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M a y 28, 1960

The Structure of Interest Rates in India

George Rosen
U L T I M A T E L Y for the would-be made by the entrepreneur who buys the borrowers n o r m a l l y allowed to
industrialist, the various credit the plant.) For our r e t u r n data we hypothecate their security, w h i c h
institutions influence his investment w i l l rely on the data i n the Reserve w o u l d explain the low m i n i m u m
behaviour in its effect u p o n two Bank studies of company finance. 1 rate against such securities; in the
variables—the supply of finance and We w i l l confine our discussion of same way those firms allowed " c l e a n "
the price, assuming s u p p l y is avail- these rates to those charged by the advances w o u l d n o r m a l l y be better
able at a price. T h e shape of the organized b a n k i n g system a n d p a i d risks. On the other hand g o l d orna-
s u p p l y curve may be such that w i t h - in the organized capital market by ments are l i k e l y to be offered as
in a certain range of prices some the organized i n d u s t r i a l sector. security for personal loans, as dis-
finance w i l l be available, b u t beyond tinguished f r o m loans for produc-
The m a i n factors affecting the
that amount none is available, re- tive purposes and w o u l d be charged
structure of rates of interest charged
gardless of his willingness to pay. a higher m i n i m u m rale.
by banks are the type of security
( T h e r e may also be no supply avail-
offered, and the borrower's status. A g a i n , the rates of interest tend
able at any p r i c e . ) The relation-
We have rather complete data on to v a r y inversely w i t h the size of the
ship between the p r i c e of finance, or
I he breakdown of advances by i n - bank, a l t h o u g h there is some over-
the rate of interest (the rate of
terest rales and by security f o r one l a p p i n g ; the overlapping would re-
r e t u r n he either must forego in alter-
dale - t h e end of June, 1956 and flect variations in the rates charged
native investments if it is his o w n
these data are summarized in the by any bank due to the v a r y i n g qua-
funds or that he must pay if he bor-
next two tahles.- lities of its borrowers. However the
rows) and the expected r e t u r n on
the use of that finance, or the mar- RATES VARY WITH SECURITY model rate of interest charged in
ginal rate of profit, w i l l determine A N D STATUS June, 1956 was somewhere between
his willingness to invest his own, 4-5 per cent, and almost 90 per cent
We may consider the higher end of the advances were at between 3-6
and other people's, funds in an i n - of the range of rates as a measure
dustrial undertaking. per cent. The rates hardened somtv
of the character of the security
what thereafter; in 1958-59 the
RATES C H A R G E D O N B A N K A D V A N C E S offered—its risk and l i q u i d i t y ; and
average rate on scheduled bank ad-
We w i l l first look at the struc- the lower end as a measure of the
vances by major banks was between
t u r e of interest rates in I n d i a and client's status. If we assume this,
5.3 and 5.5 per cent; by medium
the rates of r e t u r n on i n d u s t r i a l i n - then, the least r i s k y and most l i q u i d
size banks between 5.7 and 6.1 per
vestment. In order to thoroughly of the securities offered are govern-
cent; and by small banks between
compare the rates of r e t u r n w i t h the ment a n d trustee securities, g o l d
and silver b u l l i o n , a g r i c u l t u r a l mer- 6.4 a n d 6.9 per c e n t ; ' but the range
rates of interest, and their effect on charged against different types of
i n d u s t r i a l investment, we should chandise under the bank's lock and
key. f a r m land, and fixed deposits security was probably as wide as in
ideally examine the rates in fields of 1956. The larger well-established
activity alternative to i n d u s t r y . We w i t h banks; g o l d ornaments, shares
of joint-slock companies, and non- firms w o u l d have paid at the lower
cannot do t h i s — i t is u n l i k e l y , how- end of the range and the more risky
ever, that these alternative rates of a g r i c u l t u r a l products under the bank's
lock and key are considered of me- eligible firms at the higher range.
