Broza Saric Kundalic - Ethnobotanical Study On Medicinal +

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technics technologies education management

Ethnobotanical study on medicinal use of wild

and cultivated plants on Konjuh Mountain,
North-East Bosnia and Herzegovina
Broza Saric-Kundalic*1, 2, Mario Mazic1, Samra Djerzic1, Vera Kerleta-Tuzovic1
Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Tuzla, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Department of Pharmacognosy, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.

Abstract Key words: traditional medicine, ethno medi-

cine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Konjuh Mountain,
The study aims to provide results of an ethno- Kladanj, Tuholj
botanical study on the use of wild and cultivated
plants in the area of Konjuh Mountain (north-east
Bosnia and Herzegovina) carried out in 2012. 1. Introduction
Information was gathered by performing so Traditional medicine is a term used for a part of
called open ethnobotanical interviews by which alternative medicine or medicine that comes from
data on the name, age and occupation of the inter- folk knowledge. It describes medical knowledge
viewed person; the geographic locality and date that was systematically developed over generations,
of the interview; the name of the used plant; part or that was passed from one generation to another
of the plant used; the prescription background and through different societies, before the modern era of
preparation procedure as well as the indication medicine. Traditional methods of treatment are, for
was systematically collected. Plants mentioned example, herbal methods, ancient Iranian medicine,
to be used by the informants were collected and Islamic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine etc.
taxonomically determined. (1) The difference between conventional and tradi-
In total, 2 places were visited and 10 people tional medicine is primarily reflected in the educa-
questioned (4 from Municipality Kladanj and 6 tion, knowledge and social status of those who prac-
from local community Tuholj). 92 wild and cul- tice folk (traditional) medicine and their patients.
tivated species and 270 different preparations for The work of people dealing with folk (traditional)
the use in human therapy were recorded. The most medicine is mostly based on their experience.
frequently mentioned indications were gastroin- Currently, more and more people are turning
testinal and respiratory system disorders. Infu- to the traditional method of treatment. Some of
sions were the most frequently prepared formula- them are doing it out of curiosity, while others are
tion. Prescriptions were verbally delivered, usu- mainly not satisfied with conventional medicine
ally from mother to daughter and for even more and its effects.
than six generations. With about 6.340 vascular plant species report-
The identified broad variety of indications and ed, compared to 10.500 species accepted in the Flo-
their frequent applications suggests that traditional ra Europea, the Balkans is one of the most impor-
plant use is of high importance and still crucial for tant biodiversity centers of Europe (2). Within its
the medicinal accommodation of Bosnian people. 51.129 km2, Bosnia and Herzegovina hosts about
A variety of less known plants has been used since 3.600 species of vascular plants. Despite the high
ages in traditional therapy of these places and floristic diversity of this country, information about
hence may be potential sources for new therapies. plant usage and its purpose in traditional medicine
Therefore, further pharmaceutical research into is scarce. Except for one „systematical study“, con-
this particular and scientifically still underexplored cerning the whole country area (3), and papers on
proportion of Bosnian plant biodiversity appears east, north and north-east Bosnia and Herzegovina
promising and is recommended by the authors. (4), middle, west and south Bosnia and Herzegov-

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ina (5), a study at the site Prokoško lake (6) and a and Herzegovina is largely mountainous country.
recent study concerning the area of Treštenica and 13.60% of Bosnian and Herzegovinian territory is
Tulovići (7), there exists no other systematical sur- fertile land. Bosnia and Herzegovina is also rich in
vey of traditionally used plants in this country so fields that are usually provided along its major riv-
far. In particular, the wars of the last century, which ers (Bosna, Vrbas, Drina, Una, Neretva etc.) (8).
politically isolated the Balkans and depleted the re- Climate of Bosnia and Herzegovina is moder-
sources of its countries (especially the territory of ately continental, with warm summers and cold
former Yugoslavia), hindered the progress of ethno- winters, just ideal for many plant species that grow
botanical and field orientated research (5). in this area (8).
The aim of this study is first of all, to keep the Konjuh Mountain, which is the focus of the re-
„traditional medicine“ of Bosnia and Herzegovina search, is in the north-eastern part of Bosnia and
from disappearing. Also one of the purposes was Herzegovina, in the area of three municipalities,
to collect as many information and prescriptions Banovići, Živinice and Kladanj. The average height
as possible about plants who exist in this area, and of the mountain is 1000 meters and above this level
are used in human therapy. Bosnia and Herzegovi- are rising the following peaks: Šuplji Javor (1157
na is a developing country, so therefore traditional m), Vina Kruška (1088 m), Suho Drvlje (1206 m),
medicine is still very present in this area. Zidine (1180m), Javorja (1261 m) and the real peak
A large portion of the world population, espe- of Konjuh (1328 m). Mountain is the watershed be-
cially in developing countries, like Bosnia and tween the basins of the rivers Krivaja, Spreča and
Herzegovina itself, depends on traditional medi- Drinjača (9). Apart from the beauty of nature, Kon-
cine for the treatment of diseases and injuries. juh is also known for its many hiding caves. The
Although the potential use of herbal prepara- most famous are Djevojačka i Bebravska pećina.
tions as new drug forms is not well studied, we Under the mountain lies a natural lake called Gor-
must say that the interest about it is growing and is sko Oko (10).
slowly taking its place in modern medicine. The Government of Tuzla Canton adopted the
law on declaring a part of the mountain Konjuh
2. Materials and methods (8016 hectares), as protected landscape “Konjuh”,
putting the area on the list of cultural heritage of
Area under investigation Bosnia and Herzegovina (9). In this area exists also
a natural lake called Paučko Jezero, located at a
Bosnia and Herzegovina is located in the height of 711 m with an extension of 0.44 km2 (11).
southeast of Europe, in the western part of the Bal- Geologically, Konjuh is made up of serpentine
kans and has an extension of 51 129 km2. Bosnia rocks, diabase and tuff. It is 30 km long, rich in
and Herzegovina consists of two geographic and water sources and is covered by dense forest cov-
historic parts: the Bosnian part in the north and er in which conifers (pine, fir and spruce) prevail,
smaller Herzegovinian part in the south. Bosnia with fewer woods of beech, maple and oak (9).

