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Magical Elections July 2023 by Nina Gryphon

Magical Elections

July 2023
Nina Gryphon

This file was purchased by SORAYA AHMED on July 22, 2023
Magical Elections July 2023 by Nina Gryphon


Introduction 2 11 Moon on Alkaid | July 22

Before You Start 3 13 Sun in Leo | July 24 and 29

Mars on Regulus|July 9 5 15 Learn More: Magical Curses

Moon in 3rd Lunar Mansion|July 11 7 17 Additional Resources

Sun on Procyon|July 18 9


Regal Ascent
Success and growth in the material realm

Several of this month’s elections are directed at success, fame, and honors in the world, such as
Regulus and the Sun in Leo. The Moon in the 3rd Lunar Mansion brings all good things, primarily
material, to ease our journey through a world that is often demanding and uncomfortable. For this
election, be sure to review the notes on working with Lunar Mansions in Section 1, “Before You

The Procyon and Alkaid elections are strongly focused on protection, for travelers seeking to
ascend need all the help they can get in warding off bad luck or those with ill intent. In short, this
month’s Magical Elections has the toolkit that any aspiring climber of metaphorical mountains
needs while sojourning through our sublunar realm.


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Magical Elections July 2023 by Nina Gryphon


Before You Start

This section contains useful notes you should read before making talismans, especially if you
are new to Magical Elections.

Time and Place for Elections classical options are 1) stone/metal

talismans, which are said to hold their
All elections are set for Los Angeles,
astrological imprint forever; 2) paper
California, utilizing Placidus houses. You
talismans, which are effective for a few
can customize the chart for your location
weeks or months in my experience; 3)
by setting the chart for the same date and
petitions and prayers, which may still
time, but using your location. Then, you
feature incense suffumigation, colored
can click the chart forward or backward
candles, magical garb, and other ritual
until the relevant angle (Ascendant or
elements, but do not result in a physical
MC) matches the election. Note that the
talisman. All elections listed can always be
Moon will have moved and may be
used for prayers or petitions.
applying to a different planet in your
location, an important factor for success. It’s important to recognize that whatever
Be sure to read the election-specific type of magical method you use, the
guidance for relocating each election, as options differ only in the duration of their
well. effect, not the potency. A prayer during an
elected time can be just as powerful as an
Magical Recommendations engraved stone talisman. I have found that
Keep an eye out for this sidebar for each imbuing paper intended for talismanic use
election. It’s called Magical with an herb team made from appropriate
Recommendation, which is the type of planetary herbs makes the magical
material appropriate to a specific election. influence last longer than just plain paper.
In order of decreasing permanence, our If you really want a lifelong talismanic

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Magical Elections July 2023 by Nina Gryphon

companion, you will want stone or metal.

As with human or animal friends who’ll be
with you for a long time, choose your
permanent magical elections with care!
To stay informed about the release of
Lunar Mansions the next Magical Elections issue, you
Lunar Mansion talismans work a little differently have a few options.
than your typical fixed star or planetary
talismans. I recommend creating your Lunar 1. Join Patreon (,
Mansion talisman during the appropriate where I post Magical Elections on a monthly
basis. Even if you are not a Patron - highest
Magical Election, and then petitioning the spirit
level tier Patrons receive Magical Elections as
of the Lunar Mansion in future months
part of their subscription - you can see when
whenever the Moon transits this Mansion. It’s the latest issue has been posted, and purchase
helpful to suffumigate your talisman with incense it on my site as described in #5.
each time as you state your request. Working 2. Social Media: Subscribe/follow me on
with the Lunar Mansion monthly develops an Youtube (,
ongoing relationship with the Mansion. Instagram (@ninagryphon), Twitter
(@GryphAstrology), and Facebook (Nina
Picatrix advises to write the name of the Lunar Gryphon). I post mini-articles about
Mansion spirit and your request on your astrology and astrological magic on social
talisman. The talismans for good relationships media so you can learn more about these
ancient arts.
should have the writing on the chest of the
image, while talismans for honor, glory, and 3. Podcast: Listen to my monthly podcast on
Youtube, your favorite podcasting app (audio
status should have the writing on the head of the
only), or visit
4. Newsletter: Sign up for my monthly
newsletter at
5. Visit Bookmark this
link, or in the menu, go to Magical Elections,
and then choose this month’s issue.


