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Effects of a Plyometric Training Program With and Without Added Load on

Jumping Ability in Basketball Players

Article in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research · November 2010

DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e3181e37fbe


103 7,067

7 authors, including:

Riadh Khlifa Ridha Aouadi

Institut Supérieur du Sport et de l’Education Physique de Ksar-Said Northern Borders University


Souhail Hermassi Mohamed Souhaiel Chelly

Qatar University High Institute of Sport and Physical Education of Ksar-Said


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Research Unit ‘‘Evaluation and Analysis of Factors Influencing Sport Performance, Higher Institute of Sport and Physical
Education of Ksar Said, Tunis, Tunisia; 2Higher Institute of Sport and Physical Education of Ksar Said, Tunis, Tunisia; and
Degree in Sports Science and Sports, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rome ‘‘Tor Vergata’’, Rome, Italy


Khlifa, R, Aouadi, R, Hermassi, S, Chelly, MS, Jlid, MC, asketball is a multifaceted team sport that requires
Hbacha, H, and Castagna, C. Effects of a plyometric training a well-developed anaerobic fitness to be played
program with and without added load on jumping ability in successfully (25).
basketball players. J Strength Cond Res 24(11): 2955–2961, Many authors have suggested that explosive
power in the form of vertical and horizontal jumps is an
2010—The purpose of this investigation was to examine the
important characteristic for elite basketball players (16,21,34).
effect of a standard plyometric training protocol with or
Furthermore, vertical jump (VJ) ability has been reported to
without added load in improving vertical jumping ability in male
be related to elite college-players’ playing time (17).
basketball players. Twenty-seven players were randomly This belief was shown to be shared by the National
assigned to 3 groups: a control group (no plyometric training), Basketball Association strength and conditioning coaches
plyometric training group (PG), and loaded plyometric group who reported an extensive use of plyometric exercises to
(LPG, weighted vests 10–11% body mass). Before and after improve explosive-power performance in elite-level pro-
the 10-week training program, all the players were tested for fessional basketball players (17,30).
the 5-jump test (5JT), the squat jump (SJ), and the Plyometric training has been proposed for the develop-
countermovement jump (CMJ). The PG and LPG groups ment of explosive-power performance and specifically for
performed 2 and 3 training sessions per week, during the first the improvement of VJ ability (2,23). However, only few
3 and the last 7 weeks, respectively. The results showed that papers addressed the use of plyometric protocols on
SJ, CMJ, and 5JT were significantly improved only in the PG
explosive-power performance in men’s basketball (24,26).
Furthermore, the published papers only addressed young
and LPG groups. The best effects for jumps were observed
basketball players selectively using drop jumps as
in LPG (p , 0.01), which showed significantly higher gains
training exercises (24,26). Additionally, no information
than the PG (p , 0.05). In conclusion, it appears that loads was provided regarding the effect of plyometric training on
added to standard plyometric training program may result in horizontal-jump performance, an ability that has been
greater vertical and horizontal-jump performances in basketball associated with running acceleration performance in
players. team sports (9).
Luebbers et al. (22) showed that a short-term plyometric
KEY WORDS team sports, 5-jump test, performance, fitness
training protocol resulted in significant enhancements in
training, stretch-shortening cycle, power
VJ performance in physically active college-aged men.
Recently, the Luebbers et al. (22) protocol was reported to
positively affect VJ performance in well-trained soccer
players (19). However, to the best of this study authors’
knowledge, no information is available on the effect of this
popular plyometric training protocol in well-trained
basketball players.
Address correspondence to Carlo Castagna, Recently, weighted-vest jumping has shown to acutely
24(11)/2955–2961 enhance jump performance in athletic populations (8,32).
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research However, no training studies were conducted to test the
Ó 2010 National Strength and Conditioning Association added effect of weighted plyometric exercises on jump

VOLUME 24 | NUMBER 11 | NOVEMBER 2010 | 2955

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plyometric Training in Basketball

