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Blahautism 1.0

Page 1-50
Just people lolling at Bleha, much of the same stuff we talk about him right now; welfare leech,
unemployed, cuck, acts tough over the internet, never leaves his cuckcave, on disability etc on page
2 [MENTION=1502]Discorecord[/MENTION] posts a copy/paste of a random dude on the internet
who claims to have been the one that gave Bleha the black eye that Bleha explained in his
"chivalry" bullshit video, take the story with a grain of salt though:

Page 31-32
Bleha's prostate massage anal fetish is discovered for the first time:

Page 50
Fuckin KEKD at this team america reference
Also the Jihad first began to assemble, people got sick of Bleha making death threats towards
everyone and all around being an asshole...wish I had been here back then instead of being the
raging nuthugger that I was (hate to admit it but at least I admit it)

Page 65
Bodybyfinaplix posts are found for the first time, courtesy of

Page 72-73
This is why Bleha doesn't comment on other people's videos anymore

Page 74
when you guys figured out he was buying likes, I always thought that was a made up claim but
apparently it was true all along

Page 81
Anna the Ex is first discovered, also if you scroll far enough you will see Anna's biker past came
Page 95
Hajis figured out how to leave 10 dislikes

Page 125
The CIA is born

Page 142
Jason Bleha is cancer:
And no this one is not photoshopped

Page 172
A shit ton of Bleha forum posts collected by
Hitman delusions, 30 plate leg press, 22 plate hack squat, not bald delusions, hacker, study subject
and more

Page 173
Bleha emails Nine:

Page 182
Somebody jizzed on a pic of Bleha's second wife Emily

Page 187
Bleha is full of fucking shit about his divorce with Anna:

Page 189
Some of Bleha's accounts on other websites:

Page 208
This just in: Bleha has been ripped before but all pictures burned up in a fire:

Page 244
Moonwhore does have an MBA...from University of Phoenix!
For the unawares, University of Phoenix is an online college where just about anybody with enough
money can get a degree, it's essentially worthless as far as employment goes

Page 253
Blahapedia is open, brought to you by

Page 266
Some Bleha pics for everyone's free use:
And some awesome photoshops:
[B]Some of this stuff may be NSFW[/B]

Page 268 & 274

[MENTION=5876]Kenny[/MENTION] gives us the dislike script:
var accs = [];
setTimeout(function () {
accs = document.getElementById("yt-delegate-accounts").querySelectorAll(".yt-masthead-
while(document.body.firstChild) {
(function myLoop (i) {
iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.src = accs[i].href;
setTimeout(function () {
if (i--) {
while(document.body.firstChild) {
else {
setTimeout(function() {
accs = iframe.contentDocument.getElementById("yt-delegate-
window.location.href = accs[accs.length - 1].href;
}, 1000);
}, 6000)})(accs.length - 1);
}, 1000);[/CODE]
Second version:
[CODE]var accs, iframe, url;
url = window.location.href;
iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.src = "";
iframe.onload = function() {
accs = iframe.contentDocument.getElementById("ytcc-existing-channels").querySelectorAll(".yt-
(function dislikeLoop(i) {
iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.src = accs[i].href.replace(/next=.../, "next=" +
iframe.setAttribute("style", "width: 100%; height: 100%");
iframe.onload = function() {
setTimeout(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
if (i > 2) {
dislikeLoop(i - 1);
else {
window.location.href = accs[1].href.replace(/next=.../, "next=" +
}, 2000);
}, 2000);
})(accs.length - 1);
Page 276
This is where it's first brought up in Blahautism that Bleha collected donations for the Layne Norton
lawsuit but kept the money to himself

Page 303
Bleha makes an april fools day video where he admits he's bald, too bad he pretty soon afterwards
went right back to denying it again

Page 311
[MENTION=6096]Private Potato[/MENTION] first post

Page 316
The Exposed TV video where they contacted Anna the Ex is now out, Bleha actually used the
dislike script on it

Page 324
Bleha responds to the Exposed TV video, doesn't address any of the things Anna said and just
proceeds to smear her like the shithead that he is

Page 325
Skee Daddle reveals the darketernal:
Pages after that are people discovering darketernal's forum posts and seeing it for themselves that it
really is Bleha. He wrote a bunch of shit about being a reptilian, CIA assassin, illuminati insider and
shit like that. But he didn't come up with any of it himself, he just copied everything from David
Icke's writings and showed up on the forums claiming to be an insider and testifying that everything
Icke said is true. Because Bleha cant just be a common schmuck with interest towards the stuff
David Icke says, he has to be the fucking insider in the illuminati who lived through everything Icke
wrote about and knows everything better than anybody else. Fucking lying narcissist cunt, always
has to be the authority in every topic he talks about, I hate this guy so much.

Page 334
This may or may not be Bleha's reddit account:

Page 338
Bleha got blasted on Sodlike Productions

Page 387
Bleha said Princess Diana died because of a reptilian ritual

Page 413
Bleha's email is here, do as you please with it:
Also Bleha's marriage and divorce record:
As you can see, there is no divorce record between Bleha and Emily, they're still legally married.

Page 421
Irrefutable proof that darketernal is Bleha:

Page 428
Bleha is a shit - worst post ever:

Page 430
[MENTION=6182]BlahaIsDead[/MENTION] creates a new script that systematically creates more
sock accounts which [MENTION=5876]Kenny[/MENTION]'s script can use to dislike Bleha's
videos, lol this is some mafia level shit right here

Page 462
Jihad finds out Bleha cant ban comments on his askjasonblaha channel, attack ensues

Page 496
[MENTION=6231]TheEx[/MENTION] comes aboard
Page 505
The kkk writings are found:

Page 547
After trying to ignore it for over a week (and don't tell me he didn't know, hajis spammed that shit
on his comment sections every day and he deleted every comment) Bleha finally addresses the
darketernal shit by claiming that he was a paid fiction writer LMFAO. Not gonna link the video
here because we're boycotting Bleha's channel. One day before making the video he first alluded to
the paid writer bullshit in a youtube comment seen on page 512:
Oh and just in case you were wondering, here's proof that Bleha was full of shit:

Page 552
Bleha is once again full of fucking shit about Anna the Ex

Page 572
Marc Pocketliner loves us

Page 578
Bleha makes the video where he tells the story of him and Marc Pocketliner finding a goat with her
head stuck in a fence and Bleha tries to rape her.
[url][/url] not from his channel so dont worry

Page 588
[MENTION=6231]TheEx[/MENTION] confirms Bleha's mom Connie was a Baptist and not jewish

Page 596
In response to Bleha's goat story Exposed TV makes their best video ever that unfortunately doesn't
exist anymore

Page 607
[MENTION=6285]LizardBlaha[/MENTION] joins the board

Page 618
The truth behind Bleha's "bicep tear" along with other Blahautistic forum posts brought to you by

Page 643-644
Bleha has to move out of his shitbox apartment, says it's because the landlord didnt keep their end
of the agreement. This was proven to be a lie, in reality they moved out because Moonwhore lost
her job and couldn't afford the rent anymore.
Page 676
Apparently Bleha's sister Andrea married one month before her 18th birthday and divorced a little
over two years later.
Marriage: 23 November 1996
Divorce: 17 February 1999
Harris, Texas, United States
Courtesy of [MENTION=6279]Jason Blah-Blah[/MENTION]

Page 680
Summary of Bleha's life:

Page 690
mooncrookie's criminal record is found:
The next 20-30 pages are ment galore

Page 692
The truth behind Mooncrookie forming corporations in her pyjamas:

Page 698
The Tallulah-Sue blog is found. It may or may not be Moonwhore but they have the same date of
birth, same stage name, same location, same club they worked in and at the same timeframe. Take
that as you will.
Bleha actually tried to disprove the blog by showing Mooncunt's divorce record with Daniel Barlow
which stated they had no kids between eachother. The problem is, if you look at the divorce record
which I have for you here:
[url][/url] you will see
that they married in 2006. According to Tallulah-Sue's blog the kids were already 6-8 years old at
that time, so the way I see it it's far more likely that LunarTrash had the kids with someone else and
lost custody because she's a crackwhore and later on abandoned her kids altogether.

Page 718
Marc Davis phone call to Bleha's dad, Bleha was never a mercenary and never built hydrogen
compressors, he did manual labor in a warehouse with compressors and engines

page 750
The court documents revealing Mooncunt's ex-husband Daniel Barlow beat her and shoved a
bandana (or banana) down her throat. Fitmisc would like to buy this man a beer.

Page 782
This happens
Page 861
Layne Norton promotes the phone call to Bleha's dad video

Page 862
Jerry Ward joins the board

Page 865
Jerry Ward shares his text message convo with Bleha, check it out
Blue is Ward grey is Bleha

page 887
Ex-2.0 Emily contacted, among other things she confirms theyre still married and I still cannot
understand for the life of me why she chooses not to divorce Bleha:

Page 898
[MENTION=6425]delusional fatty[/MENTION] joins the board

Page 916
University of Phoenix seems like a great place of education

Page 924
Moontrash defends University of Phoenix:

Page 938
Next level trolling on Bleha's comment section, pronounce this name out loud. [B]Do it.[/B]

Page 947
[MENTION=6461]Cuckzilla[/MENTION] joins the board

Page 973
Bleha makes the video defending Genova after the slapbox incident. I was a nuthugger at this time
so I only saw another nuthugger or a Bleha sock account comment on youtube that the people on
the Blahautism thread were scared shitless that Bleha would actually get some praise over the video,
but now I know that wasn't the case at all. Some people on board did want to give Bleha props for
defending Genova but the rest of the Jihadis saw right through Bleha and his bullshit. He didn't care
about helping Genova, he only cares about himself.

Page 999
Bleha trying to generate doxxing on Nine
Page 1017
[MENTION=1]Nine[/MENTION] shows us the email conversation between him and Bleha

Page 1020 & 1040

Bleha's gym liked one of the troll reviews on facebook that insulted Bleha

Page 1027
Exposed tv gets shut down and bleha thinks he won. Later on in the thread it is revealed that the real
reason why Exposed TV was shut down is because the british host accidentally put his real name
out in the open, Bleha got a hold of it and sent him a bunch of threats. I knew about the british guy
slipping his name out there but I never knew about Bleha threatening him, what a fucking dick
move. Guys, this is why I do this, there's so much valuable information that was discovered in these
threads but nobody can ever see it because much of this stuff is not on either Blahapedia or Exposed
TV videos and no one's gonna read through thousands of pages... Well except me but I'm kinda
mental so...

Page 1034
We have not violated any laws in this Jihad, FUCK YOU BLEHA!

Page 1038
Exposed TV is back

Page 1044
Spam, nothing but spam. Just move along.

Page 1068
Bleha spouting out his delusional bullshit to an undercover jihadi:

Page 1071
[MENTION=1067]Tactical Squirrel[/MENTION] mentions Bleha's criminal record
from 1999, some other people confirm it but for whatever reason this incredible reveal was only
kept within the thread and not made into an Exposed TV video until 2 months later.

Page 1072
Apparently this guy was Bleha's defense attorney in the 1999 incident:
Seems like a totally legit guy:

Page 1088
the clinton years video is out, [B]royal[/B] ments ensue

Page 1144
Bleha used to post on Cheggit and Empornium under the name Blarharse, apparently he was
pretending to be some huge porn promoter until he got exposed and bullied out of there.
Information brought to you by [MENTION=5386]RickPiano[/MENTION]. Also here's Blarharse
reviewing a hooker:

page 1151
[MENTION=6600]Gisum Blowhole[/MENTION] joins the force!!

Page 1154
Bleha is famous now, total celery

The other Blahautism threads will be added here as I read through them.

Blahautism 2.0 [url]**Blahautism-The-Jason-


page 1
Apparently some big gaming channel with million subs called out bleha over the clinton years
video, as a result of that Bleha gets absolutely raped in his own comment sections.
This screenshot collage from page 11:

Page 27
Bleha's damage control video, talks about the Eff Bee Eye and calls us muslim cyberstalkers

Page 50
This imgur post gets Bleha more subs: [url][/url]
Jihad ensues in the comment section and this post: [url][/url]

Page 52 & 84
American Blano:

page 105
Bleha is a [B][SIZE=4]pubic[/SIZE][/B] figure:

Page 111
The popular military article is up.

Page 119
Nine Line Apparel denounces Bleha
Page 120
Laynester puts the article on spread

Page 127
Elgin puts the popmil article on spread and also The Veterans Site gets a hold of the article on

page 156
Mooncrookie tries to prove that Bleha has no criminal record

Page 174
Exposed TV puts out this video that hints at Bleha's criminal record and all around is a middlefinger
to Bleha acting like he got Exposed TV shut down

Page 215
Layne Norton's now famous facebook live stream is on. Laynester tears Bleha a new asshole and
also reveals the real reason why Bleha got kicked out of his gym in UK (gave steroid advice to a
trainer, gym owner asked Bleha to stop, Bleha denied everything, gym owner showed the email
conversations to Bleha, Bleha still couldnt admit that he did it but instead mumbled something and
walked away, gym owner had enough of that shit and told Bleha to fuck off)
On top of that Laynester is absolutely hell bent on exposing Bleha, on facebook and twitter
spreading screenshots of the death threat Bleha made towards Layne's family and he even put up
some cash of his own to promote the popular military stolen valor article on facebook. Anyone who
says Layne is a coward because he doesnt act... I'm sorry but fuck you. Laynester did literally
everything in his power to destroy Bleha at the most crucial stage of the Jihad. Even though we
would want him to do just a little more, we by no means have the right to demand that from him at
this point.

Page 259
Iron City Gym gets a phone call from the Jihad and we all know what came out of that, Bleha is a
confirmed pussy in real life

Page 298
Bleha tries to align with Vegan Gains, thread turns into a Vegan Gains discussion and some posters
wonder if there should be a jihad for VG as well

Page 306
Devon Palumbo is made aware of Blehas bullshit and adviced to cease supporting Bleha, there was
a soft blackmail attempt involved (about revealing Devon's g4p past) which I dont really know what
to think of but oh well

page 367-368
[MENTION=590]RoyJonzeJr[/MENTION] reports Bleha made a facebook post claiming that he
intentionally mispronounced POG to let people know he wasnt in the military.
Also [MENTION=6624]FBI Cyber Stalking Unit[/MENTION] confirms Bleha got banned from his
gun range.
Page 376
Conclusive proof that Bleha dropped out of college:

Page 387
Coppertopp22 video surfaces, someone said "the fuck is this shit?"

Page 431
The Ex confirms that Bleha wasn't legally allowed to own firearms while they were together
because he had a previous weapons charge. Also confirms that Bleha did not have a college degree.

Page 450
Coppertopp22 revealed on exposed tv. It took a little over one hour from when the coppertopp video
was first found to when his face was revealed by [MENTION=5268]Negan[/MENTION] on page
391. The next 10 pages or so people in the thread speculated it's either Bleha himself in disguise or
David Neet from one of Bleha's previous videos, meanwhile CIA figured out who coppertopp really
is (J Parker O'Roarke) and all his other background information quickly and easily.
[QUOTE=Cuckzilla;2010793]literally within 15 minutes he was doxxed[/QUOTE]

Page 457
J Porker spergs out on disqus:
Also Anna the Ex gives some more details: retarded Bleha nuthuggers harassed her in 2014 and
Bleha himself wouldn't do anything about it, Emily contacted her before marrying Bleha asking her
about Bleha's background, Anna confirms it took 3 years for them to divorce after she kicked him
out, she refused to pay for it.

Page 471
Nine Line Apparels is awared of the coppertopp episode

Page 473
ABC 13 is awared of Bleha:

page 491-494
Jerry Ward talks about various stuff like how Bleha wanted to start his own supplement line (which
has since then been confirmed true by Steve Shaw) and how Marc Lobliner was the only person out
there offering Bleha the job of writing for tiger fitness and being affiliate etc and Bleha basically
spit in his face. Also Ward shares some of his personal experience with Bleha:

I'm not a fan of Jerry Ward but this made me :cage2:

page 527:
If Bleha was a movie...
Courtesy of [MENTION=203]Jason Genova[/MENTION]
Page 546
Coppertopp22 doxxing results revealed in the thread, his workplace and social media links posted
and on page 547 and 550 it is revealed J Porker has an extensive criminal record dating as far back
as 2002, several criminal offenses and at least 2 of them are DWI.
Here are his mugshots:

Page 567
[MENTION=6945]Shadow Man[/MENTION] video surfaces and the video is brought to you by...
[MENTION=6773]Snap City[/MENTION]. Ramy Broude aka Shadow Man aka Snap City himself
brought his own video to the thread and then acted like "who's this guy?". 100% pure microfiltered

Page 568
Bleha's black friend from the Foci video gets doxxed, courtesy of
[SIZE=5]Also, rather [B]unsurprisingly[/B]:[/SIZE]
Soliciting prostitution, Marijuana possession, multiple drug offenses, several assaults on family

Page 571 and 572

It is found that Bleha and his family did indeed live in Farmington, New Mexico 1993-1995 and
then moved back to texas

Page 576
Bleha's other friend from the foci video is identified: Seth McLane

page 705
Lunar Cunt's mugshots are found and spread across facebook:

Page 726
Bleha hides his subscriber count!

Page 738
Alpha Destiny aka Alexander Leonidas is on our side:

Page 763
The greatest man alive [MENTION=6890]Michael Neo[/MENTION] joins the force[B][/B]

Page 790
Bleha uploads Mooncrookie's powerpoint presentation, [I]oh my god...[/I]

Page 816
Layne Norton email conversation with police after Bleha threatened to murder Layne's family:
Page 829-832
[MENTION=6199]SkeeDaddle[/MENTION] cracks. The most pissening thing I have seen in my

Page 849
Bleha has a stroke mouth. You heard it first from

Page 902
[MENTION=6945]Shadow Man[/MENTION] finally reveals himself after most people just ignored
him and the few that did watch his videos thought he was either Bleha himself or Seth McLane
because he green screened Bleha's couch into his videos, bunch of lol

Page 918
[MENTION=6945]Shadow Man[/MENTION] signs up on fitmisc as Shadow Man even though he
already had the [MENTION=6773]Snap City[/MENTION] account

Alright guys that's really all I have to say on that today, I hope that it's been informative and I will
talk to you guys next time.

But first let me give you guys an


Sup [MENTION=170]MindlessWork[/MENTION]

Blahautism 3.0

page 6
Elgin has a Bleha photo collection:

Page 21
[MENTION=6231]TheEx[/MENTION] reveals Bleha had a 1991 Mustang at one point. Here's
[B]actual footage[/B] of him driving it:
courtesy of [MENTION=157]Pudding Head[/MENTION]

Page 29
the Nick Wright feud begins:

Page 83
Bleha throws Emily under the bus over the death threat he made towards Layne Norton, not gonna
link the video because boycott

Page 112
Bleha changes the name of his stolen valor channel from JuggernautTacticalTV to Jason Blaha
Firearm Enthusiast, most likely due to this email exchange with the [B]actual[/B] Juggernaut
Tactical seen on page 123:

Page 140 & 146

Moonfuckie's twitter. Pure piss.

Page 151
Bleha's criminal record is now on youtube, just why couldnt it be earlier?

Page 188
Bleha tries to use the Jihad to get more views:

Page 192 & 238

[MENTION=6461]Cuckzilla[/MENTION] reveals the truth behind LunarCunt's forensic
accounting, she did data entry in the warehouse of this company:

Page 194 & 195


Page 224 & 239

More [B]PISS[/B] from Moondump's twitter
Here she makes reference to her whistleblow litigation incident, which did actually happen but
obviously not in the way she describes:
Skip to Blahautism 10.0 page 341 to learn what really happened

page 244
Bleha spotted in the wild, the first "reptilian collective" video showing him waddling around in a
parking lot

Page 245
The second popular military article is up:

page 262
Bleha goes on popular military facebook to complain about the second stolen valor article, the Jihad
catches him and throws him right back into the cuck cave:

Page 286
The most legit Warrior of the World [MENTION=7002]IGotNext[/MENTION] joins the force

Page 293
Already back in 2016 when Bleha first made his IG page he announced that BriTranny handles it
for him, I guess he just forgot to tell BriTranny herself that she handles Bleha's insta because every
IG post is written from Bleha's perspective and LunarCunt is referred to in 3rd person

Page 302
Bleha's dad receives a DVD compiling all the shit Bleha has been saying about him, courtesy of
[MENTION=6428]Blaha The Turd[/MENTION]

Not much else to report on 3.0 after that, Shadow Man filed a copyright claim against coppertop22
and got Bleha to shut that account down but I'm sure everybody knows that already.
I will take a couple of days off due to real life priorities but I will get around to do 4.0 within the
next week so stay tuned.


Blahautism 4.0

Page 9-20
[MENTION=7002]IGotNext[/MENTION] cracks, absolutely hard to watch. Good thing our boi
LizardBlaha was able to talk sense to him

Page 28
Bleha's cousin was a legit NFL player, information brought to you by
[MENTION=6704]JuggernutzTV[/MENTION]. This is the guy:

Page 50
Lmao fitmisc found me when I was a bleha nuthugger, courtesy of [MENTION=6606]Silly
On page 53 someone thought I was Skeedaddle LOL. But this guy,
[MENTION=5930]SonOfPoseidon[/MENTION] gets it 100% right:
Page 74
Bleha is spotted at posting as JasonB1, jihad follows him to put him in his place:

Page 102
Cassady Campbell challenges Bleha to a bench press contest for money and we all know what
happened next; Bleha backed out like a pussy and Cassady went to Bleha's gym anyway and Bleha
hid in his cuckshed

Page 104
Bleha has a blog. For obvious reasons I wont link it here.

Page 115
Some hotbabe on tinder that sort of looks like Moonshit:

Page 178-179
Bleha gets reported to the company that made the pictures Bleha uses as a background:
Courtesy of [MENTION=6890]Michael Neo[/MENTION]

Page 196
Bleha is reported to yet another company:

Page 197
The missing piece of Bleha's criminal record, the gun he was arrested for ended up being destroyed
because Bleha was too much of a pussy to go and request it back within 60 days:

Page 202

Page 220
Mooncrookie ethnic theory confirmed:

Page 221
Bleha's address is published in the thread:
The place isnt nearly as fancy as it appears to be, as evidenced by these reviews provided by
[MENTION=1795]Glory Hole of Mystery[/MENTION] on page 236:

Page 222
LOL [url][/url]

Page 228
The reason why Bleha hates Ian McCarthy:

Page 238
Our own [MENTION=7002]IGotNext[/MENTION] investigates a lunarcunt delusion:
Basically Moonwhore made a facebook post about a bar/restaurant she used to work in but she cant
just say she used to work there, no she had to be the fucking employee of a lifetime and bring in
$10k extra income every month. No wonder she's with Bleha, theyre both the same type of
delusional narcissistic compulsive liars.
Anyway IGotNext made a couple phone calls and proved mooncookie's claims to be bullshit.

Page 253
Shadow Man discovers that Bleha used to post on GovTeen, if you dont know what GovTeen is go
look it up, you wont be disappointed

Page 256
Not only did Bleha take steroids but he took insulin as well:

Page 263
Bleha used to post on GameFAQs and he's been banned from there:
Courtesy of [MENTION=6129]FlexLuthor[/MENTION]

Page 265
Bleha also used to post on UK-muscle:

Page 306
Bleha makes the video where he says "BRING IT, I WILL FUCKING END YOU."

Page 317-323
When Bleha came back to Tex-ass in 2015 he first lived with a man named Jason Wayne Mead who
apparently is a complete loser and a failure at life. He's been unemployed for god knows how long,
his female ex-roommate bolted on him after getting him to pay for everything and on top of that his
daughter Brittanye Melinda Mathews is a stripper as well as a convicted felon, here's her criminal


Courtesy of [MENTION=6461]Cuckzilla[/MENTION] and

Page 343
[MENTION=7405]batsinthebarbell[/MENTION] joins us for a moment

Page 376

Page 404
[MENTION=6945]Shadow Man[/MENTION] finds me after I had switched sides:

Page 410-411
Ground Zero Tactical actually exists and it's run by Bleha's buttbuddies David Neet and Royce Gest,
Neet holds the FFL:
Bleha himself has no part in the company, but supposedly he was going to enter himself in and have
Neet and Gest sell Bleha's makeshift weapons while Bleha collects the profit.

Page 422
Shadow Man points out a resemblance between Bleha and Brett Keane, Brett used to be a big
youtuber who got exposed and utterly demolished.

Page 428

Page 455
[MENTION=6425]delusional fatty[/MENTION] contacts the company that made these shirts:
Turns out Bleha was cut off from the financial benefits of the shirts being sold, the company tried to
contact Bleha first but he never responded to any of the emails.

Page 468
Jerry Ward introduces the idea of selling "OUR BOI HEMINGWAY" shirts

Page 484
Shadow Man got Big J to remove the Bleha collab video on youtube:

Page 488
[MENTION=7408]Our Boy Hemingway[/MENTION] saves all of Bleha's videos to prevent
losing them in a fire:

And we're done. I'm gonna hit the fucking sack now and I'll see you guys tomorrow.

Blahautism 5.0

Page 1
[MENTION=6231]TheEx[/MENTION] Q&A for all the people with the most common questions
for her

Page 6
Bleha deadlifts over 600 pounds, you think he cant kill you with his [B]bear[/B] hands? Think
about it. Think about that for a minute.

Page 20
There is a youtube channel called [B]Blaha[/B] Media:
The Jihad will kindly inform them a name like that is unacceptable.

Page 34
Mooncunt is trash:
Circa 2013

Page 42
[MENTION=6890]Michael Neo[/MENTION] whom we also know as The Greatest Man Alive
reveals that his former work involved monitoring/infiltrating religious cults and one of those cults
was the David Icke forums, Michael Neo came across Dark eternal already back then.

Page 51
[MENTION=6285]LizardBlaha[/MENTION] hates [MENTION=6945]Shadow Man[/MENTION]

Page 89
Jerry Ward makes a video to promote the our boi hemingway shirts:

Page 91
[MENTION=2306]LeftAnteriorDeltoidBrah[/MENTION] presents the floorplan of Bleha's

Page 93
Bleha makes a video talking shit about Jerry Ward in retaliation to the hemingway shirts. On the
same day Jerry's dad died. Bleha is a piece of shit.
Also Al Robbie from [MENTION=7710]Every Damn Day Fitness[/MENTION] joins us for a little

Page 114
LOL [MENTION=7002]IGotNext[/MENTION] uses the exact same line that I was posting in
Bleha's comment sections back then at that time ("Fuck your mom. You know you want to"), I
cannot remember for the life of me which one of us came up with it first so I don't know if this was
intentional on his part, I do know I came up with it on my own and haven't ever even seen
[MENTION=7002]IGotNext[/MENTION] use it until now. Could just be coincidence that we both
thought of the same thing, either way it's hilarious.

Page 126
Context: In an exposed tv video Marc Davis called moonslut on phone and wanted to talk about
Bleha, Moonslut said she doesnt have time for that and pretty much hung up. She then goes and
makes this retarded facebook post and puts Marc's number up there to generate stalking on Marc
Davis, basically the trailer trash cokewhore is doing the exact same thing she and Bleha accuse us
of doing. Anyway that guy in the comments who said he could do some stalking called Marc Davis'
number and babbled something about leaving his friends alone or whatever. The dude was doxxed
by the CIA and turns out he's an actual veteran, his real name is not revealed but he is referred to as
"The Specialist". Page 483 the next Exposed TV video has Marc Davis calling The Specialist back
to confront him about the issue, he denies everything and Marc makes it clear he knows it was this
guy and he also knows who this guy is, The Specialist pauses and hangs up.

Page 140
LunarSlut is repulsive:

Page 154
Jerry Ward cracks and rage quits lmao

Page 170
Mooncunt challenged Jerry Ward to a powerlifting contest, Jerry accepts and Bleha goes full

Page 180
Shadow Man reveals a part of the private conversations he had with Bleha before revealing himself,
Bleha is a delusional nutcase both in private and on youtube videos:
Also according to Bleha [MENTION=1]Nine[/MENTION] is an "IP expert":

Page 188
CIA sent these around Bleha's apartment complex:

Page 220
Bleha finally posts new workout footage [B]after going no less than 2 months without uploading
any gym footage on youtube, for 2 months he was fused into his chair reloading bullets[/B]. He
admits he's gained around 20 pounds but he insists it's not fat, yeah [B]OK BUDDY![/B]

Page 250
Preview of things to come:

Page 270-280
Exposed TV - [B]SHE DANCED A BIT[/B]
I remember watching that video when it first came out and holy shit the ments were unreal!
Here's a nuthugger's reaction:
And then the same guy went on to link this video to Nick Wright:
Also Elgin shared the video:
Here are some related GIFs:
Bleha also responded to somebody asking about the incident with this comment:

Page 278
[MENTION=7002]IGotNext[/MENTION] informs us of the bar where Moonslut's dancing took
Address: 11902 Jones Rd, Houston, TX 77070
Phone: (281) 807-9229

Page 284
Anna the Ex reveals some more ments of Bleha, like his pet parrot Legolas that he ended up giving
away and how Bleha was so bad in the bed that she had to fake an orgasm just to get it over with.

Page 292
Bleha's hideous spelling at it again, "[B][SIZE=4]pubic[/SIZE][/B] statement"

Page 298
Anna the ex tells us the story of when she kicked Bleha out, so many ments you have to read it

Page 300
More ments from Anna, Bleha had a purple vibrator that he kept in his drawer.

Page 301
Bleha and Legolas

Page 323
Bleha's dickpic:
Yes it's real.

Page 346
Anna gives us a picture of Uncle Mike, the uncle who supposedly molested Bleha:
Other related pictures, courtesy of various people:

Page 350-364
HOLY SHIT LOL Uncle Mikes start appearing in Bleha's comment sections.
Here's some examples:

Page 379
Picture of Bleha's aunt Libby who supposedly molested him:

Page 404
Bleha says he shaves his head to treat psoriasis:
The claim gets dismantled in the thread. Shaving your head is not a treatment for psoriasis. Visit to
a doctor, vitamin d and sunlight are.
Timeline of Bleha's male pattern baldness:

Page 440
Bleha's shitfisted 5x5 program is off the tiger fitness website!

