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Article in ACM SIGCHI Bulletin · January 1988

DOI: 10.1145/49108.1045604

119 1,493

2 authors, including:

John M. Carroll
Pennsylvania State University


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We are in many ways just getting started on the proble m the system was probably no easier than other more
of developing a set of concepts and a vocabulary fo r conventional systems of that period (Carroll and Mazur ,
describing the quality of software and in particular its 1986) . The learning problems were different in som e
usability. Consider : easy to use, easy to learn, use r respects to be sure, but there were plenty of them .
friendly, productive, fun . How do these, and other terms Nevertheless, judging from the popular and trade pres s
used to describe software differ ; how do they overlap? In reviews and the impacts on later system interface designs,
this paper, we examine the confusion between being fun people really liked the Lisa-style interface, and that i s
and being easy, as these terms are applied to end-use r very important . We suggest that the Lisa is in fact a n
software and systems . This confusion is interesting in example of a system that was relatively more fun ,
that we can ask how such a circumstance might have eve r although not necessarily more easy to learn and use .
occurred . It is challenging in that we need to separately
clarify the concepts of ease and fun, if they are to provid e What is the relationship between ease and fun? For us ,
us any analytical leverage in understanding softwar e ease fundamentally implies simplicity . Things that are
quality . easy are learned quickly, with few steps and few errors .
They can be communicated to others with few words an d
THE CONFUSION BETWEEN FUN AND EAS E performed fluently . Fun not only fails to carry thi s
When the ascription easy is applied to a system or some monolithic implication of simplicity, but ofte n
software, for example, in a trade press review, wha t contradicts it (e .g., learning to operate a new foo d
exactly is being alleged? Invocation of the term easy i s processor or to hit curve balls) . Paradigmatic example s
rarely based on any real measurement of the behavior of offun indeed must have sufficient complexity or they fal l
humans actually using the system or software . Peopl e flat (jokes that are too obvious, games that are no t
who call software easy have rarely spent the time makin g challenging) . The complexity must appear warranted t o
the usability measurements and observations that migh t the person (tacking on ad hoc complications will no t
seriously sustain this judgment . They don't really kno w evoke fun) . It seems that things are fun when we expec t
whether the software is easy or not in any technical sense . them to be of moderate complexity (interesting bu t
But whatever it is that they are basing their judgments o n tractable) and then in fact find them to be so (i .e ., not
is still of interest, for often these judgments express a too difficult or too easy) .
consensus view .
We admit, however, that there are complications inheren t
An example of what we have in mind can be found in th e in splitting fun from ease . To begin with, it does see m
story of the Lisa system . During its lifetime (1983-1985 ) that there can be tangling attributions involving both .
Lisa was widely labeled as a breakthrough in ease—eas e Thus, if the experience of learning to use a particula r
of use and ease of learning . However, a laboratory stud y piece of software is fun (because it has been structure d
of professionals learning to use Lisa revealed that in fact into a training game, for example), one might also come