Figure 1. Weighted vests (special vests containing weights) worn by the subjects of the loaded plyometric group .

performance (i.e., vertical and horizontal) in basketball As a result of the above reasoning, the aims of this study
players (34). Information in this regard may result in interest were to examine (a) the effect of a popular short-term
in optimizing training prescription to strength conditioning plyometric training (22) on vertical and horizontal-jump
professionals that deal with basketball (34). performances in experienced basketball players; and (b) the
possible additive effect of weighted vests on jump perfor-
mance provided in the Luebbert et al. (22) protocol.
As a working hypothesis, it was assumed that loaded
plyometrics would add benefit to unloaded training in
TABLE 1. Ten-week plyometric training modified from basketball players (19).
Luebbers et al. (22).*

Exercise 1 2 3 4–10 METHODS

Vertical jumping 15 (10) 20 (10) 25 (10) 25 (10) Experimental Approach to the Problem
Bounding 3 (10) 4 (10) 5 (10) 5 (10) Recently, Ziv and Lidor (34) suggested the use of plyometrics
Broad jumping 5 (8) 5 (10) 7 (10) 8 (10) to develop jump ability in basketball players. In this study, the
Drop jump 3 (5) 5 (9) 6 (15) 6 (15) development of jumping ability in basketball players was
*Number of sets (number of repetitions). achieved using the plyometric training protocol provided
by Luebbers et al. (22) (Table 1). This protocol involves a
periodized use of vertical and horizontal jumps that proved
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TABLE 2. Players’ age and anthropometric characteristics.*†



Age (y) 24.16 6 0.19 23.57 6 0.34 23.11 6 0.32

Body weight (kg) 82.61 6 0.79 81.72 6 0.50 83.13 6 0.70
Stature (cm) 192.58 6 0.86 191.73 6 0.52 193.18 6 0.77

*CG = control group; PG = plyometric training group; LPG = loaded plyometric group.
†Mean 6 SEM.

to increase vertical (i.e., VJs) and horizontal (i.e., short sprints the training intervention, all players did not participate in any
and broad jumps) explosive power in healthy individuals other exercise activity other than basketball training and
(19,22). refrained from strength training. Basketball training at the
To examine the additive effect of loaded plyometrics on time of the investigation consisted mainly of individual and
jump performance, a randomly selected group of players team skills development and was implemented in the form of
performed the Luebbers et al. (22) protocol using weighted daily sessions 6 times a week (;90 minutes). A competitive
vests of 10–11% of body mass (3,6,11,15) (see Figure 1). The game was played during each weekend. Written informed
training-intervention duration considered in this study was consent for all players involved in this investigation was
of 10 weeks according to the typical preseason strength and obtained before the commencement of the study. The study
conditioning programs usually adopted by elite-level was reviewed and approved by the Committee on Research
basketball teams (30). Furthermore, longer and less aggressive for the Medical Sciences of the University of Tunis before all
plyometric protocols showed to provide immediate post- the procedures began.
training-intervention improvements in explosive-power per-
formance (22). Procedures
To examine the possible time per treatment effects on Players’ body mass was measured to the nearest 0.1 kg using
jumping performance of plyometric training (22) in male an electronic scale (Seca, Hamburg, Germany). Standing
basketball players, a randomized controlled design was heights were measured using a wall stadiometer (Model
used. Training outcomes were assumed as VJ height (4) and GPM, Seritex, Inc, Carlstadt, NJ, USA). All measurements
distance achieved during 5 horizontal jumps (5JTs) (9). were recorded by the same well-trained examiner, using
Vertical- and horizontal-jump performances have been standard protocols. After familiarization with the testing
reported to be relevant performance variables in basketball procedures undertaken during plyometric training, each
(14,17,24,26,30,34). player was instructed and verbally encouraged to give
a maximal effort during all tests. Measurements were taken
Subjects before and 48 hours after completing the 10-week training-
Twenty-seven elite male basketball players (Tunisian First study program. The outcome measurements were taken by
Professional Division; mean: 23.61 6 0.96 years) who trained assessors who were blind to group allocation and who had no
12–15 hwk21 participated in this study. Players’ anthropo- involvement in the recruitment, the randomization, and the
metric characteristics (n = 27) are presented in Table 2. training of participants.
Players were randomly assigned to 2 experimental groups Basketball players completed the jump test sessions after
and 1 control group (CG; n = 9 each). The experimental a 10-minute warm-up consisting of low-intensity running,
groups performed the plyometric training either with striding, and 5 minutes of coordination movements. Thereafter,
plyometric (loaded plyometric group [LPG]) or without a 5-minute specific warm-up was performed using exercises
plyometric (PG) loads. The CG did not perform any other mimicking and priming test movements. Three minutes of
training intervention than basketball skill development recovery separated the warm-up from the tests.
during the period of the investigation. At the time of the Vertical jump performance was assessed using squat (SJ)
study, players possessed 12.4 6 3.50 years of basketball and countermovement (CMJ) jumps according to the
experience. The training intervention took place at the procedures suggested by Bosco et al. (4). Jumping height
beginning of the training season as precompetitive prepara- was assessed using an infrared photocell mat connected to a
tion. All players were not involved in any specific training digital computer (Optojump System, Microgate SARL,
session but were active during the preceding 4 weeks. During Bolzano, Italy). All VJs were performed with hands held on

