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onceptual CEE Characteristics of Hard Koray ts: a. Lowwave length b. Low eneray c. Lawfrequency d. Low wavelength [Dimension of angular momentum ix: a, MU? b MIT: MET! a MT (na glass having liquid whose cohesive force > adhesive force, the meniscus CEE EXAMINATION: 2023 am cao b 5/30 a 7/60 formed is: 9, (wna of eapacitors were connected in a. Concave bh. Conver series first then In parallel. The ratlo af ©. Plane Oval maximars ko miniun capacitance is Web af spider due to: ao bin 2 Diffraction =. Refraction ia alle © Reflection od. Interference 410, The escape veindity on Earth for a satelite launched vertically is 11 hon/s. satelite tm mtr 8 et at + | mn we para £0.01) cm & (3.834 0.01) ers respectively, a Lk bh 22kan/s The thickness of cylinder is © dkm/s a 44 km/s a. (0344002) cm 11. Which of the following | detormines b. (0.3401) cm saturation point for enaximue ©. (10178 o01)cm photoelectric current? a. (0.17 #002) cm a. tensity Quarks for antineutron? b Stopping potential a. ue be ud © Frequency « add a id & Worelength Acceleration dus to gravity at earth's | 12: Red color of sky during sun rise & sunset surface is g. At what height form eartw's | fsdue to surface g 8 eeduced by 4 times? Dispersion of ight aR bo RM bh. Scattering of light ean ia Refraction Find equivalent resistance between AH | o. Dilfraction where.each R= 10. ta [20] an [aa] se] ea [ ae] ee] ea [io] va] ae] CO 13. 1 1B eee = Peas Conceptual CEE Proton is 1836 times heavier than electron. If proton Is accelerated thraugh 1V them ts K. Els a. 1H36e¥ bie © 1Mey id, 1836 Mov Themagnetic field at the centre is: e® ah 1 = 50 Ma, E =200-V. bn LER circuit, the \value af W is more than 220 at: aL Resistance Inductor Capacitance a. Inductor ar capacitance aeconding ta value of Cort p= 1.5, power a diopter for equicenwer lens, radius of eurvatare és a. Zan b. 100m fem, d.10.c0, ‘What i the % of dark matter in universe? a 85% b 25% © 15% d. 30% ‘The coefficient of viscosity for hot aris: @ Greater than the coefficient of viscosity for oald air b Smaller than the coefficient of viscosity for cold air ¢, Sameasthe coefficient af viscosity of cold alr . Increases of decreases depending on the external pressure How many minimum transistor are needed for full wove rectifier? az ba a) a ‘Which of the following favors the ‘existence of substance is solid state? High thermal energy 1, Low temperature High tessporature 4, Weak enhesice force ‘Currant in a creat falls staadily rom 5.08 ‘10 610A fn 100s, Hf self inductance of the circuit is 10m, then the een induced will be a SOV hsv ew 4. 10¥ The neutral temp, 1h Oy tenia, of linversion is, & temp. of cold junction tx ‘Os. What is relation betweeen 0 Bf. 2 0,= Oa b. 20. 0)-B, 5 Bente rd. B= 8) 48 A wire Of 50 cn tong, tiie in cron section carries 9 current af 4A, whee ‘connected to a 2'V battery, the resistivity caf wire is: a 4=1070m e 5=107Am bi<1om d1e10'hm el Conceptual CEE 26. AL 300 K, radiated energy is proportional wo a (300) b. [3007 ©. (a0 ad 300 27, A eail of emf 6 V has internal resistance 05 kN. Find V of voltmeter who has resistance 24 ko. aw bv ea a 10°v in common base mae af a transistar, the callactor cuereet is §,488 ev A and emitter Current is 5.60 ma. The value of the base current amplification factor ft ks 9 b 48 © 50 ast 25, A circular loop of wire carrying current is hung freely form a thread. Which irestion will it point? aN bs ce aL EW direction, 30 LeVisequalte a 16x10] b IDeng Ldn 10ers 1.1 10 eng Suppose that gala 8 is twice as-far fram earth a3 galary a, Hubble's law predicts thot galaay B will be moving away fram earth with approa. a, Ztimesthe velocity of galaxy A bb 4 times the velocity af galaxy A & Same velocity @. Noveloeiny ‘A renal! spvoricat ball wah density equal to decwity of quid Is immersed ie it. What is deft wetocity? a. a. a0 b. Infinity © 100 aa 33, When distance ls doubled, luminance i a. Halved b. 6 tims ak 2 ties (Re [mel amalme| oe) oe: ia [sa [ee 434, Two blocks each of mars M4 are resting on a frictionless indined plane as shawn in 1. The block A moves dawn the plane b, Theblock i moves dawn the plane Both che blocks: remain at rest 4 Both the blacks move down the plane Potential barrier ia PN diode Is due to a. Diffusion ef charge carriers b. driftofetectrons © driftofholes 4 the fixed acceptor and danar'ions on either sis ofthe junction 36, Two waves having amplitude 33 & a are superimposed. Ration of max. to min, intensity ad bbe ee aie 27. A thread subtended betwmen two ends, hha harmonics in ratio: 35, The intensity level due to wawes of same frequency ina ghven nesivm are 1 Bel 5 Bel; ratio of their amplitudes is. ake bat © bit tio 38, ‘Two substance having ratio of mass 3:2 & ration of specific heat 1: 4 are equally heated. Ration oftheir Conceptual CEE 40. A source bs moving towards obtener and the apparent frequency heard by observer fs double the original frequency. What is Vel, of source if Vel, of sound is we av b we at ave In photoelectric affect the slope of Straight line graph between stomping potential aa frequency of incigest Guht ives a ——* 4. Ration of Planck constant & charge of b. Work function c. Kineticenergy ifelectron Photoelectric current tna stratehad string the ratio of consecutive frequencies of sound When current 1 Is Mawing though 2 conductor, the drift veloctty is v. If the ‘value of current through the canductor and its area of cross-section is doubled, ven mew drift velocity will be a b wt © va dw (What is the heat aquired to comwert 2 gms water from 3.58 C10 4.5" C7 1. Towle b. 1 Calorie © d2ealorie 42 Calorie “s. a. ‘What isthe saturation wapor pressure for ‘water ot 100K? a 7é6mmig — b. 716 mung ¢ 76d mm — d, 750 mung ‘With rise in temperature, Young's ‘modules of elasticity, & creases b Decreases © Constant d. Becomeszero © goof oxygen at pressure PB ‘temperature 300 k kn a versal it allowed to diffuse through small hole & final pressure is 2P & temperature 400 k. Haw iach Os Beak out? a 2g be © 48 45g Which of tho following bs conect for stable eguiibeium? a. Metacenter below C6. 