SIGCHI Bulletin 21 January 1988 Volume 19 Number 3

to believe that the learning was easy in the sense that i t intrinsic reward of the colored pencils alone was a
required relatively less discipline, teeth grinding, etc . t o stronger incentive than the extrinsic reward offered fo r
accomplish . Conversely, if learning to use a piece of playing with them, and that in fact, offering the extrinsic
software is easy (i .e ., takes very little time, very fe w reward weakened the attractiveness of the pencils .
steps), then one might similarly come to believe that th e
learning was fun in the sense that it was relativel y This work has stimulated some analysis of compute r
pleasant compared with other software learning environments and the sources of intrinsic reward tha t
experiences(!) . may (or may not be) exploited by them . Malone (1981 ,
1984) analyzed the attractiveness of educationa l
But even aside from tangling attributions, there ar e computer games for children, stressing the capacity of th e
plausible causal connections between ease and fun . If a games to promote an intrinsic motivation toward
system is more fun, it stands to reason that it will be used learning . Children playing these games are encouraged t o
more, which could have the effect of promoting mor e construe difficulty as challenge, unfamiliarity as fantasy ,
thorough learning, which in turn would make it easier t o and uncertainty as curiosity . Thus, instead of having t o
use at least in the long term . This scenario makes th e rely on an extrinsic incentive, like a teacher's praise, i n
problem begin to seem like asking whether the chicke n order to overcome difficulty, unfamiliarity, an d
caused the egg or the reverse . The difficulties in splittin g uncertainty, the child decides himself to take on
ease and fun are complemented by the psychological challenge and fantasy . This intrinsic, self-generate d
mechanism of "cognitive consistency" (Festinger, 1957), motivation is more powerful .
the tendency for people to rationalize all their belief s
into a simple and highly consistent framework . The drive Carroll (1982) analyzed adult navigational games lik e
for cognitive consistency encourages people t o Adventure . Games are typically divided into episodes o r
subjectively smear their impressions into monolithi c phases, and these in turn are clearly subdivided, givin g
categorizations . Thus, despite the details of whether a the user a sense of place in the game scenario . Within an
system is seen as fun because it is easy, seen as eas y episode, games are very responsive : when the user doe s
because it is fun, or even eventually experienced as eas y something, it has a visible consequence . Making progres s
because it was initially fun and therefore got used a lot , toward situational goals is also made obvious (e .g., by a
there is a tendency for people to generalize across detail s score) . These properties of spatiality, interactiveness, an d
and more simply classify the system as "good"—meanin g feedback are sources of intrinsic motivation and draw th e
easy, fun, and perhaps more besides . Indeed, the only user into the game . The object of a game is to succeed ,
way to avoid subjective smearing like this is to place both but games also typically encourage the attitude that it i s
systems side by side and force the contrasts out in a all right to fail . Moreover, the consequence of failing i s
usability experiment . cushioned : nothing too terrible happens . Both of thes e
properties encourage users to take risks they might, i n
HOW IMPORTANT IS FUN ? other situations, eschew . Finally, a game always project s
The potential for confusion between ease and fun is to the user some sense of control ; the person always ha s
serious . As we have argued, it is often difficult for peopl e substantial influence on the outcome . Clearly, some o f
to split the two in analyzing their own experience, yet it these techniques are not exploited by current softwar e
is necessary to do this if we are to understand software and systems . Users often have little sense of where the y
quality (and improve it) . To the extent that we confus e are in a system or task scenario or of whether they are
the two, we may be doing the wrong things to improv e making progress ; errors can be catastrophic (e .g. ,
software quality . This confusion could lead to the accidentally reformatting a hard disk) . But clearly als o
recommendation that the key to software quality is t o many such techniques could be exploited . For example,
make software as simple as possible . (Indeed, thi s presenting an interface that is initially simple but
conclusion is often voiced now in discussions of increases its complexity over time to challenge the user :
usability .) Yet, as we observed above, fun requires tha t success is within reach at each stage, but becomes mor e
things not be as simple as possible . Our view is that th e and more demanding. Interfaces that arouse imagery an d
issues are more subtle, that we do not necessarily want t o emotions via the use of metaphors (animated mess y
merely make things as simple as possible . We ought t o desks) can stimulate fantasy . Providing novel stimulatio n
make them fun . via the use of media (sound, graphics) or randomnes s
and humor can stimulate curiosity .
Experiences that are fun are more attractive to people of
course, but fun is also likely to have powerful influence s These ideas are tantalizing . There are, of course, alread y
on what people will even try to do and on how long they commercial systems that have exploited some of them .
will persist . In a classic experiment, Lepper, Green an d The metaphoric icons of the Lisa are manipulated b y
Nisbett (1973) studied a situation in which childre n pointing gestures and create a fantasy electronic deskto p
played with colored pencils . Half the children were for the user . The high resolution graphic presentatio n
simply allowed to play with the pencils, the other hal f helps create a sense of spatiality in which data an d
were rewarded for doing so . The effect of this operations are there . The simple mouse pointing devic e
manipulation was that the unrewarded children played enhances the interactiveness of the system and the sens e
with the pencils longer than those who had bee n of control the user feels. But despite a growing numbe r
rewarded . Lepper, Green and Nisbett suggested that the of such examples, it is still more striking that there is a

