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VTI Benefits and

How to Get Them

June 27, 2019

Objectives of this Talk
 To give you an overview of some of the benefits/self-
transformations we like for you to be able to achieve.

 All of these benefits are possible through our ST Program.

 I’m going to show you how to get each of them without

necessarily doing the ST program and if they are free or
don’t involve us, I’ll share that with you as well.

 It’s really a summary of what the Van Tharp Institute is all

Dr. Tharp’s Background

 Ph.D. in psychology & NLP modeler.

 I’m a coach for

traders and investors.

 Through modeling I’ve

discovered the key
fundamentals of
trading success.
Dr. Tharp’s Background
 Coaching involves working with the best,
reminding them of the fundamentals and
helping them overcome obstacles to success.

 My goal/mission in life is to help people make

massive self-transformations. That’s why I’m
still working at 72 and plan to do so for the rest
of my life.

 And it’s why I’m sharing this information with

Van Tharp’s Background
 One client overcame
his $100,000 ceiling to
make $700,000 in two
months after the 1987

 I’ve helped many clients take millions out of

the market in my 35-year career as a coach.
Van Tharp’s Background
 One of my clients, after Background*
working with him in 1995, turned a one million
dollar account into $51 million in 13 years. But the miracle here was that
I helped him connect to his Inner Guidance (IG) and that his IG taught him
how to trade.

 But every year we get hundreds of comments form people about the impact
of these benefits on their lives. And that’s what’s important to me!!!!!! To
me connecting him with his IG and what happened as a result, was much
more important than the $51 million he made.
1. Adopting the
Models VTI has
Van as a Modeler
 Tasks of Trading
 How to Develop a System that Fits You
 How to Meet Your Objectives through Position Sizing
 Infinite Wealth
 Tharp Think Beliefs
 Business Planning for Traders
 Market Type Models
 How to Raise Your Consciousness so that you can adopt these
2. Raising Your
Models for Who We Are
Level of Consciousness Model
As seen in 1) Scientology; 2) Dynamism; 3) Sedona
Method; 4) David Hawkins (gives labels to the model) and

Scale goes from zero to 1000, and it is a log scale.

200 is the dividing line between self-destruction and
constructive performance.

People trade out of

FEAR (75-100)
GREED (125)
Minimum level for trading success is 350 = Acceptance
Models for Who We Are

Models for Who We Are

Models for Who We Are
 Level of Consciousness 100 - Fear
 • Has more Life Energy available than lower states such as apathy/grief
• Fear stimulates many activities
• Life can be seen as Threatening
• Leads to chronic Stress and Anxiety
• Can become obsessive
• Used to control the masses . Rules are always fear based. Break them and suffer the
• Can result in paranoia and neurosis
• Limits personal growth, puts many walls and defensiveness
• Very hard to reach higher level without help
 Where most people trade from. Look at newsletter headlines.

Models for Who We Are

 Level of Consciousness 125 - Desire

 More energy available
 Motivates many human activities
 Marketing economy is usually abusing desire
 Level of Addiction, Accumulation & Greed
 Never enough, bottomless pit
(John Rockefeller, What Do You want now that you
are the richest man in the world? Response: More!)
 Useful when seeking for a better life
 Motivation to achieve certain goals
 Can be a springboard to higher consciousness

350 = Acceptance
Acceptance - Forgivingness - Letting Go Letting go of the Past, inner Healing begins

Accepting self-responsibility of one’s life Common starting point of meditation

Transforming heavy emotions into lighter feeling Brings Balance and Harmony in Life

350 = Acceptance
Acceptance - Forgivingness - Letting Go Letting go of the Past, inner Healing begins

Accepting self-responsibility of one’s life Common starting point of meditation

Transforming heavy emotions into lighter feeling Brings Balance and Harmony in Life

Beginning of the transcendence of the mind Ability to see the bigger picture
and emotions altogether
Discharging the heaviest accumulated Not interested in right or wrong, but seeking
emotions solutions
Realizing the source of happiness and cause Long term goal setting and self discipline
of problems are inside

350 = Acceptance
Acceptance - Forgivingness - Letting Go Letting go of the Past, inner Healing begins

Accepting self-responsibility of one’s life Common starting point of meditation

Transforming heavy emotions into lighter feeling Brings Balance and Harmony in Life

Beginning of the transcendence of the mind and Ability to see the bigger picture
emotions altogether
Discharging the heaviest accumulated emotions Not interested in right or wrong, but seeking
Realizing the source of happiness and cause of Long term goal setting and self discipline
problems are inside
Emotional calmness, wider perception opens Honoring the rights of others and equality

Denial is transcended Free of discrimination and intolerance

More detached from ego and opinions Opening of Inner Space
Understanding and Inner Peace

Models for Who We Are

Level of Consciousness Model

Using this model as if it were real, will keep you from enlightenment because it is
all made up and just a useful model. It’s something for the mind to grab onto an
thus stick around.