return ( i n a g r i c u l t u r e , o r trade) have At these rates the total amount of
changed a p p r e c i a b l y w i t h i n the past d i u m risk and l i q u i d i t y ; w h i l e hypo-
thecated corn m o d i ties (not under the bank credit allowed a firm varies by
ten years in I n d i a . O u r r e t u r n data the type of output the ownership of
w i t h respect to i n d u s t r y is also not bank's lock and k e y ) , and nonagri-
c u l t u r a l real estate, are considered the firm, and the l i m i t on a bank's
m a r g i n a l for there are no separate
about equal to no tangible security absolute capacity to grant a loan to
data w i t h respect to the new invest-
at all on this assumption. On the any one would-be borrower. These
ments as compared w i t h the older
other hand the best credit risks are loans at such rates w o u l d also have
ones. F u r t h e r m o r e we know l i t t l e ,
if a n y t h i n g , about those gains taken
by the entrepreneur in the f o r m of
capital gains f r o m the sale of i n -
dustrial plant or various w i n d f a l l
gains. (In the longer r u n , however,
capital gains by one entrepreneur
for the sale of p l a n t w o u l d reflect
themselves in the level of returns

The article 'is a draft of a chap-

ter of the f o r t h c o m i n g book on
I n d i a n Capital Markets, the mate-
r i a l for w h i c h the author gathered
d u r i n g his stay in I n d i a in 1958-
59 for the Massachusetts Institute
f o r Technology Centre for Inter-
national Studies Project in I n d i a .
M a y 28, 1960


been granted f o r short-term, or osten- w i t h i n certain size l i m i t s f r o m their tended to rise f r o m 1954-55 u n t i l
s i b l y short-term periods, although banks and pay short-term rates, by 1957-58, and there was a slight de-
subject to r e n e w a l . the banks willingness to renew the cline thereafter. 8 The yields on
LONG-TERM RATES ostensibly short-term loans repeated- new issues—which may he consider-
T h e rates of interest on long-term ly for a long period.) ed as the marginal yields -centered
credit are definitely higher t h a n the What have been the rates w h i c h at 6 per cent taxable (or a p p r o x i -
average rates charged by the m a j o r firms must pay to raise funds in the mately 4.5 per cent tax-free) for
and m e d i u m size scheduled banks. open market? T h e rates earned by debentures, and 6 per cent tax free
In 1958-59 the m i n i m u m rate of the Government o f I n d i a securities i n for preference shares in 1956; in
I n d u s t r i a l Credit and Investment Cor- 1958-59 averaged 3.5-4 per cent 1957 the yields on new debentures
poration of I n d i a ( I C I C I ) was 6½ depending u p o n the security, and still centered at about 6 per cent
per cent, and its rate f o r foreign its m a t u r i t y date (several non- taxable, but on preference shares
currency loans 7¾ per cent; the I n - terminable securities were above 4 rose to 6 or 7 per cent tax free."
dus! r i a l Finance C o r p o r a t i o n charges per c e n t ) . The average y i e l d s — The rates on these securities are
a rate of 7 per cent w i t h a rebate tax free— 7 on outstanding private roughly equal to the rates firms
for p r o m p t payment. T h e State debentures in 1957-59 was about must pay for medium and long-
Finance Corporations charge ap- 4.1-4.2 per cent; on fixed d i v i d e n d term loans to the special financial
p r o x i m a t e l y the same rates; com- preference shares the yield ranged institutions and the banks, although
m e r c i a l banks w h i c h refinance me- f r o m 5.9-6.0 per cent; a n d on v a r i - they w o u l d be above the bank rates
d i u m term loans t h r o u g h the Re- able dividend securities from on short-term loans.