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Magical Elections July 2023 by Nina Gryphon


Mars on Regulus
Honors, Favor, Vitality, Stops Melancholy

Regulus is the most royal star among the fixed

stars, as it is the heart of the Celestial Lion. KEY
Astrologically, the heart is ruled by the Sun, as
is the lion, so Regulus is the most royal part of • Date and Time: July 9, 9:13 a.m.—9:19
the royal constellation. Due to precession, a.m. PDT.
Regulus has moved to 0 Virgo, and out of the • Uses: Stops melancholic humor (cold/
sign of Leo. Regulus is among the most powerful dry), grants favor/honors, strengthens
fixed stars because of its brightness and position health/vitality, lessens wrath.

near the ecliptic. • Image: A cat, lion, or a nobleman sitting

in a chair. The glyph below:
In this election, Mars in Leo conjoins Regulus
on the Ascendant. The Moon is in Aries in the
8th house, applying to square the Sun in Cancer,
with powerful mutual reception. Mars is bonified
(strengthened) with a conjunction of Venus.
The one challenge with this election is that • Suffumigation: Mugwort, Celandine.
Saturn is angular in the 7th house, but this • Color: None given.
placement may be appropriate and favorable to • Materials: Garnet, moonstone (Lunar).
the talisman user if using the talisman to attain
• Spirit: None given.
victory over adversaries, who are ruled by the
• Magical Recommendation: Metal/
7th house and therefore harmed by Saturn’s
stone, paper, or a petition/prayer.
presence in their house.

To relocate this election, ensure that Mars

conjoins Regulus and is on the Ascendant
within one degree.

This file was purchased by SORAYA AHMED on July 22, 2023
Magical Elections July 2023 by Nina Gryphon


This file was purchased by SORAYA AHMED on July 22, 2023
Magical Elections July 2023 by Nina Gryphon


3rd Lunar Mansion

All Good Things, Safe Travel, Hunting, Alchemy

The 3rd Lunar Mansion is called al-

Thurayya, the “Many Little Ones,” a name
for the Pleiades. Today, this Mansion lies
between 25°43’ Aries and 8°33' Taurus. • Date and Time: July 11, 12:58 a.m.—
The 3rd Mansion is highly positive, 1:25 a.m. PDT.
constructive, and brings abundance, • Uses: All good things, safe travel,
especially material “all good things,” hunting, success in alchemy and works of
according to Picatrix. In addition, it is said fire.
to protect travelers, give success in • Image: A seated woman with her right
hunting, and assist in workings of alchemy hand raised above her head.
and fire. • Suffumigation: Musk, camphor, mastic,
aromatic oils.
In this election, the Moon is in the 3rd
• Color: Vermilion-red (not traditional).
Lunar Mansion on the Ascendant. She is
also in her exaltation and applies to • Materials: No materials specified.
conjoin Jupiter, whom she receives. A • Spirit: Amixiel/Annuncia.
conjunction to Jupiter is a particularly • Magical Recommendation: Metal/
fertile aspect for the Moon, bringing the stone, paper, or a petition/prayer.
abundance of all good things. The ruler of
the Ascendant is Venus, who is on the
royal star Regulus.

To relocate this election, ensure that the

Moon is within the 3rd Lunar Mansion and
closely conjoins the Ascendant. Ideally, the
Moon should be in Taurus, where she is

This file was purchased by SORAYA AHMED on July 22, 2023
Magical Elections July 2023 by Nina Gryphon

exalted. Taurus, not Aries, should be rising

to avoid afflicted Mars as ruler of the


This file was purchased by SORAYA AHMED on July 22, 2023
Magical Elections July 2023 by Nina Gryphon


Sun on Procyon
Protection, Help from Spirits, Balances Body

The Sun is on Procyon in this election, the

star that marks the throat of the Little KEY
Celestial Dog. Procyon’s current longitude
• Date and Time: July 18, 12:59 p.m.—
is 26 Cancer, and true to its doglike nature,
1:03 p.m. PDT.
it is said to have the attributes of Mercury
• Uses: Protection, help from powerful
and Mars. Magically, Procyon is said to give
people, gods, or spirits. Preserves good
favors from spirits as well as people, and health and balances the humors.
grant the talisman wearer magical powers,
• Image: Rooster or three little girls. The
in addition to preserving good health and
below glyph:
balancing the four humors of the body.

The election has the Sun exactly on the

Midheaven on Procyon. The ruler of the
Ascendant is Venus, who is in Leo on
Regulus, conjoining the 11th house cusp.
• Suffumigation: Heliotrope.
The Moon in Leo is well-placed in the
• Color: Yellow, gold, scarlet, purple.
10th house, applying to square Jupiter in
Taurus, whom she also receives into her • Materials: Agate.
exaltation. • Spirit: None given.
• Magical Recommendation: Metal/stone,
To relocate this chart, ensure that the Sun
paper, or a petition/prayer.
conjoins Procyon and the Midheaven
within one degree. The Moon should not
be placed earlier than 4 degrees of Leo, as it
will then be combust or damaged by


This file was purchased by SORAYA AHMED on July 22, 2023
Magical Elections July 2023 by Nina Gryphon

proximity to the Sun.

