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Infect Dis Ther (2020) 9:511–524


Pulmonary Aspergillosis: An Evolving Challenge

for Diagnosis and Treatment
Alessandro Russo . Giusy Tiseo . Marco Falcone . Francesco Menichetti

Received: May 29, 2020 / Published online: July 7, 2020

Ó The Author(s) 2020

ABSTRACT prolonged steroid treatment is recognized as an

important risk factor, especially for invasive dis-
Aspergillus is a mold that may lead to different ease. In this setting, critically ill patients admitted
clinical pictures, from allergic to invasive disease, to intensive care units and/or with chronic
depending on the patient’s immune status and obstructive pulmonary disease could be at higher
structural lung diseases. Chronic pulmonary risk for invasive infection. This review provides an
aspergillosis is an infection with a locally invasive update on the clinical features and risk factors of
presentation, reported especially in patients with pulmonary aspergillosis. Current approaches for
chronic pulmonary disease, while aspergilloma is the diagnosis, management, and treatment of
typically found in patients with previously formed these different forms of pulmonary aspergillosis
cavities in the lungs. Allergic bronchopulmonary are discussed.
aspergillosis is due to a hypersensitivity reaction to
Aspergillus antigens and is more frequently descri-
bed in patients with moderate-severe asthma or Keywords: Aspergillus; Galactomannan;
cystic fibrosis. Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis Invasive aspergillosis; Lung disease; Non-
mainly occurs in patients with neutropenia or neutropenic patients
immunodeficiency, but has increasingly been rec-
ognized as an emerging disease of non-neu- Key Summary Points
tropenic patients. The significance of this infection
has dramatically increased in recent years, con- ABPA, CPA, and IPA represent the three
sidering the high number of patients with an main categories of pulmonary aspergillosis.
impaired immune state associated with the man-
agement and treatment of neoplasm, solid or ABPA should be suspected in patients with
hematological transplantation, autoimmune dis- uncontrolled asthma or cystic fibrosis.
eases, and inflammatory conditions. Moreover,
Treatment of CPA is important to prevent
life-threatening hemoptysis.
Digital Features To view digital features for this article
go to Assessments of emerging risk factors for
IPA and early diagnosis are crucial to
A. Russo (&)  G. Tiseo  M. Falcone  F. Menichetti improve outcome.
Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of
Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Adequate duration of antifungal therapy
Pisa, Pisa, Italy
for IPA is an unresolved issue.
512 Infect Dis Ther (2020) 9:511–524

those with chronic obstructive pulmonary dis-

INTRODUCTION ease (COPD) and/or Child–Pugh C liver cirrho-
sis. In non-neutropenic patients, a high
The clinical presentation of Aspergillus lung suspicion of infection is reported for those
disease is determined by the interaction without the classical risk factors of IPA, in
between the fungus and host. There are three whom, frequently, the clinical presentation is
main categories of pulmonary aspergillosis: silent and nonspecific. Treatment is crucial for
allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis survival, and high rates of mortality are repor-
(ABPA), chronic pulmonary aspergillosis (CPA), ted also in non-neutropenic patients, mainly
and invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA), as due to delayed diagnosis [2, 3]. In this popula-
reported in Fig. 1. tion, the non-specificity of clinical presentation
ABPA is due to a hypersensitivity reaction of and a lower sensitivity of diagnostic tests make
the lung to Aspergillus inhalation, and it is a it difficult to achieve a timely diagnosis of IPA
prerogative of patients with asthma or cystic compared to neutropenic patients.
fibrosis; CPA is a peculiar presentation of The aim of this article is to present to clini-
Aspergillus disease that is characterized by a local cians a critical review on the risk factors, diag-
lung invasion mainly observed in patients with nosis, and therapy (as reported in Table 1) of the
chronic pulmonary disease; and aspergilloma is three main categories of pulmonary aspergillo-
a non-invasive form of pulmonary aspergillosis sis: ABPA, CPA, and IPA.
caused by a fungus ball that characteristically
develops itself in a pre-existing cavity of the
lung [1]. IPA is a severe acute/subacute disease METHODS
and can be found not only in severely
immunocompromised patients but also in non- In May 2020, we performed a MEDLINE/
neutropenic and/or critically ill patients, and PubMed search, employing various