VOLUME 24 | NUMBER 11 | NOVEMBER 2010 | 2957

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plyometric Training in Basketball

TABLE 3. Mean 6 SEMs of SJ (cm), CMJ (cm), and 5JT (m) tests before and after plyometric training with and without
added load, for the 3 groups (n = 9 each).*

Variable Test CG LPG PG

SJ Pre 38.61 6 1.12 37.81 6 1.24 38.08 6 1.05

Post 38.87 6 1.13 41.54 6 1.00†‡ 40.28 6 0.92†‡
CMJ Pre 45.20 6 1.25 43.69 6 1.46 44.10 6 1.22
Post 46.02 6 1.53 49.03 6 1.14†‡ 47.20 6 1.07†‡
CMJ–SJ Pre 6.59 6 0.71 5.88 6 0.63 5.04 6 0.80
Post 7.16 6 1.14 7.49 6 0.75† 8.01 6 0.96†
5JT Pre 12.14 6 0.21 12.07 6 0.12 11.69 6 0.19
Post 12.34 6 0.24 12.97 6 0.16†‡ 12.35 6 0.21†‡
*SJ = squat jump; CMJ = countermovement jump; 5JT = 5-jump test; CG = control group; PG = plyometric training group; LPG =
loaded plyometric group.
†Significant difference from pretest to posttest within group at p , 0.01.
‡Significant difference between CG compared to PG or to LPG at p , 0.01.

TABLE 4. Mean values of the difference in magnitudes of vertical jump (SJ and CMJ) and the 5JT performances before and
after plyometric training period with and without added load in the 3 experimental groups (n = 9 for each group).*

Post-SJ 2 pre-SJ (cm) Gain (%) Post-CMJ 2 pre-CMJ(cm) Gain (%) Post-5JT 2 pre-5JT (m) Gain (%)

CG 0.26 6 0.20 0.7 0.82 6 0.40 1.8 0.20 6 0.14 1.6

PG 2.20 6 0.31 5.8 3.10 6 0.42 7 0.66 6 0.14 5.6
LPG 3.73 6 0.35† 9.9 5.34 6 0.55†‡ 12.2 0.91 6 0.10 7.5

*SJ = squat jump; CMJ = countermovement jump; 5JT = 5-jump test; LPG = loaded plyometric training program; CG = control
group; PG = plyometric training group; post = posttest; pre = pretest.
†Significant difference between LPG and PG at p , 0.001.
‡Significant difference between the CMJ and SJ gains p , 0.05 in PG and LPG groups.

