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Faculty of AgriSciences

Programme Information & Admission Requirements

The Importance of Agriculture
According to estimates, almost seven billion will probably have to double; in fact, yields
people populate the world today, of which per hectare will have to triple, and this will
about 47 million live in South Africa. By the
have to be achieved on less surface area with

o u k year 2050 this number will have increased less water, given challenges such as climate
Did y riculture doesave to
ag uh
to more than nine billion. Each one of these
people must eat and breathe every day –
change, fluctuating economies, job creation
and the provision of high-quality food by
ree in hat yo
A deg rily mean t rmer! without food and oxygen Mother Earth would financially competitive means.
sa fa
neces become a lture not be able to sustain humanity.
e r in agricu of The demand for wood products is
a car rt of a team d This, in a nutshell, demonstrates the
r suing pa e consistently increasing and exceeds supply
By p u ome qualifi , significance of agriculture and forestry –
ill bec highly a from the building, furniture, paper and
you w ts that are South Afric . which is critically underlined by a constantly
c ie n tis f te r in w o r ld packaging industries. Timber harvests must
s ta t of th
e and rapidly growing world population.
ough r
and s nd the res iting caree therefore increase and also be carefully
Afric a a
e o f e xc
e w ant Within the next 40 years, agricultural output regulated in order not to exhaust supply.
g w
e ran exists and ure
A wid ities broch
r t u n
to u se the rld of
ite yo
to inv cover the re.
real w
The Faculty of AgriSciences
to d is u lt u
Agric The Faculty of AgriSciences at Stellenbosch farming or owning land; that you will only
University (SU) is probably one of the most do manual labour and never earn a decent
important environments where these salary, then we would invite you to use our
challenges are adressed and solved in the brochure to explore the exciting world of
various study and research fields. It strives to agriculture. A wide variety of challenging
deliver excellent research and education and careers are on offer – from the most practical
service of the highest international standard to the highly technological and extremely
to the agricultural sector. The Faculty also sophisticated, from laboratory work to
seeks to disseminate its knowledge and skills opportunities that lead you to the wonders of
base to serve the broad community, using nature. You would become part of a team of
experts that are highly qualified, sought after
natural resources in a sustainable manner.
and in demand in South Africa, Africa and the
But if you thought agriculture means only rest of the world.
Become a part of the
world of science! Programmes
How does it work? At university, you choose
a programme which interests you. Each • Conservation Ecology
programme consists of various subjects (at • Forestry and Wood Sciences
university they are referred to as modules) • Forestry and Natural Resources Sciences
which complement each other. These modules • Wood and Wood Products Sciences
reside in different departments (representing • Animal Production Systems
different fields of study). • Animal Science
Listed here are all the programmes we offer. • Plant and Soil Sciences
If you read further, you will also find more • Crop Production Systems
information on every department. However, at • Crop Protection and Breeding
university level, the vocabulary often consists • Soil and Water Management
of different (strange) words, words which you • Agricultural Economics and Management
might not have encountered before. Therefore • Agri-business Management
we’ve tried to clarify these as far as possible • Agricultural Economic Analysis
and we invite you to explore the world which • Agricultural Economic Analysis and Management
lies behind these strange words. • Agricultural Economic Analysis and Management with Food Science
• Agricultural Economics and Food Science
• Food Production Systems
• Food Science
• Grape and Wine Sciences
• Agricultural Production and Management (Elsenburg*)
• Several courses are offered by Elsenburg Agricultural Training Institute
of Agricultural Training (Tel 021 808 5451)

Take note: The BAgric (Agri-Business Management) programme is a

Stellenbosch programme offered on the Stellenbosch campus. All other
BAgric programmes are offered by the Elsenburg Agricultural Training
Institute on the Elsenburg campus (10km outside of Stellenbosch).

