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DRAFT GCE A level Pure Mathematics (9MA0) – Paper 2

Pure Mathematics 2

Summer 2019 Shadow Paper student-friendly mark scheme

Please note that this mark scheme is not the one used by
examiners for making scripts. It is intended more as a guide to
good practice, indicating where marks are given for correct
answers. As such, it doesn’t show follow-through marks (marks
that are awarded despite errors being made) or special cases.

It should also be noted that for many questions, there may be

alternative methods of finding correct solutions that are not shown
here – they will be covered in the formal mark scheme.

This document is intended for guidance only and may differ

significantly from the mark schemes used by examiners.

Guidance on the use of codes within this document

M1 – method mark. This mark is generally given for an appropriate method in

the context of the question. This mark is given for showing your working and
may be awarded even if working is incorrect.

A1 – accuracy mark. This mark is generally given for a correct answer following
correct working.

B1 – working mark. This mark is usually given when working and the answer
cannot easily be separated.

Some questions require all working to be shown; in such questions, no marks

will be given for an answer with no working (even if it is a correct answer).
Question 1 (Total 3 marks)
Part Working or answer an examiner might Mark Notes
expect to see
1 7
- -
2y ´ (25)x = 2–3 ´ 2 2 Þ 25x + y = 2 2 M1 This mark is given for writing all terms
in the same base and applying an index

7 M1 This mark is given for writing an

5x + y = – equation to link x and y

7 A1 This mark is given for rearranging to

y = –5x – find a correct expression of y as a
function of x

Question 2 (Total 4 marks)

Part Working or answer an examiner might Mark Notes
expect to see
(a) ( ´ 2)( 2 + 26 + 2 ´ (7 + 9 + 13 + 22)) M1 This mark is given for a method to use
2 the trapezium rule as an approximation
to the area under the curve

M1 This mark is given for a correct terms

used for the trapezium rule

130 m A1 This mark is given for a correct estimate

of the length of the runway

(b) An overestimate since the area of the five B1 This mark is given for a valid
trapezia is greater than the area under the explanation

Question 3 (Total 3 marks)

Part Working or answer an examiner might Mark Notes
expect to see
(a) The formula is only valid when the angle B1 This mark is given for a correct
AOB is given in radians explanation

(b) ´ 2p ´ 0.5 ´ 72 M1 This mark is given for a correct method
360 to find the area of the sector

49p A1 This mark is given for a correct value for

cm2 or 15.39 cm2 the area of the sector

DRAFT A level Mathematics 9MA0 Pure Mathematics 2 – 2019 shadow paper mark scheme (Version2.0)
© Pearson Education Ltd.
Question 4 (Total 6 marks)
Part Working or answer an examiner might Mark Notes
expect to see
(22 cos t)2 + (2Ö5 sin t)2 = 130 M1 This mark is given for combining the
two equations to show where the curve
and circle meet

484 (cos t)2 + 20(1 – cos t)2 = 130 M1 This mark is given for forming an
equation in cos t only

464 cos2 t = 110 A1 This mark is given for simplifying to

find an equation in terms of cos t

55 M1 This mark is given for finding a value

cos t =
232 for t. Note that there are four values for
Þ t = 1.06…, 5.22…, 2.07…, 4.30… four intersections and we are looking for
the value of t that gives a positive value
for x and a negative value for y

55 M1 This mark is given for a method to

x = 22 ´ = 10.7
232 substitute back into the original
equations to find value for x and y. Note
y = 4Ö5 ´ – sin 5.22… = –3.91
that x has to be positive and so is the
positive answer, and that there are two
values of t that give the correct negative
y value.

S = (10.7, –3.91) A1 This mark is given for the correct

coordinates of S to 3 significant figures

Question 5 (Total 3 marks)

Part Working or answer an examiner might Mark Notes
expect to see
ó B1 This mark is given for writing the
δx ®0 x = 1
x dx = ô Ö x dx
õ1 expression for a sum as an integral. The
modulus sings are dropped since x is not
negative within the domain of the
integral bounds.
é 2 32 ù 2
2 M1 This mark is given for a method to
ê x ú = ´ 16 2 –
3 3 evaluate the integral
ë 3 û1

