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Test Correction Form

Which test are you correcting? (Write subject/title of test) ________________________

Question # Correct Why did you get it What is the correct answer and why is it correct?
Answer wrong? (Use the (Need correct answer and bullet point explanation)
Letter acronyms at the
bottom of the page)
I thought I got it wrong
A A, only prohibited in
on a previous test. I
1 second guessed.

2 B I just confused stu . They eased

control over the
Duh A, Britain was focused on
3 A
salutary neglect.

4 C
C, I guess it was hard to enslave
Muw native peoples because they kept
C Duh C, no absolutes. I don’t know
what I was thinking.

10 Muw D, land was scarce to


A Muw
11 A, They formed the middle

12 B Duh The tribes remained

They imported mixed races
16 C to the crops.
I made many stupid mistakes.
DUQ = Didn’t understand question MUW = Mixed up with different IDK = Just didn’t know it

DUC = Didn’t understand choices ND = Narrowed down & picked wrong DUH = Silly mistake

Common sense. The colonies like to

19 B Muw ght, so they tried to stop it at the
government level.
For the SAQ, I need to go more in
depth and realize that slavery was
in all colonies. Di erence
between soils, Quakers, etc., I
need to learn more stu about the
Germans, I knew nothing about
them. I need to not associate the
Quakers with economy. I need to
focus on the slave trade and

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