1b, CG. below metacentre ‘¢, Motacontre should conmeide C6. id, Metacentre eight should be sero For same de-Brogile wavelengsh, which among electron & proto has max. KLE? a Blectran bh Pron Both d, No KE. Yo make ptype semiconductor, i is doped with a Tevalent bh, Pentavalent < Tetravalest — d. Divalent SL. sz. ‘Which is strong sci? & Pnitrophenol b. Gastro phonol © Maltrophenol d. Oaming phenol nego a Vatdye 1. Phetalpnenalets ¢ Basicdye _d. Mardant mb ae) ee lee moe aco [ are ab ana Ee MM 5a e1. a2 Conceptual CEE (F2CH-CHF. i polymer of a. Teflon b. Nylon © TE Poly ethane tron obtained from blast tumaex? a. Wrowehe bP © Mildion =. Castiron Compound tested with alkali & iocine ives hospital smell a. Zpropanene —b. Propanal © Epentanone — d Todine Which ofthe ftlowing is comoct order af stomic sie? a Iho cabot Proton accelerates the hydrolysis of ester. The type of catalyst is: a. Atid-hase Promoter ©, Heterogenous Auto catalyst Sodium bisulphate & sodium iodate reacts to give? a odin bs = S0e aH The reaction of CH:COOM with conc, Hi5O, is an exarple of 7 |, Dispropartion b. Dehydration © Displacement Substitution 0.2% of NSOH is given find a 127 bos aus ou Which is used as clertrade? a, Calonmel 1s Corrasive sublimate © Gineoxide a. Cus, ‘Add of found tn ape bb. Malone acid bier a brot 65, n entity the type of reaction: CulOss + come. HiSQ, — UCI + HiSO.. ati a, Dekydration —b. Oxidation © Reduction —d. Nowe ‘Aperson went to clean unused well, After Sometime he wes found duad due to? a bh co © SD; id. HCN ‘which is Important for flowering & seeding? @. Phosphorus bh Nitrogen © Potassiam = dh Calciuen ‘Wich of the following species comtain 10 ‘election and 11 proton? a Ne ba Nav dN Which alkalimetalreacts with Witihe? au by Na eG ak Which allotrope of carben Is used as superconductor? 4 Fullerene —b Craphite © Diamoad — | oh amp black ‘When carbon is sp? hybridized, oath « attached fs to haw many other atoon? ag 3 ea ds CePA CH CN? a. Acetone bb Ethanal © Acetaldehyde — d. Ethanoic acid (Which has lowest pia value? a. HCOOH b. CHACON © CRCHCOOH d. CHSCH.CHLCOOH Which of the following is not wie in bieachang of pulp: a. GAOT, bo NHs nm 76 Conceptual CEE Which of the following doesn't react with Gtignard reagent? a. Ester to form tertiary alcohol bb Aldetnile to form sicohat © Acety aldehide to farm tertiary alcobal &. COsto give carboxylic acid har] 2 [RFI (FIR b [R= [Q:) ec IRE IR} What Is the concentration of salution in ppm for la/L of Arsanic? 2. 1000ppm = b. I ppm € 100ppm 10pm There is a compound called X which has fishy and rotten small and when it reacts wth Cu It gives black ppe. Identify the compound. a. Ply BN, Clty a. Hs $556 73. Amina acid has two functional group. if ‘amino acid is decarboxylation, then it orn a Primaryamine fh. Alcohol ‘6 Carboxylic acid, Eikanol Removal oxygan bs known as Reduction ', Oxidation © Hytration 4 Dehydrogenation |. Common name of nitrabenrene & Oilofmirabane 1b, Olof vitriol ¢ Oilof bitter almond 4, Ollofeinnamon Undilar's catalyst reacts wit alkyne to Produre a Alkene b, Cisallkone < Thinsalkene —d, Alkane ‘An element X fatm. mass 30) forms 60% 277. Lower density offs than waters due to ‘ther element at mass 13) fms 40%, a, A cage lke structure formed due ta ‘Find empirical formula tntermobecular H-band a KY bs bh A cape like structure formed duets | 2 yy, 4. xv intramotecutar H-bond Bue teeovalent bond fecal heeled Due to vanderwaal'sforee a Hg b HO nm © Glyeerol d. WH eu-cuceon ‘Which hat = maximum — catenation nme as he Tan, c0e . Chae il of ao [mee [ven] via] rea 70] a Taa| ma) aca] eed |mnalena [ese MM a7. Conceptual CEE Empirical formula CH/O,, What can be its molecular Formula? a. CHO: b. Coll, & Cho 4. GHkO, Chemist doesn't mind in composition of HS eather obtained from stomach or ade fo Lay. This is Ou to 1. Lawaf definite proportion bb, Lawof multiple proportion ©. Lawaf-conservation of mass , Lawofrecipracal proportion Phenol reacts with chloroform & NaOH to form? a, Salicylic acid. Salleyaidetnele ©. Bensoicacid = d. Carbalamine Which is used in reducing body temperature? a. Antipyretic Antiseptic & Analgesic . Disinfoctant Which of the following reacts with tollen’s reagent: depositing silver mieror?. a Acetaldehyde Acetone ©, Ethane! . Acetic acid Which of the following hat sero dipole moment? a coh b. CHC, . CHCl a cA, Bohr model failed ta explain a. Stark Zeeman effect bb. Hyurogen spectram: & White phosphorus 1. Red phasphorus + Black Phosphorus id. Scarlet 95. Which of the following Is Isoelectronic to KP aa bar <5 a. Ca 96. Which of the following is not ured as reducing agent in metallurgy process? aa b co oth ac 97. Burning of which element at room temp. hres gaseous product? a he BH <8 ao 96. Which motal is present in Wit 812? ake b Co ehh Co 98, Find x By. a gan 3B ae pan ey boom Bet di. on! ik 4100. Which of the folowing emission doesn't change atomicnumber? a. yemizsion Bemission Alpha eri 4, Electron emission c. Atomic spectrum Energy bevel EE 93. What isthe 0.5. of S in HS0,2 101 Storehouse of material parasite in human ae? be +6 body? 24s ia a Liver Spleen 414. Which affotrope of phosphorous produce | © Fejusum a. Kidney Bhonshorescence? 26h oa 08,6] e9.n[ 00,01. o[ oa aan b] 94 a] ala u] Toe a] The cr nk Conceptual CEE 1102, Heart of human is myogenicdue to a SA pode bb. Purkinje fibre ©. AV fede a Burnie of is 103. Which of the following isthe charactor far scars? a, Absonce of true condom uetamertse bb, Absence of true coelom & present af samersste & Presence of tric enelom etamersim 4. Presetice of trie coelom &absence of metamersim 108, Which element present in Vit.B,? a Cabale b. Ferrum Magnesium = Callum 105. Eustachian valve found in? a, Superior Vena Cava bb Inferioe Vera Cava © Pulmonary vein 4. Aorta 106, Gall bladder infrog s tocated i? a. In between caudate and quadrate labes of liver bb Between two small beft lobes c. erween right left d. Towards right lobes 107, Argolar tissue ts present between: a integument & muscle b. Hone fat body © Hone & rmuscle 4. Muscle & fat body 108, Thermaregulatory centre: a Hypothalamas b. Diencephalen © Cerchellam = d. Cerebrim 208, Azuology researcher was reaming around the sea shore suddanby he Found » wile stone peart lke structure, he mew that it ‘was from the phybum Mollusca, what is i a. Physalia