= 42 A1 This mark is given for a correct

evaluation of the integral

DRAFT A level Mathematics 9MA0 Pure Mathematics 2 – 2019 shadow paper mark scheme (Version2.0)
© Pearson Education Ltd.
Question 6 (Total 10 marks)
Part Working or answer an examiner might Mark Notes
expect to see
(a) gg(0) = g(10) M1 This mark is given for a method to find

g(10) = 22 A1 This mark is given for a correct value for


(b) (x – 3)2 + 1 > 9 M1 This mark is given for a method to solve

(x – 3) > ± Ö8 g(x) > 9 when x £ 3

x > 3 + 2Ö2, x < 3 – 2Ö2

x < 3 – 2Ö2 A1 This mark is given for the correct answer


3x – 8 > 9 M1 This mark is given for a solving g(x) < 9

when x < 0

17 A1 This mark is given for a correct range of

x < 3 – 2Ö2 or x >
3 values of x for which g(x) < 9 stated

(c) h–1 exists since h is a one-to-one function; B1 This mark is given for a valid
g–1 does not exists since g is a many-to- explanation
one function

(d) h–1(x) = 6 – Ö(x – 6) B1 This mark is given for finding an

expression for h–1(x). Note the negative
root is taken since the domain of h(x) is
x £ 6, so h(x) £ 6 also

6 – Ö(x – 6) = –2 M1 This mark is given for a method to

rearrange to find a value for x
Ö(x – 6) = 8

x = 70 A1 This mark is given for a correct value

of x

DRAFT A level Mathematics 9MA0 Pure Mathematics 2 – 2019 shadow paper mark scheme (Version2.0)
© Pearson Education Ltd.
Question 7 (Total 7 marks)
Part Working or answer an examiner might Mark Notes
expect to see
(a) y = C + Kx, where C and K are constants B1 This mark is given for stating a correct
general equation

(b) 200 = 650 ´ 5 – (C + 650k) M1 This mark is given for modelling the
profit on the two days when pies are sold
–80 = 230 ´ 5 – (C + 230k)
for £5

C + 650K = 3050 M1 This mark is given for forming a pair of

simultaneous equations to find values for
C + 230K = 1230
C and K

13 A1 This mark is given for finding the values

420K = 1820 Þ K = of C and K to find an equation in y
13 700
C = 1230 – (230 ´ )=
3 3
13 700
Thus y = x+
3 3

(c) The gradient represents the cost of B1 This mark is given for a valid
making each extra pie in £s interpretation of the significance of the

(d) For n pies M1 This mark is given for a method to find

the number of pies to be made
13 700
5n – ( n+ )>0
3 3

2 700 A1 This mark is given for correctly finding

n– >0 the number of pies to be made
3 3
700 3
n> ´
3 2
n = 350 pies

DRAFT A level Mathematics 9MA0 Pure Mathematics 2 – 2019 shadow paper mark scheme (Version2.0)
© Pearson Education Ltd.
Question 8 (Total 6 marks)
Part Working or answer an examiner might Mark Notes
expect to see
(i) ¥ k M1 This mark is given for a method to find
k =3
6´ç ÷
the sum to infinity of a GP

¥ k
æ1ö æ1 1ö
= å
k =1
6´ç ÷ – 6 ç + ÷
è2ø è2 4ø
¥ k
= å 6 ´ æç ö÷ –
1 9
k =1 è2ø 2

3 9 M1 This mark is given for a method to use a

= – correct sum formula with a correct first
1 2
1- term

3 A1 This mark is given for a correct value

= for the sum

(ii) 125
æ k +3ö M1 This mark is given for writing out
log 4 ç ÷
èk + 2ø
at least four terms of the sum,
including the first two and the last
3 4 127 128 two
= log4 + log4 + … + log4 + log4
2 3 126 127

3 ´ 4 ´ ... ´ 126 ´ 127 ´ 128 M1 This mark is given for using the rules of
= log4 logs and cancelling terms
2 ´ 3 ´ 4 ´ ... ´ 126 ´ 127
= log4

=3 A1 This mark is given for a full proof to

show the expression is equal to 3 as

DRAFT A level Mathematics 9MA0 Pure Mathematics 2 – 2019 shadow paper mark scheme (Version2.0)
© Pearson Education Ltd.
Question 9 (Total 9 marks)
Part Working or answer an examiner might Mark Notes
expect to see
If d = kV n, then M1 This mark is given for finding an
appropriate log relationship between d,
log10 d = log10 k + n log10 V
k, V and n

Plotting log10 d against log10 V will result A1 This mark is given for an explanation of
in a straight line with gradient n and why the second graph shows that d = kV
intercept log10 k

