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EMCH 212, Fall 2019

In-class Exam# 02, Total mark: 100, Time: 1 hr 30 min

Answer any four (04) questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. To dramatize the loss of energy in an automobile, consider a car having a weight of 5000 lb
that is traveling at 35 mi/h. If the car is brought to a stop, determine how long a 100-W light bulb
must burn to expend the same amount of energy. (1 mi= 5280 ft, 746 W=1 hp= 550 lb-ft/s)

2. The 2-lb brick slides down a smooth roof, such that when it is at A it has a velocity of 5 ft/s.
Determine the speed of the brick just before it leaves the surface at B, the distance d from the
wall where at strikes the ground, and the speed at which it hits the ground.

5 ft/s

15 ft 5

30 ft

3. The girl has a mass of 40 kg and center of mass at G. If she is swinging to a maximum height
defined by θ= 60°, determine the force developed along each of the four supporting posts such as
AB at the instant θ= 0°. The swing has centrally located between the posts.


30° 30°

4. The two blocks A and B each have a mass of 5 kg and are suspended from parallel cords. A
spring having a stiffness of k= 60N/m, is attached to B and is compressed 0.3 m against A and B
as shown. Determine the maximum angles θ and φ of the cords when the blocks are released
from rest and the spring becomes unstretched.

2m 2m
θ φ

5. Ball A has a mass of 3 kg and is moving with a velocity of 8 m/s when it makes a direct
collision with ball B, which has a mass of 2 kg and is moving with a velocity of 4 m/s. If e= 0.7,
determine the velocity of each ball just after the collision. Neglect the size of the balls.

8 m/s 4 m/s


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