by Phactada © Mytilus Dental 110, Which ef the following i digtigrate? a. Fossorial bs Cursorial © Arboreal cd Volant LL. Animals maintains body temperature by a Increasing/decreasing when external Lempecature increase of decrease respectively b, Maintaining constam internal body temperature © Increasing body temperature dL Decreasing bedy temperature 112. Which of the following doesn’t have inna? a Prosimin by Prototheria © Bytherta sd Motatheria 113, The terminal duct of septal nephridis of ‘earthworm opan ito: a. Investine b, Paired septal excretory canal © Paired supra imiestinal exeretory canal Dorsal blood vessel 114, High altitude sickness is due to: a. Partial pressureaf oxygen b. Carbon dioxide © Dehydration iL Decrease effiniency of hemoglobin 115, Which ef the fellowing protects/cavers body? a. Epithelial tase bh. Connective tissue © Nervous tissue Muscular tissue ‘aw as wa] wow aalna beans —__L Zz =6=Erti‘Sié‘SOWw;~;~™~™~™~™COCOCOCOOWO~™ Conceptual CEE MB, Which of the follawing compound gave tise to autotrophs? & Chlorophyll = b. Comcerwates & Aminoacids — d. Carbobyclrates 47, tn babies an enzyme is found for milk igestion, 105 & Bennin b. Chymotrypsin: Pepsin id. Lactase LAB, Which of the following hormone helps in embryo attachment? a Progesteron —b. Estrogen: © PSH a. Profactin 119, & teenage boy was found very eaim. Which of the following is CNS depressant, making calm & relax? b tsp i. Peyote = Valium ©, Coraine 1120, Parathyrnid: hormone & Decrease calcium = & phosphorus in bone 1, Increase alia phosphorus in bone & Maintain ealeturn and hosphoraus level in brain 4 Decrease — both phosphorus in blood 121. Which one of) the following: laryngotracheal cartilage are preseet In fro? a. Laryotemoid &2 cricoid 1s. Zarytenaed fe 1 cried ©. Lerveoid & Larytenaid a. Zerieoid & 2 arytenoid {UE Chloragogen cells anlogousto a Kidney of vertebrate & Liver afverebrate © Gutofvertebrate _Lungsof vertebrate decrease cciletum and 123. Sudilen reappearance of ancestral character. a Atavism 1, Vestigial organ © Atslogows organ 4, Hoimatogens organ 128, Treatments for cancer except: & Physiotherapy —b. Chematherapy © Surgery Radiotherapy 425. During starvation, which of the following ‘of hydra is highty vacuolated? a Musco-epithelial 1b, Musculo-tautitive © Seeretive cell 4, Gland cel 126. Which of the following is true for ppratoxDa? @ Onerelled =. Onewaruole + One muced_d, Have coll wal 1127, What happens when a perion tives i hath akitude for some days? 4 RIC production snerete: 1b. RBC prodortion decrease Sine of RBG increases 4, Hemoglobin decreases 4128. Which papllize absent in Fuman? & Follate 1 Circurmatlate © Fungiform, 129, Which of the following is depressant? & Amphetamine b. LS © Barbiturates — d. Cocaine 130, Which of the following i irs form elite? & Cyanobacteria 1, Chemobeteratrop © Photo autotraphs: i. Atotroph [fom [erra [soma [1180] 1298 cr nk Yat [faa] ian] foe] Y98b| ea] 1a7a| sana] wae] Tao] Conceptual CEE 131, Inmate frog. loud croaking s due to a, Vocalcord resonating 1. Vocal saes with air resonating, & Twa pairs of vocal sacs @. Well developed vocal sacs 132. Which of the following can transmit alos? a. Breast feeling bh Hissing © Food or water cantamisstion Hopping 1, Which of the following is major air pollutant? 2, 50; b. No; © lead Lo 134, ultra tration ts due to a Glomeralar bydirestatic pressure exceeding colloidal osmotic & capsular hydrostatic pressure . Colloidal hydrostatic pressure greater than glomerular hydrostatic pressure © Capsule hysirostatie pressure and callaidal osmotic pressure exceeding glomerular hydrastatic pressure 157. Which of the following Is stretchable tissue? a Transitional © b, Columnar © Squamous. Cuboidal 19, When walking in water getting Infected! ‘with parasite which of the following car: penetrate thraugh skin? & Ancylostoma — > Schéstosoma © Wachereria od. Trypanosoma 139, Heart fog. ditfers trom enarmmais by prevence of Sinus venosus b, Tricuspid valve © Mitral valve Two auricle 140, Wharton's duct present i a Submandibular gland be. Parotid glared © Sublingual gland fafraorbital gland 141. the only parson who was O-ve ies in a Population then the gene for that blood ‘rroup disappears. ti known at 4. Capsular hydrostatic pressure greater |, Genedritt Generic dit thanglamerularhydrostaticpressure | Mutation ch, disaster 135, Group of taxa which i in varge of | 142. study of DNA & RNA. eatinetion I the theat isnot managed |. Geneticg = b. Physsalogy 3 Endangered b. Vulnerable a eatin © Rare a. Thrwaten 4 Molecular bielogy 456, When there is +ve outside & - ve Inside | 143, which of the following gues 1:1 ration? potential in the membrane before| Trew b wet sienubut, Weald: Than a TRT 4. Resting potential Action potential eee erate & Threshaild potential & Competition b salir A her pei © Predation = dh Porastiom Wate [932 a] 999.d] saab) 195.190 6) 197. a] 198 w] wae a] Tae sean. [ aa | Conceptual CEE 185, OWA polymerase uted for 4. Forming ONA in S'-3' direction Forming DNA in 35! direction Forming mRNA in 53 direction 2. Forming mANA in 3'-5' direction 1146. Opening of Rowing & bud is due a Bpinasty =. Hypomasty: c. Chemotais aL Thigmonasty M7. When in place af two, more than two allele are present, then its known 3s 3. Multiple allelism 1b Multiple gene © Pleiotropy . Incomplete dominance 148, Eehnaed?'s syndrome ts a Trisomy of 13% chromosoie b. Trisomy of 19 chromosome © Manasomy Trisomy of 21th chromesoone 1148, Conjoint, open vascutar bundle iz present in & Dicat stens bh Menucnt stem: c. Dicot root i Monocot rots 60, Which of the following is used to get enetically modified onganism? a Agrebacterium mediated tech in transformation Ib. Crisper eas 9 gene editing Micropropagation a Tissueeulsure USL, PCR introduced by a, Karymullis batman © Miltein a Kohler 152.08 father Is A unknown & mother ts 8 homozygous then possibility of progency i a ABAR © Gand B b. AD&B & Oandt 153, Sal & teak forest found in a. Tropical deciduowd b, Tropical rainforest © Fomporate broad leafforest Tropical needie beat forest 154. Which of the following Is correct photosynthesis absorption spectrum? a White-yellawe —b, White-green © Red-green—d. Vialetslue 255, Ex Plant is mesa by