the hips and attaining 90° knee flexion at the start of their feet on landing. The starting position was settled on
the push-off phase. Players performed 3 trials of each jump, a fixed point.
and the best of each jump mode was considered for analysis. All subjects were tested before and at the completion of the
According to Bosco et al. (4,5), muscle elastic recoil 10-weeks’ training period. Familiarization with the procedure
was assessed using the CMJ–SJ difference. employed in this study took place during the 2 weeks
The 5JT consists of 5 consecutive strides with joined feet preceding the training study. Training was completed twice
position at the start and end of the jumps (9). From the a week during the first 3 weeks and 3 times a week for the last
starting joined feet position, the participant was not 7 weeks (ca. 90 minutes per training session). Recovery times
allowed to perform any back step with any foot; rather, between repetitions and sets were 15–40 seconds and 2–3
he had to directly jump to the front with a leg of his choice. minutes, respectively. To favor training supervision, each
After the first 4 strides, that is, alternating left and right feet group was in charge of a professional strength and
2 times each, the player had to perform the last stride and conditioning coach.
finish the test with joined feet again. If ever the player fell
back at the reception of the last stride, the test was
reperformed. The 5JT performance was measured with Statistical Analyses
a tape ruler from the front edge of the player’s feet at the Mean, SDs, and SEM s (SEM = SD/n1/2) were calculated for
starting position to the rear edge of the feet at the final all the dependent variables. Values are expressed as mean 6
position. The assessor at landing had to focus on the last SEMs. Percentage differences were calculated using the
stride of the player to exactly determine the last footprint formula ([post 2 pre]/pre 3 100). The magnitude effect that
on the grass, because the players could not always stay on represents the difference between means of the dependent
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variables was calculated using the formula: magnitude = players (34). Comparison with published papers showed
postmean 2 premean. that in this study, CMJ and SJ performances were within
Pre to postcomparisons were performed using 2-way the range of those reported for male elite level basketball
analysis of variance designs. If statistically significant F-values players (i.e., 40.1 6 4–43.9 6 4.0 and 39.8 6 3.7–41.5 6 3.0 cm,
were detected, a Newman–Keuls post hoc test was used. respectively) (1,13). This supports the external validity of this
Statistical significance was fixed at the p # 0.05 level. The study research design (31).
dependent variables were SJ, CMJ, and 5JT performance. Longitudinal observational studies that addressed the VJ
The intraclass correlation coefficient for the variables used performance as a consequence of participation in men’s
as training outcome ranged from 0.89 to 0.96 (33). Before basketball training and competitions showed conflicting
the commencement of the training intervention, a pilot results (17,18). Hunter et al. (18) reported no VJ variation
study was performed to develop power calculations to in college basketball players observed during 4 competitive
guide in sample-size determination. This suggested a min- seasons. In another study (17), a 4.6-cm increase of VJ
imum of 6 subjects per group allocation for a power of performance in varsity players from freshman to senior years
0.80 (10). was reported (i.e., 4 seasons). This study’s findings showed
that the short-term plyometric protocol (i.e., 10 weeks)
RESULTS used induced absolute improvement in VJ expected as a
consequence of long-term basketball training and com-
Pre to posttraining effects on performance variables are petitions (17). Given the supposed importance of plyomet-