Figure 1. Geographical position of Konjuh Mountain (9)

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In the area of Zelemboj, Hambarište, Zidine 3. Identification of the collected material

and Mali Konjuh, grows a rare medicinal plant and data processing
species gentian - lincura or srčanik (Gentiana lu-
Most of the mentioned plants were observed
tea L.), which is on the list of endangered species
in situ during field walks in company with the in-
and is protected. Konjuh is the habitat of various
formants and collected for taxonomic identifica-
medicinal and wild edible plants of which the
tion. The collected plant material (more than 250
most common is thyme – majčina dušica (Thymus
vouchers) was determined by the authors using the
serpyllum L.) (12).
floristic treatments covering Bosnia-Herzegovina
(4-6, 13-29). Some of the species were ratified by
Localities and populations studied means of book images or authentic descriptions of
The study was carried out on the territory of plants by the informants. Voucher specimens were
Konjuh Mountain, in spring, summer and autumn of deposited at the Herbarium of the Department of
2012. Data and information were gathered by per- Pharmacognosy, University of Tuzla. For further
forming so called open ethnobotanical interviews. analyses and comparison assembled data were en-
In applying this method the following data was tered in excel data base.
systematically collected:
– name, age and occupation of the interviewed 4. Results and discussion
The results of the present survey are summa-
– geographic locality;
rized in Table 1, which provides the following in-
– date of interview;
formation for each species: scientific name, botani-
– name of the used plant;
cal family, local common names, plant part used,
– part of the plant being used;
preparation and usage (i.e. indication). In total, this
– prescription background;
study reports 92 species (42 wild and 50 cultivated)
– preparation procedure;
and their medicinal properties. 270 prescriptions
– indication.
collected in 10 interviews were recorded. All plants
mentioned by the informants belonged to the vas-
The interviews were developed as informal
cular plants. The recorded 92 species belonged to
conversations. The final aim was the creation of
41 families and 71 genera and were reliably deter-
a list of wild and cultivated medicinal plants used
mined using published keys and plant descriptions
and/or known by each informant.
(4-6, 13-29). However, accessions of Capsicum,
In total, 10 persons were questioned, 4 from
Rosa and Verbascum, respectively, could be identi-
Municipality Kladanj and and 6 from local com-
fied on the genus level only. This was due to lack
munity Tuholj.
of appropriate taxonomic and floristic treatments
The interviews were taken in Bosnian lan-
for these taxa from the study area. Also none of the
guage. The interviewed people were all Bosniaks
informants did differentiate between the species of
(Bosnian Muslims), 4 of female and 6 of male
these genera and used them alike.
gender. Their average age was 65 years and they
were mostly housewives or peasants. All prescrip-
tions were delivered verbally in the past, usually
from mother to daughter or from mother in law to
daughter in law, in some cases for more than six

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Table 1. Cultivated and wild plants used in human therapy of Konjuh Mountain (I: internal, E: external)
Botanical Local Used
Family Preparation Medicinal use
taxa name plant part
I: for respiratory system disorders; E:
Abies alba leaves,
Pinaceae Jela tea, tincture for edema, rheumatism, tendinitis, eye
Mill. resin
I: for gastrointestinal system disorders,
loss of appetite, strengthening of the
aerial parts,
Achillea Hajdučica, organism, hemorrhoids, regulation
Asteraceae flowers, balm, tea
nobilis L. Kunica of menstruation, respiratory system
disorders, renal ailments, insomnia; E: for
wounds, to stop bleeding, hemorrhoids
I: for blood purification, strengthening
Agropyron of nerves, for gastrointestinal system
fresh plant,
repens (L.) Poaceae Pirika aerial parts disorders, urogenital system disorders,
P.Beauv. respiratory system disorders; E: for
edema, hemorrhoids, rheumatism
I: for gastrointestinal system disorders,
Alchemilla Gospin female disorders; E: for throat
Rosaceae leaves tea
vulgaris L. plašt inflammations, wounds, increased vaginal
I: for stomachache, flatulence, uterine
ailments, increased urination, pulmonary
Allium fresh plant,
Aliaceae Crni luk bulb ailments, cough, cardiovascular disorders,
cepa L. tea
insomnia; E: to stop bleeding, for bruises,
high fever
I: for throat inflammations, tuberculosis,
pulmonary purification, leukemia, tooth
balm, fresh ache, worms by children, pain in the back,
Allium sativa
Alliaceae Bijeli luk bulb plant, juice, for hormonal disorders, cardiovascular
mash disorders, decrease of high blood
pressure, fungal and vaginal infections; E:
for rheumatism
I: for arteriosclerosis, decrease of high
Allium blood pressure, digestive ailments,
Allieaceae Srijemoš bulb, leaves tea, tincture
ursinum L. respiratory system disorders; I: for open
wounds, hematomas
for gastrointestinal disorders, urogenital
leaves, balm, disorders, blood purification, increased
tomentosum Asteraceae Čičak
roots, seeds powder, tea sweating; E: for skin rash, ulcers,
abscesses, mouth sores
I: for blood purification, gastrointestinal
flowers, system disorders, urogenital
Malvaceae Bijeli sljez leaves, tea inflammations, respiratory system
officinalis L.
roots disorders, bronchitis, as expectorant; E:
for skin rashes
Arctostaphylos Medvjeđe I: for urogenital inflammations, diarrhea,
Ericaceae leaves tea
uva-ursi L. grožđe diabetes

