Factors Influencing Crash Involvement During Early Years of Owning A New Vehicle

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IATSS Research 46 (2022) 297–305

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IATSS Research

Research Article

Factors influencing crash involvement during early years

of owning a new vehicle
Raghuveer Gouribhatla a, Srinivas S. Pulugurtha b,⁎
Infrastructure and Environmental Systems (INES) Ph.D. Program, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 9201 University City Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 28223-0001, USA
Civil & Environmental Engineering Department, Director of Infrastructure, Design, Environment, and Sustainability (IDEAS) Center, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 9201 University
City Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 28223-0001, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Though automobile manufacturers are investing efforts to make newer vehicles safer to drive, an element of un-
Received 23 September 2021 certainty with the new vehicle seems to persist with the drivers during the early years of ownership. This could
Received in revised form 22 December 2021 be due to a lack of familiarity of the vehicle's power, dimensions or available technologies/features. While the un-
Accepted 19 February 2022
certainty in itself is a potential cause of a crash, it is important for the policy-makers, practitioners, and automo-
Available online 22 February 2022
bile manufacturers to understand the factors that could further aggravate the problem. This research focuses on
identifying the factors influencing the likelihood of getting involved in a crash and its severity when driving a
Partial proportional odds model new vehicle. Crash data for North Carolina for the years 2013 to 2018 (six years) was used develop partial pro-
Crash portionality odds models, compute the odds ratios, analyze the effects of explanatory variables, and identify fac-
Severity tors influencing crashes by the age of the vehicle. The likelihood of getting involved in a severe or moderate injury
Vehicle crash when driving a new vehicle is less for drivers in the age group ≤19 years. Erratic driving behavior (like mak-
Year ing wide turns, weaving and swerving in traffic, driving with headlights off, driving on center-line or lane-line,
etc.) and speeding increase the risk of getting involved in a moderate injury crash when driving a new vehicle.
Likewise, the odds of getting involved in a crash are high on weekends and in adverse weather conditions
when driving a new vehicle. They are higher when driving a new motorcycle, heavy vehicle or farm machinery.
The findings help policy-makers and practitioners formulate strategies to educate drivers on factors influencing
crash risk when driving a new vehicle. Further, automobile manufacturers can establish guidance programs and
documentation that explain what to expect when buying and driving a new vehicle.
© 2022 International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences. Production and hosting by Elsevier Ltd. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

1. Introduction safety issues, an element of unfamiliarity persists with the drivers in

the early days of owning a new vehicle. The problem could be due to
More than 6.75 million police-reported motor vehicle crashes, kill- underestimating the vehicle's power, unfamiliarity with the technology,
ing 36,096 people and injuring 2,740,000 people, occurred in the year or understanding how to operate the vehicle's accessories. This lack of
2019 in the United States [1]. The estimated economic and societal familiarity influences the probability of getting involved in a crash dur-
costs due to these crashes exceed $836 billion per year [2]. The number ing early years of vehicle ownership. The risk of getting involved in a
of vehicles as well as vehicle miles traveled and information regarding crash also depends on the vehicle type. For example, the odds of getting
vehicles used for travel and involved in crashes are of importance in re- killed in a crash is lower for luxury vehicles than the equivalent non-
search, program development, and rulemaking [1]. luxury vehicles, implying the advantages of advanced safety features
Automobile sales were recorded to be more than 17.3 million in that are often found on more expensive vehicles [4].
2019 alone [3]. Though the automobile manufacturers have been con- Any crash, be it fatal, injury type, or property damage only (PDO),
sistently upgrading their vehicles with every new model to address not only costs money to those involved but also adversely affects
them physically and mentally. Several studies were conducted on the
type of crashes based on the age or type of the vehicle involved in a
crash [5]. However, not many studies were conducted on the role of un-
⁎ Corresponding author. familiarity of a new vehicle in a crash or on the likelihood of getting in-
E-mail addresses: rgouribh@uncc.edu (R. Gouribhatla), sspulugurtha@uncc.edu
volved in a crash during the first year of purchase. A crash involving a
(S.S. Pulugurtha).
Peer review under responsibility of International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences. new vehicle may happen irrespective of the driver's experience, and ex-
pensive vehicles have higher claim severities and overall losses due to

0386-1112/© 2022 International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences. Production and hosting by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
R. Gouribhatla and S.S. Pulugurtha IATSS Research 46 (2022) 297–305

