Fertilidade Do Solo em SAF de Dendê No Leste Da Amazônia - EN

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Agroforest Syst (2023) 97:865–881


Soil fertility in oil palm agroforestry systems in the Eastern

Amazon, Brazil
Lucélia Rosa de Jesus Costa · Gilson Sergio Bastos de Matos ·
Mila Façanha Gomes · Osvaldo Ryohei Kato · Debora Cristina Castellani ·
Rafael Silva Guedes · Steel Silva Vasconcelos

Received: 7 July 2022 / Accepted: 16 February 2023 / Published online: 16 March 2023
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. 2023

Abstract Oil palm agroforestry systems associated than in the forest, in all layers. In the arable layer, the
with conservation management practices have been pH, Ca, Mg, K, P, and BS values were higher in the
proposed as a more sustainable alternative to mono- agroforestry systems than in the forest. Liming, inor-
culture. We examined whether oil palm agroforestry ganic and organic fertilization, and the maintenance
systems (less and more diversified) under conserva- of organic matter on the soil may have contributed to
tion management contribute to improving soil fertility improving soil fertility in the oil palm agroforestry
(an indicator of soil sustainability), using a second- systems. Our results suggest that, in the eastern Ama-
ary forest fragment as a reference. We analyzed the zon, oil palm growing in agroforestry systems associ-
effects of the agroforestry systems and the secondary ated with conservation practices can contribute to the
forest on the following variables in the arable layer maintenance of soil fertility at adequate levels for the
(0–20 cm) and in the layers along the soil profile (0–5, species cultivated in these systems.
5–10, 10–20, and 20–30 cm): active acidity (pH), cal-
cium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K), phos- Keywords Conservation management · Oil palm
phorus (P), aluminum (Al), organic matter, potential diversification · Organic fertilization · Soil organic
acidity (H + Al), potential cation-exchange capacity matter
(CEC), effective cation-exchange capacity (ECEC),
Al saturation (AS), and base saturation (BS). Over-
all, soil acidity was lower in the agroforestry systems Introduction

Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.), an oilseed spe-

L. R. de Jesus Costa · G. S. B. de Matos · M. F. Gomes cies cultivated in tropical regions, is the most impor-
Federal Rural University of the Amazon (UFRA), Belém,
tant crop worldwide in terms of production and
trade (Rahman et al. 2021). Palm oil is widely used
O. R. Kato · S. S. Vasconcelos (*) in the food, cosmetics, steel, and biofuel industries
Embrapa Eastern Amazon (CPATU), Belém, Brazil (Hansen et al. 2015; Rahman et al. 2021). In Brazil,
e-mail: steel.vasconcelos@embrapa.br
oil palm plantation areas have grown significantly,
D. C. Castellani and the state of Pará, which belongs to the Brazilian
Natura Innovation Center, Cajamar, Brazil Amazon, is responsible for 90% of the total national
oil production (Benami et al. 2018). This crop has
R. S. Guedes
expanded rapidly in recent decades due to high mar-
Federal University of South and Southeast of Pará
(UNIFESSPA), Marabá, Brazil ket demands, mainly from developing countries

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(Kurnia et al. 2016). There is great market interest for matter, the main source of nutrients for plants in
palm oil production to be certified by the Roundtable uncultivated Amazonian soils; soil organic matter
on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), an organization that also increases the negative charge on soil colloid sur-
sets standards for sustainable oil production (Tayleur faces and, consequently soil cation exchange capac-
et al. 2018). One of the main criteria for certification ity (García-Gómez et al. 2005). Therefore, to increase
is improving soil sustainability (Roundtable on Sus- agricultural production in the Amazon, where soils
tainable Palm Oil 2013), which includes guidelines have low natural fertility (Junqueira et al. 2016), pro-
related to soil fertility (Luke et al. 2019). Therefore, ducers must adopt management practices that provide
improvements in soil fertility—an important indi- larger amounts of organic material to the soil. In oil
cator of soil quality and sustainability (Ahamadou palm plantations, empty fruit bunches, agro-industrial
and Huang 2013; Carron et al. 2015), are one of the wastewater, and pruned leaves of oil palm are applied
important factors to achieve the certification of sus- as organic fertilizers to compensate for nutrient losses
tainable production for oil palm plantations. and help reduce the cost of applying inorganic ferti-
In the Amazon, oil palm is planted as monocul- lizers (Sulaiman et al. 2011; Moradi et al. 2014; Car-
ture usually in abandoned areas previously used for ron et al. 2015; Aholoukpè et al. 2016; Rahman et al.
agriculture and pasture (Benami et al. 2018; Almeida 2018; Formaglio et al. 2021).
et al. 2020). Oil palm cultivation usually involves There are few reports of research on oil palm
agricultural practices such as slash-and-burn or growing in diversified systems, e.g. agroforestry.
mechanized vegetation removal for land prepara- Studies available in the literature on soil in diversified
tion (Viégas et al. 2019), soil tillage, and application systems with oil palm were developed in Brazil, Indo-
of high levels of inorganic fertilizers and herbicides nesia, and Malaysia. These studies evaluated soil car-
(Ramalho-Filho et al. 2010; Silva et al. 2018). Such bon stock (Carvalho et al. 2014; Ramos et al. 2018;
practices can cause chemical, physical, and biologi- Besar et al. 2020), soil mycorrhizal fungal coloniza-
cal degradation of the soil (Iwata et al. 2012), which tion (Maia et al. 2021), and biodiversity enrichment
decreases soil quality (Ahamadou and Huang 2013). (fauna and flora) (Teuscher et al. 2016). However,
Alternatively, oil palm can be grown in agroforestry there exists little information on soil fertility in these
systems, which are potentially more sustainable than oil palm cultivation types in general and in the Bra-
oil palm monoculture. zilian Amazon. Therefore, the main objective of this
Agroforestry systems are recognized as the soil study was to examine whether oil palm agroforestry
exploitation model ecologically closest to a natural systems under conservation management maintain
forest (Nair 1993). In these systems, trees are grown soil fertility at adequate levels for the crop.
in association with agricultural crops and/or pas-
tures and animal species (Somarriba 1992; Young
1997). Agroforestry cultivation has great potential
to achieve agricultural sustainability and reduce the Materials and methods
negative effects of agriculture such as soil degrada-
tion (Albrecht and Kandji 2003; Boafo et al. 2020). Study site
Finally, agroforestry systems have been indicated
for the implementation of oil palm plantations in the We conducted the study on a farm located in the
Amazon and other regions of the world (Bhagwat and municipality of Tomé-Açu, northeast mesoregion
Wills 2008; Freitas et al. 2010). of Pará, Brazil (02°20′54″ S, 48°15′44″ W) (Fig. 1).
The advantages of crop cultivation in an agro- According to the Köppen classification, the local
forestry system over the conventional monoculture climate is a hot-humid tropical type (Ami) (Alva-
include greater above- and below-ground carbon res et al. 2013), with average annual precipitation of
stock (Niether et al. 2019), nutrient cycling, protec- 2300 mm, average annual temperature of 26 °C, and
tion against erosion (Froufe et al. 2020; Paes et al. relative humidity around 85%. Precipitation ranges
2020), and soil chemical quality (Fonte et al. 2010; between 54 (August) and 440 mm (March) (Pacheco
Suárez et al. 2021). Agroforestry systems gener- and Bastos 2008). The soil in the experimental area is
ally have a high capacity to restore stocks of organic classified as a yellow Oxisol (‘Latossolo’) (Rodrigues