Tel 021 808 2978 • 3

Admission requirements
er! Basic admission requirements Requirements for AgriScience programmes
Remembinimum for university study • Afrikaans or English (Home Language or First Additional Language) 4 (50%)
m • Mathematics 5 (60%)
only the • A National Senior
These are quirements. The Certificate (NSC) or • Physical Sciences (Physics and Chemistry) 4 (50%)
n re t
admissio s the rig
y reserve Independent Examinations For BScAgric with Soil Science and Chemistry as major subjects
Universit d ju s t th ese
and a ase Board (IEB) school-leaving • Afrikaans or English (Home Language or First Additional Language) 4 (50%)
to revise time. Ple
ire m e n ts at any e s are certificate as certified by • Mathematics 6 (70%)
requ gramm
o te th a t all our pro a n d w e can Umalusi for admission to • Physical Sciences (Physics and Chemistry) 4 (50%)
n s
ti o n p ro gramme b e r of bachelor’s degree studies. For the programme Wood and Wood Products Science
selec ited num
ept a lim ough
only acc re, e v e n th • Afrikaans or English (Home Language or First Additional Language) 4 (50%)
. Therefo dmission
• For the NSC an aggregate
students m inimum a of at least 60% (excluding
• Mathematics 6 (70%)
t th e me , y o u
you mee program • Physical Sciences 5 (60%)
ents of a sion to th
e Life Orientation)
requirem nte e d a d m is For the BAgric programme in Agricultural Production and Management
u a ra e .
are not g ur choic • School of Tomorrow
me of yo (offered by Elsenburg)
program rk hard applicants are required • Afrikaans or English (Home Language or First Additional Language) 4 (50%)
le to w o
fore advis ible mark
. to write the National • Mathematics 4 (50%) or Mathematical Literacy 5 (60%)
It is there e b est poss
in th • Physical Sciences (Physics and Chemistry) 4 (50%) OR
to atta Benchmark Tests (NBTs)
when applying for an • Life Sciences 4 (50%) OR
AgriScience programme. • Agricultural Sciences 4 (50%)


Other important information

How do I apply? Bursaries and Loans Who do I contact if I need more
Visit and follow the links. Apply in good time for as many bursaries information?
Important: You must have a valid e-mail and/or loans as possible. YYou must first Monika Basson
address to apply. apply to study before you can apply for Tel. 021 808 2978
bursaries. Applications open mid May. E-mail
Closing date for Applications
is 31st July. Closing date for bursary applications can be
as early as 30 July (of the year preceeding
the year of study).
Did you
know? Agricultural Economics
ural Eco
the tech nomics
nical asp combine
with bus ects of a s
iness as griculture
pects su
ment, m
ch as
What we do Career options
Agricult and
are revo u ral econ With a degree in Agricultural Economics the whole
lutionary omists Agricultural Economists are trained to
to the im when it economic field is open to you. You can work as
plemen comes better understand interactions, both as
develop tation of agricultural economist, manager in agricultural
ment in any new economists and managers, while firmly
and eco econom and related business enterprises, marketer, market
no ic theory keeping in mind the fact that agriculture is
to variou metrics, and ap analyst, entrepreneur, advisor in the public or private
s aspects ply it the largest industry in rural South Africa.
of agricu sector, consultant, banker, credit manager (bank
econom ltural
y. The agricultural economy consists of and agricultural enterprises), grain trader (SAFEX),
thousands of interactions. Between those importer/exporter, researcher or development
who fabricate the means of production, economist.
supply producers and the producers
The Department of Agricultural Economics themselves, all must ensure that the basic
develops expertise within the ranks of
future analysts and management experts
commodity is eventually in the right place Programmes
at the right time, in the correct shape and
in government, agriculture, and the agri- at the correct price for the consumer. This To obtain a qualification in Agricultural
business sector, with relation to the utilisation applies regardless of whether it is food or Economics, you can follow the programmes:
and application of agricultural economy and fibre – whether it’s a Big Mac or a Levi jean.
management techniques. • BAgric (Agri-business Management)
Students are trained to survive in this
• BScAgric in Agricultural Economic Analysis
competitive environment and how
• BScAgric in Agricultural Economic Analysis
enterprises can implement profitable
and Management
production, distribution and retail systems.
As a result of globalisation, clients are at • Agricultural Economic Analysis and
times far from the production location. A Management with Food Science
myriad of logistic operational activities are • Agricultural Economics and Food Science
utilised to overcome this challenge. The • Plant and Soil Sciences (Crop Production
business and policy environment within Systems) combining Agricultural Economics,
which this trade takes place, is one of the Agronomy and Animal Sciences
major fields of study.