finance C o r p o r a t i o n charge at least 6.3-6.9 per cent. In m a n u f a c t u r i n g GILT-EDGEDS AND DEDENTURES
61 per cent. For the b o r r o w i n g industries specifically, the tax-free At this point b r i e f mention might
firm there are also a d d i t i o n a l charges yield ranged f r o m a low of 4.3-5.0 be made of the closeness of the rates
and stamp taxes that raise the effec- per cent for i r o n and steel shares on government securities and on
tive rate to the b o r r o w e r by ¼ to 1 to a h i g h of 6.7-7.6 per cent for private debentures. T h i s is pro-
per cent, depending upon the size paper industry shares, Not sur- bably a major reason for the very
of the loan. 6 ( V e r y good firms can p r i s i n g l y the yields on securities, l i m i t e d demand f o r private deben-
borrow for really long-term purposes like the rates charged by banks, tures they offer only a slightly
higher yield, than (Governments for
probably a much higher risk, A
change in the rate structure to raise
the yield on p r i v a t e debentures re-
lative to government's w o u l d pro-
bably raise the demand for the
f o r m e r significantly from t h e L I C
(as it d i d w i t h private insurance
companies after the w a r ! and w i t h
the increasing number of i n d i v i d u a l
What were the rates of return
earned after taxes, on the total ca-
p i t a l employed i n i n d u s t r y ? W e
shall use a measure of return to
include profits net of depreciation
and taxes, but gross of interest,
and managing agents commission;
and capital is defined as capital
used in production or sale of pro-
ducts net of depreciation ( i . e. ca-
pital measured by the sum of net
fixed assets, slocks and stores, and
receivables; but exclusive of i n -
vestments in securities, income tax
advances, cash. e t c ) . The rales of
return measured in this fashion, f o r
the Reserve Bank Survey companies
average 7.5 per cent f r o m 1950-
1958 inclusive 1 0 and range from
lows 5.4 per cent and 6.4 per cent
in 1957 and 1952 respectively, to
highs of 9.0 per rent in 1951' and
1955. There was l i t t l e change over
H o w do these earning rates com-
pare to the cost of capital to these

firms? We estimate crudely that this might be renewable f o r longer- capital, and more long-term capital,
short-term assets (stocks and stores term purposes. However, the rate to make the special finance usable.
plus renewables) are somewhat was close to 5 per cent for the best Banks w i t h higher deposits were
above one-half the net assets includ- risks; for somewhat smaller or w i l l i n g to lend to them on short
ed in our definition of capital, and riskier firms it m i g h t rise to 7-9 term for w o r k i n g capital purposes
that these are financed by these per cent. Long-term credit other or subscribe to their security issues,
firms f r o m banks at about 4-5 per than this was p r o b a b l y not avail- in part because they d i d get the
cent; that the long-term capital is able other than f r o m the p u b l i c special long-term c r e d i t ; at the
financed one-third by reserves at an market, and this was o n l y available same time individuals were attract-
i m p u t e d rate of 4 per cent 11 and to a few f i r m s ; or f r o m the un- ed to these firms, financed in p a r t
two-thirds by securities or mort- organized market in small amounts by special institutions, and offering
gage loan at a p p r o x i m a t e l y 7-8 per at very h i g h rates. securities at yields higher than
cent. T a k i n g a weighted average of might be earned on governments,
these charges we get an overall cost and w o u l d subscribe to their issues.
