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Town : Alaba
Price Collected at: September 2000

Transport Cost

Production Production Distance Privious New Total Total Fixed

S. No Local Material Type Unit Remark
Site Name price production Transportation Transportation Transportation price
Site (km) Cost (Birr/km/m3 Cost (Birr/km/m3 Cost

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 6) 7 8 (9=6x7) (10=5+8)

1 Stone & Stone products
1.1 Stone for masonary wall
a. Alaba m3 18 10 2.3 23 41
1.2 Basaltic Stone
1.2.2 For Hard core & Aggregate
a. Alaba Alaba m3 18 10 2.3 23 41
b. Reakame Reakame m3 18 3.4
c.Gorentacho Gorentacho 10 4.3
2 Sand
a. Alaba Alaba m3 18.75 5 3.75 5.5 18.75 37.5
3 Aggregate
Agg.00 Alaba m3
Agg.01 Alaba m3
Agg.02 Alaba m3
Agg.03 Alaba m3
4 Selected Material Alaba m3 12.5 5 3.75 5 18.75 31.25
5 Eculyptus Tree
a. Ø6 Alaba ml 2.67 2.67 4m Length
a. Ø8 Alaba ml 3 3 5m Length
a. Ø10 Alaba ml 3.25 3.25 6m Length
a. Ø12 Alaba ml 4 4 6m Length
6 Timber
6.1 Timber
a. 2.5cmx20cmx1m Alaba ml 20 20
b. 2.5cmx30cmx1m Alaba ml 25 25
c. 2.5cmx40cmx1m Alaba ml 40
7 Red Ash
7.1 a.Edo Edo m3 15 22 1.5 33 48
b.Shashemene Shashemene m3 65 1.45
8 Pumice Shashemene m3 12.5 65 1.05 1.45 68.25 80.75
Note: 1. Every Fixed Price is the sum of production site price + Loading & Unloading Cost + Transportation Cost.
2. Aggregate production Price is fixed price only for MSE producers
3. The fixed price does not include VAT.
Town : Boditi
Price Collected at: September 2000

Transport Cost

Production Production Distance Privious New Total Total Fixed

S. No Local Material Type Unit Remark
Site Name price production Transportation Transportation Transportation price
Site (km) Cost (Birr/km/m3 Cost (Birr/km/m3 Cost

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 6) 7 8 (9=6x7) (10=5+8)

1 Stone & Stone products
1.1 Stone for masonary wall
a. Boditi Boditi m3 18 10 2.5 3.17 25 43
1.2 Basaltic Stone
1.2.2 For Hard core & Aggregate
a. Abela Abela m3 16 54 1.34 1.7 72.36 88.36
2 Sand
a. Bedessa Bedessa m3 11 40 1.34 1.7 53.6 64.6
3 Aggregate
Agg.00 Wolayta m3
Agg.01 Wolayta m3
Agg.02 Wolayta m3
Agg.03 Wolayta m3
4 Selected Material Wolayta m3 10.5 23 1.34 1.7 30.82 41.32
5 Eculyptus Tree
a. Ø6 Wolayta ml 2 2 4m Length
a. Ø8 Wolayta ml 2.4 2.4 5m Length
a. Ø10 Wolayta ml 2.5 2.5 6m Length
a. Ø12 Wolayta ml 4.2 4.2 6m Length
6 Timber
6.1 Timber
a. 2.5cmx20cmx1m Wolayta ml 17.5 17.5
b. 2.5cmx30cmx1m Wolayta ml 20 20
c. 2.5cmx40cmx1m Wolayta ml
6.2 Red Ash Abela m3 12 54 1.34 1.7 72.36 84.36
6.3 Pumice Abela m3 8 54 1.34 1.7 72.36 80.36
Note: 1. Every Fixed Price is the sum of production site price + Loading & Unloading Cost + Transportation Cost.
2. Aggregate production Price is fixed price only for MSE producers
3. The fixed price does not include VAT.
Town : Mizan Aman
Price Collected at: September 2000