a Autnelave b Uvrays © Distillation aL Passing through flter paper 4156. Which ofthe following are tracheophytes? a. Bryephytes pPleridophytes _aymnagperm, angiosperm b. Gimnospecm, steridophyte angiosperm © Gymnosperm, pteridophyte 1 Gymnesperm, angiosperm 457. Stilt root originates fram a Lowerioternode', Upperiinternode © Lowernode — d. Upper node 158. Chogse mismatched one? a. Phaneras-vsible b. Bryodtiverwarts © Gymno-naked seeds ih Kryptas-hidhden 159, Grafting is Important because a. begives rise to many plist b Ptisecomamsical © lhelpsto have desired genetic trait dt can being gevetically strong progeny 160, Endasperm af angiosperm b=: a. Haploid bb. Diploid e. Triploid d. Pentaploid [retcatas, star. ali, ita alto, a8 ofa BTR at, a a fis fae head cr nk Conceptual CEE 61. Which of the following true for archaebacteria? a. They are photosputhetic by They ase fossils © They are ole living entities They are halophies 1062, Netwark of food chain? a. Foodweb bh. Food cycle © Predation dl. Casmalisan 263, Boltingis due ot 3. Gibhercllin bk usin ©. Cytokinin =. ABA 1164, Structure present in chromosome after 2° camstruction? a. Telomere Gentromere b. Satelite: Non 165, Mitochonin i semi-svtonomons doe 1 a Presence of axysome b. Presence of naked DNA & Presence of cristae and matrix Absence of BNA 156, Who coined the term pectoplasm? a. Purkinje. Won Mh © thualey Koiliker 167, Which of the following denotes adéion of one chromosome? 4. Trisoiny bb. Nutlisomy & Manosomy dL. Tetrasomy 26H When Cla is added to Uracil, we get 170, Whiich of the following has least sinllar ‘organism? a, Cass 1b. Ortier © Family d. Genus 171, There fs maximum plant cliversity in terai regia due to. a. Soil pit 1b. Temperature © Precigitation dl. Altitude FL. How many gametes are formed form ‘AaBBOMEE? a8 © 16 ba dz 173, Woseh are true abowrt beer wn? ‘Yeast used far fermentation if beer bacteria for wine b Beer are from fermented malt & wine from fermented molassex Beer are from malt & wine from fertented wits 4 Boor is formed fron dlstillation ant ‘wow is form fermentation 174, Commercial jute fibres are ebtained fram fbark Barks found a. Outer to vascular cari & has phloem iee b. Outer to cork cambium and has phellem © Allparts outside to pith Outer tendodermis 175, Whogive semua stem of cssiiation? which compound? a Aristotle by Theaphrastes a. RNA b. DNA © CUnnaeus dE aeckel © Ribosome dk. Nucheotie 176, Process where biological materials are 108, Mojarakr pollutants preserved in wery cold enviroment? a, SOs b NO: a creeaeeroe. Lead a b Cold sare © Cold chain a vial [tes often. faa. sfie. bres. hires, afer, often, asia, chr. oft, elie. ara. otra, irs. 176. a MM Conceptual CEE {177 Sigua fruits ghee ey a. Blearpellary ovary bb, Manocarpellary ovaicy © Tricarpellary ovary 4. Superior ovary 478 The Flowers that never open, doesn’t shed pollen, and having bisexual Aawer is a. Cleistogamous Rowers bb, Bichogamagus © Homogamous . Heteragamous 179 Manipulation of gene to get diteare resistant crop of strong progeny ts: 1, Genetic engincering 1b. Recombination DNA technology © Gene pooling 4. Gere mutation ‘180. Eeesis ts a. Succession in new place bb. Habitat follows . Water stored in the plare . Interartion between two different species {UBL KIDNEY = 84/14, BRAIN = ? a Zz B B a ie ‘182. Find the missing umber AWM, WOT], WOR, TEC aM bit oP LY a 4s bo 56 en d. 9 184. which one of the following dicot Ceo 1085. Reading from one of the corner makes meaningful ward. What isis fifth letters? TIRE RE as 185, In the kitchen, boxes of wepetales, ‘salads, fruits & snacks were kapt in stack lin a sequence. The frst bax was of ruts and wagesable was in between snacks and salads. H box of fruits was follawed by box of smacks, then last box had: a Snacks 1b. Salads © Vegetable = d. Fruits s i ae er aD dG fies ve) tone by) tare in| wee ‘weston Bank Conceptual CEE £8,» training college has te conduct refresher course for teachers of six diff. subjects Acrabiology, Physiology, Surgery, Anatomy, Biochemistry orthopaedics tram 22nd to 28th duly i. Course should start with Physiology. 20" July being Sunduy, should he hola. ii, Coruse should emt with biochemistry. fu, Surgery should be Immediately after tidy. ¥. There should be a gap of one day between anatomy & orthopaedics, flased on above info, which subject falls can Wednesday? & Biochemistry — b. Physiology © Surgery i. Microbiology 1188, Sum of five children having age ap of 3 years is 60, What is the age of youngest one? aR ba a2 “5 190 piece of paper is foldied @ cut as shown Below In the question figure. From given feawer figure, indicate how it wall appear when opened? f -» [bt [zs] oa ok oe 191. Choase comect aption 2 Statemont ET siudy in BPH, ome has tw appear in a single common exam for any college they want toread. a Statement I Medical Edueation Commisséon (MEC) is responsible to conduct common exam for BPH, a Statement I i cause & statement Is effect 1b, Statement I is effect & statement Il ix cause, . Statement 1 is effect & Mare independent cause & effect 4, Both statements are effects of common case. 152, 2,12, 30,56, 90, 2 a 12 b azo © 96. . 108 183, A boy said painting to a gi, “She bs the ‘daughter of the son of father of my vunele." What is the relation between ‘thon? a Sister bh. Daughter im awe & Nephew i, Mother 198.04 of 500 question, = boy did am ‘sorrest for 250 question. Haw much % should be comect questions from remaining to met over G05? a 40% b, ears. © 20% wane 195. if South East becomes North, South West becomes East then what will West become? a South-East b. North ¢ Norh-Est — d. West 196, A ladder af length 110 m rests. against thee 188 tina | wea | foie | tone Conceptual CEE 1197. Two bus tickets from city A to 8 and three tickes fram city A to C cost Ae. 77 but 199, three tickets fram city A to & and twe tickets from city A to € cost Rs. 73. What ‘are the fares for cities Band C from A? a RS4RR5.23 bh Rs 13H Ms 17 c RsIS@ReI d Re 17 BR 13 = oe Tk (GF H/T [56/K u/s [3/6 200. Find the missing number ule 3 7s ae bo aaa oF AG Gree as bb c? 8 me | ke I 300.6 HINTS AND SOLUTIONS: ne ‘The hardness of N-ray depends upos Low Waveleruth Frequency of X-ray . oe ee ee Hard X-rays ‘Salt Xrays [Mare penetration power Less Fenelon perme [More frequency of the wraer of 8 10" Ha Las frequen of the orl of 10 [Lesser warelength range (0.1444) More warclonyth came (4-100 A) Z_ Ans oMurt isn] Physical quantity Relation with other quantities. [Dimensional formula] 1 feloay 0 meer) [2 [Acceteration (a) & [Morven tp) aT ; 5 6 [romero ‘Qvestion Bank Conceptual CEE Pheysical quantity Relation with other quantities [Dimensional forsiula [versal gravsetional comand [gy = f= peur 0 FToegue fr ere parry 9 [Sores tension SE nena 10. [Gravitational potential perry 11, [CoelBclenit of viscosity mary 12, [espe pure 13. Brain eure) 14, [Pressure pradient aura 15, [Planeange ener) ‘16. [Angular velocity mur 17. [Radius of gyration ener) mT] 2 Ans Surface tension does nat depend on the area af the surface. + When there Is no external force, the shape of a liquid drop is determined by the surface tension of the Liquid. # Soap helps in better cleaning of clothes because it reduces the surface terssion ofthe liquid, «Ifa beaker is filled with liquid: of density p upto a height A then the sean pressure on the walls of the beaker is ho /2 4+ The pressure on the concave side af a curved surface is always greater thas that on its convex side. = Molecular forces do. not obey the inverse square law of distance. © The molecular forces are of electrical ‘ori. = Work dane in forming a soap bubble of radius Ris Orit’, where T = “surface teission, Energy is always requiced to split a drop of liquid into a number of small ‘drops. It is because, the surface area of the small drops formed is greater than the surface area of the original single drop. = Work done in breaking a drop of radius R into n drops of equal size = 4B? (n'y? - 1) Conceptual CEE Same amount of energy is liberated in combining 1 drops inte asiegledrop. © When the liquid drops merge into each other ta form a larger drop, energy i released, « Surface tenston of molten cadmium increases with the increases in temperature. © Detergents decrease bath the angle af contact as well as surface teesion, Angle of contact is independent of the angle of inctination of the walls. = The materials used for water proofing increases the angle of conlact as weilas surface tension liquid does aot wet the containing Vvectelif Its angle of euntact is obtuse. +n case af liquids vehich da mot wet ‘the walls of the cantaining vessel, the farce of adhesion is less than 1/2 times the force of cohesion. «The liquid rises in a capillary tube, when the angle of contact is acute. © The height of the liquid column ina capillary tube on the moon is sh times that on the earth, ss Angle of contact between a liquid and a sold surface, Increases with Increase in temperature of the liquid and decreases on adding impurity 0 the liquid. = For a liquid - solid imerface, if the angle of contact is aeute. then The liquid will wet the sald AL The liquid will rise in the eapillary tube made of such a solid ad Hl, Meniscus of the liquid will be concave, In ease the angle of contact is obtuse, thea The fiquid will not wee the solid. HL The Niquid will get depressed in ‘the tube and fi, Meniscus of tho liquid will be conver = When the capillary tube is of snsufficient length, che liquid will not overflow, It rises upto tise top end at the tube and then adjusts the radins of curvature of its meniscus. Adhesion > cohesion Adivesion = cohesion ‘Adhesion < cohesion 1 Liquid wil wer the slid (rita iguid wat not we the sath [2 Meniscus is concave ‘Meniscus is ple Meniscus is coc lx Anite of eanbiet is acute (3 < Angie! eontnet ks 0" ‘3 Pressuretbelow the meniscus is [Pressure below the|Presture below the meniscus 5 escer than, ahove it by (ZT/rL|menisens bs same ax abave|More than abou it by (2T/r}. Le) lange of coma is obtute (@ = a0 ean Poet aoe IS tn capillary tube quit wil |Nocailay Hse tn eaplitey ube gait wat ascent descend Ans K Anse Common Examples of THR: Loeming | B(0.174001}cm Mirage, Briliance of diarmond, Optical | tmda-die et 103700 Colorful CDs. due tointerterwace io agen ‘weston Bank Conceptual CEE t= £001 on Maximum error is calculated as Sum and difference: Wer have to Bind the sunt ar difference of two values given as (a a) and (bf Ab), we dt as follows XW AX= (al da) + (bi Bh) = (a+ (aa ab) = a+ band AX =a + Ab in cased] difference, A Product and quotient: We add the fractional or percentage errors in case of finding product or quotient. ICP = a hom eS 7 Hl, Power ef quantity: WXsarthenat=ni, Ans: D Quark combination of antinewtron=ait = Quark combination of aiipraton = and =) Quark combination of neutron Ud = Quark eooabination of meson = wi med” wad wel Meson is neutral, Has a quark and an antiquark. Electron is fundamental particle but aoutron & proton not fundamental particle Hindroo is besvy. Made by Quark, = Baryon Made by ‘¥ Quark, © Mesuns — Made by "2 Quark Ans A ifAccoleration due to gravity is gat earth surface & g' =g/ mat certain height then hhoight above earth surface is given by fh s(n DR So.heve g'= 2/4 bh =(-nR =2-0R =R Anse Since no current passes through BG and DE so the circuit ran be redrawn as VevtWe+Vat + Ve Conceptual CEE Resistance in parallel. Capacitors just fallow inverse rule as ile geisgance (hem that of resistors, att tye Le, Parallel combination of capacitors RR, Re Be Re ‘thas formula as series of reséstar, Fortwo resitance R= TUR Cy eas — Comiben atin lel Comba wel of wc ea 4 Na Ent igy +E, +E et iateaal peas = Neen, 10. Ans A Te The value of escape velocity does ot depend upon the mass of the projected body, instead it depends on the mass and radtus of the planet From which itis being projected. 