Hawkins says you cannot go above 500 until you give up linear causation (Science
model) and realize that everything causes everything else

 Systems Model
 Beyond the Matrix Thinking Model

Raising Consciousness

1. Massive increase in Internal Awareness that occurs when:

1. You understand that your experience is all made up

2. That you make it up

3. And to understand who you really are

4. And through that create the life you want.

3 Steps to Raising
Your Consciousness
Steps to Raising Your Consciousness
1. Oneness Blessing (give/get 400 a year)
• We offer a oneness blessing course twice per year.
2. Sri Vidya and the Durga Saptashati Siddha Kunjika Stotra (DSS)
• Given by Sri Siva Premanada-ji in India. (
• Westerners must do it through Stuart Mooney as an intermediary to
explain things.
• Stuart Mooney gives a two day introduction to this at the Super
Trader Summit and we might have room for a few people this year.
3. ACIM Lessons (also A Course in Love; The Way of Mastery)
4. Inner Witness Work
 Pranic Breath Work (demo on next slide)
5. Massive Self Work

Method 1: Witness State
Pranic Breath Work (Example for 5 minutes)

1) Extend diaphragm with breathing in (belly out).

2) When your lungs are full, feel your body and especially your heart.
Experience the feelings fully.
3) When you exhale the abdomen goes in.
1) Should be twice as long as in inhalation
2) Release all resistance.
3) Do for 20 minutes at day to increase awareness

Normal shallow breathing stops the Kundalini from rising up the spine and
makes the witness state very difficult

4. Awareness of
Maya (you make up
your experience)
1. We turn Electromagnetic Energy into Electrochemical Energy
2. We then re-represent that Electrochemical energy in terms of
• But a 650 nanometer light wave ± sensation it produces ± the name
(red) that we give to the color.
3. Language restructures our brain to think in terms of subject,
object, and verb or (knower, known, and the process of knowing).
4. Through language we turn verbs into nouns and think the nouns
are real through a process called nominalization. (THE MARKET AS
5. Our Beliefs are Filters to reality and we make up beliefs about non-
real things (nominalizations) and make them seem real.
6. We are meaning makers

7 And when you really get the prior six points, you realize
the importance of what was just said

 You can make up whatever you want.

 And that’s what genius is all about.

Witness State

One of our biggest goals in helping

you is to make you aware!

5. Massive Clearing
Out of Non-useful
 Are a filter to reality

 They are not real (which is nominalization),

but a filter. However, you can call beliefs
that are useful in a wide context as being
close to true.

 For example, within the context of planet

earth, it’s probably useful to believe
that if you jump off a 20 story building
you will go “splat.” But it’s not a fact,
because it doesn’t apply to all contexts.
On the moon, you’d be okay and in space you
might go up or just float if you jumped off a
20 story space station.

 You need to examine your beliefs with the Belief Examination Paradigm
(Peak 101, Infinite Wealth, and Trading Genius).

 Is it useful? Useful means it brings value to you and to others.

 Usefulness depends upon how much value and how wide the context is in
which it has value.

 If not useful, then does it have charge? If so, use feeling release to get rid
of the charge (Peak 101 and Peak Home Study).

 If the belief is not useful, let it go or adopt some more useful beliefs (i.e., the
Tharp Think beliefs).
 Change 500 high level beliefs and you have a massive transformation.

6. Adopt all of the
Tharp Think Beliefs
Key Tharp Think Beliefs (You Level)

1. You can only trade your beliefs about the market

not the market itself (which doesn’t exist because
it is a nominalization)
2. You need to know your beliefs – both about
yourself and the market – to know if they are
3. A mistake is not following your rules. And if you
don’t have any rules, which is the case for most
people, then everything you are doing as a trader
is a mistake.
4. Repeating the same mistake over and over again
is self-sabotage.
Key Tharp Think Beliefs (You Level)

There are now 108 Tharp Think Beliefs.

