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Dosen Pembimbing

Satya Perdana, S.S., M.A.

Disusun Oleh :

Nama : Muhammad Allta Lintang Pratama

NIM : 21601244008

Kelas : PJKR A




Journey Learning Process In My Class

Introduce my self, my name is Muhammad Allta Lintang Pratama, I study at

Yogyakarta State University with a study program in Physical Education, Health and
Recreation. In my lectures, there are English courses which are taught by Mr. Satya Perdana,
SS, MA. During the English courses I am very happy but sometimes I find it difficult to learn
English because of my lack of English skills, I am happy because Mr. Satya In his English
lectures, he can be friendly and easy to get along with his students. I hope the English course
can be useful in the future and hopefully this course can add to my skills in English and can
be applied in everyday life.

I am very interested in the way Mr. Satya teach because we don't have to be agile to
speak English but we have to know how to pronounce word for word to be able to speak
English properly. Then I will continue to try to apply what I have learned while studying with
you. Because English is needed both in lectures and in the world of work. I wish you good
health and good luck for your future career.Thank you Mr. Satya for educating us patiently
Maintaining Physical Endurance In Rugby

Arranged By :

Name : Muhammad Allta Lintang Ptratama

NIM : 21601244008
Class : PJKR A





A. General Facts
The sport of rugby was founded in Indonesia in May 2004, under the association of
the Indonesian Rugby Union (PRUI). PRUI has been a full member of the Asian Football
Rugby Union (AFRU) since October 2005 and also an associate and member of the
International Rugby Board / International Rugby Board (IRB) since 2008. On 21 February
2013 PRUI became a permanent member of the Indonesian National Sports Committee
(KONI). . Rugby was introduced in more than 12 provinces in 2017, including the Special
Region of Yogyakarta (DIY).

Rugby is characterized as a very hard sport because in this sport it is allowed to make
physical contact to stop opposing players who are carrying the ball, whether it is catching,
hitting, attacking the opposing player's body such as the body or legs (BeritaSatu.com,
2013). Although known as a physically tough sport, the number of fans of the sport of
Rugby on the international scene is not small, whether it is as players or merely as

Rugby is a grueling sport. Bompa and Claro in their book entitled Periodization In
Rugby discuss how dangerous the effects of fatigue are. The way that can be done to
prevent fatigue when competing in rugby is to do exercises according to the needs during
the match. “The winner of a game is often the team who fatigues last!” (Bompa 3 & Claro,
2009). All movements involved in rugby require various needs including: strength, speed,
endurance (aerobic and anaerobic), coordination/agility. This is the dominant biomotor
ability for rugby.

The author knows the sport of rugby from the supervisor of the Athletics course,
namely Mr. Abdul Mahfudin Alim, M.Pd. The author has also followed and studied rugby
since the beginning of studying at the State University of Yogyakarta until now. Currently
the author is participating in the Sleman Regency rugby team which will later participate in
various competitions both regionally and nationally. The author hopes that participating in
rugby sports can improve fitness, health, and achievements both regionally, nationally, and
even internationally.
B. Purpose
The purpose of writing this paper is to see and examine the diminishing physical
strength of a rugby athlete, also aims that we can assess and know the right technique to
increase physical strength in rugby, so that in the match later it is not easy to get tired and
strong power in the match. After understanding the increase in physical strength in rugby, it
is hoped that the reader will be able to apply the physical activities described in this paper to
improve and support physical condition.

C. Background
Based on the various descriptions above, the author intends to introduce the sport of
rugby to a wider audience, because there are still many people who are not familiar with the
sport of rugby. After knowing what rugby is, by reading this paper the reader can
understand what rugby is and how to increase physical strength to support physical
endurance in rugby.

D. Theory
Rugby is a sport that must have a high level of strength, power, speed and endurance.
For a rugby player to have the power of a strong push-off/propulsion applied to the ground
to quickly move the body in the desired direction the ability to develop aggressiveness
Direct opponents, in particular the resistance presented on them in contact should be
increased by increasing or maintaining the desired level of strength only if it is possible that
adequate training continues to be given. When strength training decreases or stops, as is
often the case during competition or long transitional phases, there is a disturbance in the
biological state of muscle cells and organs.

E. Hypothesis
Rugby is a sport that is full of physical contact and tends to be harsh in its application.
However, rugby has a myriad of benefits contained in it, one of the benefits of rugby is high
sportsmanship. During the match, rugby athletes must take care of each other's emotions
and egos, in order to create conditions of respect for each other and respect for the decisions
of the referee.
However, it is no less important than sportsmanship, namely the athlete's condition,
because the athlete's condition is very influential during the match. By maintaining the
athlete's physical condition, it can improve the athlete's performance in the field so that the
team can carry out the maximum strategy in order to get maximum points. Therefore,
athletes must always maintain their physical condition.