rate of about 5.5 per cent on c a p i t a l ; W i t h the special credit institu-
in contrast to an average r e t u r n on tions long-term credit became avail- W i t h o u t the existence of the cre-
capital earned by these companies able at rates consistent w i t h other d i t institutions the additional bank
of 7.5 per cent. 12 W h i l e we are long-term rates and yields; simul- deposits or savings of i n d i v i d u a l s
unable to measure expected earn- taneously a demand for this greater created by the Plans might either
ings this may be higher in the l i g h t supply of finance arose, in p a r t not have been used at all in indus-
of government expenditures and because of the very existence of the t r y ; or w o u l d more probably have
policies and the clear industrializ- credit institutions. Entrepreneurs, been invested in safe securities—
ation of the economy. attracted by the expected profits governments and blue chips -and
arising f r o m government expendi- raised their prices, thus forcing the
W h a t has been the effect of the ture^ and the Five Year Plans, rate of interest d o w n in the orga-
increase in credit facilities over the were interested in expanding or nized sector. We can conclude
past five years on the rate of i n - starting new firms; at the same therefore not that the additional
terest and the supply of capital? time the government expenditures special finance led to lower interest
The rates of interest charged do created new deposits in banks and rates in this sector; but rather to
not appear to have varied substan- thus in t u r n additional supplies of u p w a r d shifts in the supply and
t i a l l y w i t h the increase in finance bank credit. M a n y of these firms demand curves of finance, but at
available d u r i n g the past 5-10 years. could meet part of their financial approximately existing rates.
Rather one may say that the effect needs f r o m the special institutions
and would not have been able to This can be summarised by the
of the increased activities of the
do so unless these institutions ex- f o l l o w i n g d i a g r a m showing in the
special institutions and the banks
isted—and they could do so at rates organised financial markets the two
has been to make more credit avail-
able at the existing rates, and to consistent w i t h long-term rates f o r supply curves of finance to indus-
fill p a r i of the gap i n rates between comparable securities. The fact try and then the two demand cur-
the organized and unorganized mar- that they were able to gel finance ves of industrial finance before and
kets. F o r m e r l y the banks lent only from the special institutions had after the special institutions came
to the best industrial firms for effects on their demands for other into operation. Curve S-l is a hy-
short-term credit purposes, though c r e d i t - - t h e y w o u l d require w o r k i n g pothetical supply curve before the


special i n s t i t u t i o n s h a d their effect; entrepreneur to m a n i p u l a t e the ret- are issued w i t h the yields t a x a b l e —
curve S-2 a hypothetical s u p p l y urns at a n y stage of the i n d u s t r i a l so that the company's payment to
c u r v e after t h i s effect was felt. process to show a level that he may the shareholder w o u l d be above the
At the lowest interest rates there desire, f o r tax or other purposes. tax-free y i e l d ; most shares are is-
w o u l d b e l i t t l e o r n o increase i n See also Final Report of the National sued tax-free.
s u p p l y of c r e d i t ; b u t at the rates Income Committee, F e b r u a r y 1954, 8
at w h i c h most bank credit is avail- p64. Reserve Bank of I n d i a , Report
on Currency and Finance, 1958-59.
able (3-6 per cent) m o r e credit 2
F r o m Reserve B a n k of I n d i a , Statements 40 a n d 4 3 .
became available to i n d u s t r y at Trend and Progress of Banking in
those rates f r o m the banks than India 1956, pp 81-83. "Reserve Bank of I n d i a articles
w o u l d have been available p r i o r to on Company Finance, Op. cit.,
the special institutions since banks " i n t e r e s t Rates on Deposits a n d
October, 1958, p 2 1 , A u g u s t , 1959,
w o u l d consider firms receiving spe- Advances of Scheduled Banks . . .," p 26.
c i a l finance good risks. 1 3 F o r m e r l y Reserve Bank of I n d i a Bulletin
(October, 1 9 5 9 ) , p 1257. These are Reserve B a n k Survey
as the rates increased a n d approach- years—i. e. 1950 extends f r o m J u l y
ed 7-8 per cent the s u p p l y curve ' D u r i n g the p e r i o d o f 1957-58
when the cotton t e x t i l e i n d u s t r y p i l e d 1, 1950 to June 30, 1 9 5 1 .
o f c r e d i t f r o m organized c r e d i t i n -
stitutions became progressively up large inventories, the reasonably " T h e rate that could be earned
more inelastic and f i n a l l y showed efficient firms were able to finance b y investing i n risk-free government
no change w i t h h i g h e r rates; now at the increase f r o m banks w i t h l i t t l e bonds.