reported in Table 3. After 10-week training, only the PG and ric training (34) in basketball, this study’s findings support
LPG significantly improved their VJ performance (SJ and the use of the Leubbers et al. (22) protocol with male
CMJ, p , 0.05). The SJ performance was significantly basketball players.
improved by 5.8 and 9.9% (i.e., 3.73 and 2.2 cm), in PG and Similarly to other studies, plyometric training showed to be
LPG, respectively (p , 0.05). effective in improving VJ performance in a jump-accustomed
The CMJ performance was significantly (p , 0.05) population of basketball players (24,26). Specifically, the
enhanced by 12.2 and 7% (i.e., 5.34 and 3.1 cm), in LPG magnitude of the improvements experienced by the PG was
and PG, respectively (Table 4). Performance gains in SJ and within the range of those reported in the international
CMJ were significantly higher in PLG compared with in PG scientific literature in the athletic population (i.e., 4.7–8.9%)
(p , 0.05). The CMJ–SJ value significantly improved in LPG (23). Interestingly, the loaded plyometric training showed to
and PG (Table 3) by 27.4 and 59%, respectively (p , 0.01). produce VJ improvements that exceeded the upper end of
Improvements in 5JT performance were significantly the improvements range (i.e., 10–12%) reported by Markovic
greater in the LPG than in PG (p , 0.05, Table 3). The et al. (23).
magnitudes of improvements for the 5JT performance were However, this study’s findings showed the likelihood of a
5.6% (i.e., 66 cm) and 7.5% (i.e., 91 cm) for PG and LPG, dose–response effect of plyometric training on VJ perfor-
respectively (p , 0.001). No significant changes were mance. Indeed, by wearing weighted vests, players were able
observed for the CG in any of the considered performance to show further improvements in jumping performance. This
variables (Table 4). extended the descriptive studies by Burkett et al. (8) and
Thompsen et al. (32) that showed acute enhancements of
DISCUSSION VJ performance in subjects wearing weighted vests during
The main finding of this study was the improvement of either warm-up.
vertical- and horizontal-jump performance in basketball In the Burkett et al. (8) study, the use of added loads similar
players as a consequence of a multipurpose plyometric to those in this investigation (i.e., 10% body mass) has shown
training intervention (i.e., vertical- and horizontal-jump a significant 2.7% improvement on VJ performance in college
exercises) (22). This loaded (i.e., 10–11% of body mass) football players. This acute VJ improvement was remarkably
plyometric training showed to provide a further advantage lower than the training response found with this study inter-
over the standard (i.e., body mass) condition (22). This vention (i.e., 10–12% improvement). Interestingly, the acute
confirmed our work hypothesis giving evidence that loads effect of weighted movements seems to be magnified by the
(i.e., ca. 10% of body mass) added to dynamic exercise may use of body mass increments in the range of 2% (12). As
provide training besides acute benefits over explosive-power a consequence of this and other study findings, it could be
performance (8,32). speculated that the progressive use of added loads during the
Vertical jump is a frequent act performed by basketball training session may prime (i.e., acute effects) and develop VJ
players as part of defensive (e.g., blocking, rebounding, and performance in team-sport players (8,12,32). Training studies
stealing) and offensive (e.g., passing, rebounding, and investigating this interesting issue are warranted to provide
shooting) maneuvers during training and competition (34). evidence.
A number of observational studies have been performed to The chronic wearing (i.e., morning to evening) of weighted
gain information on the VJ performance of basketball vests (i.e., ;11% body mass) has been reported to sort