relatively pricey repair costs [5]. There are also various forums online speed limit, and speeding as the major contributing factors of injury se-
that discuss crashes involving new vehicle owners. Many of these fo- verity.
rums share stories of crashes involving sports utility vehicles (SUVs)
or high-end luxury cars. However, studies that investigate the factors 2.2. Weather-related safety research
influencing crashes of vehicles that have been recently owned are
rare. Also, there is no concrete substance or methodology to address Andrey and Yagar [13] observed the risk to be 70% higher during
and train drivers on the unfamiliarity. There are no laws in place that rain, but wet roads were not found to have any effect right after the
mandate a driver purchasing a new vehicle to be educated. rain event. Hı́jar et al. [14] observed that adverse weather conditions
While adapting to a change in any experience takes time, uncertainty have the highest odds ratio, followed by alcohol intake, during daylight
prevails during that window which could occasionally increase the risk and age below 25 years. The direction of travel also increased the odds
than aid while driving a new vehicle. This window of adaptation needs of getting involved in a crash.
to be addressed such that the drivers are better aware of the vehicle Khattak and Knapp [15] did not observe any significant contribution
and possible repercussions for overlooking or ignoring the same. There from snowstorms towards crash occurrence or severity, while the same
is a persisting gap in the past literature and this research helps understand type of crashes was observed to be more severe during non-snow
factors that might influence the probability of getting involved in a crash, events. Contrarily, Qin et al. [16] revealed a mixed effect on severity
specifically for a new car owner. The key objectives, therefore, are: due to snowstorms and maintenance during snowstorms. Spatial anal-
ysis revealed high crash clustered areas and was compared to the
1) collecting and segregating data accounting for unfamiliarity with a weather data by Khan et al. [17], while meta-analysis by Qiu and
new vehicle; Nixon [18] revealed the effects of snow and rain on crashes with snow
2) developing partial proportionality odds models, computing the odds contributing the most.
ratios, and analyzing the effects of explanatory variables; and, The risk of a crash or injury severity reduced over the years during
3) identifying the factors influencing the likelihood of getting involved rainy condition, while no measurable changes were observed during
in a crash and its severity when driving a new vehicle. snowy condition by Andrey [19]. A higher number of crashes were ob-
served in the eastbound direction in the morning and westbound direc-
Overall, this research explores if the familiarity of the vehicles play a tion in the evening by Mitra [20]. The rear-end and right-angle crashes
role in different type of crashes. The findings help automobile manufac- were higher in number during the times of sun glare, in particular dur-
turers and practitioners proactively identify potential high risk situa- ing spring and fall times of a year. Ahmed et al. [21] researched using
tions and take appropriate precautions or formulate education policies real-time weather data and observed that the weather conditions
or standards. Identifying the effects of the natural course of owning a ve- could explain the crash trends.
hicle will help employ such focused efforts. Ashley et al. [22] observed fog to be the primary factor leading to vi-
sion obscurity in case of fatal crashes especially in morning peak hours.
2. Literature review Naik et al. [23] observed wind speeds, rain, and warmer temperatures
contributing to crash injury severity. Kelarestaghi et al. [24] observed
As stated previously, not many studies were conducted on factors that younger drivers were prone to less severe injuries during adverse
influencing crash involvement during early years of owning a new vehi- weather conditions, while the involvement of pedestrians, motorcycles,
cle. These factors could be demographic characteristics, weather condi- heavy trucks, and drivers without seatbelts in the crashes drastically in-
tion, location-specific characteristics or other. A review of past literature creased the severity.
on selected factors and the methodologies typically used for such re-
search is discussed next. It is followed by the limitations of the past lit- 2.3. Location-specific analysis
erature and the contribution of this research.
Abdel-Aty [25] investigated the effect of location on the severity of
2.1. Influence of demographic characteristics on crashes and injury severity injuries in crashes and observed lighting condition, alcohol, and road
curves influenced the possibility of injuries. Abdel-Aty et al. [26] used
While Williams and Carsten [6] observed the crash risk to be the tree-based regression and observed that various road-related factors
highest for younger and older drivers, Williams et al. [7] observed are correlated with different types of crashes.
higher involvement of 15-year-olds who did not hold learner's permit Wang et al. [27] researched on the influence of temporal and other
and during nighttime with many occupants in the vehicle. Tavris et al. variables on crashes at signalized intersections while Wang and
[8] observed that the likelihood of male drivers getting involved in a Abdel-Aty [28] evaluated rear-end crashes in Florida using negative bi-
crash with other vehicles increased steeply for drivers aged over 70 nomial log-link function to understand spatial and temporal effects.
years. Loss of control of vehicles was observed in the case of male They observed the combined effect of intersection related variables to
drivers with age groups 15–24 and 85–89 being the peak. However, be significantly influencing rear-end crashes.
the injury severity was less for the male drivers when compared to Manner and Wünsch-Ziegler [29] analyzed crashes on the Autobahn
the female drivers. and observed crashes involving motorcycles, pedestrians and roadside ob-
Bedard et al. [9], using multivariate logistic regression, observed the jects to be more severe, while crashes during daylight and at construction
odds ratio to be the highest for drivers over 80 years when compared to sites were observed to be less severe. Pulugurtha et al. [30] investigated the
drivers of the age group 40–49 years. Alcohol consumption and higher crashes at traffic analysis zone (TAZ) level and observed urban, single-
speeds were observed to increase the odds of a fatality while the use family, multi-family, business and office type land use to be statistically
of a three-point seatbelt reduces the risk of a fatality. influencing crashes while single-family land use was observed to be nega-
Williams and Shabanova [10] observed younger and older drivers to tively impacting the number of crashes. Liu and Sharma [31] observed that
be responsible for their deaths in single-vehicle crashes while older vehicle miles traveled is the most significant variable with space and time
drivers were found to be more responsible in two-vehicle crashes. influencing the dispersion and zero inflation of crashes.
Kent et al. [11] observed the fatality rate to be increasing significantly
with the age, and chest injuries were found to be more common injury 2.4. Discrete choice modeling
types leading to fatality in older drivers. With the age, the delay of death
after getting involved in a crash was observed to increase significantly. Wang and Kockelman [32] investigated the influence of road, vehicle,
Boufous et al. [12] observed intersection complexity, seatbelt use, environment, and occupants on the crash severity of injuries using a