Page 452
Bleha gets blasted on forums, brought to you by

Page 453
Fat Gay Men:
Courtesy of [MENTION=6461]Cuckzilla[/MENTION]

Page 456
Proof that Bleha's mom was not jewish and she was cremated:
Page 472
Exposed TV is on facebook:

Page 484
Bleha was on eroids as JasonDB:

Page 504
A nuthugger from youtube called Joe Budd:
Also Mooncunt was a "cosmetology operator":

Page 510
The greatest hits video is out!

Page 514
The first mirror channel is created

Page 515
[MENTION=6624]FBI Cyber Stalking Unit[/MENTION] posts a full disclosure of an operation
where he messaged tons of Mooncookie's friends and associates, you gotta read the whole thing it's

Page 516
Moontramp's mother:
Brought to you by Cuckzilla

Page 518
The second part of the forementioned operation, conversation with LunarCunt:

Page 531
Layne Norton challenges Bleha to a debate:

Page 535
The Messiah Supreme himself Layne Norton joins our board!!!! He proves his identity by tweeting
"bloho is a cuck"

Page 540
After ignoring Layne's challenge and blocking anyone asking about it Bleha finally responds,
unsurprisingly with a barrage of shitty excuses:

Holy shit 5.0 has been insane. She danced a bit, Legolas, Big [B]Giving[/B] Mike, Bleha's dickpic,
Laynester joins us, conversation with the Lunar Whore....I had more fun reading this one than you
would think, trust me.
Now let's see if number 6 can live up to the standard...the ments will never cease.
[B][SIZE=6]And I mean[/SIZE][/B][img][/img]

Blahautism 6.0

Page 27
Bleha has been talking to Agent Collins from the movie Signals (2008)

Page 29

Page 62
Shadow Man received documents from Laynester concerning the lawsuit, Bleha only interacted
with Layne's lawyers via written messages since he refused to speak with them on phone (gee I
wonder why...) and Bleha talked to the lawyers the same idiotic way he talks to people on youtube,
it's almost like the fat fucker can no longer separate the internet from real life. Also when he had to
show up at court to declare his assets he had nothing but a nokia phone and some pocket change. He
also claimed he had an insider at Layne's law firm LMFAO. You can check out the full story in the
youtube video Layne Norton Sums up the Jason Blaha Story: [url]

Page 84
Bleha makes up a new lie to justify the bullshit he posted back in the day:
Also [MENTION=6393]blabla-haha[/MENTION] provides some more
menty Bleha posts, including this romantic detail of Bleha's relationship with the Big Giving Mike:

Page 86
Looks like [MENTION=6231]TheEx[/MENTION] was also a BBMiscer at one time:

Page 110
Steve Shaw e-begs money to fix his car, thread pretty much turns into Steve Shaw discussion for a
few pages

Page 124
[MENTION=8174]AngelOfDeath[/MENTION] tells us everything we need to know about Alex
Also the 40 Year of Delusion video series is out, courtesy of [MENTION=5892]I Laugh At

Page 128
[MENTION=6393]blabla-haha[/MENTION] proves that Bleha never tore his bicep

Page 134
[MENTION=7002]IGotNext[/MENTION] dispels another Bleha lie about a restaurant they didn't
actually go to:**Blahautism-The-Jason-Blaha-Story-6-

Page 157
[MENTION=8219]cuck finn[/MENTION] joins the board

Page 164
LunarCunt has a review page at, Jihad gets a hold of it and ments ensue:

Page 174-175
Cuck finn goes rogue and makes the craigslist ad:
[B]Royal[/B] ments ensue! Actually you know what, I know I'm posting cliffs here but you'd better
off just read the whole thread from page 174 onwards, there's ments in just about every page.

Page 188
Cuck finn's operation keeps going like crazy and Bleha responds by posting this shit on instagram:

Page 199
Bleha is absolutely [B]shook[/B]:

Page 206
Instagram ments:

Page 208
Bleha getting blasted on facebook:

Page 209
Bleha waddles around his apartment complex carrying a gun, we've all seen the videos

Page 235
Bleha threatens black dudes at gun point, we've seen all these videos as well but here's one of them
to refresh your memory:

Page 244
Popular Military is informed of Bleha's recent "rampage":

The rest of the thread is pretty much just aftermath. People debate whether the movement has gone
too far or not and [MENTION=6069]Blaha=shit[/MENTION] quits the Blahautism on page 252,
Exposed TV gets shut down, Bleha is reported to the police and his apartment complex
management and the black dudes who got threatened at gun point chose not to report Bleha to the
police. Of course they're not gonna do that, if they did they would have also had to explain why
they went there in the first place and there aint no way in hell they're gonna admit to that. It's bad
enough that their faces are on video spread across the internet, these guys are not gonna have their
names linked to meeting up a tranny for casual sex. We got a great deal of ments but in some ways
the whole thing feels like a Pyrrhic victory.

However strictly on the scale of ments, 6.0 ended up being the shortest Blahautism thread so far but
goddamnit it's quality not quantity! At the end of 5.0 I was wondering if 6.0 could live up to the
standard. Now after reading 6.0 I gotta say, the last 84 pages are up there. They're fucking definitely
up there.


Blahautism 7.0

More aftermath,
[MENTION=8261]uncemikeisalive[/MENTION] contacting the management on page 7 and Bleha
being a complete fucktard on page 10:

Page 16-17
[MENTION=7093]Menty[/MENTION] calls the police

Page 19
Popular military writes an article about the incident:

Page 20
Bleha is a stolen valor faggot in real life:

Page 50
By the way should go without saying but the whole bomb squad thing with Bleha was a lie, nothing
in the news about a bomb scare in Bleha's area

Page 76
[MENTION=6352]Gold pudding[/MENTION] gives us an update from the police, basically Bleha
is classified as paranoid and is under investigation for being a potential active shooter. Bleha
himself gave the police a long sob story about his history with Layne Norton and the police thought
the whole thing sounded childish. This episode was no ego boost for Bleha, he was [B]shook
[/B]beyond belief.

Page 84
The fuck is this shit, Bleha opened his own Exposed TV:

Page 96
For what it's worth, according to [MENTION=6352]Gold pudding[/MENTION] the police
confirmed there were only 2 victims in this whole cuck finn episode. But Bleha said he did it to 6
people? Lies! In truth he was cowering inside the apartment not opening the door until he read
fitmisc and figured out what was going on.

Page 106
[MENTION=6624]FBI Cyber Stalking Unit[/MENTION] seizes the opportunity on Bleha's gym:
Also Bleha responded to one of the troll reviews on Iron City facebook but deleted his post when
the Jihad started coming down on him

Page 107
Iron City Gym owners doxxed: Doug and Sheila Benditz

Page 109
Shadow Man teases a part of the Layne Norton lawsuit where Bleha had to declare his assets after
losing in court, he claimed to have rights to oil overseas and bullshit like that

Page 113
Bleha makes a cope video to explain the cuck finn saga, "conspiracy to commit murder" LOL OK

Page 114
Bleha getting blasted on facebook

Page 120
Bleha gets one more visitor, this time it's a black tranny who unfortunately was forced to witness
Bleha's disgusting naked body

Page 121
Bleha is found in the Farmington school yearbook from 1995

Page 134
Courtesy of [MENTION=203]Jason Genova[/MENTION]

Page 138
Anna the Ex shares some of the text messages Bleha has been sending her, [B]anyone[/B] out there
who wants to tell me we've gone too far at [I]any[/I] point of the Jihad, [B]anyone[/B] who wants to
feel sorry for Bleha, [B]anyone[/B] who thinks Bleha doesn't deserve to have his fucking guts
chewed out and suffer an excruciating death, read this and then go fuck yourself:

Blue is Anna yellow is Bleha

Page 145
Bleha's sister Andrea text messages with cuck finn:

Page 159
Shadow Man teases Bleha's asset declaration some more, remember that nokia phone I mentioned
£2.31p are Bleha's life savings at this point:
By the way he also has an insider at Withers:

Page 176
Bleha's sister Andrea was arrested for theft in 1996

Page 178
Bleha's sister Andrea makes the news

Page 200
Bleha fitness advertisement:
Courtesy of [MENTION=6627]Juggernaut Fitness TV[/MENTION]
Page 201-209
[MENTION=6945]Shadow Man[/MENTION] is a dick

Page 214
At one point on Elite Fitness forums Bleha posed as a woman and catfished men:
This is the fake profile he created which in the posts is referred to as "FBC":

Page 225
What the fuck happened to this dog?

Page 234
Speculation begins that the Gruesome Twosome have been evicted

Page 260
[MENTION=8186]Abu bin Abdulaziz[/MENTION] confirms that they have indeed been evicted!!!
This is the time when they moved in to Grannycookie's trailer

Page 276
Further confirmation, Bleha's old shitbox available since January 15th 2017
The floorplan of said shitbox was posted earlier but here's a more accurate version:

Page 292
Cuck finn phone calls Bleha, Bleha starts babbling about echelon system and assassinating Obama
because he's so fucking stupid that he thinks this will get the FBI to trace the call:

Page 322
Cuck finn calls mooncunt's uncle Anthony and he says a bunch of stuff about Bleha, like that Bleha
is leeching off of an 80-year-old woman and when Anthony met Bleha nothing but lies came out of
Bleha's mouth. Anthony also makes sure to point out he's locked and loaded at all times so if Bleha
were to cause any actual trouble he'd take care of it.

Page 352
Bleha's gym Iron City Gym in cypress changes their google page so that when you click on the
website link, [SIZE=4][B]it links to Blahapedia![/B][/SIZE]

Page 356
The salad bar that Bleha frequents, Jason's Deli, just did the same thing! The website link that
google provides links to Blahapedia

Page 361-366
Some idiot [MENTION=8456]Claire Mitchell[/MENTION] trolls the thread and gets banned

Page 379
Magic Mike's online obituary is found and defiled

Page 383
Cuck finn phone calls J Porker, Porker still denies having anything to do with coppertopp22 and
cuck finn just mercilessly roasts him. An actual quote from the phone call:
[B]J Porker[/B] [I]"I remember the last time I got laid"[/I]
[B]Cuck Finn[/B] [I]"What was his name"[/I]

Page 426
Natural Gallant Bodybuilding roasts Bleha:

Page 429-430
Mooncunt delusion
Also check out this sweet comment somebody made on that same instagram post:
The next 4 pages is BriTranny basically communicating with the forum through more and more
bullshit instagram posts which all get refuted in the thread. She even posts a picture of her passport
in page 434:
And this is the Jihad response:

Page 435
Bleha claims to have threatened yet another man at gunpoint, while at the same time the fuckface
inadvertedly admits he's living in a trailer with Moonwhore's 80-year-old grandmother

Page 442
Bleha's max deadlift:
Courtesy of [MENTION=8487]MassacreBlast[/MENTION]

Page 444
Courtesy of [MENTION=8487]MassacreBlast[/MENTION]

Page 447
LOL J Porker at it:
Blehaman giving advice to Porkman:

Page 448
J Porker is forever alone and Bleha is cringe:

Page 464
Porkman sperging out on facebook:

Page 468
Anna [MENTION=6231]TheEx[/MENTION] says the Big [B]Giving[/B] Mike had many victims
in the family including some of Larry's cousins and siblings, not just Bleha.
Also on page 469 she reveals Bleha is allergic to shrimp

Page 472
[MENTION=6624]FBI Cyber Stalking Unit[/MENTION] initiates an operation to get J Porker fired
from his cushy warehouse job, this operation turned out to be successful as Porker is currently
forced to slave in construction work 10 hours a day under the Tex-Ass sun

Now before we get to 8.0 let me point out that there is another Blahautism cliffnotes thread that
[MENTION=8330]Tom Platz of Cyberstalkin[/MENTION] was updating for a while and he got to
cover the latter half of 8.0 as well as the beginning half of 9.0 before he quit. As I fill out this thread
I'm just gonna copypaste all of his findings here if he doesn't mind and if he know what?
Fuck you kid.


Blahautism 8.0

Page 7
Courtesy of [MENTION=8487]MassacreBlast[/MENTION]

Page 29
Best video ever:
Courtesy of [MENTION=203]Jason Genova[/MENTION]

Page 34
Anna [MENTION=6231]TheEx[/MENTION] flat out says Bleha has a small dick, maybe 5 and
half inches when hard!!

Page 57
Bleha's name is of Czech origin, check out what it means in English:

Page 60
Bleha's first cousin got shot in the back of his head by his 14-year-old son, story brought to you by
[MENTION=6428]Blaha The Turd[/MENTION]

Page 63
Flyers sent to everyone within 3 block radius in Bleha's neighborhood:
And a special one to Mooncunt's grandma:

Page 64
Bleha's excuse to not post gym footage

Page 71
Also a trainer at Iron City confirms Bleha is no longer a member there:

Page 78
The Porkman lying about why he got fired:

Page 80
Bleha gives an update on the Layne Norton debate, he wants Norton to pay him december's youtube
income and he claims this sum of money is $4200

Page 81
Gruesome Twosome no longer live with GrannyCookie, some hajis suggest they moved in with J
Porkman but I cant see adequate evidence of this

Page 103
Fitmisc is banned from google, the site doesnt appear on google search

Page 109
Cuck finn's brother on the left of this pic, don't know who's on the right it may or may not be cuck
finn himself:

Page 111
J Porker's phone number published in the thread by [MENTION=5946]Section8[/MENTION]

Page 116
Bleha tries to take credit for fitmisc being off google, "wheels of justice turn slow blah blah google
working with authorities blah blah" [B]fuck off fatboy![/B]
Page 120
Jason Blaha Martial Autist youtube channel begins reuploading all of Bleha's icecreamfitness

Page 125
Everybody remember Bleha's poorly fitting suit?
[MENTION=6231]TheEx[/MENTION] just confirmed that is the exact same suit he wore in their

Page 128
Some interesting pictures linked to a movie Moongash does hair & makeup on:
Also [MENTION=6231]TheEx[/MENTION] describes a typical day with Bleha:

Page 130
Anna tells the truth of what an alpha male Bleha was:
[QUOTE]I honestly think I wanted him to be better than he was. It is like I told myself/made myself
believe he was more or better than he was in reality. I set most of the standards for our dad life. We
did the swinger thing at first because I wanted to. We stopped because I wanted to. Although he
pushed to keepb it up. I wouldn't. We had sex only when I would finally agree to it. Became less
and less over time and finally I just stopped. I had to take charge most of the time in our
Also according to her, Bleha "always had an obsession with asses"

Page 134
Porker writes an absolutely pissening response in a conversation with [MENTION=1067]Tactical

Page 140
Tactical Squirrel response to Porkie's pissening email:

Page 143
KEK is off the charts with [MENTION=7593]zombie[/MENTION]!!

Page 158-159
Anna talks about her miscarriages during her marriage with Bleha, she had 3 miscarriages with
Bleha and 2 with the father of her daughter whom she met later on. She never bothered telling
Bleha about the 3 miscarriages because Bleha didn't care, Bleha is a piece of shit who only cares
about himself and not those who care for him. Anna was suicidal the last 2 years they were together.

Page 160
[QUOTE]And I call bs on the dick twice a day. He has no stamina.[/QUOTE]

Page 165 & 169

Anna developed back issues because of Bleha's shit training advice

Page 167
[MENTION=6624]FBI Cyber Stalking Unit[/MENTION] writes a summary of the operations he
lead against J Porker, heres part 1 where Porker's friends and family are made aware of what a
shitstain Porker is:

Page 168
Fitmisc is back on google, [B]JASON BLEHA YOU FUCKING FATASS[/B]

Page 175
Part 2 of [MENTION=6624]FBI Cyber Stalking Unit[/MENTION] operation disclosure, how
Porker got fired:

Page 185
[MENTION=8487]MassacreBlast[/MENTION] makes a Bleha soundboard:

Page 192
Bleha sock accounts getting terminated

Page 196
[MENTION=6393]blabla-haha[/MENTION] shares a post where Bleha admits he had never been in
a long term relationship at 27

Page 198
Bleha is a pedo:

Page 209
Shadow Man's real name is hinted at for the first time, "Shadow Man aka Abu Ramy Bakr al-


Page 218-226
After much debate the Ex confirms Bleha's dick pic is real, he was "hard" and sucking in his
The Ex also drops the following on Bleha:
1. He made 33K at Coorper Camercon Corp warehouse. Less the next year because he only worked
three months.
2. He is lazy.
3. He lives on pasta or rice and beans and coffee or soy milk.
4. She was relieved to leave him, didn't cry.
5. After he stopped working, his hygiene went to shit "he was covered in food from sitting at
computer desk and constantly eating".
6. Did not receive welfare welfare while they were together
7. Bleha rubbed her friends the wrong way.
The search for the Gruesome Twosome continues, though several top jihadis hint at incoming ments
and craigslist ads.
P.S. Top jihadis are convinced that Bleha has tendencies towards pedophilia because of creepy
bodybyfinaplex and alt account posts.

Page 226-231
Psychopath Watch receives another copyright strike from the human algorithm.
Cuckzilla creates an equation and estimates Bleha's sub count to be 11,282. However, he believes
this is estimate is a little low.

Page 240-245
[MENTION=6350]Daedalus[/MENTION] posts a link to a live stream YouTube video
revealing a glitch. Basically, when a person unsubs from a channel they unsub themselves as well as
another subscriber. As a result, if a person keeps subbing and unsubbing they can put a significant
dent in a channel's subscriber count. However, after a while the sub button stops working, thus
necessitating the use of several sock accounts.
With this information, the cyber stalking ring and their legion of sock accounts proceed to wage a
jihad on all of Bleha's accounts. However, the long-term impacts of these efforts has yet to be
confirmed. As of 2/9/17, the glitch has been fixed.

Page 245-251
Anna the Ex says she would not go back to Jason or help him even if he was "broke, broken, lonely
and suicidal"

Page 251-258
[MENTION=1273]Shelley Frantzen[/MENTION] debuts a new Blauhatism themed shirt.
According to the website, part of the proceeds will go to the
[MENTION=8115]biolayne[/MENTION] Foundation.
Shadow Man receives another copyright strike from Bleha. This time on his "Review of Jason
Blaha's Female Girlfriend" video.

Page 276-282
[MENTION=6096]Private Potato[/MENTION] posts a screen shot of the Jason Bleha Fatness
Social Blade page showing that views on the channel are down 370,877 or 71% in the past 30 days.
Though the exact reason has yet to be confirmed, several hajis present some plausible explanations
such as videos being taken down ( [MENTION=6395]JBL[/MENTION] ), YouTube purging
fake views ( [MENTION=6425]delusional fatty[/MENTION] ), or a glitch caused by
YouTube changing how it reports views ( [MENTION=6461]Cuckzilla[/MENTION] ).
Additionally, Private Potato's Social Blade screenshot shows the Jason Bleha Fatness channel has a
net change of 0 subscribers in the past 30 days. This indicates that the glitch exploitation efforts of
2/8/17 were unsuccessful. [MENTION=6406]Psychopath Watch[/MENTION] also says that
the fatman has filed copyright strikes on four of his videos:
1. Clinton years and stolen valor
2. video where he aims gun at black dude
3. video where he aims gun at the other black dude and steals his ID
4. video where he says "I will fucking end you legally" with gun in his hand
Shadow Man says that recent copyright strikes confirm his "theory that he temporarily lost the
ability to make copyright complaints maybe as a result of strikes" indicating that "his channel may
have been closer to total termination then we realized".
Furthermore, Tactical Squirrel confirms that Gruesome Twosome's location is known, but being
kept classified. To this end, [MENTION=7002]IGotNext[/MENTION] says this information
will be used to ensure Bleha doesn't provide false contact information when disputing copyright

Page 282-288
[MENTION=8079]The Real Janoy[/MENTION] identifies Bleha's gym. The name of the gym
is also being kept classified.

Page 288-293
[MENTION=8079]The Real Janoy[/MENTION] releases the particulars of the gym:
Anytime Fitness
12407 N MoPac
Ste 350B
Austin, TX 78758
[url][/url] [MENTION=8004]Jason
Blaha VC, DSC, MC[/MENTION] says this has been confirmed by an underground splinter cell.
However, top hajis request that people not leave blahautism reviews or contact the gym as it might
jeopardize current operations.

Page 293-302
In a stunning turn of events, it is revealed that the Anytime Fitness gym revelation was a Psyop
executed by top hajis. [MENTION=8079]The Real Janoy[/MENTION] reveals the actual
gym is:
Achievement Fitness Center
24922 Tomball Pkwy, 106, Tomball, TX 77375
(281) 255-0286

Additionally, [MENTION=6624]FBI Cyber Stalking Unit[/MENTION] releases the

following info:
1. "The other gym was a decoy while I (he) went behind enemy lines to gather intel"
2. "After being awared by me (FBI CSU) personally the gym owner Todd Lynch a former US
Marine decided to block me (FBI CSU) and support his star pupil Jason Bleha whom he even
allowed to run a deadlift seminar AT HIS FUCKING GYM FOR 10 PAYING FUCKING
MEMBERS as Bleha is a "competitive deadlifer" Todd Lynch is clearly a potato of epic levels."
With this information, the cyberbullies proceed to unleash a holy war on the AFC FB and Google
page and Todd Lynch's PT company, the likes of which has never been seen before.

Page 302-312
Achievement Fitness Center takes down the Bleha dead lift seminar flyer from their social media.
They also release a statement apologizing to their customers for the recent deluge of negative
reviews and pledge to do something about it.
Jihadi FB sock accounts are being reported, positive reviews are being left and AFC rallies back
from 2.7/5 to 3.1/5 rating. Jihadi's such as [MENTION=6624]FBI Cyber Stalking
Unit[/MENTION] are also suspicious that a rival gorilla faction is using sock accounts to thwart the
efforts of the jihad. [MENTION=566]Omega[/MENTION] also provides a link to the AFC
yelp review page: [url][/url]

Page 312-316
[MENTION=6446]Arlindo[/MENTION] posts a screenshot showing only five people
attended Bleha's seminar.
Clerics [MENTION=8061]janoy_giovani[/MENTION] and
[MENTION=6142]In4theMents[/MENTION] post cliffs on the iron autist's Q&A Parts 1-4
Cuckzilla posts links to two infidel websites promoting the Blaha 5x5 of plagerism:
[MENTION=6624]FBI Cyber Stalking Unit[/MENTION] also provides an update on the holy
war: "Before Achievement Fitness Center - 5/5 stars - Now - 2.8 stars
Before Achievement Personal Training 4.7/5 stars - Now - 3.4 stars"
Later that day [MENTION=8079]The Real Janoy[/MENTION] reveals that "Achievement
fitness center rating crawling back up to 3.6 and a lot of the one star reviews have been deleted".

Page 316-319
Thread derailed. Pure piss

Page 319-327
[MENTION=5246]JasonGenobli[/MENTION] lists the amount one star ratings for AFC
showing that some of the Jihadi one star reviews are being flagged and reviewed. The post also
shows that the AFC had rallied back to 3.4/5 and AFC PT to 3.7/5. Eventually, the jihad anally
pounds AFC into submission (2.9/5 for AFC, 3.2/5 for AFC PT), but the AFC manages another
small rally.
FBI Cyber Stalking Unit posts email links for the owner of AFC, Todd Lynch:
In a tragic turn of events for the monster, Psychopath Watch reveals that Bleha has lost all four of
his copyright claims against Psychopath's channel.
Bleha releases a video supporting Milo Yiannopoulos in Milo's pro-pedophilia scandal. Additionally
the fat ass posts another video about the Layne Norton debate. Also,
[MENTION=5659]sickening_sith_lord[/MENTION] posts a screen shot from the Layne Norton
video with a bank statement and a couple police report cards. Evidently, Bleha has submitted a
police report for a "terroristic treat". A deluge of speculation ensues on what exactly these videos
and picture might indicate:
1. [MENTION=6363]Biomechanics[/MENTION] points out that the previous account
balance was $8.37. Hajis speculate that the 8 dollar previous account balance shows Bleha is in a
dire financial situation or is manipulating the number purposefully.
2. [MENTION=7552]BlueBlood[/MENTION] states that the bank statement print is very
poor quality and not notarized visibly. In general, the cyber terrorists seem very skeptical about the
authenticity of the bank statement and encourage Laynester not to take the bait.
3. FBI Cyber Stalking Unit suggests starting a Jihad on the Fatso's bank, but this idea is quickly
shut down.
4. For the hajis, Bleha's unorthodox views on teenage sex in the Milo vid is more evidence that
Bleha is a sexual deviant. "He literally said having sex with a 13 year old is not an act of
pedophilia" (FBI Cyber Stalking Unit).
5. Hajis such as FBI Cyber Stalking Unit believe that the Klinefelter Athuleete bringing up the
debate after he said he wouldn't do it indicates he is becoming more desperate for money.
Page 327-335
[MENTION=5892]I Laugh At Autists[/MENTION] shows a screen shot showing that it is
possible to hold back adsense payment for as long as a year. He speculates that Bleha might have
withdrew both his November and December payments together. Additionally, Shadow Man states
that "we know that the coppertopp22 video and the video he stole from me (Shadow Man) was
monetized and the money going to his own adsense as well probably. Who knows what else he's
monetizing from other sock accounts we don't even know about. So Biolayne should definitely
insist on seeing the full tax returns before paying him based only on the bank statement (which only
shows the overall sum he got from adsense)".
In congruence with the screen shot, I Laugh At Autists posts an equation showing Bleha's earnings
to be
"November: $1,550
December: $2,674
Total: $4,224, which was shown on the bank deposit."
[MENTION=6093]ITrainedAtTheFarm[/MENTION] and other exotic terrorists post that AFC have
eliminated the review section from both of their FB accounts (gym and personal training) indicating
that a key battle has been won in the jihad.

Page 346-351
Exposed TV make their triumphant return.

Page 356-362
FBI Cyber Stalking Unit shows a post from Bleha's Instagram with Eleiko bumpers. He believes
this indicates that the gruesome twosome have switched gyms again. [MENTION=8079]The
Real Janoy[/MENTION] posts the information to a texmex restaurant he believes the Gruesome
Twosome frequent:
El Rincon
9001 Louetta Rd
Spring, TX 77379
(281) 826-3807

Page 362-369
[MENTION=8079]The Real Janoy[/MENTION] says Todd at ACF has put the ratings back up
on their FB pages. [MENTION=8004]Jason Blaha VC, DSC, MC[/MENTION] posts a
y00tube screenshot showing that Bleha still wants the debate and will roast Layne if he backs down.
Fearsome warlord Cuckzilla hints at the now widely known speculation that Bleha was sexually
involved with a 13-year-old girl back in 1995 when he still lived in Farmington, New Mexico with
his family and this is the reason why they moved back to Texas. Bleha the child molester was 18 at
the time. However no concrete evidence exists of this incident, all we've found to this day is some
local newspaper articles that talk about an incident between an 18-year-old male and a 13-year-old
female but no names were mentioned. There's no concrete evidence, just speculation. Otherwise it
would be all over Blahapedia and Exposed TV. (ps that last paragraph was me talking, not Tom
Platz of Cyberstalkin)
Cuckzilla drops another bomb. Seasoned Blahautists will recall that top hajis ran
[MENTION=8099]olygirl12[/MENTION] off the thread a while ago because they suspected her of
being a mole or one of the gruesome twosome. Cuckzilla links an extremely awkward video
doxxing OlyGirl12 where it is revealed her name is Shelby. You can watch that video here:
Cuckzilla responds to another user asking about Exposed TV saying "our green screen & reloading
rig hasn't arrived yet". This may be a Freudian slip indicating Cuckzilla is one of the criminal
masterminds behind the legendary channel.

Page 369-379
[MENTION=6690]Bagpuss7[/MENTION] posts some quotes indicating that the 8 buck cuck
has received and denied pedophilia allegations in the past.
[MENTION=5246]JasonGenobli[/MENTION] posts a video where Bleha denies pedophilia
allegations at the 8 second mark [MENTION=8467]Gayson Nohome[/MENTION] posts a
link to a website with Bleha's senior class alumni list where you can leave messages to any student:
The cyber stalkers get on the scent and begin to defile the page.
The slanderous jihadists post some quality photo shops of Bleha lurking on little kids that are
compulsory viewing at this point. [MENTION=8151]prdula[/MENTION] posts 2
screenshots of elgintensity photo shops (bottom of the page) that are also worth a look.

Page 379-390
The Real Janoy posts that AFC have once again removed their FB reviews section.
Fierce, autistic debate over whether Bleha has tendencies towards pedophilia or hebephilia and what
exactly constitutes pedophilia. Would recommend avoiding these pages completely srs.

Page 390-393
[MENTION=6096]Private Potato[/MENTION] posts a Social Blade screen shot indicating
Bleha's views have been increasing. Cuckzilla and [MENTION=7777]Just For
Laughs![/MENTION] attributes this to the Mike Rashid and Iron Addicts name drops among others.
Additionally, Private Potato believes Bleha's ability to create custom thumbnails again is
contributing to greater views.

Page 393-396
[MENTION=7002]IGotNext[/MENTION] posts a screen shot of Moontrollop's Instagram
picture of her stationary bike screen showing 95 minutes. Very PTSD inducing, click at your own
blabla-haha posts some very humorous Blaha posts where he discusses falling down the stairs from
manure's disease and getting caught at the airport with a sock stuffed in his pants to create a bulge.
[MENTION=8454]ManInMotion[/MENTION] posts a screen shot of a y00tube comment (same
link as blabla-haha comment) where a person points out that Bleha said "shart" in a video and Bleha
responds by saying he is hearing impaired.

Page 405-412
Fierce debate sparks among the haji's about value of cuck finn and the validity of his claims.
cuck finn posts a screenshot of some messages to Bleha's sister as well as a message he received
from a trannie after Blaha sent away the trannie. Also he posts another shot on this page of a text to
one of Bleha's relatives.

The copypasting will continue around halfway through 9.0 then I will take over again.

Blahautism 9.0

Page 2-9
Exposed TV launches a new video titled "Exposed TV: Is Jason Blaha Attracted to Underage

Page 9-14
[MENTION=8282]Muuker[/MENTION] says that Bleha
has regained access to his AskJasonBlaha channel.