Fig. 1 Categories of pulmonary aspergillosis based on underlying conditions; ABPA allergic bronchopulmonary
aspergillosis, COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, ICU intensive care unit
Infect Dis Ther (2020) 9:511–524 513

Table 1 Treatment of pulmonary aspergillosis entities

Aspergillus First-line treatment Duration Alternative Comments
lung disease of therapy treatment
ABPA Prednisolone 0.5 mg/kg/day for 3–5 months Oral Glucocorticoids are the first-line
4 weeks followed by 0.25 mg/ voriconazole treatment for exacerbations
kg/day for 4 weeks followed by Posaconazole Antifungal therapy has a
0.125 mg/kg/day for 4 weeks corticosteroid-sparing effect and
Itraconazole 200 mg twice daily could be considered in patients
who fail to show improvement
after steroid treatment
Aspergilloma No therapy – Itraconazole Anti-fungal therapy may be
Surgical resection when appropriate Voriconazole considered in cases of lung
invasion or when there is the
Bronchial artery
possibility of peri-operatively
CPA Itraconazole 200 mg twice daily 6 months Posaconazole Prolonged treatment may be
Voriconazole 6 mg/Kg po/IVq12 Liposomal necessary
h 9 1 day followed by 4 mg/Kg Amphotericin Surgery has a limited role and may
po/IV q12 h B be associated with complications
Caspofungin Anti-fibrinolytic agent or bronchial
Micafungin artery embolization could be
considered for management of
IPA Voriconazole 6 mg/Kg po/IVq12 6–12 weeks Liposomal Combination therapy is not
h 9 1 day followed by 4 mg/Kg Amphotericin routinely recommended, but may
po/IV q12 h B be considered in selected
Isavuconazole 372 mg po/IV q8 Caspofungin refractory cases
h 9 6 doses followed by 372 mg Surgical resection is considered in
po/IV daily selected situations
Empiric treatment could be
considered in critically-ill patients
with severe liver cirrhosis and/or
end-stage chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease and/or clinical
worsening despite broad-spectrum
Adapted from references [4, 31, 47, 48]
ABPA allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, CPA chronic pulmonary aspergillosis, IPA invasive pulmonary aspergillosis,
po oral administration, IV intravenous
514 Infect Dis Ther (2020) 9:511–524

combinations of the following key words: patient-specific factors [4]. Overall mortality is
Aspergillus, human, allergic bronchopulmonary about 22%.
aspergillosis, chronic pulmonary aspergillosis, Few data are reported about the incidence of
and invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. The ABPA and CPA. Finally, data on the prevalence
search period was from January 2000 to May of pulmonary aspergillosis have been systemat-
2020. Of the 1793 papers identified, 1348 were ically assessed in a few studies [5].
excluded by title, abstract screening, and the
journal’s impact factor. The full texts of the
remaining 445 papers and of pertinent refer- ALLERGIC BRONCHOPULMONARY
ences were then retrieved and discussed. The ASPERGILLOSIS
final decision on their inclusion in the present
narrative review was based upon the subjective ABPA is a lung inflammation characterized by
impression of the authors. This article is based pulmonary infiltrates and bronchiectasis [6],
on previously conducted studies and does not that is mainly observed in patients with asthma
involve any studies on human or animal sub- or cystic fibrosis (CF). In those patients, inhaled
jects performed by any of the authors. A. fumigatus may invade the lung ,evading the
innate immune system and triggering a lym-
phocyte response, with activation of the
EPIDEMIOLOGICAL OVERVIEW inflammatory cytokines cascade resulting in
sensitization [7]. The high IgE levels in serum
Aspergillus species are ubiquitous in the envi- for A. fumigatus antigens are the result of an
ronment, and the risk of infection is directly immediate hypersensitivity to Aspergillus.
related to precipitation patterns, humidity, Symptoms of ABPA are often non-specific
temperature, and wind conditions. The most and reported in more common lung diseases [8],
common portal of entry in the lung is the and the most common symptom is a chronic
inhalation of fungal spores; then, important productive cough that could be associated with
efforts are made to decrease exposure to fungal wheezing, hemoptysis, weight loss, and fever.
spores, especially in immunocompromised Generally, patients with controlled asthma
patients, patients who have undergone solid may be asymptomatic for ABPA, and diagnosis
organ transplantation (SOT), and burn patients. is mainly based on routine testing; ABPA should
These special populations require the creation be promptly suspected in patients with poorly
of a protected environment, and guidelines controlled asthma or in patients affected by CF
recommend the use of high-efficiency particu- [9]. Screening tests are performed using the
late air filtration and the maintenance of posi- Aspergillus skin prick test or the A. fumigatus-
tive pressure rooms. However, most cases of specific IgE blood test which shows higher sen-
pulmonary aspergillosis are sporadic, and out- sitivity [10]. If the screening is positive in the
breaks with onset of symptoms C 7 days after diagnostic tests for ABPA, IgE levels should be
hospital admission should be considered as obtained in these patients. Then, ABPA is diag-
hospital-acquired; however, in several cases, if it nosed based on these international criteria
is not possible to identify an environmental established in 2013 [6]:
source, it is not possible to distinguish com-
munity-acquired from hospital-acquired pul- 1. Presence of 1 of the following predisposing
monary aspergillosis [4]. condition: asthma or CF.
Data about IPA reported worldwide have 2. Main criteria:
shown an incidence of almost 20% in SOT Positive Aspergillus skin test or elevated IgE
recipients, with a variable incidence of infection against A. fumigatus.
based on the organ transplanted: kidney Total serum IgE [ 1000 IU/mL.
(0.7–4%), liver (1–9.2%), pancreas (about 3%), 3. Adjunctive criteria (2 out of 3):
and heart (from 1 to 14%). However, the inci- Serum precipitins or IgG against Aspergillus
dence of invasive forms in general is related to fumigatus;
Infect Dis Ther (2020) 9:511–524 515