R. Gouribhatla and S.S. Pulugurtha IATSS Research 46 (2022) 297–305

heteroscedastic ordered logit model. Daziano [33] modeled the crash se- 3. Methodology
verity using discrete choice modeling and proposed a framework to appro-
priately handle the data. Osman et al. [34] investigated crashes involving Figure 1 summarizes the methodology adopted for this research.
large trucks using multinomial logit, nested logit, ordered logit, and gener- Each step is discussed next in detail.
alized ordered logit models. Penmetsa and Pulugurtha [35] also used a
multinomial logit model to evaluate the crash injury severity based on 4. Data collection/data processing
road features. Penmetsa and Pulugurtha [36] used logistic regression
modeling to investigate the factors contributing to fatal crashes involving Good data helps derive meaningful interpretations with a higher de-
fixed objects. Likewise, Dadashova et al. [37] used discrete choice modeling gree of certainty. Since this research deals with crashes involving only
to analyze the crash injury severity on two urban freight corridors. new vehicles, records whose vehicle make year was not older than a
year (approximately) compared to the year of a crash were considered.
2.5. Limitations of past research Crashes involving two to three years old and four to five years old vehi-
cles were also considered for comparison. To acquire and put together
Extensive research was conducted in the past on the effects of driver as many samples as possible while also considering the span of the
characteristics (age and gender), vehicle characteristics (the type of ve- timeline of the data, six years (2013 to 2018) of crash data for North Car-
hicle), geometric conditions (highways, intersections, curves, and olina was collected from the Highway Safety Information System (HSIS)
grades), weather condition (snow, rain, and fog), and driver behavior in Microsoft Excel (.xls) format and used in this research. The data was
(use of alcohol, seatbelt use, and speeding) on crashes. Several studies requested through the HSIS online portal. The required variables were
were conducted to assess the effectiveness of driver education pro- selected based on the guidebook provided on HSIS online portal for
grams [examples, 38,39]. However, an established program has not North Carolina.
been designed to educate drivers on how to handle or get familiarized
during early years of owning a vehicle and what to expect while driving 4.1. Data description
them under different conditions. There is a need to evaluate such
crashes, understand the role of influencing factors, and implement suit- Owing to the size of crash data, HSIS provides the data for each year
able mitigation measures. in multiple sub-files that capture various elements of a crash and are
Evaluating the unfamiliarity of a new vehicle has not been addressed segregated based on the characteristics (crash, vehicle, occupant, and
specifically in the past. If a vehicle has been driven by a driver for a road). The crash subfile consists of information related to the crash
while, he/she is accustomed to the vehicle (power, size, features, etc.). that captures elements like the crash severity (fatal, injury type or
However, the driver may need time to adjust to a new vehicle. Certain PDO), the time and date of the crash, light and weather condition at
conditions like inclement weather, being inattentive, or speeding may the time of the crash and the injury or fatality counts. Vehicle subfile
act as a catalyst to losing the control of a vehicle especially when it is has details of the vehicles involved in a crash like a vehicle make,
new. Therefore, it is important to understand what factors may aggra- model and year, drug/alcohol involvement information, crash contrib-
vate the probability of getting involved in a crash when it is new. Prob- uting factors, driver demographics, and sequence of events after the oc-
ing into this horizon may yield useful findings that can help formulate currence of the crash and other related information. Occupant subfile
strategies/policies and educate drivers to be more careful in such include occupant demographics and the vehicle position number in a
conditions when driving a new vehicle. crash. Road subfile describes the road on which the crash occurred.

Crash data:
Up to one year old,
Study period: six years
two to three years old, & Data collection
(2013 - 2018)
four to five years old

Variables: age of the

vehicle, driver
Crash, vehicle, demographics, geometric
Data processing
occupant & road conditions, & weather

Descriptive statistics

Proportionality odds test Discrete choice model


Fig. 1. Methodology.