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Fig. 1  Location of the experimental area a Containing two Amazon, Brazil. In (c, ­AFSlow) and (d, ­AFShigh), the acronyms
agroforestry systems with oil palm: less diversified AFS represent the management zones where the soil was sampled:
­(AFSlow), more diversified AFS ­ (AFShigh), and b Second- weeded circle (WC), harvest path (HP), leaf pile (LP), and
ary forest (FOR), in the municipality of Tomé-Açu, Eastern diversified strip (DS)

et al. 2001) with high acidity and low natural fertility

(EMBRAPA 2016) and medium texture (Table 1).
Table 1  Soil particle composition in the study areas (agrofor-
Experimental conditions estry systems [AFS] and secondary forest) in Tomé-Açu, east-
ern Amazon, Brazil
Before the implementation of the experiment, the Study area Sand Silt Clay
study area consisted of an approximately 11-year- g ­kg−1
old forest under regeneration after repeated cycles
0–5 cm layer
of slash-and-burn for subsistence agriculture (Oryza
Less diversified AFS 693 187 120
sativa, Manihot esculenta, Zea mays, and Vigna
More diversified AFS 724 136 140
unguiculata). In 2007, we mechanically cut and
Forest 779 102 120
chopped a fragment of approximately 4 ha of this for-
5–10 cm layer
est (Carvalho et al. 2014) and deposited the chopped
Less diversified AFS 704 97 200
material on the ground, forming a mulch. In 2008, we
More diversified AFS 673 127 200
applied 1.3 t ­ha−1 of dolomitic limestone for soil acid-
Forest 719 122 160
ity correction. In the same year, we implemented two
10–20 cm layer
types of oil palm cultivation system: a less diversified
Less diversified AFS 623 137 240
agroforestry system ­(AFSlow) and a more diversified
More diversified AFS 573 148 280
agroforestry system ­(AFShigh), each of which had an
Forest 579 181 240
area of 2 ha.
20–30 cm layer
We planted the oil palm intraspecific hybrid Ten-
Less diversified AFS 535 145 320
era with (1) green-manure species, in A ­ FSlow; and
More diversified AFS 518 103 380
(2) diverse species for fruit, timber, and non-timber
Forest 461 159 380
production, as well as green manure, in A ­ FShigh. In

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both systems, we planted the oil palm seedlings in plant). We divided the annual potassium fertilization
double rows (7.5 m between rows × 9.0 m between into two applications (January/February and May/
plants), which were interspersed with planting 15 m June). There was no fertilizer treatment for the spe-
wide strips of the other species (here called diversi- cies planted in the diversified strip, except for E. oler-
fied strip). Table 2 describes the species that consti- acea and T. cacao in A ­ FShigh (Table 3). In December
tuted each system in 2018 and the nutrient input from 2017, dolomitic limestone was (a) applied throughout
litterfall. the oil palm double row with an implement for the
In the oil palm planting holes, we applied 0.3 kg distribution of soil corrective agents coupled to the
­plant−1 of Arad reactive rock phosphate (33% ­P2O5, tractor, and (b) manually broadcasted in the diversi-
37% Ca) and 10 kg ­plant−1 of ground charcoal (3.36% fied strip, in both systems (Table 3).
­P2O5, 0.51% N, 4.85% K ­ 2O, and 2.7% Mg). Table 3 We removed weeds around the oil palm three to
describes the annual maintenance fertilization. For oil five times per year and pruned older leaves once to
palm, we performed maintenance fertilization in the two times per year. We stacked the pruned leaves
weeded circle (radius of 1.5 m from the base of the between the oil palm double rows and the diversified