(b) log10 d = –2, log10 V = 0 B1 This mark is given for using Figure 6 to
–2 = log10 k obtain a value for k

k = 0.01

When V = 24, d = 16 M1 This mark is given for substituting in the

formula as a method to find the value of
log10 24 = –2 + n log10 16

log10 24 + 2 M1 This mark is given for a correct

n= expression for n
log10 16

n = 2.32 to 3 significant figures A1 This mark is given for finding a correct

value of n to 3 significant figures and
d = 0.01 ´ V 2.32
writing a complete equation for the

(c) ´ 0.8 ´ 1000 = 9.77… m M1 This mark is given for a method to find
3600 the distance, in metres, covered in the
reaction time of 0.8 seconds

d = 0.01 ´ 442.32 = 64.984564…… m M1 This mark is given for a method to use

the formula to find the stopping distance

9.77 m + 64.98 m = 74.75 m A1 This mark is given for finding a correct

Sean will not be able to stop before value of the total stopping distance and
reaching the puddle giving a valid conclusion

DRAFT A level Mathematics 9MA0 Pure Mathematics 2 – 2019 shadow paper mark scheme (Version2.0)
© Pearson Education Ltd.
Question 10 (Total 6 marks)
Part Working or answer an examiner might Mark Notes
expect to see


(a) 2 M1 This mark is given for a method to find

CM = CA + AM = CA + AB
3 an expression for CM

2 5 2 A1 This mark is given for a correct

CM = –a + (b – a) = – a + b
3 3 3 expression for CM in terms of a and b

(b) ON = OC + CN = OC + k CM M1 This mark is given for a method to find

an expression for ON

æ 5 2 ö A1 This mark is given for a correct

ON = 2a + k ç - a + b ÷
è 3 3 ø expression for ON in terms of a and b

= æç 2 - k ö÷a + æç k ö÷ b
5 2
è 3 ø è3 ø

(c) æ 5 ö 6 M1 This mark is given for deducing that

ç 2 - k ÷ = 0 so k = the coefficient of a = 0 and finding a
è 3 ø 5
value for k

æ2 6ö 4 A1 This mark is given for finding ON and

ON = 0 ´ a + ç ´ ÷b = b
è3 5ø 5 giving a valid conclusion
4 1
Hence ON:NB = : = 4:1
5 5

DRAFT A level Mathematics 9MA0 Pure Mathematics 2 – 2019 shadow paper mark scheme (Version2.0)
© Pearson Education Ltd.
Question 11 (Total 11 marks)
Part Working or answer an examiner might Mark Notes
expect to see
(a) y = xx Þ ln y = x ln x M1 This mark is for a method to find the
x-coordinate of the turning point of C by
taking logarithms

1 dy M1 This mark is given for a method using

ln y = x ln x Þ = ln x + 1 implicit differentiation
y dx
A1 This mark is given for a correct
1 dy
expression for
y dx

dy M1 This mark is given for a method for

Setting = 0, ln x + 1 = 0
dx finding the turning point of C by setting

x = e–1 A1 This mark is given for correctly finding

a value for the x-coordinate of the
turning point of C

(b) 1.51.5 = 1.837…, 1.61.6 = 2.121… M1 This mark is given for substituting 1.5
and 1.6 into y = xx

The curve C contains the points (1.5, 1.8) A1 This mark is given for a valid
and (1.6, 2.1). At P, y = 2 explanation that C contains the points
(1.5, 1.8) and (1.6, 2.1) and is
Since C is continuous, 1.5 < a < 1.6

(c) x1 = 1.5 M1 This mark is given for finding a correct

value for x2
x2 = 2 ´ 1.5–0.5 = 1.633

x3 = 2 ´ 1.633–0.633 = 1.466 A1 This mark is given for finding a correct

value for x4
x4 = 2 ´ 1.466–0.466 = 1.673

(d) For example: B1 This mark is given for a valid statement

xn oscillates about the long-term behaviour of xn

is periodic
is non-convergent

between 1 and 2 B1 This mark is given for stating that the

behaviour is between 1 and 2

DRAFT A level Mathematics 9MA0 Pure Mathematics 2 – 2019 shadow paper mark scheme (Version2.0)
© Pearson Education Ltd.
Question 12 (Total 7 marks)
Part Working or answer an examiner might Mark Notes
expect to see
(a) cos 3q sin 3q M1 This mark is given for a method to
+ =
3 sin q 3 cosq form a single fraction
cos 3q cos q + sin 3q sin q
3 sin q cos q

cos(3q - q ) M1 This mark is given for a method to use a

3 sin q cos q compound angle formula on the

cos 2q This mark is given for a method to use a

= M1
2sin 2q compound angle formula on the

2 A1 This mark is given for a fully correct

= cot 2q proof to show the answer required

(b) cot 2q = 1 M1 This mark is given for deducing that the
3 value of tan 2q
tan 2q =