Transport Cost Total Fixed

Production Production Privious New

S. No Local Material Type Unit Distance Total Remark
Site Name price Transportation Transportation
production Transportation
Cost Cost
Site (km) Cost
(Birr/km/m3 (Birr/km/m3 price
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 6) 7 8 (9=6x7) (10=5+8)
1 Stone & Stone products
1.1 Stone for masonary wall
a. Sheko Sheko m3 32 18 2.91 3.06 52.38 84.38
1.2 Basaltic Stone
1.2.2 For Hard core & Aggregate
a. Sheko Sheko m3 32 18 2.91 3.06 52.38 84.38
2 Sand
a. Dimma Dima m3 90 97 1.31 1.65 127.07 217.07
3 Aggregate
Agg.00 Mizan m3
Agg.01 Mizan m3
Agg.02 Mizan m3
Agg.03 Mizan m3
4 Selected Material m3
5 Eculyptus Tree
a. Ø6 Mizan ml 1.5 1.5 4m Length
a. Ø8 Mizan ml 1.75 1.75 5m Length
a. Ø10 Mizan ml 2 2 6m Length
a. Ø12 Mizan ml 2 2 6m Length
6 Timber
6.1 Timber
a. 2.5cmx20cmx1m Mizan ml 15 15
b. 2.5cmx30cmx1m Mizan ml 19 19
c. 2.5cmx40cmx1m Mizan ml 22 22
6.2 Red Ash Meti Gambela m3 37 72 1.31 1.65 94.32 131.32
Note: 1. Every Fixed Price is the sum of production site price + Loading & Unloading Cost + Transportation Cost.
2. Aggregate production Price is fixed price only for MSE producers
3. The fixed price does not include VAT.
Town : Wolkitie
Price Collected at: September 2000

Transport Cost Total Fixed

Production Production Privious New

S. No Local Material Type Unit Distance Total Remark
Site Name price Transportation Transportation
production Transportation
Cost Cost
Site (km) Cost
(Birr/km/m3 (Birr/km/m3 price
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 6) 7 8 (9=6x7) (10=5+8)
1 Stone & Stone products
1.1 Stone for masonary wall
a. Tachignaw garaba Geraba m3 21 5 3.44 17.2 38.2
1.2 Basaltic Stone
1.2.2 For Hard core & Aggregate
a. Rebu Rebu m3 20 13 2.3 4.86 29.9 49.9
b.Jejeba debedebea Jejeba m3 6 9.72
2 Sand
a. kulit Kulit m3 30 25 2 2.75 50 80
b. Worabe Worabe m3 30 172 0.8 137.6 167.6
3 Aggregate
Agg.00 Rebu m3 52.9 13 2.3 3.98 29.9 82.8
Agg.01 Rebu m3 57.3 13 2.3 3.98 29.9 87.2
Agg.02 Rebu m3 83.3 13 2.3 3.98 29.9 113.2
Agg.03 Rebu m3 78.9 13 2.3 3.98 29.9 108.8
4 Selected Material Wabe m3 16.5 9 3.44 30.96 47.46
5 Eculyptus Tree
a. Ø6 Wolkite ml 1.67 1.67 3m effective Length
a. Ø8 Wolkite ml 1.75 1.75 4m effective Length
a. Ø10 Wolkite ml 3 3 5m effective Length
a. Ø12 Wolkite ml 3.43 3.43 6m effective Length
6 Timber
6.1 Timber
a. 2.5cmx20cmx1m Wolkite ml 20 20
b. 2.5cmx30cmx1m Wolkite ml 25 25
c. 2.5cmx40cmx1m Wolkite ml 30 30
6.2 Red Ash Woliso m3 30 46 1.5 69 99
Note: 1. Every Fixed Price is the sum of production site price + Loading & Unloading Cost + Transportation Cost.
2. Aggregate production Price is fixed price only for MSE producers
3. The fixed price does not include VAT.
Town : Butajira
Price Collected at: September 2000