Tel 021 808 4758 • 5

Did you
’ comes
w o rd ‘a gronomy (fie ld ) and
The ‘agros’
the Gree
k w o rd s
). Agron o my What we do
m o s’ (to e nt of
entails th
e improv
in a n d oil
Emphasis is placed on increasing production levels Career options
heat, pro fic through optimal use of natural resources, the
crops (w h scienti There is a serious shortage of
c ro p s) throug ment,
implementation of sustainable production systems
seed m a n a g e agronomists and with rising
d proper d supply
and the manipulation of production environments
study an ffi cient foo by means of greenhouses and conservation challenges the demand will
s u
to ens u re ing world undoubtedly increase. A degree
r increas farming practices.
to an eve on. in Agronomy offers several career
populati Focus points are the production and management opportunities in various fields:
of annual wheat crops (corn, canola, lupins, barley), agricultural consultant, crop advisor,
planted field pastures and vegetables under entrepreneur, manager (farm or
protection and weed management programmes, production), researcher, extension
The Department of Agronomy, which with emphasis on managing herbicide resistance. officer, technician, plant breeder,
is engaged in the science of plants field representative, plant fertiliser
and plant matter, is one of the most Environmental degradation is the result of
manager, harvest yield expert,
important links in meeting the growing unsustainable farming practices and threatens the
agricultural marketing officer and
demand for food, fuel, feed and fibre. ecological balance and productivity of ecosystems
seed analyser, to name a few.
and therefore also food security. Changing from
traditional conventional production practices
to conservation agriculture practices is not
negotiable and this aspect enjoys a high priority in Programmes
all Agronomic disciplines that are presented.
Another issue relevant to the field of Agronomy, If you are interested in
is climate change. Some predictions will have Agronomy, you can follow
it that, by the year 2070, surface water in the a BScAgric in Plant and Soil
Western Cape will have decreased by 60%. One Sciences and choose either the
of the challenges the field therefore faces is the programme Crop Production
development of production systems that have Systems or Soil and Water
the ability to perform better in dryer and warmer Management.

6 Tel 021 808 4803 •

Did you k
now? Animal Science
farming is
agricultura the large
l sector in st
The Khoi- South Afr
khoi’s larg ica.
sheep on e flocks o
the Cape f
were adm Peninsula
settlers a
ired by Eu
s far back
ropean What we do
century. T as the 17th
he Europ As the largest agricultural sector in South
new shee eans brou
p and catt ght Africa, a healthy livestock industry is
South Afr le breeds
ica and c to incredibly important to the South African
with indig ro ss-breed
enous rac ing economy. Trained animal scientists with
dynamic es led to
commerc the specialized knowledge of nutrition,
ial livesto
sector in
the countr
ck breeding and physiology are necessary Career options
for the development and support of the
industry. As animal scientist you have a wide choice of careers.
You can work as animal nutrition expert, technical advisor,
Some of the most important focus areas
technical manager, production manager, meat scientist,
Animal Sciences is the scientific study are:
reproductive physiologist, poultry manager, dairy expert,
of the nutrition, breeding, physiology • Animal breeding and genetics – dairy manager, animal breeding expert, aquaculturist,
and production of animals. This includes specialising in the breeding of livestock consultant, manager, technician, extension officer,
not only aspects of farming with with the aim to improve and conserve production development manager or livestock and game
cattle, sheep, pigs and goats, but is an the genetics of an animal population. farmer. You can also do research, or be employed at a
encompassing field studying a wide
• Animal physiology – specialising in the tertiary institution, pharmaceutical enterprise, nature
range of species, such as milk and beef
digestive processes, the reproduction, conservation organisation or government department.
cattle, wool and mutton sheep, game,
growth and development of production,
poultry and ostrich. This also includes
aquatic and wildlife species.
the study of aquaculture, or fish and
• Animal nutrition – the study to
shellfish species, for example trout,
tilapia, salmon and prawns. understand the intake, digestion,
absorption and utilisation of feed and If you are interested in Animal Science
South Africa’s natural resources are food ingredients. you follow a BScAgric degree in Animal
extremely diverse and range from semi Production Systems.
• Animal products science – the study of
arid to extremely high production areas. You can also do a BScAgric Plant and
meat, fish, dairy, egg and wool products
Animal Sciences is equally applicable Soil Sciences (Crop Production Systems)
to ensure quality products are produced
to these semi-extensive small stock combining Animal Science with Agricultural
according to consumer demand.
enterprises as much as to highly Economics and Agronomy.
intensive animal production industries.

