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SECTION 4 ‘Time —25 minutes 20 Questions Directions: In this section, solve each problem using any available space on the page for seratchwork. Then decile which is the best of the choices given and fill in the corresponding oval on the answer shect Notes: 1, Theuseof a calculator is pennitied, All nuinbers wed are real numbers. 2, Figures that accompany problems in ‘They are drawn as accurately as possible EXCEPT wiien i i stated in a specific problem drawn to-seale. All figates lie in a plane untess otherwise indicated, Reference Information Azxe Asi Caer L 1 gfe ln 0} Ven eat bP ‘The number of degrees of arc in a circle is 360, ‘The measure in degrees of a ersight ange ix 10. “The sum ofthe measures in veprees of the angles of x triangle fs 130. $s tost are intended to provide information useful in solving the problems. DISTANCE TRAVELED BY A MIGRATORY BIRD 2, If y= ¥¥ andy =3, what isthe value of x? (A) 8 Hous [5 10 ‘ ey Mites [249 198 996 9 D) 3 1, Inthe table above, the ota distance traveled by a o3 particular migratory bird was reconded after various numbers of hours in flight. If migratory birds travel ‘at aconstant speed, what isthe value of? @ 2 ®) 15 © 20 ©) 25 ©) 50 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE # TL PRACTICE TESTS FOR THE NEW SAT & PSAT 15 a A circular pizza is sliced into 12 equal slices. Doug cats each slice from the center the edge in equal pans, If Doug eas 2 slices, what isthe sum of the degree measures ofthe slices ine ents? (a) 20 ®) (©) 120 (©) 220 (e) 240 Nora has 10 fewer than twice the number of CDs ‘that Deborah has. I'm represents the number of No- a's CDs, and d represents the number of Deborah's CDs, which of the following is a correct equation relating n and d? (A) n=2d~10 @) n=2¢-10) © n=10-24 ©) n=2(0-) ® n=10-(442) 16 s 4 Note: Figure not drawn to scale. In parallelogram ABCD above, what is the value of 2a+b7 (A) 120 @) 180 © 240 @) 250 ©) 320 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE PRACTICE TEST 1 @ eee Gifs) ete IL then 5) % 6 what isthe value of 2x? a) 36 (A) 225 (B) -34 (a) 450 © 4 (© 350 (35 (0) 600 6 (8) 12.00 ™ 10. If ffx) =x, at what.x-coordinate do the graphs of 2 ip) -= Os (E) The expression cannot be simplified. Malik’s collectibles consist of 5 baseball cards with an average value of 6 dollars exch, 3 rare coins ‘worth a total of 12 dollars, and 2 old comic books of unknown value. The information in which of the following statements would allow out the average value of his collectibles? 1. The total value of his collectibles I. What perceat greater the average value of ‘baseball card is than the average value of 11, The sum of the average values of the baseball cards, rare coine ancl comic books (A) Lonly. (B) Henly (© tana it (D) Kand tt (8) 1. Mand mL 4-11 PRACTICE TESTS FOR THE NEW SAT & PSAT 17 (fox) aed fcc~ 1) intersect? w -5 w } © 3 2 © 3 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Directions for Student-Produced Response Questions ~ Each of the remaining 10 questions (11-20) requires you lo solve the problem anid enter your answer by marking the ovals in the special grid, as shovrn in the examples below. za Answer: 7. or 2/12 creas Write ans inboxes. * Mark no more than one oval in any column. # Because the answer sheet will be machine- scored, you will receive credit only if the ovals are filled in correctly. © Although not required, itis suggested that you write your answer in the boxes at the top of the columns to help you fill in the ovals accurately. + Some problems may have more than one correct answer. In such cases, grid only oneanswet. + No question has a negative ansiver, + Mixed numbers such as 2) must be gridded as 2505/2. (tf ul is gridded, it will be interpreted as 2}, not 25.) Answer 25 Answer: 201 jon ixcorneet Note: You may sin your arses any columns apnee pert Cetus not needed should beet, nk + Decimal Accuracy: If you obtain a decimal answer, enler the mosi accurate value the grid ‘will accommodate. For example, if you obtain an answer such as 6666... youshould record the result as .666 or 667. Less accurate values such as .66 or .67 are not acceptable. sips ote ffx) = 3x5, what isthe value 0f 7) =)? 18 12. The first eri is 8. Livery term after ti a st majo ne etl pctng thy focenape. he seond tm is Rb Bic} 2. ie ( “4ih term in the sequence? PRACTICE TEST 1 & 13, 1f25x=25, whatis the value of ss 14. na largecity, the umber of people w (6% greater in February 2001 than i was in Decern= ber 2000. 1f 2,400 people had pets in December 2000. how many had them in February 20012 pets wins 15. In the rectangular coordinate plane. what is the distance derween the points (2,6) and (10,~9)? 11 PRACTICE TESTS FOR THE MEW SAT & PSAT 16. ‘The faces of a eubs are mumibered with integers fom 1 to 6 so thatthe sumn of the numbers on op- pwsite faces is 7, Ths, | is opposite 6, 2 i opposite 5, and 3 is opposite 4 If the cabe is thrown on a ‘at surface go that shes on the top face, wh gy that 6 is onthe bottom face of the (2x2) + (0r<22) + (029) = (0x24) =42 17, Ifeaand b are positive integers, what is the value of ab? G i K L F i J 18, In squafe FGHY above, FG =2. anil K, Land 4 ‘are midpoints ofthe sides of the square. What is the area of the shaded region? 19 19. ‘A farmn has chickens that lay only white eggs and 20, The average (ar brown eggs. On a cenain day, the chickens lay a integers is 60. If isthe greatest ofthese integers. total of 750 eggs in which the ratio of white eges what is the greatest possible value of’? to brown eggs is 7:3. 10 the ratio of white eggs to brown eggs is to be changed to 3:1 by adding only brown eggs, how many brown eges must be added? STOP Ityou finish before time is called, you may cheek your work on this section only. ‘Do not turn to any other section in the test. PRACTICE TEST 1 & 20

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