Transportation Cost Total Fixed

Production Production Privious New

S. No Local Material Type Unit Distance Total Remark
Site Name price Transportation Transportation
production Transportation
Cost Cost
Site (km) Cost
(Birr/km/m3 (Birr/km/m3
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 6) 7 8 (9=6x7) (10=5+8)
1 Stone & Stone products
1.1 Stone for masonary wall
a. Kalakindo kalakindo m3 18 32 1.8 2.25 57.6 75.6
b. Firsh Firsh m3 18 33 1.8 2.25 59.4 77.4
c. Woldiya Woldiya m3 18 36 1.8 2.25 64.8 82.8
1.2 Basaltic Stone
1.2.2 For Hard core & Aggregate
a. Butajira Butajira m3 20 10 2.8 5 28 48
b.Wurib Wurib m3 15 4.9
c.Dobena Dobena m3 18 4.8
2 Sand
a. Wulbareg Wulbareg m3 28 60 0.89 1.11 53.4 81.4
b. kalakindo kalakindo m3 28 38 2.1 2.625 79.8 107.8
3 Aggregate
Agg.00 Butajira m3 94.3 5 2.8 14 108.3
Agg.01 Butajira m3 98.3 5 2.8 14 112.3
Agg.02 Butajira m3 121.6 5 2.8 14 135.6
Agg.03 Butajira m3 117.70 5 2.8 14 131.7
4 Selected Material Butajira m3 16.5 11.6 2.8 32.48 49
5 Eculyptus Tree
a. Ø6 Butajira ml 2.5 2.5 4m Length
a. Ø8 Butajira ml 2.6 2.6 5m Length
a. Ø10 Butajira ml 3 3 6m Length
a. Ø12 Butajira ml 4.67 4.67 6m Length
6 Timber
6.1 Timber
a. 2.5cmx20cmx1m Butajira ml 17.5 17.5
b. 2.5cmx30cmx1m Butajira ml 22.5 22.5
c. 2.5cmx40cmx1m Butajira ml
6.2 Red Ash Butajira m3 12 7 2.8 19.6 31.6
Note: 1. Every Fixed Price is the sum of production site price + Loading & Unloading Cost + Transportation Cost.
2. Aggregate production Price is fixed price only for MSE producers
3. The fixed price does not include VAT.
Town : Hossaena
Price Collected at: September 2000

Transport Cost

Production Production New Total Fixed

S. No Local Material Type Unit Distance Privious Total Remark
Site Name price Transportation price
production Transportation Transportation
Site (km) Cost (Birr/km/m3 Cost

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 6) 7 (8=6x7) (9=5+8)