Table 2  Litterfall nutrient System Species Ca Mg K P

input of the species
planted in agroforestry kg ­ha−1yr−1
systems (AFS) with
Less diversified AFS Gliricidia sepium 41.21 7.90 5.16 3.61
oil palm in Tomé-Açu,
Eastern Amazon, Brazil. Elaeis guineensis Jacq 0.70 0.10 0.10 0.10
Source Saldanha 2018 Inga edulis 27.36 3.33 2.40 1.40
(unpublished data) Pueraria phaseoloides 1.84 0.30 0.20 0.20
Euterpe oleracea Mart 0.44 0.10 0.10 0.10
Tithonia diversifolia 0.18 0.04 0.02 0.02
Other species 0.46 0.15 0.14 0.08
Reproductive material 0.62 0.10 0.08 0.07
Petiole 8.76 1.14 1.80 0.72
Miscellaneous 5.40 0.84 0.52 0.48
More diversified AFS Theobroma cacao Linn 29.25 12.17 9.20 1.68
Tachigali myrmecophila Ducke 10.45 2.25 3.40 2.25
Handroanthus albus 20.06 4.37 3.84 1.43
Euterpe oleracea Mart 7.56 1.27 1.29 1.26
Elaeis guineensis Jacq 1.39 0.35 0.26 0.09
Carapa guianensis Aubl 15.16 3.71 3.40 0.85
Caesalpinia echinata 2.14 0.16 0.13 0.06
Inga edulis 0.36 0,07 0.04 0.02
Spondias mombin 15.80 1.58 1.89 0.95
Acacia mangium 0.46 6.30 0.39 0.32
Swietenia macrophylla King 2.14 0.44 0.82 0.14
Jacaranda copaia (Aubl.) D.Don 0.32 1.79 0.64 0.13
Hymenaea courbaril 0.13 0.02 0.04 0.03
*Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess – – – –
*Mangifera indica L – – – –
*Theobroma grandiflorum (Wild. Ex Spreng) – – – –
Other species 2.27 0.47 0.58 0.22
*There was not enough Reproductive material 6.69 2.71 2.82 0.57
material to quantify the Petiole 13.98 3.42 4.37 1.06
nutrient input in the Miscellaneous 1.18 5.18 1.49 0.46
litterfall of these species

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Table 3  History of fertilizer and limestone application in oil palm-based agroforestry systems in Tomé-Açu, Eastern Amazon, Brazil. Source Alessa Mendanha
Lime/fertilizer Unit Oil palm Diversified strip

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2008 2017 2018

d −1 b
Limestone kg ­ha 1716 1300 1716
ARAD reactive rock ­phosphatee kg ­plant−1 0.3 1 1.5 0.7 2.5 0.3a 0.6a/0.7c 0.6a/0.9c
f −1 b
Chaff ­charcoal kg ­plant 10 10
Chicken ­manureg kg ­plant−1 10b
Bone ­mealh kg ­plant−1 1 0.5 0.5
Castor ­cake kg ­plant−1 2 2 4
Agroforest Syst (2023) 97:865–881

Oil palm ­cakej kg ­plant−1 30 30 40 1.0a/2.5c

k −1
FTE ­BR12 kg ­plant 0.3 0.2
Empty fruit bunches of oil ­palml kg ­plant−1 100 221 150 200 240 240
Boraxm kg ­plant−1 10 0.1
Organic ­compostn kg ­plant−1 40 40b
Yoorino kg ­plant−1 1.5
Produbor ­10p kg ­plant−1 0.1 0.15 0.1c 0.10a
Potassium ­polysulfateq kg ­plant−1 2.6 4.50 0.175a/0.70c
r −1
Potassium ­sulfate kg ­plant 40 0.8 0.8 0.4 1.8 1.00 0.1a/0.3c 0.15a/0.5c
Theobroma cacao
Fertilizer applied over the entire strip
Euterpe oleracea
Mg: 12%; Ca: 38%
P: 10%; Ca: 37%
K: 5,9%; Mg: 2,8%; Ca: 15,40%
N: 2,58%; P: 2,27%; K: 2,31%; Mg: 0,44%; Ca: 30%
N: 2%; P: 20%; K: 0,12%; Mg: 0,24%; Ca: 30%
N: 5,44%; P: 1,91%; K: 1,54%; Mg: 0,5%; Ca: 1,8%
N: 2,4%; P: 0,56%; K: 0,61%; Mg: 0,01%; Ca: 4%; S: 0,4%; Zn: 0,01%; B: 0,05%
B: 1,8%; Cu: 0,85%; Mn: 2,0%; Zn: 9,0%; S: 3,9%
N: 0,33%; P: 0,04%; K: 0,55%; Mg: 0,09%; Ca:0,28%; S: 0,04%
B: 20,8%; B
­ 2O3: 67%
N: 0,80%; P: 0,40%; K: 0,30%; Mg: 0,10%; Ca: 0,23%; S: 0,03%
P: 16%; Mg: 7%; Ca: 18%; S: 6%; Zn: 0,55%; B: 0,1%
B: 10%
K: 14,0%; Mg: 3,5%; Ca: 12%; S: 19%

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K: 50%; S: 18%
870 Agroforest Syst (2023) 97:865–881

