A Throne of Destiny

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A Throne of Destiny

Chapter 1
Alura’s pov

As I looked out the window to see the luxurious garden that surrounds our
castle. I could see the panic on the servant faces as they prepare the palace
grounds for the signing of the peace treaty between Distopia and Novera.
The war between us has done a lot of damage to our villages,city farm and
historical monuments. The Distopian have been killing anybody that gets in
their way of conquering Novera, from our warrior's to noble’s.

My father the king decided to honor the crown prince of Distopia hoping that
getting his favor will stop the war and unite the kingdom’s. The crown prince
of Distopia and his elite warrior’s have a reputation of destroying and burning
everything anywhere they go, people call him doom. I wonder how my
parents could stand being in the same room with a killer. Iwas in deep
thought when my brother walked in.

“good morning Alura” he greeted, I turned around from where I stood to

speak to him.

“Good morning brother” I greeted back, my brother was made to be a Royal. I

wasn’t, I just couldn’t bare to look at him without seeing his disappointment
edged over his face that looked like the exact replica of our father with his
white long hair and deep blue eyes.

I was always the outcast at every royal garden party even my seventh
cousin twice removed had white Hair. I looked nothing like my ancestors,
The gods decided to give me grape colored eyes and a thick head of brown
silky hair.

Chapter 2
Alura’s pov

For some reason Axel looked bothered “are you okay” I asked because he
looked terribly lost. He didn’t reply immediately but when he did there was a
fake smile that he usually used for official meeting’s on his face.
“I’m fine it’s nothing a good night’s sleep wouldn’t fix, you don’t need to
worry about me” I sighed because I knew Axel won’t let me worry about him
or help.

“I brought this over for you, so you can begin to prepare for the moon and
stars feast tonight I can order a servant to summon Mia over to help you get
dressed” His face turned hard at the mention of hand-maiden’s name. I know
he and Mia have something going on between them even though they weren’t
publicly courting but that was normally between couples of different status.

They both refused to tell me the truth whenever I ask, so I don’t bother
asking them of their re1lationship because they will always deny it.

Then I noticed the big box in his hand that was labeled madam Raquelle. She
Iis one of the most prestigious dressmaker in Novera, you had to be on a
waiting list for several suns and moons to get a dress tailored and made by

Chapter 3
Alura’s pov

He dropped the box and just left that was strange I thought.

I opened the box and gasped at sight of the dress. I heard the sound of the
door open and watched as Mia walked in. She had the face of a angel. She
was pale with red hair and forest green eyes, moderate breast, a tiny pwaist,
huge round hips,slim thighs, beautiful round lips, a button nose and siren

No wonder my brother was so infatuated with her.

I wish I had a body like hers but I’m to curvy to be considered beautiful to
people and I can’t fit inside an average size woman dress

The ladies of my mother court gossip about my body alot and are always
trying to find fault in what ever I wear, how I face looks, who I spend time
with and everything that is about me in total. They are always trying to lower
my confidence and are very good at it

Mia walked over bowed and looked at the dress and gasped “The dress looks
Mia careful removed the dress from it’s box and held it up to my line of sight.

It was a midnight black dress with diamonds and pearls embedded into the
sweetheart neckline of the corset top, the bottom was made out of thick
layers of tulle and diamonds drapped around the waistline. It hade a cape
attached to the shoulders that had black pearls and diamonds drapped
around the shoulder blade. I looked into the box and saw a pair of black lace
gloves with the kingdom’s crest embroidered into it.

Chapter 4
Alura’s pov

I smiled back at her “I can’t wait to wear it”. Mia started preparing for the
feast even though it was to be held at dawn. She makes a big deal about
every event that my presence is needed. Sometimes I wonder if she would
like to accompany me to the balls, gala’s and tea party that was mandatory
for me to attend as a princess

But anytime I try to ask her she reply, “No Alura I am nothing but a common
maid who has been blessed by the god to be a princess’s hand maiden sorry I
can’t attend, you will be the talk of the town I don’t want to cause you more

I always tell her she means more to me than that but she never listen.

Mia held my hand and dragged me to the washroom to get ready, she helps
me remove my dress, corset the bodice and finally my underwear. I put my
feet into the tub and the rest of my body until I was fully submerged into the
water mixed with milk, lavender and cinnamon

After scrubbing my skin and laughs and a full on makeover curtsy of Mia. I
was finally ready. I gasped at my sight in the mirror. Mia had done a
spectacular job

She applied pink color to my cheek, black eye powder to the lid of my eyes
and a light pink rougeto my lips.

The dress compliments my large breast and probes it out in full view while
the cape covers my chest though it is made of light and transparent material.
I have no words to describe how magnificent I look. Mia sparkled glitter all
over my neck and chest.

I threw my hand s around her in a hug. She beamed at me and that when I
noticed her eyes looks so dull and lack life in them like she had been crying
for days.

“Are you okay” I asked noticing she was fidgeting

“Ooh I’m fine,the work in the palace has just taken a toll on me once the
feast is over and the peace treaty is signed I shall rest”

I didn’t believe her but she will never tell my the actual cause of her worries.

I squeeze her arm and told her I was always free if she needs to talk and
smiled up at her.

She smiled back at me and I felt calm “let’s get you down there before your
father the king sends all the guards on the palace grounds in search for you”

We both laughed.