This file was purchased by SORAYA AHMED on July 22, 2023
Magical Elections July 2023 by Nina Gryphon


Moon on Alkaid
Protection for Travel, Against Crime, and Enchantments

The Moon conjoins the fixed star Alkaid,

which marks the tail of the Bear KEY
constellation, at 27 Virgo. It is said to be of
the nature of Venus and Moon, perhaps • Date and Time: July 22, 4:37 p.m.—4:42
due to the Bear’s strong maternal p.m. PDT.
symbolism, and her role as a powerful • Uses: Protection while traveling, defense
protector of her young. This talisman, too, against enchantments, and against
has protective effects across a wide variety criminals and poisoning. Helpful to
of activities, including protection while hunters.

traveling, protection from magical • Image: A bull, a calf, or a pensive man.

enchantments, and defense against The below glyph:
criminals, such as robbers.

The election has the Moon on Alkaid, and

conjoins the Midheaven. The Moon
applies to sextile the Sun, and she receives
the Sun, strengthening the relationship. • Suffumigation: Chicory.
Jupiter rules the Ascendant, and he is • Color: White, silver, light green.
placed in the auspicious 5th house. • Materials: Moonstone, silver, lodestone.

To relocate this chart, ensure that the • Spirit: None given.

Moon conjoins Alkaid and the Midheaven. • Magical Recommendation: Metal/stone,

Depending on your location, the Moon paper, or a petition/prayer.
could be on the Ascendant, so long as it


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Magical Elections July 2023 by Nina Gryphon

conjoins Alkaid.

This file was purchased by SORAYA AHMED on July 22, 2023
Magical Elections July 2023 by Nina Gryphon


Sun in Leo
Fame, Favor, Advancement, Vitality

The Sun arrives in his domicile, giving us the

opportunity to gain fame, favor from powerful
people, and career advancement. Solar
talismans can also enhance vitality, and • Date and Time: July 24, 6:00 a.m.—6:22
mental and physical well-being. a.m.; July 29, 5:42 a.m.—6:31 a.m. PDT.
• Uses: Fame, favor from authorities,
The July 24 election has the Sun in Leo
career advancement, victory, personal
conjoining and ruling the Ascendant. The vitality.
Moon is in Libra, applying to the 4th house
• Image: A man standing as though he
cusp, applying sextile Mercury. To relocate were saluting; in his left hand he holds a
this chart, ensure that the Sun conjoins the round shield, and under his feet is a
Midheaven and that Leo is on the Ascendant. dragon. The below glyph:
The Moon should be in Libra, applying to
sextile Mercury.

The July 29 election also has the Sun

conjunct and ruling the Ascendant. The
Moon is in Sagittarius applies to trine Venus
• Suffumigation: Citrus, saffron, laurel,
retrograde in Leo. To relocate the chart, the
amber, ginger, marigold.
Sun should conjoin the Ascendant in Leo,
• Color: Gold, yellow, scarlet
and the Moon should apply to trine Venus
and be located no earlier than 16 Sagittarius • Materials: Gold, diamond, ruby,
to avoid the separating square from Mars. This chrysolite.

election may be best in paper or as a petition/ • Spirit: Michael, Nakhiel, Sorath.

prayer, due to the retrograde motion of Venus. • Magical Recommendation: Metal/stone,
paper, or a petition/prayer.


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Magical Elections July 2023 by Nina Gryphon

July 24, 2023

July 29, 2023

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Magical Elections July 2023 by Nina Gryphon


Learn More
Lessons in Astrological Magic. A list of earlier lessons available for purchase at