 Most of them are found in Trading Beyond the Matrix and we are going to
do a streaming video workshop about them in the future.

Use M2M process or pranic breathing to install.

Super Traders have a lesson in which they are required to

demonstrate their understanding of the meaning of each and then
M2M each belief.
 (M2M in Peak 101 and Infinite Wealth.)

7. Develop Enough
Self-Awareness to
Make at Least Five
Five Major Self-Transformation

Five is the minimum requirement.

 I would expect that you might get as many as two of them just from
attending Peak 101.
I ask for five so that I have confidence that they know how to
continue to make transformations.
But it’s easy and you can do it through Awareness.
1. What parts are involved (Peak 101 or Home Study)
2. What are their beliefs.
3. Are they useful? If so, keep.
4. If not are not useful, release any charge involved.
5. Replace with something more useful or just drop them.
6. What frames and meanings are being given to the whole process.

8. Become Happy
for No Reason
Impact on Happiness of the ST Program.

 Happiness level correlates with increase consciousness.

 We measure it on a scale that goes from minus 55 to plus 85.

 We expect most of our workshops to have a significant impact,

but especially Peak 203 (the happiness workshop) which we’ve
shown to increase the happiness test scores by 20 points or more.


Impact on Happiness of the ST Program.

Annual Happiness Ratings








9. Find Your
Purpose and
Become Aligned to
your highest values
Purpose and Value Alignment.

 Volume 3 of the Peak Performance Course has an exercise on

determining your values. (It’s also a ST lesson)

 It’s also given in my new book, published before the end of the
year called: Motimaps: The Definite Guide to Self-Propulsion and
Getting Your Dream Life.

 Purpose is covered in Peak 202 and the Motimaps book.

10. Design Your
Dream Life So That
You Can Live It.
Dream Life Design.

 Dream Life Design is covered in Peak 202 and the Motimaps book.

 We might do a future workshop on the topic as well.

 It’s also one of the required ST Lessons.

11. Create Your
Dream Life Through
the Trader Re-
invention Paradigm
Trader Reinvention Game.

 It is a way to achieve your dream life through a series of

conversation, while living in the now. After each step you
simply ask “what happened, what’s missing, and what’s next.”
 Ari Kiev once asked me how to coach traders and then bought the
Peak Performance Course. The Reinvention game and mistake
coaching seems to be what he used to coach Steve Cohen’s
company, SAC Capital Advisors, before he died 10 years ago. The
therapist in the show Billions is modeled after him.
 The Trader Reinvention Game is a technique I developed for Peak
202. It’s also one of the required ST Lessons.
12 Bond with Inner
Method 2: Inner Guidance Relationship
Surrender to Inner Guidance = Tremendous
Power Guiding You

Example; Ramakrishna, Yogananda, RL (my client)

Van’s Chapter 10 in Trading Beyond the M atrix .

 Find best relationship and ask your divine to take on that.

 Notice your beliefs about the Divine that prevent that bond
(how do you limit your Divine through your beliefs – about
you and about your divine.)

 Receive Deeksha for developing a bond with the Divine

Develop a bond.

Inner Guidance Relationship (cont’d)
Surrender to Inner Guidance = Tremendous
Power Guiding You

 Do a regular dialogue with your Divine, preferably written.

 Keep a Prayer journal. (But written dialogue is fine).

 Practice continual gratitude.

 Gratitude, sacredness, integrity, helplessness (not victim),

worship, and integrity

 Ask questions and follow the advice given.

13 Become at Least
a Systems Thinker
What is Knowledge?

Authority Paradigm. Knowledge is a concept, objects, or law

from God or the authorities
Science Paradigms. Knowledge is a concept, objects, or law
derived from controlled observations. It’s about cateogorization and
Systems Thinking. Knowledge is relationships. How do all these
things relate. And what’s my role in the process.

BTMT – knowledge comes from contemplating something

while staying in the now where all knowledge really is.