Page 14-20
Cuckzilla finds the Instagram of the mercenary who was called in to reinforce Bleha's cuck
compound during the trannie wars.
blabla-haha releases the following info on the cuck:
- In May 2004 Bleha fell in love and started to get involved with a girl living above him. It turned
out she only pretended to be single while her bf in the Marines was stationed elsewhere...
- Bleha used to sell/trade on the farmer's market in College Station,Tx, when he used to "run" his
father's peach orchard while going to school...
- Bleha wasn't banned from by Layne Norton. It was a moderator called memcop who did
it; memcop said he never spoke to Layne about it and actually admitted to liking Bleha...
- According to Mike McCandless, Scivation owner, the lawsuit Bleha lost was worth 400k...
- Bleha joined Greenpeace in summer 2012...
- There was no reception at Bleha & Emily's wedding, they decided to save money...
- As you know, Bleha had Legolas, a green conure. He also had Lucy, a boxer (dog) and she died
when he was 15...
- Admitted to walking in on Larry masturbating once...
- Bleha likes Madonna's music...
- Bleha thinks he could kill both Mike O'Hearn and Simeon Panda if he wanted, but chooses to kill
Shadow Man posts a screen shot from a old Bleha video where he appears to be in a kid's bedroom
and there is a picture of a young child taped up behind him. Speculation ensues on what this could

Page 20-31
IGotNext posts an Instagram link to one of Moonslut's photos and the location of the club where it
was taken:
"Walter's Downtown" 1120 Naylor St, Houston, TX 77002

Page 31-41
The hajis discuss the possibility that Bleha making videos writing off reloading expenses on his
taxes might be considered fraud. Shortly after, Bleha makes a video discussing the topic.

Page 41-48
IGotNext posts an IRS link where individuals concerned that Bleha may be committing tax fraud
can find the resources necessary to alert the IRS. Basically, it's a Form 3949-A that you print out,
and mail in.

Page 48-53
[MENTION=7421]nosaj ahalb[/MENTION] posts
uncensored pictures of Shadow Man. He also doxxes Shadow Man as Ramy Broude. Pics here:
Backstory (from me again): when Shadow Man first signed up on fitmisc he used his actual email
address which I won't say here because it's private information but the address contained his real
name Ramy Broude. The information was passed on to some CIA members who were able to locate
Ramy's facebook page which is where all those pictures are from (Ramy has since then set his
facebook private), but really at that point even I could have found his facebook. Anyone of you out
there could have found Ramy's facebook when you know his real name, just type it in the search bar

Page 53-58
Shadow Man posts a YouTube link to a podcast of Layne talking about Bleha. Check it out here:

Page 64-68
Exposed TV release new video about Bleha's views on body building.
Layne suggests that Bleha was receiving a pension at the time of the lawsuit and may be at this time
as well. He sends this info he attained during the court case to a haji named

Page 68-70
Layne says that Bleha's income was "marked 'department of social security' at 614 pounds (UK) per
month". He also says that this money was from the U.S. government.
The jihadists speculate about what exactly Bleha received welfare for.

Page 70-73
[MENTION=6406]Psychopath Watch[/MENTION] posts
a screenshot showing he submitted a tip to the Eff Bee Eye.
[MENTION=8004]Jason Blaha VC, DSC,
MC[/MENTION] says Bleha hasn't uploaded on his fatness channel for a day.

Page 73-79
Anna the Ex says that she stopped paying Bleha's medical bills after they split up in 2008.
The Ex also provides the following info on Bleha's "illness":
"It all started by him claiming he was getting dizzy driving to work and saying he had to pull over
to throw up. He began calling into work a lot. Saying he was too dizzy to take out the trash or help
with things around the apartment. After we moved into a new apartment which was further from his
work. 20 mins using the toll road and he had an easy pass. Deducts automatically from your account
no stopping. Finally his work said they needed something from a doctor."
Additionally, The Ex also says the following about Bleha:
1. He went to good doctors and after a litany of tests they all found him to be healthy.
2. He often refused medication and made The Ex buy him a cane.
3. Larry pulled some strings to get him on short term disability.
4. He played video games and hung out with friends, but didn't do any chores while "sick at home".
5. He claimed to have motion sickness as a child and would tell doctors he had Manure's disease.
6. He gorged on food, which may have made it easier for to vomit on command.
7. Told The Ex he would get disability in the US, then in the UK as well
She also says that her little sister was staying with them at the time, but was not home very
Michael Neo says that Meniere's is easily triggered by doctors to diagnose it, so there is no way
Bleha actually had it.
p.s. Jihadists are becoming increasingly suspicious that the Gruesome Twosome have moved again
due to different filming set up/acoustics.

Page 79-85
[MENTION=8454]ManInMotion[/MENTION] posts a
picture from Bleha's Instagram, Hajis believe this picture and the Insta tags are another indication
that the Gruesome Twosome have moved again.

Page 85-90
IGotNext points out the cuck has been reusing his thumbnails frequently.
Jason Blaha VC, DSC, MC posts a imgur link showing Bleha was without internet for a while.

Page 90-94
[MENTION=6644]michaelhunt1774[/MENTION] posts
a link showing that Richard Rodriguez is reaching out to Bleha. One can only speculate about what
information is being passed on, but because of Rodriguez's connections it's likely some insider
information on Mike Rashid and the Iron Addicts situation. michaelhunt1774 also posts a y00tube
video from Rodriguez in which he e-begs for legal funds. Michael Neo believes this video shows
that Rodriguez is a broken man.

Page 94-98
[MENTION=8004]Jason Blaha VC, DSC,
MC[/MENTION] posts a link to the 8 buck cuck's "Woman In A Hijab Walks By & Ignores One Of
The London Victims From This Morning" video and asks people to flag it.
[MENTION=8299]Cucks With A Fist[/MENTION] asks
if the CIA know exactly where the Gruesome Twosome are living. Tactical Squirrel responds by
saying that he doesn't want to give a direct response, but Bleha "should be pretty frustrated".

Page 100-104
[MENTION=8176]One Off Man Mental[/MENTION]
says he emailed one of the companies advertising on Bleha's firearm channel. He got a response
saying that a third party is responsible that advertisement, but the marketing department will be
made aware of the situation.

Page 105-110
blabla-haha gives a screenshot of a 2011 era Blaho post where he talks about getting a scale with a
bioimpedence feature and finding out he was 223 with 38% bf.
[MENTION=8174]AngelOfDeath[/MENTION] says this means he had a lean mass of 139 lbs on
gear haha.
[MENTION=5925]Jason Blaha[/MENTION] points out
that Bleha vids are lacking ads. Hajis speculate that at what is causing this and if it is happening at
all. [MENTION=5925]Jason Blaha[/MENTION] says this
is because y00tube is demonetizing controversial content which is unfriendly to advertisers.
[MENTION=6945]Shadow Man[/MENTION] says an advertising boycott is what is responsible for
the lack of ads. [MENTION=6406]Psychopath
Watch[/MENTION] points out that y00tube is demonetizing AAS vids, and Bleha's most popular
vids are about that topic.

Page 110-117
[MENTION=8004]Jason Blaha VC, DSC,
MC[/MENTION] had an undercover discussion with LunarCunt. 100% pure microfiltered piss.
(and this is again me, not Tom Platz of cyberstalkin)
Page 117-124
Hajis continue the flagging Jihad and according to some accounts when browsing in restricted
mode, some of Bleha's videos are blocked or his channel disappears all together.

Page 124-128
The flagging efforts continue and many hajis are reporting successful results. The basic premise of
these efforts is that by flagging videos, they are no longer viewable on restricted mode.
Additionally, all videos that cannot be viewed on restricted mode are not eligible to be monetized.
Thus, flagging videos should have a big impact on Bleha's bottom line.
The Ex says that Bleha had a 48 inch waist when they split up. She knows because she was buying
his clothes.
Michael Neo states that the Gruesome Twosome tried to make off with several antique "guns from
Granny's trailor when they left".
FBI Cyber Stalking Unit says in a previous psy op over 200 of J Porker's friends, family and even
grandmother were awared about his coppertop video as well as being awared about his trips to
thailand to fuck underage ladybois.

Page 128-132
[MENTION=5925]Jason Blaha[/MENTION] noticed that
Bleha's videos have been on 2760 and not rising. Additionally, he says that on Social Blade the cuck
has -561 views. [MENTION=5925]Jason
Blaha[/MENTION] believes that this is evidence that Bleha has been deleting suspect videos and
going into damage control.
One Off Man Mental states that "Out of nearly 3k videos, only 85 are left showing on his fitness
channel when in restricted mode".

Page 132-134
Elgintensity posts on Instagram that ads can still be played on restricted videos.

Page 134-138
The flagging efforts continue and appear to be achieving some level of success.
[MENTION=8245]Reloading Cuck[/MENTION] says another two videos on the firearms channel
were just demonetized.
[MENTION=8785]Abu Janoy Al-Blahino[/MENTION]
posts a screenshot of a Bleha YouTube comment where he says he has only had 10 videos
demonetized between his two channels.
[MENTION=6600]Gisum Blowhole[/MENTION] posts
a GIF where it sounds like Bleha is recording in a storage unit.

Page 141-145
[MENTION=8245]Reloading Cuck[/MENTION] posts a
Facebook screen shot of Bleha saying that he has evidence that Lobliner "loves" HGH. On the same
page he also posts the edit history of the cucks Facebook comments where he makes another veiled
threat and then edits it out. Pure piss.
FBI Cyber Stalking Unit posts a video of Bleha commenting and showing said receipts. At 2:10 he
says he has his own deep throat and is sassier and more smug than ever.

Page 145-149
[MENTION=6096]Private Potato[/MENTION] says "so
it turns out the receipt for Pocketliner ordering steroids is fake. Several people from elgin, IL
confirmed that the zip code doesnt exist. Several people under the video are getting on Bleha's
stupid ass about it. Jason reporting fake news and drama again for clicks again? What a surprise!
Another fail for Bleha. Stupid fuck couldnt even do his research to make sure it was legit."

Page 149-154
[MENTION=5891]BadGenetics[/MENTION] posts cliff
notes of the Steve Shaw video about Bleha's time at Tiger Fitness
- Bleha was hired as "a writer" by Steve Shaw not Lobliner (mainly to increase traffic from his anti-
supplement channel to supplement selling website, LOL)
- his salary was based on basic market rates and determinde by Shaw, not Lobliner
- Bleha was fired directly by Shaw, not Lobliner
- Bleha said that he wrote each article one hour - Shaw confirmed this and added that his writings
was basically "puked words", he also called his articles "steamed turd" and "hot mess", Shaw took
3-4 hours to edit Bleha rambling to "make it sound intelligent" LMAO
- web stats confirmed that Bleha articles alone "underperformed", without Bleha fanboys views and
their reviews Shaw described them as "mediocre articles"
- they werent upset when he ended affiliate program, Shaw said that Bleha subscribers generated
marginal profits, comparing to other youtubers who are making 10 times more revenue than Bleha
on monthly basis.
Many times he called Bleha "underperformer" LOL.
The discussion of the validity of Bleha's insider receipts continues. Hajis are also discussing the
possibility of Marc Pocketliner suing Bleha.
[MENTION=6166]To The 33rd Degree[/MENTION] posts a screenshot of a YouTube video
comment section where Marc says that he tried reporting the video and wishes that he could sue.

Page 157-160
Hajis are trying to aware different news outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, The Young Turks
and Alex Jones, so far to no avail.
blabla-haha posts screenshots of the monster's forum posts where he talks about hanging out with
the upper echelon of society.

Page 160-164
[MENTION=5925]Jason Blaha[/MENTION] says that he
has been reporting bleha for having his poverty AR 15 pattern rifle in view and now it is no longer
in view. This maybe an indication that the flagging jihad is having an impact.
[MENTION=7115]Blason Jlaha[/MENTION] post a
screenshot of bleha in the comments section swearing he is not on disability. In the same comment
thread bleha says he was on SSDI which he says is basically early retirement for medical reasons
and needs to be signed off on by a team of doctors.
[MENTION=5891]BadGenetics[/MENTION] says on
one of bleha's latest firearm channel vids he claims to have spent 12k on firearms last year.

Page 164-167
[MENTION=8299]Cucks With A Fist[/MENTION] says
in the same video BadGenetics was commenting on, Bleha was claiming this money as a tax
blabla-haha posts a bunch of screenshots of bleha talking about his welfare.
Bleha makes a video in which he claims he is not hurt by y00tube advertiser boycott and gets
flagged videos reinstated within a day. Michael Neo says bleha claims he still gets a mellon views.

Page 167-171
[MENTION=5925]Jason Blaha[/MENTION] points out
that bleha has started using jump cuts again in his latest vids. He believes this is a sign that bleha is
trying to become compliant and avoid getting flagged.
Michael Neo insinuates that the location of bleha's cuckold shack is known. Since there has been
background noises in new videos, hajis are speculating that the cuck is living in some paper-thin-
walled poverty housing of some type.
[MENTION=6606]Silly Nips[/MENTION] provides a
screenshot where bleha swears Marc or his laahhyers haven't contacted him or been able to get his

Page 171-174
Bleha made a video talking about how reloading on camera is safe titled "Jason reloading ammo
while talking on camera is unsafe! Oh Lord".
[MENTION=6096]Private Potato[/MENTION] believes this is further evidence that the flagging
jihad is working since hajis have been flagging his videos for this reason


Page 178-182
What happens here is just an example to show that the Blahautists are not fucking around. If I
wasn't previously convinced of how powerful the Jihad really is, I sure as fuck am now. So
moonwhore posts a picture on her instagram saying it's taken from her balcony. Unfortunately the
picture doesn't exist anymore but it was just a pic of the outside view, focusing mostly on the sky
with a little bit of other houses and stuff visible at the bottom of the picture. The instagram post is
linked in the thread and [B]literally 7 and half hours later the exact location of that apartment is
exposed and posted in the thread[/B]
The apartment complex is called [url][/url] and it is a complete shithole
in the worst neighborhood, it's so bad that they literally offer first 2 and half months free of rent!
Now obviously it doesn't take much to figure out that the Jihad is powerful and capable of many
things, all you have to do is look at some of the previous operations like the coppertopp thing, "The
Specialist" etc so in that sense it shouldn't surprise anyone that they could do this... but you know,
when you actually [B]see[/B] it happen right in front of you, when you're actually there to
[B]witness[/B] an operation, that's just something else. That's something that commands respect.
I was very late to join the Jihad but I was there to see this and I was sold.

Page 198
Cuckzilla shares some info of the time when Bleha got that black eye:
June 22, 2015 - Date Brittany Mooncookie Leigh reported to serve her 45 days in the Houston
County Jail
June 25-26, 2015 -Date Jason Blehe received the black eye in a bar fight.
Brittany was locked up while Blihi was getting his ass kicked.

Page 202
Dumbass Bleha doesnt get the reference

Page 204
Floorplan of the estates woodland shitbox:
Page 222
Cuckzilla tracked down every high school yearbook of Jason Diane Bleha. He does not have one
single picture in any of them. His name is listed under "no photo available". He was never on any
sports team (track), club (FFA) or extra curricula activity (honors jazz).
It appears Bleha was a social outcast, probably morbidly obese and possibly in a special needs class

Page 223
Cuckzilla and another jihadi found a past teacher of Bleha and they also found this same teacher
spent many years in special education, you can draw your own conclusions from that

Page 235
Some fuckface nuthugger is helping Bleha financially, this report was brought to you by
[MENTION=6979]Trained at the farm[/MENTION]. Jihad will reign over the asshole nuthugger.

Page 239
Jihad invades the trailer for the movie Moongash did makeup on

Page 246
Larry and the son he wished he had

Page 249
Bleha works out at 24hr Fitness

Page 260
[MENTION=6270]brummie git[/MENTION] posts the dislike script but it serves no purpose for the
Jihad since youtube changed its system so that all likes and dislikes count as money, anyway you
can get it here if you wanna use it for something:

Page 265
[MENTION=9023]Online Warlord[/MENTION] joins the force!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Page 268
Bleha is not big, he's just fat

Page 269
Bleha weighs himself on instagram and it's 240 pounds, holy shit what a fatass

Page 274
AlphaDestiny feud begins

Page 275
Cuckzilla banned for 7 days, got unbanned in 3
Page 280
Bleha invades houston gym, information brought to you by Cuckzilla
Also AlphaDestiny has a message to Bleha:

Page 285
Operation Alpha Destiny begins

Page 296
blabla-haha shows a forum post where Bleha admits he has ridiculously low testosterone levels:

Page 305
Larry's lake house is found

Page 307
Cuck finn announces that he will go to Texas to confront Bleha and he's taking donations to fund
the trip.

Page 316
A known nuthugger RZFitnessTV crashed his testosterone levels and now needs TRT because of

Page 330
Another picture from the woodland shithole:

Page 344
LOL OH MY GOD [MENTION=6393]blabla-haha[/MENTION] shows us Bleha's old forum posts
where he talks about slurping his own cum out of a girl's pussy, the guy is literally a cum-guzzler!
"Don't knock it until you've tried it"

Page 347
This is why Bleha cant stop bitching about Kali Muscle:
Time stamps 6:50 and 10:10

Page 356
Bleha spotted on Tommy's Garage for the first time:
Jihad goes on to aware the people at Tommy's Garage
Page 360
Cuckzilla provides facebook pages of people in Tommy's Garage
Also Bleha has been pushed to the back corner:

Page 362
[MENTION=7115]Blason Jlaha[/MENTION] tells us of Rosie Rosenkranz the host of the show,
he's a former cop and his wife died in 2015.
Also that reference game /10:

Page 364
Just look at this cuck's head movement!
[B][SIZE=4]Look at it![/SIZE][/B]

Page 399
[MENTION=9023]Online Warlord[/MENTION] makes a poverty shop via paint
Kind of an obscure reference but I'll give you a hint: BaSin City

Page 402
Laynester talks about his affair, he admits he did wrong and accepts all responsibility. Even in a
situation like this Layne is more of a real man than most of the degenerates on this forum.

Page 413
TheEx confirms that Bleha's cumswapping fetish is true, he wanted to do it with her too but she
refused because it's fucking disgusting

Page 416
Exposed TV makes a video about Bleha in Tommy's Garage

Page 424-440
Shadow Man gets blasted in the thread, pure piss.

Page 425
Courtesy of [MENTION=7106]BrotherBlaha[/MENTION]

Page 428
Courtesy of [MENTION=7593]zombie[/MENTION]

Page 436

Page 442
Bleha is so totally shook by Alexander Leonidas, he banned a hundred subscribers simply because
they were asking if Bleha would respond to AlphaDestiny's video and then he finally made this
video that got even some of his most loyal nuthuggers to call bullshit:
[url][/url] it's from the mirror channel so it's ok to click on it

Page 449
[SIZE=5][B]What the fuck is that?[/B][/SIZE]

Page 458
Shadow Man is shat on once again so [MENTION=9023]Online Warlord[/MENTION] creates a
separate Shadow Man hate thread

Page 479
Mooncunt's damage control:

Page 489-495
Civil war levels of infighting, MindlessWork asks for opinions on if Blahautism should be shut
down (spoiler: it didn't happen) and all around pure piss, don't bother reading.

This is where the movement pretty much hit the wall, Tommy's Garage operation concludes in 10.0,
Shadow Man fucks up and is permanently excommunicated and Cuckzilla drops a couple of
interesting ments but other than that nothing really happens anymore. We'll see if 11.0 can change


Blahautism 10.0

Page 5
Bleha conversing with an undercover jihadi, 100% unadulteraded autism

Page 8
Cuck finn has a new burner phone, he was kind enough to post a picture of it (not srs):

Page 15
[MENTION=8261]uncemikeisalive[/MENTION] phone calls Bleha's gym, the employee
identifies Bleha as John Blano!

Page 28
[MENTION=9229]CoathK[/MENTION] joins the team, also Cuckzilla finds out that these girls in
Tommy's Garage audience are actually paid models with a company called Joli Promotions:
Page 39
[MENTION=9236]Big Bad Wolf[/MENTION] aka Dameon MacLeod aka Daemon M'Cloud joins
Also sickening coaching skills from Bleha:

Page 48-57
Daemon M'Cloud gets a little criticism and he responds with pure pissening autism, worst case of
PTSD and "can dish it but can't take it" EVER. Then he commands us to spread his shitfisted videos
as if he has the power to tell us what to do and on top of that he even threatened to sue Michael Neo
just because Neo removed some of this guy's spam videos from fitmisc. This shithead's story is
continued here: [url]

Page 50
The new guy CoathK shows great enthusiasm as he goes on to report Bleha's stolen valor to various

Page 51-52
Some asshole spams child porn all around fitmisc, including the Blahautism thread. Obviously he's
banned, posts deleted and Nine gave all his personal info to police. Also our own
[MENTION=6890]Michael Neo[/MENTION] becomes a moderator!

Page 94
This is why we call them the "Gruesome Twosome"

Page 95 & 97
Tommy's Garage ments:

Page 102

Page 110
It's game on for Tommy's Garage now

Page 126
Meet Joey Tirado from Tommy's Garage:

Page 137

Page 138

Page 140
Tirado's stand-up comedy pursuit:

Page 146
Bleha gets blasted by Steve Shaw

Page 156
Bleha needs 5-10 minutes of rest after doing 5 reps on push press:

Page 158
Tommy's Garage has a new sponsor:

Page 160
Bleha got kicked off Tommy's Garage!!!
Find the comment by Matt Miller posted on August 3rd 2017. Alternatively you can read it here:
Bleha getting booted from Tommy's Garage was a direct result of us contacting TG's sponsor:

Page 166
More confirmation Bleha got booted

Page 173
Bleha is a certified powerlifting referee

Page 179
E-mail from Tommy himself:

Page 180 & 182

[MENTION=6945]Shadow Man[/MENTION] is specifically told not to make a video about
the Tommy's Garage operation, this will be important later on:

Page 183-184
Fucking Broudean Bitch ShadowHymie makes a video about the Tommy's Garage operation
Page 186
ShadowBitch gets another hate thread in his honor:

Page 190
LOL greatest youtube username of all tme!

Page 233
Exposed TV make their video of the Tommy's Garage spectacle:

Page 234
Macc Trucc sucking up to Bleha, this is from a video where Bleha talked about Rich Piano's coma
at the time:

Page 235
A little gif to sum up what went down with Tommy's Garage:

Page 236
Bleha literally looks like Homer Simpson, except shorter of course:

Page 248
Bleha now has a page on Encyclopedia Dramatica:

Page 253
Courtesy of @silly nips

Page 256
This happens:

Page 270
Bleha said Jesus Christ was a reptilian!

Page 271
You cant fucking make this up, John Blano was an actual person and he had a son named Larry

Page 297
Bleha once again proves what a piece of shit he is by slandering Rich Piana on the very same day
Rich died, claiming that Rich was a steroid dealer while showing absolutely no evidence as usual.
As a result of that Bleha gets raped in the comments:

Page 311 & 317

Anna [MENTION=6231]TheEx[/MENTION] reveals that Bleha wasn't allowed alone at his dad's
house because Larry knew Bleha would try to steal something.

Page 319 & 321

[MENTION=9129]Captain Reznov[/MENTION] analyzes Bleha's living place:
(imgur screenshots for those who dont have platinum membership)
and also compares Bleha's life to that of a prisoner:

Page 331
Bleha the pedobear:

Page 341
[MENTION=6461]Cuckzilla[/MENTION] reveals Moonwhore's whistleblow attempt on her former
boss. She worked as an office girl in some company, the company hired a new CEO who brought in
a new HR/payroll person, that person goes on leave and LunarCunt gets her place, labels herself
CFO and gets fired. Years later the CEO is fired as well but he gets a job as a legal counsel.
Moonfuckie tries to file a whistle-blower litigation against her former employer and the former
CEO person but her case is rejected. Full story here:

Page 342
Moontrash had mortgage on this house:
She bought the house in 2005 for $135,000.
She sold the house in 2011 for $112,500.
Also, she had a mortgage rate of 8.57% which is extremely high for 2005 - almost double what the
standard rate was.
Courtesy of [MENTION=6461]Cuckzilla[/MENTION]

Page 356
[MENTION=6406]Psychopath Watch[/MENTION] takes us down the memory lane back to the
thread 5.0...

Page 359
Moonwhore has a profile on disqus
She left a negative review of blahapedia, check out the other people responding to her lol:

Page 367
Bleha used to steal nuts from the supermarket
On page 373 Anna the ex confirms this was true

Page 375
If you think for one second that Bleha knows about training and nutrition, look at this:
Courtesy of [MENTION=590]RoyJonzeJr[/MENTION]

Page 378
[MENTION=6623]jacked as fuck[/MENTION] joins us for a grand total of 4 posts!!
For the unawares: jacked as fuck was a very popular poster around fitmisc until some rather
unflattering pictures of him were found and posted, after which he immediately left the forum and
no one has seen him since.

Page 380
Bleha is gay:
Courtesy of [MENTION=6393]blabla-haha[/MENTION]

Page 390
Read this shit while keeping in mind Moonwhore is the who handles all of Bleha's instagram:

Page 392

Page 402
Awesome gif:

Page 404-405
Some cuck finn hate. Cuck finn states he's received 100 dollars in donations and claims to have
spent 5 times that on burner phones.

Page 409
Uncoordinated mentally retarded Bleha:

Page 411
Sara Methqueen Heimis secretly filmed her husband Rich Piana when Rich was in a severely
confused state (could be high on drugs, diabetic seizure or whatever:
[url][/url]), fucking Bleha gets a hold of the
footage and uploads it on his askjasonblaha channel. Jihad reigns over this piece of shit so hard that
Bleha ended up completely disabling comments on that video.

Page 412
At this point it becomes extremely obvious that Jonny Bravo is the one who has been feeding inside
info to Bleha, thread turns into a Jonny Bravo blast for a while and eventually the fuckface gets his
own hate thread: [url]

Page 421
[MENTION=9648]NotAll[/MENTION] joins our team

Page 428
Bagpuss gets replaced:

Page 432
Real rape victims don't use their past trauma as an instrument of their superiority complex like this
self-righteous narcissist scum here:

Page 471
[MENTION=8115]biolayne[/MENTION] bids his farewell to us. Very sad to see him go but in all
fairness, we've done such great job at destroying Bleha's reputation that nothing he says or does
affects Laynester in any way anymore. Nobody watches his videos and nobody takes him seriously
anymore. Layne's part in this story is over, it's down to us and Bleha now.

Page 479
Oh my fucking god unsubscribe script!
Also Bleha claims 2000lb leg press

Page 489
Nick Wright bench presses 405 pounds, Bleha is being a faggot about it on facebook and gets
completely raped in the comments

Page 490
Bleha is bullshitting about being a street racer and gets immediately exposed:

Page 514
Bleha the firearms expert:

Page 520
Blahafail gif is born, courtesy of [MENTION=9648]NotAll[/MENTION]

Page 528

Page 540
Al Robbie loves us:
timestamp 35:20

Page 546
Moonbish before meeting Bleha:
Courtesy of [MENTION=6393]blabla-haha[/MENTION]

Page 552
Bleha was on

Page 555
Jason Bleha wears the same shirt for 13 years straight:

Page 560
Elgintensity buys [url][/url] and uses it to sell anti-Bleha merch!

Page 571
Bleha speeds up squat footage and says he's just explosive, bunch of lol:

Page 574
Shadow Man's youtube channels get mysteriously eradicated and nobody knows why it happened.
This actually raised a wave of sympathy for Ramy in the thread because as much as we hate to
admit it, his videos were useful for the movement and quite a few of them appeared on the very first
page when you searched "Jason Blaha" on youtube. Somebody went to Bleha's comment section to
call him out on it and Bleha responded with this:
Honestly, I think Bleha is telling the truth in this case for several reasons, first off he actually
responded to the guy and didn't just delete the comment despite him calling Bleha a fat bald
coward. Also, Bleha didn't even try to take any credit over what happened, previously when
Exposed TV got shut down and Fitmisc was off google Bleha always bragged about the wheels of
justice and all that bullshit, this time he didn't do any of that or even imply to it. Instead he flat out
said that he completely ignores Shadow Man and bans anybody who talks about him, this is
certainly not something Bleha would normally admit. Also even Shadow Man himself doesn't know
why youtube shut down his channels. Overall I just don't see any reason to believe that Bleha could
have done something to get Shadow Man shut down.

Page 578
[MENTION=5891]BadGenetics[/MENTION] has plenty of Bleha pics:
Also [MENTION=8004]Jason Blaha VC, DSC, MC[/MENTION] awared one of Moonslut's

Page 582
ShadowHymie is back on youtube with his explanation of what happened, also begs for paypal

Page 594
Bleha lying about his youtube earnings again, posts an obviously tampered deposit where he
couldn't even get the numbers straight lmao

Page 598
Courtesy of [MENTION=6393]blabla-haha[/MENTION]

Page 600
[MENTION=8186]Abu bin Abdulaziz[/MENTION] confirms that Bleha has been told not
to film in the gym anymore

Page 609
[MENTION=9074]Jasmine Blaha[/MENTION] makes a conclusive post on Bleha's arm size:
Also Eric Bugenhagen leaves a positive comment on one of Bleha's videos, which causes a massive
uproar in the Blahautism community because Eric is massively popular and him leaving a comment
on Bleha's video brought many of Eric's fans over to see the comment which in turn gets Bleha
views and that in itself is unacceptable. I'm a big fan of Eric Bugenhagen myself and I absolutely
hate Bleha, so you can imagine seeing those 2 be friendly to eachother is what nightmares are made
of. However Bleha himself tried to kiss Eric Bugenhagen ass in the comments but Eric completely
ignored him and just responded to some of the fans. The comment can be seen here:
Also if you're interested Eric made this video to expand on the comment that he wrote (no mention
of Bleha): [url][/url]

Page 615
Bleha sets his instagram private:

Page 619
According to this site Bleha has 2 criminal convictions on his record:
We all know one, so what's the other one?

Page 626
Bleha loves Lyle McDonald but apparently the feeling is not mutual:

Page 632
Bleha's necklace:

Page 638
Jonnie Candito gives Bleha a shoutout in his video here:
This is much worse than what Eric Bugez did, at least Bugenhagen never once mentioned Bleha by
name. What Candito did here is completely inexcusable and his video got a ton of hate comments
and dislikes for it. On page 656 our own [MENTION=1273]Shelley Frantzen[/MENTION] aka
HeridaV from youtube contacts Candito on instagram and advises him to stay away from Bleha,
Candito acknowledges and obeys so all is well now:

Page 639
cuck finn's burner credit cards:

Page 643
[MENTION=6461]Cuckzilla[/MENTION] located Bleha in a new gym

Page 648
Mooncunt is hideous:

Page 649
cuck finn and his burner airplane

Page 650
cuck finn's burner outfit:
And his burner car:

Page 651
Look at this instagram post and keep in mind Mooncrookie is the one writing it:
Let that sink in.

