Circulatory System of Man

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CEaciatosy Sygiers eT aaa . \ | Keg iratory Centre b nthe lo. 1 Cigwiofon SO _paotess log uliich sansysttation of | all wotenigl fhe _nutvients, _sespinctary ores L omanes woste ec + Asouga O88 the ody Hough __ ord : Tapes of cixculaty syste 19 annenol hood _floas _fhswwah body _coxthy Sis_cailed open Tye Asculoiory system: eyample + Avingpoda and Yalluso - Closed tupe Bincd Flows trove _blow\_vessels- @rcarmple : Chanctst and Anwehas- Taps of _Cacudaton We Single. _clscu\otn - Blow passes one tough heart tno | compete. crsculaton: 4: Kish a Dove cinculetion Blood _porses ‘tuine thoou . ah heart in a ‘ J Complete. _Arscuseaton Gq Pomwalss Repfler Birds and Ampibana ey 9 eas 7 Types 4 heavt a 4 Newsoger eax Jeusogeric Osigin ond @rduction of heart baat cigiats .¥ Kon “N esvous system - i @xarne : Hears of “inyexttnate - @) Nyogenic _heast hae and _cmduetion gf _heast beat Griginaks hy caset - ae Heavts Of —vestebsates, Condiosogulet _sycien“in_Hu rman 4 _Ss_of two Ayres Yalord __ya-Cardie-Voosculors Susie > Te “inches heart la eee e|o Aum piatic _susiem blord vessel and lesd- +> Br _‘indudes Jump. Lymphatic vest, and Lumpy nodes « rcos e T ‘s_ hollow, Muysculos sqan eret__a_lhe gee & Fh Tis gedtish kwown Gow and anal | sijuoted Sn the thovacle cavity between two {ungs _ Slightly left ide TH Measums aldol acm Long Bom ude and 6cem Ww ___ thickness + TH ‘solv 300 9m n_mole ond a6 a | aie) les) [| Temole: the _heaxt Xs prolecled by double ~ walled Memioyaner _ known O03 pericondium, “outer (ayex_Is the jetal__aesicavdium and ‘inne loys 1s the viscexoh__petandiium- The s; 4 A a. ae Moist the heaxt_and piles, ficfinless_ movement. Bronk And wens 9 shuduee oft vocal Wis es HERA pubmenasy Ove > i - 1. z e Hes Pabrsanoy Cre i Pubrnoray oy Pudtngnory sunk OW = Poltnonang ven ie cs 2ek + obium point (OUT Lavon Sicus Tose ONAN ig: oak «REF Wenticle a Rigor ‘ ZV s Tinfoncy, von Attedos. \otexvertvider + = cave z Suleud \ = Opening ef V Acc ydlvar - Biuyspi whe ~ Chadians... Aendaognet 8° Tntewad + ventsiculay separ > Pauenneor Coyne t ravns®) Fexrcondiuey h t Trrerral structure of Rumen cov SO et ae ea epee geet MDCSS 5 Human heat is_ divided “into fgys_cne two auricles and __ two ventsicles Acugicles U They ove tin warled —__chanioess. and Saal pat: & aicles ye sepesated ay chant audiculoy sepium. The alight avacle_ is StY lax ges thon let Quide” 4 aedwes Ol __Ceantigey Oxed load From Qu cots of kody except Jongg —_thsquch __Supemor _Vanacovds Yofesior Veena. cong | i 3 2 inferior ven comonosy Sinus - The _aperting OF _19 SE is gausded by eustaciian, valves + Similarly, tne opening of COxanory Snve_is garded _by Coxgnoxu volves! Theta sign valves-_ the (eft audde ore caves ~ caugenated Wood from lungs finvouch aise pakmoonasy veins | They devaa Se values le couse pulhonowy vers __coxssy__ Lalo at R peessume- Jn the _eiidht _duaficle these is Smal _depmessign “in Antes -owhculor ceptum Known os fossa. vols" Aientiicles They oae ich walled chamloerg port Rk heovl «he Poster ior end oe is__sKariy__corica +t _ shaped: Quh Vents et sepesuted from _eoch thes by Antey ae loa K sepium The “innes_[inging of very OWN _O _colummnne HNge - = ss ‘is divided Yuman _heast two _ventsides — two auricles __ and Bafemicr V@NACOvey, || thsquch _ Superior _Vanacovds ee lungs