The Three Paradigms in Trading
 Systems Thinking Paradigm
 Trading Success is about the relationship between Self, System, and Markets.
 Knowing these relationships you can develop probabilities for success/ruin
 You have to find systems that fit you and your beliefs.
 There are at least six market types. It’s easy to develop a good system for any
one market type and insane to expect that system to work in all market types.
So you need to find a systems that fits you for each market type.
 Everything is constantly changing (people are getting smarter) and you must
 We are our biggest enemy in terms of our trading success.
 Might understand that the markets only exist as the creation of the trader. (He
trades his beliefs; market doesn’t exist and it just a projection of one’s ideas
based upon memory/past)
We have a workshop on Systems Thinking and I covered it in Trading
Genius briefly which will soon be an e-course with VTI.
14 Understand the
Impact of Market
Systems Thinking: Relationships

The system you trade

has to fit you and the
market type
And the context could
change and then it all
This is covered in both the home
study course and the workshop:
How to Develop A Trading
System that Fits you.

15. Design at least
three systems that
fit you and work in
different Market
Systems Thinking: Relationships
We have a number of technical workshops caught by outside people at the Van
Tharp Institute and they all need to understand Tharp Think to be able to teach
here. Most of our instructors are ST Graduates.

We have good systems for Forex Trading, Futures Trading, Core, Swing, and Day
Trading the Stock Market; as well as how to deal with Bear Markets and Sideways
Markets. (Core and Swing and Bear and One Forex System are currently e-
learning courses and can be taken any time).

For our Super Traders we also have a playbook that has over 90 systems in it at
various levels of development.

I also plan to start doing a special ST only systems workshop (with systems that I
like and would easily approve) in conjunction with the ST Summit.
16 Understand how
to use risk control
and position sizing
strategies to meet
your objectives.
How to Position Size to Meet Your Objectives
This is the primary function of my best selling book, The Definitive Guide to Position
Sizing Strategies. Some people have called it the best book I’ve ever written.

We have several e-course on position sizing.

We have a free position sizing game. The first three levels are free. And we soon
plan to have a competitive game that you can play daily to see how you stack up
against traders from all different walks of life (doctors, engineers, IT professionals,
trading professionals, and other professions). That should be ready by early 2020.

And we play games in two of our workshops so that people get this idea
experientially – Peak 101, and the Systems Workshop.

17. Learn how you think so you
can have effective convincer,
motivation, and design making
Mental Strategies
Mental Strategies are about how you sequence your thinking and how your
judgements are based on simple sensory differences call submodalities.
We cover this topic in detail in our Mental Strategies workshop, Peak 204.
Some of this material is also in Volume 4 of the Peak Performance Home Study
Here we cover
 Convincer Strategies
 Motivation Strategies
 Decision Making Strategies
 Reality Strategies
 Learning Strategies
 Task Specific Strategies.

18 Understand that the Planning
is essential to your success and
that the foundation of your
business plan should be
happiness and Infinite Wealth
Business Planning
 Trading is as much a business as any other profession.
 Most Businesses Fail Because of Lack of Planning.
 The Trading Business Handbook, currently part of ST2, is probably the most
important document that you can have as a trader.
Important sections include
 Knowing your Financial Freedom Number.
 Worst Case Contingency Planning. (6 months for my 1st ST graduate to complete and
now you get most of it done in the Blueprint workshop)
 Knowing all about yourself.
 Knowing all about your trading business.
 Knowing what to expect from your system under various conditions.
 Beliefs about all of this.
This material is covered in Blueprint and it Trading Beyond the M atrix .
19 Mistake Coaching

One could do an entire coaching

practice based upon this.
Mental Strategies
 One could do an entire coaching practice based upon mistake coaching.
 People have to write down their rules.
 They have to keep track of their mistakes.
 Divide them into categories.
 Find the R-multiple cost of each mistake/category.
 Determine the real cost of mistakes! Get some motivation
 Self-sabotage is repeating the same mistake over and over. What’s causing that?
Example, CTA with $200M under management has mistakes costing an avg of 4R. He
made enough of them to cost him 40%. Thus, if he didn’t make 40% he wasn’t’
making any money.
This is part of ST3 to the extent people want to take advantage of it.

20 Huge Edge in Market
Huge Edge in the Market

 You find something you really believe in and then

focus on those types of trades.
Sometime position sizing is huge (but don’t do
that unless your are prepared to lose big)
 Examples:
Ed Seykota: 1st computerized trend follower (his
programs were in assembly language) who
understood markets money position sizing at a
time when there was a huge bull market in
commodities. (I just threw $5000 chunks at it
until it caught)

Huge Edge in the Market

 Examples:
Ed Seykota:
John Templeton: In 1999 he put everything he
had into shorting stocks. (Risky time
because they could have 25% daily fluctuations
in price).