SIGCHI Bulletin 22 January 1988 Volume 19 Number 3

paucity of work on fun in user interfaces . This is worries about uncertainty (for example, many game s
unfortunate because fun is not only important in itsel f allow the player to save the game state before tryin g
(providing intrinsic reward to users) but, as we hav e something risky—the saved state can be recalled if al l
suggested, it is frequently tangled up with ease in people's does not go well) . However, people differ on the degre e
thinking about usability, and therefore can be a double - of risk they are willing to take ; tasks differ in terms o f
whammy impact on. buying decisions in computing . how much risk is associated with failure . Introducing
Perhaps worst of all, the general lack of attention to fun , uncertainty into a flight simulator game probabl y
and to motivational issues generally, is more clearly i n makes it more enjoyable . Introducing uncertainty into a
evidence in the research world than in the developmen t text editor or spreadsheet may or may not make it mor e
world ! enjoyable . What are the underlying differences here an d
from what do they arise?
So why has fun not been studied more thoroughly? On e
important reason is that it is difficult to empirically Fantasy is an aspect of games that also raises question s
measure . Ease can be measured in terms of th e about real work systems . Carroll and Thomas (1982 )
performance time, time to learn, inventories and count s suggested that logically equivalent tasks may b e
of errors . How do you measure fun? One interface migh t represented in various forms, thus helping to make
indeed be more fun than another but still not make user s routine tasks more intrinsically interesting . The y
laugh out loud . Another reason for the shortage of wor k imagined a situation in which a factory control jo b
on fun lies in the politics of research . Clearly, one can see could be presented to the worker as a variety of virtual
researchers could be somewhat inhibited about studyin g tasks (e .g . piloting an airplane) . The worker could b e
fun . Would a computer scientist who tries to build a performing the same information processing tasks, bu t
professional career studying fun be taken seriously? under different metaphoric cover stories . This strategy
could address the boredom and vigilance problems tha t
WE NEED TO STUDY FU N often inhere in very routine tasks . But it clearly raises
To this point, we have suggested that there is a commo n other issues too : Would virtual tasks, however well -
confusion in discussions of usability that conflates ease intentioned, seem exploitive to workers? Would the y
and fun . We have argued that this confusion is importan t ultimately be distractions that just get in the way ?
because designers will have to do different things t o
achieve these different ends . Finally, we have argued that Curiosity also might be exploited . Reading narrativ e
fun is potentially very important in its own right . Fro m texts, like novels, arouses curiosity by presentin g
this, we reason that there is an important need to develo p material embedded in a coherent thematic structure .
a research program in fun and motivation . We have littl e This structure causes readers to pose questions t o
to go on . The only extant empirical work, that o f themselves, and then later answers these questions .
Malone, focused on children playing educational games . Other textual structures stimulate curiosity far less—fo r
There may be quite a leap from there to typical compute r example, the parts list structure of reference
applications (accountants learning to use spreadsheets) . documentation . The tradition of presenting softwar e
How relevant that work will really turn out to be is a n and system documentation in businesslike, formal and
open question. dry prose is perhaps missing an opportunity to motivate
users to pay attention . Perhaps a narrative story abou t
Indeed, Malone (1981) himself raised the point tha t a scenario of use would be more intrinsically motivatin g
interacting with a game could be fundamentall y than a list of key functions and their syntax . Perhap s
different from using a computer tool to complete a this would lead to better learning and performance .
practical task . Sources of intrinsic motivation in game s
might not have the same effectiveness whe n We realize that many people will read this article as a
implemented in computer tools . There surely are many sort of joke . To this extent, we are the victims of ou r
differences between playing games and doing work , own analysis : there are risks in being serious about fun .
differences in the outcomes we and others expect , Still though, we continue to see, without humor, th e
differences in how intimately we identify ourselves wit h prospect of a decade of research analysis of usabilit y
the activity, differences in the situationa l possibly failing to provide the leverage it could o n
appropriateness of engaging in the activity . Currently , designing systems people will really want to use b y
we have some understanding of fun based on games, ignoring what could be a very potent determinant o f
but we have no understanding of how people feel abou t subjective judgments of usability—fun .
or relate to tools they use . We do not even have a
framework for posing such questions .
Consider the question of uncertainty and risk . Carroll We are grateful to Amy Aaronson, Rick Herder an d
(1982) suggested that games are motivating in par t Jeff Kelley for commenting on earlier versions of thi s
because they project to the user the presumption that article .
being uncertain is all right, that risk taking i s
appropriate and necessary . He suggested that trainin g BIBLIOGRAPH Y
environments for computer software might be mor e Carroll, J .M . 1982 . The adventure of getting to know a
effective if they also encouraged risk taking and eased computer . IEEE Computer, 15/11, 49-58 .

SIGCHI Bulletin 23 January 1988 Volume 19 Number 3

Carroll, J .M . and Mazur, S .A . 1986 . LisaLearning . rewards : A test of the overjustification hypothesis .
IEEE Computer, 19/ 11, 35-49 . Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 28 ,
129-137 .
Carroll, J .M . and Thomas, J .C . 1982 . Metaphor an d
the cognitive representation of computing systems . Malone, T . W . 1981 . Toward a theory of intrinsicall y
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, motivating instruction . Cognitive Science, 4, 333-368 .
12, 107-116 .
Malone, T . W . 1984 . Heuristics for designing enjoyable
Festinger, L . 1957. A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance . user interfaces : Lessons from computer games . In J .
Evanston, IL : Row, Peterson . Thomas and M . Schneider, Human Factors in
Computer Systems, Norwood, N .J . : Ablex .
Lepper, M .R., Green, D ., and Nisbett, R .E . 1973 .
Undermining children's intrinsic interest with extrinsic

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