Tel 021 808 4916 • 7

Conservation Ecology
ow? and Entomology
Did you kn
at lived on
as a bird th
The dodo w iu s. It couldn’t
the island of round, Career options
ed on the g
fly, and nest yo u kn ow that
living on fr
uit. Do
n, in the se
cond half What we do After graduating you can realise your
its extinctio y, is directly love for nature and its conservation by
centur One of the biggest challenges is the
of the 17th ? If such working in nature parks and reserves,
man activity conservation of biodiversity, especially
linked to hu an d nothing with conservation initiatives such as the
ntinue in nature reserves, farmland, cities,
activities co ha lf of all WWF and the Endangered Wildlife Trust,
ve them,
is done to sa an im al sp ecies mining and forestry areas. The in the national Department of Agriculture,
and increasing population growth in
living plant ct w ithin mining companies where rehabilitation
uld be extin developed countries is another
on earth co ar s. projects have to be undertaken, in export
100 ye challenge. It causes overuse of plant companies or in information services. You
resources and the exploitation of wild can work as environmental consultants
animals, as well as change and loss of in Environmental Impact Assessment
habitat. A healthy biological network studies or you can focus on research and
The Department of Conservation Ecology – which includes all existing species
and Entomology strives to seek solutions work at a University or at the CSIR.
– ensures the prosperity of the entire
to prevent something similar from ecosystem. The development of novel
ever happening again. The survival of environmentally friendly methods to
threatened species such as the Basking manage insects that are pests also
malachite damselfly (see picture), white forms part of our mission.
rhino and the marsh rose must be ensured
for future generations. In the Department of Conservation
Ecology and Entomology you will
learn to develop management plans
Programmes and strategies to address these
burning issues. If you enjoy the
practical application of theoretical
If you are interested in this
knowledge and are passionate about
field of study, you would
the conservation of the environment,
follow the BSc programme in
this is undoubtedly the field for you.
Conservation Ecology.

8 Tel 021 808 3304/4775 •

Food Science
Did you kn
industry is d What we do
The food wo rl d an
th e
largest in nds.
illions of ra stry Food science is a multi-disciplinary field of study
is worth b in ud
ently this where the basic sciences of Chemistry, Biochemistry
Consequ n d s of new
thousa and Microbiology are applied to develop new products
employs ry year.
ntists eve and processes to ensure food quality and safety.
food scie , food industries
Internatio research The unique degree programme, BSc Food Science,
c lo sely with
wo rk rsities trains students to transform raw materials into
and u en iv
institutes m s and innovative, safe and nourishing food products which
me proble
to overco g e s . are eventually made available in supermarkets. During
challen undergraduate training, students become thoroughly
acquainted with the food industry through many visits
to factories, and industry training.
Research covers a broad area and focuses on various themes: In food Career
The Department of Food Science microbiology the diversity of microbial populations are researched by options
at Stellenbosch University is means of conventional and molecular techniques. The environmental
viewed as one of the leading theme focuses on the impact food processing has on water use, Food scientists are
training institutions in South Africa. properties of wastewater and treatment possibilities. The food safety employed to do quality
The Department has a strong focus theme is based on the occurrence, identification, survival and control assurance, product
on research and is internationally of potential pathogens in food processing. The spectroscopy theme development, product
recognised in this field. uses near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and NIR hyper-spectral image management, and
analysis for qualitative, quantitative and authenticity studies of to provide technical
agricultural and food products. In the cereal quality theme the first support and ensure food
Programmes focus is on the underlying factors influencing cereal quality, such as safety. There are also
endosperm texture, and secondly methods for early identification many opportunities for
If you are interested in Food of feasible cultivation lines are developed, in co-operation with entrepreneurs in the
Science, you follow the South African cereal research institutions. Multi-disciplinary fields food industry, and many
programme BSc in Food are involved in the sensometric theme: chemical, physical and research opportunities.
Production Systems. sensory properties of food products are correlated by using statistical
techniques to determine the drivers of consumer choices.