radiological features suggestive for ABPA; The assessment of therapy response is mainly
a blood eosinophil count [ 500 cells/L in based on a 25% decline in the total IgE level
corticosteroid-naive patients. associated with a clinical and radiological
improvement. In contrast, exacerbation is
Of interest, in 2013, Baxter and coworkers
defined as at least a doubling in the baseline
proposed three distinct classes of aspergillosis in
total IgE level plus clinical and/or radiological
CF using serologic, RT-PCR, and galactomannan
deterioration. Finally, remission is defined as
(GM) data. This classification could improve
the absence of exacerbations for at least
phenotyping, studies on pathogenesis, and
6 months after steroid therapy [18].
management of patients with CF and pul-
The overall prognosis of patients with ABPA
monary aspergillosis [11]. The rationale of this
is not well characterized [19]. However, early
specific classification is that patients with CF
detection with prompt initiation of therapy
demonstrated a wide range of hypersensitivity
generally leads to a good prognosis [20].
responses to Aspergillus infection, beyond ABPA,
which requires a different classification.
Few definitive data are available about the CHRONIC PULMONARY
therapeutic approach. Therapy is mainly based
on the use of glucocorticoids and antifungals
[12]. In patients with acute ABPA, steroids are
CPA involves a spectrum of diseases that affect
used alone, at an initial dose of 0.5 mg/kg for a
immunocompetent patients with pre-existing
total duration of 3–5 months [13]. Of interest,
structural pulmonary alteration [21]. These
in a randomized trial, different dosages of
patients can show a clinical presentation from
prednisolone were compared: a medium-dose
weight loss to the appearance of chronic pro-
versus high-dose regimen in asthmatic patients
ductive cough, hemoptysis, and comparison of
with ABPA. Data reported an efficacy of both
nodules and cavities at chest imaging. These
regimens with significantly fewer side effects in
clinical and radiological features should be
patients treated with a medium-dose regimen
present for at least 3 months at the time of
diagnosis [4].
In patients with asthma and the develop-
The most important progress of CPA is to
ment of ABPA plus bronchiectasis, in the
chronic fibrosing pulmonary aspergillosis;
absence of improvement after steroid treat-
aspergilloma represents a less severe form of
ment, antifungal therapy may be considered as
CPA, consisting of Aspergillus hyphae with fibrin
an adjunctive therapy [15]. Itraconazole is
contained in a previously formed lung cavity
mainly used as a second-line or adjunctive
[22, 23]. Its development is subsequent to col-
therapy (with or without steroids) to essentially
onization of the cavity by Aspergillus species:
maintain the disease’s remission for a longer
tubercular and nontubercular mycobacterial
period [16]. Of interest, the use of itraconazole
infections are the primary underlying lung
was compared to prednisolone in a recent trial
conditions predisposing to the formation of
on patients with acute ABPA and asthma not
aspergilloma [24]. Other less common predis-
previously treated. The authors reported, in
posing conditions are ABPA, chronic obstruc-
patients of the prednisolone-group, after
tive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung
6 weeks of therapy, a higher rate of efficacy
transplantation, recurrent low respiratory tract
compared to the itraconazole-group (100% vs.
infections, and sarcoidosis. Cough is the most
88%; p = 0.007). However, the reduction of
common symptom, while life-threatening
serum IgE levels and the rates of exacerbation/
hemoptysis is reported in a high percentage of
year and time to first exacerbation were similar
patients [25–27].
in both groups [17]. Therefore, in selected cases,
Of importance, immunocompromised
the combination therapy itraconazole-pred-
patients could develop a locally destructive CPA
nisolone could be considered, but definitive
that tends to progress more rapidly, from 1 to
data on efficacy are necessary.
3 months. This subacute invasive aspergillosis is
516 Infect Dis Ther (2020) 9:511–524

