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‫باسمه تعالی‬

)2 ‫دینامیک (گروه‬
02-03 ‫نیمسال اول‬ ‫ مومنتوم خطی و زاویهای‬،‫ سینتیک ذره‬-‫تمرین دینامیک سری هفتم‬
Problems number 4, 6, 10, 12, and 13 must be delivered to the teacher assistant.

1- A 180-lb man and a 120-lb woman stand at opposite maximum deflection of the linear spring after A
ends of a 300-lb boat, ready to dive, each with a 16- impacts with body B.
ft/s velocity relative to the boat. Determine the
velocity of the boat after they have both dived, if (a)
the woman dives first, (b) the man dives first.

2- Determine the velocities of blocks A and B at time t

after they are released from rest. Neglect the mass of
the pulleys and cables. 5- The block of mass 𝑀𝑎 is held at rest on the smooth
𝑤𝐴 = 2𝑙𝑏 𝑊𝐵 = 4𝑙𝑏 𝑡 = 2𝑠 inclined plane by the stop block at A. If the bullet of
mass 𝑀𝑏 is traveling at speed v when it becomes
embedded in the block of mass 𝑀𝑐 , determine the
distance the block will slide up along the plane before
momentarily stopping.
𝑀𝑎 = 𝑀𝑐 = 10𝑘𝑔 𝑀𝑏 = 0.01𝑘𝑔
𝑣 = 300 𝜃 = 30𝑜
Ans: 𝑑 = 6.86𝑚𝑚

3- The ball is dropped from rest and falls a distance h

before striking the smooth plane at A. If the
coefficient of restitution is e, determine the distance
R to where it again strikes the plane at B.
ℎ = 4𝑓𝑡 𝑐=3 𝑑=4 𝑒 = 0.8

6- The 2 kg sphere is projected horizontally with a

velocity of 10 𝑚/𝑠 against the 10 kg carriage which
is backed up by the spring with stiffness of 1600
𝑁/𝑚. The carriage is initially at rest with the spring
uncompressed. If the coefficient of restitution is 0.6,
calculate the rebound velocity ′ , the rebound angle
𝜃, and the maximum travel of the carriage after

4- A light arm, connected to a mass A, is released from

rest at a horizontal orientation. Determine the
9- Thin discs A and B slide along a frictionless surface.
Each disc has a radius of 25 mm. disc A has a mass
of 85 g, whereas disc B has a mass of 227 g. what
7- When the rope is at an angle of α = ° 30 the 1-lb are the speeds of the discs after collision for 𝑒 = 0.7?
sphere A has a speed v0 = 4 ft/s. The coefficient of
restitution between A and the 2-lb wedge B is 0.7 and
the length of rope l = 2.6 ft. The spring constant has
a value of 2 lb/in. and θ = 20°. Determine (a) the
velocities of A and B immediately after the impact,
(b) the maximum deflection of the spring assuming
A does not strike B again before this point.
Ans: 𝑑 = 1.971𝑚𝑚

10- In a game of pool, ball A is moving with the velocity

v when it strikes balls B and C, which are at rest side
by side. Assuming frictionless surfaces and perfectly
elastic impact (i.e., conservation of energy),
determine the final velocity of each ball, assuming
that the path of A is (a) perfectly centered and that A
strikes B and C simultaneously, (b) not perfectly
centered and that A strikes B slightly before it strikes
Ans: 𝑣𝐴 = 0.25𝑣0 ∠ − 120𝑜
8- At an intersection car B was traveling south and car 𝑣𝐵 = 0.25𝑣0 ∠ + 30𝑜
A was traveling 30° north of east when they slammed 𝑣𝐶 = 0.25𝑣0 ∠ − 30𝑜
into each other. Upon investigation it was found that
after the crash the two cars got stuck and skidded off
at an angle of 10° north of east. Each driver claimed
that he was going at the speed limit of 50 km/h and
that he tried to slow down but couldn’t avoid the
crash because the other driver was going a lot faster.
Knowing that the masses of cars A and B were 1500
kg and 1200 kg, respectively, determine (a) which car
was going faster, (b) the speed of the faster of the two
cars if the slower car was traveling at the speed limit.
11- The two spheres of equal mass m are able to slide
along the horizontal rotating rod. If they are initially
latched in position a distance r from the rotating axis
with the assembly rotating freely with an angular
velocity 𝜔0, determine the new angular velocity after
the spheres are released and finally assume positions
at the ends of the rod at a radial distance of 2r. Also
find the fraction n of the initial kinetic energy of the
system which is lost. Neglect the small mass of the
rod and shaft.

14- Block A has a mass of 4 𝑘𝑔 and B has a mass of 6

𝑘𝑔. A spring, having a stiffness of 𝑘 = 40 𝑁/𝑚, is
12- The 1.5-lb sphere moves in a horizontal plane and is attached to B and is compressed 0.3 m against A as
controlled by a cord which is reeled in and out below shown. Determine the maximum angles 𝜃 and 𝜙 of
the table in such a way that the center of the sphere the cords after the blocks are released from rest and
is confined to the path given by (𝑥252) + (𝑦162) = 1 the spring becomes unstretched.
where x and y are in feet. If the speed of the sphere is
𝑣𝐴 = 8 𝑓𝑡/𝑠𝑒𝑐 as it passes point A, determine the
tension TB in the cord as the sphere passes point B.
Friction is negligible.

13- A system is shown rotating freely with an angular

speed 𝜔 of 2 rad/s. A mass A of 1.5 kg is held
against a spring such that the spring is compressed
100 mm. If the device a holding the mass in position
is suddenly removed, determine how far toward the
vertical axis of the system of the system the mass will
move. The spring constant K is 0.531 N/mm. Neglect
all friction and inertia of the bar. The spring is not
connected to the bar.

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