Tel 021 808 3578 • 9

Did you k
Trees are
now? Forest and Wood Science
and one o r organism
f Earth’s m s
natural reso ost import
urces. The ant
to the effe ir contribu
ctive regu tion
environme lation of o
nt and the ur
is of imme atmosphe
asurable va
lue –
re What we do Career options
esis, for in
provides 9 stance, The Department offers two programmes: Over the last five years a large number of the
8% of the
Earth. And oxygen on Forestry and Natural Resources Department’s undergraduate students were
did you kn
Stellenbo ow that Sciences consists of natural ecological awarded bursaries, which is an indication of
sch Unive
leading un rsity is the and management sciences which the shortage of Forestry students in the labour
iversity in
forest and South Afric supplement the core modules in Forest market. After obtaining your BSc degree
wood scie a in
nce? Science, and Wood and Wood Products you could also be appointed to a middle
Sciences, which is a unique combination management position in a multinational
of wood processing, engineering and company. Careers you could follow are: forestry
management sciences. manager, production manager (wood products),
The Department of Forest and Wood wood cultivator for the carpentry industry,
Science plays a pivotal role in the success Forest Science students will learn about
environmental planner, forester, sawmill
of the country’s growing forestry and forest the complete value chain in forestry,
manager, furniture production manager, wood
products industry, through study of the from genetic tree improvement and the
products research and development officer,
management, exploitation and conservation cultivation and planting of forests, to the
plantation manager, logistical manager, tree
of plantations, forests and woods, and the management of existing plantations and
cultivator, rural development advisor, forestry
fabrication of products from trees. woods to deliver high and sustainable
scientist, wood scientist, extension officer,
consultant and entrepreneur.
Wood Products Science students focus
on production engineering, wood as a
material and processing of trees into
final products. Students also develop
essential transferable skills such as
problem solving, communication, If you are interested in forestry, you
leadership and teamwork. About half of can choose between the programmes
the programme consists of engineering BScFor (Forestry and Natural
subjects in combination with Wood Resources Sciences) and BScFor
Products Science subjects. (Wood And Wood Products Sciences).

10 Tel 021 808 3303 •

ow? Genetics and the
Did you kn Institute of Plant Biotechnology
on and
mes Wats
When Ja t w ro te about
rick fi rs
Francis C e D N A helix in
e st ru c ture of th c journal
ri ta ti ve scientifi
the auth o scientists What we do Career options
1953, few y
Nature in ance. The
d it s tr u e signific h ic h
realise lecule w Focus areas in plant, animal and human If you have a degree in Genetics, work
d the mo
describe e ti c informati
on genetics include research in the fields opportunities are plenty. You could work as
conveys ti o n to the of quantitative (breeding and biometry), researcher, geneticist, forensic analyst, genetic
from one dbreakin
g consultant, diagnostic analyst, plant breeder
– it w a s a groun rove
molecular (biotechnological) and
next w o u ld p population genetics. and animal breeder, laboratory consultant,
discovery gnificanc
e scientific analyst, bio-informatician, plant
e o f e n ormous si which In Plant Genetics and Biotechnology,
to b ce , a n d biotechnologist, molecular geneticist or
man ra
for the hu l Prize for research includes, among others, forensic geneticist.
d th e m the Nobe 62. molecular characterisation of grapevine
earn e icine in 19
y or Med virus diseases and development of virus
resistance, rye and triticale breeding,
cereal genomics and plant-insect Programmes
interactions as well as fruit breeding and
The Department of Genetics and the Institute germplasm characterisation. If you are interested in a career in
for Plant Biotechnology are a part of this genetics, you can choose from
exciting scientific ‘journey of discovery’ In Animal Genetics research is conducted
a variety of programmes. Plant
where researchers are gaining more and on various aquatic and other live-stock
Genetics is done in the programme
more insight into molecular genetics and still animals and involves determining genetic
BScAgric Plant and Soil Sciences
regularly discover ‘secrets’ of biology. diversity and population dynamics for
(Crop Production Systems and Crop
better management and conservation of
Protection and Breeding). Animal
these species.
Genetics is done in the programme
Human Genetics research focuses on BScAgric Animal Production
analyses of the genes responsible for Systems. If your focus is on Human
schizophrenia, iron regulation and cancer, Genetics, you do a BSc in Molecular
as well as pharmaco-genetic application Biology and Biotechnology or a
in diseases which occur in the SA BSc in Human Life Sciences. (The
population. programmes in Human Genetics are
offered in the Faculty of Science.)