VOLUME 24 | NUMBER 11 | NOVEMBER 2010 | 2959

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plyometric Training in Basketball

a positive effect on explosive-power performance in well- In this study, the training interventions showed to
trained track and field athletes after a 3-week intervention positively affect the ability to store and successively use
(3,7). In a noncontrolled training study, the hypergravita- elastic energy in the muscle (i.e., CMJ) in the experimental
tional condition induced improvements in VJ performance groups. However, the documented improvement resulted
quite higher than those achieved by the basketball players of independently from jumping training mode (i.e., loaded vs.
this study (24 vs. 5–12% improvement, respectively) (5). unloaded jump training).
However, improvements within the range of this study The 5JT was used to detect improvements in the use of
findings (i.e., 5–10% p , 0.05) were reported by Bosco et al. the slow stretch-shortening cycle as a result of the plyo-
(4) in international-level jumpers and throwers that experi- metric training (27–29). Recently, the 5JT was proposed
enced the hypergravity condition for 3 weeks in a controlled to evaluate lower-limb explosive power of athletes com-
training study. This study’s findings provided experimental peting in team sports (9). Our findings indicate that the
evidence for the effectiveness of "temporary" hypergravity enhancements of VJs in the 2 experimental groups (i.e., PG
(i.e., only during plyometric exercises) intervention on and LPG) were accompanied by significant increases of
jumping performance. This issue holds practical interest the 5JT performance (+5.6 and 7.5% for PG and LPG,
because more aggressive treatments (i.e., wearing the vest respectively). Although greater increases of VJ perform-
morning to evening) may have a limited practical application ances were observed in the LPG than in the PG condition,
(3,7). Another issue of interest would be the cumulative (i.e. both groups produced comparable improvement in 5JT
periodized) effect of plyometric training using progressive performance. This finding may suggest that wearing
(i.e., switching from unloaded to loaded plyometrics) loading loaded vests during plyometric training may exert more
on team-sport players (20). additive effects on VJ.
As expected, the plyometric protocols used in this study The results of the present study provided evidence for the
showed to provide a higher improvement magnitude on validity of the Luebbers et al. (22) protocol in enhancing vertical
and horizontal jumping abilities in basketball players. The use of
stretch-shortening activities such as CMJ and 5JT (23).
added loads during the Luebbers et al. (22) protocol showed
Similar results were reported by Bobbert et al. (2) and
selective effect on jumping ability (i.e., VJ performance).
Markovic et al. (23). Plyometric training consists of stretch-
shortening cycle movements that involve a high-intensity
eccentric contraction immediately before a rapid and
powerful concentric contraction (2,23). It has been recently Jumping higher than their counterpart is one of the desired goals
suggested that plyometric training is more effective in of basketball players irrespective of playing position (34). Failing
improving VJ performance in the slow stretch-shortening to incorporate explosive type training during the competitive
cycle jumps because it enhances the ability of subjects to season has been reported to impair explosive performance in
use the elastic and neural benefits of the stretch-shortening basketball players (34). Furthermore, strength training failed to
cycle (23). This study supports these suggestions, because show any VJ improvements throughout the season (16). This
our results indicate that slow stretch-shortening cycle study findings provided evidence that the Luebbers et al. (22)
jumps (i.e., CMJ) are likely to benefit more from plyometric protocol may enhance VJ and 5JT during the preparation phase
training than concentric jumps (i.e., SJ). Indeed, according of the precompetitive basketball season. Adding loads of 10–
to the study of Markovic (23), we observed that the gain 11% of body mass in the form of weighted vests may further
obtained with CMJ was significantly greater than that enhance VJ and 5JT gains in performance. Despite the
obtained with SJ (p , 0.05) either in PG or in PLG. experimental success of the weighted vests, caution should be
Considering the specificity of contraction-type followed exercised in training prescription when addressing young
during training, greater positive effects of plyometric female basketball players (14). In the training setup, progression
training on the CMJ than on the SJ can be expected in loading is strongly encouraged to avoid injury occurrence.
(23). The supposed reasons underpinning stretch-shorten-
ing performance enhancement as a consequence of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
plyometric training are reported to be variation in the We declare that the present work complies with the current
muscle-tendinous ability to store elastic energy and laws of the country in which it was performed (Tunisia).
stimulation of the myotatic reflex during the eccentric Authors certify that they do not have a financial relation-
contraction before the upward movement (23,34). In this, ship with the organization that sponsored the research.
the evidence for a training surface effect on selective The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
plyometric training outcomes was reported by Impellizzeri
et al. (19). Indeed, those authors reported that SJ
performance enhanced more as a consequence of perform-
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VOLUME 24 | NUMBER 11 | NOVEMBER 2010 | 2961

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