Vertical Time

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Vertical Time, Blank Slate Technology, and Memory Restructure

The information which has leaked out on these subjects come mainly from
Dr. Neruda, but are also mentioned by Ashayana Deane from her
communication with The Guardian Alliance, whom are said to be a
benevolent, ancient race, also helping us out in the times that are and these
to come. The Guardians, however (which we will go into later), are not
very happy about what the Labyrinth Group is doing. Although they
acknowledge the people on the ground (humans) as good people, doing
what they’re doing for reasons to help mankind, they are not in favor of the
Corteum, whom they say have a very dark, service-to-self agenda which
has everything to do with Blank Slate Technology (BST). I will present
both sides in this paper.

9.1 Horizontal and Vertical Time

To understand BST, we need to understand how vertical and horizontal
time work.

Here on Earth we live in the 3rd dimension, or 4-space/time, if we use

LPG-C terms, where time is the 4th dimension. We normally experience
time as being horizontal, with a past, present and a future.

What most people don’t realize is that we live hundreds, maybe thousands,
maybe tens of thousands of lives in an expanding Multiverse. This means
that we are living several lifetimes at once here on Earth.

Obviously, you are living one of the lifetimes now around 2012, and there’s
where your main attention is. Still, you may be living another life in the
1,500s, other lives in the 800s, 100s, 500s BC, 50,000 BC, 5,000,000 BC
and so on. We call this reincarnation, but that’s not what it really is.
Reincarnation implies that we die and are reborn again after a certain linear
time has passed, always from a past into a future. In reality, seen from a
multidimensional perspective, we live all our lives on Earth simultaneously,
and the only reason we usually are not aware of our other-selves is because
they are separated by time.
The important thing to know for now (there is so much more to it) is that
we perceive time as horizontal. People in general are not even aware of
what I just wrote in the above paragraph, and even less aware of that there
is vertical time as well.

There is a whole new complex science on concepts of time, which expands

upon the mainstream concept of the same. This explains how 4-space/time
in its expanded reality is actually 6-space/time; three spatial dimensions and
three dimensions of time, namely: length, width, height, local/horizontal
time, vertical time, and five infinites with 12,900,000 “intervention points”
into horizontal time . However, the precise science of this is beyond what

will be discussed in this paper, and we are only going to touch this briefly
to be able to understand how BST works.
From the perspective of horizontal time, when a major event is happening,
e.g. the murder of JFK, the Hiroshima/Nagasaki a-bomb incidents, the first
landing on the moon, 9/11 etc., it leaves a “print” on the horizontal
timeline, which can be used as an intervention point of entrance from a
vertical timeline. This can be done through remote viewing (and is done by
remote viewers all the time), but so far, those who visit these entrance
points can only do so as spectators and will not be able to change any
events that happened in the past (or will happen, if the remote viewer is
visiting the future). Thus, we can call this “passive time-travel”, and it is
very much possible and has been known to man for decades. BST,
however, is “active time-travel”, which means that events can be altered
and interfered with, so that the future from the point of interaction will be
different than it was before it was done. In other words, an alternative
timeline is created.
Again, the life physics around these concepts will not be discussed here. I
have taken part of the physics that goes with it, and it is indeed not as
incredible as it may sound and after a little study, it makes sense. However,
I am not ready to collaborate on it at this time and hope you will have
patience with this and wait for the right time to post additional evidence to
what is brought up here.
The Animus, according to the Neruda Interviews, first visited our planet
about 300 million years ago and revisited us 8,866 years ago,
approximately 2,000 years after the Deluge. Mesopotamia had not yet
started to flourish, and civilization was in the stage of rebuilding itself after
the Flood. Also, a lot of Anunnaki were still here, according to Sitchin. This
was enough for the Animus to decide they should wait and see how we

ure 14: Horizontal and vertical time, showing insert point or intervention point (