another subgroup of CPA that shows charac- Finally, there is a strong recommendation to
teristics very similar to IPA. perform a surgical resection of a simple asper-
CPA diagnosis is based on the presence of gilloma in symptomatic patients with low sur-
characteristic symptoms and radiologic fea- gical risk, if important symptoms are reported
tures, present for at least 3 months, with and hemoptysis is persistent. Of importance,
microbiologic evidence of Aspergillus strains to surgery should also be considered in patients
confirm the diagnosis [4]. Symptomatic patients with Aspergillus-localized CPA unresponsive to
with cavities, aspergilloma, or nodular infil- antifungal therapy [4].
trates at CT scan should be tested for the pres-
ence of serum A. fumigatus IgG; the presence of
aspergilloma is associated with positivity of A. INVASIVE PULMONARY
fumigatus IgG in serum. Alternatively, the when ASPERGILLOSIS
antibodies are negative, the positive Aspergillus
cultures from the lower respiratory tract may IPA has been traditionally considered in the
support the diagnosis [28]. GM in bron- differential diagnosis of infection mainly
choalveolar lavage (BAL) showed a good diag- occurring in patients with specific risk factors:
nostic performance if compared to serum GM, neutropenia and hematologic malignancies,
and appears to be a valuable diagnostic assay allogeneic bone marrow transplantation, SOT,
[29]. Of interest, the combination of serum GM neoplasm, or HIV patients [4]. Of importance,
plus 1,3-beta-D glucan (BDG) could be help in recent years, an increasing number of studies
physicians to confirm or exclude Aspergillus have also reported the role Aspergillus spp. in
infection, but their diagnostic values have not non-neutropenic patients, including those with
been well characterized [30, 31]. Finally, a end-stage COPD requiring chronic high-dose
biopsy from cavities showing the presence of steroid therapy, Child–Pugh C liver cirrhosis,
Aspergillus hyphae is crucial to differentiate tis- and patients receiving immunosuppressive
sue invasion typical of subacute invasive therapies (i.e., monoclonal agents) [38]. More-
aspergillosis from other forms of CPA, but the over, patients admitted to the intensive care
risks associated with the biopsy procedures units (ICU) may also be susceptible to IPA, and
should be carefully assessed in each patient [32]. recent important observations demonstrate the
The goal of CPA treatment is to prevent life- association between influenza, especially H1N1
threatening hemoptysis and to improve symp- virus, and IPA or other predisposing risk factors
toms and the patient’s quality of life. Oral itra- such as acute respiratory distress syndrome
conazole, at a dose of 200 mg twice daily, is [3, 39–41]. Of interest, a state of immunoparal-
considered the first-line therapy [22]. Vori- ysis is described in these categories of patients
conazole and posaconazole are second-line oral predisposing to the development of IPA [42–44].
therapies [33, 34], and in selected cases the use Moreover, recent data showed a possible asso-
of short-term courses of intravenous ampho- ciation between COVID-19 caused by SARS-
tericin B and echinocandins have also been CoV-2 and the development of IPA in critically
successfully used, especially in patients with ill patients with moderate to severe ARDS [45].
rapid progression of the infection, failure of Finally, environmental factors, including cli-
therapy, or azole resistance of Aspergillus strains matic variables, airborne mold concentration,
[35]. Of importance, therapeutic drug monitor- geographic area, remodeling or construction
ing (TDM)-guided dosing has been shown to be work, and environmental quality of the air, may
clinically beneficial for voriconazole, especially predispose to IPA [31].
in ICU patients. In critically ill patients treated Of importance, non-neutropenic patients
with voriconazole, TDM should always be per- show a non-specific symptomatology that
formed to assess adequate serum levels [36]. makes clinical manifestations of IPA indistin-
A 6-month duration of therapy is recom- guishable from other bacterial bronchopneu-
mended, and asymptomatic patients can be monia [46]. In this setting, the clinical diagnosis
reassessed every 3–6 months [37]. of IPA is a challenge, because diagnostic
Infect Dis Ther (2020) 9:511–524 517

