The Second Level of Learning

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“The Second Level of Learning” in the Rearview Mirror

The Second Level of Learning was incredibly interesting to write.

Although some of it took a lot of courage to confront at first, it took me to a
whole new level of being. It carried me light-years ahead of where I was

I also had help from many levels of existence. I mentioned that I had
sources I could not reveal for their own safety, and I kept my word and will
continue doing so, but want to explain a little bit how this works. My main
sources were not channeled, and they were of course not of the Sirian
Alliance, if someone had the idea it could have been Utu Shamash. But the
reader has probably already figured out that my most important sources are
not from here, but are here to assist, and the information I released in Level
II was due to come out exactly when it did.

So how does this work? Am I just given a load of information that I can
pick and choose from and all I need to do is start writing? Not at all.
Nothing was given to me if I didn’t ask the right question. My sources were
very strict about not breaking the Law of Free Will and the Law of Non-
Interference. At the same time, help was given because it was “asked for”.
Still, there was a lot more to it. I didn’t always get a straight answer, but the
answers always led to more questions, and I realized that they wanted me to
do my own research to a certain degree. All they wanted was to guide me in
the right direction. Of course, I got some straight answers too when
appropriate, but the whole point was that I had to work for it as well. What
came out of this was both alarming and quite shocking as the reader noticed
when you read the finished material.

But how do I know I can trust my sources? For many reasons, and don’t
think I was not alert. I was looking for red flags everywhere, and I even had
my disputes with them, but it always ended with that I realized that the
dispute had started because there was something I had overlooked, or still
didn’t comprehend. Once I understood that, the disputes stopped
immediately. Another thing is that you “feel” when something is right and
when it’s not (like we discussed in Section II). And I think I used my guts
feeling to the maximum on that level, because I did not want to become too
comfortable with the sources, so that I started missing possible red flags.
Inevitably, with time I became very good friends with my informants,
and we became more personal with each other; especially so when the flow
of information stopped. Even then I was on my toes for quite a while, but
eventually I had to relax about it, because there was really nothing to
“suspect” about them anymore. If there are genuine sources somewhere,
these will be it! Is there an agenda? Yes, of course! Humanity’s future will
affect a lot of star races out there, and it is very important to them that we
get out of here alive, so to speak. We are so tangled up here in the agendas
of the negative races that we need someone who don’t have ulterior motives
to give us a hand; someone who’s agenda is not to negatively benefit from
the development of the human race. I feel extremely privileged to have
been able to connect with such sources. Just like me, they understand that
we have to gain a certain level of knowledge before we can even think of
getting out of the trap, and the information that was missing (much of it
contained in Level II) would be very hard for mankind to find unless
someone helped us in the process. It is in everybody’s interest (except the
Sirians and those who side with them) that humanity evolve past the point
of slavery and other-determinism.

Another very important source, always, is my Higher Self — my

Oversoul. When I’m inspired and on the right track, writing comes very
natural. All I need to do is to turn on the computer, pull up the software, put
my hands on the keyboard and start writing. There is no such thing as
“writer’s block” in this case. I’ve only had it when I later noticed I was way
out of track and unable to tune into the right frequencies. Otherwise, I can’t
write fast enough to express the thoughts I have, and they sometimes
download so quickly that I, on occasion, miss a point or two in the process
because I can’t type fast enough (I really have to work on my typing. I’m
not a slow typer, but to catch up with the thoughts, I have to be able to write
faster than 60 words per minute, that’s for sure). So in other words, my
chakras open up instantly when I sit in front of my keyboard, but in all
honesty, I also need the right atmosphere. There is a reason I get up at 2
o’clock in the morning to write. Everything is quiet; not only in the house,
but the whole neighborhood is sleeping, and there are no interfering
energies. I put on relaxing, spiritual music (no lyrics, all instrumental, or it
will be distracting), and dim the light so I only have enough to see what I’m
doing. After that, nothing can stop me from writing, hour after hour. So in a
way, I am channeling, but in my case it’s not some exterior alien collective,
but myself on a higher level of knowledge. I’m telling the reader this,
hoping it can be to some inspiration for you who may have thought about
starting to write. The above setup may not work for you, but perhaps
something worth trying?

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