Table 4  F Statistics and associated significance levels for the acidity (H + Al), effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC),
effects of systems (agroforestry systems and secondary forest) potential cation exchange capacity (CEC) organic matter
on soil variables: pH, phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (OM), aluminum saturation (AS) and base saturation (BS), for
(Ca), magnesium (Mg), exchangeable aluminum (Al), potential different soil layers, in Eastern Amazon, Brazil
Soil variables 0–5 cm 5–10 cm 10–20 cm 20–30 cm 0–20 cm
F-value Pr (> F) F-value Pr (> F) F-value Pr (> F) F-value Pr (> F) F-value Pr (> F)

pH ­(H2O) 89.06 < 0.001 48.61 < 0.001 15.51 0.001 12.69 0.002 35.321 < 0.001
P (mg ­dm− 3) 95.44 < 0.001 16.08 0.001 16.54 0.001 1.81 0.22 34.63 < 0.001
K (mg ­dm− 3) 15.23 0.001 25.37 0.0002 18.45 0.0006 26.65 0.0001 60.12 < 0.001
Ca ­(cmlc ­dm− 3) 56.61 < 0.001 44.74 < 0.001 13.69 0.002 11.4 0.003 34.3 < 0.001
Mg ­(cmlc ­dm− 3) 38.91 < 0.001 29.18 0.0001 6.14 0.02 4.74 0.04 25.06 0.0002
Al ­(cmlc ­dm− 3) 55.33 < 0.001 23.31 0.0002 37.79 < 0.001 32.1 < 0.001 52.69 < 0.001
H + Al ­(cmlc ­dm− 3) 74.45 < 0.001 29.86 0.0001 43.37 < 0.001 20.44 0.0004 51.6 < 0.001
ECEC ­(cmlc ­dm− 3) 57.36 < 0.001 35.86 < 0.001 7.81 0.01 4.74 0.04 27.87 0.0001
CEC ­(cmlc ­dm− 3) 13.97 0.001 7.23 0.01 3.83 0.06 6.89 0.01 6.56 0.01
OM (g ­kg− 1) 0.13 0.87 2.26 0.16 0.69 0.52 5.72 0.02 1.95 0.20
AS (%) 73.79 < 0.001 64.56 < 0.001 31.38 < 0.001 23.31 0.0002 55.59 < 0.001
BS (%) 147.98 < 0.001 124.43 < 0.001 26.72 0.0001 17.51 0.0007 66.89 < 0.001

strips (Fig. 1) and left the pruned material from cocoa In July 2018, we collected one composite sam-
and legume species on the soil of the diversified strip. ple from each management zone in each plot. We
The tractor used for harvesting and for limestone mixed 8 individual soil samples to form each com-
application traveled between the oil palm rows, where posite sample. We used an auger to collect the
the only management operation applied was the mow- individual soil samples in the layers of 0–5, 5–10,
ing of spontaneous vegetation. We used conservation 10–20, and 20–30 cm. Accordingly, in the oil palm
practices such as no tillage, maintenance of ground AFSs, we collected 64 composite soil samples (four
cover, green manuring, and organic fertilization. plots × four collection sites per plot × four layers per
We also evaluated an approximately 20-year-old management zone) and, in FOR, 16 composite sam-
secondary forest fragment (FOR) with 2 ha adjacent ples (four plots × four layers per plot).
to the AFSs. We used the forest as a reference area. We air-dried, crushed, and sieved the soil sam-
ples to 2 mm particles to determine soil chemical
Soil sample collection, processing, and analysis attributes, as described next:

In 2018, for each agroforestry system, we randomly – Soil pH in water: measured using 10 g of soil at
established four plots measuring 30 × 30 m (to a soil:water ratio of 1:2.5;
include two diversified strips and one oil palm double – Available phosphorus (P) content: determined
row); and four plots measuring 10 × 10 m in FOR. In in ammonium molybdate by spectrophotometry
the AFSs, we collected soil samples at four locations (660 nm) after extraction with Mehlich-1 solu-
(management zones) per plot: (1) weeded circle—fer- tion (0.05 mol L ­ −1 HCl and 0.0125 mol ­ L−1
tilized zone where spontaneous vegetation had been ­H2SO4) from 10 g of soil;
removed, located ~ 1.5 m from the base of the oil – Exchangeable calcium ­ (Ca2+), magnesium
2+ 3+
palm stem; (2) harvest path—machinery traffic zone; ­(Mg ), and aluminum (­ Al ) contents: extracted
(3) leaf pile—zone where leaves of oil palm (and with 1 mol ­L−1 KCl, using 10 g of soil; ­Ca2+
other species, mainly cocoa) were deposited, charac- and ­Mg2+ contents were determined by atomic
teristic of oil palm plantations (Nelson et al. 2015); absorption spectrometry; ­Al3+ content was deter-
and (4) diversified strip (Fig. 1). In FOR, we defined a mined by titration in a 0.1 mol L ­ −1 NaOH solu-
random point per plot for sampling. tion;

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– Exchangeable potassium (K) content: deter- We used one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
mined by flame photometry after extraction with to evaluate the effects of oil palm cropping systems
Mehlich-1 solution; ­(AFShigh and ­AFSlow) and FOR (reference forest) on
– Potential acidity (H + Al): quantified by titration the chemical attributes in the arable layer (0–20 cm)
with a standardized solution of NaOH (0.025 mol and in the layers along the soil profile (0–5, 5–10,
­L−1) after extraction with calcium acetate (0.5 mol 10–20, and 20–30 cm). We evaluated residual nor-
­L−1) buffered at pH 7.0; and mality using the Shapiro–Wilk test and homoscedas-
– Soil organic matter (OM): determined by incinera- ticity using the Bartlett test. When the assumptions
tion in a muffle furnace. of parametric analysis were not met, we transformed
the data. We applied Tukey’s test at 5% probability to
Based on the results of soil chemical analysis, compare the means. We performed all statistical anal-
we calculated the following soil fertility parameters: yses using R software v.4.0.5 (R Core Team 2021), by
potential CEC (CEC), effective CEC (ECEC), Al executing the dic function of the ExpDes.pt package.
saturation, and base saturation. All analytical proce-
dures and derived calculations followed Teixeira et al.
(2017). Results