Page 655
Bleha is a "Punisher" alright...
Bleha's Homer Simpson aesthetics from the front:
And back:

Page 657
cuck finn's burner hotel room:
Also [MENTION=6393]blabla-haha[/MENTION] compiles some memorable Mooncrookie

Page 658
cuck finn himself after he left those burner credit cards in his pocket:
cuck finn's christmas:

Page 660
[MENTION=10097]JDBHorseGrin[/MENTION] joins the force and he immediately embarks on a
personal mission to document Bleha's rotting teeth.
Also Bleha wearing his Punisher shirt on December 15th:
And this is 7 days later:
Bleha wears the same shirt for 7 days straight, not just on videos but also in the gym and when
going out.

Page 671
Kinobody shows up on Bleha's comment section and absolutely annihilates Bleha:

Page 676
Previous year Bleha said he made $4,2k in december, now he claims over $6k
Funny how he knew what his december earnings were going to be even though december wasn't
even over yet.

Page 679
This unaware dunce makes this video defending Bleha:
Jihad does the right thing and explains to this guy what he's dealing with, as a result of that he
deletes the video.

Page 682
Martin Berkhan pimps Bleha, Jihad will get him for it:

Page 693
[MENTION=9023]Online Warlord[/MENTION] decides it's time to get aware and so the cliffs
thread is born

Page 700
The cliffs thread is officially born, part of the thanks goes to [MENTION=6600]Gisum
Blowhole[/MENTION] for giving me suggestions and ideas.

Page 705
Bleha getting REKT on instagram again:
Courtesy of [MENTION=6600]Gisum Blowhole[/MENTION]

Page 714
Bleha's sister Andrea has a new man:
Courtesy of [MENTION=6461]Cuckzilla[/MENTION]

Page 718
Moonhoe needs a proofreader:

Page 723
Bleha posts this screenshot to prove that he made $6k on december:
If it's real, he most likely did the same trick he did previous year delaying the youtube payments, I
don't believe for one second that Bleha made that kind of money with just barely above million
views even with december's increased ad revenue. Worth noting is that he mispelled "still" as "stiff".
Another thing definitely worth noting is that if you look at the sum of money that was paid, it says
$6258,62 of youtube earnings and it says his ending balance after the payment is also $6258,62. So
this means he had literally nothing in his bank account? Oh my fucking god this is even worse than
the $8,37 from previous year, STRONG LIFE FATMAN!

Page 731-735
This is where the board got completely sick of cuck finn and his bullshit, he tried to feed us some
more bullshit to explain why he hasn't done what he said he was going to do and he complained
about us not donating him money for a "burner" car. At the end Tactical Squirrel shrinks him down
to a size and then Menty says
[QUOTE] [MENTION=8219]cuck finn[/MENTION] - [B]get out of this thread and don't come
back.[/B][/QUOTE]in remembrance of how JasonB1 was bullied out of that one thread in M4C

Page 732-733
The guy who totally sizemogged Bleha back in 2015:
This is the guy, Bryan Troianello and he's not 310lbs as Bleha claimed back then to justify looking
like a midget next to him:

Page 748
Macc Trucc gets friendly with Bleha:
Thread turns into Macc Trucc blasting until the end. On page 752 this thread along with the Genova
thread part 14 get abruptly closed and are kept hidden for about a month due to reasons which I do
not know the full story of nor am I in any liberty to discuss the matter. 11.0 was created
immediately after 10.0 was shut down.

Enjoy this sweet gif made by [MENTION=7593]zombie[/MENTION]:


[B][SIZE=4]ps. look who made it to the front row!! :D[/SIZE][/B]


Blahautism 11.0

Page 1-5
Many old Hajis whom we haven't seen in a while checking in, nostalgic as fuck

Page 3
Clarence Kennedy loves us!

Page 4
Kinobody is stronger than Bleha:

Page 6
Bleha basically deactivates his askjasonblaha channel, all the videos are gone while the channel
itself still exists

Page 8
Macc Trucc aligns with Bleha, fuck this guy seriously.

Page 10
A new Bleha soundboard courtesy of
Create a free account on newgrounds and you'll be able to use it

Page 20
Tactical Squirrel reveals plenty of important details from the time when the Gruesome Twosome
lived with Mooncunt's grandma. He explains how insanely dependent LunarWhore really is, that
she will literally die before she leaves Bleha, he also explains why they left Palazzo, why they
moved in with the grandma, how they ended up leaving from there and other stuff. You have to read
it yourself, so much important stuff:
Page 26
JDBHorseGrin makes a detailed post to speculate the origins of Bleha's stroke mouth

Page 31
Some asshat called
[MENTION=10447]BlahaVenom[/MENTION] makes up some bullshit about an attack on
somebody and FBI getting involved as if that's the reason 10.0 was hidden, gets laughed off the
forum and negged into oblivion

Page 33
BadGenetics compiles all of Bleha's threats, hate speech and other scumbag behavior into one video

Page 44
Bleha would swallow horse jizz for money:
Courtesy of

Page 50
Bleha launches e-begging campaign via patreon:
Yes it's real.

Page 54
Bleha is filing copyright claims again, he took down the greatest hits video

Page 57
Bleha's sister Andrea is famous again, check the upper left corner:

Page 65
Bleha posts this picture:
The weight plates that he's carrying are identified on page 168 as X Training Equipment 25lb plates
courtesy of [MENTION=10573]Blowhog[/MENTION]

Page 73
Bleha's arm starts mysteriously shaking in his videos:
Seriously that looks like early onset Parkinson's disease or something

Page 76
I get the feeling that Bleha's patreon shit isn't gonna last long...

Page 81
Youtube is going to change their rules so that they no longer allow videos that display
manufacturing firearms, ammo and stuff like that, this rule is said to take effect in one month's time:
Wonder how this will affect a certain fat fuck who has done nothing but reload ammo on camera for
almost 2 years now...

Page 82
Exposed TV is shut down [B]AGAIN.[/B] Goddamnit.

Page 86 & 88
Bleha and Moontrash both have profiles on, that's probably where those 2 degenerate
cretins originally met

Page 89
Bleha is famous again, but in the good way:

Page 90
LunarCunt is still a "cosmetologist operator"
By the way the address you see there is not hers, it belongs to her grandmother.
Courtesy of

Page 91
And Exposed TV is back again, FUCK YOU BLEHA YOU FAT PIECE OF SHIT!
Also Bleha gets a prank phone call, fucking idiot fell for it completely lmao

Page 93
Our own
[MENTION=7093]Menty[/MENTION] phone calls Bleha for a serious conversation, the call goes
on for an hour and nothing but bullshit comes out of Bleha's fat stroke mouth. Here's Bleha's
version of what happened:
And this is what actually happened:

Page 94
Steve Shaw has been getting spam emails from Bleha, this post has lead to the speculation that
Bleha is in some way affiliated with Lowe's

Page 97
Bleha gets another phone call, this time from our own
[MENTION=9522]Inshallah_blaha[/MENTION] and this time it's recorded
Bleha is still being a piece of shit and doubling down on his lies, claims that he's just trolling and
we're too autistic to see it, claims that he doesn't read this forum or watch the Exposed TV videos
(yeah right!) and still insists on benching 425 when younger, still acts like we're the bad guys and
he's the victim. At around 20 minutes he sounds like he's crying when he insists that he didn't make
the death threat to Layne Norton's wife and kid. About the only thing to actually take home from
this shit is at around 32 minutes where he finally addresses the reptilian postings as darketernal.
First he tried to stick with his bullshit about being a paid fiction writer but after inshallah_blaha
takes about 2-3 minutes to encourage him and lead him on, Bleha finally admits that the whole paid
writer bullshit was damage control that he made up because he was embarrassed to admit the
darketernal stuff.

Page 103
Bleha's internet is down, no shitfisted videos for the time being

Page 115
Bleha's internet is back up and he immediately spams 5 videos in a row
[url][/url] (from the NDA mirror channel)

Page 124-128
Total civil war in the thread,
[MENTION=7002]IGotNext[/MENTION] and
[MENTION=6295]jahon bleha's dadbod[/MENTION] go at it against
[MENTION=7552]BlueBlood[/MENTION] and
[MENTION=6618]TimothyCresnovini[/MENTION] because the former don't like Anna the Ex
using the thread as her diary and the latter disagree with that sentiment. Even
[MENTION=6890]Michael Neo[/MENTION] and
[MENTION=9522]Inshallah_blaha[/MENTION] get sucked into the piss due to disagreement over
some trivial matter.

Page 125
Bleha has been deleting several videos from his Fatness channel (look at March 30th):
And a fuck ton of videos from his Stolen Valor channel, he only has about 50 videos left on that
channel: [url][/url]
(FYI if you delete a video, socialblade will reduce that day's view count by the number of views on
that deleted video)
This is most obviously due to youtube's new policy on firearm content and Bleha wants to save his
channels from being shut down. Also if you look at the dates in those 2 screenshots, you can easily
figure out that when Bleha's internet was too down for him to upload videos, he used the downtime
to delete controversial videos from his channels.

Page 138
Bleha flip flops on being lactose intolerant:
Page 139
Bleha claims he's bought some home gym equipment and now he's gonna practice cleans, snaches,
overhead presses and weighted chinups at home, also the Gruesome Twosome have been in a car
accident and as a result of that Moonwhore hasn't exercised in 3-4 months and only works part time
From mirror channel:

Page 140
[MENTION=6393]blabla-haha[/MENTION] writes a detailed
breakdown of the Bleha phone call:

Page 144
Bleha and his shitfisted anti-fitness channel get blasted by Nether Beast Underground Muscle aka
Jacked Jesus:

Page 146
New kind of autism:

Page 148
Bleha makes a video talking shit about Eric Kanevsky (but Bleha always says he doesn't make
videos about smaller channels? Yet here he is making a video about Eric Kanevsky who only has
56k subscribers?) talks about Eric's steroid stack and all around slanders Eric:
Kanevsky responds with this video seen on page 152:

Page 157-159
Bleha's powerlifting credentials get decimated in the thread

Page 161
Bleha makes this facebook post boasting about how he was able to spare $1,6k extra cash via tax
fraud and he's gonna use it to buy home gym stuff into the shitbox he currently lives in:

Page 163
Bleha posts a picture of his home gym setup:
Clanging and banging weights in a small-ass condo, good way of getting yourself evicted

Page 166
Tactical Squirrel writes a long post expressing his disappointment in what Blahautism has become
compared to what it was before, this triggers people in the thread to analyze the hell out of Bleha's
home gym setup picture

Page 175
Bleha makes a video of himself doing overhead pressing with a belt and wrist wraps (hypocrite) and
finishes the session by maxing out (hypocrite) 225lbs for one rep. That's less than his own
bodyweight and he can't even lock it out properly, the bar is tilted to the right side at the top as you
will see in this mirror channel video:

Page 182
Bleha does a weighted chinup with 80lbs, basically jumps up to it:
Homer Simpson aesthetics:

Page 184
Blowhog analyzes Bleha's height:
But the problem there is that 70 inches actually amounts to 5ft10 and not 5ft8. However Bleha's feet
are not visible in the picture so he may have been standing on a small platform because we all know
damn well Bleha is not 5ft10, as you can see from this height estimation below:

Page 192
New workout video:
Bleha hits a 435lb squat (or so he claims, I counted 425lbs on the bar), 315lb bench press, 65lb
chinup and a 205lb overhead press (strong progression on the last 2 lmao). He still can't properly
lock out the overhead press and his excuse is that he can't physically straighten his elbows to a full
lockout, which clearly is not the case as evidenced here:
Also in the video there is some kind of a mat visible right under the rack which would explain why
Bleha appeared taller than he actually is.

Page 194
[MENTION=9648]NotAll[/MENTION] analyzes Bleha's lifting
room, it appears to be a 10ft x 20ft room:

Page 194-198
Cuck finn returns and gets raped

Page 195
Bleha seems salty as fuck over the phone call with Inshallah_blaha being on youtube

Page 196
New workout video from Bleha:
His excuse game is improving but his lifts aren't.

Page 197
[MENTION=6393]blabla-haha[/MENTION] shows us what shorts
Bleha was wearing in the new workout video:

Page 199
Bleha calls out Big J for shilling supplements, also shows great amounts of butthurt over Big J
deleting that dumb collab video a year and half ago:

Page 201
Bleha's victim complex sob story video:
Admits that he's been stressed out like fuck because of the movement, but just about everything else
he says is lies and bullshit, still crying about death threats, felonies, police etc without showing any
proof, also claims to have been able to lift only once a week which
[MENTION=9074]Jasmine Blaha[/MENTION] proves to be a lie:

Page 203
New gym video, still no gains, but there's a good close up of his body and [B]mother of God[/B] is
he a fat fuck:
Also gigantic ass and notice the sideboob action:

Page 205
The thousand yard stare:

Page 206
[MENTION=7002]IGotNext[/MENTION] makes an in-depth
analysis of Bleha's lifting room:

Page 208
Big J responds to Bleha's bullshit by taking the high road:

Page 209
Bleha gets salty over Nether Beast Underground Muscle Shaman aka Jacked Jesus:

Page 210-211
Cuck finn returns and gets raped

Page 214
In other unrelated but very interesting news, Jacked Jesus is exposed as a complete fraud and a
So recently he uploaded videos of himself squatting 800lbs off of pins and also bench pressing
500lbs off of pins, but now it turns out both of those lifts were completely fake and he was using
multiple reverse bands to take off hundreds of pounds off of those lifts. Here's a video
demonstration of how he did it, brought to you by FitWorldExposed:
And here's a more detailed explanation from JJ Anderson who prior to making this video received
in-person consultation from Eric Bugenhagen himself:
On top of that his real identity is exposed, his name is Bogie Ison and he was an MMA fighter with
a rather unflattering record, 2 matches where he won the first one but the second one he got
knocked out in 18 seconds:
Here's an interview with the guy, you can see for yourself that it's really him:
And as if all of that wasn't enough, Jacked Jesus deleted his entire channel and made a new one
where he uploaded a Bleha-esque sob story victim video. Also left a suicide note in the comments:

Page 217
Bleha makes a shitfisted video about the Jacked Jesus situation
20 minutes of pure bullshit, hypocrisy off the charts and after only a couple minutes of talking about
the actual subject at hand Bleha gets sidetracked into an autistic ramble about Alphadestiny for
almost half of the video

Page 220
Moonbish is still disgusting:

Page 224
We can now use hooktube to watch Bleha's videos without giving him any views, this straight from
their website:
[QUOTE]"Share YouTube videos without giving them views. Bypass country blocks and age
restrictions. Download YouTube videos and music. Keep your data private from the G.

HOW: Just replace the domain in any YT link with and you get a light-weight page
that loads YouTube's media files (mp4, webm, etc) directly into your browser's native media player.
[SIZE=4][B][U][url][/url] becomes
[url][/url][/U][/B][/SIZE], etc. Supported parameters:
start, end, loop (1 for on), speed (range: 0.01 to 4), autoplay (0 for off, default is 1)."[/QUOTE]

Page 228
Uncoordinated mentally retarded Bleha

Page 232
Bleha's perception vs reality:
Courtesy of [MENTION=5925]Jason Blaha[/MENTION]

Page 234
Bleha's newest lifting video is a dumpster fire:
Starts the video by humble bragging about having sex with Moontrash, on chinups instead of
QUITS[/B], has now started doing trap bar deadlifts (fucking hypocrite) goes for 500lbs but can't
grip the bar evenly so it tilts forward as he lifts it, he tries the same lift again only to have it tilt
backwards and he almost drops it.
Also still a fat fuck:

Page 242
Bleha has Cutis Verticis Gyrata:

Page 261
Moonwhore spazzing out again:

Page 262
Courtesy of [MENTION=5925]Jason Blaha[/MENTION]
Also Jeff Cavaliere demolishes Bleha in chinups:

Page 267
Moongash is planning on renting a new studio for her make-up & hair:
The location of that picture is verified quickly enough, courtesy of

Page 272
Al Robbie still loves us, gave a specific mention to
Timestamp 5:18 and then again 6:25

Page 273
LunarBish is still dancing a bit, this from her instagram:

Page 274
Cuckzilla namedrops some interesting people from Mooncoke's life:
Marie "Mimi" Mason /Tucker = Grandma whose trailer the Gruesome Twosome lived in
Deborah Lobner = Mother
Renee Tucker -Flores = Aunt
Jenny Lobner /Porter = sister
Daniel Barlow = ex-husband who physically abused Moonbish
Brandon Johnson = ex fiancee that kicked Mooncookie out and left her homeless until she found
Bleha (Brandon dumped her and kicked her out because of her drugs, alcohol and mental
deterioration. She remained homeless selling her possessions and sleeping on friends' couches for
almost a year, then she met Blaha and they moved in right away and shortly after she went to jail for
30+ days.)

Page 278
Bleha is on facebook complaining about receiving "harassing phone calls", here's why:
Bleha is so triggered that he lowers himself to bullying random people online:

Page 281
The Greatest Hits video is back!

Page 284
HOLY KEK this is unreal LMAO
Brought to you by Cuckzilla

Page 300
OH MY GOD Bleha has now done it, he's now showing his shirtless body on video!
He looks worse than ever, absolutely disgusting. Those man tits, those shorts pulled up to his arm
Just look at these screenshots!
[B][SIZE=4]Look at them![/SIZE][/B]

Page 308
Also Bleha coping on facebook:

Page 312
Bleha gets views off of 4chan:
And if you were wondering what's up with that comment section, here's your answer:

Page 313
Al Robbie jabs at Bleha:

Page 316
Additional info on the Lowe's mystery, Bleha did actually work there in the early 2000's until he got
Information brought to you by [MENTION=6461]Cuckzilla[/MENTION]

Page 319
Bleha makes a voice clip on patreon saying that he hasn't been on patreon lately because it keeps
logging him out for some reason, also he acknowledges the Moonbish troll account seen on page
308 LMAO:

Page 327
Alec the 18-year-old kid who deadlifts 600 pounds (youtube: Not Stronk Enough) retaliates to some
comments that Alex Leonidas aka AlphaDestiny made about him in the aftermath of a skype
interview video that was made and which Alphadestiny has since then taken down (Not Stronk
Enough was wearing a "Free Nether" t-shirt, took a bong hit on camera, had a picture of Phil from
FitWorldExposed on his chair and said it's "a silverback gorilla" etc. the full interview reuploaded
here: [url][/url]), releases this video where Alec
completely tears down Alphadestiny's character:
-calls Alpha out on failing to reach his goal of a 600lb deadlift and backpedaling on it
-reveals Alpha's old youtube channels from 5-10 years ago where Alpha appeared very young,
leading to the conclusion that Alphadestiny is only in his early 20s right now
-reveals some very unflattering forum posts Alpha had made in the past, including one where he
admits to having intentionally ordered animal porn that features [B]a silverback gorilla[/B] getting
sodomized by a jaguar
-calls Alpha out on being insecure and trying to hide his eyebrows
-calls out Alpha's previous "life advice" persona from Alphadestiny's earliest videos where Alpha
himself was likely less than 20 years old
And some more. It's a 23 minute video but worth every minute.

Page 331
Bleha makes a shitfisted video about the AlphaDestiny situation, gets all self-righteous about not
going into Alpha's forum posts and other past like we did to Bleha himself. Mirrored video here:

Page 334
Courtesy of [MENTION=6600]Gisum Blowhole[/MENTION]

Page 334-335
Bleha goes to a DEXA scan, here's a mirror video also featuring an older Bleha video from last year
where he explains how to [B]cheat[/B] a DEXA scan:
I got screenshots of all the DEXA scan documents he showed in the video:
So according to the DEXA scan Bleha is 24,6% bodyfat, or 23,7% since the documents present both
of those numbers. I don't know much about DEXA scans but I heard someone say that the 23,7 is
when they don't count in glycogen or something like that, so let's go with 24,6. Even then that
seems pretty low for a fat bastard like Bleha so maybe it's just the loose skin and lack of muscles
that make him look the way he does or he stuffed himself with food and liquids before the scan,
thus cheating the actual result which he clearly knows how to do.
His weight is also listed at 238,8 pounds, yet last year he cut down to below 230 but now he has just
bounced back to 240 whale mode? I've long lost count on all the failed cuts Bleha has done. "The
scale is going down"... this fucking guy.
Bleha's height is listed at 69 inches which would translate to 5ft9 but I'm not buying that at all for 2
reasons. One, if you've seen Jason Genova's DEXA scan video the operator only asked the
Pisslord's height, didn't actually measure him. Secondly, the documents list all Bleha's other stats
down to a decimal, [U]even his age[/U], but somehow the height is [B]exactly[/B] 69 inches. Very
likely they just asked Bleha's height and he exclaimed 5ft9 like clockwork but that of course is
impossible to prove since this fucking human sloth didn't bother to film the actual DEXA scan visit
like any actual fitness youtuber would have done.
But it's either that or maybe we should just accept that based on the given stats (5ft9, 239lbs, 24,6%
bf) Bleha has a fat free mass index close to 27 when he doesn't even look like he lifts. Your call.
Other noteworthy things, his right side limbs carry overall 5 pounds more mass than his left side
limbs and there is an x-ray or MRI type of picture showing his freaky klinefelter body and it
appears most of his fat is stored around his [B]relatively narrow hips[/B], also if you look at the
picture closely you will see his spine is slightly crooked, which would indicate scoliosis. And look
at those upward pointing shoulders, it's like he's in a constant shrug and can't physically relax his
shoulders, good God what a hideous posture.
This is the guy who promotes fitness, health and athleticism. Think about that for a minute.

Page 345
Blabla-haha's detailed analysis of Bleha's DEXA scam:

Page 346
chumpchangeblahino spills the beans on project "fly on their wall", apparently there are 4 distinct
people living in Bleha's apartment?

Page 349
Re-uploaded Exposed TV video - The Recomp That Never Happened

Page 350
Also the Mad Fat Twat:

Page 351
Courtesy of [MENTION=6393]blabla-haha[/MENTION]

Page 357
The fat shit admits that his height was never measured for the DEXA scan!

Page 360
Blabla-haha goes through LunarTramp's facebook friends list:

Page 372
Moonscam is hosting a contest:

Page 373
Hey remember those Moonskank's facebook friends from page 360? Well here's one of them doing
a Pokemon themed strip show, yes you read that right:
[B]Oh my fucking God![/B]
This ment was brought to you by [MENTION=8030]Dbolic[/MENTION]

Page 377

Page 383
Alexander Leonidas bench presses 330lbs with good form and Bleha is coping again:

Page 385
Courtesy of [MENTION=7593]zombie[/MENTION]
Also [MENTION=6461]Cuckzilla[/MENTION] drops some info on Bleha's sister Andrea,
such as that her husband is the owner of this company:

Page 394
Alexander Leonidas competed in a bench-only IPA meet and bench pressed 320lbs, he now
officially holds a powerlifting record.

Page 397-399
World's greatest cope:
On that second screenshot notice the wording, "they have some [B][SIZE=4]bazaar[/SIZE][/B]
need for him to be stronger than real life"

Page 399
LunarShit talking to herself on instagram:

Page 407
Jacked Jesus aka Bogie Ison has come back from the dead to make more videos for us:
Page 408
Courtesy of [MENTION=6393]blabla-haha[/MENTION]

Page 419
The truth behind Bleha's old Ice Cream Fitness logo:
The guy who made it took the body of Ed Corney 70's bodybuilder
([url][/url]) and shopped Bleha's head into it. He also
has an email: [email][/email]
Information brought to you by [MENTION=6393]blabla-haha[/MENTION]
Courtesy of [MENTION=7593]zombie[/MENTION]

Page 420
What a life, bars on your window and a topless MoonTranny on your bed:
Both of the Gruesome Twosome have disgusting dirty feet:

Page 423
History of the Bleha wars:
Courtesy of [MENTION=590]RoyJonzeJr[/MENTION]
Also Bleha's patreon at its peak had something like 50-60 patrons and $150 or so coming in
monthly, but now:

Page 428

Page 439
@zombie and @Gisum Blowhole are the best:

Page 440-447
We figured out that if a youtube video has more dislikes than likes, it will no longer appear in
recommended sections and subsequently will receive far less views than it would otherwise. So now
we are targetting all recent gossip drama videos that Bleha uploads and the intention is to bombard
the videos with dislikes immediately as they're uploaded so their view count stays as low as
possible. Here is your instructions to make 10 youtube accounts:
Go to a Bleha video, click dislike, switch to another account and
And obviously use adblock before you do anything.

Page 457
Bleha is coping over the dislike campaign:

Page 462
Bleha's sister Andrea lives in this house with her man:
He owns it, she gets to live there.
Courtesy of @Cuckzilla

Page 464
Bleha coping harder over the dislikes:
Also Bleha being a condescending cunt to his fans as usual:

Page 471
Bleha's new look, jesus fucking christ LMAO:

Page 491
Fuck Jujimufu and fuck Brendan Tietz

Page 497
Bleha spewing more and more bullshit about us and the movement, presenting absolutely zero
evidence to support his claims as usual:

Page 501
Eric Kanevsky Q&A video:
At 6:48 calls MoonTranny a man

Page 502
Moonskunk's pinterest:
Also blabla-haha documents his research on the effectiveness of our new dislike campaign.
Basically, it works so keep doing it!

Page 503
This place may or may not be Bleha's current shitbox:
Oakland Plaza
221 Caylor St
Houston, TX 77011

Take a look at these pictures, the bars on the windows match 100% with what we've seen in his
workout videos:
This could be the room where Bleha set up his home gym:
The shape of the window, the bars on the window, the fan on the ceiling, it all adds up:
Oh yeah and this whole place is actually owned by the good old Tommy's Garage friend we met in
10.0: Joey Tirado!

Page 509
Hooktube is no longer useful for watching youtube videos without giving views:
Do NOT use hooktube to watch Bleha videos!

Page 529
One can always hope:
Courtesy of @Gisum Blowhole

Page 542
Meet Marc Steubing, a nuthugger of Jason Bleha:

Page 556
Moonscam started a moving company??

Page 557
Bleha is teasing some major league bullshit now:
Also a great youtube video that sums up Bleha's character:

Page 566
Watch this video from 0:30 onwards for some outstanding autism:
Courtesy of our youtube friend NDA
Page 567
Bleha turned his subscriber count on the Stolen Valor channel visible and it's 17329, which is
almost triple the amount he had when he hid his subscribers 2 years ago. Speculations run rampant
on how this is possible, could be bunch of people who stumbled upon some of Bleha's extreme
clickbait videos, subbed and forgot to unsub. Or he's buying subscribers which by the way is dirt
cheap, you can get 5k for 10 bucks, even Bleha can afford that.

Page 569
Courtesy of everyone's favorite @zombie

Page 584
Some more bullshit:

Page 585
The bullshit revealed in all its glory: Bleha made his subscriber count visible again on his Fatness
channel and it's just over 100k

Page 587
Bleha makes an absolutely shitfisted PTSDening video gloating over his (most likely bought) 100k
He even shaved his beard for this one and holy fuck he looks stupider than ever:

Page 591
This is amazing:
Courtesy of @Majutsushi

Page 600
Excellent video that needs to be spread around everywhere:
Courtesy of @NotAll

Page 603
Moondump posts this picture on instagram:
And as expected, we figured out the location almost right away:,-95.4120394,3a,75y,4.7h,96.92t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!
This apartment complex appears to be right there behind the businesses seen on the first google
maps link:
They probably don't live in this apartment complex, way too fancy for the Gruesome Twosome but
there is a salon and a spa in there, that could be LunarTramp's workplace
Page 621
Somebody phonecalled Bleha again, apparently pretending to be a fan or something like that:
Most of it is just Bleha rambling his lies and delusional bullshit and the caller is feeding into Bleha's
delusions as necessary for the charade. Couple of extremely hilarious ments though, 1:45 onwards
in the first part of the phone call the caller clearly zones out of Bleha's babbling and talks something
to another person who appears to be there with him, all the while Bleha just babbles away non-stop
without missing a beat. It's like straight out of a comedy sketch, you literally can't make this up.
Another ment is at 11:27 the caller decides to go get himself some food in the middle of the phone
call and Bleha just waits there on the line as the caller takes 2 minutes to come back.
Social awareness not even once!

Page 623
Remember from page 278 where the anti-Bleha fanpage on instagram posted Bleha's phone
number? The number is still valid and it's right here:
936 419 1800
Do whatever the fuck you want with it.

Page 632
NDA and The Bear channels get shut down by youtube, good thing The Bear aka @JanoyGio
immediately launched a new mirror channel Jason Blaha Cock Enthusiast

Page 641
Our own @Inshallah_blaha creates a new website about Bleha, this has the potential to be one of
the biggest things in the movement. Like Blahapedia but more comprehensive:

Page 646
Stock up on Bleha GIFs:

Page 652
Want funny Bleha photoshops, check out zombie's posting history:

Page 655
Alexander Leonidas completely cucks Bleha by bench pressing 347 pounds in a powerlifting meet:
That's more than what anyone has ever seen Bleha bench, while weighing literally 70 pounds less
than Bleha.

Page 656
Subscribe to the new Bleha mirror channels:
Jason Blaha Fitness - Review Critique

Page 661
Bleha does come across as the tough guy, the alpha male...
Also please sign these petitions (lol):
Courtesy of @Inshallah_blaha

Page 673
LMAO Bleha being used as an example of horrible squat from (squat morning)!