R. Gouribhatla and S.S. Pulugurtha IATSS Research 46 (2022) 297–305

They include the geometric condition of the road, their functional clas- vehicle, the first category was chosen until one year old. The two to
sification, and traffic volume information. five year timeline was further divided into two equal timelines to fur-
ther assess the effect of familiarity on crashes. Thus, the crash data
4.2. Data processing was segregated into three datasets based on the age of the vehicle; up
to one year old, two to three years old, and four to five years old.
A crash dataset for a year is complete only after combining these four The number of crash records for one-year old vehicles were 186,971,
subfiles. Each subfile contains a common field that is used to join them. for two to three years old vehicles were 198,678, and for four to five
The crash, vehicle, and occupant sub-files are joined using the “case years old vehicles were 181,623. It can be observed that the number
number”. While combining the crash and vehicle subfile is fairly straight of crashes for one year old vehicles are very close to the other two cat-
forward, combining the occupant file requires a two-level filtering that egories though the timeline for one year old vehicles is half compared
also takes the “vehicle number” into account. The “vehicle number” var- to the other two categories.
iable is vital in combining the occupant subfile with the other two sub- The dependent variable ‘crash severity’ was categorized for each
files. Assigning the occupants to the right vehicle in a crash is important classification of the age of vehicle as severe injury, moderate injury,
as the outcomes from a crash may vary distinctly based on vehicle pa- and PDO. Fatal and injury type A crashes were considered as severe in-
rameters and point of contact during a crash. Failing to do so would re- jury type and injury type B and type C crashes were considered as mod-
sult in drastic skewness of results that are not accurate. Hence, the best erate injury type crashes in the analysis.
way to combine the occupant subfile with other data subfiles is by join- The most common type of crashes across all the three crash datasets
ing it to the vehicle subfile. Matching both the subfiles first by the ‘case was rear-end crashes followed by angle/ head-on and sideswipe
number’ and then by the ‘vehicle number’ and combining them ensures crashes. Adult age group (36–65 years) had the highest frequency
the accuracy of this step. The road subfile does not contain the ‘case followed by young age group (20–35) for all age of vehicle groups.
number’ and needs to be combined with the other subfiles using the lo- The number of crash records with no contributing factor is highest for
cation element of the data. This is possible with the crash subfile as it all the considered vehicle age groups. Improper driving and speeding
contains the same information. contributed to the greatest number of crashes after no contributing fac-
Initially, the data records were matched based on the county and tor. The highest number of crashes for all vehicle age groups occurred on
route information in the crash subfile and the occupant subfile. In addi- Friday while similar number of crashes occurred on weekdays (Tues-
tion to that, a range match was performed using the milepost variable in days to Thursdays). Sundays had the least number of crashes for all ve-
the crash subfile that needs to fall between the beginning and ending hicle age groups.
mileposts in the road subfile. Males were involved in a greater number of one year old vehicle
Structured Query Language (SQL) was used to perform the data com- crashes while females were more involved in the crashes with vehicle
bining efforts. SQL was chosen to combine the datasets owing to the large ages two to three years and four to five years old. About 75% of crashes
size of crash data. SQL is a data management tool that can effectively han- occurred in daylight conditions followed by about 13% of crashes occur-
dle large databases while also enabling users to perform multiple opera- ring on roadways not lighted. Similar number of crashes occurred on
tions on the data. The “join” command was used to combine the data roadways with 1 or 2 lanes and 3 or 4 lanes with each accounting for
with predetermined conditions from each subfile. Once data for each of about 36% crashes. The highest number of crashes occurred on inter-
the six years (2013–2018) is ready, a vertical join of each year's dataset states comprising about 37% of crashes, followed by the number of
was performed using the “union” command. While the “join” command crashes on local roads/ driveways. State secondary routes and US routes
in SQL combines columns from two tables and puts them side by side, a had fairly equal number of crashes.
“union” command combines rows of data from the two tables and puts PDO crashes are the most common type of crashes comprising about
one set of rows below or above the other set [40]. 72% of the total crashes for all vehicle age groups, followed by injury
The variable ‘locality’ was initially considered for the analysis but type crashes comprising about 27% of total crashes. About 75% of the
later dropped due to unavailability of data for the year 2018. crashes occurred in rolling terrains followed by 18% of the crashes in
flat terrains. Passenger cars are the most involved vehicles in crashes
5. Descriptive statistics followed by SUVs and pickup trucks for all vehicle age groups. About
75% of the crashes occurred during clear weather conditions while
After performing the required data cleaning and data elimination 15% of the crashes occurred during cloudy weather and 10% of the
process, the data was segregated into three files based on the type of crashes occurred during rain/ fog/ snow. About 83% of the crashes oc-
crash. The three segregated files contain severe injury crashes (fatal curred on dry pavement while 15% of the crashes occurred on wet pave-
and injury type A), moderate injury crashes (injury types B and C), ment conditions for all vehicle age groups.
and PDO crashes separately. The age of the vehicle was also considered
while preparing the data for analysis and modeling. The age of the vehi- 5.1. Proportionality odds model
cle was calculated using the vehicle make year and the year in which the
crash occurred. The records with null values were eliminated first from Considering the ordinal nature of the dependent variable, an ordered
the analysis to obtain meaningful interpretations. Table 1 summarizes logit model best fits the modeling criteria based on previous research
each selected explanatory variable, categories, number of crashes, and [43]. Further, the partial proportionality odds model allows to consider
percent of crashes by each crash type. both equal and unequal effects of the predictor variables [44]. The
While not much is documented in the published literature, the aver- modeling procedure involves multiple steps to come up with the best
age length of vehicle ownership in 2016 was observed as 79 months for fit estimation. Initially, a proportionality odds model was developed as-
new vehicles per a survey conducted by Information Handling Services suming equal slopes across all categories of each explanatory variable.
(IHS) and published by Forbes [41]. Anecdotal evidence suggests that In other words, the effect of the categories on the dependent variable
automobile manufacturers anticipate owners to change vehicles every is identical. The results from this model showed a p-value of less than
3 to 4 years. Hence, the maximum age of vehicle was considered as 0.05. As the null hypothesis is rejected, a partial proportional odds
five years in this research. model was tested. In this case, it is assumed that the slopes are unequal
The crash rates beyond the effects of the high-risk factors are corre- across all categories of each explanatory variable. It was observed to be
lated with drivers who are unfamiliar with the vehicle [42]. As the like- the best fit model for the data used in this research.
lihood of getting involved in a crash when driving a new vehicle, due to Initially, many variables (available in the crash data) were consid-
unfamiliarity, could be higher during the first one year of owning a ered in the analysis. However, only explanatory variables significant at