The easiest way to explain vertical time is to think of an x and a y axis,

where the x axis is “Horizontal Time”, and the y-axis being “Vertical
Time” (fig. 14). Horizontal time is self explanatory only because we are so
used to perceiving time this way. Now, think of vertical time as each
moment in existence stacked upon the next and all coinciding with one
another. Thus, time is the composite of all moments of all experience
simultaneously existing within no-time, which can be referred to as
Dr. Neruda explains it quite plainly in the interviews:

Vertical time infers that one can select a moment of

experience and use time and space as the portal through
which they make their selection real. Once the selection
is made, time and space become the continuity factor that
changes vertical time into horizontal time or
conventional time. [25]

And the difference between horizontal and vertical time is that:

Vertical time has to do with the simultaneous experience

of all time, and horizontal time has to do with the
continuity of time in linear, moment-by-moment
experiences. [26]

Remote viewing, or ENS, which is its more advanced form where you use
an avatar, is of course nothing we have invented here on Earth; it’s a
universal technique, used by most advanced aliens in order both to time-
travel and to move quickly from one place to another. By the same token,
BST is not originating as an idea in the heads of the Corteum or Fifteen,
either. Variants of this technique exist elsewhere in the universe, but
Fifteen’s technique is a quite unique form of BST. However, few alien
species are willing to share their specific techniques with other races once
they have developed them. According to Dr. Neruda, it’s one of the most
protected and guarded of all technologies. This is the reason why the
Corteum can’t go visit some alien species somewhere and get the key how
to master BST.

Dr. Neruda, whom after all is a defector from the Labyrinth Group, is
further telling us that in order to develop the specific kind of BST Fifteen is
working on it requires a developer to apply new theorems and new laws of
physics which have not been developed before. Then a new suite of
technologies need to be built, based on a new matrix of how the world
works. Almost everything we previously held true needs to be destroyed,
re-invented, re-formulated, and integrated into this new matrix.

This is why the Labyrinth Group and LPG-C are not on collision course
with each other; they are both developing a new life physics, but slightly
different from each others. They are not working together on any level;
LPG-C being a totally separate unit, not part of any government bodies,
while the Labyrinth Group is connected with, and part of ACIO. There are
more reasons why the two are not working together; probably more reasons
than I am aware of, but to understand it better we need to know exactly why
Dr. Neruda defected. I have already given a reason or two, but later on in
this paper, I will bring it up some more.

9.2 Memory Restructure Procedure (MRP)

The WingMakers sites can in certain terms be viewed as “time capsules”, as
described in the WMM. They are programmed to be activated at a certain
time to counter the Animus invasion and ultimately to protect the DNA of
the Central Race (whom I prefer to call “The Founders”. However, as long
as we are talking about the WingMakers, the Corteum and the Labyrinth
Group, I’ll use their terminology).

Built into these time capsules is a “Memory Restructure Procedure”,

or MRP, which is intended to be used to wipe out the memory of the
artificial race and thus prevent the invasion to take place. The Labyrinth
Group, or more specifically Fifteen has, as it appears, been able to
understand this technology well enough to be able to use it on his own
people, in case they defect or start to talk. Any specific type of memory, or
any specific event, can be erased from the memory bank and the victim
won’t ever suspect that something is wrong. One can argue that a similar
technology is used towards alien abductees to create “missing time”,
although the latter technology seems less perfect. Another similar technique
is used on military “special forces”, who are part of special teams who meet
with aliens, take part of top secret technologies, visit secret facilities on
Earth and elsewhere in the universe (yes, it happens!). Once they depart
from their mission, the military is using a blank slate memory erasure
program, which will wipe out the memory of the soldier so he can’t talk
about his experiences.[27]

Dr. Neruda, however, still has his memory intact from the time he spent
with the Labyrinth Group and the ACIO, and he thinks the reason why they
didn’t come after him was because he had already revealed too much and
instead of making the effort they simply took over the WingMakers site.

Fifteen didn’t think that MRP, attached with the time capsules, is enough to
stop the Animus, and this is the main reason he thinks BST is necessary. So
let’s take a look at what it is and how it’s intended by humans to be used on
the Anima.

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