1 Stone & Stone products
1.1 Stone for masonary wall
a. Lisana Lisana m3 18 12 2.6 2.9 31.2 49.2
b. Alela Alela m3 18 10 2.6 2.9 26 44
c.Gonbora Gonbora m3 7 2.9
d.Batena Batena m3 6 2.9
e.Hayese Hayese m3 10 2.9
1.2 Basaltic Stone
1.2.1 For Hard core
a. Dubancho Dubancho m3 19 12 2.6 2.9 31.2 50.2
b.Badafaye Badafaye m3 10 2.9
c. Jewe Jewe m3 7 2.9
1.2.2 For Aggregate
a. Jajura Jajura m3 19 23 1.54 2.9 35.5 54.5
b.Habcho Habcho m3 33 2.8
c.Mortiso guna Mortiso m3 25 3.1
d.Gimbichu Gimbichu m3 32 2.8
2 Sand
a. Weira Weira m3 14 25 1.78 2.2 44.5 58.5
b. Doisha Doisha m3 12 41 1.54 2.3 63.2 75.2
3 Aggregate
Agg.00 Hossaena m3 95.70 7 3.4 23.8 119.5
Agg.01 Hossaena m3 98.90 7 3.4 23.8 122.7
Agg.02 Hossaena m3 118.20 7 3.4 23.8 142
Agg.03 Hossaena m3 114.70 7 3.4 23.8 138.5
4 Selected Material Hossaena m3 12 9 3.4 30.6 42.6
5 Eculyptus Tree
a. Ø6 Hossaena ml 2.25 2.3 4m Length
a. Ø8 Hossaena ml 3 3 5m Length
a. Ø10 Hossaena ml 4.33 4.4 6m Length
a. Ø12 Hossaena ml 5 5 6m Length
6 Timber
6.1 Timber
a. 2.5cmx20cmx1m Hossaena ml 17.5 17.5
b. 2.5cmx30cmx1m Hossaena ml 20 20
c. 2.5cmx40cmx1m Hossaena ml 21.25
6.2 Red Ash Hossaena m3 12 95 0.9 1.15 85.5 97.5
Note: 1. Every Fixed Price is the sum of production site price + Loading & Unloading Cost + Transportation Cost.
2. Aggregate production Price is fixed price only for MSE producers
3. The fixed price does not include VAT.
Town : Arbaminch
Price Collected at: September 2000

Transportation Cost

Production Production Distance Privious New Total Total Fixed

S. No Local Material Type Unit Remark
Site Name price production Transportation Transportation Transportation price
Site (km) Cost (Birr/km/m3 Cost (Birr/km/m3 Cost

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 6) 7 8 (9=6x7) (10=5+8)

1 Stone & Stone products
1.1 Stone for masonary wall
a. Mirab Abaya Mirab m3 15 50
b. Near Park Park m3 15 8 4.8 4.375 38.4 53.4
c. Maremiya Arbaminch m3 15 21 1.36 4.375 28.56 43.6
1.2 Basaltic Stone
1.2.2 For Hard core & Aggregate
a. Konso Road Konso Road m3 14.5 12 2.6 4.375 31.2 45.7
b. Urban Dev/Office Arabaminch m3 14.5 12 2.6 4.375 31.2 45.7
c.Maremiya Arbaminch m3 14.5 12 2.6 4.375 31.2 45.7
2 Sand
a. Hamassa River Hamassa 12 92 1.18 1.54 108.56 120.6
b. Konso Konso m3 12 85 1.19 1.54 101.15 113.2
3 Aggregate
Agg.00 Arbaminch m3 91.00 6.5 4.92 4.375 31.98 122.98
Agg.01 Arbaminch m3 94.40 6.5 4.92 4.375 31.98 126.38
Agg.02 Arbaminch m3 114.50 6.5 4.92 4.375 31.98 146.48
Agg.03 Arbaminch m3 111.10 6.5 4.92 4.375 31.98 143.08
4 Selected Material
a. University Arbaminch m3 12 15 2.6 2.91 39 51
b. Ersha Limat Arbaminch m3 12 12 2.6 2.91 31.2 43.2
5 Eculyptus Tree
a. Ø6 Arbaminch ml 2.5 2.5 4m Length
a. Ø8 Arbaminch ml 2.8 2.8 5m Length
a. Ø10 Arbaminch ml 3.5 3.5 6m Length
a. Ø12 Arbaminch ml 5 5 6m Length
6 Timber
6.1 Timber
a. 2.5cmx20cmx1m Arbaminch ml 20 20
b. 2.5cmx30cmx1m Arbaminch ml 31 31
c. 2.5cmx40cmx1m Arbaminch ml 60
6.2 Pumice Abela m3 8 92 1.18 1.48 108.56 116.6
6.3 Red Ash Konso Road m3 11 16 2.6 2.73 41.6 52.6
Note: 1. Every Fixed Price is the sum of production site price + Loading & Unloading Cost + Transportation Cost.
2. Aggregate production Price is fixed price only for MSE producers
3. The fixed price does not include VAT.
Town : Wolayta
Price Collected at: September 2000