Page 674
Cuckzilla reveals that he's had people in Houston gathering intel on Bleha for a year now, they are
the real reason why Bleha doesn't work out in public gyms anymore

Page 675
Bleha makes a shitfisted video about V Shred and starts it by baiting Al Robbie from Every Damn
Day Fitness into a feud, makes a death threat towards Alan at 2:34 in this video:
I emailed Alan about this because me and Al Robbie are totally bros, he has indeed contacted
youtube about it and he also has the original video now (thanks to @Tacoman and @PriestOfBlaha
for sending me download links that I could forward to Alan) so Bleha can't go back and delete it

Page 679
MoonSkunk is gonna start working out again:

Page 684
Reminder of why we hate this fat piece of fucking shit:
So all this time that Bleha claimed to be a mercenary/hitman/private military contractor he was just
trolling, JUST A FUNNY JOKE BRO. Because he can't admit that he lied so instead he uses the
term "trolled". And apparently anyone who believed he was being serious is an idiot, well fuck me
then because nobody believed that he was actually a mercenary so where exactly is the troll in this?
Was he trying to convince us that he's legitimately a delusional nutcase and a complete idiot and
we're so stupid because we fell for it? Not to mention all the trouble he brought upon himself with
this shit, getting disowned by his entire family, turning himself into the butt end of all jokes, having
to move 10+ times within 2-3 years, J Porker getting fired, Moonslut losing all career
opportunities....the only person Bleha has trolled here is himself.
(Courtesy of Cuckzilla)

Page 691
Al Robbie reacts to Bleha's trolling confession:

Page 699
Bleha files a copyright claim against Alan Roberts against the videos where Alan compiles
videoclips of Bleha talking about his mercenary past (Alan always responded with a video like that
if Bleha mentioned him by name, effectively forcing Bleha to shut up). Alan appeals to the
copyright claim and is ready to take it to court if it comes down to it. We'll see if Bleha is man
enough to follow through.

Page 701
Bleha threatens Don Shipley:

Page 708
Bleha would take it up his ass for money:
Courtesy of blabla-haha

Page 711 & 712

zombie is a hero, not the one that we deserve but the one that we need:

Page 712
Bleha gets cucked by Ian McCarthy:
Consider this payback for the bullshit you did to him you fat pile of shit!

Page 719
Show this picture to all those dumb fucks who still think Bleha gives good advice:

Page 721
Bleha makes a stupid mistake and reveals his gun range to us:

Page 735
Bleha'a views are worse than ever:

Page 740-741
People in the thread trying to figure out where Bleha had his first DEXA scam taken, so far no

Page 744
Bleha gets blasted on reddit:

Page 746
Bleha is shook because we found his shooting range:
Page 760
Big Giving Mike has a daughter??
Information brought to you by Cuckzilla

Page 763-766
Bleha is now changing his workout program after 6 months of zero gains on the previous one:

Page 764
Also Bleha gets busted buying subs for his Stolen Valor Enthusiast channel:

Page 767
WE HAVE WON!! Al Robbie successfully appealed Bleha's copyright claims and now the videos
are back up:

Page 768

Page 773
I don't even...
Bleha actually has a gaming channel! "The ASMR Cardio Gamer" started in June 2017 and as of
now hasn't uploaded anything since October 2017, has 38 subscribers and barely gets any views. It's
literally just 30-60 minute videos of him breathing heavy pedalling on his fucking MOTOmed while
playing World of Warcraft and some other games.

Page 780
This was even more true than we thought:
Courtesy of zombie

Page 784
The fat shit deleted his Cardio Gamer channel AAHAHAHAHAHA

Page 795
Our own @NotAll has successfully recovered Bleha's Cardio Gamer videos!

Page 797
Bleha has now removed the "community" section from his patreon page, meaning that now nobody
can leave comments/questions to him there anymore.

Page 800
The server Bleha plays world of warcraft on:
Do whatever the fuck you want with it

Page 802
Nice peak at the wrong part of the bicep Bleha:

Page 803
At 40:07 of this video Bleha goes to the toilet mid video, very audibly takes a piss, comes back,
doesn't wash his hands, continues gaming and proceeds to blow snot rockets and burping

Page 806
Takes a piss mid video again:
At 36:05 this time he washed his hands but didn't flush the toilet.

Page 808
blabla-haha takes us down the memory lane to the time when Bleha was pro-supplements and
finished 3rd in a transformation contest:

Page 809
LunarSnatch claims to have Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and ADHD:
For those of you unfamiliar with the term PCOS, it's a condition that basically turns women more
manly (explains AYLOT):

Page 812
Bleha was on talking about his manure's disease, also admits that he was seeing a
therapist and a psychiatrist who diagnosed him with bi-polar and PTSD:
So Bleha is legit mentally ill, not that we didn't know that already though. Here he talks about
scamming the welfare system:

Page 813
People begin to speculate that Moonbish has now left Bleha for good because she hasn't appeared in
Bleha videos for 2 months and she posts on her instagram about going out partying (without Bleha
of course):
Also Bleha's own instagram which she supposedly handles hasn't been updated in months.

Page 825
Bleha is trying to launch a merchandise line through teespring:
You all remember from 4.0 what happened last time Bleha tried to sell his own merch....

Page 840
Bleha fails to do his research for a gossip video about Phil Heath vs Nick's Strength and Power
lawsuit and gets raped by his own fans in the comments:
Strong like/dislike ratio too.
Also the rumors of LunarSnatch leaving are being reinforced more and more...

Page 845
Elgin is on to the Cardio Gamer...

Blahautism 11.0

Page 1
[b][u]October 12th, 2018. The Crash[/u][/b]
Blahautism 11.0 was up to 850 pages or so when the entire site abruptly crashed during a routine
update and backup systems failed. It took 2 days to restore the site but only the data up to February
of 2018 could be restored, which means pretty much the entire content of 11.0 was erased as well as
a huge chunk of this cliffs thread. Through miracle, by the will of Allah, on page 3
[MENTION=6600]Gisum Blowhole[/MENTION] was able to recover google's cached version of
the cliffs thread as it was before The Crash. Combining that with my personal back up of this thread
(I was foolish to not update that backup frequently enough but not having a backup at all after all
the work I put into this would be unimaginably stupid) I was able to restore everything in full.
On page 4 I reposted cliffs of everything that happened in those 850 pages that were lost, here are
the cliffs of cliffs:
-Bleha deactivated askjasonblaha
-[MENTION=1067]Tactical Squirrel[/MENTION] reveals plenty of important details from the time
when the Gruesome Twosome lived with Mooncunt's grandma. He explains how insanely
dependent LunarWhore really is, that she will literally die before she leaves Bleha, he also explains
why they left Palazzo (couldn't afford rent), why they moved in with the grandma (to hide from
muh stalkers), how they ended up leaving from there (mooncunt got into a huge argument with the
Grandma and she ended up kicking the Gruesome Twosome out) and other stuff.
-[MENTION=5891]BadGenetics[/MENTION] compiles all of Bleha's threats, hate speech and
other scumbag behavior into one video [url][/url]
-Bleha would swallow horse sperm for money
-Bleha's patreon lived and died as a failure
-Bleha and Moontrash have profiles on which is probably where they originally met
[url][/url] [url][/url]
-Bleha is famous again, but in the good way:
-LunarCunt is still a "cosmetologist operator":
-[MENTION=9522]Inshallah_blaha[/MENTION] phonecalls Bleha:
[url][/url] [url][/url]
-Bleha starts homegym
-Nether Beast Underground Muscle Shaman aka Jacked Jesus, real name Bogie Ison gets exposed
-Cuckzilla namedrops some interesting people from Mooncoke's life:
Marie "Mimi" Mason /Tucker = Grandma whose trailer the Gruesome Twosome lived in
Deborah Lobner = Mother
Renee Tucker -Flores = Aunt
Jenny Lobner /Porter = sister
Daniel Barlow = ex-husband who physically abused Moonbish
Brandon Johnson = ex fiancee that kicked Mooncookie out and left her homeless until she found
Bleha (Brandon dumped her and kicked her out because of her drugs, alcohol and mental
deterioration. She remained homeless selling her possessions and sleeping on friends' couches for
almost a year, then she met Blaha and they moved in right away and shortly after she went to jail for
30+ days.)
-Bleha shirtless: [url][/url]
-Bleha links his vids on 4chan for desperate extra views
-Bleha used to work in Lowe's in the early 2000's until he got fired
-Bleha DXA scam: [url][/url]
-Moonwhore's facebook friend pokemon themed strip show:
-Bleha's sister Andrea's husband runs this company: [url][/url]
-Bleha's old ICF logo was molded into Ed Corney's body:
-Dislike campaign starts again, make 10 accounts and dislike Bleha videos
-Bleha's sister lives here: [url]
-Bleha's nuthugger by the name of Marc Steubing, youtube that shit
-Dank Net puts out a great youtube video that sums up Bleha's character:
-Bleha shaves his beard and hits 100k subscribers: [url][/url]
-[MENTION=9648]NotAll[/MENTION]'s excellent video: [url]
-Bleha's phone number is 936 419 1800
-inshallah_blaha creates [url][/url]
-The current mirror channels:
Jason Blaha Fitness - Review Critique
-Cuckzilla reveals that he's had people in Houston gathering intel on Bleha for a year now, they are
the real reason why Bleha doesn't work out in public gyms anymore
-Bleha files copyright claims against Alan Roberts but Alan prevails on the counter claims
-Bleha admits he was never a mercenary, instead he just trolls as one on the internet
-Bleha would take it up his ass for money: [url]
for-mil-1.png[/url] [url][/url]
-Bleha's gun range is Top Gun Range in Houston, Texas
-Big Mike's daughter: [url][/url]
-Bleha's ASMR Cardio Gamer channel is found
-Bleha is selling merch:
-Rumors of Moonsnatch leaving
-Bleha converts to christianity
Bunch of other stuff too, check the rest here: [url]

Also on Page1
This fucking cuck 3liftsapparel is helping Bleha with the shitty merchandise:

Page 4
3liftsfaggot stole the silhouette design from Alan Aragon:

Page 5
I wish Bleha had hired Gisum Blowhole to design his logo:

Page 10
Look at his face!
[size=3][b]LOOK AT IT![/b][/size]

Page 16
Bleha makes a shitfisted video about his current cut, says he's lost 40 pounds so far and
thanks Alan Roberts for motivating him by talking about how Bleha has no business giving
fitness advice because he's a fat fuck. First Al Robbie got Bleha to admit he was never a
mercenary, now he got Bleha to drop weight down to smallest he's been since 2015, I think it's
safe to say that my main man Al Robbie has successfully acquired real estate inside Bleha's
But one funny thing is that Bleha has lost 40 pounds but looks exactly the same:

Page 23
At this point it's safe to say that the Gruesome Twosome are no longer together:
Moonscum is trying to pawn the Monster off to someone else

Page 25
Moonskank profile on

Page 27
Bleha confirms on video that they have indeed broken up, the whole video is a gigantic piss
stain of cuckling and cope.
Link to a mirrored version:
Also from the comments of the original video:

Page 38
Bleha's extensive research background in nutritional sciences is really just 27 hours
(equivalent of a 3-day seminar) of courses in Blinn community college from where he dropped
out anyway, as we all know by now:
Courtesy of @blabla-haha
Also apparently Bleha sent Ian McCarthy 50 bucks for a haircut:

Page 39-40
Mooncunt posts a picture of Bleha with his new girlfriend, the fuck?

Page 41
It seems Moontrash is the first one to start airing dirty laundry:
Let the games begin...

Page 42
Instagram comments from other people:

Page 43
LunarBish dropping more bombs on Bleha:

Page 45
Courtesy of Cuckzilla

Page 48
Bleha's new girl getting doxxed, she's recently divorced and has 3 kids:
Apparently she met her ex-husband at and the kids are not her biological
children, they are the husband's.
Courtesy of [MENTION=6461]Cuckzilla[/MENTION]
Also Moontrash dropping more pipebombs on Bleha:
Bleha was lazy and disappointing in the bed! By the way the name that she mentions there, Jen
Brady, is indeed Bleha's new girlfriend but Brady is not her maiden name. Her maiden name is kept
off the thread for the time being.

Page 51
[MENTION=7093]Menty[/MENTION] reveals more info on "Jen", her husband is the one who
wanted the divorce and he also filed a temporary [I]restraining order[/I] on her. Can't make this up.

Page 52
MoonTurncoat is MERCILESS:
Also this is the house where Jen used to live when she was married:

Page 53
You might as well just read the whole thread from say page 39 onwards, this is a fucking ment
"[I]Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned[/I]" doesn't even begin to describe it.

Page 55
And now Bleha responds the only way he can, playing the victim and being a complete fucking

Page 56
Case No. 18-DCV-252518

10/03/2018 Agreed Judgment Agreed Judgment 11

10/03/2018 Judgment Notice Mailed/Rule 306A3 X Judgment Notice 306a.3 2

Courtesy of [MENTION=10486]Zippy2Dix[/MENTION]
See full details of their divorce settlement here: [url]
And here:**Blahautism-The-Jason-Blaha-
Basically she gets to keep their bed, TV, Sofa and Buick Rendezvous car and he has to pay her 425
bucks a month at least until june 2019. Also their house is to be sold and she is to get her share of
the money.

Page 57
More instagram comments from Moonwhore, pay [B][I]close[/I][/B] attention to the last person
commenting in this thread:

Page 58
This just in, Jen Brady has not just one divorce but [B]two[/B] divorces on her record! The first
husband was a software engineer at intel and the second one is Ryan Brady, a lieutenant in US coast
Page 64
Some more doxxing on our girl Jenny Brady, here's a video from her facebook:
Her phone number is 971 404 5187
And her LinkedIn profile: [url][/url]

Page 64-65
Some more info on Jen Brady courtesy of [MENTION=7002]IGotNext[/MENTION], she was
involved in the children's ministry back in Oregon and she attended an "open access comprehensive
community college" for all of one year

Page 69 & 71
Bleha keeps playing the victim and throwing Mooncrookie under the bus:
LunarCrook intimidated Bleha and the Pussiboi called the police on her! Also "I'm not going to sit
here and trash talk Brittany" then does it anyway, classic shithead Bleha.

Page 72
Jenny Brady, real estate agent in Sugar Land:

Page 74
Whitepages search results for Jenny Ann Brady aka Jenny Ann [B]Grewell[/B]:

Page 78
Bleha makes [B]THE MOST SHITFISTED VIDEO OF OUR LIFETIME[/B] about the breakup
with Mooncoonie:
As we can all see, Bleha is the God fearing, not bald, kind, hard working, financially dependent,
honest man and Brittany is the crazy psychotic, leeching, suicidal, home breaker. Because Jason
Motherfucking Bleha says so.

Page 80
Jenny Brady received text messages:

Page 83
NotAll posts a recap of the ments so far

Page 85
MoonScorn strikes back:

Page 86
This just in, Jenny Brady says she's not Bleha's girlfriend and never was. They were indeed
introduced by LunarScorned but it never worked out romantically so Jenny [b]friendzoned[/b]
Page 88
Cuckzilla's take on the recent events (and all the info he gathers on his own) is as follows:
Bleha & Mooncookie have been a couple in name only for at least the past 6 months.
Mooncookie supported Bleha for the first couple years.
Bleha is a clinger who needs a woman to cling onto.
Mooncookie started planning to get out of the relationship by getting her own place.
Mooncookie introduced Jen and Bleha hoping that they could "rebound" together.
Bleha as usual goes all out for the new girl and tells Mooncookie that she just can't come over to get
stuff, train or hang out any more.
Mooncookie flips out because she has been the only person who has had Bleha's back over the past
3-4 years.

Page 89
ScornCookie strikes again:
Also IGotNext brings some news from the good old Tommy's Garage, apparently this woman by the
name of Jaime Cruz has taken MoonWookie's place in the show:

Page 90
MoonWrath dropping bombs, Bleha was [b]lying[/b] about being on TRT! He makes his own sauce
and never once went to a doctor:

Page 91
LunarScorned is talking with Anna the Ex now!

Page 94
Also some more inside info courtesy of LunarScorned:

Page 96
There's just no end to this scorn...

Page 99
Bleha is being a faggot again:

Page 100
@Shelley Frantzen reveals the reason why Blahautism 10.0 and Genova 14 threads were hidden, I
said before that I wasn't in liberty to discuss the matter but I guess it doesn't matter now. I was told
that those threads were hidden due to a threat that was made towards the forum and that's all I ever
knew about the incident. Now Shelley Frantzen aka HeridaV reveals that it was [B]JONNY
FUCKING BRAVO[/B] who threatened this forum and tried to shut us all down.
Show no mercy to this motherfucker. [B]BURN[/B] Jonny Bravo.

Page 99-101
At around 6 minutes into this video Bleha literally begs for our forgiveness:
Bleha if you want forgiveness, delete your youtube channel [B]AND GET A FUCKING JOB.[/B]
Do it and I can delete this thread.

Page 102
The fuck is this autism lmao:

Page 104
Some fucking cucks defending Bleha on LunarBisquit's instagram:

Page 106
MoonWrath responds to one of the cucks:
Also Tacoman shares some more convos from instagram:**Blahautism-The-Jason-Blaha-Story-11-

Page 107
Jonny Fucko warns us of an upcoming youtube adpocalypse:

Page 108
Nobody watches Bleha's shitfisted videos and I'm glad for that:

Page 110
LunarScorned tells the truth about how poorly Bleha takes care of the dog Nova and on the same
post [B]she gives out Bleha's location!!!!![/B]
On the next page we doxx that shit:
All it took was the name of the street.

Page 114
Bleha practicing animal cruelty on video:

Page 118
Bleha justifies his animal cruelty and if youve got a problem with that, BRING IT HE WILL
Page 121
Now we know who Bleha's landlord is: [B]Tiffany Trask[/B] owns 3401 TIMMONS LN # 1
Also more MoonScorn chronicles:
Speaking of Moonscorn, she is facebook friends with Tiffany Trask!

Page 122
Youtube cracking down on Bleha's fake subscribers again:
Also time to have fun with Bleha's home address...

Page 125
Some next level fun with Bleha's home address!!

Page 127
The gloves are off for good now, no need to play it quietly anymore:
Also we found a church Bleha might be going to, him being a born again christian and all:

Page 130
[MENTION=8219]cuck finn[/MENTION] is back and doing what he does best, which is making
Bleha's life miserable via craiglist:
Pizza delivery coming Bleha's way, courtesy of [MENTION=10725]Fxckblaha[/MENTION]:
Also the church that was mentioned earlier just got email about Jason Bleha, courtesy of

Page 133
The fucking fat idiot just confirmed that we have his correct address!
Timestamp 2:06

Page 135
Cannot make this up, [MENTION=6461]Cuckzilla[/MENTION] just reported that Bleha
removed the number on his door in a weak attempt to throw us off! LOL!

Page 136
Cuckzilla shows us a part of a conversation he had with Jen Brady, confirming that she is not dating
Page 138-139
Trolling continues, now we are renting out Bleha's apartment:

Page 143
Jason Bleha Animal Abuse Enthusiast:

Page 146
Some more fun coming to Bleha's home, courtesy of [MENTION=10725]Fxckblaha[/MENTION]
Also reverting back to his Texas faggot persona, claiming that he's started running our people off:
It could also be that this post is a fucking lie and in reality he just hid behind his door, opened it a
crack to show his poverty AR-15 and then closed it right away. Just saying.
Anyway, this is what he was talking about:

Page 151
Bleha is losing this:

Page 152
Mooncookie is back:

Page 155
Bleha decides to address the Farmington pedo rumors instead of just deleting the comments like he
always did before, and he responds with lies:
We already know that he's lying about leaving Farmington in 1994 at age of 17 because we already
know he was still in Farmington in 1995 at age of 18, but let's remind ourselves:

Page 159
History repeats itself as this dumbass [MENTION=10785]Untamed[/MENTION] joins the board
to troll us like [MENTION=8456]Claire Mitchell[/MENTION] /
[MENTION=6185]wtf_r_u_doing[/MENTION] / [MENTION=8263]The Emperor[/MENTION]
did back in 6.0 during the cuck finn saga. This guy warns us that we need to stop fucking with
Bleha's home address or he could go crazy and kill someone (yeah right!) and in one [U]
[I]hilarious[/I][/U] post on page 163 this guy says that if Bleha goes to jail he could manipulate the
inmates into believing all his delusional stories about being a hitman, bodybuilder, martial autist,
whatever and thus become their feared and respected prison gang leader LOL! Many people in the
thread believe this guy to be Bleha himself (wouldn't be the first time he's posted in Blahautism
hiding behind some pseudonym)

Page 171
Abu bin Abdulaziz reports that the police were called to Bleha's address on the weekend of

Page 172
Bleha will receive a package from shitexpress! Courtesy of [MENTION=10735]Ahmed Abad
Shitexpress is a real site that you can pay to send literal shit to somebody anonymously.

Page 173
Mooncookie is back and now claims Bleha planted cocaine into her belongings and then called the
cops on her:

Page 178
Bleha coping so hard over the fact that we know where he lives:
Also Cuckzilla posts IP info on the Untamed guy, the guy seems to hide his real IP via cloudfare
[spoiler][CODE]IP Address:
Handle: NET-162-158-0-0-1
Registration Date: 5/23/13
Org: Cloudflare, Inc.
Org Handle: CLOUD14
Address: 101 Townsend Street
City: San Francisco
State/Province: CAPostal Code: 94107
Country: United States[/CODE][/spoiler]

Page 179
Bleha's neighbors have received flyers about Bleha!

Page 180
Bleha being a Tex-Ass faggot again:
Also more SHIT coming to his doorstep again:

Page 183
Cuckzilla talks to a handful of fitness youtubers and they have all collectively decided to ignore

Page 185
Bleha's patreon down to 24 patrons

Page 191
Marc Steubing loves me:
Page 192
Mooncookie chronicles continue, in this one she admits she was going out at night leaving the cuck
at home:
Jabs at the "idiot she used to date":

Page 198
Cuckzilla reports that Bleha and Mooncookie tried to get on Dr.Phil back when they were together
but got rejected! Instead they were only given a list of therapists in Houston

Page 200
Mooncookie is asking for donations to help her recover from Bleha:

Page 206
Mooncookie update, she has a new apartment but still needs more money:

Page 207
Who are these fucking cucks who appeared out of nowhere to support Bleha?

Page 208
One of those Bleha supporting cucks gets doxxed:
Also the guy is a bitch:
Courtesy of NotAll

Page 213
Maybe Mooncookie will finally drop the rest of the ments, one can hope...

Page 216
Bleha and his cuck bromancing:

Page 221
This Chandiwira Beza guy is a world class cuck:
Courtesy of [MENTION=10660]AntonioC[/MENTION]
Also NotAll reveals that Chandiwira actually works in a car dealership

Page 223
What a pathetic little man who feels the need to lie about his piss poor finances all the time:
50K a year but doesn't have a car. High credit and all but has to rent instead of buying. Makes so
much sense.

Page 224
Good old friend David Johnson aka DC got a new job as a "criminal justice organizer":

Page 227
ScornCookie is back at it:
Cliffs: she has previously unseen video footage of Bleha, she has seen Bleha cry more times than
can be counted and Bleha lied about giving her 1000 bucks after their breakup

Page 228
More scorn:

Page 233
Courtesy of @notall

Page 234
Mooncookie is literally trying to sell us the ments:
Rampant debate on whether or not we should pony up and pay her ensues

Page 238
A new member strongerthanblaha says something negative about the David Icke forums and this
triggers our good friend Gisum Blowhole (a former member of those forums) into explaining what
the David Icke forums really were about:**Blahautism-The-Jason-Blaha-Story-11-
Spoiler: it's not a place where goofballs come to ramble about reptilian conspiracies

Page 239
Mooncookie is getting close to her first 20 donors which means she will answer one question in
detail, our friend [MENTION=10731]Simon Templar[/MENTION] starts putting up a list of
possible questions

Page 250
Mooncookie teasing us with the Bleha reveal:

Page 253
She got her 20 donors now:

Page 254
Our hero [MENTION=9522]Inshallah_blaha[/MENTION] phonecalls Bleha again:
Still full of shit, still demonizing Mooncookie and playing the victim, still lying about his income,
claims to be self-conscious (<-LOL) etc Some noteworthy cliffs:
At around 3 minutes in he goes on a rant over how he's not a cuck (<-LOL!), also admits she
cheated on him.
At 25 minutes or so he names cuck finn as the Blahautist he hates the most.
At 30 minutes he admits the "She Danced a Bit" episode was some of the most humiliating shit ever
At 32-33 minutes he basically admits Mooncookie was telling the truth about him crying
At 35-36 minutes inshallah_blaha calls Bleha a cockroach and the cuckman just sits there and takes
So all in all Bleha is still a shit.
Also Mooncookie thanks us for the donations:

Page 255
Mooncookie posts a disgusting picture of Bleha's droopy mammary glands:

Page 259
[MENTION=7552]BlueBlood[/MENTION] hates [MENTION=9229]CoathK[/MENTION]

Page 263

Page 265
Bleha takes his first physique pic since 2015 and he looks like shit:
Saggy gynecomastic tits, loose skin all over the place, fat upper pussy area hidden under the pants,
barely any signs of muscle

Page 275
23 cucks pooled together 256 dollars for LunarCrook to post this:

Page 276-282
Thread derailed. Political correctness baiting, jewish semantics, infighting...straight up piss lmao

Page 280
Interestingly enough Moonbitch has made her instagram public again:
Also created a new one:

Page 281
Lots of Bleha shops brought to you by @Jason Genova**Blahautism-The-Jason-Blaha-Story-11-
Screenshots of crazy/stupid shit Bleha has said:
Funny impersonations:
Bleha art gallery:

Page 283
Who is the dyke holding the phone?

Page 284
Moonskank stopped sleeping with Bleha in febryary:

Page 289
Moonscum gives details of Bleha's roid stack:
Also explains the trickery behind Bleha's shitty selfie:

Page 290
LunarTramp is a white trash nigger lover mudshark:

Page 296
MoonShit is still begging for money:
If you want more money for nothing then open your legs you fucking tramp

Page 297
MoonCrutch claims to have proof of Bleha's steroid lab and that Bleha got caught for disability

Page 301
LOL she thinks Bleha will shoot her:

Page 308
Some MoonWookie tidbits courtesy of @just good fiends:
Her mother who has 2 daughters with 2 different men:
Her father whom she never met:
Ps. no marriage record between the mother and the father

Page 310
This is the type of people that watch Bleha's videos these days:
Page 313
[I]"I cannot appreciate my dear friends"[/I]

Page 315
Just when you thought you had seen it all, [B]J Parker joins our board!! Lol!![/B]
He says he will prove his identity by posting a certain text on his facebook and then 3 minutes later
he goes and does just that:

Page 319
J Parker says he and Mooncookie dated just out of highschool for about a week or 2

Page 320-330
Jack the Parker explains his side of the coppertopp saga, basically he owed Mooncookie 800 bucks
for a rifle and Mooncookie offered him a chance to pay it off by reading the script on video and
Parkman of course accepted this offer without giving it any further thought. He had no idea what he
was getting into and he admits it was a mistake on his part.

Page 324
J Pork opens up about his criminal record. Knifefight at 19 years old, possession of pot and DWI in
early 20s

Page 330
J Park posts a spoon pic as his avi:

Page 337
Bleha has a massive crater on his gimp left arm:
By the way that little dot you see right under the bicep is an injection spot, wonder where he got
that? Probably just B12

Page 338
Seems like Mooncrotch is backing up Bleha's manure disease bullshit:
Spinal tap is not indicated for meniere's disease diagnosis. MRI is much prefered.

Page 340
Coppertopp contacted Mooncookie and asked her to join our forum, this is [B]golden[/B].
Also he unfriended and blocked Bleha LOL.

Page 342
Marc Davis has a message to Jack the Parker as well as everybody else in Blahautism:
[spoiler]J Parker was rung once by me. We wanted to make sure he was aware of what he was
letting himself in for, as we had just uncovered his identity and a lot of his info was freely available
online. We were going to offer to keep him anonymous if he cooperated. The recording you all
heard is what transpired. He was rung once, and sent a few texts straight after to confirm that if he
wasn't the guy in the Coppertopp video then he had nothing to worry about, and we were only
interested in Jason. The call was passed on to the people who make the videos and the other behind-
the-scenes investigators, and that was the last time Parker was contacted. Anyone ringing his friends
and family, or his place of work, had nothing to do with the Exposed TV team, and we would have
advised against it if it had been suggested. I take Parker at his word, and I respect the fact that he's
willing to defend his friend to such an extent. He made a stupid decision and fell victim to Jason
Blaha - just as so many others have done. I wish Parker well, and hope that his appearance here
helps to put things into perspective: Blaha is still freely operating on YouTube and ruining the lives
of everyone he comes into contact with.
[B][SIZE=4]So in case it's not clear at this point, J Parker is officially cool in our books now so
anybody out there who has been giving him or his family members and acquaintances prank calls
and stuff, [U]please stop doing that.[/U][/SIZE][/B]

Page 344-356
Blah-Blah[/MENTION] cracks hard from the PTSD and a total civil war breaks out in the thread. At
one point the thread even derails into conspiracy talk lmao. Absolute fucking piss, don't even bother
reading. He's banned now though so we can all relax.

Page 345
JP opens up about his personal experience meeting Bleha, Bleha is an insecure tryhard who needs to
convince you that he's badass

Page 350
LOL J Parker tells us a story of how he saw Mooncookie stripping once!

Page 357
J Park agrees to a phone conversation with our expert inshallah-blaha

Page 362
LMAO Parkman tells us the story of when he met Blehaman for the second time, this was at a pool
party that Parker himself hosted. Bleha was sizing him up and thought that J Park looked like a
serious lifter (Parker doesnt go to the gym ever, he just works construction and manual labor).
Bleha didn't even get into the actual pool with the women in bikinis and all that good stuff because
he was carrying a gun [B]tucked in his waistband with no holster[/B] (good way to accidentally
shoot your dick off, by the way).
You have to read the whole story yourself, ment galore:

Page 365
This picture sums up the current state of Bleha's facebook "fanpage":

Page 366
Mooncookie's GoFundMe has been taken down, payback is a bitch motherfucker!