We were walking through the hallway when Axel came up and asked if he
could borrow Mia for a bit

I said OK and told her I would wait for her at the hallway leading to the
dining hall

Chapter 5
Celestine’s pov

The stench of copper and rust filled the dungeon has the bodies of Novera
warrior’s were dragged into it. I picked up a blade from the long table of
torture devices at my right and waltzed over to the general of the redwing
fleet whom tried to attack me and my elite warrior’s at rachdale were our
camp was set up for the night probably thinking we were tired and I therefore
making an easy target but what must people don’t know is that Distopians
are at their best when the moon comes out. Our festivals, parties, meetings
everything important was done at night time. It has been that way since the
foundation of Distopia

I twisted the blade in my hand and sliced through the general knees fresh
blood spilled through his freshly cut wound. He fell down to his knees only
the chains holding him up. Kane has been torturing him since night fall but he
still refuses to talk about who was their backer. I looked at begging and
whining for us to stop cutting him, I laughed “Hand him over to Kane it’s has
excruciatingly long since I had fun”

I walked away commanding the guards to cut him at his wrist, knees and
back till I’m ready to put him on the rack

The rack is a device Kane and I invited for torturing people as it was both our
favorite game and job. Your limbs and ligament are stretched to their fullest
capacity an extremely painful experience for captives but extremely fun for
me as they scream until you limbs are eventually pulled apart. No one could
withstand the pain.

I turned around heading towards the door. One of the without a gag in his
mouth shouted “You coward come and fight me”. The room tensed and so did
everyone. I never like being challenged

I smirked turned around on my heels and the guards let him lose.

Chapter 6
Celestine’s pov

He supported himself on his one good leg and charged at me, I douged the
punch he throw easily and landed a punch on his core that sent him flying
through the room using his back to hit the wall before slumping down to the
ground with a pained expression on his face, his spine broke from the force
of the punch and his the impact on the wall.

I smiled as I walked up to him everyone held there breath waiting for me for
me explode. I crotched to his eye level.

He spat in my face I used my sleeves to wipe the blood off my face and
laughed sadistically,I used my boot to step on his broken leg, I smiled at his
cry of agony

I spoke in a deep whisper “next time you pick a fight with a god make sure
you are susceptible enough to win” I pressed harder enjoying the sound of
his distress.

I finally stood up sensing he was going to faint “pick him hang him by his
feet upside down till the next time I am here” I heard a chorus of yes your
majesty’s while I was walking out.
I was going to my chambers to get a bath when I saw Kane walking up to me
with a smile on his face I growled back in response, I have known him for
years, he likes to consid loud er himself my best friend but I honestly think
he is a big oain I’m the as but I would die for him just like he almost did
multiple times, he stood by me through my craziness and even though I
would rather die than say it out really appreciate his work and what he has
done for my family “how are you doing on this fine day”he is the only one
with a jovial personality around here even though he is the only person since
the beginning of dawn to wield all four elements; Earth, Fire, Water and Air.

Chapter 7
Celestine’s pov

“it’s not a fine day, do you not have someone else to bother. I need a deep
soak” I said through gritted teeth “Actually I do but you know you will always
be my favorite” I roll my eyes at him knowing this was part of his uasl antics

“Ohh right I brought a invitation letter to the moon and stars feast of
Novera”. The war as being going on between our kingdoms for fifty-two full

The people of Distopia have spoken to mother about how they are tried of
Novera warrior’s burning their land and taking the lives of children.

I folded it and handed the bloody letter back to Kane. He picked it up using
his thumb and index finger and put it on the table to his left then takes a
handkerchief from his coat pocket and wiped his hand clean then pick it up
from table with it”you need to wash up you stink”and he left with that

I went straight to my private tent in the camp, maids helped me take off my
battle armor leaving me bare as they escorts me to the tub.

I see all the ladies who help me wash are here.

I smirked knowing I’m going to enjoy this. There are about ten young and
beautiful girls here.

Their names I do not care to know, they are only here to fulfill their duties by
bathing me even if they die doing just that. It is an immense honor.

I entered the tub and they starting lattering me with soap to wash the blood
on my skin and hair off me. They massage with my scalp with care afraid I
would kill them like the last girl who dragged my long black hair while

I walked out of the tub and they dried all the water off my body with a towel.
My official crown prince attire was put on me piece by piece.

I exited the camp fully dressed in the royal family’s coat of arms in black and
red displaying proudly the color of our flag.

I see Kane standing beside the royal carriage. The coachman opened the
door upon my arrival.. Kane entered first then me. This rde is going to be
excruciating with kane’s constant chattering about his day as if I was not
there to witness all of the event because he only leaves my side for
important missions and meeting has my advisor and aid

Chapter 8
Alura’s pov

I turned around heading forth to the dining hall where the feast was to be
held. Looking forward I saw Fabian approaching, taking a quick glance at my
dress to make sure I looked regal and presentable I walked up him giving him
y biggest brightest 6 smie to impress him.

I ran to him hoping he would honor me with his smile but he frowned “ALURA,
a proper lady should not behave in such a manly way by running” he shouted.

.My heart shatters every time he would shout at me when he was not in a
good mood or stress but I pretend it alright cause I like him.

He has been very judgmental lately maybe it was the stress from the war or
the feast.

I could not know because no one addresses their feeling in this palace or
talks to me about politic either. I would completely be alone without Mia and

I must seek papa’s consent for him to court me official.

“mm Fabian could you please escort me to the feast” I asked meekly. He
refused saying “ALURA I have duties to attend to. I do not have time to play
princess with you, people have other things to do than to please you” he in a
snippy tone. I not going to cry he does not really mean it I tell myselfas he
walked out on me
I slowed down

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