Transport Cost Total Fixed

Production Production Privious New

S. No Local Material Type Unit Distance Total
Site Name price Transportation Transportation
production Transportation
Cost Cost
Site (km) Cost
(Birr/km/m3 (Birr/km/m3 price
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 6) 7 8 (9=6x7) (10=5+8)
1 Stone & Stone products
1.1 Stone for masonary wall
a. Gola Gola m3 18 7 2.86 3.62 20.02 38.02
b. Otona Otona m3 18 7 2.86 3.62 20.02 38.02
1.2 Basaltic Stone
1.2.2 For Hard core & Aggregate
a. Abela Abela m3 16 36 1.34 1.7 48.24 64.24
b.Sorto Sorto m3 32
2 Sand
a. Bedessa Bedessa m3 11 30 1.34 1.7 40.2 51.2
b.Abela Abela m3 30
3 Aggregate
Agg.00 Wolayta m3 107.80 6 2.86 3.62 17.16 124.96
Agg.01 Wolayta m3 110.60 6 2.86 3.62 17.16 127.76
Agg.02 Wolayta m3 126.90 6 2.86 3.62 17.16 144.06
Agg.03 Wolayta m3 124.20 6 2.86 3.62 17.16 141.36
3.1 Aggregate Abela Abela m3 36
4 Selected Material Wolayta m3 10.5 7 2.86 3.62 20.02 30.52
5 Eculyptus Tree
a. Ø6 Wolayta ml 2 2
a. Ø8 Wolayta ml 2.4 2.4
a. Ø10 Wolayta ml 2.5 2.5
a. Ø12 Wolayta ml 4.2 4.2
6 Timber
6.1 Timber
a. 2.5cmx20cmx1m Wolayta ml 17.5 17.5
b. 2.5cmx30cmx1m Wolayta ml 20 20
c. 2.5cmx40cmx1m Wolayta ml
6.2 Red Ash Abela m3 12 32 1.34 1.7 42.88 54.9
6.3 Pumice Abela m3 8 34 1.34 1.7 45.56 53.6
Note: 1. Every Fixed Price is the sum of production site price + Loading & Unloading Cost + Transportation Cost.
2. Aggregate production Price is fixed price only for MSE producers
3. The fixed price does not include VAT.

4m Length
5m Length
6m Length
6m Length
Town : Dilla
Price Collected at: September 2000

Transport Cost

Production Production Privious New Total Fixed

S. No Local Material Type Unit Distance Total Remark
Site Name price Transportatio Transportatio price
production Transportation
n Cost n Cost
Site (km) Cost
(Birr/km/m3 (Birr/km/m3

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 6) 7 (8=6x7) (9=5+8)

1 Stone & Stone products
1.1 Stone for masonary wall
a. Waleme Waleme m3 17 7 3.56 4.51 24.92 41.92
b. University University m3 17 6 3.56 4.51 21.36 38.36
c. Adola Adola m3 17 5 3.56 4.51 17.8 34.8
1.2 Basaltic Stone
1.2.2 For Hard core & Aggregate
a. Gola Gola m3 16 7 3.56 4.51 24.92 40.92
2 Sand
a. Kilkile Kilkile m3 25 150 0.75 0.95 112.5 137.5
b. Langano Langano m3 30 157 0.65 0.82 102.05 132.1
3 Aggregate
Agg.00 Dilla m3 45.2 7 3.56 4.51 24.92 70.12
Agg.01 Dilla m3 49.1 7 3.56 4.51 24.92 74.02
Agg.02 Dilla m3 71.9 7 3.56 4.51 24.92 96.82
Agg.03 Dilla m3 68 7 3.56 4.51 24.92 92.92
4 Selected Material Adola m3 12 7 3.56 4.51 24.92 36.92
5 Eculyptus Tree
a. Ø6 Dilla ml 1.5 1.5 4m Length
a. Ø8 Dilla ml 2 2 5m Length
a. Ø10 Dilla ml 3 3 6m Length
a. Ø12 Dilla ml 3.7 3.7 6m Length
6 Timber
6.1 Timber
a. 2.5cmx20cmx1m Dilla ml 15 15
b. 2.5cmx30cmx1m Dilla ml 17.5 17.5
c. 2.5cmx40cmx1m Dilla ml
6.2 Pumice Womndo Tika m3 15.6 108.6 1.05 1.33 114.03 129.63
6.3 Red Ash Awassa m3 12 93 1.25 1.58 116.25 128.25
Note: 1. Every Fixed Price is the sum of production site price + Loading & Unloading Cost + Transportation Cost.
2. Aggregate production Price is fixed price only for MSE producers
3. The fixed price does not include VAT.
Town : Yirgalem
Price Collected at: September 2000