Tel 021 808 5839 • 11

u know
Di d yo
d expo
rt d r iv e n
Horticultural Science
tablishe and fyn
The es s fruit, citrus ant role
ou port
ie s p la y an im Western
indust r f the uth
o nomy o the rest of So
in t h e e c
s we ll a s in
ad t h e s e What we do Career options
Cape, a stay in the le ulturists with
. T o r t ic We aim to train horticulturists of high standing that will As horticulturist you can be employed
Afr ic a uire h o rovide
ies req ies to p
industr ge technolog to ensure
be sought after by industry because of their in depth as consultant, entrepreneur,
ed e
cutting h expert advic competitive
knowledge of all production aspects, as well as the greenhouse manager, technical
it eir physiological processes involved in the production of manager, production manager,
them w can retain th arket share.
ey m fruit and cut flowers. Moreover, students are equipped packing store manager, exporter of
that th expand their
edge an
with the ability to conduct cutting edge research and fruit and cut flowers, quality controller,
successfully implement technological innovation. agro-chemical horticulturist, fresh
cut line manager, logistical product
As a SU Horticultural Science student you will study
manager, agricultural economics
how to ensure the production of top quality fruit and
The Department of Horticultural Science advisor, academic/lecturer, extension
cut flowers scientifically, as well as how to maintain
is proud of its’ involvement in the training officer, technician or researcher. At the
this quality throughout the marketing chain using the
of horticulturists who have the expertise completion of your studies you will
correct application of post-harvest technology. In this
to get involved in all aspects of the fruit- be a professional held in high esteem
way waste is minimised,consumers are satisfied and
(apples, pears, stone fruit such as plums by the industry, to such an extent that
the market share and profitability of our own local fruit
and peaches, citrus, as well as olives, your employability can almost be
and cut flower industries expand.
pomegranates, figs, nuts and berries), and assured both locally and globally in
cut flower industries. During your studies you will be exposed to all aspects jobs that are financial very competitive.
of the industry, from production to the supermarket
shelf in Europe, the USA or Far- and Middle East. You
will also learn how the climate affects fruit and cut
flower production – the ability to adapt to changing
climate conditions is ever more important. You don’t If you are interested in Horicultural
acquire only theoretical knowledge, but also get Science as a career you can do a
to manage your own orchard, go on excursions to BScAgric Plant and Soil Sciences and
commercial farms, packing stores and processing you can choose between the study
plants, among others, while experts offer lectures on fields: Crop Productions Systems, Crop
the consultation industry, farming challenges and the Protection and Breeding or Soil and
establishing of a new industry. Water Management.

12 Tel 021 808 4900/2112 •

k now
? Plant Pathology
o u
Did y ll foo
d tha
o t
% of t due
ut 40 d, is los s and
Abo e t
oduc , pes is
is pr disease ch food
pla nt
o m u l w e What we do
s il
e e ds. If st, how w orld A plant pathologist specialises in plant health –
w the w
dy lo
alrea e to feed ich will just as a medical doctor specialises in people’s
b l h
be a ulation, w ated health and a veterinarian in animals’ health. As
pop e s tim 50?
h an ar 20 plant pathologist you study diseases caused
reac y the ye by pathogens (fungi, bacteria and viruses)
9 bil and environmental conditions (physiological
factors) and you find sustainable and affordable
solutions to control these diseases, which
threaten local crops and export markets.

The Department of Plant Pathology is Traditionally, chemical compounds were used

at the forefront of research to decrease to protect crops. Today we endeavour to find
the impact of pathogens (infectious environmentally friendly solutions which don’t
damage the environment. The plant pathologist
diseases) on crops and to increase crop
resistance, thereby adding momentum develops these integrated disease control Career options
to food production. strategies to prevent plant disease and address As plant pathologist you work in
new diseases and changes in existing plant close liaison with plant breeders,
diseases, which pose a constant threat to your horticulturists, entomologists
Programmes woods, food, and fibre crops. and weed scientists to develop
Research is focused particularly on the integrated approaches for the
protection of fruit, citrus, vegetable and wheat management of crops, plant
To become a plant pathologist,
crops by means of integrated management pathogens and pests. You can
you follow the programme
and plant improvement. The Department follow a career as researcher,
BScAgric Plant and Soil
is considered a world leader because of its academic, consultant, technician,
Sciences (Crop Production
programmes on pathogens of grapevine and plant breeder and manager, as
Systems, Crop Protection and
deciduous fruit, and graduates play a leading well as a career in agricultural
Breeding or Soil and Water
role in the field, not only in South Africa, but enterprises or in agricultural
also internationally. chemical companies.

