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1 20 Months old baby is brought in OPD by his mother, when you take feeding history
she tells he is on 34 Oz of cows milk per day. which of the following
recommendation would you include in the councelling.
Immediatley eliminate all whole milk
encourage incresed intake of red meat but decrease intake of Poultery.
give no more then 24 Oz per day of Cow Milk
suggest replacement of whole cow milk is Soya Milk
No recommendation is necessary.

2 Mother comes in Lactation Clinic with complain of breast pain. she is exclusively
breast feeding her 2 months old baby. you examine the breast and suspect candidal
infection. the following factors are associated with candidal infection of nipple
of breast feeding mother except
recent anitbiotics used by mother
history of diabiates
materianl fever*
mother is sleeping with milk soaked breast Pads
history of maternal vaginan candidiasis

3 7 years malnourished child is brought for follow up in OPD, he is gaining weight

and has good apetite. which of the following is more acute measurement of responce
to nutritional intervention.
mid upper arm cicumference
hand grip strenght*
laboratory evaulation
al of the above

4 family wants to go for Pilgrim to Makkah , which vacation should be done .

hepatitis A
Japanese B encephalitis

5 Child brought in OPD, he self feed himself grabed spoon with whole hand, holds
cup with two hands. His age is
10 Months *
15 Months
24 Months
30 Months
36 Months

6 A Child brought in OPD with complain of weight gain you examined the child , took
his anthropometris measurements and council parents regarding obesity. Obesity0 is
BMI>= 95TH Percentile for age and sex *
BMI>= 99TH Percentile for age and sex
BMI>= 90TH Percentile for age and sex
BMI> 90TH Percentile for age and sex
BMI> 95TH Percentile for age and sex

7 Child is able to play gaves evith explicit rules, read simple sentences with
fluency and understanding, copies a diamond and has ability to know right and
wrong, her devolpmenet age is
4 Years
6 Years
8 Years
10 Years
12 Years

8 The american academy of Pediatrics recommends using a standardized devolpment

screening tool to screen for devolpmental delays at 3 well child visits before age
of 3. Which of the following is recommended.
4,9,24 Months
6,12,24 Months
9,18,24 Months
9,18,30 Months *
9,18,36 Months

9 You admit a 1 Year old patient through ER with complain of fever and fits for a
Week on examination he is Febrile, Tachycardiac, Tachypneic, BCG sacrpresent ,
anemic, CNS, SOMI Positive , Reflex Brisk, tone increased GCS 10/15, rest of
examination is un remarkable after how long BCG scar forms after vacanniation
8 to 12 Weeks *
15 to 18 Weeks
18 to 20 Weeks
20 to 22 Weeks
22 to 24 Weeks

10 Working lady who is exclusively breast feeding her baby has to jpoin back her
office , she came to you and ask about breast milk storage . you tell her breast
milk can be frozen for
2 months
6 Months *
7 Months
8 Months
9 Months

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