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Even if Illaoi starts off 0-5 in the early game, she can still manage to turn

around and counter-kill the opposing top laner later on. So remember, even if you
are at a disadvantage during the laning phase, do not get discouraged. By seizing
the right moment to counter-kill, you can almost instantly recover from the

With Teleport, when contesting for dragons or Rift Herald, she can split-push in
the opposite direction, distracting multiple enemies and helping teammates secure

Illaoi needs a team with good front-line control from mid, jungle, and support

Champions that pair well with Illaoi:

Mid: Anivia, Cassiopeia, Galio

Jungle: Hecarim, Sejuani, Amumu
Support: Nautilus, Leona, Thresh

Remember to use your passive and E smartly. Illaoi's kit revolves around her
tentacles, which are key to winning trades and team fights.

Be aware of the enemy jungler's position before committing to a fight.

In team fights, don't rush in. Look to land a good E, then follow up with your
ultimate for massive AOE damage.

if they send 2 ok if not 3 !

save flash espacilly before teamfight

It's best to have a frontline; the jungle and support roles need to supplement with
frontline control.

Many people think that Illaoi is a frontliner who can take a lot of damage, but
actually, they are mistaken. When Illaoi is in a team fight, remember not to engage
first or take the initial wave of damage. Otherwise, she can be quickly killed
before she even gets the chance to use her ultimate, which can waste all her
potential. Having a teammate pick a tanky support or a tank jungler can provide the
right environment for Illaoi, allowing her to execute her ultimate perfectly and
deal higher damage.

Before level 6, focus on farming; after level 6, prioritize pushing the lane to
suppress the enemy's farming.

it is recommended to focus on split-pushing and avoid team fighting unless


To maximize the potential of your champion, it's crucial to look at the team
compositions before each game starts and set a clear strategic plan for yourself.
During the drafting phase, first look at the number of melee champions on the
opposing team. If there are three or more, Illaoi can be like a boss in team
fights. Selecting her and opting for a bloodthirsty, team fight-oriented playstyle
can make her an output machine.

If the enemy has fewer than three melee champions, Illaoi is more likely to be

If your top lane matchup is against a melee champion, you can opt for a split-push
strategy with "Divine Sunderer" to draw the enemy's attention and indirectly create
space for your team to farm or secure resources.

Thus, the strategy should be adjusted based on the different team compositions,
which also means tailoring your build and rune choices accordingly.

both top jng ad > tabi then swamp to mr ?

GA when team fighting

hullbreaker good vs multiple


remember to fight close to your tentacles and stick to walls whenever possible.

When activating Illaoi's R ability, try to do it close to a tentacle spawned by her

passive or between two such tentacles to maximize damage outpu

Since tentacles spawned by Illaoi's passive can be destroyed by enemies, you can
use them as bait.

"landing E is god-tier, missing E is trash-tier."

It's important to be mindful of where you are pointing the mouse when activating
Illaoi's R. The tentacles spawned by her ultimate will appear where the mouse
cursor is located.

ypically, Illaoi's combo when using her ultimate is to cast E towards the enemy to
pull their spirit and then immediately cast R with the cursor placed behind the
enemy to prevent them from escaping.

For counter-engaging, consider positioning the cursor on a wall when activating R

so that the tentacles concentrate at a single point for focused area damage.

t level one, when trading blows or attacking the spirit, it is by using A (auto-
attack) and W

Yes, Illaoi's W ability, which is her only short dash ability, can be used to
traverse through some thin walls on the map, such as the ones near the Krugs which
is good to espace


Push the minion wave to the enemy tower, and when the enemy is last-hitting
minions or when they are using abilities to clear the wave, hit them with skill
shots (poke during last-hitting)."

When the enemy is hiding behind minions, you can use your passive W to quickly
clear the minions and then land a skill shot

When you can't land E directly, you can choose to hide in the brush for vision and
then use E.

You can also choose to use your passive to fish for opportunities, waiting for the
enemy to break the passive before using E.

Using W first and then following up with E, the WE combo also has a very high
accuracy rate

When using R, remember this phrase: "If you can hit someone, hit them; if you can't
hit someone, hit their soul. If you have R, hit someone; if you don't have R, hit
their soul."

Before using R, always ensure that your W is available so that you can use it twice
in quick succession. You can initiate with W, then follow up with E and R for a
quick burst of damage. After that, your opponent is likely to use their abilities,
and you can choose to reposition and wait for your second W to become available
again. Utilize the short dash from W for repositioning and follow it up with
another W for additional damage.

When the enemy's fed AD carry is hiding behind their tanky support, and you can't
reach them with E, you can use E followed by a Flash to pass through the support
and get to the AD carry at the back. Then, you can follow up with RW for a quick
burst of damage (double passive procs).

The difference between E-Flash-R and R-Flash:

E-Flash-R allows you to have an extra soul and an extra tentacle when you activate
R, which can be crucial in team fights, as it increases your chances of hitting
important targets. However, keep in mind that there is a cast time for E, making it
easier for enemies to dodge the ultimate.

R-Flash results in fewer tentacles and less passive damage, but it allows you to
quickly follow up with W without any delay. This makes it difficult for enemies to
avoid the initial burst damage from the first two tentacle hits.