Soil chemical attributes in the arable layer

Data and statistical analysis
In the arable layer (0–20 cm), the attributes of soil
We analyzed the vertical variation of chemical attrib- acidity (pH, Al, H + Al) and aluminum saturation
utes of the soil in two ways, considering: (1) the ara- (AS) were lower in the soils of the agroforestry sys-
ble layer (0–20 cm); and (2) layer stratification (0–5, tems (AFSs) than in the forest (FOR) soil (Fig. 2a–d,
5–10, 10–20, and 20–30 cm). The arable layer is the Table 4). The Ca, Mg, K, and P contents (Fig. 2e–h)
one traditionally evaluated in soil fertility sampling and base saturation (BS) (Fig. 2l) varied as follows:
(Blum et al. 2013; Weber et al. 2021); thus our data more diversified AFS ­ (AFShigh) = less diversified
for this layer allowed us to better compare our data AFS ­(AFSlow) > FOR. The potential CEC of ­AFShigh
with the literature. In the majority of cases, stud- was equal to that of A ­ FSlow and greater than that of
ies focus on the arable layer because the effects of FOR, but A ­ FSlow did not differ from FOR (Fig. 2i)
management are generally more evident in the more ­(AFShigh ≥ ­AFSlow ≥ FOR). Effective CEC was higher
superficial layers. In addition, this layer concentrates in the AFS than in FOR (Fig. 2j). The soil OM con-
the largest volume of roots in most cultivated plants tent did not differ between the studied systems
(Brasil et al. 2020a). We also considered greater soil (Fig. 2k).
stratification for a better understanding of the vertical The soil pH value was around 20% higher in the
variation of soil chemical attributes. agroforestry systems than in FOR. The exchangeable
To calculate the average value of each soil attrib- aluminum (Al) content and AS were approximately
ute per plot in the agroforestry systems, we consid- 90% lower in the agroforestry areas compared with
ered the area (%) occupied by each management FOR, and H + Al was 54 and 32% lower in ­AFSlow
zone, namely, less diversified AFS (weeded circle: and ­AFShigh, respectively, than in FOR (Fig. 3a).
25.74%; harvest path: 24.69%; leaf pile: 11.22%; and The soil Ca, Mg, and K contents in the agrofor-
diversified strip: 38.35%) and more diversified AFS estry systems were approximately 290, 280, and 80%
(weeded circle: 21.79%; harvest path: 18.92%; leaf higher, respectively, than in FOR. The P content was
pile: 12.54%; diversified strip: 46.75%), similar to 630 and 830% higher in the ­ AFSlow and A ­ FShigh,
the procedure adopted in other studies with oil palm respectively, than in FOR (Fig. 3b).
(Rahman et al. 2018; Ramos et al. 2018; Gomes et al. Potential CEC was 8 and 28% higher in ­AFSlow
2021). We multiplied each chemical attribute by the and ­AFShigh, respectively, than in FOR (Fig. 3a).
area occupied (%) by each zone in a plot, added these Effective CEC was approximately 150% higher in the
results, and divided the final result by 100 to deter- agroforestry systems relative to FOR (Fig. 3b). Base
mine the average value at the plot level. saturation was approximately 230 and 180% higher

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◂Fig. 2  Mean a Soil pH, b Exchangeable aluminum (Al), c Discussion