የማጓጓዣ ወጭ

Production Production Distance Privious New Total Total Fixed

S. No Local Material Type Unit Remark
Site Name price production Transportation Transportation Transportation price
Site (km) Cost (Birr/km/m3 Cost (Birr/km/m3 Cost

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 6) 7 8 (9=6x7) (10=5+8)

1 Stone & Stone products
1.1 Stone for masonary wall
a. kege Kege m3 16.5 16 2.1 2.66 33.6 50.1
b. Ano Ano m3 16.5 16 2.1 2.66 33.6 50.1
1.2 Basaltic Stone
1.2.2 For Hard core & Aggregate
a. Chala Chala m3 15 16 2.1 2.66 33.6 48.6
b. Kola Kola m3 15 19 2.1 2.66 39.9 54.9
2 Sand
a. Hantate Hantate m3 22 29 2.1 2.66 60.9 82.9
3 Aggregate
Agg.00 Yirgalem m3 101.7 9 2.79 3.53 25.11 126.81
Agg.01 Yirgalem m3 104.5 9 2.79 3.53 25.11 129.61
Agg.02 Yirgalem m3 121.1 9 2.79 3.53 25.11 146.21
Agg.03 Yirgalem m3 118.3 9 2.79 3.53 25.11 143.41
4 Selected Material Chala m3 10 18.5 2.1 2.66 38.85 48.85
5 Eculyptus Tree
a. Ø6 Yirgalem ml 1.25 1.25 4m Length
a. Ø8 Yirgalem ml 2 2 5m Length
a. Ø10 Yirgalem ml 2.5 2.5 6m Length
a. Ø12 Yirgalem ml 3 3 6m Length
6 Timber
6.1 Timber
a. 2.5cmx20cmx1m Yirgalem ml 15 15
b. 2.5cmx30cmx1m Yirgalem ml 17.5 17.5
c. 2.5cmx40cmx1m Yirgalem ml
6.2 Pumice Wondo tika m3 15.6 68 1.25 1.58 85 100.6
6.2 Red Ash Awassa m3 12 48 1.25 1.58 60 72
Note: 1. Every Fixed Price is the sum of production site price + Loading & Unloading Cost + Transportation Cost.
2. Aggregate production Price is fixed price only for MSE producers
3. The fixed price does not include VAT.
Town : Sawla
Price Collected at: September 2000

Transport Cost

Production Production Privious New Total Fixed

S. No Local Material Type Unit Distance Total Remark
Site Name price Transportation Transportation price
production Transportation
Cost Cost
Site (km) Cost
(Birr/km/m3 (Birr/km/m3

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 6) 7 8 (8=6x7) (10=5+8)