1» The value of escape velocity does not depend an the angle and direction of projection, © The value af escape velocity from the surface of the-earth is 11.2 km/sec. © The minimum energy needed for escape is = GMm/R. If the velocity of a satellie orbiting near the surface ofthe earth is increased by 41.4%. then it will eacape away fram the gravitational field of the earth. = Ifa body falls freely: from inflite distance, then twill reach thesurface of cath with 2 velocity of 112 hem see Ane A Eiect of imtensity and frequency af ight 1 Effect of intensity: Ithe intensity of light is) imeveasedd (while its Nu erp (ah sere a ‘aes ~ Calon is rare resaonce snd Bal acts sm 43 and then use the semiarid ea Neimemaresamce =f frequency is kept the same) the current levels off at a higher value, showing that more electrams are being emitted per unit time. But the stopping patontial V» doesn’t change te Intensity & to, of inet ent poten Gino, of emiuted photoslectron per ‘time i photo current a 2. Effect of frequency: If frequency of incident light increases, (keeping innwasity Is constant) stopping potential increases but there is ne change in photoelectric current 2 a. 4 16 Conceptual CEE Ans Ans: KE. of charged: particle accelerated through certain Voltage is given by: KE qa For proton, a= 1e SoKE= tev Ans: D ‘The magnetic field at center of arc is sven by Spal fdr sal nr = Sn/z = 3 yellf Br Ans: ‘The energy stored per unit volume af Capacitor is given by 1/2 eB So, Energy stored = 1/2 e«* « Vol = 12a" Ad [Since V= Ad) Ans: ut Atomic density is independent of Mass sumber A. te p=A Sixw of Nucleus 1. Nuclear rains: Experimental results indicates that the nuclear radies is proportional to A‘, where A is the mass number of nucleus Le, RD AM IEE= Ra AV, where Re = 1/2 = 10-8 m= 12 En, Nuclear volume: The volume of nucleus is given by Vata? mR A ou Nuclear density: Mass per unit volume af a nucleus ts called muchear density. ‘Nuclear density (ay 17. Massof mucous _ iad ‘Volume of mucicus Peay ‘Whore m = Average of mass ofa nucleon (€ mass of proton + mass of neutron = 1.66» 1027 kg) and mA = Mass of rucleus = ee: 10!" ” B= Se = 2.386 10" gfe ‘ans: = Unless mentioned otherwise, all a. currents & voltages are rams values ‘= For resonance to accur, the presence ofboth Land C elements im the circuit isamust. f= In series resonant circuit, current Is maximuen at resonance, In a parallel escent circuit, current is minimum (or nero) at resanance but pd across the combénation ts maxinuar. = The average current over a complete ‘yd in an ac circuit is zero beat the average power is not zero, An inductor offers. negligibly low resistance path tn dic. and a resistive path forac. = Acapackor acts a5 block for dic and. «alow resistance path to ne hemak = 20m =e Om "ane co [Current through/Current through] bare indhictor taes|pure camacitor led: behind era iy 90° lenny 20° Ford t=0 Fordct=0 mx. 0 ImXc= For acastincrenses |For ac. nt increases Increases x Conceptual CEE # The principle of electric meter is heating effect of current. These eters give the reading of I is important to note that these meters cam mneasure DC, as well as AC, + D.C. flows through the cross-section of the conductor whereas AC thaws mainly along the surface of the conductor, This Is alsa knawen as Skin Effect. The skin eflect is directly pproportioaal ta the frequency 18, Ans A ‘The lens maker formula For equicomvex lensis t= (nt PoE *-(5-E 400592 4et 19. Ams: 25% Ams A For gases, Coefficient of Viscosity a Temperature So, Corlficent of Viscosity af hat alr ts seater than. coefficient af eld air ‘= Air bubble im water always goes up. Mt is bbocause density of air (p) is ess than the density af water (0). So the temsinal velocity for air bubble is negative, which ingle thatthe air bubble will gD up Positive terminal velocity means the ‘body wil fal down, f= The faster the ale, the lower the Dressure. f= Wings of am aeroplane are shaped t make air travel further and faster ‘over their tap surfaces. = The LiRforee on a wing oF aecofel is propartional ta the square af = the speed of flaw, Viscous farce between the layers of a liquid is analogous ta friction between two solid surfaces. = With increase in temperature, the evefficent of viscosity of liquids dlocreases but that ef gases increases, The reason is that as temperuture rises, the atoms ofthe liquid become more mobile, whereas in case of a 2, the enlision frequency af atoms Increases as their motian becomes hore rarukem. = We cannot sipa drink with a straw on the moon becwse there & no atmosphere en the moon. Ans A ‘The output of a rectifier circuit. is pulsating woltage which is a mixture of an component and a <. compancnt ‘The circuit used to eliminate a. from de. voltage ts called filter. Some important results of half-wave and fall-wawe rectifior 2. SM] Clrewitandquantity all ware rectifier 1. ermue mv aE ‘weston Bank Conceptual CEE (Circuit and quantity Hattwaverectiier | Pull wave rectifier — ep age ‘ag stage eer | P a BD [The vale af bane of imprut|la/2 a lalernating current |= le ss) Ist 4 [Peak inverse voltage (Le, & 2 jmuasimum voltage across) ldiode when it is mot] leamituesing) S [Ouepue direct current ve hp 6 | ipl tartoe y= 1m ane & [hevalueafde component Tas Nowe le sett volage as leompaced mm input ac okcae “Transistors are made up of metal axides milnduced EMF (eg) = with igh temperature coefficient of n resistin. =0.01 «S00 22. Aus:B ov At low temperature the solids can exist Energy stored in a coil (ind wetor) = ¥ due to lesser molecular distancing. ut Higher temperature means high KE.that | = Energy stored in magn tic field = favors gaseous sate 2 ices Se in inductance is also called Selfinductance (1.)= Omi . er i. st bop oat Rate afchange af current © 24, Aus A os Variation of thermos emf with =500 Fel perann ery iiterracetple asthe MME ech Conceptual CEE temperature ef the hot junction | 25, Amsclt increases keeping the cold junction at constant tenaperature (say OC). The thermos emf increases till it beeomes nixlerum at a certain temperature. VIN oe Therma electric apt is given by the equation E= t+ - At! where wand are therme electric constant having units are, vollf*C amd. wall)? respectively (t= temperature of hat mec (ry =u) Oi ar Baad That The temperature of hot jursctiom at Which thermos emf becomes maximum is called neutral temperature Gh Neutral temperature is constant far a thermas couple (eg, far Cu: Fe, te = z70c) |i. Neutral temperature fs Independent of the temperature of cold junction. bu. temperature of hot junction increases: beyond neutral twimpersture, thermos emf start decreasing and at a particular temperature it becomes zero, on Toeating slightly furthes, the direction of emf is reversed. This temperature of bint junction & called temperature of inversion (1). w