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Chemistry lab (Chapter: 2)

.Prepared by:-Farag AL-jebaly Dagane

.Identification of acid – base radicals ( Anions and Cations )

''Acid radicals ''anions *

Concentrated sulfuric acid group -2

‫مجموعة حمض الكبريتيك المركز‬

Group reagent = Concentrated H2So4

-: Anions in this group*

Chlorides Cl- 2-Bromides Br-1
Iodides I- 4-Nitrates NO3-3

-: General notes*
Most chlorides are soluble in water except silver chloride -1
''AgCl'' ,cuprous chlorides ''CuCl'', lead chlorides PbCl2 ''soluble in
.''boiling water

Most bromides are soluble in water except silver , mercurous and -2

cuprous bromides are insoluble in water , lead bromide soluble in
.boiling water

Mosr iodides are soluble in water except silver , mercurous and -3

cuprous iodides are insoluble in water. Lead iodide soluble in boiling

.All nitrates are soluble in water-4

-: ‫أوال الكشف على اول ايون في مجموعة حامض الكبريتيك المركز‬
Chlorides Cl-1

a'' Lead acetate solution Pb(CH3COO)2 add lead acetate solution to ''
.chloride solution a white ppt of PbCl2 is formed


Sodium chloride NaCl

.Add lead acetate solution to chloride solution

-: Observation-


-: Equation-

B"-Silver nitrate solution AgNO3

add Silver nitrate solution to chloride solution a white ppt of AgCl is



Sodium chloride NaCl

.Add Silver nitrate solution to chloride solution

-: Observation-


-: Equation-


C"-Concentrated sulphoric acid H2SO4"

.place some solid salt in test tube-

. add few drops of Concentrated sulphoric acid H2SO4-

''Example ''3-

'' Sodium Chloride '' NaCl

.Place some solid salt in test tube , add few drops of Conc.H2SO4-





‫ثانيا الكشف عن االيون الثاني في مجموعة حامض الكبريتيك المركز‬
Bromides Br-2

a'' Lead acetate solution Pb(CH3COO)2 add lead acetate solution to ''
.bromide solution a white ppt of PbBr2 is formed


Sodium bromide NaBr

.Add lead acetate solution to bromide solution




B"-Silver nitrate solution AgNO3

add Silver nitrate solution to bromide solution a yellow ppt of AgBr

.is formed


Sodium chloride NaBr

.Add Silver nitrate solution to bromide solution




Iodides I-3

a'' Lead acetate solution Pb(CH3COO) 2''

add lead acetate solution to iodide solution a yellow ppt of PbI2 is


Example''1'' Potassium iodide KI-

.Add lead acetate solution to potassium iodide solution




B"-Silver nitrate solution AgNO3

add Silver nitrate solution to iodide solution a yellow ppt of AgI is


Example''2'' Potassium iodide KI-

.Add Silver nitrate solution to iodide solution





Q2_ By one experiment with write chemical equations how can you
-:difference between

NaCl and KI-1

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