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I: for gastrointestinal system disorders,

Artemisia leaves, menstrual disorders, high fever, facilitates
Asteraceae Pelin collar, tea
absinthium L. roots delivery, destroys parasites; E: for open
I: for strengthening of the organism,
Bellis Bijela flowers, balm, fresh gastrointestinal disorders, renal ailments;
perennis L. tratinčica leaves juice, tea E: for female disorders, inflamed wounds,
I: for improving of blood picture,
Beta vulgaris pulmonary ailments, fever, liver ailments,
Amantharaceae Cvekla taproots juice, mash
L. skin ailments, purification of the
organism, leukemia
I: for urogenital system disorders, gall
Betula pendula and liver ailments, malaria, irregular
Betulaceae Breza bark, leaves tea
Roth heartbeat, common cold, blood
purification , skin ailments, gout
Brassica I: for bronchitis, cough, uterine ailments,
balm, fresh
oleracea Brassicaceae Kupus leaves menstrual disorders; E: for wounds,
plant, juice
capitata L. burns, bruises, insect bites
I: for gastrointestinal system disorders,
Brassica rapa collar, juice, urogenital system disorders, bronchitis,
Brassicaceae Repa whole plant
L. mash tuberculosis, common cold; E: for skin
purification, gout, arthritis
I: for increased vaginal secretion,
urogenital system inflammations,
Calendula Flowers, balm, oil, tea,
Asteraceae Neven gastrointestinal system disorders, mental
officinalis L. fresh plant tincture
illnesses, wounds; E: for bone fractures,
wounds, rashes, ulcers, abscesses
I: for gastrointestinal system disorders,
collar, tea, respiratory system disorders, menstrual
bursa-pastoris Brassicaceae Rusomača whole plant
tincture disorders, renal ailments, for regulation of
(L.) Medik.
blood pressure; E: for swellings, wounds
Capsicum sp. I: for digestive ailments, infections; E: for
Solanaceae Paprika fruits fresh plant
L. hair loss
flowers, I: for varicose veins, fever, hemorrhoids,
Fagaceae Kesten fruits, balm, tincture gastrointestinal system disorders; E: for
sativa Mill.
leaves rheumatism, hair growth
Centaurium I: for sedation, gastrointestinal ailments,
erythraea Gentianaceae Kičica flowers anemia, blood purification, loss of
Rafn appetite
I: for liver ailments, jaundice, spleen
Chelidonium decoct, tea,
Papaveraceae Rosopas whole plant ailments, renal ailments, cough, asthma;
majus L. tincture
E: for rashes, acne
I: for diarrhea, regulation of digestion,
Cichorium leaves, jaundice, purification of liver, anemia,
Asteraceae Vodopija tea
intybus L. roots pulmonary cancer, strengthening of
prostate and other reproductive organs
Citrus x fruits, fresh juice, I: for heart ailments, digestive ailments,
Rutaceae Narandža
aurantium L. pericarp tea loss of appetite

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I: for throat ache, common cold, cough,

