, as fertilizer, to fill low lying areas, and in

the making of asbestos cement sheets. (21) 3. Control of thermal pollution using

cooling towers (22) 4. Ensuring dispersal and dilution of pollutants by having an

appropriate stack height (275 m) (17). 5. Raising green belt and growing pollution

tolerant species (23). 6. Lining of the fly ash pond to control leaching as is done

elsewhere (24).

Analysis and Modeling:

Environmental Impact Assessment Modeling: Based on the scores obtained for each

component, EIA was carried out using probabilistic linear vector analysis (Table 2).

Relative present and future weights were assigned for each component. The scores were

randomized and standardized. The model was run using the 4 options.

The first option (N1) refers to the status quo position. Under this scenario there is no

developmental activity at all in Jayamkondam. The second option (N2) is a worst case

scenario wherein absolutely no control of pollutants is effected and hence the costs

outweigh the benefits. The third option (N3): Proposes to control the SPM emissions

from the thermal power plant by installation of an ESP. In addition cooling towers are

constructed to bring down the temperature of water by 10° C. The fourth option (N4):

Apart from the pollution abatement strategies in N3, A FGD unit to abate the NOx and

SOx pollution. Also effective utilization of fly ash, wherein 80% of the fly ash is

recommended to be put to a number of uses as already mentioned in the EMP. As a

consequence only 20% of fly ash enters the pond thereby considerably reducing the

leaching of heavy metals into the ground water system. The index of relative

attractiveness reveals that the fourth option (N4) is the best option under the given

circumstances (Figure 2).

EIA: The major benefits accruing from the project are employment and electricity. The

costs of this project include the pollution of air, water and soil regimes, with effects on

the socio economic status of the people as well as the biodiversity loss. The analysis of

the above four options based on the degree of pollution control has lead to the conclusion

that the fourth option option (N4) is relatively more attractive than the other three



From the environmental impact study it is clear that the activity of the thermal power

plant would lead to the degradation of environmental quality in Jayamkondam and the

surrounding areas. The compensatory package evolved by the government for the people

who would get displaced needs to be probed further. Apart from the productive value of

land, which this study has brought out, more studies, need to be carried out, on the

cultural and the emotional values of the people who would be affected by the project.

From the environmental models, which were used as tools to study the pollution due to

thermal power plant, it was found that significant concentrations of heavy metals would

get liberated from the fly ash pond, which will affect the aquifer and pollute the ground

water table. Hence the EMP is important in order mitigate the emission of pollutants into

the environment. Since Jayamkondam and surrounding areas and most parts of Tamil

Nadu are sunny for most of the year, we suggest that sustainable methods of power

generation should be experimented with in the long run. This incorporates a combination

of solar and thermal utilities (25). This paper is important in the context of developing

nations. With many of the countries setting up new thermal power plants, the

environmental consequences of setting up these plants needs to be given adequate

attention. In India a number of thermal power plants are in the pipeline. Thus the

implications of setting up numerous plants to the immediate and global environments are

an issue that requires further research.

Acknowledgements: The authors wish to thank the Administrator of the college Prof.

D.Swamiraj, for providing them with all the facilities required for analysis and support

throughout the project. The authors express their gratitude to the Principal Dr.Edwin

Chandrasekaran, lecturers Mr.Alagappa Moses and Dr.C.Ravichandran for their helpful

suggestions during different stages of the project. The research would not have been

possible, but for the co-operation and encouragement of the people of Jayamkondam and

surrounding villages. The authors specially thank Ravichandran and Mr.Anbazhagan,

Block Development Officer of Jayamkondam for their encouragement and help at various

stages of this research.


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Table 1: Summary of the Socioeconomic study to determine the value of pollution


Count Median Median Median Median Annual Median Median Median

Family Number How Acres Gain No Pollution Value of
Size Educated Long in from Pollution Control Pollution
Village Harvests Control (In Rs.) Control
(Years) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
All Surveys 80 5 3 150 6 20,000 50,000 20,000 25,000
Melur 1 4 2 150 2 4,000 30,000 15,000 15,000
Thandalai 20 5 1.5 150 5.5 10,000 40,000 25,000 22,500
Iravangudi 19 5 3 150 4 18,000 50,000 25,000 20,000
Udayarpalayam 20 5 3 150 10 25,000 50,000 20,000 25,000
Idayar 20 5 4 200 12.5 25,000 50,000 20,000 30,000

Table 2: Results of EIA modeling of the proposed thermal power plant at Jayamkondam:

Standardization Method: Option N1 N2 N3 N4 Statistical Summary of

Scores for All Options in
1.Raw/Maximum Wts. Each Component
2.Raw/Sum 1 Mean -0.01 -0.63 -0.36 0.68
3.Raw-Min/Max-M Sco StDev 0.00 0.62 0.63 0.56
4.Raw-Avg/SD 1 StErr 0.00 0.15 0.15 0.13

No. of iterations 20 Rnd 0.5 Relative weights Present Future 1 5

Components Pres Fut N1 N2 N3 N4 Max Min Sum SD

Employment People 200 100 0 6000 6000 6000 6000 0 18000 2598
Electricity MW 100 200 0 1500 1500 1460 1500 0 4460 644
SPM mg/m3 -10 -50 0.031 8.2 0.112 0.112 8.2 0.031 8.456 3.514
SO2 mg/m3 -4 -40 0.003 4.674 4.674 0.47 4.674 0.003 9.82 2.225
NOx mg/m3 -4 -40 0.004 3.6 3.6 0.363 3.6 0.004 7.567 1.713

Temperature °C
Water Pollution
-2 -4 31 37 34 34 37 31 136 2.12
DO mg/l -2 -4 6 5 5.5 5.5 6 5 22 0.35
Pb in aquifer ppm -10 -70 0 0.017 0.015 0.008 0.017 0 0.04 0.01
Cd in aquifer ppm -10 -70 0 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0 0.003 0.000
Cr in aquifer ppm -10 -70 0 0.032 0.031 0.026 0.032 0 0.089 0.01
Hg in aquifer ppm -10 -70 0 0.001 0.001 0.0 0.001 0 0.002 0.000
Pb in irrigation ppm -2 -4 0 0.017 0.015 0.008 0.017 0 0.04 0.01
Cd in irrigation ppm -2 -4 0 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0 0.003 0.00
Cr in irrigation ppm -2 -4 0 0.032 0.031 0.026 0.032 0 0.089 0.01
Hg in irrigation ppm -2 -4 0 0.001 0.001 0.00 0.001 0 0.002 0.00
Soil Pollution
Pb Ash pond ppm -2 -10 0 0.0 0.147 0.0 0.147 0.0 0.147 0.06
Cd Ash pond ppm -2 -10 0 0.0 0.011 0.002 0.011 0.0 0.013 0.0
Cr Ash pond ppm -2 -10 0 0.0 0.096 0.019 0.096 0.0 0.115 0.04
SPM from air ppm -4 -20 0.031 4.1 0.112 0.112 4.1 0.031 8.456 3.514
SO2 from air ppm -1 -5 0.003 4.674 4.674 0.47 4.674 0.003 9.82 2.225
NOx from air ppm -1 -5 0.004 3.6 3.6 0.363 3.6 0.004 7.567 1.713
Habitat Loss acres -0.4 -0.6 0 12000 12000 12000 12000 0 36000 5196
Medicinal Plants -0.4 -0.6 4 0 0 0 4 0 4 1.732
Land, Emotional acres -0.3 -0.2 4 12000 12000 12000 12000 0 36000 5196
Land, Agriculture acres -0.4 -2 0 12000 12000 12000 27000 0 61000 10109
Temples -0.3 -0.2 0 25 25 25 25 0 75 10.8
Corrosion mg/m3 -1 -3 0.003 4.674 4.674 0.47 4.674 0.003 9.82 2.225

Mean -0.01 -0.63 -0.36 0.68

SD 0.00 0.62 0.63 0.56
Std Err. 0.00 0.15 0.15 0.13
Hi Conf -0.01 -0.32 -0.05 0.96
Lo Conf -0.01 -0.94 -0.67 0.40

Figure 1: Plot of the Concentrations of SPM, SO2 and NOx at different distances from stack
obtained from Gaussian plume model.

Plot of SPM from TPP


Concentration in mg/m3
3 No controls
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Distance f rom Stack in kms

Plot of SO2 from TPP

Concentration in mg/m3

No controls
1.5 Controlled

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
Distance f rom stack in kms

Plot of NOx from TPP

concentration in mg/m3


2 No control


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Distance f rom stack in kms

Figure 2: Relative index of attractiveness of the proposed thermal power plant at

Environmental Impact Assessment

Index of Attractiveness

0.50 Mean
0.00 Hi Conf.
N1 N2 N3 N4 Low Conf.




Figure 3: Map of the study area, showing the study location and villages in Jayamkondam:


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