1 Stone & Stone products
1.1 Stone for masonary wall
a. Mishakaria Mishakaria m3 15 11 2.72 3.83 29.92 44.92
b. Turga Turga m3 15 10 2.72 6.48 27.2 42.2
1.2 Basaltic Stone
1.2.2 For Hard core & Aggregate
a. Mishakaria Mishakaria m3 15 11 2.72 3.83 29.92 44.92
b. Turga Turga m3 15 10 2.72 6.48 27.2 42.2
2 Sand
a. Dawesera Dawesora m3 10 16 2.72 3.33 43.52 53.52
b. Toja Sibe Toja sibe m3 10 16 2.72 3.33 43.52 53.52
c. Dawesera /lote/ Dawesera /lote/ m3 19 3.33
d.Sorma /Zenga Dormale/ Sorma m3 17 3.33
e.Massa/Turga/ Massa/Turga/ m3 6 6.48
3 Aggregate
Agg.00 Sawla m3 31
Agg.01 Sawla m3 31
Agg.02 Sawla m3 31
Agg.03 Sawla m3 31
4 Selected Material m3
5 Eculyptus Tree
a. Ø6 Sawla ml 2 4m Length
a. Ø8 Sawla ml 2.4 2.4 5m Length
a. Ø10 Sawla ml 4.17 4.17 6m Length
a. Ø12 Sawla ml 4.67 4.67 6m Length
6 Timber
6.1 Timber
a. 2.5cmx20cmx1m Sawla ml 12.5 2
b. 2.5cmx30cmx1m Sawla ml 16.5 2.4
c. 2.5cmx40cmx1m Sawla ml 27.5 4.17
6.2 Red Ash Abela m3 10.5 169 0.67 2.72 113.23 123.73
6.3 Pumice Abela m3 8 169 0.67 2.72 113.23 121.23
Note: 1. Every Fixed Price is the sum of production site price + Loading & Unloading Cost + Transportation Cost.
2. Aggregate production Price is fixed price only for MSE producers
3. The fixed price does not include VAT.
Town : Awassa
Price Collected at: September 2000

Transport Cost

Production Production Privious New Total Fixed

S. No Local Material Type Unit Distance Total Remark
Site Name price Transportation Transportation price
production Site Transportation
Cost Cost
(km) Cost
(Birr/km/m3 (Birr/km/m3

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 6) 7 8 (9=6x7) (10=5+8)

1 Stone & Stone products
1.1 Stone for masonary wall
a. Loke Loke m3 24 12 1.8 2.8 21.6 45.6
b. Mesenkela Mesenkela m3 24 36 1.8 64.8 88.8
1.2 Basaltic Stone
1.2.2 For Hard core & Aggregate
a. Monopole Monopole m3 22 6 3.6 5.21 21.6 43.6
2 Sand
a. Hantate Hantate m3 22 74 1.05 1.46 77.7 99.7
b. Langano Langano m3 40 64 1 1.57 64 104
c.Alaba Alaba m3 74 1.57
3 Aggregate
Agg.00 Awassa m3 84.70 5 2.8 5.83 14 98.7
Agg.01 Awassa m3 87.80 5 2.8 5.83 14 101.8
Agg.02 Awassa m3 106.10 5 2.8 5.83 14 120.1
Agg.03 Awassa m3 103.00 5 2.8 5.83 14 117
4 Selected Material Monopole m3 14 6 2.8 5.21 16.8 30.8
5 Eculyptus Tree
a. Ø6 Awassa ml 2.5 2.5 3m effective Length
a. Ø8 Awassa ml 2.8 2.8 4m effective Length
a. Ø10 Awassa ml 4 4 5m effective Length
a. Ø12 Awassa ml 5 5 6m effective Length
6 Timber
6.1 Timber
a. 2.5cmx20cmx1m Awassa ml 25 25
b. 2.5cmx30cmx1m Awassa ml 27 27
c. 2.5cmx40cmx1m Awassa ml
7 Red Ash Awassa m3 12 6 2.8 5.21 16.8 28.8
8 Pumice Wondo tika m3 15.6 20 1.05 1.5 21 36.6
Note: 1. Every Fixed Price is the sum of production site price + Loading & Unloading Cost + Transportation Cost.
2. Aggregate production Price is fixed price only for MSE producers
3. The fixed price does not include VAT.

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