Potential acidity (H + Al), d Al saturation (AS), e Calcium
(Ca), f Magnesium (Mg), g Potassium, h Phosphorus (P), i
Potential cation-exchange capacity (CEC), j Effective cation-
The lower soil acidity and aluminum saturation (AS)
exchange capacity (ECEC), k organic matter (OM), and l base values found in the oil palm agroforestry systems
saturation (BS) in the 0–20 cm layer of soil under agroforestry (AFSs), as observed in other studies in the Amazon
systems with oil palm: less diversified AFS ­(AFSlow), more (Chaves et al. 2020; Suárez et al. 2021), are consistent
diversified AFS ­(AFShigh), and forest (FOR), in Tomé-Açu,
Eastern Amazon, Brazil. Bars correspond to the mean ± stand-
with the recognized effect of liming on soil chemistry
ard deviation (n = 4). Lowercase letters indicate significant dif- (Quaggio 2000; Raij 2011). Liming is of paramount
ferences between systems (Tukey, p < 0.05). Dashed lines rep- importance for correcting the acidity of Amazonian
resent the range of classification of active soil acidity and soil soils, which are characterized by high levels of ­Al+3
nutrient availability according to the guide for interpreting soil
analysis results
and ­H+, high AS, and low base saturation (BS) result-
ing from soil weathering and base cation (Ca, K e
Mg) leaching (Fageria and Baligar 2008; Moreira and
in ­AFSlow and ­AFShigh, respectively, compared with Fageria 2009; Quesada et al. 2011).
FOR in the 0–20 cm layer (Fig. 3b). Liming decreases the concentration of protons
through displacement of ­H+ and ­Al+3 from the ion
exchange sites of the soil colloidal fraction, which
Vertical variation of soil chemical attributes causes neutralization of ­H+ and precipitation of ­Al+3
(Filipek 2011). Although oil palm is cultivated in nat-
The pattern of variation of soil acidity attribute was: urally acidic soils, liming has advantages for the crop.
­AFSlow = ­AFShigh > FOR (Fig. 4a, Table 4) and Al and Liming increases the availability of nutrients in the
AS: ­AFSlow = ­AFShigh < FOR (Fig. 4b, d). Overall, the soil, which may favor the performance of oil palm,
H + Al variation pattern was FOR > ­AFShigh > ­AFSlow as it is a highly nutrient-demanding crop (Cristan-
(Fig. 4c). cho et al. 2011; Corley and Tinker 2016; Brasil et al.
Ca, Mg, and K contents varied as follows: 2020b). In addition, liming is a source of Ca, which is
­AFSlow = ­AFShigh > FOR, except for the K content the third most extracted element in oil palm harvest-
in the 5–10 cm layer ­ (AFShigh > ­AFSlow > FOR) ing (Matos et al. 2016).
(Fig. 4e–h). The P content did not show a In addition to liming, organic fertilization and the
defined variation pattern between the systems: deposition of residues from the pruning of oil palm,
­AFShigh > ­AFSlow > FOR in the 0–5 cm layer, cocoa, and other species may have contributed to
­AFSlow = ­AFShigh > FOR in the 5–10 cm layer, the reduction of Al and H + Al contents. During the
­AFSlow > ­AFShigh = FOR in the 10–20 cm layer, decomposition of organic matter (OM), ­H+ binds to
and ­AFSlow = ­AFShigh = FOR in the 20–30 cm layer organic compounds and forms Al hydroxides, induc-
(Fig. 4h). ing the release of hydroxyl and, consequently, the
Potential CEC did not follow a pattern of vari- elevation of soil pH (Mokolobate and Haynes 2002;
ation between the layers: A ­ FSlow = ­AFShigh > FOR Pavinato and Rosolem 2008; Butterly et al. 2013).
in the 0–5 cm layer; A ­ FShigh ≥ ­AFSlow = FOR in Therefore, we can infer that the continuous deposition
the 5–10 cm layer; A ­ FShigh = ­AFSlow = FOR in the of OM on the soil in the studied AFSs may also have
10–20 cm layer; and A ­ FShigh ≥ FOR = ­AFSlow in the contributed to balancing the soil pH.
20–30 cm layer (Fig. 4i). Effective CEC followed the In our study, the pH values in the oil palm AFSs
pattern of ­AFSlow = ­AFShigh > FOR in the layers of were within the medium acidity range (5.1–6.0)
0–5, 5–10, and 10–20 cm, whereas in the 20–30 cm (Ribeiro et al. 1999), and thus within the appropri-
layer there was no significant difference between ate range (5.0–6.0) for this crop (Corley and Tinker
the systems (Fig. 4j). Base saturation was signifi- 2016). The soil pH in the forest (FOR), however,
cantly affected in all soil layers (Fig. 4l) and followed was within the high acidity range (4.5–5.0) (Ribeiro
the same pattern found for pH, Ca, Mg, and K, i.e. et al. 1999), which is consistent with this soil type
­AFSlow = ­AFShigh > FOR. The OM content did not dif- (Raij 2011). Additionally, we believe that higher acid-
fer between the studied systems in any of the layers ity of the forest soil may be related to (1) effect of
(Fig. 4k). root acid exudates on pH reduction (Weston 2003),

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Fig. 3  Percentage variation

of chemical attributes of
agroforestry systems with
oil palm relative to the for-
est. The red line represents
the value found in the forest
soil and corresponds to

(2) base cation leaching caused by rainfall, and (3) was due to three factors: (1) inorganic fertilization
root nutrient absorption (Fageria and Nascente 2014; with Arad natural phosphate (Ca: 37%) and potas-
Ramos et al. 2022); such causes of higher acidity are sium chloride (Ca: 12% and Mg: 3.5%); (2) fertiliza-
not mitigated as in the agroforestry areas because the tion with palm kernel cake (Ca: 4% and Mg: 0.01%);
forest area is not managed for nutrient replacement. and (3) the complementary beneficial effect of liming
Soil pH is an important parameter to be evaluated of adding Ca and Mg. Increases in Ca and Mg con-
before the implementation and fertilization of an oil tents have been reported for agroforestry systems with
palm crop. Failure to correct soil acidity can reduce T. cacao treated with liming associated with organic
the efficiency of fertilizers; in order for the nutri- fertilization in the Colombian Amazon (Suárez et al.
ents to occupy the negative soil charges, the ­H+ in 2021). For the higher levels of K and P in the soils of
the soil solution must be neutralized and the H ­ + and the AFSs, we suggest the effect of two sources: (1)
­Al displaced from soil colloids. Therefore, with- inorganic fertilization with potassium chloride (14%
out soil acidity correction, the supplied nutrients can ­K2O), potassium sulfate (50% of K ­ 2O), and Arad nat-
be leached and consequently not used by the plants, ural phosphate (10% of P ­ 2O5); and (2) organic ferti-
which can result in reduced fruit production (Nelson lization with palm kernel cake (P: 0.56%; K: 0.61%).
et al. 2011). Accordingly, the management carried out The stacking of pruned oil palm leaves can be an extra
in the AFSs promoted a favorable soil acidity status source of nutrients, as the leaves release significant
for oil palm. amounts of K (12.71 g ­kg−1) and Ca (5.11 g ­kg−1)
The Al content was classified as low in the oil through decomposition (Moradi et al. 2014). Thus,
palm AFSs and medium in FOR (Brasil et al. 2020b), in addition to liming and fertilization, the pruning
whereas AS was classified as very low in the oil palm of the oil palm leaves may also have contributed to
AFSs and medium in FOR (Ribeiro et al. 1999). the increase in soil nutrient levels through the miner-
Although the studied AFSs and FOR were established alization process (Kee and Chew 1997; Fairhurst and
in the same soil type, which has a predominance of Hardter 2003; Furlan Junior 2006) in both AFSs.
1:1 minerals (Fe and Al oxides), because of the par- Like the pruned and stacked oil palm leaves, we
ent material and high weathering of the Amazon kept litterfall and pruned material from the other spe-
region (Moreira and Fageria 2009; Souza et al. 2018), cies on the soil in the diversified strip; so it is possible
management practices (e.g. liming) carried out may that these organic sources contributed to the cycling
have contributed to the low Al and AS contents in the and supply of nutrients to the soil. In the more diver-
AFSs. sified agroforestry system ­(AFShigh), the litter of T.
The higher levels of exchangeable bases (Ca, Mg, cacao, Tachigali myrmecophila Ducke, Handroan-
and K) and P in the oil palm AFSs can be attributed thus albus, Carapa guianensis Aubl, and Spondias
to fertilization, both inorganic and organic, in addi- mombin were those which provided the highest input
tion to the liming performed in the AFS areas. For Ca of nutrients (Ca, Mg, K, and P) per year among the
and Mg, we believe that the increase in their levels species in the system (Table 2). In the less diversified

