Is Being Skillful More Important Than Working Hard

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Is being skillful more important than working hard?

1) Talent is an inborn quality that gives you a smart way to achieve. Talent is
futile unless you go for it. One should never sit on a couch and expect for a
good result. Just because you have talent doesn’t mean you can go on the
field and be the star of the team. “Hard work beats talent when talent fails to
work hard.”

2) Whereas hard work is more important than talent as talent will only carry
one so far. If one is not willing to put in the work to harvest and cultivate
their talent, then the talent itself is essentially useless.

3) Hard work and perseverance will beat out pure talent any day.Therefore, if
talent and hard work go hand in hand it provides better results. If you are
lucky to be born with the brains that are capable of potential genius, you
cannot become a true genius without motivation.

4) Talent gives you a head start, but hard work makes you finish the race.
We’ve all heard that hard work is the key to success but sometimes the talent
overpowers hardwork and people get better outcome.

5) Talent is never enough because in most of the cases hard work always leads
talent in the long run because just “having” talent doesn’t do anything. One
need to apply the right talent in a right way in whatever you do and applying
our talents always require us to work hard.

6) Most of the people are not very talented but they are hard working. It takes
time for a person to understand the materials putting a lot of hardwork on it,
and completing the task fantastically. Some are born genius and they score
good grades but not every person is not a genius but they have managed to
get A’s in every field. That’s the result of hard work.
7) Talent is useless unless you work to achive it. If you have talent it doesn't
mean can sit on the couch all day and then expect to be great. Just because
you have talent doesn't mean you can go on the court be the star of the team.
Just like Kevin Durant says "Hard work beats talent when talent fails to
work hard". And he has proved that himself!

8) Talent gives you a head start, but hard work makes you finish the race.

9) Getting to the top is not easy, at least not at the moment. It might become
easy in the future, but for now we have to work hard to achieve great things.
There is a quote which explains why talent isn’t the whole story. Talent
means a natural tendency to be good at a particular thing. It can vary from
person to person, but it generally means a ‘knack’ for something.

10) Talent can be built and ‘grown’ with hard work, but it’s usually the
natural sort of ‘gift’ for a particular thing. People who could be said to have
‘talent’ are people who have achieved greatness at their particular area of
interest in life, people like for example Paul Gilbert who is a very skillful
guitar player.

Create your own talent by working hard!

The more work you put into something the more you’ll get out. If you want to
become a really fit, athletic person then workout. Eat the right food and although
you may not have a natural ‘talent’ or aptitude for it at first in time and with a
focused amount of really hard work you’ll become a master.

People will consider you talented but what’s really happened is that you’ve
become a master through repetition, belief and hard work! It’s the best way to be
because then you know that when you’ve ‘made it’ in whatever avenue of life
you’re going down, it’s well deserved. You’ve fought your way to the top and now
you can enjoy being a king! (Or queen).

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