Tel 021 808 4799 • 13

Did you Soil Science
Soil and
water are
humanit probably
y’s most
natural re importa
sources nt
. Togeth
are resp
fibre – th
er they What we do Career options
e basis o food and
on earth f all plan Soil Science consists of the specialised fields of There is a tremendous shortage
. Soil scie t life
factor in n
food pro ce is a key pedology, soil physics, soil chemistry and soil biology. of soil scientists in South Africa
the rapid duction Pedology includes the study of the origin, formation, and there are many career
ly , given
probable growing popula classification and mapping of soil. In Soil physics, opportunities for students
future w tion,
increasin ater sho physical properties such as water retention and interested in this field of study.
g polluti rtages,
degrada on, soil movement, water management and irrigation are As soil expert you will be able
tion and
ever-inc studied. Soil chemistry studies the chemical properties to work as soil scientist, soil
food ne reasing
eds. of soil, which includes plant nutrition, fertilisation mapper, soil physicist, soil chemist,
and rehabilitation. Soil biology studies the interaction consultant, fertilisation expert,
between soil organisms and the abovementioned entrepreneur, manager, extension
specialised fields. officer, technician, researcher or
The Department of Soil Science environmental impact assessor.
considers the management and The Department’s research includes, among others,
improvement of Southern Africa’s soil the influence of agricultural activity on the salinisation
to be of crucial importance, and a huge of the Berg river, the water balance of sprayed fruit
responsibility rests on the shoulders of crops, the modelling of water movement, recycling of
researchers in this field to utilise the soil soil acidified by industrial waste products, treatment of
sensibly and sustainably. soil with charcoal (biochar), soil fertility in small-scale
farming, ecosystems and biodiversity, forestry and the
protection of natural resources against pollution.
Programmes Africa initiatives include research on soil constraints to
small-scale agriculture in Zambia and on plantation
If you are interested in Soil cultivation of teak in the Sudan. Ecological soil
Science as a career you would investigations include factors such as soil infiltrability,
follow the programme BScAgric determinants of savanna grassland boundaries,
in Plant and Soil Sciences (Soil restoration of degraded subtropical thicket, dieback
and Water Management). of trees in the Ngorongoro crater and black rhino

14 Tel 021 808 4794 •

Viticulture and Oenology and
the Institute for Wine Biotechnology

Did you kno What we do Career options

The SA win
e industry is Our academic and research There are various careers
dynamic an a diverse,
d progressiv programmes are of international for our graduates to
community e
consisting of quality and all our staff members are follow, from technical
enterprises several
of varying si internationally recognised experts positions at wine cellars
small-scale ze – from
wineries (‘g in their fields. Students not only and wine companies to
to enormou aragistes’)
s multinatio become thoroughly acquainted with consultants for general
companies nal
. Wine and the sciences of grapevine and wine viticulture and oenology
production grape
is one of So in the classroom, but also discover practices, or in specialised
largest agric uth Africa’s
ultural sect how knowledge is applied in the fields such as irrigation or
especially in ors,
the Western workplace, with great emphasis being marketing. Typical careers
The wine in Cape.
dustry is es placed on practical application and include viticulturist,
firmly as th tablished
e leading ag exposure to the industry as a whole grape producer, winemaker, researcher, production
exporter an ricultural
d contribut (for instance theory and practice with manager, technician, wine consultant, entrepreneur,
R36.1 billion es over
to the coun regards to the establishment, growth marketer, biotechnologist or microbiologist. Many
economy ev try’s
ery year. and maintenance of a vineyard up to students spend a year or two in different wine-
the stage where quality grapes are producing countries to gain experience of other
produced, as well as all the technical approaches to the industry.
expertise required to make wine in
The Department of Viticulture a cellar). Students who distinguish
themselves academically have many
and Oenology and Institute
for Wine Biotechnology is opportunities for research, from Programmes
seen as one of the world plant physiology to microbiology
leading institutions in training and analytical wine chemistry and If you are interested in Viticulture
and research being unique in biotechnology. Great emphasis is (Grapevine sciences) and Oenology
combining all disciplines of placed on innovation and problem (Wine Sciences) you follow the
grapevine and wine sciences. solving skills. BScAgric in Grape and Wine sciences.

Tel 021 808 4545 • 15

Faculty of AgriSciences
INDEMNITY Stellenbosch University
The University reserves the right to adjust the information in this brochure at any given Tel +27 21 808 2978

time and as the need arises. The information given here is to the best of our knowledge
accurate at the time of going to press. Design: Grafixit

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