Writing Test

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Dear Editor,

I read about the situation of our city which needs immediate actions. I am writing to you in
order to express my opinion about this situation. In my point of view, every person is
absolutly responsible of their own actions.

To begin, citizens know what the traffic laws are of this city. It’s true authorities are
responsible to make people respect laws. However, authorities can not be in every place of
city and being behind of every person. People needs to cooperate and respect traffic laws
which have been imposed to keep order.

Additionally, people are conscious about warnings while they are driving. Every person
knows that warnings are given for some reasons. For example, a warning is anyone can
chat or be talking with another person through phone. It’s dangerous and if someone causes
an accident, not only that person is going to be injured, but also people of another car can
be seriously injured. In fact, it’s better heeding to warnings which are given.

Lastly, everyone has to face the consequences of their actions. People can cause the death
of another person if they do not drive consciously. Furthermore, they are going to go to jall.
That is going to keep mark in their records and it will be difficult to find a good job in a
long time. People will face the consequences if they do not respect the traffic laws.

In conclusion, I believe people are responsible of what they do. If they do not cooperate
with authorities they will have to deal with a lot of problems. They are adults and knows
about of warnings and what they do not have to do.

Sincerely yours,
Andrea Huayamave

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