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— Kinal Exam — First Semester 2023-3903 et & Module Title: Computer Architecture ‘Time Allowed: 90 Mi uth, Third Year~ Math, Stat, Phy & CS ‘Marke 0 ata Faculty of Science | Module Code: ua 316-971 -la a yy d Dr. Ahmed Ezzat Labib Helwan University | Bxam Date: 12/2022 eee Question 1: (20 Marks) 1) Which of the following has ont (a)Bigned Magnitude y one representation for the zero number? b) Two's Complement | c) One’s Complement d) All the above 2) Which of the following is a valid statement? a) A Bus could only be “Point-to-Point” [oy Rezistes hold data that can be readily ‘essed by the CPU, b) A group of six bits is called a nibble. 4) None of the above, 3) The CPU component responsible for executing the instruction and placing the results in registers is: a) Bus. b) Register ©) Control Unit. (a) Krithmetic Logic Unit. 4) A direct addressing mode means that: Qe address of the operand is in the ©) The address of the data is explicitly found in ‘address stated in the instruction. the CPU. b) The address is explicitly stated in the d) None of the above. “fe instruction. Ne 5) Ifa function F is equal to 0 for the expression (a- B) then: a) The values of a and b are 0. b) The values of a and bare 1 | ©) The values ofa and b cannot be determined. he value of one of the variables is 0. ‘A Multiplexer with 3 selectors has: ‘a) 3 input lines » 8 output lines, ©) 8 input lines. fe) Both, a and o) Y ‘3. Which number system accepts 1010 as a valid number, mary [b) Octal. ©) Hexadecimal. (4) All choices. Ifa carry-out of a value | atthe bit occurs when adding bvo signed numbers having the same sign using signed magnitude representation, then: a) ‘Unpredictable result. c) It will be added to the sum. \) This means that we surely have and) None of the above. erroneous result. Page 1 of 3 9) A flip flop that is used to build regist __ a) D Flip Flop. b) IK Flip Flop lip Flop d) Both a and c. 10) If we want to build a 16Kx32 word addressable RAM memory with only 2kx8 RAM chips, then we need: - a) 8 different 2Kx8 RAM chips. o) 32 different 2Kx8 RAM chips b) 16 different 2KXS RAM chips 4d) 64 different 2Kx8 RAM chips. Question 2: (20 Marks) A) Answer the following questions: a- In the computer architecture context, what is a bus? b- What are the main three components of a typical bus? x |P) Given the below K-Map diagram, answer the following questions: a Find the Sum of Product form of the Funetion F. b- Deduce the simplified form of the function F . bc? bie be be’ \w *f2foefe lat a ae |e Phe Y,) List the three simplest gates used in logic design and draw their ruth tables. | Using MARIE instruction set, find the equivalent, assembly codes of the following binary instructions. a) 1001 0100 0010 0000, Jur? Mr b) 0110 0000 0000 0000. our Pt eee Question 3: (30 Marks) () Answer the following questions: a) Find the values of (-38) and (-68) in 8-bits binary repre i i " a '| representation. b) Find the sum of (-38) and (-68) in S.bils binary representatioe sing ce 1 representation. c) What can you say about the result? Discuss. ation using 2) Suppose we have the following code: ‘Add 400 Store 200 Knowing that AC=600 before executing the two RI containing the values below, determi accumulator AC after executing each in instruc ine the actual struction in ¢ ion, and the memory and register Value that will be found in the below: Note that for each addressing mode the yalry or Actode, and fill in the table Cis initially 600 Ag+ t— Ay \e7 x42) 100 [300 alue in AC —=— _- in AC afer Value nC afr io Co (005) Immediate Noo © |TeeeQu 2Feq | Direct [Wee Tfeo= tow soc Indirect idee \2ev - 500279 Indexed | 20° Ts 20 boe= Eo 1000 (“300 3) Write a program that calcul: in three different memory loc: Implement your code lates 2X + Y - Z where X, Y, Z are three different numbers ations. Store the result in the main memory and display it. MARIE instructions. 4) Given F(%y,2) = 9.2 + y+), a) Draw the truth table of F(xy, 2), showing the intermediate results, b) Draw the K-map of F, and d leduce the simplified result of F. 5) Suppose that you have the followin, Input a number Assign this number to x Input a number Assign this number to y Jump to the output line Let AC=x End: Print on the output screen the AC value Stop a) Write a MARIE assembly code to perform the above pseudocode excerpt. b) What will be the output if the entered numbers are 5 and 6 respectively? ig pseudocode excerpt: Good Lucky» Pr. Ahumed Ezzat Labi [Alec Ezzot Labi Page 3 of3 Helwan University First Term, Academie Year 2022/2023 Faculty of science M317 - Oporating Systom Math. Department Final Exam December 2022 For 3rd year st. St. Name: Note: This Question Paper Consists of Four (4) Printed Pages with 2 groups of questions. rst: Choose