definitions [4, 47, 48] have been validated only of fungal infection [56–58]. In contrast, its
for neutropenic patients and cannot also be negative predictive value of 80–90% could make
used for those non-neutropenic. 1-3-b-D-glucan potentially useful to rule out the
Blot and coworkers proposed a clinical diag- diagnosis of IPA rather than to confirm it.
nostic algorithm aiming to discriminate colo- However, the role of this marker in the diag-
nization from probable IPA in ICU patients with nosis of IPA is still unknown, and future studies
Aspergillus-positive in bronchial cultures [49]. are necessary to definitively assess its use in
Fungal culture- and non-culture-based methods clinical practice [59]. Few studies have evalu-
should be performed in all patients with rele- ated the role of 1-3-b-D-glucan in BAL, also
vant risk factors for IPA, and the development indicating a low specificity for IPA in immuno-
of pneumonia or the presence of a persistent compromised patients [60].
pulmonary infection, despite broad-spectrum Of importance, these tests, especially GM,
antibiotics, should drive physicians to further could be affected by the high frequency of false-
diagnostic exams to exclude or confirm IPA positive results based on the use of b-lactam
[50]. antibiotics, human blood components, and
The clinical significance of Aspergillus from hemodialysis [61]. New tests are actually under
cultures of the lower respiratory tract remains a development and validation but not yet uni-
challenge for physicians, considering that versally standardized [62, 63], and cannot be, to
Aspergillus spp. (especially in some specific date, included as a criterion in the EORTC/MSG
populations like COPD patients) could be con- guidelines [4, 47]. The most important are: (1)
sidered only a simple colonization [51]. The Aspergillus species gene amplification in which
detection of fungus should be applied to the the detection of genetic sequences, mainly
clinical characteristics of the patients. However, represented by 18S rDNA, 28SrDNA, 5.8 SrDNA,
in a recent revision and update of the consensus and mithocondrial DNA, is obtained directly
definitions of invasive fungal disease, important from fungal cultures and/or in direct clinical
aspects in the diagnosis of probable invasive samples; Aspergillus PCR is processed in a few
pulmonary mold disease have been introduced, hours and, when these results are combined
such as the use of Aspergillus PCR in diagnosis, with other fungal biomarker (like GM or BDG)
as reported in Table 2 [48]. In recent years, the in serum or in BAL (mainly GM), the diagnostic
diagnosis of IPA has been improved using new sensitivity up to 100% further supports the
markers based on the detection of fungal cell introduction of this process in the new defini-
wall components or fungal DNA in blood or tions of invasive fungal infection by the
lung specimens; moreover, these markers EORTC/MSG; (2) a lateral flow device (LFD) that
showed the characteristic to differentiate colo- detects a glycoprotein antigen in the serum and
nization from infection. The detection of GM is BAL of patients with IPA: this technique has
currently the gold standard to early identifica- been proposed as a new point-of care diagnostic
tion of IPA. Studies have reported that, in the approach for an early detection of IPA in non-
BAL, a cutoff value of GM [ 0.5 shows a sensi- neutropenic patients, but also in SOT or criti-
tivity up to 100% and a specificity over 75% cally-ill patients in ICU; in a multicenter study
[52, 53]. The role of GM in hematological evaluating the use of LFD devices in BAL of ICU
patients has been assessed, and the test may be patients showed a sensitivity of 80%, a speci-
used to obtain an early diagnosis and to moni- ficity of 81%, positive and negative predictive
tor the treatment response. However, the efforts values of 96% and 44%, respectively; however,
are now directed to also definitively assess the further and larger studies are crucial to assess
routine use of GM in non-neutropenic patients the use of LFD in clinical practice, despite these
[54, 55]. first promising results; (3) innovative tech-
Conversely, the 1-3-b-D-glucan assay is nologies have recently been tested in the breath
another important test that, in patients with of patients infected with IPA: these technologies
hematological disease, showed a high sensitiv- detect volatile organic compounds exhaled with
ity with a very low specificity for the diagnosis a sensitivity ranging from 94 to 100% and a
518 Infect Dis Ther (2020) 9:511–524