Magical Curses. them. Yet, there is always an opportunity to

transform a problematic situation
It is said that our every action, conscious or
creatively. We may not be able to change
subconscious, has a myriad of results, the
someone who wishes us ill, but evil intent
vast majority of which we will never know
can be neutralized and given a positive
or even anticipate. Yet, at least according
outcome, provided the magician has a little
to the Vedic texts, we will continue to
pragmatic imagination.
return to earth until we have paid all of our
debts to the full. This is one reason why I Causing others harm also tends to diminish
advise magicians against placing magical the magician’s magical ability, sometimes
curses; if a talented magician harms rapidly and other times more gradually.
another through their magic, it tends to The particularly sad effect is that the more
harm the magician as much if not more power the magician loses, the more
than the target. The harm to the powerless they feel and often they lash out
magician’s own spirit may not be with yet more malefic curses.
immediately material or quantifiable, but it
is real, and those of us in the magical field The reason for this diminishment is
have encountered the sad results of unknown. Perhaps continued access to
magicians who for years operated with evil higher realms that a magician attains
intent. depends on a certain amount of pure intent
and goodwill. Conversing with gods is not
There is something in the human brain possible if one is not sufficiently purified,
that cries out for revenge, which is the according to the ancient writers, and doing
usual reason for magicians desiring to harmful magic hides the spiritual light to
unleash curses on those who wronged which all people are naturally heirs.

This file was purchased by SORAYA AHMED on July 22, 2023
Magical Elections July 2023 by Nina Gryphon


Additional Resources
Most of the recommended books are available via Amazon or my page on

Astrological Magic Textbook: I strongly your location at the top of the page to get
recommend the 2019 English translation of accurate times and dates for you). I cannot
the Picatrix by a couple of classics scholars, say enough good things about the Lunar
Drs. Attrell and Porreca, which you can Mansions; they are sometimes forgotten in
purchase here. Written by a 10th century favor of the more flashy planetary rituals
hadith scholar named al-Qurtubi, known as beloved by old magical authors, but certain
a “man of charms and talismans” in Muslim Mansions are extremely effective for
Spain, Picatrix is the pre-eminent text that improving one’s life over the longer term.
combines magical astrological theory, It’s important to work with a given
recipes, and avuncular advice. Until now, Mansion regularly, developing an ongoing
we have not had a scholarly English relationship with the Mansion spirits.
translation with a proper introduction,
footnotes, and nice formatting (hardcover). Planetary Rulerships: The best and best-

Picatrix is a must-have if you want to learn sourced concordance of astrological

to do classical, full-bore astrological magic. rulerships is Lee Lehman’s The Book of

The translation is clear and easy to Rulerships, which can be purchased here. If

understand for modern readers, and the you want to know what planet rules that

introduction is extremely helpful in frankincense you’ve got on hand, you can

providing context for this legendary book. find it in the alphabetized index and find
that the best authors consider frankincense
Lunar Mansions: features a solar, for instance.
free monthly Universal Lunar Calendar
that includes the start and end time/date of Fixed Stars: The best and best-sourced

each lunar mansion (remember to update concordance for the fixed stars is Diana K.

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Magical Elections July 2023 by Nina Gryphon

Rosenberg’s Secrets of the Ancient Skies. Graeco-Egyptian Magic dovetails neatly

Published shortly before the author’s death with the astrological magic we use today.
in 2012, this two-volume work is a lifetime Skinner’s book details the theory of Greco-
project that seeks to link the ancient Egyptian magic, including preliminary
mythology of the stars and constellations procedures, protection for the magician,
with events on earth. The set went out of spoken words, sacrifices and offerings,
print immediately after publication, but herbs, plants, and incenses, and equipment.
can be purchased on eBay and possibly The main part of the book details essential
other second-hand book sources. magical techniques, including specific
objectives, scrying and dreams, dealing
Decans: A scholarly and thorough with the gods, daimones, and the dead.
discussion of the decans and their uses in
astrology and magic comprises Chapter 6 of Astrological Magic: It’s possible that The
Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum’s magisterial Celestial Art collection of essays about
book and Ph.D. thesis, The Daimon in astrological magic is the first ever
Hellenistic Astrology. As an academic book collection on this topic in written history.
offered by the venerable Brill publishing It provides a valuable glimpse into the work
house, this title is quite expensive, but can of contemporary astrological magicians and
often be borrowed via interlibrary loan researchers. As with all collections, the
through the public library. reader will undoubtedly find a personal
favorite essay or two. Particular standouts
Magical Fonts: For fixed star glyphs, I use are “The Planetary Magic among the
the versatile Physis font by designer Hugh Harranian Sabians,” Dr. Ben Dykes’s essay
Tran, available for purchase here. featuring his translation of a medieval text;
Austin Coppock’s “A Feast of Starlight;”
Elements of Ancient Magical Practices:
and Dr. Lee Lehman’s “The Conjunction of
The Talmud says “Ten measures of magic
Electional Astrology and Magic.”
came into the world. Egypt received nine of
these, the rest of the world, one measure.” Orphic Hymns are the recitations
Thanks to the ongoing translation efforts of composed for Hellenistic mystery rituals of
the Greek Magical Papyri, we know a great 2000 years ago, addressing the various gods.
deal more about Greco-Egyptian magic of If you like an 18th century, more fanciful
2000 years ago than ever before. Stephen rendition, you will want the translations by
Skinner’s comprehensive Techniques of Thomas Taylor, which have the advantage