bacterial infections, gastrointestinal
system disorders, loss of appetite,
Citrus x limon mash, syrup, strengthening the organism, mussels and
Rutaceae Limun fruits
(L.) Burm.F. fresh juice lungs, decrease of high blood pressure
and blood fats, improving of blood
picture during pregnancy, increased
urination; E: for greasy skin
Cornus I: for increased menstrual bleeding, diges-
Cornaceae Dren bark, fruits juice, tea
mas L. tive ailments, diarrhea, malarial fever
Crataegus flowers, I: for decrease of high blood pressure and
monogyna Rosaceae Bijeli glog fruits, tea blood fats, strengthening of heart muscle,
Jacq. leaves arrhythmia, sedation, renal stones
flowers, I: for decrease of high blood pressure and
Rosaceae Crni glog fruits, tea blood fats, strengthening of heart muscle,
pentagyina L.
leaves arrhythmia, sedation, renal stones
Cucurbitaceae Krastavac fruits fresh plant E: for greasy skin
sativus L.
Cucurbita I: for paralysis, worms, bacterial
Cucurbitaceae Tikva fruits, seeds mash
pepo L. infections, prostate inflammations
Cydonia leaves,
Rosaceae Dunja tea I: diarrhea, stomach ailments
oblonga Mill. seeds
Daucus syrup, fresh
Apiaceae Mrkva taproots I: for improving of blood picture
carota L. plant
I: for urogenital system inflammations,
fluid retention, urinary bladder
Equisetaceae Preslica leaves tea inflammations, renal stones, bedwetting
arvense L.
by children, prostate ailments, pulmonary
ailments, anemia
I: for common cold, influenza, high fever,
ulmaria (L.) Rosaceae Medunika flowers tea, tincture
urogenital ailments; E: for rheumatism
I: for heart ailments, strengthening of the
organism, blood purification, decreasing
Fragaria Šumska fruits, fresh plant,
Rosaceae of blood sugar, diarrhea, jaundice,
vesca L. jagoda leaves tea
nervousness; E: for broken capillaries in
Galium I: for increased urination, insomnia,
odoratum L. Rubiaceae Lazarkinja leaves tea migraine, restlessness, blood purification,
(Scop.) regulates heartbeat
I: for stomach ailments, sedation, anemia,
Gentiana lutea
Gentianaceae Lincura roots tea, tincture fever, liver ailments, loss of appetite,
strengthening of the organism
I: for respiratory system disorders,
increased urination, loss of appetite,
Lamiaceae Dobričica leaves juice, tea diarrhea, headache, nervous system
hederacea L.
disorders, strengthening of the organism;
E: for rheumatism, wounds

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I: for gastrointestinal system disorders,

nasal bleeding, to stop menstruation in
Hedera helix menopause, rheumatism, atherosclerosis,
Araliaceae Bršljan fruits, tea
L. menstrual ailments, renal and gall bladder
stones, wounds, purification of skin; E:
for rheumatism
I: for pulmonary ailments, liver
ailments, renal ailments, heartburn,
throat inflammations, flatulence,
Hypericum cervical inflammations; E: for
Hypericaceae Gospina flowers oil, tea
perforatum L. ovarian inflammations, hemorrhoids,
osteoporosis, arthritis, rheumatism,
painful and swollen legs, pain in the back,
wounds, bruises, burns, eye injuries
I: for strengthening of thyroid gland,
decrease of lactation, gastrointestinal
Juglans regia fruits, system disorders, urogenital system
Juglandaceae Orah tea
L. leaves disorders, pneumonia, throat
inflammations, strengthening of vision; E:
for dry hair
I: for blood purification, stomach
ailments, regulation of digestion,
strengthening of nerves, increased
Juniperus Kleka,
Cupressaceae fruits tincture urination, chest pain, asthma, common
communis L. Smreka
cold, throat inflammations, cough,
pneumonia; E: for skin ailments,
rheumatism, throat inflammations
I: for regulation of digestion, decrease
of overweight, decrease of blood fats,
Malus flowers, strengthening of nerves, nervousness,
fresh plant,
domestica Rosaceae Jabuka fruits, restlessness, pulmonary ailments, high
Borkh. leaves fever, common cold, cough, heart
ailments; E: for pain in the back, dry
skin, ulcers, rheumatism, headache
I: for restlessness, depression, insomnia,
headache, migraine, gastrointestinal
system disorders, flatulence, respiratory
system disorders, influenza, common
Asteraceae Kamilica flowers balm, tea cold, ague, decrease of blood pressure and
discoidea DC.
blood fats, regulation of menstruation; E:
in cosmetic hair products, for hair loss,
erythema, dermatitis, wounds, burns,
ulcers, throat inflammations
I: for insomnia, restlessness, depression,
migraine, arrhythmia, flatulence, nausea
Melisa during pregnancy, diarrhea, strengthening
Lamiaceae Matičnjak leaves tea
officinalis L. of the organism, increased lactation,
blood purification; E: for rheumatism,

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I: for gastrointestinal disorders, gingivitis,