R. Gouribhatla and S.S. Pulugurtha IATSS Research 46 (2022) 297–305

Table 1
Frequency distribution of variables by categories for each crash type.

Variable Category One year Two to three years Four to five years

Frequency Percent Frequency Percent Frequency Percent

Crash type (acctyp) Run-off/ overturn 3977 2.13 4226 2.13 4156 2.29
Non-motorist/ pedestrian/ animal 14,566 7.79 14,558 7.33 13,052 7.19
Object/ parked vehicle 14,979 8.01 15,921 8.01 15,409 8.48
Rear-end 83,943 44.90 89,883 45.24 81,824 45.05
Turning collision 18,884 10.10 21,285 10.71 19,705 10.85
Angle/ head-on 21,328 11.41 23,278 11.72 21,834 12.02
Sideswipe 24,960 13.35 25,045 12.61 21,729 11.96
Backing up/ other collision 4249 2.27 4389 2.21 3833 2.11
Driver Age (age) Teen (≤19 years) 8020 4.29 10,910 5.49 12,154 6.69
Young (20–35 years) 67,452 36.08 74,121 37.31 70,856 39.01
Adult (36–65 years) 93,921 50.23 95,288 47.96 82,125 45.22
Old/ Senior (66–74 years) 12,199 6.52 12,332 6.21 10,916 6.01
Very old (>75 years) 5379 2.88 6027 3.03 5572 3.07
Contributing Factor (contrib) No contributing factors 114,488 61.23 118,267 59.53 103,932 57.22
Inattention/ Erratic behavior 15,982 8.55 16,435 8.27 14,996 8.26
Speeding 24,707 13.21 30,327 15.26 30,769 16.94
Improper driving behavior 28,078 15.02 29,921 15.06 28,484 15.68
Alcohol/ Drug 3716 1.99 3728 1.88 3442 1.90
Day of the week (dayow) Sunday 17,998 9.63 18,683 9.40 17,502 9.64
Monday 27,056 14.47 29,034 14.61 26,381 14.53
Tuesday 28,934 15.48 30,774 15.49 27,963 15.40
Wednesday 28,836 15.42 31,233 15.72 28,573 15.73
Thursday 28,969 15.49 30,919 15.56 28,333 15.60
Friday 32,675 17.48 34,641 17.44 31,665 17.43
Saturday 22,503 12.04 23,394 11.77 21,206 11.68
Driver Gender (drv_sex) Male 99,716 53.33 97,976 49.31 86,472 47.61
Female 87,213 46.65 100,655 50.66 95,107 52.37
Lighting Condition (lighting) Daylight 138,837 74.26 149,046 75.02 135,181 74.43
Dusk/ dawn 6910 3.70 7367 3.71 6889 3.79
Lighted roadway 16,305 8.72 16,805 8.46 15,913 8.76
Roadway not lighted 24,577 13.14 25,083 12.62 23,279 12.82
Unknown lighting/ other 342 0.18 377 0.19 361 0.20
Number of Lanes (lanes) 1 or 2 lanes 66,580 35.61 72,844 36.66 67,635 37.24
3 or 4 lanes 68,562 36.67 71,877 36.18 65,692 36.17
>4 lanes 51,829 27.72 53,957 27.16 48,296 26.59
Road Functional Class (rdclas) Local road/ driveway 35,669 19.08 33,941 17.08 29,963 16.50
NC route 24,724 13.22 25,054 12.61 22,361 12.31
State secondary route 29,258 15.65 32,106 16.16 29,734 16.37
US route 29,633 15.85 32,881 16.55 30,232 16.65
Interstate 67,687 36.20 74,696 37.60 69,333 38.17
Severity (severity) Severe injury 2243 1.20 2236 1.13 2123 1.17
Moderate injury 49,809 26.64 53,875 27.12 49,493 27.25
PDO 134,919 72.16 142,567 71.76 130,007 71.58
Terrain (terrain) Flat 35,281 18.87 37,130 18.69 32,989 18.16
Rolling 139,644 74.69 149,819 75.41 137,768 75.85
Mountainous 12,046 6.44 11,729 5.90 10,866 5.98
Type of Vehicle (vehtyp) Passenger car 98,760 52.82 115,392 58.08 112,049 61.69
Pickup/ light truck 28,866 15.44 29,949 15.07 25,103 13.82
SUV 44,946 24.04 42,650 21.47 37,024 20.39
Heavy/ farm vehicles 11,117 5.95 7640 3.85 4828 2.66
Motorcycle 2426 1.30 2088 1.05 1596 0.88
Emergency vehicle 856 0.46 959 0.48 1023 0.56
Weather Condition (weather) Clear 141,116 75.47 148,692 74.84 135,554 74.63
Cloudy 27,800 14.87 29,392 14.79 26,911 14.82
Rain/ snow/ fog/ other 18,055 9.66 20,593 10.37 19,158 10.55
Road Surface (rdsurf) Dry pavement 157,449 84.21 165,285 83.19 150,182 82.69
Wet/ water 27,445 14.68 30,573 15.39 28,725 15.82
Ice/ snow/ slush 1884 1.01 2631 1.32 2540 1.40
Sand/ oil/ other 193 0.10 189 0.10 176 0.10