Page 370-371
People in the thread start sharing their experiences on how they started hating Bleha

Page 372
Jack the Parker tells us about the third time he met Bleha, so Bleha phonecalls Parker and raves on
and on about how cyberstalker terrorist jihadis have zeroed in on their location and they need to get
off the grid so the logical solution is of course to bring all that shit over to JP's house. J Parker lets
them in and they're both complete nervous wrecks freaking the fuck out over fitmisc mujahideen
terrorists coming after them. They bring all their stuff with them of course, expecting J Parker to let
them just move in to live at his house. Bleha uses the opportunity to take a free shower and
eventually Mooncookie realizes that Parkman is clearly frustrated over these 2 fuckos coming into
his house, so the Gruesome Twosome leave.
I guess the people back in Blahautism 8.0 who speculated that Bleha and Mooncookie were living
with J Parker were right after all, even though their stay probably didn't even last one hour.
Again you gotta read the whole thing yourself:

Page 373
J the P-man goes into behind the scenes of the coppertopp video:
[spoiler]The script was pulled out of his "go bag" prewritten, typed up.
I read it three or four times, figured I had it down, sat back in my chair, he then asked me to turn
more to my left so he could get one of my racks in the shot, I recited the lines to the camera once all
the way through. And he put his camera away.
There were five of my friends waiting on me in my living room as it was a weekend and we were
partying, so I went back and began prepping the meat for the grill. We all had a nice meal and just
kind of chilled in the back yard having a few beers. One of my friends that served in the British
military was asking Jason a lot of questions and it looked like Jason was getting uncomfortable. I
saw my buddy shake his head and walk off to get another beer, I intercepted him by the cooler and
asked him what was up. He said "that guy is just kind of off, I do that know, I don't think I like him.
We laughed about it and just pointed out that Brittany was the one I was friends with so don't worry
about it. We had music and beers and everybody was chill. Then everyone left. I remember when I
walked back into my den, I turned my chair back right and thought how weird that was but didn't
give it another thought untill the calls and messages started pouring in.[/spoiler]

Page 380
Bleha dipping below 900k views per month now:

Page 381
Parker tells us that when he let Bleha know he was gonna start posting here, Bleha claimed that the
whole coppertopp22 thing was actually Mooncookie's idea! Some fucking alphamale right there!
Also gave a half-hearted apology for "his part" in the coppertopp episode and pleaded J Park to not
join us

Page 384
Steve Shaw is still on our side:

Page 385
Moonskank spent the weekend getting dicked down by Malik:
Fucking white trash nigger lover, I'm disgusted as fuck

Page 387
One more scorn from Scorncookie:
While at the same time trying to maintain Bleha's dangerous killer charade:
Also @Cuckzilla tells us that he had a fitmisc account [I]before[/I] his Cuckzilla moniker, this
account was named Connie Blaha (Bleha's mother) and had Connie's picture as the avi. He only
survived one day posting about "Uncle Mike playing hide the sausage" until Nine changed his
username to @blahaa and banned him. Check his posting history, some funny shit lool

Page 390
The youtube mirror channel guy @cia joins us!

Page 407
Bleha gets blasted by Big Rob, a known lolcow in the Jason Genova saga:

Page 412
@Shadow Man does the right thing by bringing J Parker's story over to youtube:

Page 424
Imagine being Jason Bleha and living in a place where all your neighbors have seen this:
Courtesy of Cuckzilla

Page 430-431
Bleha's thanksgiving was exceptionally sad this year:
So much bitterness and visibly holding back tears while eating pie and pretending to have teeth (at
this point everybody knows Bleha has zero back teeth left in his rotten stroke mouth). Poor Janoy friends...all alone. YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW AND YOU
Related pics and gifs, courtesy of various people (you guys know who you are, I love you all):

Page 432
Bleha's 5x5 yard:
Courtesy of Cuckzilla who also informed us that Bleha didn't exit his cuckcave one time during the
whole day of thanksgiving

Page 434
Simon Templar provides info on Moonskank's workplace MD Anderson, Houston TX. She works as
a cleaner either directly for them or through a 3rd party.
Meanwhile Moontwat crawls back to Bleha for rent money because her gofundme got shut down:

Page 439-440
MoonTranny is a complete good for nothing narcissistic mentally retarded lying piece of shit scum
of the earth:

Page 444
Reportedly Bleha has moved his cuckstation into the dining room of the cuckhovel that used to be
filled with LunarSkank's stuff but not anymore

Page 460

Page 464
Homosexicle fantasies!!
Also Bleha getting trolled in his comments:

Page 469
Moonwhore is a whore:

Page 473
CIA mirror channel is terminated because of spamming (??) but reincarnates as FBI:

Page 477
Cuckzilla reports that a former co-worker of Marc Steubing follows the Anti-Bleha instagram page.
He said Marc is just a weird guy, was a little off, would intimidate co-workers just by being loud
and retarded and was dim witted.

Page 478
Bleha moves his homegym setup to the room that he previously used for cardiogaming and
recording shitfisted videos. His dining room used to be Moonskank's make up & hair studio but
since she left and took her stuff with her, Bleha was able to convert the dining room into a recording

Page 479
What the hell is that disgusting thing on his neck?

Page 486
This fucking fat retard thinks taxes are theft and should be abolished:

Page 491-492
Dumb Jason Bleha claims to eat 400 grams of protein every day:
That is the equivalent of 16 protein shakes in one day. Or 57 eggs. Or 7 and a half whole chicken
breasts. If you just think about that for a minute, it's quite obvious that he's lying.
Page 508
Mooncookie makes herself useful again and sends pictures of Bleha's homebrew steroid lab to
an undercover jihadi!
Conversation here:
More conversation:
Mooncookie's verbal description of Bleha's roid stack:

Page 512
Time to make Bleha pay for his crimes:
3401 timmons lane #1
houston tx 77027

Page 527
Mooncoonie rambling to undercover CoathK. Bleha's roidstack, Bleha's daddy issues, Bleha is
psycho and Moonskank is the victim etc

Page 533
Apparently somebody doxxed the Starting Strength guy Mark Rippetoe and found that his email
address links to a bunch of gay BDSM and borderline racist erotica. Here are some of his writings:

Page 534
Jerry Ward makes his best video so far giving his expert opinion and criticism of Bleha's physique
and his take on why Bleha looks the way he does (basically it boils down to poor diet and poor
training methods/execution). In the beginning of the video Jerry states that he's heard from a
credible source that Bleha was on psychiatric medication when he was in the UK and when he
returned to Texas he couldn't afford his medication anymore which would explain why his
personality changed into the autistic try-hard we all know

Page 539
Be prepared for a very "christian" response to Jerry Ward's constructive criticism:

Page 543
Bleha makes an extremely insecure and retarded response video getting ridiculously defensive over
the psych meds accusation, his poverty income and his shitty lifting numbers, deflecting instead of
directly addressing and says he only watched the first half of Jerry's video yet talks about stuff Jerry
mentioned in the second half.
[B]Pathetic little man![/B]

Page 556
Bleha is absolutely shook, likely because christmas is coming and we know his home address...
Bleha wont go outside unless he gets paid for it:
Also still lies about being swatted:

Page 562
Bleha posts his 3rd DXA scam results (he never posted the 2nd scan and instead just banned
anybody asking about it) and just lol at the obvious photoshopping:

Page 570
Bleha shows the rest of the DXA documents, including some stuff from the 2nd scan that he never
showed before:

Page 573
Bleha gets confronted in real life? The fuck??
But notice how small his arms look when he's not pinning his sleeves:

Page 576
Bleha losing subs:

Page 578
The guy from that Bleha confrontation talks about meeting Bleha in person:
Straight up low IQ stockholm syndrome for 24 minutes, I dont expect any of you to watch it all the
way through so let's just cliff it:
This is the same guy that phone called Bleha few months ago as an undercover nuthugger
( and he says he's been phonecalling Bleha a
few times after that too until Bleha realized he was a troll and stopped talking.
This guy was also one of the BETO supporters from page 146, confirms that Bleha didn't really run
them off but just hid behind his door like a fucking pussy and held out his poverty AR-15 saying
"this is what I think about BETO".
Probably the most infuriating thing is around 21 minutes where the guy says he asked Bleha what
he was thinking when he did all the fake merc shit and Bleha replied by claiming that [B]Brittany

Page 579-580
It is revealed by @john_blano that this same guy was also driving around Texas trying to track
down Bleha's location long before we got his home address from Mooncookie

Page 581
The guy who met Bleha posts a picture of them together on instagram:
Here's all of them shopped to stand in parallel, the guy on the left is 5ft10 and the guy on the right is
about 6ft2-6ft4:
Absolutely no way Bleha is 5ft9 like he claims

Page 585
Audio clip of the full meetup between Alex Rosen and Jason Bleha:
Over an hour of pretty much nothing worth noting, but then a civil war breaks out in the thread
between the people who are only here for the laughs and the people who actually want to shut Bleha
down and that's quite frankly more worthy of your time than the 1hr audio

Page 591
[MENTION=10750]ReginavsT.Mumby[/MENTION] wrote a 2 minute song for Bleha:
It's pretty good and he has a good voice

The last few pages is just people mercilessly roasting ReginavsT.Mumby because he cant stop
responding to jabs from [MENTION=5875]tommydickfingers[/MENTION] and
[MENTION=6119]CircusBell[/MENTION] and the rest of the board is also getting pissed at
Mumbyman constantly derailing.

11.0 pre-Crash was total shit, barely anything interesting happened. However after The Crash it's
been a fucking mentmine almost on par with 1.0-7.0. Locating Bleha's home address has opened
room for all kinds of new developments, especially considering that he's [I]literally[/I] not going
anywhere (how exactly is he gonna move those Rogue weights to a new place without a car? You
think he's gonna carry those plates in his arms? LMAO!). I predict things are gonna get interesting
in the near future.

Blahautism 12.0

Page 1-5
The mumby roasting continues, so far he hasnt responded.

Page 6
An actual navy officer Alan Zummak gives his thoughts on Bleha:
Excellent video

Page 10
As we all know by now, Bleha had a 48 inch waist at the time Anna the Ex kicked him out. Here
IGotNext shows you what kind of pants a person of those measurements would have to wear:

Page 25
Bleha decides to pose shirtless again:
Notice the cancer growing on the right side of his lower back:
Also here's why he insists on pulling his pants up so high:
Courtesy of everyone's favorite @zombie

Page 38
Bleha gets blasted on Sherdog forums:

Page 50
Igor Opeshansky from Vitruvian Physique takes a little jab at Bleha, shows a pic of him while
talking about bad genetics:
And this is his explanation for using that pic (LOL):

Paged 59-61
Bleha has now replaced squats in his "training" with hip thrusts:
This fucking guy

Page 63
Bleha posts a picture of his fridge:
50K a year yet this is what he can afford, think about that.
Page 70
Bleha changes his channel name to "Jason Blaha Strength and Power":
Here's his cope explanation for the name change:
But we all know the real reason he did it is to use Nick's Strenght And Power name to get more

Page 72 & 76
It appears someone has bought the domain
The link doesnt actually lead anywhere, pretty sure Bleha only bought it so Elgin couldn't cuck him
Also @zombie strikes again:

Page 74-75
Bleha finally fixes his channel name from "Jason Blaha Strength And Power" to "Jason Blaha's
Strength And Power", too bad he only bought the domain name with [B]one[/B] S letter:

Page 80 (two S letters) redirects to Elgin's merch store!
Also Bleha's arm is shaking again like early onset Parkinson's disease:

Page 81
Bleha makes an absolutely infuriating shitfisted video explaining his channel name change and
talking shit about Nick's Strength And Power. Bleha even projects his wheelchair accusations from
2016 unto Nick:

Page 84
This is what Nick himself thinks about Bleha LOL:

Page 86
One of our newer members @rickj who is pretty well connected in the powerlifting community and
a damn strong powerlifter himself (we're talking like +500lb bench presses and 800lb deadlifts)
went around talking to some people once he heard about Bleha being a powerlifting referee for
BPU. So he finds out the truth behind Bleha's time at his first gym in the UK, which Bleha talks
about in this post:
But in reality, Bleha was supposed to pick up stray weights, change the bin liners and paper rolls
and vacuum the floor in return for being allowed to train there. But he did such a half assed job that
he was taken to task, then stopped showing up and started rumors that the gym owner had not paid
him for work carried out.

Page 91
Bleha responds to Vitruvian Physique's jab with a bunch of incoherent mentally ill rambling, claims
that Igor is weak because he can [I]only[/I] squat 420 and deadlift 530 (WTF?) and Bleha also
claims to deadlift 530 for reps then shows footage of himself getting destroyed by 515, at around
2:25 of this video:

Page 93
Bleha has now changed his channel name to "Jason Blaha's Strength And Fitness", just make up
your fucking mind you spaz

Page 96
Remember Dank Net who made that awesome video on Bleha? Here's Dank Net's video on the
Nether Beast Jacked Jesus:
It contains a [B]cardio gamer[/B] reference at around 5 minutes.
Speaking of cardio gamer, Bleha getting trolled on facebook:

Page 98
Elgin beats Bleha to the punch again and buys off Jason Blaha's Strength And Fitness domains:

Page 108
Alex Rosen officially joins the board

Page 110
Jason Christ is back and still can't spell publicly:

Page 111
Awesome video breaking down Bleha's VitruvianPhysique video and debunking every lie that
comes out of Bleha's fat rodent mouth:

Page 113
There is a copy of Bleha's Stolen Valor Enthusiast channel that contains a bunch of videos that
Bleha has deleted from the original channel:

Page 137
Fucking pathetic little man Bleha gets mad when somebody points out the obvious fact that Bleha
doesnt have a car:
We know for a [B]fact[/B] that he doesnt have a car because he has his groceries delivered home
(literally said this himself in a recent video) and before that he complained about legs being too
fatigued for squats because he had to [I]walk[/I] to the grocery store.
Also he's lying about Mooncunt being the one who totalled the Focus:

Page 151
Jerry Ward comes back to us after over 2 year absence because of a video Bleha made about Ward
becoming a pastor (Bleha still pretends to be a christian). Ward states he does religious services for
free and not for profit like Bleha claims. Also Jerry Ward finally admits that basketball [I]does[/I]
count as cardio!

Page 157
About one year ago Bleha the little shit tried to use "" to erase funny
photoshops and websites that contain [I]factual[/I] info of him from the internet. Failed miserably,
only some pictures on google images were removed.
Information brought to you by @Abu bin Abdulaziz

Page 170
Tight shirts are better for people who are swole!
-Marc Steubing

Page 174
Jerry Ward goes on a condescending tirade with a haji and gets blasted into oblivion for it

Page 180
Bleha is reverting back to his Bodybyfinaplex sexcapades:

Page 182-183
Bleha gets blasted on reddit again:

Page 195-196
Vegan Gains channel has been terminated for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines.
Bleha of course seizes the opportunity to make a shitfisted video about it

Page 201
Bleha says he's off his "TRT" now:

Page 215-216
And Vegan Gains got his channel back, also issued an apology video:

Page 220
Bleha leaves a comment on CopeDestiny's video (first time he's commented on someone else's
video since 2016):
Go kick his ass

Page 225-227
Bleha posts a new shooting video on facebook looking like a total doofus:

Page 241
Alex Rosen meets Bleha again for an interview:
The last 50 minutes is the interview, the first 20 minutes is a phone conversation that happened the
next day.
Anyway the audio is all fucked up and you can barely hear what Bleha is saying, but Alex basically
went through the list of Bleha's bullshit claims on Blahapedia and Bleha mostly just doubles down
on them. The most noteworthy cliffs:
At 27:55 Bleha is asked about his black belts claim and he actually admits that he doesn't have
black belts in anything, but still insists that he took karate and taekwondo as a kid (probably a few
beginners classes if even that) and that he can fight (<-LOL!).
At around 46 minutes he tries to feed a major bullshit story that we made J Parker come here and
post the stuff he posted, what the fuck?!
At around 54 minutes Bleha's arm is measured on camera and it's 16 inches.
At around 1 hour he's asked about The Mugshot but refuses to comment, what a surprise.
At around 1 hour 7 minutes Bleha lists Nightwish, Tool and Evanescence as his favorite bands.
After that he admits he went to Blinn community college and not Texas A&M, claims to have
obtained degrees but of course shows no proof.
At 1 hour 11 minutes Bleha's shoulder width is measured at 54 inches.

Page 244
Alex Rosen doxxes the place where Bleha gets his DXA scams:

Page 247
[MENTION=11257]Fitness Jones[/MENTION] aka [MENTION=7115]Blason Jlaha[/MENTION]
returns to the board!

Page 249
A thorough summary of Bleha's life progress in january posted in one of the
[MENTION=10906]CIA[/MENTION] mirror videos:

Page 251
A 4 minute condensed version of the 20 minute phone conversation in Alex Rosen's video:

Page 253
blabla-haha writes a far more detailed summary of the Alex Rosen in-person interview than I ever

Page 257
Marc Steubing hits his best bench press fail ever:

Page 261
Bleha the supreme hypocrite is now doing isolation exercises:

Page 276
Bleha's home address being snuck into the youtube comments:

Page 286
Bleha backs down from a fight again:

Page 290
Alex Rosen aka Rosenberg doxxes Marc Steubing's home address and plans to go meet him

Page 292
Bleha denounces Marc Steubing (at 2:08):
Also posts this on facebook:

Page 293
Apparently Bleha finally got a divorce from the ex 2.0 last october:
Information brought to you by Cuckzilla

Page 295
Alec the 18 year old kid who deadlifts 600 pounds is an idiot:

Page 297
Rosenberg locates Marc Steubing's gym:

Page 307
J Parker posted this facebook update last november:

Page 311
From the CIA comment sections, a top 10 of Bleha's life progress in february (or ”feburary” as
Bleha himself would spell it):

Page 325
Here's a funny story from 2017 of Bleha playing runescape like a proper Cardio Gamer and crying
about suicide and depression to the other gamers, also turns into full victim bitch mode when they
ask him to hand over the "Bandos ChestPlate" (whatever that is, I dont play runescape):
This ment was brought to you by Cuckzilla

Page 329
Apparently sister Andrea has said that Bleha used the family computer to download porn and
infected it with an unfixable virus.
This ment was also brought to you by Cuckzilla
Also blabla-haha takes us back down the memory lane on Bleha's male model delusion, it was
actually just one photoshoot in July 2004 for what looks like a pretty small company looking to
build their portfolio. No modelling jobs ever.**Blahautism-The-Jason-Blaha-Story-12-

Page 334
Coath Fuckface rejects Marc Steubing's video request for a collab due to overdose of sand in
Blahina's vagina:

Page 335
Rosenberg links Marc Steubing's old myspace page:
Pages after that the thread basically turns into Marc Steubing worship. Even though he's retarded
he's just an all around likable guy because he's nice and always positive, can't hate on that. From
his old myspace pics we also see that he used to be fairly good looking back in the day:
We also find a possible explanation for his apparent mental retardation:

Page 342
Marc Steubing even gets his own fanclub on facebook!

Page 347
It appears Jenny Brady has a new man now, Bleha on the other hand is forever alone:
Courtesy of Cuckzilla
Also if you thought CopeDestiny and his followers are Bleha fans, check this out:
Page 348
So Bleha has been on discord chatting with CopeDestiny and others, apparently he has learned
absolutely nothing from the 20 years he's been on the internet because he just can't contain his
autism and conduct himself in a proper manner. Now CopeDestiny officially denounces Bleha:
Also FraudAnalyzer99 denounces Bleha:
Contains audio clips of Bleha being racist as fuck

Page 353
Bleha actually thought CopeDestiny and FraudAnalyzer99 wanted to do a podcast with him:

Page 355
Bleha being an edgelord on facebook talking about the Christchurch mosque shooter in New
Zealand who killed 50 muslims and wounded 50 more (ages of the dead ranging from 2 to 71):
Also Marc Steubing is blocked from Bleha's facebook:

Page 357
Larry Blaha has apparently lost his leg?
Courtesy of Cuckzilla

Page 358
Jerry Ward makes a great video giving his thoughts on Bleha's edgelord comments on facebook:

Page 361
Bleha makes a shitfisted cope video responding to Jerry Ward. Doesn't even address the facebook
screenshots that Jerry showed in the video, just mental illness maxxes on not being a racist, babbles
about his stupid fucking Czech flag on his wall and even claims that FBI tapped his phone for 6
months to conclude that Bleha is not a potential active shooter (FBI don't get to just tap any random
person's phone as they please, it takes plenty of work to get that shit authorized so we know Bleha
is full of shit):
When confronted in the comments about the facebook posts and the audio provided previously by
FraudAnalyzer99, Bleha just says it's all fake and he dindunuffin:

Page 363
Rosenberg slips in Larry's phone number

Page 369 & 372

@simon templar posts contact information for various google/youtube personnel
Page 372
Rosenberg calls Bleha on the phone one last time, but now he's not playing nice anymore and letting
Bleha's bullshit fly, instead Rosenberg straight up confronts Bleha about the Christchurch comments
and corners him pretty damn hard.
At around 6:28 completely out of nowhere Bleha claims his dog Nova is dead and that we poisoned
him, [B]what the actual fuck??[/B] No, we did not kill his fucking dog, holy shit. We wanted the
dog taken away from him for sure (because he's selfish, negligent and irresponsible) but we
wouldn't kill an innocent animal under any circumstances.
People in the thread speculate what may have actually happened there, the most logical conclusions
are that either Nova died because of Bleha's neglect or Bleha just gave the dog away and lied about
the death.
Courtesy of Cuckzilla

Page 379
Bleha backtracking and lying about his facebook posts on the Christchurch shootings:

Page 380
Bleha makes an official statement on Nova's death:
Funny how he has to go out of his way to mention that he will ban all trolls and shit talkers,
meanwhile if anybody else posted about their pet dying (namely Nick's S&P and his hedgehog)
nobody would even think about talking shit. Even Bleha himself acknowledges that he doesn't have
that many actual fans anymore.

Page 382
If you want to show some support for Nova and share Bleha's facebook post, do it in this fashion:
Courtesy of @AntonioC

Page 384
For once I hope he's lying:

Page 388
Simon Templar spoke to an animal cruelty investigator in regards to Nova's death and it's possible
they'll look into it

Page 391
CopeDestiny releases more of Bleha's discord sound clips:
8 minutes onwards. Racist as fuck, threatens to kill Shadow Man (<-LOL!) and claims to be a
ladies' man (<-LOL!!)

Page 392
Bleha sent this text to Rosenberg:
Claims that he took a 4 day vacation, which would obviously imply that he left Nova alone at the
cuckshed for 4 days with no one to look after it and that is why the dog died.
Also The Ex 2.0 facebook, posted by Cuckzilla:

Page 393
Bleha's maternal grandfather:
Brought to you by One Off Man Mental

Page 398
Marc Steubing is growing tired of Bleha's bullshit:

Page 403
The world class cuck Chandiwira "Chad" Beza is back at it, texting with AntonioC:
Previously it was found that Beza works in a car dealership, he's still listed as a staff member in that
dealership so it's unlikely that he'd work as both a police officer and a car salesman at the same

Page 408
Summary of Bleha's March 2019 posted in the FBI comment section:
Also FraudAnalyzer posts some more audio clips of Bleha in discord. Nothing particularly
interesting here, just Bleha being a faggot:

Page 418
FraudAnalyzer/CopeDestiny puts out another Bleha video featuring cringe compilation and audio
clips of Bleha being trolled on discord with food related questions:

Page 426
Seems like something has spooked Bleha, the little man feels the need to puff his (saggy) chest over
the internet:

Page 429
Justice for Nova!

Page 430
Craigslist and Backpages are gone but not to worry! Any cuck finns out there who wanna send
trannies to the condo at Timmons Lane will be able to do so through these two websites:
Page 432
Bleha takes his shirt off again and posts pics in his facebook:
We're supposed to believe this melted marshmallow man looks like he lifts? LOL! Also on page
Courtesy of @Gisum Blowhole

Page 442
[MENTION=10537]strongerthanblaha[/MENTION] goes through Bleha's ancestry on both
parents' sides and concludes that Bleha has zero jewish ancestry and zero Cherokee indian ancestry.
Also all of Bleha's ancestors were quite insignificant in their lives and never really made any name
for themselves. Father's side of the family does originate from Czech and they moved to America in
1870's to escape poverty

Page 444
strongerthanblaha posts pictures of Bleha's ancestors:
Also Bleha claims that the boots he wears in his videos are expensive Timberland boots (at 7:41)
But that of course is easily disproven:
Posted by WookieButter

Page 449-450
Bleha is posting more shirtless lifting videos and pictures:
[B]Notice[/B] the HPV induced filiform wart on his lower back and above it is a clear outline of a
Also cuck finn posts a potential source for Bleha's rogue weights set:
$6000 home gym my ass, it's all cheap chinese knock-off shit

Page 454
Rosenberg uploads a new youtube video where he chats with a friend at Bleha's home address and
then they together put up posters all over the yard area:
This was the poster they put up:

Page 460
Full blown STD infected stroke mouth getting worse by the day:

Page 461
Jihad invades the google reviews section for Bleha's apartment complex, some SERIOUSLY funny
shit there lmao. Check it out by searching "Fleur de Lis apartment Houston" on google.
Also NotAll posts some of Bleha's old facebook posts from 2011 where he [B]admits he has
dyslexia and he had to take upon special education all through his school years:[/B]

Page 462
Abscess in his mouth since 2011:

Page 465
Courtesy of Cuckzilla
Also if you read between the lines in this:
Bleha cried to Jenny Brady about wanting to kill himself and she took it to her facebook friends
instead of giving this ratfaced bastard a pityfuck

Page 469
The irony of Mooncoonie's aunt (the one in the pecan pie video from 2015) looking to rehome a
Also this random instagrammer claims to have spotted Bleha in a Taco Bell:
Nearest Taco Bell to Bleha's cuckshack is about 1,8 miles away, as determined by our buddy

Page 471
Sone douchebag wannabe fitness personality who calls himself The Dolce Diet:

Page 472
Rosenberg informs us that Bleha tries his best to keep his youtube life away from his personal life,
apparently Bleha is friends with some 40 year old recovering drug addict (sound familiar?) and she
doesnt know anything about Bleha's internet reputation (apparently the thought of typing her
friend's name on google never occurred to her)

Page 480
Rosenberg informs us that Bleha called him on the phone, [B]SHOOK AS FUCK[/B], and
threatened to press charges against Rosenberg for putting up those posters! Fucking LOL that's not
gonna hold up in the court of law

Page 487
Jenny Brady is now having a baby with her new man

Page 489
Cuckman Bleha pussies out from a debate with Vegan Gains:
Oh yeah and Bleha makes 5k a month [B]but doesn't have a car[/B], seems totally legit.

Page 493
Courtesy of everyone's favorite [MENTION=7593]zombie[/MENTION]

Page 494
Cuck finn starts contacting Bleha's relatives:

Page 500
Rosenberg posts audio of the BETO spectacle from Blahautism 11.0 page 146

Page 501
Bleha forgets that he has claimed to be part-jewish multiple times:

Page 503
Rosenberg meets Marc Steubing in person and they workout together and talk about stuff:
Steubz comes across as a super likable and approachable nice guy

Page 506
Rosenberg posts a video of him phonecalling Mooncookie back in January:
At around 3-4 minutes in she says that Bleha would sometimes just take her phone and go through
the messages and stuff, but other than that she doesn't really say anything that we don't already

Page 512
Rosenberg is in talks with somebody who spotted Bleha in the wild, at a local Walmart. View the
text message convo here:

Page 517
Summary of Bleha's April 2019 posted in the FBI comment section:

Page 530
Rosenberg tries to visit Larry Blaha but Larry just locks himself inside his cabin before they could
get to him

Page 531
What the actual fuck lol

Page 535
Courtesy of Cuckzilla

Page 536
Fuckface Blahino contacted Rosenberg's mom on facebook with his "pressing charges" bullshit,
mom thought Bleha is a psychopath so to spare her from further concern Rosenberg quits the

Page 538
AntonioC calls Bleha on the phone on mother's day:
"Good idea calling him on a day you know he will be free."
-cuck finn
Also at 11:28 Antonio successfully manipulated Bleha into admitting he's incel

Page 540
Courtesy of @randyaverage

Page 543
Another part of AntonioC phone convo with Bleha:

Page 544
The forum administrator @omega bans @cuck finn for a week due to religion bait (happened
outside of Blahautism) and gets blasted in the thread for it

Page 546
LOL the world class cuck Chandiwira Beza gets fired from his job (as a cop or prison guard or
whatever the fuck he was) for being an idiot on social media!

Page 553
Rosenberg deletes all of his Bleha videos and makes a new video explaining what happened:
So his parents decided to talk to Bleha and they bought into Bleha's bullshit,they made him delete
all of those videos

Page 565
CIA's mirror channel gets terminated because youtube caught him using a bot to automatically
upload the Bleha mirror videos, but he prevails on a new channel named NSA:

Page 566
Rosenberg managed to save a couple of the videos that he had to delete, here's a part of the in-
person interview:
And here's the one where they put up the flyers:
Page 568
Zombie is back at it again:

Page 585-586
Jonny Fucko's prophecy from 11.0 is coming closer to fruition:
Also zombie sums up the entire recent content of Bleha's channel in this awesome picture:

Page 591-592
Bleha starts talking about his plan to pre-record dozens of videos in order to get extra spare time
from his usual 4 videos a day schedule, this leads to the suspicion that he might be planning to
move out (again) some time soon. Only this time Rosenberg will be there to keep an eye on him and
locate his next address, whatever it may be. Also Rosenberg mentions that his parents no longer buy
into Bleha's bullshit. His new youtube channel here:

Page 596
Jason Bleha has the worst teeth ever:
Courtesy of zombie

Page 597
Check out this sweet banner for y'all

Page 598
Bleha said in a youtube comment that Rosenberg's dad called Rosenberg autistic, this of course was
not true and Rosen's dad never said such thing. Rosenberg then told Bleha off in a text and Bleha
went crying to Rosen's dad again, what a whiney little bitch

Page 601
Those of you who have paid attention to Bleha's comment sections (on his actual channel) already
know that for a while now his comment sections have been a playground for trolls addressing him
by various names such as couch, clip, cake, crunch, grinch, clutch, crouton etc. Now here's a
comment where somebody calls him ”Cumstain” and he just takes it! LMAO

Page 604
Courtesy of zombie

Page 609-612
Bleha ends one of his videos by getting up from the chair and revealing that he's wearing no pants
other than blue underwear, for FUCK's sake lol:
He ended up editing that out from the video but NDA saved the clip in his personal stash:
Fucking lol at Cumstain's self awareness, shirtcocking it like a proper pedo

Page 622-625
Bleha measures his height on video:
He acts like this proves he's 5ft9 but the actual video shows him to be 5ft8

Page 626
Very accurate map of Bleha's teeth, courtesy of RandyAverage:

Page 629-630
Mooncosmetologist let her cosmetologist operator license expire??