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agroforestry system ­(AFSlow), the species that most 2015; Lehmann and Kleber 2015; Corley and Tinker
contributed to nutrient input were G. sepium and I. 2016; Paes et al. 2020; Manorama et al. 2021). In an
edulis. oil palm and cocoa intercrop in India, fertilization
According to the classes of soil Mg and K avail- with oil palm residues (pruned leaves, male inflores-
ability described in the liming and fertilization guide cences, and unproductive fruit bunches) increased the
for the state of Pará, the contents of these nutrients are soil OM content and improved its fertility, so it was
classified as medium (Mg) and high (K) in the AFSs indicated as an alternative for the cultivation palm oil
and low in the FOR soil (Brasil et al. 2020b). The Ca (Manorama et al. 2021). Therefore, we suggest that
content was classified as good in the AFSs and low the soil fertility levels of our AFS sites are strongly
in FOR (Ribeiro et al. 1999). Therefore, based on the related to the management carried out in these areas.
soil characteristics of the study area, we suggest that The soil OM content in the AFSs was the same as
the management of AFSs leads to favorable levels of that found in FOR, thus agreeing with results found
cations in the soil for the cultivation of planted crops, by Menezes et al. (2008) in different soils in agro-
particularly those whose purpose is fruit production, forestry systems in the Brazilian Amazon. In our
e.g. E. guineensis, E. oleracea, T. cacao, and T. gran- study, the use of conservation management prac-
diflorum, since K is a macronutrient of great impor- tices such as lack of soil tillage (Paes et al. 2020),
tance in fruit formation (Shen et al. 2017). fire-free soil preparation (Iwata et al. 2012), organic
On the other hand, the average soil P content was fertilization (Boafo et al. 2020), as well as the con-
below the availability range expected for soils in the stant deposition of plant residues on the soil (Bai
state of Pará, according to the soil texture of our et al. 2018; Rahman et al. 2021) very likely contrib-
experimental areas (Brasil et al. 2020b). This sug- uted to the maintenance of OM (Paes et al. 2020).
gests that phosphate fertilization can be improved to The continuous deposition of litter and pruned
achieve at least medium soil P levels (9–15 mg ­dm−3) leaves of T. cacao in ­AFShigh and of G. sepium in
in the AFSs, as recommended by Brasil et al. (2020b) ­AFSlow may have contributed to the maintenance of
. Problems related to P availability are frequent in OM in the soil, which is a primordial condition to
tropical soils, which have high P fixation due to the prevent a decrease in fertility in the agroecosystems
presence of high levels of Al and iron (Fe) oxides, (Zhang et al. 2020). In our study, the T. cacao leaf
reducing P availability to plants (Gama-Rodrigues litterfall (2 Mg ­ha−1 ­yr−1) accounted for 34% of the
et al. 2014; Viana et al. 2018). The difference in fine litterfall in A
­ FShigh, whereas the G. sepium leaf
P content in the first soil layer between A ­ FSlow and litterfall (1.80 Mg ­ha−1 ­yr−1) contributed 54% of
­AFShigh is possibly due to the greater amount of the fine litterfall in ­AFSlow (Saldanha 2018). There-
phosphate fertilizer applied in A ­ FShigh, since, in this fore, our results suggest that the management we
system, T. cacao and E. oleracea were fertilized applied in the oil palm agroforestry areas resulted
with Arad natural phosphate. Additionally, P mobil- in soil OM levels similar to those found in the FOR
ity between soil layers is greatly limited because of site, which is expected to show high soil OM lev-
the strong interaction between phosphate ions and Fe els because of less human intereference and, conse-
oxides (Fageria and Baligar 2008). Phosphate ferti- quently, less oxidation and loss of OM (Kotowska
lization associated with maintenance of superficial et al. 2015).
organic matter cover increases de P availability over Soil CEC is a good proxy of soil nutrient retention
longer periods because of reduction of adsorption and buffering capacity and influences soil fertility and
rates and partial blockage of adsorption sites (Guedes plant productivity (Moral and Rebollo 2017). Poten-
et al. 2016). tial CEC expresses the total amount of exchangeable
The soil nutrient contents in FOR are in agreement cations at pH 7.0 and effective CEC indicates the
with those reported for forest soils in the Amazon soil’s ability to retain cations close to its natural pH
(Chaves et al. 2020), which are characterized by low value. All evaluated systems showed potential CEC
natural fertility (Souza et al. 2018). On the other hand, values (4.31–8.6 ­cmolc ­dm−3) classified as medium
deposition of litterfall, pruned plant parts and crop (Ribeiro et al. 1999). Effective CEC was classified as
residues (mainly of cocoa and palm oil) is a source of medium in the AFSs (2.3–4.60 ­cmolc ­dm−3) and low
nutrient input in our agroforestry areas (Carron et al. in FOR (0.81–2.30 c­ molc ­dm−3) (Ribeiro et al. 1999).