throat inflammations, migraine,
insomnia, headache, arrhythmia,
Mentha x Pitoma
Lamiaceae leaves tea strengthening of the organism, urinary
piperita L. nana
bladder inflammations, regulation of
menstruation; E: for pain in the back,
I: for cough, regulation of digestion,
Mentha fresh plant,
Lamiaceae Veremuša aerial parts premenstrual syndrome, menstrual
pulegium L. tea
I: for regulation of digestion, diarrhea,
Morus bark, fruits, decoct, fresh
Moraceae Bijeli dud decrease of blood sugar, malarial fever,
alba L. leaves plant, tea
high fever
I: for regulation of digestion, diarrhea,
Morus bark, fruits, decoct, fresh
Moraceae Crni dud decrease of blood sugar, malarial fever,
nigra L. leaves plant, tea
high fever
I: for restlessness, insomnia, headache,
intestinal ailments, digestive ailments,
leaves, stomach spasms, constipation, renal
Lamiaceae Bosiljak seeds, tea ailments, high fever, cough, asthma,
basilicum L.
whole plant tuberculosis; E: for nipple inflammation
during lactation, greasy skin, ear
I: for urogenital system disorders,
Ononis purification of urinary bladder, increased
Fabaceae Zečiji trn roots tea
arvensis L. urination, digestive ailments; E: for
rheumatism, gout
I: for cough, croakiness, diarrhea,
Orchis morio
Orchidaceae Salep bulb powder, tea purification and strengthening of the
I: for urogenital system disorders, renal
crispum leaves,
Apiaceae Peršun tea and gall stones, malarial fever; E: for
(Mill.) Nyman taproots
pigmentation spots
and A.W.Hill
Fabaceae Grah fruits, seeds fresh plant I: for decrease of blood fats; E: for warts
vulgaris L.
I: for gastritis, gastrointestinal ulcers,
pulmonary ailments, pulmonary cancer,
tuberculosis, bronchitis, cough, throat
Plantago Muška
Plantaginaceae leaves collar, tea inflammation, blood purification,
lanceolata L. bokvica
strengthening of the organism; E: for skin
ailments, burns, cuts, different erythema,
I: for gastritis, gastrointestinal ulcers,
pulmonary ailments, pulmonary cancer,
Plantago Ženska tuberculosis, bronchitis, cough, throat
Plantaginaceae leaves balm, tea
major L. bokvica inflammation; E: for skin ailments,
wounds, burns, cuts, different injuries,
insect bites, snake bites

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I: for pulmonary ailments,

Primula Jagorče- powder, tea, unconsciousness, insomnia, migraine,
Primulaceae leaves,
vulgaris Huds. vina tincture nervousness, palpitations, painful men-
struation; E: for rheumatism, muscle aches
Polygonum E: for pulmonary ailments, renal ailments,
aviculare agg. Polygonaceae Troskot leaves powder, tea diarrhea, jaundice, improving of blood
(L.) picture
Potentilla I: by blood vomiting, for bloody diarrhea,
tormetilla Rosaceae Steža roots tea purification of the organism; E: for open
Neck. wounds
fruits, fresh plant, I: for strengthening of heart muscle,
Rosaceae Kajsija leaves, fresh juice, cardiovascular disorders, renal ailments;
armeniaca L.
seeds tea E: for face disinfection
Prunus avium fresh plant, I: for tonsillitis, malarial fever, diarrhea,
Rosaceae Višnja leaves,
(L.) L. syrup, tea heart ailments, anemia
I: for increased urination, arrhythmia,
Prunus flowers, fresh plant,
Rosaceae Trešnja better liver and gall function, anemia; E:
cerasus L. fruits, tea
for face disinfection
I: for decrease of blood fats and blood
Prunus fruits, fresh plant,
Rosaceae Šljiva pressure, constipation, anemia; E: for
domestica L. leaves juice
I: for strengthening of the organism,
Prunus persica fruits, fresh juice,
Rosaceae Breskva cardiovascular disorders, decrease of high
(L.) Batsch leaves tea
blood pressure; E: for face disinfection
I: for pulmonary ailments, cough,
Boraginaceae Plućnjak whole plant tea, tincture influenza, blood purification,
officinalis L.
strengthening of the organism
I: for throat inflammation, pulmonary
bleeding, uterine bleeding, anemia,
gastrointestinal bleeding, diarrhea,
Hrast bark, fruits, decoct, tea, stomach spasms, hemorrhoids, liver
pubescens Fagaceae
kitnjak leaves potion ailments, insomnia, nervousness, pain in
the back, skin rash, strengthening of the
organism, blood purification; E: ovarian
inflammations, uterine bleeding, skin rash
I: for tuberculosis, heart ailments,
decoct, stomach ailments, anemia, nervousness,
Quercus robur Hrast bark, fruits,
Fagaceae powder, tea, insomnia, bloody diarrhea; E: for throat
L. lužnjak leaves
tincture inflammation, croakiness, rickets,
increased vaginal secretion
fruits, I: for arteriosclerosis, renal ailments,
Ribes nigrum Crna
Grossulariaceae leaves, tea urinary bladder ailments, spasms,
L. ribizla
roots headache, cough
I: for strengthening of the organism,
strengthening of stomach, kidneys and
Ribes uva- liver, strengthening of cardiovascular
Grossulariaceae Ogrozd fruits fresh plant
crispa L. system, strengthening of sight, urinary
bladder sand, concentration, memory; E:
for troubled skin, hair los