Page 633
LMAO Jerry Ward just made his best video EVER (this time for sure!) promoting his multivitamin
supplement while taking jabs at Bleha:
Mentions his baldness, his rotting teeth, his kyphotic posture, his fucked up breathing and even his
autism pauses!

Page 638
Bleha's excuse to not respond to Jerry Ward's video:
This comment leads to people speculating for the next 20-25 pages whether Bleha might be moving
out or if he had a strike on his channel (the way youtube's current algorithm works, if you get a
strike you won't be able to upload anything for a certain period of time) or both

Page 640
@cia compiles a list of every single word used in Bleha's video titles as well as the number each
word has been used:

Page 641
@cia gathered a list of every single video (URLs & titles) Bleha has on his channel right now:

Page 645
Bleha feeds into the speculation that he may have moved out, also intends to sell online coaching
(haha good luck!):

Page 655
Finally Bleha will respond to Jerry Ward:
The response video itself is a complete shitshow of cope and denial, he is visibly holding back tears
and sounds shook as FUCK. Claims that he didn't watch Jerry's video but it's obvious that he did.
Gets brutalized in the comment section and desperately tries to excuse his baldness and rotting
Also just FYI, british dental care being bad is just a meme, in reality the NHS provides high quality
dental care and the only britts who have bad teeth are the ones who never go to dentist and
generally don't do jack shit to take care of their teeth

Page 659
Summary of Bleha's response video to Jerry Ward, courtesy of zombie:

Page 660 & 662

Bleha threw away the green screen he's been using in his videos for 3 years:

Page 661
As it turns out, Cumstain didn't move anywhere, he just moved his homegym setup to the living

Page 665
PROOF that he just moved his shit into the living room:

Page 666
Courtesy of @randyaverage
Also Jerry Ward makes another video, this time gives cutting advice:

Page 668
Fat fuck Bleha threatening to shoot Don Shipley:

Page 673
Stroke(mouth) of luck or a gift from God?

Page 678
Courtesy of zombie:

Page 682
Bleha appears to be getting tired of talking to trolls on the phone every day so now he tells all
callers that they have to pay him 100 bucks for a one-hour chat, for fuck's sake lol

Page 687
Rosenberg confirms that Nova did indeed die because Cumstain left it alone at the cuckshack for 4
days without food or water and no one to look after it

Page 692
Bleha will launch his online coaching a facebook exclusive! Will only take 5 clients
and charges 200 bucks a month:

Page 694
I want to 3D print this:
Courtesy of zombie

Page 696
Oh this just in, Bleha will not help you out with your diet if you hire him as your online coach:

Page 701
Rosenberg posts excerpts from a convo Bleha had with FraudAnalyzer back in last March, this one
we've already seen:
And here's a couple we haven't seen:
The blocked out part says ”I come home to that bullshit and possible having my dog murdered by
fucking stalkers”. Fuck you Jason Blaha. You and you alone are responsible for Nova's death. Not
us, you.

Page 702
Cumstain claims that he's got his 5 clients now:

Page 704
Predictable ratfaced fuck will not show you how well his clients progress under his coaching:

Page 707
Pure BullFit destroys Bleha's non-existent credentials and soon to fail online coaching pursuit:

Page 711
It appears Cumstain has cried to google and got his apartment's business page (google reviews)

Page 719
Bleha makes a video offering his coaching services to Jerry Ward and Eric Kanevsky. However he
will NOT offer coaching to Marc Steubing:
Page 720
Jerry Ward accepts Bleha's offer to be his coach by making this awesome video where Jerry shows
off the results he's got for his own clients while at the same time requesting Bleha to show his
credentials (which as we all know don't exist):

Page 723
Meet Gaetano Thoma Mortillaro, one of Bleha's most active fans on facebook:
He is also anti-gun and a huge Bernie Sanders supporter,plus he doesn't/is unable to lift/work out.
Absolutely nothing in common with Bleha.

Page 724
Bleha's subscriber count keeps dropping...

Page 725
NDA and other mirror channels as well as Shadow Man and VKVDM youtube channels have been
taken down

Page 728
Subscribe to the new mirror channel F Bee Eye:
Also Bleha is full of shit about the youtube channels being taken down:
Muh criminal investigation, muh inside information, muh business relationship with google, [b]shut
the fuck up you fat faggot![/b]

Page 729
Another mirror channel:

Page 730
Tiffany Trask contact info posted by NotAll:
She owns the apartment #1 at 3401 Timmons Lane and she must be informed of the damage her
tenant Jason Blaha is likely causing to the floors and walls by tossing heavy barbells and Rogue
plates around.

Page 733
The average watch time for most of Bleha's videos is less than 5 minutes LOL
Also Bleha admits he's destroying the floors in Tiffany Trask's apartment:
Also here are the names of every apartment owner at 3401 Timmons:

For the last 5 or so pages people talk about reporting Bleha's online coaching endeavor to the IRS
since Bleha most likely hasn't reported that extra source of income himself and internet links as well
as other contact info necessary to report Bleha's tax fraud are posted in the thread. Also our very
own @cuckzilla becomes a moderator!

These are the current mirror channels for Bleha videos:

The Bear
Jason Blaha Stories & Fatness
F Bee Eye

Now on to the next one, but don't forget to brush your teeth twice every day and floss regularly!


Blahautism 13.0**Blahautism-The-Jason-Blaha-Story-13-

Page 5
@jasmine blaha posts links to some Bleha material on Vimeo:
Exposed TV videos and 40 Years of Delusion
Bleha displays incompetence with firearms
Bleha the internet tough guy
Some cardio gamer material
More cardio gamer material
And MORE cardio gamer material

Page 6 & 9
The property manager assigned to Bleha's building, Ms. Linda Lewis (832) 968-7624,, concerning sub-leasee/renter, operating a business from the condo, dropping
heavy weights, etc
Posted by @Abu bin Abdulaziz

Page 11
The subscriber exodus continues!

Page 15
Rosenberg informs us that Bleha's 2018 youtube pay was $57k before taxes or Google's 45% cut.
Substract those and he was left with estimated $27k

Page 16
VKVDM has a new channel:

Page 18
Marc Steubing makes a video asking for Bleha's forgiveness since Bleha refused to coach him:

Page 21
Omar Isuf thinks Bleha is a joke:

Page 23
Bleha makes a shitfisted video in response to Marc Steubing, refuses Marc's apology since Bleha is
a childish dipshit and also mentions that Steubing's mother called Bleha on the phone. Bleha keeps
mentioning that Steubing crossed ”inappropriate boundaries” after being told repeatedly no, the
fuck is that supposed to mean? Did Steubz try to unzip Bleha's pants or something? LMAO

Page 26
Bleha gets blasted on facebook by people who don't even know who he is LOL:

Page 27
Steubz succumbs to Bleha's scumbaggery, also makes a video confirming that his mom did indeed
call Bleha

Page 29
Dumbfuck Bleha made a half-hearted completely insincere ”apology” for pretending to be a
mercenary after being called out on it for 3 years straight, people didn't accept his piss poor apology
and the only thing the fat retard learned from this is to not apologize for anything ever:
It's infuriating how fucking stupid this guy is, there are people in this world who absolutely deserve
to die and Jason Blaha is one of them

Page 31
FraudAnalyzer comes back and posts a download link for all the recordings he has of Bleha's time
on discord:
[b]These recordings actually contain audio of Bleha admitting that he's been selling steroids for
extra cash[/b]

Page 36
Bleha is a SHIT:
Courtesy of zombie

Page 41
Our member @nolmos decides to take one for the team and goes through the entire ASMR Cardio
Gamer catalog, he reported his findings here:**Blahautism-The-Jason-Blaha-Story-13-
Highlights include Mooncookie being horny for sex but Bleha chooses to stay in front of the
computer and play World of Warcraft for the next 40 minutes, [b]actually says his name Jason out
loud in one video and doesn't edit it out[/b], getting mad at people talking smack to him etc
Page 51
The subscriber exodus going even stronger:

Page 52
Bleha's 5x5 program on a website filled with hilarious broken english, brought to you by Mr. Buu:
This is where Bleha got the idea for ”snatch and grabs”, courtesy of ***:
Also zombie strikes back!

Page 58
This scared little mouse of a man gets triggered if you ask him about his curtains:

Page 60
Dumb shit Bleha doesn't even know how to use instagram:

Page 64
Asking about Bleha's food choices is off limits too:

Page 66
CIA creates an interesting graph to show how Bleha's overall video views disperse among his

Page 67
Elgin added a new shirt design to his store:

Page 68
That pencil neck of peace:

Page 80
Bleha's new blog page, courtesy of zombie!

Page 82
A normal human being would have no reason to make this post:

Page 85
Marc Steubing has officially made it:

Page 91
Shadow Man makes a video containing the audio [B]where Bleha admits he sells steroids:[/B]
Right at the start of the video

Page 100
Bleha dipping into that there [B]837[/B]k views territory!

Page 101
Back in 6.0 when Bleha waddled around the Palazzo apartment complex carrying a rifle in a bag, he
was accompanied by this man Rick Mack whom you can see in this video:
[url][/url] (the clip at 8:09)
Also Bleha posted about it on instagram:
Anyway, Cuckzilla posts a video from the guy's facebook where this fucking eunuch called the
police on an old man who asked him to stop revving his car engine so loudly:

Page 119
A funny parody version of Bleha's youtube channel on Bitchute:

Page 132
Bleha is now under 800k views!!
A graph made by our buddy CIA to demonstrate the recent decline in Bleha's monthly views:
Victory is at hand

Page 139
Bleha is bumping up the price for his online coaching service that no one's gonna buy:

Page 139 & 143

Introducing a new character in the Blahaverse: the nuthugger Ian Davison who goes on youtube by
the name Bald Freak Repping Buffalo:
This guy is basically like the reverse Marc Steubing in that he's retarded, comments on Bleha videos
all the time while also following plenty of fitness youtubers that Bleha talks shit about and is also
way stronger than Bleha... but unlike the Steubz this guy is completely unlikable, talks shit to other
people all the time and gets easily triggered, takes steroids, competes in powerlifting and also lives
with his parents and works a minimum wage job.
Not Bald Freak Raping Buffalo.

Page 153
”Asking for a friend”....

Page 156
Bleha's Stolen Valor channel appears to be completely demonetized right now, as reported by
@NotAll if you don't log into a channel for 6 months, youtube automatically demonetizes it.
He's not monitoring the comments either...go kick his ass!

Page 161
Marc Steubing quits lifting:

Page 162
Bleha has started doing box jumps...and he jumps like a girl! LOL!

Page 165
Cuckzilla shares his story on how he first came across Bleha, he pegged him as a fraud and doxxed
him months before the first Blahautism thread was ever started!

Page 170
Fine addition to the Bedroom Dog Killer's permanent internet record:
Courtesy of zombie

Page 171
Bleha posts a spreadsheet he supposedly made for one of his online coaching clients:
He probably thought posting this would fool people into thinking he's an expert coach who knows
what he's talking about but in reality there's nothing complex or special about this ”spreadsheet”, it's
just hard to read. Also the program itself is a rip-off of Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 as pointed out by

Page 172
Marc Steubing unquits lifting:

Page 176
Bleha gets blasted on reddit (again):

Page 177

Page 178
The subscriber exodus and view count freefall continue!

Page 179
A ridiculous nuthugger article about Bleha's plagiarized 5x5 program:
Written by this fuck stick:

Page 180
Rosenberg puts up more flyers! This time accompanied by our own AntonioC:

Page 183
Rosenberg gets a thread on

Page 184
Look how this fucking fatass sucks his stomach in to make himself look leaner than he actually is:
Some more living room gym bloopers:

Page 189
Bleha gets blasted on getbig:

Page 190
For someone who's been a liar his whole life Bleha is incredibly bad at it:
So his imaginary client somehow dropped 5% bodyfat in about 6 weeks (which is how long Bleha
has been an ”online coach”), first off Bleha himself hasn't been able to lose that much bodyfat in 6
years but somehow his client did it in 6 weeks. Yeah right.
Secondly, @Langley's Monster calculates in the thread that this person would have needed to be on
1000kcal deficit every day to achieve such rapid fat loss in 6 weeks, but somehow he's able to hit
new bench press PRs after this starvation diet. As someone who's been bench pressing heavy and
hard for about 10 years now and become pretty good at it I call bullshit on this claim.

Page 194
Bleha coping and lying about his income once again:
At this point the general consensus in the thread is that Bleha's views have been dropping because
his older videos are no longer recommended in search results or anywhere.

Page 195
1000 calories is not a modest deficit you fucking idiot:
Also LOL!
Courtesy of @RandyAverage

Page 196
837 is now 737!

Page 197
Bleha makes a new shitfisted video playing victim and begging for forgiveness (again), the asshole
blames Layne Norton and Mooncookie for ruining his life:
Page 208
A potential client for Bleha's online coaching scam has been found: Alfredo Agusti
Courtesy of @hemustbedestroyed

Page 210-214
Thread gets derailed as one of our newer members @cope cracks from the PTSD and goes crazy.
@mindlesswork puts him on a vacation for a week and deletes his most psychotic posts

Page 212
LMAO what the fuck, going through 3 shirts in one workout because of sweating? Middle class
income but can't afford laundry?

Page 225
LOL check out this hilarious video:

Page 226
Anna the Ex opens up about Bleha's gimp left arm that he claims is a torn bicep but is actually a
contaminated injection: she explains that Bleha had his mom pay for the doctor's visit to get
antibiotics, the antibiotics failed and his lower arm had started turning blue with barely any pulse to
be found and at that point Anna made him go to the emergency room (Bleha is so stupid that
without Anna he probably would have let his whole arm fall off) where they drained the abscess. It
took less than 2 weeks to heal and the packing that covered the incision wound had to be changed
every day, Bleha was a huge baby about it and needed pain killers before the procedure each time.
Full story here:**Blahautism-The-Jason-
Anna also talks about how Bleha abused their cat, The Animal Abuse Enthusiast would put a sock
on the cat's head and spin him around. The cat hated Bleha and intentionally tried to make him trip
over every time he was walking.
Fuck this human piece of shit. I want Jason Blaha to die in the most painful way possible.
(Courtesy of zombie)

Page 232

Page 234
Bleha now dipping below 700k views per month!

Page 239-243
Bleha makes a video talking about the good old times with Big Giving Mike:
There's not one tiny bit of sincerity to be seen in his eyes or heard in his voice and people in the
comments point this out:
He claims that Magic Mike and Aunt Libby gave hin ice cream after every rape and that caused him
to develop a voracious appetite for ice cream (instead of aversion as common sense would suggest),
but of course the ice cream bit was actually stolen from Oprah:
Information brought to you by @crmnh

Page 249
Bleha talks shit about his imaginary clients on facebook:

Page 254
Bleha getting trolled:

Page 255
Bleha can't run:

Page 268
Meet Nick Carroll, a Bleha nuthugger who is also like a spitting image of Bleha. Bald, effeminate,
horrid teeth and socially awkward:
He even has a MUH DEXA SCAN video lmao
Discovered by IGotNext

Page 271

Page 278
Bodybyfinaplix admitted site injections:
Also Bleha's runescape scores, in case those mean anything to you:

Page 279
Bodybyfinaplix crying because his dick pic was spread around via email:

Page 285
Bleha now wants to start selling ”custom” programs:
In the comments he also says that he's thinking about charging $100 for one month's program,
fucking LOL at anyone stupid enough to pay that

Page 286
Why would his clients need to run it by him first before telling anyone they're Bleha's clients?

Page 287
We are not physically capable of [b]completely[/b] his weekly workouts!

Page 291
Courtesy of Cuckzilla

Page 292
There was a Jason Blaha in Elkhart, Indiana in 1994:
Courtesy of cuck finn, modifications by Gisum Blowhole

Page 293
Messiah Supreme pisses on Jason Bleha's face:

Page 301
This human piece of shit would kill a child to save his dirty grease-soaked skin:

Page 305
So desperate for social interaction that he now responds to a comment by somebody who uses
[b]the mugshot[/b] as an avatar:

Page 306-307
Some verified youtubers report that youtube has taken away their verification, people begin to
speculate that the same has happened to Bleha

Page 319
Mooncoonie resurfaces in a conversation with @BlanoTheAutist, this appears to be from a couple
of weeks ago:
Negative comments make Jason Bleha cry!

Page 321
Could this be him?
Got caught cheating in a game, tried to explain it away by claiming military (don't ask for proof
though!!!) and got rejected
Page 332
Bleha mentions an aunt who is almost 70:
This isn't aunt Libby that he's talking about, it's actually Margaret Batcheler and you can see her
name in Bleha's grandfather Darrell Bynum's obituary:
Margaret's facebook:
Her Open Powerlifting page:
A picture of her:
Bleha has previously claimed that he's the one who got Maggie into lifting but that's obviously a lie,
she credits a guy named Mat Cote (his facebook: as her
coach who also provided her with a ”Connie” workout in memory of her sister Connie Sue Blaha:
Courtesy of @blehe

Page 340 & 342

CIA saves all the data from Maggie Batcheler's facebook in case the page was magically set to

Page 343
Cumstain flagged the Anti Jason Blaha Instagram page and got it shut down for the time being

Page 344
Jihad reigns in Maggie's facebook comment sections:

Page 350
Bleha posts this abhorrence on his youtube community page:
A milk jug and salts shaker that are both unopened and obviously bought just for the picture, a
disgusting improperly cooked steak, poverty rifle in view for no rational reason whatsoever and on
top of all that he's eating this shit in his sweat painted gym off of the same box that he steps his
filthy feet on to.
Also remember when he was lactose intolerant?
Well not anymore apparently!

Page 354
Is he really this desperate for social interaction or is he just retarded?
”Gallon of Cum a Day”

Page 356
I have no words...

Page 366
Bleha thinks he can take down stores that sell parody merch based on him:
This post of course is complete bullshit and Elgin's fake merc store is still up, he does have a new
banner though:

Page 370
Below 600k now!!

Page 377
Elgin's new design, The Disowned Son of Man:
”This parody of Magritte's 'The Son of Man' depicts an abject thirtysomething sitting on a futon and
rebuking another irrelevant YouTuber who mocked his mercenary persona. This is one of many
examples of the crippling stupidity and social ineptitude that made the Fake Merc an outcast in his
own family and reliant on the internet for any attention.”

Page 379
CIA reports that he has successfully downloaded all of Bleha's facebook posts for later use

Page 381-386
Bleha uploads this amateur hour:
Mirrored video:

Page 386
Courtesy of @massacreblast

Page 388
Courtesy of @online warlord

Page 390
Blatantly talking to himself:
Page 391-393
Cumstain flags VKVDM again:
..and he's back:

Page 394
Bleha the Gay Sex Pig will touch your dick for money:
Brought to you by blabla-haha

Page 395
RandyAverage is S A V A G E !

Page 404
Vegan Gains rips Bleha to shreds in a new video:
Focuses on the stolen valor, tough guy act, martial autist act etc. also namedrops VKVDM in the
video. Speaking of VKVDM, he actually mentioned in an interview video
( that he spoke to both Vegan Gains and his
wife and also invited Vegan Gains to train at a friend's gym in Toronto, it's possible that this is the
reason why Vegan Gains made this video in the first place

Page 405
Bleha conveniently hides behind a barrage of shitty excuses to not make a response video since
youtube won't monetize or promote drama gossip anymore:

Page 406
LOL fake Anna Blaha appears on the Vegan Gains video comments:

Page 407
Cumstain is getting triggered now:

Page 408
”Jason's FitMisc Dad”

Page 413
Bleha has a female fan:
And yes this is an actual person, meet Ruby Cherie from Australia:
Her business contact:

Page 415
Ruby Cherie is contacted but I don't think she really got the message:
Also another dipshit who says he's doing ”Jason Blaha's 5x5”:

Page 420
Courtesy of @randyaverage

Page 422
Vegan Gains makes another video on Bleha, pressing even harder on the fake tough guy character
and also responding to Bleha's cope excuses for not accepting the challenge to a fight:
Meanwhile Bleha makes an extremely infuriating and retarded video:
First half is Bleha saying that we must stop hating him because he ”apologized” for the stolen valor,
second half is him saying that he won't accept anyone's challenges to fights because he's so strong
that he would cripple the other person (basically states that because he can squat ”heavy weight” it
automatically means he can kick super hard, which obviously is not how it works at all). Can't make
this shit up.

Page 426-428
Something spooked Bleha and he went on a video deleting spree:
On page 428 CIA posts a list of all the videos that Bleha deleted, 32 videos overall and 25 of them
are about Jerry Ward

Page 439-448
Bleha doubles down on his ”strong squat means strong kick!” claim, also hilariously mispronounces
”Muay Thai”!
Triggered by people pointing it out (also ”def” and ”the say I say words”):
The deafness thing is a lie by the way, as proven by blabla-haha on page 441 showing old forum
posts where Bleha fails to keep his story consistent:

Page 443
Most certainly not an obvious sock account:
”Brazillian BJJ”

Page 444
He's cracking:

Page 451
Also Eric Kanevsky is back with a hilarious parody of Bleha:

Page 452
Seems that Bleha went on another deleting spree:

Page 453
@CIA posts a full list of the deleted videos again, 28 videos overall and 25 of them are about Jerry
Also it is brought up that Bleha got banned from forums during the Layne
Norton lawsuit spectacle because Layne was a moderator on that forum and Bleha was openly
accusing him of steroids as well as posting his trash talking videos on the forum, both of which can
be considered disrespect against admins and thus bannable offenses:

Page 473
LOL this is golden:
Mostly created from copypasted Bleha facebook posts, also contains the names of everyone who
lives in 3401 Timmons Lane, Tiffany Trask's contact info etc.
Courtesy of @yeecutty

Page 476
Holy shit look at those mutant feet!

Page 479
Oh man....
”jasonsclient1” is super obviously Bleha himself behind a sock account. I mean just look at it, ”I
can't be very specific” but spills out tons of specific details about himself, riddled with direct
contradictions to what Bleha himself has said about his online coaching, undulating grammar
(”somethings”), instantly recognizable Bleha lingo (”I heard a [i]female[/i]” interrupt him), says he
posted that on 4chan but no such thread actually exists and of course ”could you please post this in
[i]the official jason blaha thread[/i]” like Blahautism was a fucking fan thread.

Page 493
Vegan Gains rapes Bleha again:

Page 522
Another horrifying spreadsheet:

Page 526
Bleha talking shit about Vegan Gains:

Page 533
Eric Kanevsky back with another hilarious Bleha parody, [b]watch the last skit starting at 11:48[/b]:

Page 537
Vegan Gains responds to Bleha's shit talking with an absolute slaughter:
Calls him out on welfare leeching and mental illness within the first minute and half!

Page 546
Meet Kevin Mann, a guy who roasts the living fuck out of Bleha at around 4 minutes into this

Page 548
Vegan Gains BURIES Bleha with this video:
Mentions Cardio Gamer right at the start!

Page 551
Courtesy of @MassacreBlast

Page 559
Bleha gets blasted on

Page 570
Bleha claims one of his imaginary clients is real and will post evidence on youtube:

Page 571
Eric Kanevsky back with more Bleha parody videos!

Page 576
Bleha makes claim to having done 100 chinups every day for 2 months:
This is obviously complete bullshit, nobody does 100 chinups in a day and recovers well enough to
do it again day after day. Least of all this weak twig armed fat fuck who has never done more than
10 reps of chinups in one set and has pain threshold so low that he needs painkillers just to have a
fucking bandage changed.

Page 581
LOL @ this clumsy retard:

Page 583
LMAO look in the cupboard:

Page 584
Rosenberg has officially surpassed Bleha in youtube subscribers:

Page 586
This is like straight out of a gym fail compilation:

Page 591
Bleha posted this on his facebook, supposed to be one of his clients:
Notice how that mole on the guy's belly magically disappears in the after pic and a weird electrode
looking tattoo appears on his forearm, also Bleha said before that he wouldn't give any nutritional
advice...but putting somebody on a gallon of milk a day is perfectly fine, sure!

Page 595
LOL some deleting spree on December 13th!

Page 599
Blabla-haha reveals that Anna the Ex was actually involved in some porn back in the day:

Page 600
Some youtube dude named Solomon Nelson makes a Dank Net style summary of Bleha's youtube
I think Dank Net was better but this is pretty good too, except that he's kinda defending Bleha at the
beginning and the end. He brings up some exclusive gems like Nova's murder and Bleha bullying a

Page 602
The client from page 591 has been found, meet Mike Pucci:
19 years old, from Hillside Lake New York, obviously still lives with his parents, been an outcast
with self-esteem issues his whole life and was severely bulimic for 2 years. Also he seems off, and I
mean [i]way[/i] off:
Exactly the kind of mind Jason Bleha attracts.
By the way here's a relative of him, Chris Pucci:
Courtesy of various people

Page 606
We got another one, Joe Fazer is a twink from UK who gives money to an unemployed mentally ill
fat man who gets all his info from google:

Page 610
Mike Pucci is not very happy about the attention he's received from associating with Jason Bleha
and now considers giving up on youtube. He deleted this video rather quickly but our buddy
@priestofblaha aka @mobilephonelogin saved it:
Also a little inside joke for the fitmiscers...

Page 616
And so Mike Pucci takes down his youtube channel, although the other channel with one video on it
stays intact. A mirror channel with all the videos emerges but is quickly made private as we
collectively decided in the thread that we shouldn't bully Lil Pucci anymore.

Page 629
Dumbass Bleha doesn't understand how timezones work, also outs himself for uploading his
shitfisted videos at 5am on christmas morning:
Also still lying about his baldness:
If his beard gets any longer his face will bleed profusely.....yeah

Page 631
Remember Rosie Rosenkranz from Tommy's Garage? This is his new mail order bride:
Brought to you by Cuckzilla

Page 633
Some next level trolling in the youtube comments, [i]public transportation[/i] LOL:

Page 634
Courtesy of @randyaverage

Page 635
Dumbass fake coach thinks eggs are dairy:

Page 651
In far bigger news though, Bleha's channel rank on socialblade has dropped down to D MINUS!!

Page 654
Bleha's ”roundtable of coaches” that he talks about in some of his videos is actually these nobodies
that he messages on facebook:
Clint Darden
Russell Taylor
Justin Anderson
And of course Alec Enkiri whom you may remember from this absolutely embarrassing video that
he has since then taken down:
Also on the next page Cuckzilla tells you everything you need to know about Clint Darden

Page 656
What the FUCK is wrong with Marc Steubing lately???
Also rumors circulate that Steubing's mother has actually been dead for 6 years and when Bleha
spoke to her on the phone last year, he was actually speaking to Marc Steubing himself under a split
personality (like straight out of Psycho)

Page 663
@TheTruthHub joins the force

Page 672
@BLAHA_FAN joins the board. LOL!

Page 675
Bleha tries to talk shit to Ian McCarthy but gets quickly put in his place:

Page 676
Courtesy of @MassacreBlast

Page 678
Bleha facebook sperg circa 2011, he was liberal back then and also lying about the origins of his
And this is where his teeth started decaying:
Brought to you by @Harry Callahan
Also @CLIENT of Coach Blaha joins the board LMAO. He appears to be from Michigan, as
determined by our doxxmaster Cuckzilla

Page 685
The email address linked to Bleha's youtube account is, sign him
up for some spam

Page 691
Bleha gets put in his place on his own facebook page:
Courtesy of @dbrodeanu

Page 692
Another potential client has been found:

Page 693
Courtesy of MassacreBlast
Also Bleha finally shows us how bald he really is:
Of course he has to downplay it and be a condescending jackass about it in the comments but the
picture tells you all you need to know

Page 695
Jason Bleha logic:
”Guise I swear I'm NOT BALD I just shave my head! Not gonna prove it by growing my hair out
though, because I have psoriasis and I'm not going through fucking physical pain to prove
something to trolls on the internet, you just have to take my word on it. *stops shaving for 4 days*

Page 699
Bleha admitted site injections on his biceps back in 2014:

Page 706
There's an instagram account that uploads Bleha's lifting videos. It may or may not be actually his
but it's pretty pathetic either way, has like 15 followers right now:
Page 707
We have another 2 cucks who willingly throw their money away to the most overpriced online
coach in the world.
Justin Jackson:
And this anonymous dipshit on youtube:
Courtesy of Cuckzilla

Page 708
Eric Kanevsky just keeps roasting Bleha...

Page 710
Bleha claims that his Homeowners Association doesnt allow him to have standard issue blinds on
his windows instead of those ridiculous blue curtains:
Which of course is complete bullshit:

Page 721
Mike Pucci is back and is interviewed by some no name dipshits:
Bleha himself pimps the interview video on facebook:
And as expected, Jihad reigns over the video:

Page 722-723
Mike Pucci has a new youtube channel:
He uploaded one video from his former channel, prompting @priestofblaha the guy who mirrored
all of Pucci's original content but then set the channel to private, to make the most deviously
brilliant move possible and go under cover as ”Michael Puchinsky” to file a copyright claim against
Pucci's new video (this is possible because Mike Pucci deleted his original channel, thus
relinquishing any copyrights he had on his own videos).
Also, meet Tom Kelly, the dipshit who hosts the interview video (and is another client of Jason
And some of his family members..
This fucktard thought it was a good idea to mess with The Jihad

Page 726
A normal rationally thinking human being would have absolutely no reason to make this post:
Like seriously, I don't even have words for this

Page 727
Courtesy of MassacreBlast

Page 729
William Stewart feels the way I feel about muh high school diploma episode, but Bleha of course
can never admit when he's wrong:
[b]And a few moments later Bleha ended up deleting the whole high school diploma post! LOL![/b]

Page 730
A couple of Bleha nuthuggers:

Page 734
The ”Michael Puchinsky” spec op is successful!

Page 735
Bleha's channel's ”net worth” and current income estimation:

Page 736
Bleha is losing subscribers again!