S of _‘infenor_venacava 7 COMONOSY, “Sins - Te _operiing, A i cpusded by eustaciton volves : Sinilowly, ine opening of Cononoxy sins _is__gaweded hy COxMOsY, Valvesl Theta sian volves. Te (eft autidle oe ceiver ~caugented ood from lungs _thvoucp fous ale pulmonary veins «They devia A valves | oe couse. pullhonosy vena ___cowssy__lolood, ait Tigh presguxe: Tn ihe eight duoticle wInesie 8 a Smal depsessign “in inter -auheway Septum Known os fossa. gvallis * Ajentéicles Rey ose ANG wooed —_chamberg Gnd Q govt & heart + Te Postes\or end venta is Nai, come -& shaped Qyih : sopesuted from each _aithen boy a se 4 septum ‘The ‘nnes [inting of Von Knows _O _colummnge ies Tek fated usih__pofillosy muscle Adige tendranne «hy Page No. the icusptel an besiid volves; _ayequlate_inéis Opening, nd ett _ The opens. “nto Palmonowy oata.: Strifloaly “nd. ‘ ae opertts ‘into Sysemic oosta ascending hasta) « \ett _ventscle is Nid \onoes than aight , venice and thee “fimes {laces thon aight venracle \ Bicuspid ond tausiid volves Lg \ \ Both _ouricles open ‘into eth ventiicles GF thas | espective _s\des - trsaug Quéilo-ventsculoy overtures. | he Bunt auriuulo - Vennculay apstusea is gauade | y aw SrA cusdid VoSvex They _ Qate called TACURPIA because they cariclin nee Flops! cusps. The left — au&culo-_venticllay Qypeture 4s cqauacle | ky _biwusid valves ~ Mey oe called a bicuspid } bewwuse they Contain two flaps ( cusps: i Serilunos valves WA of a They ace located “in the Operit pulmonary and sgsienic Gara _-_ They Gere called -— emiluncr ecause trey (ook _filke hat moan = _— Shaped » They aote known @S pPulmonowy volves — ase called — Govic valves that _paesent In systemic gosto: the _boskP ba — All_valvex of _heost _ prevent: Of blood Ve madintdins the blood one divection. foo 10 oe ao. an of eo Tr is a middle te pct contact shui | composed of cardiac muscles thot _ Sndocordium Tt is tne _innes_most composed Of smooth. ita lays of —hecwt - Tris | of Simple _Squamava, thelfym- fia ep thelic Bived csc : Blood aswlhartion —_fnaovgh _heost ! E Homan hos _doutle Ascutatfon ‘ie blood ie posses _tufice fn a compete Cislaton . eS pe duntes fhot ESSN Chamloess Geary ce Odagen ae Cistulation “include : = gstafed blond: Rouble a " [| Publmonoiy cculction or ___lii]_ Systemic Crcwtati Postnonaxy Ascutotion “The cistutotin of bl lungs ‘is _falted auricle _wecdiver all de | different poowts of baty cuggeroted | loot Ron Supescs__venataven ‘infexioy except lores, through a Ai Venatava and coxa | venertafr SINUS | THe Sopeagr Vena a a 7 Recives are ane blood from head ONd onterics poxt of iu | body: The inferior venarava —_stecéives the _ floc i fsom leg and ower pats of body. The conrary Sins __seceives the blood fiom heat - “a Due to contaciom of sight ouside the Hvougn Wicuspid volves = ow, sight venbicle conwacts and Pump the leoxygencited blood +o tre Dongs —_thoudh pulmonasy attesy - The left auricle “Srecéives Oxugenated olooa__ Bom loners deoxygenated blood is ced Ainto Bigm_venbicle aii ‘thsough pul manaay, veins + i | Sustentic ciaculation Me Ciaculution of blocd between heat _and henna Giffexent posts of body except _lunqs js called a t te ion ficle. stentic. circulations ue to consaction af _left ut a cosctes. hlocd “is fosiwecl “into \eft _ventyicle come cle divieugh — bicusyid_volve- ‘ow, the left _ventaicle. conwadls and oxygenated ijood ‘is __ pumped Tato & ‘ 4). TH comies_ the _systentic _ooata Costersling ae peel owygenoted blood _ to ere ip | fosay” through ax _ numbes WS OF dstesies and oxtail] =u ——| Blood civculation ho Yeo Me pace makes) Stnu- pustular valve HES Granched o Conde TW cusg\d 7 v Ag Hig ow Li Puskine =— in 2% conduction of eartbeat a F - <. Bindte of His~ nie w Ausiculo = ventas ~ ance és)) Node CAV nade) { GEARY 2uspid vave J = = a Inter - ventricular septurn 24 Heman Rest is Homan heast is _muoseriic type that 9s cs “I contsaction of _heatt beat originates loys Teel. A noduleted — stouctune present In the aight atsim = gust below the _operiing Of Sopesioy _venatava Known _— ——} as dinu - avtculas node CSA node) * Th Is also known — ——|_ as pacemoles _Inecause th “nitiales heart beat - b Ancthes nodulated _gtsuctwve _psesent_in the Aaterauiiulas septum of sight atu Cqusicle) neat the _pmcugp\d valves, is Known AS ausiclo ventricles pede av ote) tt is Aso Imoun as L pace getters: Tr beass 4 bundle. of fibres | inter ventsi cules acptum +t divides ig Tt _entess into Bes 8s bundle ao : Sto two_bxane! i 3 2 venthicles: And goes to the areapochve ste_o + Finally, % _ diides___‘into Fine Co » Pasir F__cortsachion fsom SA Tifaes Ope _sequlax wesval AY fisst the ve € cqntsaction 2 a aes ey S and contact them 4 : th “contsaction _seccived lay AV - ae st tyanates ‘nto bundle of His and. Finally , the Impulse _of conkaction _ passes Ito ie f wave Amuttaneously: Now the 1% a a of rest east leat [nal Ot yentsicles ftsough —_ Pustiinje Hees and both venisicle — contsack _ Simutancousy * | = Wste the chast _nates_on artificial “pace manex - = An cledsowic device thet Is “Implanted Inthe body i 4o__mortiitos heart -ea_vate_and xhyihm- Th Gives the heart Clectiical stimulation when % ces nat beat Hamdly- Tr ss on pattevies (| i | : and ha long, Ain yes that connect it to the Heart: Also called _caxdiac _fotemakey and pocemaker- Th ws _ A _ynedical. deve thet enexater elechical Ympulet il Adivered oy cleahoden heart dither the alia en acaa Cawe the faigeled eh grey Stren 4 and_pumy blood + Qy dn S +o contact equates. the Function system of he chanbers Gf the [bet | | — <0 : Wysiclogy of east beat Heaxt beat and Cardiac cycle complete sequence of = wt Is called hen ee Osteen 8. mt beat - Gutvaction oo Reeds caled__agtle end ode Shame neat ia called diaricle - Ravina eae > Healthy person _‘is_eloovt 3p. tienes (48-20) times pes minute - z Ane _aityitr cihiinyMic__comPsaction and _ aula aifon OF casdiac _chembexy none heast beat 95 Called ardiac cycle - Tr completes ‘in atwut 6% sea The casdiac cycle consists, of — follouing phares : af Atsial_(Auscular) sustcle 5 ©) Th Hits phase _both _aucles _ contact Sinubtancously TH tates alt 04 sea: 2 ot @| Ventéiulay aystole (0:3) 48s Chase both venticlen combs act _ » punos LOPNO] SUS ; “WAPOA PASMRY PUT prSHIS Pp. OP ee | OF SMP AoWuat O wOPAUH SaENp ‘pampasd Sl 2 41 + pUunOS qq0y Be UNDUy GAO SL EL er 2 pee ie ieee PUNOS {MBO js) + PUNDS 4CO9 MI, ADO del PYNoS {xed} E syobs0 - SV XO - LG = my — BF < Sopsnw : ka = ws : is Sf SIS WEST 8s S HOOPTY ASE GS ae Ste aor Rb PAINP SOC AT ap % i a 5h — ae = Ke ? An dios ee Sue 3 As sae i : anu _heas Elechowndiognayn Cece) CK ocktity &_heawt he pie a esemtas SIO ery : vn ae ss called eS Q Const A a Li - eatiets | Xe x Pa" Time in’ secon he pric c Measusement of & lied c@ is q _ clecksocassd\ Ond jhe Anatbumen tre in tne_ec_4s cad Clechocasdiagsqnh Pirate Aime _distovesed by Einthoven Aw cae 3 te A_No! Be * incl Nides PL compiles: T-wave: “The ao Rs aa : Ye a re n,n Valen SARA eg eReclim wave that | Mepresents the _comtsaction 6 Cacpadorization) of auicka The ORS Complex fs puri loage i deflecion ware that represents the —depolosization of yenbicles: “The T-wave iS bso upward deflection wave that Hepresents the __siepclasyotion of both ausides and venthaclea = =the _€cy heaps in detection, of contsotion and siclawasion of hth auricles and ventacles. Any Changes in akove, Wave / EG thos indicate E the abrormat fonction of heart Ae: abnormal heast leat - TL Blood _ pressuse, | Te pregsuye exerted by blood on the L ws of load vessels stalled Hood pressures Nosmol blood presse fin a adult healing r pews IS Above 120180 mmHg © These) ore two} L types of blood pressure 1- © Sustolic __Bload poesauve, : The pressure exerted ty blodd on he wall d verincle ‘is called syste’ load poresuse Tf 9s + 4 ok blood vessek —_dluming_ syatalic phase of fi ( Wahest blood pressuse_- TH Is_aeast 10 Mm“ in ads “Peskin TF is algo tnown an Inighes limit = Of Ovbics blood pressure - “u Diokicie Blood pressure « i The vessuse exerted hy Head _on the: anole ood vessels ducing _ diasidlic phone _af es aed Oiastdic__ “blood _pres Ss ne | pers Ts “1g lsd Wwwn 4 astiok —_lolocd. poessure + 2 y f dep HESSUTE manele if east sate, _blocd yolunne ond ee. i eur blood _P = blood vessels - As|| Age 4 Generaly . Blood presure ineseases with ti Incs Core. Rae ones ee cue 10. re fant 4endion + Cavees tendgn etc - Q) Sex Blood pressure deperds Gn the sea Te generally male hes mee loot pressure than female « 3 & Welch Blood presgure Gepends_ On the weight ot peaple - seneioly the weighty peoole -8 hove “chances of mane ul exesdee The people who do eeguiay exercise are mae from the problem of blind pressure - — S| Phuscol stole of body tne people 4s A ana fi Net Tove wowed Blood pressive. hen generally the 4 NS 7 € | Diek l ie Blood “vessels 1 d He Awve a Pipe like _stauchuve Trot Tat —Cowsieg_ Goad 1s called blood vessek ate of _thece types ! Asteayy Vein Capiory > Tinned blovd vessel > hap _in_eachaye ot mokesils TORK EHTOROS Fibs CT) say woasdes Ceiscuray, i} z { Ane ] Simple Sia fete? ~ Ayenen — (SS / Avie (1S Vein eS ) oe Conicas ntesna), eae: I 1p -16 |x Rospraoin vote 1 4h ee The cfforences amang Arteries cveins and _cariillaies { Astenies | Ming Cayillaves aa Deop {n_moscles [veawes Yo ody awe al Teaver High dow Wek Win Colowy “Toiisn-e4 Red S Avmen ArKOW | Vares_ with wide heartbeat Komen wid Varies sith heavtb:| = gat eT Valves, Nore excep! _jpubmonay by Vos prevents } 4 ariay hack flow eee RlowA spbal| Fast low [eae AX Lumen ; i GCaygen Gaugenated except in| Decoygenaked | OMygenosed _in Hi Content pulmonary astery | Cacept in pulmo, avreriole and [nay vein | deoxygenated IA yen characters cf Tc and hong Thinand may Only one cell they oa muscles + clastic Mbres! Fimows tesue, © | i | and Fibrow. tissues [bur leses most j [es and clastic i / 4 | AML = ; j + doucr of Thick mn Sea : clastic ai L muscle SS i. F | Canty ole from the i | neat to organs Cassy blood fron Help to. Maintain high 2° by preventing Lowans to blog blood fom flowing ~ hadward - ‘i Carry bleed fiom arterial

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