Relation between and ist alae By Ohm's law, resistance can be found from current ans voltage as trelow: ‘The reststanee Ris dependent on resistivity, length and area of cross - “This implies the resistivity of the wire is: aim Ans A Emergy radiated ELT Stefan's Law According to if the radiant energy emitted by a perfectly black body per unit area per see (Le. emissive power af black body) is directly pro artional to the fourth pawer of itz absolite temperature, te. & (T° (= oT. Where Is constant called Stefan's estan bain dines. [Ma 4] and value 567 » 10% Wyk. i For ordinary body: e=28'= eo! lk Radiant energy: Wf is: the total energy radiated by the ordianry besly then e207 LQ = Avot li, Radiant power (P]: Wt is defined as ‘energy radiated per unitareaie.P =a sea Wy, Wan ordinary body at tersperature T is surrounded by a body at ae ‘weston Mark 2. Conceptual CEE mA gw OsKa bsg 2m Va-Ve=2025 =5¥ Ans: A Given: Ie =5.488 mA and le*5.60 mA ‘Thus, base current Ib ele le =6.60-5.488=0.112 mA ase current amplification factor Be ie th 5% P5408 (0.112 =49 Also, p= = © 29. Ans D The current-carrying loop behaves Mke a bar magnet. A freely suspended bar magnet stays in the N-§ dinection. $0, the plane wf the Loop will be in the east west direction a0. Ans: A LeV= 1.610] Ans A # Thespeed of recession v ofa galaxy Is proportional tait's distance rfrom ns le vB POE v = dir this relationis called Hubble's Law. = Here H = An experimental quantity, ‘called Hubble's constant. I's value is 19.3. mm/sec tor each light year 1» Determining H’has been a key goo! af the Hubble's space telescope = The quantity 1/11 has the dimensions oftime. = This time i called Hubble's times, which is an estimate of the order of magnitude of time that bas elapsed! since the Big Bange, and thus af the age of universe. a2 Ans A ‘The terminal vetacity is given by valtd-oe 5 =coellicient of viseusity af medium, R= radhus of the spherical body Since. the density af hall and the solid ‘are equal 80 there's no drift ar ternal velocity. Some applications of Bernoulli's principle: L The action of earburator, sprayer ox atomizer based on Bernoulli's: principle. fi The action of bunsen bummer, exhaust pump etc. if Airfoil or Lifton aircraft wing works oon Bernoull’s principle. fy, Motion of spinning ball magnus foc, ‘Blowing af roofs by wind storms ete. based on Bernoulis principle, veh, Wings of alr plane ‘iL Ball moving with spin: This dynamic lif due to spinning is called Magnus offed. Conceptual CEE Poles equation 1 Q = where p is the pressure difference between the two ends of the tubes. ris the rads, fi the length of the tube and 5 is the ceeffcient of viscaity, Q= rate af flow of liquid. 33. Ans 8 jimance or intensity of Muménatkon (8): The luminous Aux incident per unit area of 3 surface is called Muminanee, | = 2 W's SL unit seo Los (lt) and fs CGS. unit is Phot. 1 eee at a Intensity of lumination ata distamce froma palit source i ne Intensity of illumination ata distance from a line: source is: 1-2, or ‘il, In case af a parallel beasn of light iar fv, The illuminance represents the luminous ftux incident on unit area of the surface, while luminance represents the luminaus flux reflected from a unit area of the surface 4. Ame A Component of weight responsible for downward movemeat af the blocks is smysinO® Now mgsin 60" & greater than smgsin 45°Thw block A will move's dawn the plane 35. Ams D Accumulation of electric changes of ppasite palarities. creates. a. potential barrier botween the two sections of the junction, This electric fleld setting up a Potential barrier in the fumction which opposes further digtasion is duc to the fixed acceptor and dome ions on either side of the junction. ‘The width of depletion layer decreases on forward bias and imereases on reverse bias 36, AnscA Ratio of amplitudes of the two waves is Ait he a , ‘The maximum intensity of the superimposed waves is faux =(Av+Ag) ' = 16An. ‘The minimum — mtensity the superimposed waves tin =(Ar-Aa) 7= 4A ‘The ratio ofthe max and min intensity Imax. Imin =16/4 = 4 Intensity of sound: The sound intensities that we can hear range from 10°? Win? to 10? Wort, The intensity level f, measured in terms of decibel (dB) is. defined as 10 log ‘Where = measured intensity, b= 10 Wet ‘Atthe threshold f =0 Atthe max = 10 Igo = 12008 «= The rate of speed of the snuree to that of the speed of sound is called mach vane er ‘weston Bank Conceptual CEE = The waves produced by a body | 3% AnscA ‘moving with a speed greater than the speed of sound are called shock waves. # When two waves af intensities ty and 1, differing in phase by superimpose, then resultant is given by 1 +Le* Qvale cos (hon souscesarecohereat. a [oben sourcesare incoherent] Whee = 0, then Vi= 1 he. fringe sibility is best (Le. when I= ror as Fah 1:2:9 Blerause the string arts as an open organ pipe . 3H. Ans D ‘As we know, Loa ) Or. fo Le =tope (hf) Hop) Or, 5-1 = loge 1 Or-4 = loge (Ly Or eb sh Or, as? fan? = 10" Or, as / a= 10" Soa f= 1: 10° «© [tmeans the change inn B or (10nd i) Soest tht the sound got 1a wines imvense Increase in intensity by 20 times aes Ratioof specific heat capacity, CA/CHe1/2 Ratioofmass, mA mil=3/4 Ratio ot eve capacity, Me, Matas ong HEAT CAPACITY és the amount of heat required to rase the temperctune of substance thraagh 1°Cor 1% “Therma eupacity= mass «sperife het ‘Water Equivalent is the mass of water in gram which would require the same amount af heat to rise ts temperatire through 1°C as the body when heated: thraugh the same temperature, Water equivalent of a body = mass of te tray x specific hene Aholtow onda solid spheres if, L Heated through same temperature thea hoth expand ik Heoted by same beet quantity the hollow one expands more ‘When we peess two block of ice together such that after releasing the pressure two block join this phenomenon ts called regelation. Ans rouor wn ‘Where, {= original frequency f= observed frequency Yeand V, represent velocity f observer and saurce respectively, Yarvelacty of Sound Byusingn =") =, Ginen=() Oe! = Movement of source causes change im wwavetength of saund aa movement a 4. Conceptual CEE of shaervr couied dusage bt teste velocity 4 Always remember that frequency of sound ts