2 M1 This mark is given for finding an

q = arctan
3 expression for a solution for q

q = 16.8°, 106.9° A1 This mark is given for finding two

correct values for q

DRAFT A level Mathematics 9MA0 Pure Mathematics 2 – 2019 shadow paper mark scheme (Version2.0)
© Pearson Education Ltd.
Question 13 (Total 10 marks)
Part Working or answer an examiner might Mark Notes
expect to see
2 3
(a) 5.4 = p r2h + pr B1 This mark is given for a method to find
3 the volume of the cylinder and the semi-

æ 2 ö M1 This mark is given for a method to find

ç 5.4 - p r 3 ÷ the surface area of the tank
A = 3p r + 2p ç
2 3
ç p r 2
÷ A1 This mark is given for finding an
è ø expression for the surface area of the

10 .8 4πr 2 A1 This mark is given for the correct

A = 3 p r2 + –
r 3 answer only
10 .8 5πr 2
= +
r 3

(b) 10 .8 5πr 2 M1 This mark is given for a method to

A= +
r 3 differentiate to find r
dA 10 .8 10πr
Þ =– 2 + A1 This mark is given for accurately
dr r 3 differentiating to find r

dA 10 .8 10πr M1 This mark is given for a method to set

When = 0, – 2 + =0
dr r 3 dA
= 0 to find a value for r
(r 3 = 1.031324...)

r = 1.01 A1 This mark is given for finding the radius

for which the surface area is a minimum

10.8 5p (1.01)2 M1 This mark is given for a method to

(c) A= +
1.01 3 substitute a value for r

A = 16.03 m2 A1 This mark is given for correctly finding

the minimum surface area of the tank (to
A = 16 m2
the nearest integer)

DRAFT A level Mathematics 9MA0 Pure Mathematics 2 – 2019 shadow paper mark scheme (Version2.0)
© Pearson Education Ltd.
Question 14 (Total 15 marks)
Part Working or answer an examiner might Mark Notes
expect to see
(a) dh = –2(6 – u) du B1 This mark is given for finding an
expression for dh

ó d h = ó - 2 ( 6 - u ) du M1 This mark is given for substituting

ô ô
õ 6-Öh õ 6-Öh u = 6 – Öh into the integral

= ó
ô- + 2 du M1 This mark is given for a method to find a
õ u simplified version of the integral

–12 ln u + 2u + c M1 This mark is given for integrating with

respect to u to produce an expression in
= –12 ln (6 – Öh) + 2(6 – Öh) + c
terms of h

A1 This mark is given for a correct

expression for the integral

= –12 ln (6 – Öh) – 2Öh + k A1 This mark is given for a full proof to

arrive at the answer as shown
(appreciating that k = c + 12)

(b) dh dh
= 0 Þ 6 – Öh = 0 M1 This mark is given for a setting =0
dt dt

0 < h < 36 A1 This mark is given for deducing the

range of the heights of the trees for this

(c) dh t 0.25 (4 - Ö h) dh B1 This mark is given for separating the

= Þ = variables
dt 20 ( 4 - Ö h)
t 0.25 dt

t 1.25 M1 This mark is given for a method to

–12 ln (6 – Öh) – 2Öh + k = integrate both sides of the equation
A1 This mark is given for integrating both
sides of the equation correctly

When t = 0 and h = 1, –12 ln 5 – 2 + k = 0 M1 This mark is given for substituting

values of t = 0 and h = 1 to find a value
k = 2 + 12 ln 5
for k

When h = 15, M1 This mark is given for a method to

find a value for t by substituting h =
–12 ln (6 – Ö15) – 2Ö15 + 2 + 12 ln 5 =
15 into the equation
t 1.25

DRAFT A level Mathematics 9MA0 Pure Mathematics 2 – 2019 shadow paper mark scheme (Version2.0)
© Pearson Education Ltd.
Part Working or answer an examiner might Mark Notes
expect to see
t1.25 = 112.7661… Þ t = 1.25
112.7661 M1 This mark is given for simplifying to
find an expression for t

t = 43.83 years A1 This mark is given for correctly finding

the time the tree would take to reach a
height of 15 metres

DRAFT A level Mathematics 9MA0 Pure Mathematics 2 – 2019 shadow paper mark scheme (Version2.0)
© Pearson Education Ltd.

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