MCQ ٠٦٢٧١٩

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1-Protons are located in the nucleus of the atom a proton has……………………

a) No charge.

b) A negative charge.

c) A positive and a negative charge.

d) A positive charge.

2-Neutrons are in the nucleus of the atom a neutron has…………………………

a) A positive charge.

b) No charge.

c) A negative charge.

d) Twice as much positive charge as a proton.

3-An electron is in a region outside the nucleus an electron…………………….

a) Is larger than a proton and has no charge.

b) Has less mass than a proton and has a negative charge.

c) Is smaller than a proton and has no charge.

d) Has a positive charge.

4-The atomic number of an atom is……………………………….

a) The mass of the atom.

b) The number of protons added to the number of neutrons.

c) The number of protons.

d) Negatively charged.

5-The atoms of the same element can have different isotopes. An isotope of an atom.

a) Is an atom with a different number of protons.

b) Is an atom with a different number of neutrons.

c) Is an atom with a different number of electrons.

d) Has a different atomic number.


6-The atomic mass of an element is………………………….

a) The average mass of all the isotopes of the element.

b) A measure of the density of that element.

c) The mass of the most common isotope of that element.

d) The number of protons and electrons in the atoms of the element.

7-The periodic table shows that a carbon atom has six protonsthis means that a carbon
atom also has………………………...

a) Six electrons.

b) Six neutrons.

c) More protons than electrons.

d) An atomic mass that equals six.

8-The atomic number of nitrogen is 7. The atomic mass is 14.01this means


a) All nitrogen atoms have exactly 7 neutrons.

b) A small percentage of nitrogen atoms have smaller than 7 neutrons.

c) A small percentage of nitrogen atoms have more than 7 neutrons.

d) Some nitrogen atoms have smaller than 7 electrons.

9-Electrons are in regions around the nucleus called energy levels the first energy

a) Is furthest from the nucleus.

b) Is closest to the nucleus.

c) Holds the most electrons.

d) Needs more than two electrons to fill it up.

10-Neon has 10 protons and 10 electrons. The electrons fill the energy levels in Neon
like this………………………
a) 2 in the first, 2 in the second, and 6 in the third.
b) 4 in the first, 4 in the second, and 2 in the third.
c) 2 in the first, 4 in the second, and 4 in the third.
d) 2 in the first, and 8 in the second.


11-The atoms in a column of the periodic table all have…………………….

a) The same abbreviation.

b) The same number of energy levels.

c) The same number of electrons.

d) The same number of electrons in the outer energy level.

12-The elements located in the periodic table in Group 2A are also known as

a)Alkali metals.

b )Rare earth series.

c) Alkaline earth metals.


13-Anything that has mass and occupies space is called…………………..

a)An atom.

b) Matter



14-The simplest pure substances that cannot be broken down into any simpler
substances by heating or chemical reactions are called…………………..

a) compounds.

b) molecules

c) elements.

d) bonds.

15-Copper has an atomic number of 29 and an atomic mass of 64. How many
neutrons does it have……………………
a) 45.
b) 35.
c) 44.
d) 34.


16-Isotopes of the same element can differ in…………………………

a) chemical properties.
b) mass number.
c) atomic number.
d) number of protons and electrons.
17-The major difference between a 1s orbital and a 2s orbital is that………………..
a) the 2s can hold more electrons.
b) the 2s has a slightly different shape.
c) the 2s is at a higher energy level.
d) the 1s can only hold 1 electron.
18-What is the total number of electrons needed to fill the fourth energy level………
a) 2. b) 8. c) 18.d) 32.
19-The statement that no two electrons in the same atom can have the same four
quantum numbers is……………………
a) the Pauli exclusion principle.
b)Hund’s rule.
c) the Aufbau principle.
d)Bohr’s law.
20-Nitrogen’s electron configuration is 1s22s22p3. To what group does nitrogen
a) 2. b) 7. c) 5. d)3.
21-The number of valence electrons in Group 2A elements is…………………
a) 2.b) 8. c- 18. c) equal to the period number.
22-………………… the electron configuration of chlorine (atomic number 17)
a) 1s22s22p63s23p5. b) 1s22s22p63s23p7.
c) 1s22s22p63s23p54s24p5. d)1s22s22p63s43p3.
23-The elemente in group 1Ais colled…………………..
a)Halogens. b)Noble gases.
c)Alkaline earth metals. d)Alkali metals.


24-The elementes in group 2A is colled………………………

a)Halogens. b)Noble gases.
c)Alkaline earth metals. d)Alkali metals.
25-The elemente in group 7A is colled………………………………
a)Halogens. b)Noble gases.
c)Alkaline earth metals. d)Alkali metals.
26-The elemente in group 8A is colled……………………………
a)Halogens. b)Noble gases.
c)Alkaline earth metals. d)Alkali metals.
27-In a neutral atom number of protons……………………..number of electrons.
a)Equal. b)Greater than. c)Smaller than. d)Double.
28-In cation ion number of protons…………………..number of electrons.
a)Equal b)Greater than. c)Smaller than. d)Double.
29-In anion ion number of protons………………….number of electrons.
a)Equal. b)Greater than. c)Smaller than. d)Double.
30-The first energy level contain on sublevel………………………..
a)S only. b)S and P. c)S,P and d. d)S,P,d and f.
31-The maximum of electrons possible in the first energy level…………………….
a)8. b)18. c)32. d)2.
32-The second energy level contain on sublevels………………………….
a)S only. b)S and P. c)S,P and d. d)S,P,d and f.
33-The maximum of electrons possible in the second energy level…………………..
a)8. b)18. c)32. d)2.
34-The third energy level contain on sublevels………………………..
a)S only. b)S and P. c)S,P and d. d)S,P,d and f.
35-The maximum of electrons possible in the third energy level………………
a)8. b)18. c)32. d)2.
36-The fourth energy level contain on sublevels…………………….
a)S only. b)S and P. c)S,P and d. d)S,P,d and f.


37-The maximum of electrons possible in the fourth energy level………………

a)8. b)18. c)32. d)2.
38-Which one that has higher ionixation energy:
a)Na11. b)K19. c)Li3. d)Rb37.
39-Which one has high electron affinity:
a)Na11. b)Mg12. c)Al13. d)Si14.
40-The atom that has the greater electronegativity among F9,Cl17,Br35 and I53 is:
a)F19. b)Br35. c)Cl17. d)I53.
41-The size of an atom and it is anion is:
a)Same b)Atom> anion. c)Atom<anion. d)non of all.
42-The smallest size in each of the following Fe,Fe+2 and Fe+3 is:
a)Fe . b) Fe+3. c)Fe+2. d) all of these.
43-Which of the following elements has the highest ionization energy:
a)Al13. b)P15. c)Si14. d)S14.
44-What is the correct order of electronegativites of the elements Li3,Be4,B5 and C6:
a)B>C>Li>Be. b)C>B>Be>Li. c)Li>Be>B>C. d)Be>B>Li>C.
45-Iodine is an example of a(n):
a) Noble Gas. b) Halogen. c)Alkali Metal. d)Alkaline Earth Metal.

{Good luck for all}

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