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1 A 1 SECTION 1 Time — 25 minutes 20 Questions ‘Directions: In this section, solve each problem using any available space on the poge for seratchwork, Then decide which i the best ofthe choices given and fil inthe conresponcing oval on the answer sheet. Now 1. These of wealeulator is permitted, AM numbers se Figures that accompany problems inthis tsi are intended to provide information vsefl in solving the problems. “They are drawn as accurately as possible EXCEPT when itis stated in a specifie problem that the figure is not awn to scale. All figures lie in a plane untess otberwise indicated. Reference Information mila ae Ashth Valu Vex taateb Special Right Triangles ‘The number of degrees of arc ina circle is 360, ‘Te measur in degrees ofa straight angles 180. ‘The sum of the measures in degrees of the angles ofa tangle is 180. 1, Uf2e+3=9, what is 10=x7 “3 @ 4 © 6 c D) 7 in (10 2. If Cis the center of the circle, then sector ACB is ‘what percent of the circle’s total area? (A) 25 (a) 40 © 35 ) 70 ©) 90 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE © 11 PRACTICE TESTS FOR THE NEW SAT & PSAT 37 3. If {| #0, which of the following statements must be true? (A) xis positive, {B) 2's positive, 4. If rand irate positive imegers andr 12 = 17, ‘which of the following could be the value of 7? 2 @) 3 @O4 Os ® 6 5. I62<0< y, which ofthe following mast be true? (A) xt y>0 B) #4y%<0 ©) y>0 (D) <0 () x-y>0 A 1 38 6 7 8 b al a ‘On the number line above, the tick marks are evenly spaced. What isthe value of = a? w 2 ce Oo 1 (D2 15+ 225, thea = m4 5 6 (0) 7 @ 38 Ifsot A consisis of (2,4, 6,8, 10, 12) and set B consisis of (3,6, 9, 12, 15, 18), how many even numbers arc in dO 2? (A) 6 @ 7 © 9 (D) 10 (By 12 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE PRACTICE TEST 2 @ A 1 y Bid, 4e) ‘Ata, 0} 9. Inthe figure above, Cis the center of the cic! lies on: AB. What is the area of the circle? 1 “> (B) x2 © @) ( tne 10, If ris the remainder when 80 ie divided by 9 and.» is the remainder when ris divided by 3, what is the value of rn? wo @ 2 © 6 © 8 ©) 16 IL, ‘The average (arithmetic mean) of three conse ‘even imtegers a, b, and ¢ ic 8. What is the median of the set [2 6, ¢, 20)? ws @ 9 © 10 @) 11 © 12 © 11 PRACTICE TESTS FOR THE NEW SAI PSAT Regional Headquarters Profits Per Quarter {Gn thousands of dollars) Mex Ewes Monn 1. From second to third quarter, the total profits for East Regional Headquarters increased by what percent? w 33 @) © 6 ©) 200 © 300 os B12) ACL eu) —t—_+_+—* Inthe figure above, what isthe slope of the hypotenuse of SABC? (ay 2 @ © o mo 4 ey GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 1 A 14, Ima certain flower shop, only 3 vases of Nuwers ‘and 1 wreath can be displayed in the front window at one time. Ifthere are 10 vases of lowers and 4 ‘wreaths to choote from, how many atrangemeits of vases and wreaths are possible? (A) 34 (B) 1,500 (C) 2.880 (Dy 3.250 4,000 Note: Figure not drawn to scale, 15. ‘The figure above is composed of two semicircles and one triangle. What isthe perimeter ofthe fig ure? (A) 6r+10 (B) 7x+7 © I+10 () 14x47 © lax+ 10 16, Inthe sequence 12, 24, 72,264... where 2 isthe firstterm, which of the following eould denote the sth term? 12x0 @ m © 2 (D) Aer (3) ares 40 A i 17. For which of the following values of x is 4g? - 74-15 xan 18 undefined? 18 where b and ¢ are both real num- jing statements could be (A) None (B) Tonly. (C) Monty (D) Hand If only (6) 1.11,and 11 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE PRACTICE TEST 2 @ A “a “Choosing ide Tae 2 Suis 9. Merry-Go-Round = per tonto TA 2 vost : 19, The table above shows the results ofa survey of 300 people at an amusement park. Ech person chose exectly one rie as gers, what is the greatest possible valuc of y 7 W © (B) 64 ©) 65 (0) 74 © 15 favorite. If 10 people were undecided and x and y are both positive inte- 20, Inthe figure above, a square is inscribed in a circle vith aragius of 3. What isthe perimeter ofthe square? (A) OE (@B) 12 © 6 (p) 127 () 2 It you tlaish before time is ealted, you may check your work on this section only. Do not turn io any other selon In tho teat #11 PRACTICE TESTS FOR THE NEW SAT & PSAT

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