7-8 per cent the special institutions difficulty, other t h a n a r e d u c t i o n in 12
T h i s difference appears to be
stepped i n w i t h t h e i r credit supplies margins, since the goods were con- s m a l l ; and p r o b a b l y has not chang-
a n d so too d i d i n d i v i d u a l investors sidered definitely saleable by the ed v e r y significantly in recent years.
i n t o the security m a r k e t . T h e sup- banks. However, f o r the reasons mentioned
p l y curve for the organized credit Even T a t a I r o n and Steel Com- earlier the published rate of r e t u r n
markets now does not become per- pany f o u n d it impossible to raise a may substantially underestimate
f e c t l y inelastic u n t i l about 10 per w o r k i n g c a p i t a l l o a n o f 20-30 crores the actual rate.
cent. T h e horizontal difference of rupees f r o m a n y one bank, a n d 13
it was necessary to f o r m a consor- This assumes also that the banks
between curves S - l and S-2 is thus a reserves went up to p e r m i t this or
measure of the s u p p l y effects of the tium.
otherwise that they shifted f r o m in-
special f i n a n c i a l institutions at the " I f we assume that the smaller
vestments in governments.
same rates of interest. banks lend to the smaller firms a n d
the newer entrepreneurs, this com- If the c r e d i t institutions offered
S i m i l a r l y at the highest interest parison of rates indicates that the t e r m credit at h i g h e r rates—let us
rates demand w o u l d r e m a i n h i g h l y special financial institutions do not say up to 12 per cent to poorer risks
inelastic a s o r i g i n a l l y ( D - l ) . But charge an interest rate h i g h enough — t h i s too m i g h t lead to a greater
after the credit institutions are i n - to cover the risk—since it should be demand f o r such credit. N o w
troduced ( c u r v e D - 2 ) , at about 8 a rate at least 1-2 per cent above there is no such credit source, and
per cent the demand f o r long-term that charged by the smaller banks. the would-be entrepreneur must go
credit w o u l d increase i n p a r t be- 7
A tax-free y i e l d is computed by to the moneylender a n d pay for
cause there is now a s u p p l y of cre- assuming t h a t the tax (approxi- higher rates if he wishes capital.
d i t a t this rate a n d f o r m e r l y there mately 25-30 per cent of the y i e l d ) 15
was none at a l l . 1 4 T h e g r a n t of We are not discussing the i n -
is p a i d by the firm before the d i v i - fluence of other factors on the
t h i s special credit increases the de- dend i s d i s t r i b u t e d . T h i s w o u l d
m a n d f o r supplementary long-term I n d i a n interest rate d u r i n g the same
have the effect of r a i s i n g the charge p e r i o d . S u p p l y o f credit might
financing at about these same rates; to the company by the amount of
and, as a result of these new or ex- rise a n d demand not rise to the
the tax—thus the charge to the same extent (because of, let us say,
panded firms, there is now a greater company w o u l d be over 5 per cent
d e m a n d f o r short-term credit for i m p o r t restrictions) and as a result
f o r a y i e l d of 4 per cent tax-free to the rates ( o r some of them) w o u l d
w o r k i n g capital purposes f r o m the the security-holder. M o s t debentures
banks at their lower rates. T h e f a l l — a s b a n k rates have in 1958-59.
horizontal distance between D - l
a n d D-2 is a measure of the i n f l u -
ence of the special institutions on
d e m a n d . However, it is noted that
i n t h i s case the e q u i l i b r i u m p r i c e
of finance remains the same before
a n d after the e n t r y of the special
institutions into the c a p i t a l market
— a n d this is r o u g h l y the situation
in India.15
We assume that the stated returns
are correct. In fact it is possible,
t h r o u g h a network of controlled raw
material selling agencies and finish-
ed p r o d u c t selling agencies f o r an
M a y 28, 1 9 6 0 THE ECONOMIC W E E K L Y


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