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The Greenhouse Effect


True or false?
a. The greenhouse effect is caused by human activity only.
b. Water vapour is not a type of greenhouse gas.
c. The greenhouse effect is not needed at all for humans to survive.

2. Name four greenhouse gases.

3. Explain what greenhouse gases do.

4. Suggest how the environment will be affected by global warming.

5. Suggest how living organisms will be affected by global warming.

The Greenhouse Effect Answers

1. True or false?
a. The greenhouse effect is caused by human activity only. false
b. Water vapour is not a type of greenhouse gas. false
c. The greenhouse effect is not needed at all for humans to survive. false

2. Name four greenhouse gases.

Carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, water vapour.

3. Explain what greenhouse gases do.

Trap the Sun’s radiation/heat in the atmosphere by reflecting it in many directions, including back
to the Earth’s surface.

4. Suggest how the environment will be affected by global warming.

Climate change – melting of ice caps, rising sea levels – loss of land, increased rainfall – flooding.

5. Suggest how living organisms will be affected by global warming.

Climate change leads to endangered species/extinction. This affects food chains/loss of


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