Page 737
Bleha's second comment in this makes sense when you consider the fact that he forgot to sign into
one of his sock accounts before posting that comment:

Page 744
Courtesy of @zombie

Page 745
Steubz channeling his inner Norman Bates again:

Page 746
Mike Pucci tries to upload another video and it gets almost immediately taken down due to a
copyright claim from "Michael Puchinsky"!
@Cuckzilla passes the torch to @PriestOfBlaha, @CIA and @NotAll

Page 747
A list containing names for several Bleha sock accounts:
Courtesy of @yeecutty
Page 751
Tommy Kelly gets poetic on youtube and then gets put in his place:

Page 754
Uncoordinated mentally retarded Jason Bleha vol. God-knows-how-many:

Page 755
CIA has successfully created a script that can show us the comments Bleha has deleted from his
videos, posts a sample

Page 757
More samples courtesy of CIA:

Page 766
BLAHA-FAN banned! LOL!

Page 769
Eric Kanevsky goes to an expo as Jason Bleha LOL!

Page 774
Bleha makes claim that his ”stone cold serious” demeanor in his videos is just an act and he's really
a super funny guy joker in person, also ”Doug Schrift” might become a new client:

Page 778
LOL at fatfuck cumstain Bleha getting triggered by this comment and bombarding it with his sock

Page 782
CIA uses the data collected by his comment detecting script and makes this graph to illustrate how
much Bleha deletes comments at each hour of the day, the numbers you see are averages based on
data collected over the course of one week:
As we can all see there is no discernible sleeping pattern, Bleha just takes short naps all throughout
the day and deletes comments as soon as he wakes up

Page 784
The KEK is strong with zombie:
Page 787
Bleha trying to prove that there's a dislike bot defiling his videos but at the same time gives away
that his channel is under youtube scrutiny:
Some of his delusional ramblings about the topic:

Page 787-788
CIA posts a downloadable text file containing all the comments Bleha has deleted since January
Change the file to html (instructions in the thread) for a more coherent view

Page 792
LOL at Cumstain getting triggered by the Kanevsky parodies:
Also gets triggered at people questioning his strength (or lack thereof):

Page 793
People respond to Bleha's delusional ramblings about dislike bots by telling him the truth:
Also @yeecutty creates an archive containing every comment Bleha has ever posted on his own
videos to show how much time Cumstain spends on youtube:

Page 794
LMAO ”the most hated [b]women[/b] on youtube” KEK!!!
Also Mooncookie resurfaces on facebook, has a new dog that's gone missing:

Page 802 now has a section that shows the most active posters on Bleha's channel:

Page 804
yeecutty's guide to archiving youtube comments:
Also Bleha displaying lack of confidence on youtube once again:

Page 806 & 813

LMAO this imgur post has 89k views now!
The comment section is golden too:
Page 817
LMAO Bleha you retard that's not how business expenses work:
Also LOL:

Page 819
Circling the drain...
Courtesy of zombie

Page 821
Some youtube dipshit pimps Bleha's stolen 5x5 program but quickly deletes the video:

Page 822
Courtesy of @randyaverage

Page 827
Also he seems to have hurt himself pretty bad, just look at the agony on his face:

Page 830
Cope and lies:

Page 838
Good video from TruthHub:
Also LOL @ Bleha's sock accounts:

Page 839
A true first impression of Bleha:
Also we have found another client, who the fuck is this kid?

Page 841
Eric Kanevsky trolling a college as Jason Blaha:

Page 842
Our own RandyAverage awared this guy who was seen commenting on a Bleha video:
Page 843
CIA makes another graph for the deleted comments within the last 3 weeks, showing averages for
each hour of the day. Still no discernible sleeping pattern:

Page 849
Courtesy of MassacreBlast
Also there is a new anti-Bleha reddit, courtesy of FlexLuthor:

It's been rather uneventful lately but that of course is to be expected as Bleha's shitfisted channel
descends further and further into irrelevance. His views are in the shitter, his online coaching biz is
circling the drain with 7 clients and his only real life social interaction is with the PTSD inside his


Yo it's my main man [MENTION=170]MindlessWork[/MENTION]

Blahautism 14.0

Page 3
Bleha failing to switch to one of his sock accounts again LMAO:

Page 4

Page 5
Seems that Bleha has a reverse hyperextension machine now:
But LOL notice the couch pushed over to the right, this disgusting slob couldn't even carry it to
another room when he decided to give up on all social life and converted his living room into this

Page 8
@alexrosen is famous now:
Also Bleha's deleted comments from January 22nd to February 22nd, courtesy of CIA:
Just download and click open

Page 9
LOL somebody made a comparison between a 25-year-old beginner and Bleha:
Bleha's age is listed as 35 because the body photo is from 2011 but all the stats are fairly accurate

Page 20
Cumstain just keeps losing:
Also an old picture of Bleha's dad in bed with another man:

Page 25-27
Courtesy of @MassacreBlast and @zombie
Also dipping below 500k views per month now:

Page 28
LOL Bleha admits that he records his videos in a closet:
Trapped in a fucking closet talking about other men all day every day!

Page 30
Courtesy of zombie
Also Bleha doesn't want to admit his arms are small:

Page 31
Will Tennyson gives Bleha a shoutout on youtube and also links the ICF 5x5 program in the
This is bad because Will Tennyson happens to have a quite large following on youtube

Page 46
Bleha makes a 10 minute video frothing over the shoutout he got from Will Tennyson and Tennyson
is all over it right away:

Page 48
Will Tennyson's instagram:
Will Tennyson's linkedin page, he seems to be quite a business man outside of youtube:
2 college degrees and runs 2 small businesses, here's an interview with Will Tennyson and his
business partner at the ”Odds” company, Darren Sampson:
Wanna give Will Tennyson a call? Or an email maybe?
Page 53
Omar Isuf makes a video about online coaches:
And Bleha gets blasted in the comments:

Page 60
yeecutty made this picture to illustrate which words appear most frequently in Bleha's video titles,
the bigger the word the more often it has been used:

Page 65
Courtesy of MassacreBlast

Page 66
The definition of ”no one asked”:

Page 70
He's lost a front tooth now:

Page 83
zombie is the Rembrandt of our time:

Page 100
This ratfaced retard doesn't know how to set up a modem:

Page 103
zombie strikes again!
Also ”advanced lifter with [b]special considerations[/b]” AAHAHAHAHAHA:

Page 104
Worst youtube channel ever:

Page 107
The summary of Bleha's youtube career:
Courtesy of @cia

Page 113

Page 116
BlanoTheAutist shares some of his conversations with Mooncookie:
There's a lot of stuff but here are some choice cuts:

Page 120-121
This idiot just can't stop lying about his income:

Page 121
Bleha kissing Alan Aragon ass on facebook, hoping to get noticed:
Also his body is falling apart:

Page 125
Would you buy one of these?
Courtesy of NotMeAtAll

Page 126
Mooncookie goes behind the scenes of Bleha's stolen valor:

Page 132
Probably the stupidest lie he's recently come up with:
The claim gets quickly dismantled in the thread

Page 143
”I work very hard to convince people that I don't have a life”

Page 153
Bleha continues with the ”multiple properties” narrative and gets triggered when people question
him over it in the comments:

Page 162
Do NOT do facepulls like this!
Do them like this:

Page 165
Fatboy triggered when people point out his terrible form on facepulls:

Page 177
LOL @ the time gap between Bleha's 2 responses:

Page 180
Fatboy has no idea how to eat for weight loss:
Also fuck you Bleha:
EMG data actually shows ab wheel to be one of the best ab exercises

Page 188
Bleha begging for new online coaching clients:
It's never been easier to burn $250 every month without getting anything back!

Page 196-197
In other news, Marc Steubing's psycho past keeps coming out more and more as his former
girlfriend comes forward about Marc's love for Jason Blaha (can't make this up) and apparently he
even hit her at least once:
Almost immediately after this info came out Steubz deleted all of his videos and changed his
channel name to 0 0

Page 200-201
This is what comes up when you google Jason Blaha's name!

Page 204
@merc creates a discord chat server for all of us Blahautists as a backup in case fitmisc crashes
again and also to possibly chat about stuff that we wouldn't want to post here for whatever reason:

Page 217
Courtesy of @BadGenetics
Also Bleha videos mirrored on dailymotion:

Page 219
Fatboy is losing it:

Page 222
New youtube mirror channel:
Page 223
Ian McCarthy loses his mind and hires the worst online coach in the world:

Page 224
Ian McStruthers banned this person for hurting Fatboy's feelings:

Page 225
Bleha has no credentials:
Also, apparently Ian McStruthers gets his coaching for free:

Page 226
Why the fuck would you start selling your own merchandise if this is the amount of effort you're
gonna put into it?

Page 228
McCarthy you shit!

Page 230
Bleha bought a ton of facebook likes for this post:
Most of the "people" who liked that post aren't even english:
"Hey it me Siva, me no speak english but me like Jason Blaha facebook posting"

Page 234
Something crawled up his ass...
Also some more flipflopping:

Page 238
Another Bleha sock account:

Page 239
Courtesy of @Astronaut John Blano

Page 241
Fatboy is losing it (again):

Page 245
Thanks for confirming we get under your skin, fatboy

Page 246
New mirror channel courtesy of CIA:
Bleha's brain shutting off mid-video again:
Also Mooncookie resurfaces and plans on going back to Tommy's Garage?

Page 248 & 250

Bleha's "second property" doxxed, courtesy of Gisum Blowhole (not srs):

Page 252
This thing is being spotted in Bleha's videos:

Page 255
Genius lol:
Also @bathtubvb returns to the force and has Exposed TV, AskJasonBlaha and a huge bunch of
other Bleha related videos saved in his personal stash, will share them with trusted hajis so we can
get it all back online

Page 259
Meet Bleha's neighbor Michael Anthony Valverde:

Page 260
AskJasonBlaha channel mirrored and rebooted:
Exposed TV rebooted:
Also Alex Rosenberg resurfaces, unites with none other than Eric Kanevsky:
And then they visit the Cuck Compound:

Page 263
Fucking KEKD at this sock account:
Page 264
Would be really cool if Bleha could like stop posting for the rest of his life:
That's right, Eric Helms doesnt know how to train but this guy does:

Page 265
Jason Robson deserves to die:

Page 269-271
Alec Enkiri challenged Jeff Cavaliere to a deadlift contest:
This triggers freakied0550 to set up a huge youtube deadlift contest where he's inviting several
youtube fitness personalities to participate:
Obviously Fatboy didnt get invited LOL

Page 275
Fatboy getting triggered by comments again:

Page 278
More participants in the youtube deadlift contest:

Page 280
Gone in 60 seconds:

Page 286
Fat retard doesn't know what Spotify is LOL:

Page 287
Fatboy infiltrates 4chan to anonymously pimp his own fake online coaching biz:

Page 291-292
Courtesy of @Deep Purple:

Page 292
In other news, Jason Genova's youtube channel has been taken down after trolls went after
Genova's uncle.
Also why is this fat fuck still patrolling his comment section 24/7 if he's on vacation?!

Page 294
Some more courtesy of Deep Purple:
Also, how to spot a Jason Bleha sock account:

Page 295
Triggered when somebody states the obvious:

Page 296-297
New mirror channels:

Page 302
Short fat bald cuck wishes he was a tall slender handsome man:
Also what the hell is ”armature”?

Page 303
”I would lose massive amounts of produce time with this”

Page 304
Fatboy triggered again when other people know better than him:

Page 304-308
Bleha posts this shit on facebook, supposedly doing sled pulls at 4am but judging by the sunlight it's
nowhere near 4am:
Fatboy making various bullshit statements in the comment section, all of which are refuted in the
Also ”Hoa Timmons Lane” chimed in a little bit, LMAO:
The location where he took the pic is found:
This fucking mega autist carried that sled down the sidewalk one block away from his cuckhovel.
The general consensus at this point is that he didn't even do any actual sled pull workout (think
about the marks that shit would leave on the street) but rather just laid his shit down there on the
street to take a picture and then carried it all back home.
And as you can see in this picture:
There is no artificial lighting to create an illusion of that there ”4am” sunlight.
Courtesy of various people

Page 309-310
Michael Collins is killing me LOL:

Page 311
Share this video!

Page 314

Page 316

Page 325
We found another client, meet Patrick Wholey:
Apparently this kid has scoliosis and quite notable upper back kyphosis and of course Fatboy the
most incompetent unqualified coach in the world will have this kid doing good mornings and
pendlay rows (recipe for serious back injury).
He quickly disabled comments though when hajis came in to tell him that Fatboy is no good

Page 326
”Leo and Longevity” takes a steaming dump on Bleha at 11:39 of this video:

Page 329
SUPPORT this tweet!

Page 332
@Deep Purple is becoming the next @zombie at this rate:

Page 335
”Mental queues” fucking retard:

Page 336
Courtesy of Deep Purple

Page 339
Fatboy screaming at the sun again:

Page 343
Fucking LOL @ this idiot getting so triggered by a comment that he will write a response and then
come back minutes later to respond again and again until finally just bans the guy:

Page 345
Also LOL!!!!

Page 350
Deep Purple strikes again!

Page 351
Bleha has cancer growing out of his back again:
Also Jerry Ward roasts Bleha in a new interview:

Page 379
Paranormal Activity:
Courtesy of @badgenetics
Also LOL:
Courtesy of @deep purple

Page 382
Courtesy of @massacreblast

Page 386
zombie is back!
Page 392-393
Bleha posting a sobstory on youtube and facebook:
And no he was not 300 lbs in that picture.
Also he obviously bought likes for his post on facebook as evidenced here:

Page 396
Fatman creating loads of strawmen in this diary entry:

Page 401
Uncoordinated mentally retarded Jason Bleha:

Page 404
Courtesy of MassacreBlast

Page 407
Does anybody here find it odd how he specifically mentions cardiovascular disease and type 2
diabetes in this post?

Page 412
Bleha makes a video addressing the fake merc thing again, for god knows what reason:
He tries to take responsibility for all of it and admit the whole thing was stupid on his part but can't
help putting some of the blame on other people like the second ex-wife and Mooncookie as well as
veterans who supposedly sent him death threats (which of course, he won't show in the video so we
know it's all bullshit), the whole video is basically just a pile of shit and not worth anyone's time.
Also new mirror channel:

Page 415
Bleha weighs himself on camera and it's 219,6 lbs, strong yoyo diet progress lmao.
Also another new mirror channel:

Page 428
Some old Exposed TV videos available here:

Page 432
Bleha gets blasted on reddit for not knowing what E=mc[SUP]2[/SUP] stands for:

Page 436
New mirror channel:

Page 437
It appears Fatboy had a Steam account along with all the other accounts he has around the internet
(and unsurprisingly he's been banned from Steam too):
Information brought to you by @Julius Autismus
Also LMAO:
Courtesy of MassacreBlast

Page 443
Bleha claims this guy, Doug Schrift, is one of his clients:
Doug's own facebook:
Also worth noting, Doug is 5ft7 tall, a veteran and follows Layne Norton religiously.
Courtesy of Cuckzilla

Page 448
Bleha gets blasted on reddit again:

Page 452
This small channel named Vin DX offers good constructive criticism of Bleha's physique, training
style and diet:

Page 453
Bleha left a comment on this video:
And gets blasted for it:

Page 459
Justice for Nova!
Courtesy of @MassacreBlast

Page 500
Fatboy has now gone full circle and is doing rack pulls above the knee Alphadestiny style:
In the video he says he does this for grip training and acts like he's always considered this exercise
good for grip training but that of course is complete bullshit. He never once said anything about
rack pulls for grip training, he only ever said that rack pull above the knee is completely useless and
nobody should do it.

Page 505
LMAO check out this ”client testimonial”!
Also Bleha is denounced by Westside Barbell:

Page 507
New mirror channel:

Page 508
Delusional fat fuck thinks he can total 1600lbs while cutting down 20lbs:

Page 513
Mental fucking gymnastics lmao:
That's not how it works, fatboy

Page 517
Bleha mispronounces Jon Jones' name on video and doesn't live in the real world:

Page 518
The fact that this would actually be an improvement is disturbing:
Courtesy of @Deep Purple

Page 519
Bleha's views continue to dwindle:

Page 526
Throwback to the most embarrassing BodyByFinaplix posts ever known to man, courtesy of Deep

Page 528
New mirror channel:

Page 529
What are these disgusting lumps?

Page 535
Fat liar expects people to believe he has 18 inch arms:

Page 539
New mirror channel:

Page 540
A full reupload of the Alex Rosen & Jason Blaha interview video:

Page 544
Courtesy of Deep Purple

Page 546
Delusional fat fuck actually thinks he's 15% bodyfat:

Page 547
More art!

Page 548

Page 549
”Bigger in person”

Page 556
Courtesy of MassacreBlast

Page 557
Bleha invades Grindr:

Page 559
New mirror channel:

Page 564
Bleha was a joke already back in 2015:

Page 575
Bleha makes a video pimping some massaging machine called Rexogun:
And as expected, our reviews are rolling in LMAO:
Also Bleha makes up a blatantly obvious bullshit story about using the Rexogun on a female TSA
agent at the airport:

Page 576
Rexogun facebook page:

Page 579
It appears Rexogun has another website where Bleha is mentioned by name:

Page 580
I guess Fatboy's story about the TSA agent was true after all....
Courtesy of @Deep Purple, just like this:

Page 581-583
Rexogun deleted the reviews from their page and Bleha also deleted his Rexogun video,
We still have the video mirrored here:
This comment didnt last long:
Deep Purple invades Bleha's facebook with this masterpiece:
And as expected, Rexogun disavows Bleha:
The reviews are not on the website anymore but our good friend @cia was able to retrieve a cached
version of the page before the reviews were deleted, you can read all the funny reviews here:

Page 584
Bleha's facebook defiled again:
Courtesy of Deep Purple

Page 588
Bleha reinstated the Rexogun video
(Courtesy of @randyaverage)

Page 593
Fatboy is straight up mentally retarded:
Page 597
: Blahafail : vol 23412

Page 605
Bleha gets blasted by Natural Hypertrophy:

Page 608
Bleha is TRIGGERED by Natural Hypertrophy:

Page 620
Bleha invades some stooge's podcast:
Here's a link to the actual podcast but it's like 45 minutes of pure shit, not really worth listening to:
Cliffs courtesy of RandyAverage:
-Claims to live a stress free lifestyle and get 9 hours sleep (must be the alg-uh-rithm that deletes
comments pretty much 24/7 as proved by the comment scraping script)
-Claims to weigh 220
-Over half of his clients have 6 figure incomes, fucking fat moron doesnt realise how dumb this
sounds that this would even come up for discussion.
-Claims to promote healthy masculinity
-Claims to have been in the hydrogen and natural gas industry before youtube and that he did
a lot of field work and contract work out in the field, this fat cunt is trying to re write the stories
behind his previous lies
-Tells the clients who are young men that their squat is higher than giraffe pussy, their squat looks
like it just came back from a bob marley concert and they need to get so tight that their girlfriend
cant pull a pencil out of their ass with a tractor

Page 621
Stooge's instagram post gets hit with words of truth:
He ended up taking the instagram post down LOL. No mention of the podcast on his facebook
either, only the ad on his own website is left.
The stooge's wife also gets a heads up:

Page 622
The stooge gets hit with words of truth on facebook:
Page 623
The stooge essentially erases his youtube channel:

Page 624
And now the podcast is gone from the stooge's website too, LOL! Look at Bleha cry about it on

Page 628-629
The ONLY place on the internet where you can still hear the podcast in case you missed it:
Also another client pops up in Fatboy's comment section:
Naturally, the client aka Adam Waddington gets doxxed real quick:
Also another fine work of art courtesy of Deep Purple:

Page 631
3 years ago Fatboy got trolled real hard and the comment clearly went right over his head:

Page 638
Deep Purple gets free promotion:

Page 641
Courtesy of MassacreBlast

Page 642
Bleha claims he's getting shit sent to him every month lmao:

Page 651
Pathetic little man lying about his income again:
$70K a year off of 23 non-existent clients, [b]doesn't have a car and lives in a rented condo[/b]

Page 653
This appears to be Bleha's account on Steam:
Courtesy of @NotAll
Also Bleha gets blasted by Kali Muscle:
@ 1:20

Page 654
Bleha getting [b]triggered[/b] by Kali Muscle's video:

Page 655
God hates him:
Also Bleha has a page on
And on
Courtesy of @NotAll

Page 657
Trapped in a fucking closet talking about other men all day:
Also Bleha's real life reputation is about as low as his internet reputation:

Page 661
The Official Jason Blaha Art Gallery is open, from now on all photoshops and gifs will be posted

Page 663-664
Disgusting fucker eating off of his sweat stained box again:

Page 680
Bleha posts this picture of himself in a walmart bathroom:
Nice fanny pack & shoulder purse combo LMAO

Page 704
Bleha's facebook followers are abandoning ship at a frantic pace:

Page 705
Lmao NOBODY likes Bleha anymore!

Page 706
Bleha gets blasted by Eric Kanevsky:
When Bleha said Kanevsky would discuss his roid stack as a teenager openly on forums that was A
LIE. In reality Kanevsky just asked Bleha himself to explain to Kanevsky's mom that his roiding
isnt that dangerous.

Page 735-736
Stolen valor vicariously through imaginary clients:

Page 751
Bleha's stolen 5x5 program is being promoted on strongchap website:

Also Bleha uploaded a video showing lifting footage of his ”clients” but of course there's nothing in
any of the video clips that would even indicate these people have actually hired him as their coach.
In other words, no proof no care.


Blahautism 15.0**Blahautism-The-Jason-Blaha-Story-15-

Page 2
Fatboy loses electricity and therefore cant do videos:
Also LOL:

Page 9
Greg Doucette comments on Bleha's video and triggers him beyond belief:
Fatboy even went on to make a rambling internet tough guy video about it:
Gets called out on being an internet tough guy in the comments and responds by coping his fat ass

Page 12
Toothless fatboy trying to casually deflect his toothlessness:
Also Big J is still on our side:

Page 13
Bleha gets blasted on

Page 16
Subtle troll makes Bleha die a little more inside:
The edit was him adding in ”Congratulations though!”

Page 25
Bloho makes a video showing lifting footage from a client named ”Mikey”

Page 26
Another obvious sock account:

Page 31
Another new client found: Antonio's Strength and Conditioning
This dude kinda reminds me of Marc Steubing; his mannerisms, the way he talks, the way he thinks
Also one of our bros @dbrodeanu used to chat with this guy in old school runescape.

Page 36
Not just an online coach but an online therapist as well:
Also Antonio is retarded:

Page 39
Toothless Bloho getting ridiculed in his comments again:

Page 40
Fatboy again trying to make it look like he owns multiple properties but really just admits he's a

Page 45
Eating yoghurt on camera:

Page 51
A picture of ”Mikey”:
Page 53
Clarence Kennedy comments on one of Fatboy's videos and is friendly to him for god knows what
Also Fatboy himself claims plastic and water can expire:

Page 56
Natural Hypertrophy makes a video claiming that he has infiltrated Faboy's fake online coaching
biz and found proof that Bleha really doesn't have any clients and the lifting footage he has posted
in some of his videos actually comes from random people who when asked about it don't even know
who Jason Blaha is, let alone pay him for online coaching. Natural Hypertrophy will post his proof
eventually but for now he wants to avoid compromising his sources:

Page 65
In somewhat related news, Rosenberg has been getting some hate for making nigger jokes on
livestreams and stuff like that:

Page 67
Our own Jacob tried to sign up for Bleha's online coaching but never got a response, strongly
suggesting that not only does Fatboy not have any actual clients but he doesn't even want to

Page 69
Caught in another stupid lie:

Page 78
Our own Deep Purple posts a video of some kid making fun of Bleha:

Page 83
Gisum Blowhole posts a download link to a video with a huge bunch of funny photoshops and the
Layne Norton podcast clip as the audio track:
Only available for 30 days so get it quickly!

Page 84-85
Gisum Blowhole posts a huge bunch of downloadables, also shows a full list of all the Bleha related
videos in his stash in case you need some:

Page 85
You can watch Bleha's old pissening stolen valor videos here:
Also some other old ments:
Discord autism group therapy session featuring Fatboy (at 12:30)
Page 86
InnerCity posts a list of askjasonblaha videos in his collection:

Page 93
Pelican Blaha:

Page 119
Seems that Mooncookie has resurfaced and now has a new baby:
“Not a breeder” huh Jason? LOL! She just didn’t want to do it with you!

Page 129
Tommy's Garage people are not in good terms with Bleha (or us for that matter but oh well)

Page 136
Bleha makes an asinine video about Vegan Gains' recent injury and Vegan Gains responds:

Page 137
Bleha claims this is what he eats currently:
Cutting on 2441,6 calories, obviously has no idea where his maintenance level is

Page 139
Bleha goes grocery shopping:
That's quite pathetic lmao

Page 144
Bleha makes another bottom-tier video about Vegan Gains and he responds:

Page 145
Faboy is shook:

Page 146
Fatboy screaming at the sun (yet again)

Page 147
Whining about Vegan Gains on facebook now:

Page 153-157
Who the fuck eats FROZEN walnuts and almonds???
This is retarded on so many levels....

Page 154
Why has he held on to 30+ shirts that supposedly should be thrown out?

Page 155
Fatboy claims to do sled drags on grass:
Yeah, what grass fatboy?

Page 157
Bleha flip flopping as usual:

Page 158
Bleha literally made a sock account to send himself this comment:
Also good old Rexogun getting assblasted by legitimate reviews:

Page 160
Bleha went grocery shopping again:

Page 161
Bleha claims to have all these CEOs, MMA fighters, soldiers, powerlifters etc as clients but all we
get to see is mentally challenged reclusive teenagers:

Page 163
Another poverty grocery trip:

Page 179-181
The forum gets invaded by thousands of spambots and the thread takes a hit as well, Nine even had
to disable registration fo the time being. MindlessWork deleted the spam posts.

Page 185
Apparently fatboy client Antonio's Strength and Conditioning competed in a powerlifting meet and
won first place:
Because he was the ONLY competitor in his class!
There were only 3 people competing in the 220 weight class, Antonio was the only one in the
Juniors 20-23 division. One of the other 2 guys didn't even do the bench press or the squat.
Sometimes nobody shows up and you automatically win!

Page 190
Bleha does a 2 and half hour interview with some insignificant little ant channel called
Underground Sound. I'm not gonna watch the whole thing but the comment section is pretty fire:

Page 196
Fatboy claims he has a new female client named ”Emma” and uses footage of her on a video:

Page 198
This is NOT how you're supposed to build shoulders:

Page 201
Something has happened to Vegan Gains?
All videos gone

Page 203
”Bigger than Arnold”

Page 211
Fatboy's safespace has been found, there is a ”strength training 101” facebook group where posts
actively for the past 9 months:
Apparently they also have very strict rules on what you are allowed to post there (can't tell Jason
Blaha he's a fat frauding retard or you'll get kicked out) and also on what kind of people they let in,
must be a real facebook page and you must prove to them that you're not a novice lifter....even
though the group is ”dedicated to helping people maximize results on novice programs”. So
basically a bunch of know-nothing would-be experts like Bloho himself jerking eachother off with
beginner knowledge? Nice!
Corutesy of @Cuckleberrie

Page 212
New member @alphawhale infiltrated the group and caught Jason Blaha with a dick in his mouth:

Page 214
LOL @ tio mike (”tio” means ”uncle” in portuguese):

Page 221
Our own @ Zippy2Dix copypasted a Bleha post from the strength group where Bleha says that after
”20 years in the iron game” he's only now starting to get a basic grasp of the fundamentals:

Page 227
”Emma” is found:
Courtesy of @AlphaWhale

Page 251
Court document screenshots related to Fatboy's now famous criminal record, courtesy of RexGuru:

Page 252
A known poster on GetBig forums named Vince Goodrum makes a video calling bullshit on Bleha's
ridiculous claims of coaching income:

Page 254
Fatboy at the grocery store again:

Page 256
Fatboy spotted in public!
The identity of ”the bodybuilding bro” remains a mystery for now but the location is recognized as
the Goode and Co restaurant which is about 1,6 miles from Fatboy's home.
Bleha also leaves a cryptic note on facebook:
As well as posts this absolute embarrassment:
Age: 44 (<LOL!!)

Page 258
That looks disgusting!

Page 262-263
Bleha follows through with his cryptic facebook note and participates in some kind of a costume
deadlift charity event (where he dressed as a deformed spartan):
Apparently he deadlifted 625lbs, attempted 635 but failed:
Notice the complete dead silence as Fatboy waddles off the platform, then the crowd comes back to
life when the jacked santa prepares to lift:
The charity event was apparently organized by a gym named Woodland Strength, here's some
contact links to them:
Promoting the costume deadlift party:

Page 264
Then jacked santa posted about the deadlift party on his own instagram and specifically cropped
Fatboy out of the group photo LMAO:
But just to play it safe....:

Page 265
He didn't know but now he does:

Page 267
Fatboy's 625lb deadlift, notice how his right hand loses grip and he has to put the bar down:

Page 268
Fatboy makes a disrespectful self-serving facebook post about the charity event and gets raped for
Also, a haji talking to jacked santa:
Fatboy reads fitmisc and sees what we're doing so he grovels before jacked santa while trying to
feed him some bullshit along the way:

Page 269
A full video of the charity event filmed by jacked santa:

Page 271
Apparently (and unfortunately) jacked santa seems to have accepted Fatboy's groveling apology:
”High testosterone” my fucking ass LMAO:
Page 272
Choice cuts of the charity event uploaded on an alternative platform, courtesy of our good friend
Gisum Blowhole:
And here's one with a more appropriate soundtrack:
And while youre at it, check out the channel that uploaded those videos:
Plenty of menty fatboy material, including some Exposed TV videos and the original Clinton Years

Page 275
Bleha makes a video talking about the charity event, also visibly upset by us talking to jacked santa:

Page 278
More footage of fatboy at the event:

Page 289
Fatboy lying about his monthly youtube views for no reason at all:

Page 291
Remember ”Emma”? Here's her youtube page:
And her facebook:
Emma and her husband:
Her husband's facebook:
They sell leaf filters:

Page 306
Fatboy went outside:
Satellite image of the area:

Page 310
Fatboy finally [b]admits[/b] he doesn't have a car!

Page 340
Fatboy's skin cancer is getting worse:
Page 341
Fatboy found another impressionable retard to prey on:

Page 342
Seems that the Latino Heat who knocked up Mooncookie has bounced:

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