Both combos have their advantages and should be used depending on the situation and
your goal in the team fight.

Initiating with an E before engaging in a team fight or skirmish is a great

strategy because it allows you to spawn multiple tentacles around the enemies.
Then, following up with R-Flash will trigger the passive for one hit. Since the
enemies are in the vessel state, you can follow up with W for another hit. When
your E is ready again, you can use it to get a third hit, allowing for a triple-hit
combo (triple passive procs).

So, regardless of the situation, it's a good practice to lead with E before using
R. Then, you can wait for the second E to become available and follow up with R-
Flash for a powerful combo.

When you are surrounded by a lot of enemies and your E is on cooldown, remember to
immediately activate R and follow up with W to deal damage. Don't wait for the
second E in such situations. However, if there aren't many enemies around, you can
consider using E to reposition and wait for the second E to be available before
using R.

Regardless of the opponent's champion in the lane, the general strategy for laning
against them is as follows:

1: Push the wave and exert pressure, gaining an advantage through last-hitting

2: Zone the enemy by pressuring the lane and using E skills under the tower. If the
enemy is below half health, Illaoi can patiently wait for the minion wave to enter
the tower range, trigger the passive tentacles, and then use ERW to burst down the

3: Continuously pressure the lane and wait for the enemy jungler to attempt a gank.
Use E against the wall, then quickly follow up with ERW to gain an advantage in a

4: During the laning phase, push the opponent out of lane and extend your tentacle
formation towards the second tower. This prevents the opponent from entering the
tower range to gain experience and forces the enemy jungler to assist, potentially
creating a 1v2 advantage. The key is to have strong map awareness and communication
with your team.

Illaoi is actually quite strong at level 1 because she has the highest base attack
damage among champions in League of Legends. At level 1, she can often win trades
with many champions, especially if she lands her W ability (Tentacle Smash) and
utilizes her passive tentacles effectively. Illaoi's W also has a relatively short
cooldown, and it can force the enemy to reposition, making it easier for her to
land tentacle slams. If the enemy mispositions and gets hit by the tentacles, it
can be a significant advantage for Illaoi. So, using Illaoi's level 1 strength and
her abilities smartly can lead to favorable trades and lane control.(just after
stating use ur potion)

"In the game, immediately purchase items and then head to the top lane. Set up
tentacles in the second brush and place a ward in the third brush. Many top lane
players like to come and destroy Illaoi's passive tentacles. At this point, we
arrive in the top lane before the opponent and have vision. When the opponent tries
to destroy our passive tentacles, we quickly engage by using W on them. Then, we
can either pull back into the brush or fight near the passive tentacle. As long as
the passive tentacle hits the opponent, we can usually either solo kill them or
force them to use Flash. If the passive Q doesn't hit, we can also choose to
disengage immediately, and it won't be a disadvantageous trade. These strategies
are all advantageou

It's important not to use your Q to hit too many minionsas it can easily push the
wave and make you vulnerable to ganks. Instead,

push after 6

Solo Split-push Strategy:

Before the 20-minute mark, the general strategy is to split-push in the top lane.
If you've successfully pushed the top lane before the 20-minute mark, immediately
switch to the bottom lane after 20 minutes, regardless of whether you've finished
pushing top or not. Instruct your teammates to establish vision around the Baron
pit and use Baron as bait. As soon as the enemy tries to engage on you or when you
notice that the map is empty, signal your teammates to start Baron.

The primary focus of this strategy is to split-push relentlessly! Push the lanes,
take down turrets, and continue applying pressure. If you're split-pushing and
notice that the enemy top laner has disappeared when Baron is about to respawn,
quickly join your team for the Baron fight. At that point, avoid blindly split-
pushing. Remember to keep your Flash available before the Baron fight. Prioritize
split-pushing over grouping up when appropriate.

Teamfight Strategy:

When you decide to participate in teamfights, don't abandon your farming and
resources to mindlessly group with your team. If there are no resources to fight
for, continue farming and split-pushing. Only group up with your team when it's
time to contest objectives like Dragon and Baron. When these objectives are about
to spawn, join your team with your Flash ready to participate in securing them.

Use E multiple times to generate many passive tentacles

In teamfights when you're in a disadvantageous position, it's crucial to pay

attention to your positioning. Avoid standing too far forward, and most
importantly, don't get caught by the enemy's engage abilities. Otherwise, you won't
be able to use your ultimate effectively. When fighting from a disadvantage, stay
close to your AD carry and maintain a safe distance. Look for the right moment to
engage, let the enemy make the first move, and allow your teammates to absorb enemy
skills and damage. Then, you can counter-engage, increasing your chances of winning
the teamfight.

In tough teamfights, if you want to initiate with your ultimate and Flash, you must
focus on pulling the spirit from the tankiest enemy. Once you've pulled the spirit
and damaged it, use Flash to engage the tankiest target. This approach can improve
your chances of winning teamfights. It's similar to how you should approach
teamfights when the odds are even.

When it comes to taking objectives like Dragon and Baron, don't engage the
objective directly every time. Instead, you can hide in nearby brushes and deny the
enemy vision, which can catch them off guard and lead to unexpected advantages.

bone good vs dives

before level 7: Q > W > E. At level 9: Q > E > max E > max Q.


Morde : block his r by your r (care his e r stop your r

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