a 95% confidence level were discussed in this paper. Likewise, some cat- crash types. An odds ratio above one indicates a higher probability of a
egories of the considered explanatory variables were omitted if found to severe or moderate injury type crash occurring compared to a PDO
have an insignificant effect. The degrees of freedom, Wald Chi-Square crash. Similarly, an odds ratio lower than one indicates lower probabil-
and P-value from the analysis of effects of explanatory variables by the ity of a severe or moderate injury type crash occurring compared to a
age of vehicle are summarized in Table 2. PDO crash.

5.2. Odds ratio estimates 6. Results

The odds ratios for the categories significant at a 95% confidence The likelihood of angle/ head-on collision involving a one year old
level are summarized in Table 3. The odds ratios of categories of vari- vehicle resulting in a severe and moderate injury type crash is higher
ables are mentioned separately for both severe and moderate injury by 154% and 48%, respectively when compared to a run-off/ overturn

R. Gouribhatla and S.S. Pulugurtha IATSS Research 46 (2022) 297–305

Table 2
Analysis of effects of explanatory variables by the age of vehicle using degrees of freedom, Wald Chi-Square, and P-value.

Effect One year Two to three years Four to five years

Degrees of freedom Wald Chi-Square P-value Degrees of freedom Wald Chi-Square P-value Degrees of freedom Wald Chi-Square P-value

Weather 6 90.78 <0.01 6 65.41 <0.01 6 65.80 <0.01

VehType 10 2931.67 <0.01 10 2446.96 <0.01 10 1980.71 <0.01
RoadCls 8 284.16 <0.01 8 298.00 <0.01 8 256.28 <0.01
Lanes 4 97.26 <0.01 4 97.53 <0.01 4 137.34 <0.01
Lighting 8 234.77 <0.01 8 205.30 <0.01 8 202.92 <0.01
Contrib 8 393.86 <0.01 8 323.26 <0.01 8 321.61 <0.01
DrvAge 8 41.68 <0.01 8 62.87 <0.01 8 83.93 <0.01
AccType 16 8224.29 <0.01 16 8273.86 <0.01 16 7234.49 <0.01
drv_sex 4 108.22 <0.01 4 101.88 <0.01 4 71.73 <0.01
dayow 12 111.28 <0.01 12 106.32 <0.01 12 67.96 <0.01
terrain 4 48.46 <0.01 4 52.07 <0.01 4 50.74 <0.01
rdsurf 6 66.47 <0.01 6 89.01 <0.01 6 105.33 <0.01

crash. Likewise, the likelihood of angle/ head-on collision involving a to five year old vehicle due to turning collision is 41% higher when com-
two to three year old vehicle resulting in a severe and moderate injury pared to a run-off/ overturn crash. All the other types of collisions are
type crash is higher by 95% and 36%, respectively when compared to a less likely to be severe or moderate injury irrespective of the vehicle
run-off/ overturn crash. A four to five year old vehicle also has 146% age group.
and 44% higher likelihood of being involved in a severe and moderate The likelihood of a severe injury crash involving a 66–75 year old
injury type angle/ head-on collision compared to a run-off/ overturn driver driving a two to three year old vehicle is 21% higher compared
crash. Similarly, the likelihood of a severe injury crash involving a four to a 36–65 year old driver. Similarly, a driver older than 75 years driving

Table 3
Estimates and odds ratios from the partial proportional odds model.