the correct answer and rewrite the whole sentence (1 mark) 1. The address of the next instruction to be executed by the current process is provided by the 2. A Process Control Block(PCB) does not contain which of the following : . The number of processes completed per unit time is known as 8) Output &e throushpu) 6) Efficiency @) Capacity Answer: 4. The state of a process is defined by the ....... activity a) final ‘b) just executed c) next be executed 5, Time sharing technique handles-——— Interactive Job tings Recent ous 6. Which of the following is/are not an objective of operating system?, 4. The operatiog system manage ae ocean diskand VO devices 8, Not among the five states of a process model? Bestroy ) Ready New Exit 9. In FIFO page replacement algorithm, when a page must be replaced—--- jg chosen oldest page) newest page random page none of them 10, When a page fault occurs, the state of theinferrupted process is: disrupted invalid saved None of these 11. The concept of copying a process into main memory from RAM according tothe requirement. Paging Demand paging ‘Segmentation ‘Swapping 12, Accessing a page that fs mapped in address space but nol loaded in physical memory teh === FFT occurs segmentation fault fatal error = 13. A single thread of control allows the process to perform-——-task at aj Galy one multiple only two ae Pe ——~ 14. Choosing the Page that has not been used for the I first in first out longest ime is —- algorithm additional reference bit counting based page replacement 15. Operating System means a set of num which controls computer working Programs people devices every thing 16. a collection of related pieces of information stored le jogially togetheras ingle ui) root directory folder file management gives inconsistent data is invisible Allof them he page table conta ins pages 19. Compaction is a technique for overcoming intemal gmentaion paging Cara fagmension) fa enr 20, processcan be terminated et normal exit fatal error killed by another process 21. Ip-segmentation, each address is specified by : segment number offset size none of them an offset avalue 1 akey 22, Is not 1 main funetion of Operating System?— Management Resource File Processor [Bast opt ings cone ssen Geataiceorr) folder file file management 24, PAT and NTFS are———i viliypogame. etm. sdogpogans lessens >) 25. The basic types of OS are « patctrand time sharing, Sequential and real time _ direct and interactive batch and interactive 26. In contiguous memory allocation contained in a single contiguous section of memory ech prowess processes are all the memory is ‘None of these 27, Ira process is executing in its critical section, then no other processes can be executing in their critical section. This condition is called exclusion ee synchronous asynchronous phe maim tmemory accommodates ; Tunning applications user processes all of them ipl; concurrent 29, Multiple, conc of execution within a single process is called Multiprocessing Multithreading) Mfutitasking ‘Multiprogramming Choosing free hole from a set of available holes cannot be done by fist best random -Order in which disk access requests must be serviced is called — scheduling processing running programming 32. Number of programs processed by it per unit time is called @ bandwidth segmentation batch processing 33. when process is scheduled to run after some execution itis in — state Running Ready New Exit > Esewhen ‘The process is not immediately available for execution it is —process Running Ready Suspended killed See code segment that misuses its environment is called 2: internal thief trojan horse code stacker none ’ — *JoxUnauthorized modification of data (Gata or code) is Breach of — confidentiality integrity avalaility service “Se preventing letinateor usta use of the ystems devil of confidentiality integrty avalbilty service Tnfects the boot sector, executing everytime the system f booted: Geet) eis Macro Second : Answer the following (4 mark) uf, write atieas thre of the main tasks of OS bh ‘What is the difference between a program and a process? Give an example for each one of ‘them. (/ Explain the three states of a process. (Explain what is deadlock? and fe the three conditions that must write the three is that must exist in order for, deadlock to occur and (iil) show that how the OS attack any one of these conditions to prevent order for, deadlock? j Write a short essay about a specific OS — write down its features, advantages and disadvantages 6. What is the responsibility of the file manager snd io ingot) 7. How files are typically organized? Explain at least three of the fi attributes 8. What isthe responsibilty of the memory manager? Why is this responsiblity so important? *** with my best wishes ***

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