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I: as expectorant, for common cold, for
pseudoacacia Fabaceae Bagrem flowers tea
insomnia, restlessness
I: for diarrhea, influenza, high fever,
flowers, urination and perspiration disorders,
Rosa sp. L. Rosaceae Ruža fruits, tea, syrup relaxing, as expectorant; E: as body
leaves lotion, for nipple inflammation during
I: for throat inflammation, birth
Rubus idaeus fruits,
Rosaceae Malina syrup, tea preparation, anemia, strengthening of
L. leaves
cardiovascular system
Salix alba L. Salicaceae Bijela vrba bark tea I: for rheumatism
I: for stomach ache, bad breath, gingivitis,
throat inflammations, as expectorant,
blood and lungs purification, heart
ailments, skin ailments, urogenital system
Salvia Žalfija,
Lamiaceae leaves balm, tea infections, to stop menstruation in the
officinalis L. kadulja
menopause, hemorrhoids, strengthening
of the organism, to stop lactation; E: for
throat inflammations, skin rash, wounds,
greasy skin
I: for intoxications, digestive ailments,
bark, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, heart ailments,
flowers, hearing problems, headaches, high fever,
Sambucus balm, syrup,
Sambucaceae Zova fruits, influenza, bronchitis, common cold,
nigra L. tea
leaves, cough, tonsillitis, as expectorant, for
roots blood purification, regulation of urination;
E: for external ulcers
I: for nervousness, anxiety by children,
insomnia, epilepsy, stomach ulcers,
Crassulaceae Čuvarkuća leaves fresh plant menstrual pain, throat inflammations; E:
hitrum L.
skin ailments, warts, sunspots, bruises, ear
Solanaceae Krompir bulb collar, juice I: for high fever; E: for external ulcers
tuberosum L.
I: for stomach ailments, constipation,
Sorbus fresh juice,
Rosaceae Jarebika fruits uterine bleeding, renal ailments, lack of
aucuparia L. tea
vitamine C; E: for gout, hemorrhoids
I: for inflamed wounds, as expectorant,
flowers, for asthma, cough, pulmonary bleeding,
Boraginaceae Gavez leaves, collar, tea pneumonia, bronchitis, ear inflammations,
officinale L.
roots gastrointestinal ulcers; E: for bone
fractures, external ulcers, impure skin
I: for diabetes, loss of appetite, regulation
Taraxacum flowers, of digestion, rheumatism, anemia, blood
fresh juice,
officinale agg. Asteraceae Maslačak leaves, purification, irregular menstruation,
F.H. Wigg. roots urinary bladder inflammation, to increase
sweating; E: for sun spots

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I: for strengthening the organism,

Lamiaceae Trava Iva aerial parts tea stomach ailments, gall ailments, as
montanum L.
I: for influenza, dry cough, asthma, throat
Thymus Majčina inflammations, bad breath, diarrhea,
Lamiaceae aerial parts tea
pulegioides L. dušica bedwetting by children, insomnia; E: for
greasy skin
I: for respiratory ailments, liver ailments,
to increase urination and perspiration,
spasms, bad breath, inflammations of
Tilia × bark,
mucosa, wounds, burns, insomnia,
euchlora K. Tiliaceae Lipa leaves, balm, tea
depression, high fever, cough, influenza,
Koch flowers
headaches, ear inflammations, blood
purification; E: for burns, wounds, face
Trifoilum Crvena I: for female disorders, menopause,
Fabaceae flowers tea
pratense L. djetelina flatulence; E: for female disorders
Tussilago I: for croakiness, asthma, bronchitis; E:
Asteraceae Podbjel aerial parts collar, tea
farfara L. for varicose veins, burns
I: for pulmonary ailments, pulmonary
cancer, rheumatism, anemia, blood
Urtica dioica Žara, velika leaves, circulation disorders, improving of blood
Urticaceae tea, tincture
L. kopriva roots picture, purification of the organism,
insomnia, nervousness; E: for hair loss,
dandruff, erythema, rheumatism
I: for gastrointestinal disorders,
rheumatism, anemia by children,
Vaccinum fruits, fresh plant, purification of blood, improving of
Ericaceae Borovnica
myrtillus L. leaves tea blood picture, broken capillaries in face,
decrease of blood sugar, hemorrhoids; E:
for skin rash
flowers, I: for renal and gall stones, influenza,
Ericaceae Brusnica fruits, mash, tea malarial fever; E: nipple inflammation
vitis-idaea L.
leaves during lactation
I: for insomnia, nervousness, restlessness,
Valeriana gastrointestinal system disorders, spasms,
officinalis agg. Valerianaceae Odoljen roots decoct, tea regulation of menstruation, strengthening
L. of the organism, asthma, decrease of high
blood pressure
I: as expectorant, for cough, bronchitis,
Verbascum flowers, tuberculosis, malarial fever, digestive
Scrophulariaceae Divizma tea
sp. L. leaves ailments, hemorrhoids, asthma; E: for
rheumatism, ulcers, wounds, skin rash
I: for blood purification, improving of
Vitis fruits, fresh plant,
Vitaceae Vinova loza blood picture, diarrhea; E: for varicose
vinifera L. leaves tea
veins, dry skin
fruits, I: for urogenital infections, sedation; E:
fresh plant,
Zea mays L. Poaceae Kukuruz leaves, for impure skin, rheumatism, pain in the
stylus back

218 Volume 11 / Number 3 / 2016

technics technologies education management

Figure 2. Most frequently used plants (mentioned more than 10 times by the informants)