This file was purchased by SORAYA AHMED on July 22, 2023
Magical Elections July 2023 by Nina Gryphon

of being freely available on the Internet. A fact that each of the seven days of the week
more accurate and modern translation was is ruled by one of the seven classical
made by Professor Athanassakis, Chair in planets. Not all know, however, that each
Hellenic Studies at UC, Santa Barbara. I of the days is further subdivided into 24
use this later version, but either will be planetary hours. Knowing this system is
effective for ritual purposes. highly empowering for magicians, as it
gives us a way to access specific planetary
Philosophy of Magic: The Syrian Platonist energies without relying on an elected
Iamblichus (3rd/4th c. CE) is the author of chart. For instance, we can petition Jupiter
On the Mysteries, a philosophical treatise for increased wealth every Thursday just
addressing many questions about magic, the after sunrise, as he rules that planetary hour
gods, and daemons. The Platonic tradition every Thursday (Jupiter’s day). We can also
views the role of magic as the highest use planetary hours to elect activities other
manifestation of the presence of the One than magical rituals, such as approaching
that comes down to humanity through the the person of our dreams on a Venus day
chains composed of gods, daemons, heroes, during a Venus hour. For those unfamiliar
and the links of sunthemata, planetary with planetary hours, I wrote an
symbols that manifest divine energies on explanatory article, and recommend the
earth. The book was a major influence on Time Nomad app and planetary hour
Agrippa, author of the Three Books of widget, Hours smartphone app or
Occult Philosophy, as well as Renaissance for easy reference.
occultist Platonists, notably Marsilio
Ficino. On the Mysteries was translated into History of Astrological Magic: Influences
English by the brilliant 18th c. philosopher by Mary Quinlan-McGrath. A tour de force
and linguist, Thomas Taylor, whose version explanation by an art professor of the
is considered the most beautiful and medieval and Renaissance theory of magic
intuitive. Fortunately, Taylor’s translation and astrological talismans, followed by an
is available free online. For those wanting a extensive exploration of talismanic powers
physical book, a handsome edition is of famous artworks and buildings. These
available as volume XVII in the Thomas include the Dome of St. Peter in Rome, as
Taylor series by the Prometheus Trust. well as several well-known architectural
masterworks elected and decorated with
Planetary Days and Hours: Astrological astrological talismanic elements. This book
magicians are undoubtedly aware of the is highly valuable for its modern-day

This file was purchased by SORAYA AHMED on July 22, 2023
Magical Elections July 2023 by Nina Gryphon

explanation of the traditional theory of paid software front, I rely on Solar Fire and
magic and optics, and is a useful starting Janus.
point for anyone wanting a preview before
diving into primary sources such as Al- Planetary Chants and Mantras: Yoga of
Kindi and Marsilio Ficino. The historical the Planets by Andrew Foss, Ph.D. In the
insights and often bizarre stories of Vedic tradition, the planets each have (at
Renaissance uses of talismanic magic in least) 108 attributes or names each. One of
architectural settings makes for fascinating the traditional remedial measures is to
and entertaining reading, as well as chant these Sanskrit names whenever we
providing great ideas for one’s own magic. wish to appease or enhance that planet’s
energy in our lives. For example, name #49
Practice, History, and Philosophy of for Saturn is “om avidyamulanasaya
Astrological Magic: Three Books on Life namah,” which translates to “salutations to
(Da Vita) by Marsilio Ficino, the the one who destroys the very root of
Renaissance translator, philosopher, ignorance.” The author provides a system
astrological magician, and physician. Long for choosing the mantra that belongs to
out of print, Da Vita has now been reissued your particular natal planetary placement,
in affordable paperback. Ficino describes but it is just as traditional, and perhaps
the use of planetary elixirs to maintain more complete, to recite the full set of 108
vitality and expel the melancholy humor, names for the planet either daily, or at least
describes his thoughts on astrological magic weekly, on that planet’s day.
from a Neoplatonic perspective, and Recommended to enrich your planetary
provides an intriguing summary of some of rituals.
the magical images in the Picatrix. This is
one of the recommended books in my
Astrological Magic course.

Astrological Software: There are many

free options for new astrologers—I
recommend the free chart options on as well as the impressive and
ever-growing range of features on astro- I also use and recommend the
free software Morinus and Valens. On the


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