A. General Facts

Rugby is a full body contact sport, played continuously or continuously, thus

requiring the achievement of a high level of physical fitness. Based on this, a rugby team
must have athletes with good physical endurance such as aerobic endurance, anaerobic
power, and muscle strength.

Rugby athletes are required to have good physical condition because they are
required to be able to play or compete for 2 (two) rounds (2 x 40 minutes). Rugby athletes
in playing games or competitions inevitably have to face a hard collision (body collision),
or have to move, do line outs, scrums, and rugs, and run at full speed or agility/dodge in
avoiding opponents. The benefit of physical conditions for rugby is that athletes can play
with good stamina during matches.

Rugby athlete can achieve optimal physical condition if he starts training from an
early age and is carried out continuously and continuously by adhering to the basic
principles of training. A person's physical condition can be maintained by doing various
kinds of exercises to support the ability and physical endurance of a rugby athlete.

Good physical condition has several advantages, including being able and easy to
learn relatively difficult skills, not getting tired easily when participating in training or
competitions, training programs can be completed without having many obstacles and
being able to face the competition optimally. Physical conditions are very necessary for an
athlete, because without being supported by excellent physical conditions, the achievement
of peak performance will experience many obstacles, and it is impossible to achieve high

B. Literature Review
Rugby is a collision sport that is played continuously or continuously and requires a
high level of physical fitness. (Hudson & Davies, 1983: 176).
Physical condition is one of the indispensable requirements in an effort to increase
the achievement of an athlete, even as a basic starting point for an achievement sport.
(Sajoto, 1988: 57).

C. Research Relevant
This research is relevant to the research of Firma Nur Azizi Hartono entitled
study discusses how to maintain the condition and physical endurance of rugby players
before competing or competing.The method used in this study is a survey method with test
and measurement techniques. The survey method is a method that is usually carried out with
many subjects, to collect opinions or information about the status of symptoms at the time
of the study. Information obtained from research surveys can be collected from the entire
population and can also be collected from a portion of the population. This research was
conducted on the athletic track of the UNY stadium and the UNY FIK fitness hall. The
event will be held on Saturday 7 July 2018.

In addition, this research is also relevant to the research conducted with Ardhika
Falaahudin, Yulius Agung Saputro, Imam Andriyanto, entitled "Training for Short-Term
Exercise Program Planning in February-April this method is the Jakarta International Rugby
method". The method used in this study uses a mix of pull feedback and push methods
input. This study aims to determine the right training pattern in preparing for a match and to
prepare the athlete's condition to maintain physical endurance.

D. Structure Thingking

Rugby Athlete's Physical Endurance

Rugby Athlete's Physical Endurance

Benefits of maintaining Physical Condition

Impact of Physical Resistance on Competition



A. Conclusion

Rugby is a full body contact sport, played continuously or continuously, thus

requiring the achievement of a high level of physical fitness. Based on this, a rugby athlete
must have good physical endurance. Physical condition is an important thing that forms the
basis for developing techniques, tactics, and strategies in playing rugby.

In order to support the athlete’s achievement, it must also be balanced with the
provision of training patterns that can improve the athlete’s physical condition. Rugby is a
team sport. A team will be able to present a good and interesting game if the team has
cohesiveness, meaning cooperation between players, discipline, and regular and complete
participation of players during training and matches. A good and interesting game will be
realized if every player can master the basic techniques, tactics, and strategies in the game of
rugby. To have good basic technical skills, tactics, and accurate strategies, every player is
required to have good physical fitness or physical condition as well.

Rugby athletes who are in good physical condition have several advantages,
including being able to complete training programs without significant problems,
maintaining better stamina or not getting tired easily during training or competitions, and
being able to learn relatively difficult skills with ease. Excellent physical condition is needed
by an athlete to achieve higher achievements. With this paper, it is hoped that coaches and
athletes can find out the status of the physical condition of athletes or rugby players, so that
coaches and athletes can arrange and retrain training schedules to maintain and improve the
physical condition of athletes so that they can achieve high achievements.

Hartono Firma Nur Azizi. (2018). Profil Kondisi Fisik Pemain Rugby Uny Tahun
2018. Skripsi a untuk Memenuhi Sebagian Persyaratan guna Memperoleh Gelar Sarjana
Pendidikan (1 -150).

Falaahudin Ardhika,dkk. (2020). Pelatihan Perencanaan Progam Latihan Jangka

Pendek Pada Bulan Februari-April 2020 Untuk Kejuaraan Jakarta Internasional Rugby 10s.
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat. 1(01). 8-16.

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