The most frequently used plants, mentioned in The study unraveled that plants were rarely used
total more than 10 times by the informants, were: to treat skin ailments (3.7%) (Figure 3).
Urticaria dioica L. (8.7%), Achillea nobilis L.
(6.3%), Centaurium erythraea Rafn (5.3%), Ar-
temisia absinthum L. (5.2%), Plantago major L.
(4.5%), Calendula officinalis L. (4.3%), Salvia of-
ficinalis L. (4.2%), Melissa officinalis L. (4.1%),
Matricaria discoidea DC. (4%), Polygonum avicu-
lare agg. (L.) (3.9%), Sambucus nigra L. (3.9%),
Allium sativa L. (3.8%), Tilia × euchlora K. Koch
(3.7%), Tussilago farfara L. (3.6%), Valeriana of-
ficinalis agg. L. (3.4%), Citrus x limon (L.) Burm.F. Figure 3. Absolute frequency of mention of re-
(3.3%), Mentha x piperita L. (3.1%), Taraxacum of- corded indications
ficinale agg. F.H. Wigg. (2,9%), Ocimum basilicum
L. (2.5%), Gentiana lutea L. (2.3%), Cichorium 51.3% of the preparations were reported to
intybus L. (2.2%), Equisetum arvense L. (2.2%), solely be used for intern indications, while 40.9%
Quercus pubescens Willd. (2%), Fragaria vesca were applied externally. 5.8% were used both for
L. (1.9%), Juglans regia L. (1.9%), Primula veris intern and extern indications.
L. (1.8%), Betula pendula Roth (1.7%), Sorbus au- Infusion was the most dominant preparation be-
cuparia L. (1.2%), Chelidonium majus L. (1.1%) i ing used in 57.2% of the individually mentioned ap-
Allium ursinum L. (1%) (Figure 2). plications. 12.2% of the preparations were used for
The most frequently reported medicinal treat- direct application of plants without prior prepara-
ments were that of gastrointestinal system disor- tion. 6% of the preparations were used for tinctures,
ders (26.5% of the mentioned applications), re- 4.9% for balms, 3.7% for decocts, 3.4% for mashes,
spiratory system disorders (21.5%), followed by 2.9% for syrups, 2.6% for collars, 2.3% for juices
urogenital system disorders (20.2%). Among the and 1.9% for freshly pressed juices. Only a small
less frequent indications were immune system amount of 1% was used for potions or for oils, and
disorders (10.9%), cardiovascular system disor- finally 0.9% for powders (Figure 4).
ders (9.7%) and nervous system disorders (7.5%).

Volume 11 / Number 3 / 2016 219

technics technologies education management

Figure 4. Application frequency of used prepara-


Water, alcoholic fluids (red wine, white wine

and hard liquor, so called Bosnian “šljivovica”),
vinegar and milk served as solvents. Honey played
an outstanding role in traditional medicine of Kon-
juh Mountain. It was applied as preservative agent
or as an additive of cosmetic products as well as
sweetener in teas (in more than 76% of teas).
Special attention should be paid to the prepara-
tion tinctures, which were specific to this area of the
investigation. Tinctures are prepared with alcohol, Figure 5. “Ravent” - Tincture
mostly hard liquor, so called Bosnian “šljivovica”.
The fruits of plants (fresh or dried) were poured The most original plant in ethno-pharmacology
over with a specific amount of alcohol (usually 1 collected during this study, opposed to traditional
liter, or more, dependent on need), and put for 30- therapy of Central European countries, e.g., Aus-
40 days in the sun. Thereafter, if necessary, gained trian traditional medicine (32), is certainly Achil-
liquid was filtrated. These tinctures are commonly lea nobilis (3). Some of the species reported by
used externally for swollen and painful body parts, people of these communities are accepted in of-
but can also be used internally. ficial pharmacy (33-35). In addition, there are spe-
Tincture called “Ravent” (Figure 5) was spe- cies which are only poorly known, despite that
cific to the area of Tuholj. The plant used for the they have been used since ages in traditional ther-
preparation of this tincture is Gentiana lutea L. apy of this country (assumed from the information
(lincura or srčanik), also called elixir of life by provided by the informants that these plants were
the locals. Dry and pulverized root of gentian (10- already used by earlier generations). More atten-
30g) was poured over with 1 liter of alcohol, and tion should be paid to these plants because some
put for 10-12 days in a dark room with constant of them may be of therapeutic value (4-5). Out of
agitation. Thereafter, gained liquid was filtrated. these we would like to mention in particular spe-
“Ravent” should be consummated every day, half cies belonging to the genera Gentiana and Equi-
an hour before breakfast. setum (4).
The comparison with other areas of this country
and neighboring countries showed that there exist 5. Conclusion
considerable similarity in plant use and modes of An ethnobotanical study on the traditional use
application (3-7, 30-31). of wild and cultivated plants was carried out in
north-eastern Bosnia, on Konjuh Mountain, as an
extension of a previous investigation performed in
the north-eastern parts of this country (4, 7). The
main aim of this research was the documentation
of traditional knowledge of the Bosnian people in

