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1. X-accused Y- victim- what crime x commit against y

2. X y z- accused A victim
a. X is a minor- exempted (juvenile and justice welfare act)
b. Y of age – if there’s treachery- crime is murder
c. Z son of A – there treachery but since blood related the crime is parricide
3. X Y Z- accused A B C -victims
a. A- person in authority- complex crime of direct assault
b. B-minor- anti child abuse law
c. C- of Age
d. X and Y killed A
e. Z killed B and C


1. Is the crime committed by A or What are the crimes committed or for what crime X is liable for?
a. Possible sources of answers:
i. Elements of crime
1. RPC or SPL
2. If RPC- dolo or culpa?
ii. Check the distinctions and similarities of crimes punishable under RPC
1. Example:
a. Robber theft estafa
b. Murder homicide parecide
iii. Check if it’s a complex crime
1. Compound complex
2. Complex crime proper
iv. Distinction of crimes punishable under RPC and SPL
v. Check if theres a crime committed
1. Check on justifying or exempting circumstances
a. No criminal liability here
b. No crime if there no law punishing it
c. Theory of absorption
d. ART 332
i. If the crime is theft, estafa, malicious mischief
committed by a particular relative
ii. These are exempting
vi. Check the characteristics of criminal law
1. Generality principle
2. Territoriality principle
3. Prospectivity
vii. Check if there’s instigation- no criminal liability
viii. Check the stages of the crime
2. What is the participation of A B and C
a. Principal
b. Accomplices
c. Accessories
i. Check art 17 18 19
3. What is the criminal liability of X- asking if X is criminally liable – probably fall under Art 4 of RPC
a. Art 4 speaks of how criminal liability is incurred
i. Par 1- proximate cause
1. Error in personae
2. Abberatio ictus
3. Praiter intentionem
ii. Par 2- impossible crime
4. Considering the presence of:
a. Exempting or Modifying circumstances
i. Check ISLAW
ii. Check the disqualifications
iii. Minimum and max term of ISLAW
b. Mitigating or aggravating
c. What would be the penalty impose
d. Applying the indeterminate sentence law (ISLAW) what is the penalty to be imposed
i. Do not interchange the qualification and disqualification of ISLAW AND


1. Robbery/theft/piracy/
a. Common element- intent to gain
2. Murder/homicide
a. Common element- intent to kill
3. Rebellion
a. Intent- to overthrow the govt
4. Coup de etat
a. To seize power
5. Illegal possession of firearms/drugs
a. Animous posidendi- intent to posses
6. Estafa
a. Abuse of confidence
b. Deceit
i. Common element- intent to cause damage
7. Malversation
a. Misappropriation of public funds by public officer
8. Selling illegal drugs
a. Object, possession, delivery
b. Presentation of corpus delicti in court – chain of custody

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