One year Two to three years Four to five years

Reference category Category Severe injury Moderate injury Severe injury Moderate injury Severe injury Moderate injury

Run Off/ Overturn Angle/ head-on 2.54 1.48 1.95 1.36 2.46 1.44
Object/ Parked vehicle 0.47 0.48 0.57
Rear-end 0.43 0.78 0.35 0.74 0.32 0.81
Turning collision 1.41
Backing up/ Other 0.64 0.34 0.64 0.32 0.32
Non-motorist/ Pedestrian/ animal 0.55 0.15 0.49 0.15 0.55 0.17
Sideswipe 0.44 0.34 0.4 0.32 0.52 0.36
Adult (36–65 years) ≤19 years 0.89 0.74 0.87
20–35 years 0.96 0.93
66–74 years 1.21
>75 years 1.36 1.13 1.41 1.07 1.28
No contributing factor Inattention/ erratic behavior 1.15 1.14 1.15
Speeding 1.16 1.11 1.09
Improper driving behavior 0.69 0.76 1.04 0.77 1.05
Alcohol/ drug 1.81 1.82 1.98 1.75 2.29 1.75
Wednesday Sunday 1.30 1.16 1.18 1.14
Monday 1.06 1.05
Friday 1.19 1.05 1.05
Saturday 1.28 1.12 1.32 1.13 1.09
Female Male 1.26 0.91 1.28 0.92 1.28 0.94
Daylight Lighted roadway 1.32 1.15 1.44 1.09 1.10
Dusk/ dawn 1.42 1.13 1.37 1.08 1.20 1.09
Roadway not lighted 1.98 1.18 1.92 1.19 1.92 1.20
1 or 2 lanes > 4 lanes 0.64 0.95 0.53 0.96 0.46 0.94
3 or 4 lanes 0.58 0.97 0.70 0.95 0.66 0.93
Interstate Local road/ driveway 1.87 1.69 1.85
NC route 2.11 1.20 2.02 1.23 1.94 1.22
State secondary route 1.58 1.16 1.47 1.14 1.4 1.13
US route 1.45 1.16 1.32 1.08 1.28 1.09
Flat Terrain Rolling 0.81 0.97 0.84 0.77 0.96
Mountainous 0.87 0.86 0.88
Passenger car Pickup/ light truck 1.16 0.96 1.2 0.92 0.91
SUV 0.93 0.92 0.92
Heavy/ farm vehicles 2.65 1.13 2.25 2.35
Motorcycle 11.78 14.95 10.98 13.29 11.35 13.52
Bus/ truck 1.88 0.85
Clear Weather Cloudy 1.06
Rain/ snow/ fog 1.12 0.76
Dry Pavement Wet/ water 0.72 0.91 0.74 0.80 0.93
Ice/ snow/ slush 0.40 0.67 0.42 0.64 0.25 0.60
Sand/ Fuel or Oil/ Other