Table 2 Criteria for diagnosis of probable IPA, which requires the presence of at least 1 host factor ? a clinical feature ?
mycological evidence
Host factors Clinical features Mycological evidence
Recent history of neutropenia The presence of one of the following Aspergillus spp. detected in sputum,
(\ 500 neutrophils/mm3) for [ 10 days on CT scan: BAL, bronchial brush, or aspirate
or recognized hematologic malignancy Dense, well-circumscribed lesions
with or without a halo sign
Air crescent sign
Wedge-shaped and segmental or
lobar consolidation
Receipt of an allogeneic stem cell transplant Tracheobronchial ulceration, nodule, Galactomannan antigen detected in
or a solid organ transplant or acute graft- pseudomembrane, plaque, or eschar plasma, serum, or BAL, any one of
versus-host disease grade III or IV seen on bronchoscopic analysis the following:
involving the gut, lungs, or liver that is Single serum or plasma: C 1.0
refractory to first-line treatment with
steroids BAL fluid: C 1.0
Single serum or plasma: C 0.7 and
BAL fluid C 0.8
Prolonged use of corticosteroids ICU admission Aspergillus PCR, any one of the
for C 3 weeks in the past 60 days or following:
treatment with T-cell or B-cell Plasma, serum, or whole blood, 2 or
immunosuppressants during the past more consecutive PCR tests
90 days positive
BAL fluid, 2 or more duplicate PCR
tests positive
At least 1 PCR test positive in
plasma, serum, or whole blood, and
1 PCR test positive in BAL fluid
Inherited severe immunodeficiency Prolonged stay in the ICU 1-3-b-D-glucan value
([ 21 days)
At least one of the following conditions: Presence of a persistent pulmonary New tests under development:
End-stage COPD requiring chronic high- infection despite broad-spectrum Aspergillus species genes
dose steroid therapy antibiotic therapy amplification
Child–Pugh C liver cirrhosis Lateral flow device
Influenza (H1N1) Detection of volatile organic
Gliotoxin and
IPA invasive pulmonary aspergillosis, COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, CT computed tomography, ICU
intensive care unit, BAL bronchoalveolar lavage
Infect Dis Ther (2020) 9:511–524 519

specificity from 83 to 93%; and (4) gliotoxin biomarkers represented by GM (especially in

