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Datacenter Relocation guide

Preparation Phase:
1. Understanding scope
a. Cabling scope
b. Hardware to be moved. Owners/vendors for each item to be moved.
c. Transportation methodology
d. Insurance and Support for items to be moved.
e. Will Raya be the only relocation entity or there will be other parties handling
different scopes.
2. Meetings
a. With customer to understand scope and expectations, this includes the different
customer teams (if involved) to understand relationship between the different
systems that will be relocated.
b. With different hardware vendors to understand their engagement with the
customer. Also to set the vendor expectations and confirm availability of
support/warranty contracts during relocation action.
c. With transporters to understand methodologies of transportation and transfer
all customer concerns

Planning phase:
a. As per new location of devices, a new topology to be determined, port mapping
and connectivity diagrams to be planned. Also determine new layout for the new
devices in new rack (vertical layout for each rack) as well as new DC layout.
b. Detailed plan for each system hardware that will be moved, and state clearly the
dependencies between different systems that might affect their operation when
moved and powered up.
c. Determine exact location of the devices in the new DC and hence determine best
path to move from/to for minimum trafficking.
d. Determine what can be moved in parallel and what must be in sequence based
i. Devices operational dependency
ii. Devices location near each other.
e. For banks, there will be Visa and MasterCard racks. These need to be done via
their own vendor’s teams which will include contacting different ISPs ( British
telecom/Orange/Etisalat…etc) where they will be needed to shut down their
devices, move PRIs, terminate satellite/microwave lines and reconfirm service is
up after relocation.
f. Plan for survey visits by vendors/transporters to determine:
iii. All power requirements
iv. All cabling requirements
v. All devices’ dimensions and ensure they fit in new assigned racks taking
into consideration required cabling and rack doors close properly.
vi. All exit/entry issues related to movement especially for racks that will be
moved as it is.
vii. All possible paths and movement methodologies.
viii. Movement requirements (fork lifts/ belts/ cabins/trolleys/ packing items/
metal sheets/ wood platforms …).
g. Share final plan with each vendor/ transporter/customer.
h. Plans to include:
ix. Hardware name
x. Sequence of movement of each day
xi. Old location ( rack/U) and new location (rack/U)
xii. Movement path
xiii. Duration of each task and sub task
xiv. Task owners from customer side/ vendor side/ relocation owner side.
i. Final planning meeting with vendors/ customers’ system owners to determine all
relocation aspects (transportation/ cabling/ ownership of tasks), relationship
between different vendors on each day and confirm on dependencies between
different systems.
j. Request all related teams names to grant them access permissions.
k. Define with customer on reporting details including:
xv. Level of details
xvi. To whom will the report be delivered
xvii. Rate of reporting
l. Define the need for manpower shifts based on continuity of action plan.
m. Side notes:
xviii. Make labels for Warning signs and different paths/doors.
xix. For proper recognition, different entities to wear different vests colors.
xx. All transporters/technicians to wear anti-static gloves/ safety shoes.
xxi. Confirm with customer on areas for prayers/eating and drinking as well
as define operations room for central monitoring.
Execution Phase:
1. Print out each day plan.
2. Confirm on each vendor on each day their presence and all required action items are
well known. This should be done enough time prior each day.
3. Perform action plan
4. Ensure proper operation of each item after relocation
5. Solve issues on site if any
6. Ensure dedication of cabling teams after movement to connect all devices per
7. If there is a need for Plan crashing:
a. Study impact on transporters/ vendors’ team (technicians and engineers)
b. Inform all related parties to be standby if their action items might be

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