R. Gouribhatla and S.S. Pulugurtha IATSS Research 46 (2022) 297–305

a one year old vehicle being involved in a severe and moderate injury years old or newer vehicle include unfamiliarity period associated
crash is 36% and 13% higher, respectively. Also, a driver older than 75 with vehicle's power, dimensions and available technologies/features
years driving a two to three year old vehicle being involved in a severe and the familiarity period.
and moderate injury crash is 41% and 7% higher, respectively compared The odds of an angle/ head-on collision involving a one year old
to a 36–65 year old driver. Erratic driving behavior (like making wide vehicle being severe or moderate injury is higher compared to
turns, weaving and swerving in traffic, driving with headlights off, driv- other considered vehicle age categories in this research. Inaccurate
ing on center-line or lane-line, etc.) and speeding increased the likeli- estimation of the vehicles handling and power during such maneu-
hood of moderate injury crashes for all considered vehicle age groups. vers could be leading to the increased odds. Also, drivers over the
Similarly, alcohol/ drug use increase the likelihood of getting involved age of 75 years have higher odds of getting involved in severe and
in severe or moderate injury type crashes irrespective of the vehicle moderate injury crashes when driving a one year old vehicle. This
age group. Improper driving behavior increased the risk of moderate in- could be attributed to age related conditions of older drivers in addi-
jury crashes for vehicle age groups two to three year old and four to five tion to lack of familiarity of features in newer vehicles compared to
year old. Significant results were not found for a one year old vehicle. drivers aged 36–65 years. Teen and young drivers have a lower risk
The likelihood of a severe injury crash occurring on Sunday is higher of moderate injury and PDO crash involvement when driving two
when compared to Wednesday for all vehicle age groups. However, the to three year old and four to five year old vehicles, which contradicts
likelihood of a moderate injury crash occurring on Sunday compared to the findings of Williams and Carsten [6] and Tavris et al. [8]. While
Wednesday is higher only for one year old vehicles. The likelihood of a erratic driving behavior and speeding increased the odds of getting
moderate injury crash is higher on Monday compared to Wednesday involved in moderate injury crashes, the use of alcohol increased
for two to three year old and four to five year old vehicles. Likewise, the odds of drivers getting involved in both severe and moderate in-
the likelihood of a severe injury crash on Friday is higher compared to jury crashes irrespective of the vehicle age group.
Wednesday for one year old vehicles while the likelihood of a moderate The odds of getting involved in a severe or moderate injury crash is
injury crash on Friday is higher compared to Wednesday for two to higher on weekends compared to weekdays. Also, male drivers have a
three year old and four to five year old vehicles. higher risk of getting involved in a severe injury crash but a lower risk
The likelihood of a male driver being involved in a severe injury of getting involved in a moderate injury crash. This is similar to the find-
crash is higher when compared to a female driver irrespective of the ings discussed by Tavris et al. [8]. The risk of getting involved in a severe
age of the vehicle. On the other hand, male drivers have a lower likeli- or moderate injury crash is higher on lighted roadways, poorly lit road-
hood of getting involved in a moderate injury crash when compared ways, and dusk/ dawn compared to daylight, similar to the findings of
to female drivers irrespective of the age of the vehicle. The likelihood Golob and Recker [46]. Hindered sight distance leading to reduced reac-
of a severe or moderate injury crash occurring on lighted roadways, dur- tion times could be increasing the severity of a crash. The risk of getting
ing dusk/ dawn, and on unlighted roadways is higher compared to day- involved in a severe or moderate injury crash was higher on all road
light conditions. The likelihood of a severe injury crash on an unlighted classes compared to interstates. One year old vehicles had higher odds
roadway is higher by over 90%. The likelihood of a severe or moderate of getting involved in such crashes compared to older vehicles.
injury crash on roadways with 3 or 4 lanes or more than 4 lanes is The risk of getting involved in a severe or moderate injury crash in
lower when compared to roadways with 1 or 2 lanes irrespective of rolling and mountainous terrains is lower. This contradicts the findings
the age of the vehicle. of Ahmed et al. [47]. The risk of getting involved in a severe injury crash
The likelihood of a severe or moderate injury crash on a local road/ is higher for heavy vehicles irrespective of the age of the vehicle. The
driveway, NC route, state secondary route, and US route is higher com- odds are relatively higher for newer vehicles (one year old). This is sim-
pared to an interstate irrespective of the age of the vehicle. The likeli- ilar to the findings of Pulugurtha et al. [30].
hood of a severe or moderate injury crash on rolling and mountainous The risk of getting involved in a severe or moderate injury crash is
terrain is lower when compared to a flat terrain irrespective of the age higher when driving a new motorcycle. Likewise, the risk of getting in-
of the vehicle. volved in a severe injury crash is higher when driving a new bus/ truck.
The likelihood of a severe injury crash involving a pickup truck is Unfamiliarity with the handling capacity of the vehicle could be increas-
higher compared to a passenger car for one year old and two to three ing the crash risk.
year old vehicles. However, the likelihood of a moderate injury crash in- The risk of getting involved in a moderate injury crash is higher in
volving a pickup truck and SUV is lower for all considered vehicle age adverse weather conditions like rain or snow, similar to the findings
groups. The likelihood of a severe injury crash involving heavy machin- from past studies [12,14,16]. However, drivers of only newer vehicles
ery is higher when compared to a passenger car irrespective of the age had higher crash risk during adverse weather conditions. Though the
of the vehicle. However, the likelihood of a moderate injury crash in- factors contributing to higher risk involvement in a severe or moderate
volving heavy machinery is higher by 13% for only one year old vehicles. injury crash is mostly common across all vehicle age groups, higher
Similarly, the likelihood of a severe or moderate injury crash involving a odds were observed for newer vehicles showing that better care needs
motorcycle is higher by over 1000% irrespective of the age of the vehicle. to be taken in the early years of ownership of a vehicle.
The likelihood of a severe injury crash involving a bus/ truck is higher by
88% for one year old vehicles. 7.1. Practical implications of this research
The likelihood of a moderate injury crash during cloudy weather
conditions is higher by 6% compared to clear weather conditions for Crash involvement negatively affects acceptance of advanced fea-
one year old vehicles. Similarly, the likelihood of a severe injury crash tures and disruptive technologies in newer vehicles [48]. It could lead
during rainy weather conditions is higher by 12% for one year old vehi- to skepticism and lack of trust in the technology. As stated previously,
cles. Both, wet pavement and icy pavement conditions are less likely to there are no laws in place that mandate a driver purchasing a new vehi-
result in a severe or moderate injury crash irrespective of the age of the cle to be educated. The findings from this research help policy-makers
vehicle. formulate strategies to educate drivers on factors influencing crash
risk when driving a new vehicle and improve the expected benefits.
7. Discussion Practitioners could also develop materials and share with new vehicle
owners highlighting what to expect and situations that demand higher
The findings from this research contradict that the driver of an older caution when driving on roads with varying geometric conditions. Addi-
vehicle is more likely to be fatally injured compared to the driver of a tionally, driver training programs could account for expectations when
three years old or newer vehicle [45]. This could be because three driving a new vehicle.

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