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◂Fig. 4  Mean a Soil pH, b Exchangeable aluminum (Al), c CEC is occupied by potentially toxic cations such
Potential acidity (H + Al), d Al saturation (AS), e Calcium as ­H+ and A ­ l3+, this will be a low fertility soil
(Ca), f Magnesium (Mg), g Potassium, h Phosphorus (P), i
Potential cation-exchange capacity (CEC), j Effective cation
(Makolobate and Haynes 2002). In general, the
exchange capacity (ECEC), k Organic matter (OM), and l base soil BS values of the studied AFSs were within the
saturation (BS) in different soil layers under agroforestry sys- recommended range (50–60%) for the main crops
tems with oil palm: less diversified AFS ­(AFSlow), more diver- planted in these systems (E. guineensis, E. olera-
sified AFS (­AFShigh), and forest (FOR) in Tomé-Açu, Eastern
Amazon, Brazil. Symbols correspond to the mean ± standard
cea Mart., T. cacao Linn) (Brasil et al. 2020b). The
deviation (n = 4). Lowercase letters indicate significant differ- soils in the AFSs showed higher BS than the FOR
ences between systems (Tukey, p < 0.05) soil as possibly influenced by the results of pH, Al,
and base cations caused by the action of liming and
fertilization (organic and inorganic) in the cultiva-
Both effective CEC and potencial CEC may be tion areas. Our results are consistent with a study
influenced by liming and soil organic matter. In our that reported an increase in BS in response to lim-
study, the soil of A ­ FShigh showed higher potential ing and fertilization management in an AFS in the
CEC than the FOR soil. We believe that the soil in Eastern Amazon (Chaves et al. 2020). Thus, we can
­AFShigh has a higher potential CEC due to the OM infer that the fertility management carried out in the
input from the periodic pruning of the species and soils of the AFSs is efficient in increasing BS.
litterfall, which may have increased soil organic mat- Oil palm is considered a highly nutrient demand-
ter. Although we did not quantify significant differ- ing crop (Behera et al. 2018; Corley and Tinker
ences in soil OM content between AFS and FOR, the 2016), especially of K, an essential element for the
increased amount of negative charges in the carbox- production of fresh fruit bunches of oil palm (Vié-
ylic and phenolic functional groups resulting from the gas et al. 2022). In the AFSs, the yield of oil palm
plant material decomposition process may have con- fresh fruit bunches was similar to that of monocul-
tributed to the higher potential CEC of the agrofor- tures in the region (~ 15 Mg ­ha−1), whereas the yield
estry soils (García-Gómez et al. 2005; Xu et al. 2012; of cocoa bean (400 kg ­ha−1) exceeded the average
Carmo et al. 2016). In tropical soils, OM plays a key yield of the local cocoa monocultures (unpublished
role in increasing potential CEC by creating negative data). These results suggest that the diversification
charges in the soil (Ronquim 2010). of oil palm into agroecological and organic man-
Application of dolomitic liming and potassium fer- agement systems has great potential to maintain
tilizer probably led to highest effective CEC values in adequate soil fertility levels and, therefore, to meet
the agroforestry areas compared to the lowest values RSPO certification criteria.
in the secondary forest that did not receive such agri-
cultural inputs. In general, we may infer that liming
and organic matter application positively infuenced Conclusions
soil exchange capacity of the agroforestry areas.
Increased effective and potencial CEC in response to The lower soil acidity and higher nutrient levels found
liming may be attributed to pH increase and depro- in the oil palm agroforestry systems suggest that the
tonation of O ­ H- at the exchange sites (negatively management practices adopted contributed to increas-
charged clay particles and organic matter), which ing the fertility of these soils relative to the forest,
facilitates cation exchange (Buni 2014; Fageria and whose soils are naturally acidic and poor in nutrients,
Nascente 2014). as typically found in the Amazon region. The soils of
Base saturation (BS) is an important soil chemi- the agroforestry systems retained adequate levels of
cal property that indicates the percentage of the soil nutrients for the cultivation of oil palm in this region,
exchange complex occupied by exchangeable base except P. Overall, our results suggest that when asso-
cations and is used as criteria for liming recom- ciated with the adoption of conservation practices, oil
mendation (Fageria and Baligar 2008). If most of palm growing in agroforestry systems can contrib-
the CEC is occupied by base cations such as C ­ a2+, ute to the maintenance of soil fertility in the eastern
2+ +
­Mg , and K ­ , such soil can sustain adequate plant Amazon.
nutrition. On the other hand, if a large part of the

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