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IndiGo 7 Boarding Pass (Web Check-in) DASGUPTAOINDRILAMS Delhi (T1) To KOLKATA Fine cate Bourdng Time Soaring seat 6E6557—- 1205Hrs —_Zone3 TF NMAARHG! Dote 16 Jun 2023 Departure 1250 Hrs ag Se 0006 Services NIL ‘Your Departure TerminalisT1 DASGUPTAIOINDRILA MS. DEL(T1) > ccu Fight ce6ss7 Date 16 Jun2023 Pu ‘yarast Serices NL sent 7F seq 0006 Spending is 6€ CoAT neds es Re se) Cele) Care Lo | T Look. Scan. IndiGo. DI Gi IndiGo is proud Teal to celebrate the Azadi x. 75" year of 7 Noid Mahotsav independence. eres oe DangerousGoods& RestrictedArticles Ityouhave any dangerousgoodsorrestritedartces please declare them, carryingthese objects may bean ofense& may resutin prosecution C==0 These items re Dangerous Goods and ore not peited rT tobe ed os eed boggoge or din bog o 9 0 0.0 © © © 0 © oe WEEetp-e Ge TS ™ ee te od vemet ccgryyrms eee Travel advisory: Safety during COVID-19 ‘We seek your kind assistance to safeguardyour wellbeing as well as thato your fellowpassengers nd our crew on board our lights by followingthe guidelinesset out belom + Allcustomers should wear a mask and santzetheirhands beforeproceedngtothe boarding gate + Customers must wear a face mask coveringtheirnose and mouth, throughoutthelrjourneyyeth IndiGo.Themask may be ‘removes only while eatngand drinking + Please maintain appropratesoca distancing while boardingand ée-boardingthe arraft + inaly adhere tall the announcemantsanil ther cltectives sued by Our groundstft and/or erew a all points me during your journey «customers ao requested ofaancetemeeneewtnne dene fora patsengerpublenes by tne Idan Many oa vation onthe folonng ni ups avawaton gowisteste at es Genes. fo Passengers. 2 May pt pstmt ment gua Gudenastorcomarnarsstightanshpausrersattas| pat + Caution Customersare advised to strictly followall COVID-19 protocols Failure tocomply with these guidelines and ‘the directions of ur ground staff and/or crew may attractpenal action againstthe concerned individual. Ba nog an your journey Mask on always Social distancing at alltimes Frequent hand hygiene

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