220 Volume 11 / Number 3 / 2016

technics technologies education management

scope of which 270 records of preparations from References

92 wild and cultivated medicinal plant species 1. medicina/
currently or formerly used in traditional medicine Access 02.08.2012.
were collected. The reported plants were applied
for a great spectrum of indications including gas- 2. Turrill WB. The Plant-life of the Balkan Penisula,
trointestinal system disorders, respiratory system Leipzig, Oxford, 1929.
disorders, urogenital system disorders, immune 3. Redžić S. The Ecological Aspect of Ethnobotany
system disorders, cardiovascular system disor- and Ethnopharmacology of Population in Bosnia
ders, nervous system disorders and skin ailments. and Herzegovina, Colegium Antropologicum 2007;
The various preparations applied included tra- 31:869-890.
ditional formulations as tinctures which are spe-
4. Šarić-Kundalić B, et al. Ethnobotanical survey of
cific to these areas. traditionally used plants in human therapy of east,
Comparison with previous studies in this area north and north-east Bosnia and Herzegovina. Jour-
or traditional therapy in neighboring countries nal of Ethnopharmacology 2010; 133: 1051-1076.
showed that there exists considerable similarity
5. Šarić-Kundalić B, et al. Ethnobotanical study on
with respect to plant use and modes of application medicinal use of wild and cultivated plants in the
(3, 30-31, 36, 37). middle, south and west Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Some of the species reported by Bosnian peo- Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2010; 131: 33-55.
ple are accepted in official pharmacy (33-35). In
contrast, much less known plants, but which have 6. Šarić-Kundalić B, et al. Traditional Medicine in
the Pristine Village of Prokoško Lake on Vranica
been used since ages in traditional therapy of this Mountain, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sci. Pharm.
country and therefore may be potential sources 2010; 78: 275–290.
for new therapies were identified in the presented
study. That makes this particular and scientifically 7. Šarić-Kundalić B, et al. Ethnobotanical study
still underexplored proportion of Bosnian plant of traditionally used plants in human therapy of
Treštenica and Tulovići, north-east Bosnia and Her-
biodiversity an interesting and promising object zegovina. Pharmacia 2015; 18(2): 221-234.
for further pharmaceutical research.
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guides for their patience and willingness to pro-
vide their valuable knowledge and time in the in- 10.
terviews. Without their kind and voluntary support viewnewnews.php?id=14862, Access 06.08.2014.
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222 Volume 11 / Number 3 / 2016

technics technologies education management

The gravitational area of Tuzla near the end

of the XX century
Fadila Kudumovic Dostovic, Sanel Tufekcic
University of Tuzla, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Department of Geography, Tuzla, Bosnia and

Abstract 55.2% of the total number of employees in the

This paper deals with an analysis of the scope economy of Tuzla. By the realized domestic prod-
and size of the gravitational area of Tuzla around uct per capita Tuzla was in the third place in Bos-
the end of the XX century, as well as with its zones nia and Herzegovina (after Sarajevo and Zenica),
of influence in the narrow (area of Tuzla Munici- and is also recognized by the polarization effects
pality) and wider (region of northeastern Bosnia) that were expressed through the growth of invest-
gravitational areas. One of the best indicators of ments, production, population and labor force. In
the city’s attractive power is the scale and inten- the period from 1971 to 1991, the population of Tu-
sity of daily migrations of population, expressed zla increased from 107,293 to 131,618, and out of
through the circulation of workers, secondary the total of 279,063 urban dwellers in the northeast
school students and college students. Hence, these Bosnia, 30% of them were concentrated in Tuzla.
data were used in the analysis of the gravitational The index of population growth of Tuzla was
area of Tuzla. In the period from the 1970s to the 202.1, and the population density of Tuzla mu-
1990s Tuzla became the center of mining, indus- nicipality increased from 354.1 in 1971 to 434.4
try, education, administration, culture and other in 1991. The migration inflow of population in-
activities, its functions attracted more and more fluenced the strong demographic growth in the
population and it became a regional center of the Tuzla area, and daily commuting has become a
first order, to which over 40,000 workers, second- basic feature of Tuzla in a demographically very
ary school and college students commuted daily dynamic gravitational area.
from the area of northeastern Bosnia.
Keywords: area of gravity, zones of influence, 2. Theoretical review
daily migrations, Northeast Bosnia, Tuzla.
In bosnian-herzegovinian circumstances of
agrarian overpopulation in the second half of the
1. Introduction twentieth century, the term “gravitational area of
Tuzla, in the period of strong industrialization the city” was associated with the launch of a sim-
since the beginning of the 1970s to the end of the ple process of daily commuting from the broad ru-
1980s of the twentieth century, developed into an ral areas to urbanized centers as a result of locating
urban center that within the north-eastern Bosnia industry in them. Along with strengthening of the
represented the pole of the growth and develop- process of industrialization, and expansion of ur-
ment of important economic, administrative, edu- ban functions to administration, education, health
cational, cultural and other activities and functions. treatment, culture and other activities, the daily
The wealth of water, forest and ore-mineral re- migrations became more complex and took on
sources has created good conditions for mining and greater importance in determining the city zones
industrial development, which has become a key of influence. In this period intensive efforts were
factor of urbanization of Tuzla. Of particular impor- made to regionalize the space of the former Yugo-
tance are reserves and exploitation of coal and salt slavia in a quality way, where a number of authors
whose capacities are technologically-economically (geographers and economists) offered models for
connected and spatially concentrated in a unique in- regionalization of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and
dustrial complex in which in 1980 were employed as the most important models distinguished were

Volume 11 / Number 3 / 2016 223

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