Huge Edge in the Market

 Examples:
 Ed Seykota:
 John Templeton:
 Anyone involved in the “Big Short” in 2007. (See the
 It was obvious that the CDOs being packaged by
the big banks couldn’t be valued accurately and
they had really bad debt inside them.
 Those who really went after it (and survived the
volatility) made a fortune (e.g., John Paulson)
 Probably many more examples but you should be
getting the point.

Huge Edge in the Market

 Today’s Example – Cryptoassets

Cryptoassets are primed to be the first

Institutional Revolution since the Industrial
Revolution. That is HUGE!!!

Store of value that is not centralized

(controlled by government or big business).

Ledgers set value. So this is a new way to

set value.
Huge Edge
The Huge Edge in the Cryptoassets Market assumes the following.

 Cryptoassets represent an Institutional revolution and those who say they have no
inherent value (i.e., Warren Buffet) have no clue about this or the made-up nature of
 Institutional investors know they are uncorrelated assets with huge potential and they
will want to move 2-3% of their capital into cryptos. This will give it a potential market
cap of $3-5 trillion dollars. This is about a 100 fold increase from where it is now.
 This could take place within the next 3-5 years.
 While BTC has perhaps a 100 fold increase (at best), some of the other cryptos could
increase by 1000 times or more.
 We know how to capture these if my assumptions are correct.
 The context for these assumptions could change and make most of these beliefs useless
(i.e., quantum computer; your country could outlaw; etc).

Huge Edge in the Market

 Today’s Example – Cryptoassets

Dec 2014 study.
Invest $100 in most of the top 25 in market cap
Invest another $100 in any in the top 15 in market cap at the
end of each year that we don’t own.
Hold forever.
Total investment was $3700
The investment would be worth $948,409 at the all time high
of each coin after you bought it. (256 times gain)
The investment value on May 20th was $87,261 (23.6 times gain)
Huge Edge in the Market

 Today’s Example – Cryptoassets

 Dec 2014 study.
Invest $100 in most of the top 25 in market cap
Invest another $100 in any in the top 15 in market cap at the end of each
year that we don’t own.
Hold forever. Multiple (of original $100) at high Number of coins
1000 times or more 3
 Results:
501 to 999 times 2
101 to 500 times 7
10 to 100 times 16
1 to 9.99 times 10
Lost money at all time high 4
So 12 out of 41 coins, increase in value by at least 100 times (initial
investment of $100 = $10,000 or more)

GBTC Yesterday
This is what an edge
looks like. BTC was
up 20% yesterday.

And BTC doesn’t have

a lot of google hits like
it did at the end of
2017. So this is due to
institutions not

July Savings on the Super
Trader Program
Super Trader Program Savings.
On August 1st the price of the Super Trader Program goes up to $26,500 per year
or $79,500 for three years.
Our fiscal year ends June 30th so we always run ST specials in July. These include
the following five specials, ranking by amount of savings:
 $70,000 for 3.5 years for one lump sum payment. This is giving you
the price of several years ago plus you get 3.5 years to complete which
should be enough. Savings of $6,500/year.
 $70,000 for 3 years in two payments six month apart. (Savings of
 $71,500 for 3 years with $20,000 down and 11 installments of $4,750
per month. (Savings of ($2,416/year).

Super Trader Program Savings.
On August 1st the price of the Super Trader Program goes up to $26,500 per year or $79,500 for
three years. Our fiscal year ends June 30th so we always run ST specials in July. These include:

 $75,000 over 3 years with yearly payments of $30,000, $25,000, and

$20,000. Savings of $1,500/year.
 We also have program with $20K down and monthly payments, but
that will be at the new rate of $79,500 – so no savings.
 We also deduct 50% of what you’ve spent in the last 10 year with VTI and 100% of what you’ve
spent in the last 3 months. The deduction is distributed over the payments. Must take Peak 101
to qualify but the July workshop is 100% deductible from the price of the program.

 We are now limiting the program to 45 people at a time in ST1. That means we currently
will have 4 open slots now with 3 of them claimed already. But we have 5 people
moving into ST2 very quickly. But there will be a waiting list.

 Criteria for admission are also getting more strict. See our website for details or I will talk about
them in Peak 101 for those interested in the program.


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