Grammar - and - Vocabulary - Test - A Unit 1 Resuelto

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Unit 1: Grammar and vocabulary test A Level 1

Grammar C Complete the conversations. Choose the

A Complete the sentences with words from correct words.
the box. A: Hello! (0) What / When / Where is your name?
B: My name (11) am / is / are Donato.
isn’t  ​aren’t  ​is  ​not  ​am  ​are
A: (12) Am / Is / Are you a music student?
0 Is Luca from Italy? B: No, (13) I am / I’m not / we’re not. (14) I’m / you’re /
1 Andrea has arrived but Paolo and Isabel he’s a teacher. (15) Am / Is / Are you music students?
aren´t here yet. A: Yes, (16) we are / we’re / we’re not.
2 I’m afraid Maria’s isn´t here – she’s at
home, sick.
A: (17) How / What / When old (18) am / is / are
3 Yes, my mother and father are here. you, Pablo?
4 I don’t know where Sylvia is from, but she B: (19) I’m / You’re / He’s 22.
not French.
A: (20) What / When / Where is your birthday?
5 I am from the USA.
B: December 14th.
A: And (21) how / when / where are you from?
B Order the words to make questions asking
for personal information. B: (22) I’m / You’re / He’s from Spain.
0 old / how / you, Antonia / are / ? Score / 22
How old are you, Antonia?

6 address / is / your / what / ?

what is you address?

7 your / telephone number / is / what / ?

what is your telephone number?
8 where / Tim / from / is / ?
where is Tim from?
9 from / Maria / Brazil / is / ?
Maria is from Brazil?
10 old / is / your brother / how / ?
How old is your brother?

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openMind level 1

Vocabulary C Complete the conversations with the words

A Correct the sentences which have in the box. There are two extra options.
mistakes. Check (✓) the correct sentences.
speak  ​thirty  ​excuse me  ​thank you  ​repeat  ​mean  ​
There is at least one correct sentence. thirtieth  ​say  ​spell  ​help  ​
0 Can help me, please?
Can you help me, please? A: How do you (0) spell your last name?
1 How say you that in English? B: It’s U-N-D-E-R-W-O-O-D.
How do you say that in English? A: Can you (11) Repeat that, please?
B: U-N-D-E-R-W-O-O-D.
2 What means that?
A: Hello, (12) Excuse me , can you (13) Help me?
B: Yes, sure!
3 Can you speak more slowly, please?
A: Can you (14) Speak more (15) Slowly ,
4 How you spell your first name? B: Yes, of course.
How do you spell your first name?
A: What does that (16) Mean ? I don’t understand.
5 Can you repeat your telephone number, please? A: How do you (17) Say that in English?
B: You say, “I’m sorry.”

A: Sunday is July (18) Thirtieth . It’s my birthday!

B Write the ordinal numbers as words. B: Have a good time!
0 8th eighth
Score / 18
6 9th Ninth

7 6th Sixth
Total score / 40
8 14 th

9 3rd Third

10 2nd Second

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