Increasod if amy of source or tise come loteraned Ascieaies fay OF Gem goes apart fer f decrease V., is subtracted and V, \s added, for f to increase V, is added and ¥. is subtracted) Ans A In photoclecri efetallphoeselecerons do not have same kinetic energy. Their KE ranges from zero to: E max which depends on eaacy of acileat radiation and nature of cathode, The Dhotoslectric effect takes place anly when photons strike bound electrons Iecasse for thee lectins exe ad momentum conservations do not bald together. Cessiam is the best photo sensitive material. For both photoelectric effect and X-Ray Current & Intensity Stopping potential 8 Energy af porans or their frequency Efficiency of phatoemissinn, ome foes hel rrr 11 tebe phneneeaese = et rsnicanm pean Intensity ofemited electrons _ te inensy ofinefienrratanion * iy ‘Therefore, === ~ & Aus: 8 Ibehavestike an open organ ape Ans: Dritivelorty (Wa) =a When both | and A are increased by same factor the Val remains eanseart, +4, 46, In a wore of nam-unifram eross section the current density remains constant, rest all changes when leruth is doubled, vv, becomes hal'and when V is dubled, vg becomes twice, Ans: The calorie (col) is defined as the unt of beat required to raise the temperature of 1 gm ef water from 145°C to 155°C. ‘Also 1 heal = 1000 cal'= 4186 jana 1 eal AB] «© When heat is supplied to a gas at ‘constant volume catisoly used to raise its temperature. When 3 gas is heated af constant pressure, come work is done in expansion of gas which If in addition te raise iss temperature and hese Cy = Cj = Also Cy-Cy=R = Systane aro thermal equiisrians ‘when their temperature are same or average kinetic energy per molecule issame, © The temperature upto whieh a gas can be liguified under pressure aluse is called the critical temperature (re. = The temperature at which all the three states of matter (solid, liquid gas) are mutually in thermal ‘equilibrium is called the triple point of the substance. = For water triple paint is 273.16 Kand 4.58mi Hg pressure ‘AnsiC ‘The liquid boils at a temperature, at ‘which its vapour pressure is equal to the ‘atmospheric pressure. Ans: ‘The rise in temperature makes a badly more plastic and fragile ‘weston Bank 47. Conceptual CEE Factoe’s affecting elasticity : L Modulus of elasticity of materials decreases with the rise in temperature, except for inear. i iy anneating elasticity of matersal Gecreases i, By harnimering oF rolling elasticity of ‘material increases. Young's modulus of steel ts more than that of rubber. Elastic potential energy in a stretched string = 8 Kot = ¥Stressxstrain 4 Poimion's ratio (@} between © and 05. although it's theoretical value between -1and 05. Ams: 8 By ideal gas equation, PV-aRT AP Vents Peni: Prt, (Nov, ns = mass / molar mass o£ “2 faa =1m/32, 4 Massol oxygen let dye, 4 Massof oxygen leaked = 6-4 = 2pm 48. Ans Metacenter is 9 point where the vertical line passing through the centre ofbioyancy intersects the central line = The floating body will be in stable equilibrium when the metaceatre lies above centre of gravity af body. = The Oaating body wall be in uestabbe coqullibrium when the metacentre lies bbetow centre of gravity of bedy. = The floating body will be in neutral equilibrium when the metacente ccolncides with centre of gravity af body, = The woight of the plastic bag fall of ai §S Same as that of the empty bag toeeause the upthrust i equal 0 the ‘weight of the air enclosed. = Wecannot sip a drink with a straw on the moon...because. there is_no catmasphere an the mean. = The cross-section of the water stream frum stop decreases as it gues lower im accordance with the equation af cmtinwity. = The wooden rod) cannot flaat vertically in a pond of water because centre of gravity les above the imetacenter, Ans:A de-Broglie wawelength (2) a a fereeees seo a ma KE, MED 0810700 rence Preparation Conceptual CEE ‘For charged particle onan fh] tote |= czm6 a | Ww fe) Deutron aay jal erie Hla U a ve A SO. Ane A Intrinsic: or pure semiconducsors: are oth n-type and p-type semiconductors are neutral. 51. Ans Ap-nitrophenal + Thus, the acidity of phenols is due to Powerfull resonance stabilization of the anion. # Auelectron withdrawing, groupf-t-M) stabllises the anion by dispersing the negative charge and therefure, Increases the acidity » Electron Donating jroup (+teat effect) Intensify the negative charge tom the anion resulting in the decrease of stability and thus decreases the aciity af the ac. «This effect ix more pronounced on 0- anil P- positions cr nk = Normally, acidity of O- > p- for same sroup attached . 1» Reaction ef R-OH with HX ts used to distinguish between 1", alcobls is Lucas test. ae 52. ANS:A Vat dyes are insoluble dyes which are First reduced ta a enlourless soluble form, applied to fabric and then oxidized to imsoluble. Eg Inddign, Tyriam purple, Mordant dyes: These dyes have na natural alfnity for the fabric and are Conceptual CEE applied to Ke with the help morantt. | Anihruguiuane " as ie le adcclas oily atloa| |ce ee ae te dyed Eg: Allzarin given, Antbelloene type dyes Eg: Azan oss red with Al Imdiga dyer: These dyes cortain the Blue color with Ba? ‘arboayl chromephare. ae Inigo isthe oldest known d 53. AREA (Hemopolymer ar chain growth or addition palymer ‘Monomer ‘Starch, Cllslose Glycogen rang es Prsties le Polythene Ethylene a Patprinyl chloride Many torte le Teton Telraftvaro ethylene la Mton-6 Gapretactn J+ Potysyrene syrene ja Oran (Acrilan) Acrylonitrile: Je Pew (tse) Mery imetsayate la Petyviny! acatate vin “Copolymer or step grawth wr Monomers ‘condensation polymer Lean Vary chloride nod wingidene chide lesan Styrene and sertanitrae la ARs. Aer¥lgnitte, Maden and skyrene j= Buty ratiber bsnbutyleme and Isnprese le Buna §, 58K Styrene and Butadiene j# Buna 6, NHR Acrylonitrile and Hutadiene Je Nytan = 66 Hexamcthylesediamine and Aipie at ja Terylene or dscron ‘Terephthalic acted and ethylene glyco! Rubber (Elastic potymer) ‘Nabil rubber Artifical rubber (See pirene) Made up of as-tsoprene ‘Made up of chlowoprene pea CH C-CHCH, | ‘Cia -CH=CH, feo (oe ett Bini. Sten m : aerial chloro Bama-1. RE 117 1S Fintronce Preparation

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