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Project Charter Template

Project Name: Bundy Card system Deployment Project Prepared by: XXXXX Date: 09/10/2011 Initiation: BUNDY CARD SYSTEM INSTALLATION Project Manager : XXXXX Synopsis: The proposed Bundy Time and Attendance system will collect calculate and process all the employee information automatically into a format ready to be imported into your payroll. This will help the HR department reduce payroll processing hours. It will also help to minimize the human error which is In the manual system. It will also be a solution for a sizeable waiting time to sign the register for employees making us lose some valuable man power time. At the same time providing the ware houses better security around the clock. Purpose/Business Need: As a result of major growth in previous years the warehouse staff has grown from a couple of hundreds to nearly a thousand. Making it difficult to maintain proper records of the attendances and whereabouts of the employees. Also making it hard for the Payroll and HR department to maintain proper records of employee payroll. By implementing the system we can assure a safe environment for the warehouse and also we will be able to reduce the staff by reducing security guards circling the parameter. Product Description and Deliverables: The Bundy Card System will provide employees easy access to the premises ,will also provide HR and Payroll extended functionality in maintaining proper records of employees and accurate and faster payroll system. The system will be deployed in various stages that each will represent a milestone Hiring the new staff Software Engineers, Business Analyst, and phase 1 : Installation of the automatic door system Installation of the network system Installation of the proposed Bundy software system and the Hardware. Training the HR and the Payroll staff newly hired sw developers and the Business Analysis to access, maintain and control the system. Training of the security staff and the employees to handle and use the system. Project
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Project Management Institutes' Body of Knowledge will be used to manage the deployment
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of the BCS project. The Project Management Plan (PMP) will include the following elements: Project Charter Description of the Project Management (PM) approach Scope statement Work Breakdown Structure Cost estimates, start and finish dates, roles and responsibilities Performance measurements baselines for scope, schedule, and cost Major milestones and target dates for each Resources, effort, and related costs Risk Management Plan

Quality Management Plan Communications Management Plan Assumptions, Constraints, Risks:

Funding availability: Available budget is very limited, and will only support the tasks that are already planned if something unplanned comes up then will be very tight. Availability of skilled resources: Since the time limit of the project is very tight the company has to hire skilled people very urgently giving doubt to the ability of them, and not having very much time for them to master the system. Ability to finish on time: The whole project is dependent on the time line of the software system delivered , if the delivery gets late then there is a big possibility that the project might also will drag more than the specified date.


Human Resources: 1 Project Manager (project duration)plan, manage, control project (25%) 1 Project Administrator (project duration)facilitate project planning, execution, and communication (30%) 2 (+) IT Developer Maintain and change BCS according to needs. Specifications (100%) 1 BA Study the existing system and request additional functionality system maintenance) (100%) Payroll and HR staff Security Staff Material and Services Resources: Equipment: Hardware, Software Financial Resources: Labor: $******** Equipment: Hardware, Software: $*** Travel: $**** (BCS Meetings)

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1. Hire a BA with the relevant knowledge

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2. Hire the software engineers 3. Study and Document the existing system of employee attendance system by BA 4. Study the existing payroll system of the company 5. Lay out the networking and build the relevant entrance system to install the new product 6. Train the HR staff, Payroll staff and the software staff to handle the new system 7. Test the system parallel operating with the existing manual system. 8. On thorough testing , release the system to used by the employees. 8. Train the employees to use the new card system Communication and Reporting:

The communication will be handled through hierarchy, the messages from project sponsor will be distributed to the team through the Project Manager. And the messages from the sponsor to the clients and stakeholders will be communicated directly.

Acceptance: The scope of the BCS includes a tested, documented. Enhancements will be developed separately and not be included in this project. Once the basic functionality has been documented and approved by the company, its users and the Project Manager, changes will not be made to the scope without the written approval of the company head and the Group Project Manager.

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Suppliers Acceptance

All relevant documents such as Functional, Deployment and Business documents will be provided by the supplier. And the software system that is to be implemented will be provided. They will also provide with the necessary trainings and demonstrations of the system to the employees. All change requests will be documented, submitted to, and assessed by the Project Manager (PM) and Team Lead for impact and project necessity prior to PM approval. If change is approved, the project schedule, scope, and budget will be updated accordingly and communicated to appropriate stakeholders in accordance with the Communications Plan. The PM/project team will communicate the approved change and updated schedule to the staff responsible for implementing the change

Change Management:

Supplier Management

The supplier will be providing the software and also the relevant trainings to the users. He will do in-house trainings of one month duration. Also he will be providing the support and necessary enhancement as well. All the document relating to the training and functionality will be supplied by the supplier.

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