and bis(methylthio)gliotoxin have been applied BAL), Aspergillus PCR, and 1-3-b-D-glucan assay.
in the diagnosis of IPA with significant and The antifungal treatment should be re-discussed
promising results [64–68]. However, the diag- and eventually discontinued if the diagnosis of
nosis of IPA remains challenging considering IPA is not confirmed.
that none of the available diagnostic tests, The antifungal agents approved as the first-
actually introduced in clinical practice, show line for the treatment of IPA are voriconazole,
high sensitivity and specificity if used alone. isavuconazole, and amphotericin B with its
The rationale could be the use of diagnostic lipid formulation [19]. The selection of the best
strategies, including cultures, surrogate drug for the treatment of IPA is mainly based on
biomarkers, and molecular tools in a simulta- different steps: the assessment of severity of the
neous performance to achieve the best possible infection, clinical features, the presence of renal
approach to patients with suspected IPA. or hepatic insufficiency, possible drug–drug
Despite the introduction in clinical practice interactions (especially in patients undergoing
of new antifungals and the use of supportive particular treatments for underlying diseases),
measures, the mortality in patients with IPA the need for therapeutic drug monitoring, and,
remains very high. In the IDSA guidelines, no less important, the costs of antifungal drugs.
prophylaxis during prolonged neutropenia and Of these, isavuconazole is a new drug of the
immunosuppression is recommended [19]. triazole class that can be given once daily, and it
Moreover, strong recommendations have been shows a wider spectrum of antifungal activity
reported about the use of voriconazole or compared to voriconazole. Isavuconazole
posaconazole for prophylaxis in large random- activity also includes Mucorales infections and
ized clinical trials [69]. As second-line therapies (as opposed to voriconazole) its intravenous
also reported for prophylaxis are itraconazole, formulation does not include cyclodextrin,
micafungin, and caspofungin, which may also which is a nephrotoxic and hepatotoxic com-
be effective [70, 71]. Of interest, studies high- pound typical of intravenous formulations of
light the important role of non-pharmacologic other triazoles, used to increase solubility. Also,
prophylaxis measures to reduce exposure to compared to voriconazole, isavuconazole has
fungal conidia. These strategies are based on fewer CYP enzyme-mediated drug interactions
placing severely immunocompromised patients and shows linear and predictable pharmacoki-
in ‘‘protected environments’’, with high-effi- netics, for which therapeutic drug monitoring is
ciency particulate air filtration and positive not necessary [73]. In an important random-
pressure, to avoid some activities that are asso- ized, double-blind trial, the non-inferiority of
ciated with high exposure to Aspergillus spores, isavuconazole versus voriconazole has been
like moldy hay handling and construction, demonstrated in terms of mortality. Isavu-
using personal protective equipment. conazole has been used as a primary treatment
To date, despite the possibility of using many for IPA or other filamentous fungi infections,
therapeutic options, the mortality rate of IPA also showing a superior safety profile [74].
remains high [72], and is reported to be higher Finally, all echinocandins have shown in vitro
in non-neutropenic patients than that reported and in vivo activity against Aspergillus spp., but
in the neutropenic population. Probably, non- only caspofungin is licensed for the treatment
neutropenic patients at high risk of IPA for of IPA, as second-line therapy. In specific cases
predisposing conditions like COPD, prolonged or in refractory disease, the use of a combina-
use of steroids and immunosuppressive therapy, tion therapy with echinocandin plus voricona-
Child–Pugh C liver cirrhosis, and ICU-related zole or liposomal amphotericin B may be
immunoparalysis should receive adequate anti- considered.
fungal therapy upon suspicion of the Aspergillus Adequate duration of antifungal therapy for
infection. The goal of IPA management is to IPA is an unresolved issue. IDSA guidelines rec-
obtain, as soon as possible, a CT scan, fungal ommend that the treatment of IPA should be
cultures, and a combination of serological continued for at least 6–12 weeks, considering
520 Infect Dis Ther (2020) 9:511–524

the clinical condition of the patient and their or non-immunocompromised critically ill
response to therapy; moreover, serum patients.
biomarkers and radiological follow-up with a
CT scan should be considered to monitor the
therapeutic response to IPA. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

CONCLUSION Funding. No funding or sponsorship was

received for this study or the publication of this
Recently, an important evolution has occurred
concerning the classification, diagnosis, and
treatment of different forms of pulmonary Authorship. All named authors meet the
aspergillosis. The semi-continuous spectrum of International Committee of Medical Journal
pulmonary aspergillosis starts from an allergic, Editors (ICMJE) criteria for authorship for this
noninvasive form to a more aggressive invasive manuscript, take responsibility for the integrity
disease. The different aspects of this infection of the work as a whole, and have given final
represent a challenge for physicians, also con- approval for the version to be published.
sidering its potential overlap with other com-
mon infectious and non-infectious pulmonary Disclosures. Alessandro Russo, Giusy Tiseo,
diseases. Clinicians should maintain a high Marco Falcone and Francesco Menichetti
index of suspicion for pulmonary aspergillosis declare no conflicts of interest.
because early diagnosis and treatment are asso-
ciated with a favorable outcome, while a high Compliance with Ethics Guidelines. This
rate of morbidity and mortality are reported in article is based on previously conducted studies
patients with a significant delay in diagnosis. and does not involve any studies on human or
For these reasons, all efforts should be guaran- animal subjects performed by any of the
teed to identify diagnostic tools with a high authors.
sensitivity and specificity to reach early diag-
nosis, and more efficacious and better-tolerated Data Availability. Data sharing is not
therapies should be obtained. applicable to this article as no datasets were
IPA remains the most serious entity of this generated or analyzed during the current study.
spectrum, with a high mortality rate despite
optimal therapy. In these patients, an early Open Access. This article is licensed under a
diagnosis and identification of potential candi- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommer-
dates for prophylaxis could be crucial to cial 4.0 International License, which permits
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